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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

Epidemiology and causation of coronary heart

disease and stroke in India
R Gupta,1 P Joshi,2 V Mohan,3 K S Reddy,4 S Yusuf5


Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur, Cardiovascular diseases are major causes of mortality and MORTALITY
India; 2 Government Medical disease in the Indian subcontinent, causing more than According to the Global Burden of Diseases Study
College, Akola, India; 3 Madras 25% of deaths. It has been predicted that these diseases in India, in the year 1990 CHD caused 0.62 million
Diabetes Research Foundation,
Chennai, India; 4 Public Health will increase rapidly in India and this country will be host deaths in men and 0.56 million deaths in women
Foundation of India, New Delhi, to more than half the cases of heart disease in the world (total 1.18 million) and strokes were responsible for
India; 5 Population Health within the next 15 years. Coronary heart disease and 0.23 million deaths in men and 0.22 million deaths
Research Institute, McMaster stroke have increased in both urban and rural areas. in women (total 0.45 million).3 By the year 2000
University, Hamilton, Canada
Case–control studies indicate that tobacco use, obesity CHD had led to 1.59 million deaths and stroke to
Correspondence to: with high waist:hip ratio, high blood pressure, high LDL 0.60 million deaths.3 Mortality from these condi-
Dr R Gupta, Fortis Escorts cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, abnormal apolipoprotein tions is predicted to increase rapidly and the
Hospital, JLN Marg, Malviya A-1:B ratio, diabetes, low consumption of fruits and absolute numbers of CHD cases in India to
Nagar, Jaipur 302017, India; vegetables, sedentary lifestyles and psychosocial stress overtake those of the established market econo-
are important determinants of cardiovascular diseases in mies and China while stroke mortality would also
Accepted 4 September 2007 India. These risk factors have increased substantially over increase (table 1).
the past 50 years and to control further escalation it is Leading major cause groups of deaths during
important to prevent them. National interventions such as 1984 to 1998 have been reported by the Registrar
increasing tobacco taxes, labelling unhealthy foods and General of India.4 Trends show that there has been
trans fats, reduction of salt in processed foods and better a significant decline in the proportion of deaths
urban design to promote physical activity may have a from infectious diseases from 22% to 16%, whereas
wide short-term impact. mortality from cardiovascular diseases has
increased from 21% to 25%. The reliability of
mortality data has been questioned on issues of
The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports medical classification of deaths as a large number
that in the year 2005 cardiovascular diseases caused of deaths are recorded as senility or old age and a
17.5 million (30%) of the 58 million deaths that major cause in this group is cardiovascular disease,
occurred world wide.1 Cardiovascular diseases such hence the current sources may underestimate the
as coronary heart disease (CHD) and strokes are deaths due to cardiovascular diseases.
the largest causes of death in developing countries Gajalakshmi et al evaluated the causes of deaths
and are one of the main contributors to disease in subjects aged 25–69 years using a verbal autopsy
burden.2 Between 1990 and 2020 these diseases are in urban Chennai.5 From 1995 to 1997 there were
expected to increase by 120% for women and 137% 72 165 deaths in Chennai, of which 5388 (7%)
for men in developing countries as compared with were due to suicides, violence and accidents. Verbal
30–60% in developed countries.3 It has been autopsy to identify clearly the cause of death was
projected that by the year 2010 60% of the world’s performed in 48 357 of the remaining 66 777
patients with heart disease will be in India.2 Age- (72.4%). Cardiovascular diseases were the largest
standardised cardiovascular disease death rates (per group with 18 680 deaths (38.6%) followed by
100 000) in middle-aged subjects (30–69 years) are cancer (8.7%), tuberculosis (5.8%) and respiratory
low in developed countries such as Canada (120) causes (3.5%). Unspecified medical causes
and Britain (180) and high in developing countries accounted for 19 825 (41.0%) deaths.
Brazil (320), China (280), Pakistan (400), Nigeria Joshi et al reported mortality statistics from the
(410), Russia (680) and India (405).1 Moreover, in Andhra Pradesh Rural Health Initiative.6 The study
India about 50% of CHD-related deaths occur in prospectively evaluated causes of death in a
people younger than 70 years compared with only population cluster of about 150 000 subjects, and
22% in the West.2 In developing countries 94% of it was reported that in both men and women
deaths from stroke occur in people aged ,70 years cardiovascular diseases were the major causes of
in contrast to 6% in developed countries.2 This deaths. In this study there were 1354 deaths in the
article summarises the evidence which shows that in first year of follow-up and analysis using a
India there is a fully developed epidemic of cardio- validated verbal autopsy instrument showed that
vascular diseases such as CHD and stroke. Several diseases of the circulatory system caused 34% of
studies from India show that the disease burden male and 30% of female deaths.
estimated by disease prevalence studies is increasing Mohan et al reported that in urban south
in both urban and rural populations, the risk factors Indians, mortality rates are twofold higher in
for this epidemic are similar to those elsewhere in the people with diabetes than in non-diabetic subjects,
world, and there has been a substantial increase in and among diabetic subjects, cardiovascular
these risk factors in India in recent years. (52.9%) and renal diseases (23.5%) were the

16 Heart 2008;94:16–26. doi:10.1136/hrt.2007.132951

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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

Table 1 Cardiovascular deaths in India, China and developed countries in millions (Global Burden of Diseases Study)10
1990 2000 2010 2020
India China EME India China EME India China EME India China EME

