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Group Assignment 01


Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd



Course : Business Management

Instructor : Ms.Sumudu Munasinghe

1.0 Introduction

Mobitel Private Ltd, is a completely claimed auxiliary of Sri Lanka Telecom. Mobitel offers
portable communication administrations, rapid broadband, Enterprise Solutions, IDD
administrations and a great deal of Value Added Services. Mobitel has a solid client base of about
5 million bought in Mobitel administrations offered both paid ahead of time and postpaid. What's
more, Mobitel claims about 2000 Base Stations Island wide to serve its clients. Mobitel was the
first in South Asia to dispatch a Super 3.5G system, to effectively show HSPA + MIMO innovation
and effectively preliminary 4G/LTE innovation. Presentation of Dual Carrier HSPA+ innovation
and 4G-LTE administration equipped for giving 100Mbps downlink speed and 50Mpbs uplink
speed makes Mobitel's portable broadband rates the quickest in the nation.

With the trademark of "We Care, dependably" Mobitel furnishes a client organized administration
with wide inclusion, unrivaled quality and a superior client administration. It has picked up client
fascination by offering assortment of bundles like 'Upahara' late night spending web, and so forth
and esteem included administrations like mCash, Channeling administrations, mTicket which
satisfies the different needs of the clients. As of now it is one of the main portable specialist co-
ops in Sri Lanka with a generous piece of the overall industry.

2.0 Overview
Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd. (from here on alluded to as Mobitel) is the second biggest portable media
transmission organization in Sri Lanka with more than 4Mn supporter base. The organization is
working in an exceptionally focused operational condition with extreme interest for inventive
items and new innovation to help it. As the organization needs to react for testing requests of the
market, Mobitel has received an adaptable administration practices to accomplish its key

Vision and Mission

Vision To lead Sri Lanka towards an info-com and knowledge rich society through our service

Mission Care, Share & Deliver

3.0 Planning
planning is a procedure that includes characterizing the association's objective, building up a
general system for accomplishing those objectives, and building up an extensive arrangement of
designs to coordinate and co-ordinate authoritative work.

It is the principally administrative procedure of any association to give a course and in this manner
to lessen vulnerability while limiting repetition and wastage by setting principles for controlling.

3.1 Goal Setting

Defining objectives begins with top directors. The general arranging process starts with the
statement of purpose and vital objectives for the association overall. The Vision and Mission of
Mobitel are incorporated.

3.1.1 Alignment of goals – Vision and Mission Link

Mobitel's vision and statements of purpose are all around perceived as a true similarity of the
organization and its employees. All key plans originate by a focal arranging group with an
unmistakable connect to the vision of Mobitel. Vital objectives are accomplished utilizing
organization esteems, for example, advancement, trustworthiness, dynamism, responsibility,
enthusiasm and demonstrable skill. Mobitel's arranging structure is adjusted so that the
accomplishment of lower level objectives bolsters the accomplishment of more elevated amount
objectives. Momentary vital arrangement of Mobitel is all around lined up with its end-all strategy.
A great precedent Mobitel's key, strategic and operational arranging approach is delineated in
Appendix I.

With the expansive goal of looking after monetary, cost and money related framework solidness
to help practical development of the nation by being a dependable and dynamic body

3.2 Strategy Formulation

Procedure detailing incorporates the arranging and basic leadership that lead to the foundation of
the association's objectives and the advancement of a particular vital arrangement. Procedure
definition may incorporate evaluating the outside condition and inside issues and coordinating the
outcomes into objectives and technique.

Mobitel perform procedure definition and recovery exercises every year to evaluate association
execution and to tweak its methodology towards the objective accomplishment.

3.2.1Strategic Planning approach

At Mobitel , key arrangement is set up by the senior supervisory group lead by the CEO and it
fuses the contributions from the base dimensions. Amid the yearly key arranging survey process,
Mobitel dependably underlines on long haul mission accomplishment however considerably more
adaptable in changing itsstrategic choices with the market elements. Appendix VI and Appendix
VII illustrate SWOT investigation of the two associations.

