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Alluvial fan, braided river and shallow marine turbidity current deposits in the
Port Lazo and Roche Jagu Formations, Northern Brittany: relationships to
andesite emplacements and...

Article  in  Geological Magazine · August 2017

DOI: 10.1017/S0016756816000686


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1 author:

David Went


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Geol. Mag.: page 1 of 24 
c Cambridge University Press 2016 1

Alluvial fan, braided river and shallow-marine turbidity current

deposits in the Port Lazo and Roche Jagu formations, Northern
Brittany: relationships to andesite emplacements and implications
for age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group
D AV I D J. W E N T ∗
Ostralegus Ventures Ltd., Silver Birches, Fox Hill Village, Haywards Heath, RH16 4QZ

(Received 19 November 2015; accepted 7 June 2016)

Abstract – Facies and stratigraphic analysis of the Port Lazo and Roche Jagu formations, together
the lower part of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group, suggests deposition in three distinct depositional
systems. The lower part of the Port Lazo Formation comprises red conglomerate, sandstone and shale
of alluvial fan to alluvial plain origin. A conformable interval of grey sandstone and shale succeeds
the lower Port Lazo red beds and records a period of subtidal sedimentation dominated by river-fed,
shallow-water turbidity currents (hyperpycnites). The succeeding Roche Jagu Formation comprises red
sandstones and shales of braided fluvial origin. It is intercalated with, and succeeded by, andesites. The
andesites succeeding the fluvial strata overlie a prominent erosion surface and are lava flows, whereas
those intercalated with the fluvial strata are intrusions. Rb–Sr radiometric dating of the andesites
at 472+/−5 Ma is commonly used as evidence for the whole Plourivo-Plouézec Group being Early
Ordovician in age. However, the stratigraphic relationships and patterns of sedimentation in the Port
Lazo and Roche Jagu formations, together with the localized presence of Arumberia, suggest they
are most likely of early Cambrian age and related to a phase of post-Cadomian rifting. The facies
deposited show both similarities to and differences from neighbouring strata of equivalent age, and
highlight the control exerted by sediment load on alluvial and nearshore processes on early Palaeozoic
Keywords: hyperpycnites, lower Cambrian, Arumberia, pre-vegetation environments.

1. Introduction constrained stratigraphically but a compelling simil-

arity of facies is supportive of a comparable genesis.
Coarse-grained, continental clastic sediments (red Locally, red beds or covering strata are intercalated
beds) of Palaeozoic age are widespread in NW France with volcanic flows that have yielded convincing ra-
where they rest with unconformity on late Precam- diometric dates of Early Ordovician age (e.g. Auvray
brian rocks deformed during the Cadomian Orogeny et al. 1980; Bonjour et al. 1988). One such red-bed
(Fig. 1a). The Cadomian Orogeny in NW France is sequence is present in the lower Palaeozoic Plourivo-
probably best interpreted as a sinistral, transpressive, Plouézec Group where andesites interbedded with red
subduction-related event, climaxing at 540 Ma (Peucat, beds have yielded a Rb–Sr date of 472±5 Ma (Auvray
1986; Treloar & Strachan, 1990). The succeeding red et al. 1980), interpreted as an eruption age (Fig. 1b,
beds are commonly bracketed as Cambro-Ordovician c). This age date has been used to suggest that the
in age in view of their largely unfossiliferous charac- sedimentary sequence in this basin is of Ordovician
ter and loosely constrained stratigraphic control. They age and therefore not of immediately post-orogenic
are commonly referred to as post-orogenic molasse- origin (Suire, Dabard & Chauvel, 1991; Egal et al.
type deposits (Renouf, 1974), formed by erosion of the 1995).
Cadomian highlands. This may be a valid description The purpose of this paper is to characterize the
for lower Cambrian red beds (540–509 Ma) deposited sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Port Lazo and
immediately after the climax of the Cadomian Orogeny, Roche Jagu formations and to evaluate the relation-
but is less justified for Early Ordovician strata which ship of the andesites to the sedimentary rocks of
were deposited 90 Ma later. Locally in Normandy, red the Plourivo-Plouézec Group. The results are used
beds clearly underlie fossiliferous marine early Cam- to challenge the age assigned to the different form-
brian strata (e.g. Alderney Sandstone Formation and its ations of the basin fill, define a regional palaeogeo-
extension into the Siouville Syncline of the Cotentin graphic setting and add further to our knowledge of the
peninsula). In other localities, for example at Erquy– sedimentary processes operating on early Palaeozoic
Cap Fréhel, the age of the red beds is not so well palaeoenvironments.
∗ Author for correspondence:
2 D. J. W E N T

Figure 1. (Colour online) Location and stratigraphy of the lower Palaeozoic strata of the Plourivo-Plouézec basin. (a) Location of other
red-bed deposits and radiometric data. (b) Sketch map of the basin fill, partly after Auvray et al. (1980) and Egal et al. (1995). Dashed
outlines locate maps in Figures 2 and 3. (c) Stratigraphic subdivision.