Cardiovascular diseases 2.26 2.57 3.18 3.01 3.30 3.49 3.80 3.81 3.53 4.77 4.53 3.66
Coronary/ischaemic heart 1.18 0.76 1.67 1.59 0.99 1.84 2.03 1.15 1.87 2.58 1.37 1.95
Cerebrovascular diseases 0.45 1.27 0.79 0.60 1.65 0.87 0.75 1.91 0.88 0.95 2.29 0.91
EME, established market economies.

commonest causes of death.7 These studies show that these size, variable and, at times, low response rates, inappropriate
diseases are a major cause of death in Indian urban and rural diagnostic criteria such as history, non-specific electrocardio-
locations. The continuing prospective Sample Registration graphic changes—for example, abnormal ST-T waves, lack of
System Verbal Autopsy (SRS-VA) Million Deaths Study in age standardisation, and incomplete reporting of results.12 13 On
India8 and the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) the other hand most of these studies used similar population-
Study9 should provide more definitive answers. based recruitments, methodology and diagnostic criteria
(known CHD, Rose questionnaire angina and/or electrocardio-
graphic Q-ST-T changes) as shown in table 2.
CORONARY HEART DISEASE BURDEN AND PREVALENCE The age groups evaluated in these studies are variable and
STUDIES therefore we compared studies that included subjects aged >25–
The Global Burden of Diseases Studies reported the disability- 30 years to determine secular trends. A high prevalence is
adjusted life years (DALYs) lost by CHD in India in years 1990 consistently seen in studies at urban locations (Chandigarh
and 2000. In 1990 CHD was responsible for 5.6 million DALYs 6.6%,16 Rohtak 3.6%,17 Delhi 9.7%,18 Varanasi 6.5%,19 Jaipur
in men and 4.5 million in women.10 This was projected to 9.2%,20 Trivandrum 12.7%,21 Chennai 11.0%,22 Jaipur 9.1%,23 and
increase in years 2000, 2010 and 2020 among men to 7.67, 10.46 Goa 12.5%24) as compared with the rural (Haryana 2.1%,26
and 14.36 and in women to 5.55, 6.55 and 7.66 million, Haryana 2.7%,28 Punjab 3.1%30 and Rajasthan 4.3%31). There are
respectively. Data from the World Health Report (2002)11 shows significantly increasing trends in urban (r2 = 0.60) as well as
that in South East Asia, a region that also includes other rural (r2 = 0.31) populations (fig 1). Analyses of prevalence
countries with high childhood and high adult mortality studies in various decades in India also provide significant
(Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and North information about the absolute number of CHD cases.12
Korea), cardiovascular diseases caused a loss of 35.4 million Decadal variations indicate that the adult prevalence has
DALYs, CHD 17.99 million, rheumatic heart disease 2.34 increased in urban areas from about 6.5% in the mid-1960s to
million and cerebrovascular diseases 7.98 million. India com- 7.0% in 1980, 9.5% in 1990 and 10.5% in 2000, while in rural
prises 81.2% of population in this region and therefore the areas it increased from 2% in 1970s to 2.5% in 1980, 4% in 1990
DALYs lost in India owing to CHD according to this report and 4.5% in 2000. This would translate into 4.5 million urban
would be 14.61 million which is much more than the earlier subjects in 1970, 5.6 million in 1980, 9.7 million in 1990 and 14.1
projections. million in the year 2000, and in rural populations into 4.1
In the absence of reliable nationwide prospectively collected million in 1970, 6.4 million in 1980, 11.8 million in 1990 and
morbidity data, estimates of the burden of CHD have been 15.7 million in 2000.12 Thus, epidemiological studies show that
based on indicators from population-based, cross-sectional there are at present 29.8 million patients with CHD in this
surveys. Multiple epidemiological studies have been performed country, which is similar to the numbers obtained by the
in urban and rural populations in India over the past 60 years.12 National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health.35 As
Table 2 shows the prevalence of CHD in various studies. epidemiological studies do not identify patients with silent and
Limitations of these studies include small and variable sample asymptomatic CHD the actual number of cases may be much


According to recent WHO estimates, developing countries
account for 85% of deaths from stroke world wide.1 Stroke
death rates per 100 000 in selected countries among people aged
30–69 years is high in developing countries (Nigeria 122,
Tanzania 118, India 100, China 96, Pakistan 84 and Brazil 82)
as compared with ,20 in UK and Canada.36 Disability due to
strokes in these countries is almost seven times that in
developed countries.36 The Global Burden of Diseases Study
reports that stroke is common in India, although stroke
mortality is currently lower than in China (table 1).10
Prevalence data for stroke in India are scanty and the available
studies suffer from multiple biases that are similar to those for
Figure 1 Coronary heart disease (CHD) prevalence (%) in Indian urban
and rural subjects aged .30 years as reported in epidemiological CHD.13 A low prevalence in community studies might also be
studies. The diagnostic criteria used were either known CHD, or angina due to low survival after an acute event, and many cases of
on the Rose questionnaire or electrocardiographic Q/ST/T wave changes. transient ischaemic attacks and complete recovery from strokes
There is a significantly increasing trend of CHD in both urban and rural may be missed on inquiry hence these prevalence rates might be
populations. underestimates. Table 3 shows the major epidemiological

Heart 2008;94:16–26. doi:10.1136/hrt.2007.132951 17

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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

Table 2 Coronary heart disease prevalence studies in India

Crude prevalence
First author Year reported Location Sample size Age group Diagnostic criteria (%)