3.2.2Business level and Function level Planning Approach
Unlike in vital arranging, Mobitel utilizes very non-customary methodology in business level and
utilitarian dimension arranging. Both business and practical dimension arranging is done at a
solitary layer with the association of representatives from each dimension. This methodology
unmistakably shows advantages of decentralized planning. Bleeding edge supervisors, who
experience the genuine ecological challenges, dependably think of inventive activity plans for
objectives showing greater responsibility for the objective accomplishment

3.3 Strategy Implementation

System usage is the organization and execution of the key arrangement.

Technique implementation processes of the two organizations show a few components of MBO
approach. However, they contrast in how much they adjust the MBO that outcome in real changes
to the hierarchical conduct.

3.3.1 Planning Types Management by Objectives (MBO)
MBO can be characterized as an planning approach where by supervisors and representatives
characterize objectives for each office, venture and individual and use them to screen consequent
execution. Strategic and operational arranging of Mobitel shows key highlights of MBO. Most the
workers include in objective setting and activity arranging exercises for their individual divisions
just as for themselves every year. Anyway to confront the fast changes in interior and outside
situations, objective setting with MBOs is now and then neglected and in this manner, prompts
confusions inrevival and examination systems. Single-Use and Standing Plans

Single-Use planning approach is utilized for the non-dreary projects and undertakings. Mobitel
adjusts this methodology in system extension ventures arranging. Mobitel considers framework

developments as well ordered stages rather than constant smooth extension action since it is one
of the key factors in their business. Arranging movement in these tasks takes the Single-Use the
executives arranging technique. Organizing temporary task force

organizing of brief team is for the most part a component of non-customary arranging approach.
It shapes an impermanent gathering of supervisors and representatives who assume liability for
building up a key arrangement. At the point when there is a requirement for a solitary use plan, the
top administration of Mobitel dependably empowers building up transitory teams for specific
arrangement of assignments. Such team is bound for set of stretch objectives which were
characterized with the association of the team itself. In this way greater responsibility towards the
objective accomplishment is unavoidable. Event driven planning

Occasion driven arranging is a methodology which fortifies the long haul all-inclusive strategy
with the dynamic arranging plan which reacts to the present truth of what the earth and the
commercial center requests. In the event of intense changes in nature, Mobitel's management
dependably energizes grasping occasion driven arranging by exploiting unanticipated occasions to
move the organization as expected to improve execution.

4.0 Organizing
organizing pursues planning and it reflects how the association attempts to achieve the
arrangement. Methodology characterizes what to do; Organizing characterizes how to do it.
Sorting out includes relegating undertakings, gathering assignments into divisions, appointing
specialist and distributing assets over the association.

Association is the arrangement of authoritative assets to accomplish vital objectives. Association

structure is an apparatus that administrators use to bridle assets for completing things. Condition,
Strategy, Technology and Human Resources are the determinants of an authoritative structure.
Authoritative structure itself assumes a critical job of an association. For the most part it should be
changed and balanced by the system, condition and innovation.

Association structure is characterized by following three viewpoints in an organization.

1. The arrangement of formal undertakings allocated to people and offices

2. Formal revealing connections including lines of power, choice duty, number of various
leveled levels and length of supervisors control

3. The framework configuration to guarantee viable coordination of workers crosswise over


Five ways to deal with basic structure reflect diverse employments of the hierarchy of leadership
in departmentalization. Useful, Divisional and Matrix are the three customary methodologies and
the Team and Virtual Networks are the two inventive approaches. Mobitel has a framework
hierarchical structure.

Framework approach consolidates parts of both useful and divisional structures all the while. The
practical pecking order of power runs vertically and the divisional chain of importance of power
runs evenly. The vertical structure gives conventional control inside practical divisions and the
even structure gives coordination crosswise over offices.

