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(Department of Business Administration)

Course: International Relations (5018)

Semester: Autumn, 2022

Level: MSc Administrative Sciences

Assignment # 2

Globalization and International Relations


I express gratitude toward God Almighty for giving me the opportunity to carry out my
M.Sc .Also, to my parents, I really appreciate the love and support given and ensuring I go to a
good school, my siblings, colleagues and friends; I appreciate all the efforts and support holding
me through. In addition, to


For giving me the prospect to experience this M.Sc. program. My appreciation goes to all my
lecturers, supervisors and mentors for impacting knowledge to be able to achieve all this. My
Pleasure goes to you everyone; I convey my gratitude towards all of you for your support,
study, recommendation, advice and corrections. I would also like to thank every other person
that added to the accomplishment of my M.Sc. program. Thank you .


Globalization is a contemporary concept that entails the integration of global economic, political, and
social aspects of many societies. In particular, in recent times, more efforts are being made towards the
integration of the world economy. As the integration of the global economy increases, the national
governments are gradually losing their influence, and in the process they are becoming less relevant.

In its wake, globalization has opened up global markets in many countries controlled by a single global
entity. As a result, national governments no longer have much influence on the implementation of social
programs, the management of macroeconomic outcomes, and regulation of the industrial economy.

Evidently, the new global concept has led to increased cross border labor mobility, increased flows of
goods and services, increased technology transfer as well as improvements in finance and investment.
The improvement in cross border movement of capital has led to the emergence of a global market with
common prices for goods and services regardless of the nation-state regulation.

This implies that the power of nation-state, which previously controlled all business activities, is
diminishing. In addition, globalization has affected national institutional arrangements, changes in
industrial policies and welfare systems of many countries.

In other words, globalization will ultimately lead to a worldwide convergence of all national economic
systems resulting to free market capitalism (Cable 1995, p. 23). Previously, capitalism and democratic
development were common principles common upheld by most national governments. However, in the
wake of globalization, capitalism is increasingly diminishing as markets are become liberalized.
Globalization just like medieval transnational system limits the state power of countries.

International Relation and Globalization

As more nations, people, and cultures adapt to the ever changing international community,
diplomats, politicians, and representatives must meet and deal with accordingly to the needs
and wants of nations. Diplomacy can be exerted in many forms; through peace talks, written
constitutions, field experiences, etc. Culture is a familiar term and remains unchanged by
definition. However, globalization and international relations have constantly altered culture
both positively and negatively. Globalization increases worldwide technology, and the
readability of fast, effective communication and consumption of popular products.
Globalization links cultures and international relations on a variety of levels; economics.
politically, socially, etc. International relations have used globalization to reach its goal: of
understanding cultures. International relations focus on how countries, people and
organizations interact and globalization is making a profound effect on International relations.
Understanding culture, globalization, and international relations is critical for the future of not
only governments, people, and businesses, but for the survival of the human race. In today's
increasingly interdependent and turbulent world, many of the leading issues in the news
concern international affairs. Whether it is the continuing impact of globalization. Globalization
- the process of continuing integration of the countries in the world - is strongly underway in all
parts of the globe. It is a complex interconnection between capitalism and democracy, which
involves positive and negative features, that both empowers and disempowers individuals and
groups. From the other hand Globalization is a popular term used by governments, business,
academic and a range of diverse non-governmental organizations. It also, however, signifies a
new paradigm within world politics and economic relations. While national governments for
many years dictated the international political and economic scene, international organizations
such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization have
Now become significant role players. In this “Global Village” national governments have lost
some of their importance and perhaps their powers in favour of these major international
organizations. As a process of interaction and integration among people, companies and
governments of different nations Globalization is a process driven by the International Trade
and Investment and aided by Information technology. This process on the environment on
culture, on political system, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical
well-being in societies around the world.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