Mathur KS14 1960 Agra 1046 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 1.05
Padmavati S15 1962 Delhi 1642 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 1.04
Sarvotham SG16 1968 Chandigarh 2030 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 6.60
Gupta SP17 1975 Rohtak 1407 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 3.63
Chadha SL18 1990 Delhi 13 723 25–65 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T in 9.67
random sample
Sinha PR19 1990 Varanasi 648 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 6.48
Gupta R20 1995 Jaipur 2212 20–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 7.59
Begom R21 1995 Trivandrum 506 30–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 12.65
Mohan V22 2001 Chennai 1150 20–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 11.00
Gupta R23 2002 Jaipur 1123 20–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 8.12
Pinto VG24 2004 Panjim 371 35–64 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 13.21
Kumar R33 2006 Chandigarh 1012 35–80 K+H+ECG-Q 7.21
Kamili MA25 2007 Srinagar 1576 40–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 8.37

Dewan BD26 1974 Haryana 1506 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 2.06
Jajoo UN27 1988 Vidarbha 2433 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 1.69
Chadha SL28 1989 Haryana 1732 35–65 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T in 2.71
random sample
Kutty VR29 1993 Kerala 1130 25–65 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 7.43
Wander GS30 1994 Punjab 1100 30–70 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 3.09
Gupta R31 1994 Rajasthan 3148 20–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 3.53
Gupta AK32 2002 Himachal 1160 20–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 5.00
Kumar R33 2006 Haryana 1188 35–80 K+H+ECG-Q 1.60
Kumar R33 2006 Punjab (semiurban) 1685 35–80 K+H+ECG-Q 2.91
Chow C34 2007 Andhra 345 20–90 K+H+ECG-Q 3.60
Kamili MA25 2007 Kashmir 1552 40–80 K+H+ECG-Q-ST-T 6.70
K, known coronary heart disease; H, history of angina as assessed by WHO questionnaire; ECG, electrocardiogram; Q-ST-T,
electrocardiographic waves.

studies in India that determined the community stroke subjects than in the urban population.47 In a 5-year prospective
prevalence. The crude prevalence rates of stroke appear to be study among 20 842 rural subjects the age-adjusted incidence
higher in urban populations than in rural subjects, but there are rate was 262/100 000 a year,48 while in a study among 50 291
location-based differences as seen by a very high prevalence urban subjects the incidence was 105/100 000.39 These studies
among Parsis in Mumbai (842/100 000)46 as compared with the have excluded deaths from stroke and the data are likely to be
Mumbai general population (220/100 000)38 Evaluation of underestimates. The Global Burden of Diseases Study reported
secular trends in stroke in India is not possible owing to the an estimated population-based annual stroke incidence in India
small numbers of studies. of 89/100 000 in 2005, which is projected to increase in 2015 to
The incidence of stroke has been reported by a study from 91/100 000 and in 2030 to 98/100 000.10 This is compounded by
West Bengal in India and was significantly greater in rural high stroke mortality in India. In hospital-based studies 30-day

Table 3 Stroke prevalence studies in India

Crude prevalence prevalence per
First author Year reported Location Sample size per 100 000 100 000

Bansal BC37 1973 Rohtak 79 046 44 –
Bharucha NE46 1988 Mumbai Parsi 14 010 842 424
Dalal PM38 1997 Mumbai 145 456 220 –
Banerjee TK39 2001 Kolkata 50 291 147 334
Gourie-Devi M40 2004 Bangalore 51 502 136 –

Abraham J41 1970 Tamilnadu 258 576 57 84
Gourie-Devi M42 1987 Karnataka 57 660 52 –
Razdan S43 1989 Kashmir 63 645 143 244
Das SK44 1996 West Bengal 37 286 126 –
Saha SP45 2003 West Bengal 20 842 147 –
Gourie-Devi M40 2004 Kanataka 51 055 165 262

18 Heart 2008;94:16–26. doi:10.1136/hrt.2007.132951

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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