Network structure has more proficient utilization of assets than single pecking order and is
adaptable and versatile to the evolving condition. Anyway because of this double structure, a few
representatives really report to two administrators all the while.

Vertical useful structure can be thought as departmentalization by hierarchical resources.Each sort

of utilitarian exercises such asaccounting, HR, engineeringand fabricating speak to explicit assets
for playing out the association's assignments. The utilitarian structure is a solid vertical plan. Data
streams here and there over the vertical structure and the levels of leadership meets at the highest
point of the association.

4.1 Organizing structures of Mobitel

Mobitel has a network hierarchical structure as appeared in Appendix VIII-B. The association is
directed by the senior supervisory group headed by the Chief Executive Officer. Key speculation
choices are taken by the governing body. The inner divisions are built up in a framework venture
association structure to empower quick basic leadership. The framework hierarchical structure
shows the significance of tasks in the authoritative dimensions. Direct correspondence to the
important capacity rather than various leveled correspondence encourages the quicker basic
leadership. Organization individuals have generally level with jobs and choices are made by vote
or agreement. At the point when unadulterated specialized terms are concerned, everybody is a
decider and everybody is a laborer.

Mobitel's hierarchical structure gives opportunity and adaptability to separate from comparable
associations and react rapidly to the changing requests of the earth.

4.1.1 Chain of Command

The hierarchy of leadership is a whole line of power that interfaces all people in an association and
shows who reports whom(Daft, R. L. 2009).Since Mobitel has a lattice structure, a solitary
individual answering to double lines of power presents job clashes among useful and venture
administrators, which prompts miscommunications and issues created inside the exercises of the

4.1.2. Span of Management

At Mobitel, there are five senior general supervisors answering to CEO speaking to five
noteworthy capacities in the association. Out and out there are fourteen general chiefs answering
to the senior administration

5.0 Leadership
The authoritative initiative is the capacity to impact individuals towards the achievement of
objectives. The administration style of Mobitel can be broke down in a few distinct models of
authority. Attribute speculations of initiative distinguish pioneers by dissecting the normal identity
characteristics shown by pioneers. Conduct speculations of initiative investigation pioneers by
breaking down what pioneers do rather than their own attributes. Transformational pioneers inspire
the confidence and inspiration of their devotees. Value-based pioneers provide food their
adherents' prompt personal circumstance and show progressively administrative characteristics.

5.1 Leadership traits

The underlying endeavors of understanding initiative achievement concentrated on the pioneer's
close to home attributes or qualities. Qualities are separated individual attributes of a pioneer, for
example, insight and specialized information, qualities, desire and vision. This technique for
initiative is appropriate to both Mobitel

5.1.1 Intelligence and domain knowledge

Mobitel being an innovation driven association, specialized information and insight has turned into
a structure obstruct in all initiative layers. Chief of Mobitel, Mr. Lalith de Silva who has long
stretches of ability as an expert Engineer, advances preparing and improvement of the pioneers in
all dimensions to pick up the required specialized learning in their orders.

5.1.2 Ambition and Vision

Beginning from the past CEO at Mobitel Mr. Suren J. Amarasekara, pioneers of all dimensions
are urged to be visionary and goal-oriented in their basic leadership. This is particularly obvious
in the manner Mobitel infiltrated the postpaid market through "Upahara" bundle and how they
presented "HSDPA" and "LTE". This has been a noteworthy purpose behind the extraordinary
growthof Mobitel in the course of the most recent couple of years

5.1.3 Inspiration
The present CEO, Mr. Lalith de Silva is genuinely a moving pioneer setting models for the lower
dimension of administration. His impact at the top has ensured that the entire association is

progressing in the direction of a shared objective. The nearness of perseverance in mental,
physical, and profound stamina at the top administration has roused others to go after new statures
and assume responsibility when vital.

