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Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus on the understanding of the impact of the traditional
methods of teaching where the instructions are physically presented and interacted with
by the ICT student’s ability to learn and apply Java programming concepts.

The study will explore the role of various learning techniques used by instructors
and teachers in traditional classroom setup, such as interactive lectures, group
discussions, and hands on programming exercises.

The study will be limited to a specific population of students who are enrolled in a
Java programming related courses at a particular institution, which may not be
represented by a larger population.

The study will rely on face-to-face experience in enhancing Java programming

skills, which may be prone to bias or inaccuracies.

The study will focus on the topics of research and will not compare to traditional
classroom settings with online or hybrid learning environments.

This study will only measure short-term outcomes of full face-to-face experience
in learning and enhancing java programming skills and will not access the long-term
impact of traditional classroom settings on student’s programming abilities.

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