stroke mortality in Mumbai was 32% in 1963–8, which declined We then determined the importance of various risk factors in
to 12% in 1978–82,49 but still remains significantly greater than CHD using logistic regression and reported that smoking was an
in the developed countries where short-term mortality rates independent risk factor in both rural and urban subjects. Other
vary from 5% to 10%.36 major risk factors were obesity, high WHR, hypertension and
In most parts of the world about 70% of strokes are due to lipid abnormalities. This showed that standard cardiovascular
ischaemia, of which 25% are cardioembolic, 27% are haemor- risk factors were important in Indians. Emigrant versus native
rhagic and 3% are of unknown cause.36 An important difference South Asian case–control studies have reported a greater
in stroke epidemiology in developing countries is the greater prevalence of risk factors such as diabetes, impaired glucose
occurrence of haemorrhagic strokes. In China 17.1–39.4% tolerance and other lipid abnormalities to explain the greater
strokes are due to intracerebral haemorrhage. In other low- prevalence of CHD in emigrant South Asians.53–55
and middle-income countries the incidence of haemorrhagic The prevalence of stroke seems to be similar in urban and
stroke varies from 29% to 57% in Africa, 19% to 46% in Asia and rural populations, but only a limited number of comparable
19% to 43% in South America compared with 10% to 20% in studies exist. Smoking and hypertension are well-known stroke
North America and Western Europe.49 Only a few studies in risk factors and explain the greater stroke incidence among the
India have reported statistics such as these. A population-based Chinese population.36 It is well known that smoking and
study reported ischaemic stroke in 68% and haemorrhagic in tobacco use is greater among the rural populations in India.56
32%.50 This is consistent with data in other developing Recent studies have reported a high prevalence of hypertension
countries, although more and larger studies are needed to in rural subjects in different parts of the country.57 Thus, stroke
determine trends in stroke subtypes in India. in rural populations may be explained by these standard risk
factors, although results of continuing studies using either a
cross-sectional design (eg, INTERSTROKE Study)50 or a
WHY THE INCREASE? prospective design (namely, PURE Study)9 are awaited to
There have been multiple hypotheses to explain the increase in evaluate accurately stroke determinants in India.
cardiovascular diseases in India. Studies in emigrants indicated
that South Asians had higher rates of CHD, but no higher rates
of risk factors than the local population.51 Genetic factors were CHD risk factors in case–control studies
implicated. These studies suffered from multiple biases, the Hospital-based case–control studies in the 1960s and 1970s
major being the ‘‘healthy survivor’’ bias, as survivors of acute reported that smoking or tobacco use, hypertension, diabetes
coronary event that reached these hospitals were younger, more and cholesterol levels were significantly greater in subjects with
educated, affluent and had risk factors that were not considered CHD.58 Subsequent case–control studies reported that other
significant with the available knowledge, thus perpetuating the lipid abnormalities such as high LDL cholesterol and triglycer-
allegory that there was something unique among the Indians. ides, and low HDL cholesterol were also important.59–63
Most important was that these studies did not study the Abnormalities of the apolipoprotein system, including high
relationship between the risk factors and CHD and, moreover, apolipoprotein B100, high lipoprotein(a) and low apolipoprotein
did not measure several of the risk factors. A-1 levels, in patients with CHD as compared with controls
have also been reported.62 63 A high prevalence of abnormalities
of coagulation and platelet functions has also been reported.64
Epidemiological studies and risk factors Ethnic susceptibility to CHD among South Asians was initially
There is a strong correlation between urbanisation and increase observed among people who had emigrated to the West Indies,
in the risk of cardiovascular disease in Indian subjects. Coronary East Indies and Britain.65 McKeigue et al reported that an
risk factors that are more prevalent in Indian urban subjects increased WHR and abnormalities of glucose and lipid
may explain their excess cardiovascular disease.12 Padmavati metabolisms were major coronary risk factors in South Asians
reported that the prevalence of CHD was significantly greater in in Britain.53 It was reported that these subjects had a greater
urban subjects in Delhi than in rural subjects around Delhi.15 WHR and this was associated with a conglomeration of
They also reported that coronary risk factors such as hyperten- metabolic risk factors—peripheral insulin resistance and hyper-
sion and high cholesterol levels were more prevalent in the insulinaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL cholesterol,
urban subjects. Similar urban–rural differences were reported by borderline raised LDL cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.53 65–67
Gupta and Malhotra,17 Chadha et al18 and the Indian Council of Pais et al studied 200 cases of first myocardial infarction in
Medical Research studies52 who evaluated urban–rural risk Bangalore and compared the risk factor profile with that of 200
factor differences. All these studies reported that multiple age-matched controls.68 The most important predictor of acute
lifestyle factors (sedentariness, dietary calorie and fat intake) as myocardial infarction was current smoking of both cigarettes
well as physiological factors (weight, body mass index (BMI), and bidis, followed by a history of hypertension and diabetes.
waist–hip ratio (WHR), blood pressure, high total and low- Other important risk factors were increased fasting glucose and
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, low high-density lipopro- a high WHR.69 Rastogi et al performed a multicentre case–
tein (HDL) cholesterol, total/HDL cholesterol ratio, triglycerides control study in Delhi and Bangalore to identify important
and diabetes) were significantly more prevalent in the urban coronary risk factors and reported similar findings.70 71 Cigarette
populations. These studies also noted that smoking, which is an or bidi smoking, BMI .25 kg/m2, WHR .1.0, and a history of
established cardiovascular risk factor, was more common in hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes were important risk
rural subjects and therefore could not provide conclusive factors. An inverse association of CHD risk with dietary intake
guidance. of vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cereals and mustard oil was
In the mid-1990s we systematically compared the prevalence noted. Patil et al performed a case–control study to identify risk
of multiple coronary risk factors in rural and urban subjects in factors for acute myocardial infarction in a rural population of
Rajasthan and also correlated these risk factors with the Central India.72 One hundred and eleven consecutive cases of
prevalence of CHD.23 31 We found that the prevalence of risk acute myocardial infarction were recruited and compared with
factors was similar to those found in the studies reported above. 222 controls matched for age and sex. Important risk factors

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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

