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Assessment Paper

By: Quennie B. Ybanez

An educational philosophy refers to a comprehensive and consistent set of beliefs about

the teaching-learning transaction. The purpose of an educational philosophy is to help "educators

recognize the need to think clearly about what they are doing and to see what they are doing in

the larger context of individual and social development" (Ozmon & Craver, 1981). Thus, it is

simply "to get people thinking about what they are doing". By doing this, educators can see the

interaction among the various elements in the teaching-learning transaction such as the students,

curriculum, administration, and goals. This can "provide a valuable base to help us think more

clearly" about educational issues. Philosophy of education is an extremely important discipline

nowadays and its application is undoubtedly effective as a tool to deal with human issues, as well

as its effects and causes. It is necessary to understand philosophers and their propositions, so that

a new understanding of reality is approached. This understanding of the real is paramount for the

environment, because in society there is an assiduous search for those capable of making a

difference. Thus, we can conceptualize the philosophy of education as being a set of ideas that

defines what education is like and how important it is not only in the school context, but also for

social life, making us capable of developing knowledge, thinking and knowledge skills. attitudes

towards the facts that surround us and remain rooted in society. Therefore, philosophy seeks to

form more critical citizens who know how to analyze the facts with the capacity to understand

reality and who play their roles as agents of society, proposing solutions to the challenges found

in a globalized and information-saturated world.

Although, there are many different branches of education, but the present time requires

the presence of philosophy in the field of education, considering that the educational philosophy
derives its subject from the education. Essentially, the main goal of any learning process is

finding a change in the learner’s behavior. Therefore, the measurement and evaluation process is

an integral part of the educational process. There is no right or wrong strategy in any function,

because each strategy has advantages and disadvantages. All ways support each other and each

student is on a different level of learning. The discipline of philosophy contributes in an

indispensable way to the realization of four goals that should be fundamental to any institution of

higher learning: instilling habits of critical thinking in students; enhancing their reading, writing,

and public speaking skills; transmitting cultural heritages to them; stimulating them to engage

fundamental questions about reality, knowledge, and value. Since "a philosophical orientation

underlies most individual and institutional practices in adult education" (Darkenwald &

Merriam, 1982, p. 37), this reflective process involves an understanding of educational

philosophy and of one's relationship to the various philosophical schools. "Developing a

philosophical perspective on education is not a simple or easy task. It is, however, a necessary

one if a person wants to become an effective professional educator" (Ozmon & Craver, 1981, p.

268). It is understood that teacher's philosophy is being demonstrated with their style of teaching.

The study of philosophy contributes distinctively and substantially to the development of

students’ critical thinking. It enhances their ability to deal rationally with issues of value and

ethical responsibility. It extends their understanding of interdisciplinary questions. It strengthens

their grasp of our intellectual history and of our culture in relation to others. It increases their

capacity to articulate and assess world views. And it improves their skills in writing and

speaking. Philosophical reflection can be brought to bear on any subject matter whatsoever;

every discipline raises questions that philosophical investigation can help clarify; and every
domain of human existence confronts us with problems on which philosophical reflection can

shed light.

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