Globalization has a range of advantages while it has also disadvantages. The Advantages include
GDP Increase; statistics shows that GDP in developing countries has increased twice as much as
before. Unemployment is reduced. Education has increased. Competition on Even Platform: The
Companies all around the world are competing on a single global platform which allows better
options o consumers. It increased fee trade between nations; The Corporations have greater
flexibility to operate across borders. Global mass media ties the world together. Increased flow
of communications allows vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations
around the world. It increases in environmental protection in developed nations. Spread of
democratic ideas to developed nations. Reduced cultural barriers increases in the global village
effect. The Disadvantages are considered to be Uneven Distribution of Wealth. Income Gap
Between Developed and Developing Countries, where the wealth of developed countries
continues to grow twice as much as the developing world. Next disadvantage is Different Wage
Standards for Developing Countries, which is explained by the following fat that the technology
worker may get more value for his work in a developed country than a worker in a developing
country thus there are in the later many dynamic, industrious and enterprising people who are
well educated and ready to work with rigor. Te reveal of Globalization is also considered as a
disadvantage which is explaining by future factors such as war that can be demand the reveal of
the globalization and current process of globalization may just be impossible to reverse. There
is also another aspect of disadvantage of globalization in media sphere. The threat that control
of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression. And the final in my
estimation is the chance of reactions for globalization being violent in an attempt to preserve
cultural heritage.

Effects of Globalization

With the roster of the mentioned disadvantages and advantages Globalization culminates also
effective facts. The following are considered the Effects of Globalization;

⚫ enhancement in the information flow between geographically remote locations

⚫ the global common market has a freedom of exchange of goods and capital

⚫ there is a broad access to a range of goods for consumers and companies

⚫ worldwide production markets emerge

⚫ free circulation of people of different nations leads to social benefits global environmental
problems like cross-boundary pollution, over fishing on oceans, climate changes are solved by

⚫ more trans border data flow using communication satellites, the Internet. Wireless
telephones, etc.

⚫ international criminal courts and international justice movements are launched

⚫ the standards applied globally like patents, copyright laws and world trade agreements

⚫ corporate, national and sub-national borrowers have a better access to external finance

⚫ worldwide financial markets emerge

⚫ multiculturalism spreads as there is individual access to cultural diversity. This diversity

decreases due to hybridization or assimilation

⚫ international travel and tourism increases

⚫ worldwide sporting events like the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup are held

⚫ enhancement in worldwide fads and pop culture

⚫ local consumer products are exported to other countries

⚫ immigration between countries increases

⚫ cross-cultural contacts grow and cultural diffusion takes place

⚫ there is an increase in the desire to use foreign ideas and products, adopt new practices and
technologies and be a part of world culture

⚫ free trade zones are formed having less or no tariffs

⚫ due to development of containerization for ocean shipping, the transportation costs are

⚫ subsidies for local businesses decrease

⚫ capital controls reduce or vanquish

⚫ there is supranational recognition of intellectual property restrictions, i.e… patents

authorized by one country are recognized in another

Economic globalization

Economic globalization is one of the three main dimensions of globalization commonly found in
academic literature, with the two others being political globalization and cultural globalization,
as well as the general term of globalization. Economic globalization refers to the widespread
international movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information. It is the
increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional, and local
economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods,
services, technologies and capital.Economic globalization primarily comprises the globalization
of production, finance, markets, technology, organizational regimes, institutions, corporations,
and people.

While economic globalization has been expanding since the emergence of trans-national trade,
it has grown at an increased rate due to improvements in the efficiency of long-distance
transportation, advances in telecommunication, the importance of information rather than

physical capital in the modern economy, and by developments in science and technology. The
rate of globalization has also increased under the framework of the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization, in which countries gradually cut down
trade barriers and opened up their current accounts and capital accounts. This recent boom has
been largely supported by developed economies integrating with developing countries through
foreign direct investment, lowering costs of doing business, the reduction of trade barriers, and
in many cases cross-border migration.

Globalization and Politics

There are several variants of global-society theories that attempt to explain the concept of
globalization and international cooperation. In recent times, much attention has been directed
to world peace and regional conflicts. According to the global-society perspective, the increased
concerns for environment, global peace and modernization are misdirected (Poogi 1990, p.