5.2 Transformational leadership

At Mobitel, the past CEO Mr. Lalith de Silva started the transformational authority at Mobitel. He
completely changed the built up culture at Mobitel to give shared expert and duty to the
representatives. This urged the supporters likewise to add to basic leadership and become pioneers
when fundamental. This change alongside some reasonable speculation choices, contributed
Mobitel to turn into a benefit making organization from a misfortune making organization inside
an exceptionally brief timeframe
The present CEO Mr. Nalin Pereracontinued a similar idea much further by fragmenting non
routine undertakings to ventures and naming task chiefs giving absolute specialist and obligation
to them. With this activity, an administrator in one anticipate is a supporter in an alternate venture

5.4 Leadership Grid

Initiative matrix is a two-dimensional model created subsequent to taking in to thought the worry
for generation and worry for individuals by various administration styles. In that display distinctive
administration styles can be portrayed in the wake of giving the right weight age for the related
worry for Production and worry for individuals.

Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd.: Management Style

Right now the media transmission industry is confronting an intense time because of expanding
rivalry, decreased levies, showcase immersion and so forth. Since media transmission is currently
developed, gifted work is exceedingly accessible in the market. Therefore Mobitel's anxiety for
individuals is moderate. Additionally due to above reasons, the productivity of the representatives
is essential to get by in the business. Since dominant part of the staff are gifted works and they are
permitted to work freely with negligible obstruction. Mobitel has a moderate worry for conveying

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the administration. Along these lines we can presume that the Mobitel has a Middle of the Road
the board style.

6.0 Controlling

Authoritative control alludes to the deliberate procedure of controlling hierarchical exercises to

make them steady with the desires set up in plans, targets and principles of execution.

Feed-forward, simultaneous and criticism control utilized in the two organizations in concern are
examined underneath

8.0 Conclusion

The examination depended on the Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling administrative
procedures connected in Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd. It can be seen that distinctions do exist in specific
regions of its administration practices of the association.

Mobitel (pvt) Ltd., being a benefit situated business organization operates on the thought process
of benefit expansion while giving media transmission administrations.

The principle distinction in the arranging procedure of Mobitel is that it is increasingly adaptable
and very unique. Mobitel 's authoritative structure is additionally intended to supplement
adaptability and quick basic leadership as it has a level network structure. organization possess
transformational, advanced, proficient, smart and result arranged initiative that assistance the
organizations to accomplish unfaltering development towards their objective accomplishment.
Substantial dependence to budgetary controls is obvious in Mobitel specifically. Be that as it may,
while thinking about the typical activity of the two associations, some comparative control systems
are rehearsed. Comparable procedures are practiced in worker enrollment and coaching. The two
associations utilize an open criticism framework to improve their procedures put together of
popular supposition with respect to their administrations.

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Further, as indicated by the examination, the prescribed procedures in a single association may not
create similar outcomes for the other association. The style of the board relies upon the measure
of the association, individuals at the top, destinations, condition and workers. Thusly, it is clear
that administration rehearses in associations can't be institutionalized and none of them is
impeccable in each circumstance. Every one of them has focal points and disservices concerning
diverse circumstances. The association needs to locate the best fitting initiative to adjust to
evolving circumstances.

Planning Process of Mobitel

To become the
technological leader of
industry in the country

Implement a Focus on
seamless Introduce
coverage innovative Value
throughout the Added Solutions
country which is
enriched with
the latest
technology Engineering
VAS division division
1. analyze global 1. focus on
Engineering trends in VAS & network
division come up with expansion
1.analyze latest the best services
2. focus on
technologies & Finance division Corporate 2. Market capacity
come up with Planning division Research enhancement
the best suitable 1. issue Tender
1. Market 3. Check
technology 2. Vendor technical
negotiation Research
2. prepare feasibility
project 3. Budget 2. Profitability
Analysis 4. Service
Requirement control Implementation
3. Supplier 4. Order
Technical equipments
evaluation &
4. Implement
the technology

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Organization Structure of Mobitel

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Mobitel SWOT Analysis

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