These case–control studies have potential biases, but appear

plausible given that their findings are consistent among
themselves and also with the findings of cohort studies
conducted in Western populations. Prospective cohort studies
in South Asian populations are highly desirable. Cohort studies
also have their limitations—for example, they are not good
methods for studying acute precipitators such as stress and
variations in environment due to air pollution or temperature.
On the other hand, cohort studies are useful in studying the
effects of chronic exposures, assuming that one or a few
measures accurately characterise the exposure. We believe that a
carefully conducted case–control study is just as valuable as a
cohort study. The population attributable risk calculated in a
case–control study is an estimate of the proportion of cases that
would be avoided if the exposure is removed. This statistic (as in
the INTERHEART Study) combines information about the
strength of association of the relative risk with information
Figure 2 Proportionate probability of acute myocardial infarction in
South Asian (SA) subjects as compared with subjects from rest of the about the prevalence of exposure, and is important to estimate
world (ROW). There is greater probability of acute myocardial infarction modifiable environmental exposures. Additionally, it is difficult
in young South Asian subjects as compared with people from other to include enough cases of young patients with a myocardial
countries (p = 0.001). However, the difference disappears when the infarction in a cohort study or in other populations where the
probability is adjusted for the nine INTERHEART risk factors (p = 0.27). incidence of the event is low. Continuing prospective studies
Adapted from Joshi et al.74 such as the PURE Study9 involving 28 500 people from five
locations in India and an additional 4000 subjects from Pakistan
were smoking, raised fasting glucose and a high WHR. Smoking and Bangladesh (n = 32 500) is likely to provide more important
has been identified as the most important risk factor among the information.
young survivors of myocardial infarction in many studies.58
The INTERHEART study was a large case–control study Stroke risk factors
performed in 52 countries of the world with 15 152 cases of first Stroke is a non-homogeneous condition caused by either
myocardial infarction and 14 820 controls.73 This study identi- extracranial/intracranial vascular atherothrombotic disease or
fied nine well-known coronary risk factors—abnormal lipids, intracranial haemorrhagic lesions.77 Differences in cardiovascular
smoking, hypertension, diabetes, a high WHR, psychosocial risk factors can partly influence the pathological types of stroke
factors, low fruit and vegetable consumption, low alcohol as well as subtypes of ischaemic stroke across populations. Risk
consumption, and lack of physical activity—as accounting for factors for each type of stroke differ—atherosclerosis risk factors
more that 90% cases of acute myocardial infarction world wide. (as in CHD) predominate in the former, whereas hypertension
An important finding of this study was a younger age of and smoking are the known leading causes of the latter. Leading
occurrence of acute myocardial infarction in South Asians.74 The stroke risk factors are raised blood pressure, smoking, high
mean (SD) age of occurrence of a first myocardial infarction cholesterol, low fruit and vegetable intake, physical inactivity
among 1732 participants from South Asia was 53.0 (11.4) years and alcohol excess.78 However, there is evidence that these risk
as against 58.8 (12.2) years in other countries. Although the factors are associated with differing attributable risks for stroke
mean age of myocardial infarction was lower in South Asians as compared with CHD, and some established CHD risk factors
than in subjects from other countries, the risk factors were such as high cholesterol are of uncertain importance for stroke.50
similar. Before adjustment for the nine INTERHEART risk Hypertension is an important and consistent conventional
factors there was a higher probability of patients who were risk factor for stroke. The Prospective Studies Collaboration
younger than 40 years in the South Asian group (p = 0.001), but meta-analysis of over one million subjects79 reported a log-linear
after adjustment for these risk factors the difference was relationship of blood pressure and stroke. An Asia-Pacific
attenuated and not significant (p = 0.27) (fig 2). regional systematic review on blood pressure and stroke
The risk factors that were found to be important in the correlation also reported similar results.80 Correlation of
overall INTERHEART cohort were also important in the South hypercholesterolaemia with stroke is not clear and a meta-
Asian cohorts (table 4).74 Some harmful risk factors were more analysis of 45 prospective cohort studies reported no significant
common in South Asians (raised Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio and association between total cholesterol and ischaemic stroke,
diabetes) and all the risk factors occurred at a younger age in although a trend was evident.81 Trials of LDL cholesterol
this group. Bidi smoking as well as use of non-smoked tobacco, lowering with statins report a 20% relative risk reduction for
which is peculiar to the Indian subcontinent, also emerged as an stroke, which is much less than for CHD (.50%). Diabetes has
important risk factor.74 In the INTERHEART Study bidi been reported to be an independent risk factor for ischaemic
smoking was associated with age and sex adjusted odds ratio stroke.
(OR) of 2.89 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.11 to 3.96) in the Lifestyle factors such as smoking and tobacco use have been
overall cohort and was same in South Asians (OR = 2.73, 95% reported to be important for both ischaemic and haemorrhagic
CI 1.90 to 3.92).75 Participants who were current smokers of strokes.50 The relationship between excessive salt intake and
cigarettes or bidis and who chewed tobacco had an OR of 4.09 hypertension was established by the INTERSALT Study, but
(95% CI 2.98 to 5.61) while those who chewed tobacco were relationship between salt intake and stroke is variable.82 In
also at increased risk (OR = 2.23, 95% CI 1.41 to 3,52). These countries with a high salt intake there is a clear association,
data are especially relevant for India where tobacco smoking whereas in countries with a low sodium intake it is variable.50
and chewing are widely prevalent both in men and women.76 Other dietary factors, such as fruit and vegetable consumption,

20 Heart 2008;94:16–26. doi:10.1136/hrt.2007.132951

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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

Table 4 Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in South Asians in the INTERHEART Study74
Prevalent Prevalent Population attributable
cases controls Odds ratio risk
Risk factor (%) (%) (95% CI) % (95%CI)

Apolipoprotein B/A-1 ratio (highest vs lowest quartile)

Other countries 48.3 31.8 3.01 (2.77 to 3.26) 45.9 (43.0 to 48.7)
South Asia 61.5 43.8 2.57 (2.03 to 3.26) 46.8 (36.7 to 57.0)

Current and former smoking

Other countries 65.7 49.4 2.22 (2.09 to 2.36) 36.2 (34.1 to 38.3)
South Asia 61.6 40.8 2.57 (2.22 to 2.96) 37.5 (33.1 to 42.1)

Other countries 40.5 23.6 2.44 (2.30 to 2.60) 23.9 (22.5 to 25.4)
South Asia 29.6 12.7 2.92 (2.46 to 3.48) 19.3 (16.6 to 22.4)

Other countries 18.2 7.2 3.20 (2.93 to 3.50) 12.5 (11.6 to 13.4)
South Asia 20.2 9.5 2.52 (2.07 to 3.07) 11.8 (9.6 to 14.5)

