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My personal statement is to address my application for Doctor of Business Administration course

offered by CSU. By enrolling onto this course I will have the opportunity to strengthen my
understanding in Business administration concepts, which will help me in the future to use these
skills to build my own career in the Business administration and leadership field. The DBA
programme will allow me to develop an in depth understanding of the challenges and risks facing
a business and then use this knowledge in practical contexts. I wish to embark on this particular
course to further brace my skills and take my education to a higher level of understanding in depth
knowledge of Business aspects.

Because of the factors above, I researched the DBA course outline in great detail. Business
Administration is a field of study that I am very eager to pursue. This DBA research program will not
only help me achieve my goal of becoming business leader in the future in the real business world.

I have completed MBA program so DBA or PhD is the direct rout of progression. The DBA program,
in contrast to a traditional academic PhD, is designed to help students apply research-based
thinking to business ideas, whilst deepening and broadening their understanding of professional
practice. From my research, I have found out that as the number of MBA holders continues to grow,
the DBA qualification enables graduates to differentiate themselves in the employment
marketplace and to enhance their preparedness for higher level management and consultancy
roles. This has motivated me to pursue this course of higher study.

The structure of the course is intriguing part of this course, as the content of the course looks very
appealing as it teaches variety of Administration concepts. For example the course content has
different modules including Strategic Marketing Management, Strategic Management and Planing,
Entrepreneurship and innovative Business, Small Business Management, Research Methodology
and Proposal will help me to develop their skills in thought leadership for organisational change
and development, thereby build their capacity to address complex business problems of strategic
significance through the creative and innovative application of learning. I will do thesis work. The
research will help me develop my capacity to think creatively and innovatively about organisational,
managerial and professional problems. It will improve my skills in making informed judgements
and decisions in relation to complex issues. As I am planning to start my career as Business
consultant or a leadership position in a private or public company in India. The similar program is
available in Bangladesh.

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