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Activity Sheet


Name: Joseph Russel Ladrillono Course/Year/Section: BSME 4 Score: _________

Direction: Give an example of a role on each row how they help you or the community to fight
the CoVid 19
An example of a productive roles Healthcare Workers and frontliners Our Family, School Organizations,
are individuals who are exerting are the real heroes of the pandemic, the general public and the
effort in fighting against the they are a good example of Government. Each community with
Covid19 Virus, even small actions reproductive roles. Actively their corresponding ways and
like wearing face-masks in public to working to treat and prevent the solutions to deal with the Virus
minimize the transfer of virus, and spread of the virus. Doctors, Nurses shows an example of the role of the
individuals who follow safety and HealthCare professionals are community in helping one another.
protocols, these small steps may working tirelessly to take care of
result for the greater good in the covid patients and have been the
long run. biggest contributor for the safety of
the public.


a. From the roles you stated above, are all gender involved in this role? YES or NO and Why?
Yes, everyone is involved in this role, all genders are part of the same community and all gender can be
both productive and reproductive. In the above examples, no specific gender was mentioned means all gender are

b. Do you think is there a gender difference in every role? Why?

Yes, there can be gender differences in every role, including reproductive, productive, and community
roles. These differences can be seen in social, economic, and cultural factors that shape the experiences and
opportunities available to men and women. Women are mostly trusted in taking care of the elderly, sick and
children, and Men are expected in field works. It doesn’t matter, each gender are contributors during these times,
It’s not a battle between genders, it’s a fight of the people against the Covid19 virus.
Activity Sheet

Name: Joseph Russel Ladrillono Course/Year/Section: BSME 4 Score: _________

Direction: Describe any observed manifestation(s) of gender inequality in your institution?

As a student, I have observed that not everyone of my co-students is knowledgeable and educated in terms
of gender equality, I can still see bullying and discrimination against the LGBT community. The ratio of male to
female in sports related activities are higher. Overall, gender inequality in schools can have a negative impact on the
academic and social experiences of female students, limiting their opportunities and reinforcing harmful gender
norms. It is important to address these manifestations of gender inequality to create a more inclusive and equitable
learning environment for all students.

2. Create a poem, essay, spoken poetry or painting about the following topic: How do you see
the world, if gender equality in education is fully attained?

If gender equality in education were fully attained,

A world of inclusion we would have gained.

Girls, boys, and members of the LGBT,

All learning together, free to be.

No more discrimination or hate,

Acceptance and respect, the new fate.

Their talents and strengths, now fully expressed,

Their dreams and ambitions, no longer suppressed.

A world where everyone has a chance to thrive,

Diversity and unity, now both alive.

Let's work together to make it true,

A better world for me and you, and everyone too.

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