High waist:hip ratio

Other countries 46.7 34.0 2.21 (2.06 to 2.38) 33.3 (30.3 to 36.3)
South Asia 44.0 29.6 2.44 (2.05 to 2.91) 37.7 (30.9 to 45.2)

Psychosocial factors
Other countries 84.2 82.0 1.83 (1.58 to 2.13) 19.6 (15.4 to 23.7)
South Asia 86.0 82.6 2.62 (1.76 to 3.90) 16.1 (4.1 to 28.2)

Moderate to intense exercise

Other countries 15.8 21.6 0.70 (0.65 to 0.76) 25.2 (20.7 to 29.7)
South Asia 4.6 6.1 0.72 (0.53 to 0.97) 27.4 (11.7 to 51.8)

Alcohol consumption .1/week

Other countries 25.7 26.9 0.79 (0.74 to 0.85) 15.8 (11.7 to 19.9)
South Asia 13.3 10.7 1.06 (0.85 to 1.30) 24.6 (22.4 to 14.7)

Fruit and vegetable consumption .1/day

Other countries 38.3 45.2 0.70 (0.65 to 0.76) 12.2 (9.6 to 14.8)
South Asia 20.0 26.5 0.65 (0.53 to 0.81) 21.4 (13.2 to 32.7)

Combined effects
Other countries – – 125.7 (88.5 to 178.4) 88.2 (86.3 to 89.9)
South Asia 123.3 (38.7 to 400.2 85.8 (78.0 to 93.7)

are associated with a reduced risk of stroke and excessive fried factors in a study in Mumbai.38 A study in urban subjects in
foods and fat intake with an increased risk.77 Excessive alcohol Kolkata reported that hypertension was the most important risk
intake is also a risk factor for stroke. Folate supplementation has factor, whereas another study in West Bengal rural subjects
been reported to be associated with a reduced risk of stroke in a reported that existing heart disease, hypertension and smoking
meta-analysis.83 Regular physical activity is also protective. No were important.47 All these studies were small and larger studies
population-based prospective studies exist in India, and data on that are currently in progress such as the INTERSTROKE Study50
stroke risk factors still rely on small case–control studies.38 49 In should be able to identify risk factors more accurately.
certain geographical areas socioeconomic factors, ethnicity and
race are important risk factors for stroke.78 RISK FACTOR TRENDS
It is also important to realise that specific infections common Major risk factors dependent on the demographic and societal
in India may also contribute to stroke. These infections include transition are physical inactivity, excess dietary calories and fat
malaria, neurocysticercosis, leptospirosis and viral haemorrhagic intake, smoking and tobacco use, being overweight and obesity,
fevers. Conditions such as sickle cell anaemia, and snake bites high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol levels, the metabolic
are other prevalent disorders that can produce a stroke-like syndrome and psychosocial stress. There is epidemiological
picture owing to intracerebral haemorrhage.84 Cerebral venous evidence that the levels of many of these risk factors are
sinus thrombosis is a common cause of stroke among women in increasing in India. The rapid urbanisation and globalisation is
India, especially during the postpartum period.85 increasing mechanisation leading to sedentariness and this,
In India only small case–control studies to identify risk factors coupled with recently found affluence, is increasing tobacco,
have been performed. Dalal reported that diabetes, hypertension, calorie and fat intake, leading to increases in weight, glucose,
tobacco use and low haemoglobin levels were important risk blood pressure and unfavourable lipid profiles.

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Figure 3 Trends in age-adjusted prevalence of various risk factors in Jaipur Heart Watch (JHW) studies among urban subjects aged 20–59 years in
India. These studies were performed in 1992–4 (JHW-1),20 1999–2001 (JHW-2),23 2003–4 (JHW-3)91 and 2005–6 (JHW-4).92 There are significantly
escalating trends in prevalence of obesity (BMI >25 kg/m2), high WHR (.0.95), hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia (cholesterol >5.10 mmol/l)
in both men and women.