The theory suggests that the rise of institutions that aim to promote international cooperation
is one way of jointly mitigating or eliminating international problems. However, the theory
suggests that this has led to increased interdependence between nation-sates as even powerful
states fail to unilaterally tackle various issues such as terrorism, communicable diseases and
environmental issues.

The effects resulting from non-state organizations, which operate across national boundaries,
are profound. The states are increasingly becoming less influential in most international social
and economic issues. Powerful organizations such as Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries have more influence on the global front than individual states. Additionally, joint
actions by financial institutions can have a profound effect on the world economy.

From a realist perspective, a contemporary international system is necessary in international

relations. According to this theory, the lack of a central authority, that is central to the
international system to settle international disputes especially with regard to national security,
make nation-states insecure (Berger, & Dore 1997, p.81).

Thus, realists view international conflicts as integral to the international system. Additionally,
realists view the regional groups as influential actors in the international system. In medieval
times, empires or ancient civilizations were the primary entities in the international system.
However, the establishment of sovereign states led to the concept of “national interests”
(Berger, & Dore 1997, p.82). Globalization, on the other hand, has led to the dissolution of the
nation-state concept much like during the medieval times.

Environmental globalization

Ecosystems often cross borders, and their ecologies are heavily impacted by globalizing
processes: climate change, resource depletion, pollution or, more positively, sustainable
agriculture or renewable energy initiatives. Globalization plays a role (for better and for worse)
in the health or vitality of ecosystems, which in turn plays a role in human health with feedback
loops creating complex pathways of causality. Sustainable development has become the
dominant theme of the post-2015 development agenda, as the potential of broad-based
ecological crises keeps global environmental issues high on the global policy agenda. Papers
submitted under this topic examine pathways by which globalization processes (e.g. trade,
investment, economic growth, population growth, and other anthropogenic activities) impact
health outcomes via pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, water security, food
security/insecurity, and other ecosystem transformations that give rise to increased health
risks. A particular interest is in submissions that address the equity dimensions of the causes
and consequences of globalization-related changes in environmental health risks.

Influence of COVID-19 on the 10-year carbon footprint of the Nagoya University Hospital and
medical research centre


In conclusion I would like to state m estimation that despite all the formidable obstacles and
stumbling blocks the effectiveness of the Globalization and cohesive efforts of people and the
government will help to stand a positive stead prevail over the disadvantages. It will fortify to

prevent migration which is inherent in third-world and back water countries and reduce social
inequality which in its turn will benefit the advantages of the Globalization. All these mentioned
facts are time-consuming and labour-intensive process but it will distinctly fortify and develop
the Globalization.

Globalization has contributed to the shrinkage of distance due to improvements in information

technology and advancement in transport technology. However, globalization has also led to
the expansion of many international institutions that operate regardless of the national
boundaries. In particular, globalization has led to the creation of a world market and a form of
global governance.

From a historical perspective, social networks of interactions have been transnational (Mann
1997, p. 494) involving multiple societies from different places. Similarly, globalization has led
to expansion of financial markets, investments and democratic structures as well as formal
institutions that operate national boundaries at the expense of nation-state powers. In light of
this, I would agree that the more things change the more they stay the same.


F. Z. Huang and D. W. Li, “The process of East Asian economic integration, development trends
and China’s strategic thinking—also on the impact of the Japanese earthquake on the East
Asian economy,” vol. 2012, pp. 72–77, 2021

Research group, “European economic integration strategy and its enlightenment to the
construction of “One Belt One Road”,” vol. 10, pp. 28–33, 2021.

S. S. Hu, “On the restrictive factors of China-SAARC economic and trade cooperation and the
way of economic integration,” vol. 1, pp. 33–38, 2021.

1. C. G. Zhao, “Institutional interaction in the process of African economic integration,”

vol. 5, pp. 110–126, 2021.

2. Y. H. Park, “The current situation and prospects of economic growth in East

Africa,” Modern International Relations, vol. 372, no. 10, pp. 40–47, 2020.

3. L. X. Wu, “Analysis of the development direction of Russia’s regional economic
integration,” pp. 80-81, 2021


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