Smoking increased to 5.79 in 1961, 5.23 in 1966, 5.85 in 1971, 5.21 in

Smoking and tobacco use became a fashion statement in the 1976, 6.48 in 1981 and 6.97 in 1986. This consumption is much
past century in India. This phase was characterised by a large lower than in European Union countries (38.98), USA (39.72),
increase in its consumption driven by prevalent attitudes Canada (34.83) and Japan (19.84). Consumption of oils and
and cultural changes. The British studies and US Surgeon hydrogenated oils is increasing similarly. This may be associated
General’s reports on the harm of smoking and tobacco use led to with increasing obesity, although no national data are available.
a gradual decline in smoking in developed countries. On the The Jaipur Heart Watch (JHW) studies reported significantly
other hand, populations of low- and middle-income countries escalating trends in obesity and high WHR in an Indian urban
have been increasing their cigarette consumption since about population. These studies were performed in 1992–4 (JHW-1),20
1970.86 In these countries the per capita annual consumption of 1999–2001 (JHW-2),23 2003–4 (JHW-3)91 and 2005–6 (JHW-4).92
cigarettes increased from 800/year to more than 1200 from Age-adjusted prevalence in subjects aged 20–59 years shows that
1970–2 to 1990–2. In India, tobacco use increased by 36% over obesity (BMI >25 kg/m2 and high WHR .0.95) has increased
the same period.87 According to World Development Report, in significantly (fig 3). There was a significant correlation of
India, the per capita tobacco consumption was 0.7/kg/year in increasing socioeconomic status (literacy levels) with increasing
1974–6 and 0.8/kg/year in 1980 and was projected to increase obesity and truncal obesity.93 These studies show that in India
to 0.9 kg/year by 2000 in contrast to developed countries where it increasing socioeconomic status is associated with increasing
was poised to decline from 2.9/kg/year in 1974 to 1.8 in 2000.88 obesity in contrast to high- and middle-income countries, where
The prevalence of smoking and tobacco use varies in different poverty is associated with greater obesity.94
regions of India. In the second National Family Health Survey high
smoking and tobacco use was reported among men and women in Hypertension
northeastern and northern Indian states while a low prevalence A review of studies of the prevalence of hypertension in India
was observed in Punjab and Maharashtra.56 The habit of smoking has shown a high prevalence in both urban and rural areas.95
is more prevalent in rural subjects (30–60%) than in the urban Indian urban population-based studies using WHO guidelines
population (10–30%).76 Although smoking is low among women, for diagnosis (known hypertension or blood pressure >160 mm
use of non-smoked tobacco is high.76 There is an urgent need to Hg systolic or 95 mm Hg diastolic, or both) have shown
curb the tobacco epidemic in India. Important policy steps in this increasing hypertension among adults aged >20 years from
direction are faithful implementation of the WHO Framework about 5% in the 1960–70s to 11–15% in the late 1990s.57 The
Convention for Tobacco Control initiative in India and strict prevalence of hypertension using recent criteria (blood pressure
application of the Indian Tobacco Control Act.76 Most of the >140/>90 mm Hg) has been reported among some urban
recent Indian epidemiological studies have reported an inverse Indian populations. Gupta et al reported hypertension in Jaipur
association between smoking/tobacco use and educational sta- in 30% of men and 33% of women,20 Joseph et al reported it in
tus,56 89 and it seems that improving the literacy levels of the 31% of men and 41% of women in Trivandrum,96 whereas
population is an efficient method to decrease tobacco consumption. Mohan et al reported a crude prevalence rate of 21% in
Chennai.97 In Mumbai, Anand reported hypertension in 34%
Dietary changes and obesity of middle-class executives,98 whereas Gupta et al reported
Per capita consumption of major fats and oils has increased in hypertension in 44% of men and 45% of women in Mumbai.99
India in the past 30 years.90 In 1958 it was 5.62 kg a year which We determined trends in the age-adjusted prevalence of

22 Heart 2008;94:16–26. doi:10.1136/hrt.2007.132951

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Global burden of cardiovascular disease

to show the presence of diabetes. A total of 34 194 subjects were

screened and the prevalence of diabetes was 2.1% in urban
subjects and 1.5% in rural populations.
Recent studies in large cities in northern and southern India
report that the prevalence of diabetes among adults (>20 years)
ranges from 8% to 15%.105 106 From Chennai a significant
increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among adults has
been reported (fig 4).107 When similar diagnostic criteria (known
diabetes and/or fasting and post-glucose load hyperglycaemia)
were used, the prevalence of age-adjusted diabetes among adults
in urban Chennai increased from 8.3% in 1988–9, to 11.6% in
1994–5, 13.5% in 2000 and 14.3% in 2003–4. An increase in the
prevalence of diabetes has also been reported from rural
Figure 4 Increasing age-adjusted prevalence (%) of diabetes and Tamilnadu.108 Secular trends in the prevalence of diabetes show
impaired glucose tolerance in Chennai in South India.107 that there is a slow increase in Indian rural subjects as compared
with the urban population.105
hypertension in JHW studies in subjects aged 20–59 years (fig 3). Although the prevalence of diabetes is low in rural popula-
A significant escalation of hypertension prevalence was seen in tions (2–4%),105 there is evidence of a high burden of impaired
both men and women. These findings are in accord with those glucose tolerance.106 Studies from rural Tamilnadu in the early
of many developed countries where it has been reported that, at 1990s showed a low prevalence of diabetes and a high
any one time, about half of the population have high blood prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance.108 Over time, while
pressure.100 the prevalence of diabetes increased that of impaired glucose
tolerance declined associated with increasing obesity. This
Lipid levels and dyslipidaemias study shows that there is a significant pool of potentially
The epidemiological studies of cholesterol measurement in India diabetic subjects in rural Indian populations and rapid lifestyle
are hampered by the lack of uniform assay that has resulted in changes can lead to diabetes. The high prevalence of diabetes
large variations. However, in recent studies cholesterol levels reported from rural Andhra Pradesh in a recent study109 seems to
measured by enzyme-based assays have shown a progressive confirm this observation.
increase. In 1982, Gandhi et al101 estimated cholesterol lipopro-
teins levels in 201 urban Delhi subjects and reported mean (SD) Other factors
serum cholesterol of 160 (29) mg/dl (4.10 (0.75) mmol/l) in men Many small studies from India have evaluated unconventional
and 150 (25) mg/dl (3.90 (0.65) mmol/l) in women.101 In a more cardiovascular risk factors, including lipid subfractions, platelet
recent study Reddy et al reported mean (SD) cholesterol levels of functional abnormalities, inflammatory markers, homocysteine
177 (40) mg/dl (4.60 (1.05) mmol/l) in men and 176 (40) mg/dl and thrombotic factors. Larger studies are needed. Barker’s
(4.55 (1.05) mmol/l) in women in Delhi.102 Pradeepa et al have hypothesis that focuses on the adverse long-term cardiovascular
demonstrated that even within an urban environment, there impact of fetal undernutrition and low birth weight has been
appears to be a significant difference in the lipid levels, proposed as a cardiovascular risk factor.110 Studies have reported
dyslipidaemia being more common and severe in the middle- that neonates with a low birth weight have higher insulin levels
income group than in the low-income group.103 High levels of and insulin resistance than normal weight neonates.111 This
small dense LDL are more important risk markers, and a study trend persists into early and mid-childhood.112 113 In the UK it
showed greater levels among emigrant South Asians than in US- has been observed that South Asian children have a lower birth
based Caucasians.64 The INTERHEART Study reported that the weight and greater insulin resistance than Caucasians.114 The
ratio of apolipoprotein (apo) B to apo A-1 was an important risk long-term prognostic impact of this finding has been studied in
marker for acute myocardial infarction.73 Higher levels were the New Delhi Birth Cohort Study, which showed that an
seen in South Asian cases (61.5%) than in subjects from other increase in birth weight early in life resulted in greater insulin
countries (48.3%).74 Limited information exists about the resistance and more diabetes in low birth weight children at
changing time trends in prevalence of dyslipidaemia in Indian 30 years of age.115 More studies are needed to evaluate the long-
subjects from methodologically comparable studies. The Jaipur term cardiovascular consequences of this finding.
Heart Watch studies reported that there is a significant increase Cardiovascular risk factor antecedents at childhood and
in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and a adolescence have been sparsely studied in India.116 In the
decline in HDL cholesterol in both men and women at all age Indian cohort of Global Youth Tobacco Survey a variable
groups.93 Age-adjusted prevalence of high total cholesterol prevalence of tobacco consumption was reported in different
(>5.17 mmol/l) among subjects aged 20–59 years shows regions, with high use in eastern and central Indian states.117
increasing trends in both men and women (fig 3). The increase From Delhi it has been reported that smoking among children is
in total cholesterol in urban Indians contrasts with the falling rapidly increasing, although a study reported that within a
mean cholesterol level in the USA.2 period of 2 years the habit declined.118 This was attributed to
better health awareness and tobacco control initiatives. In
Diabetes affluent Indian children there seems to be an epidemic of
The first systematic investigation of diabetes in India was obesity while among children of low socioeconomic status low
performed by the Indian Council of Medical Research Task body weight is widely prevalent.119 A high prevalence of high
Force on diabetes in the 1970s.104 The population aged blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and high glucose levels in
.14 years was screened using a post 50 g glucose load, and children has been reported from a few centres while many
capillary blood glucose .4.40 mmol/l (.170 mg/dl) was taken centres report a low prevalence of these conditions.120 121 The

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role of genes and gene–environment interactions in the evaluated increased physical activity versus metformin for
pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases also need to be studied. prevention of diabetes in subjects with impaired glucose
tolerance.126 At a median follow-up of 30 months, lifestyle
APPROACHES TO PREVENTION modification reduced progression to diabetes by 28.5%, which
The increasing burden of coronary heart disease and stroke was same as with metformin (26.4%) and also with combined
emphasises the importance of containing the epidemic of metformin and lifestyle changes (28.2%). A yoga-based com-
cardiovascular disease in India as well as combating its impact prehensive lifestyle change has been evaluated in primary and
and minimising its toll.122 The INTERHEART Study has secondary prevention of CHD risks and preliminary results are
conclusively demonstrated that the usual cardiovascular risk encouraging.127 For comprehensive cardiovascular primary pre-
factors are important in Indians.73 Primordial, primary as well as vention, The Indian Polycap Study (TIPS) is evaluating the
secondary prevention efforts should be directed towards these usefulness of various drug combinations for reduction of
factors. At a macrolevel, better social, economic and cultural cardiovascular risks.128 Secondary prevention practices in
status correlates inversely with lifestyle factors of smoking, Indian are woefully inadequate both in acute care settings and
abnormal food patterns and exercise and is recommended for in long-tem medical care facilities.129 The influence of the
primordial prevention. Public broadcasting systems, television appropriate use of evidence-based treatments on outcomes in
and newspapers have an important role in the dissemination of patients with CHD or stroke is not known in India. The Heart
health-related information among populations. Suitable strate- Outcomes Prevention Evaluation-3 (HOPE-3) Trial will evaluate
gies to impart information to these print and electronic media the effect of statins and/or angiotensin receptor blockers on
should be developed locally. In Indians greater literacy levels and cardiovascular outcomes including a large sample from India.130
awareness have led to a decrease in some cardiovascular risk Some national initiatives for prevention and control of
factors—for example, smoking, in the well educated.89 Public cardiovascular diseases in India are being planned.122
awareness and demand has led to an increase in the number of In conclusion, cardiovascular diseases, especially CHD and
physical activity centres such as parks and walkways in many stroke, are major health problems in India. Risk factors for these
urban locations. A new public health education campaign conditions in Indian subjects are similar to those in populations
focusing on lifestyle changes (increased physical activity, elsewhere in the world and seem to be escalating. It is
prudent diet and tobacco cessation) has been launched in imperative that primordial, primary and secondary prevention
Chennai and preliminary results are encouraging.123 efforts that have been shown to be effective in other regions of
The measures that have the greatest impact on population- the world131 are translated into active regional and national
based prevention are policy initiatives. The initiatives that initiatives in this country.
might have an impact even in the short term include an increase
Competing interests: None declared.
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unhealthy foods, removal of trans fats especially in processed
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Epidemiology and causation of coronary

heart disease and stroke in India
R Gupta, P Joshi, V Mohan, et al.

Heart 2008 94: 16-26

doi: 10.1136/hrt.2007.132951

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