2. Geological setting associated with the transgression of an irregular

shoreline in a direction from east to west (Doré, 1972).
The rocks of NW France are of late Precambrian and Non-marine basin elements comprising predominantly
early Palaeozoic age and largely relate to the passing fluvial strata have been identified draining east, to-
of the Cadomian orogenic cycle which climaxed at c. wards the early Cambrian shoreline (Went & Andrews,
540 Ma (Peucat, 1986; D’Lemos, Strachan & Topley, 1990). The middle and upper Cambrian strata are re-
1990). The Precambrian rocks of the region are in- ported to be absent, reflecting a period of broad re-
terpreted to relate to crustal accretion at a destructive gional uplift during this time. Lower Ordovician strata
plate boundary. The rocks include patches of >2 Ga of Arenig age, on the other hand, are widespread over
old ‘Icartian’ basement, succeeded by a younger Neo- both Normandy and Brittany. This reflects a period of
proterozoic (600–540 Ma old) cover of metasediments renewed subsidence and marine transgression, unre-
and island-arc-type volcanic rocks known as the Bri- lated to the Cadomian orogenic cycle, and was prob-
overian (Rabu et al. 1990). These are all intruded ably associated with the opening of the Rheic Ocean
by abundant plutons, predominantly granitic in char- (Robardet, Paris & Racheboeuf, 1990). In Normandy,
acter (Brown et al. 1990). The Cadomian Orogeny Arenig sediments are sandstone dominated and exclus-
in NW France is probably best interpreted as a sin- ively of shallow marine affinity (the Grès Armoricain).
istral, transpressive, subduction-related event, which In Brittany the Grès Armoricain is locally underlain by
climaxed at 540 Ma (Brun & Balé, 1990; Gapais & red beds, for example the Cap de la Chèvre Formation
Balé, 1990; Treloar & Strachan, 1990). Erosion of which is also ascribed an Arenig age (Bonjour et al.
the resulting Cadomian uplands immediately follow- 1988).
ing the orogenic climax is interpreted to have resul- The Plourivo-Plouézec Group comprises four form-
ted in the deposition of red beds and shallow marine ations (Auvray et al. 1980; Suire, Dabard & Chauvel,
strata, which accumulated in extensional basins opened 1991; Egal et al. 1995). These are, from the bottom: the
along the prevailing structural grain (Went & Andrews, Port Lazo, Roche Jagu, Toul Lan and Plourivo Shale
1990). formations. A thick sequence of andesites occurs above
The lower Palaeozoic rocks of Normandy and Brit- and within the Roche Jagu Formation. The andesites
tany are predominantly Cambrian and Ordovician in which are thick and widespread in the east of the main
age (Doré, 1972, 1994; Doré et al. 1977). In Nor- outcrop, but scarce in the west, are the rocks from which
mandy the Cambrian sequences are up to 800 m thick, the radiometric age date of 472±5 Ma was obtained by
in part fossiliferous, and well dated as early Cam- Auvray et al. (1980). The vertical sequence of rocks
brian. They comprise red beds succeeded by trans- in the group is illustrated in Figure 1c. The outcrop
gressive sequences of sandstones, marine shales and of the different formations is largely controlled by the
limestones (Doré, 1972; Brasier, 1980). This deep- folding of the sequence into a basinal syncline, albeit
ening of the basin through early Cambrian time was one cut by numerous faults. The outlier at Bréhec is
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 3

Figure 2. Map summarizing field relationships on the north coast from Port Lazo to Pointe de Kerarzic. Solid colour on coast denotes
extent of exposure on the rock platform. Inset dashed outline refers to detail in Figure 14.

separated from the main outcrop by a N–S-aligned an- 4. Port Lazo Formation
ticline which brings Brioverian metasediments to the
Sedimentological observations made during this study
surface south of Pointe de Plouézec (Figs 1, 2).
indicate that the Port Lazo Formation should be di-
vided into two intervals or informal members. The Port
Lazo Formation lower member is composed of red-
coloured conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone. The
3. Methods Port Lazo Formation upper member is characterized
The sedimentology and surfaces bounding the form- by grey-coloured sandstone and subordinate mudstone.
ations have been studied on the coast where expos- The distinction in the field is clear, but in previous work
ures are generally good. Field relationships were stud- and in the notes accompanying the French Geological
ied and data collected from Port Lazo to Pointe de Survey Map it is reported solely as a change in facies
Kerarzic in the main outcrop and from the outlier at (Suire, Dabard & Chauvel, 1991; Egal et al. 1995). The
Anse de Bréhec (Figs 1b, 2, 3). The best inland expos- description of the formation as comprising two mem-
ures allow for recognition of the formation present, bers is preferred, since it emphasizes the stratigraphic
but are not generally well suited to detailed sedi- (rather than lateral) change in lithology and facies as
mentological evaluation. Observations were nonethe- well as the permanent (not interdigitating) and wide-
less made at Chateau Roche Jagu on the west (left) spread nature of the change. As such, it acts as a useful
bank of the River Trieux and mid-cliff at the level subdivision of the basin fill.
of the railway line on the east (right) bank of the
Data were collected in the form of maps of field 4.a. Port Lazo Formation lower member
relationships, sedimentological logs of representative
4.a.1. Bounding surfaces and thickness
sections and photographs of key facies. Palaeocur-
rents were obtained from pebble imbrication, cross- The Port Lazo Formation lower member is exposed
stratification, channel margins and current ripple lam- on reefs on the foreshore at the small harbour of Port
ination. Recordings were made either of foreset planes Lazo and in the Anse de Bréhec on the western and
directly (dip amount and direction) or as the direc- eastern limbs respectively, of a roughly N–S-striking
tion of current flow as a reading of pitch in the anticline (Fig. 1). The Port Lazo Formation lower mem-
plane of bedding (direction only), as dictated by pa- ber rests unconformably on Brioverian metasediments
laeocurrent indicator and exposure type. The results at both locations (Figs 2, 3). The contact can be seen
were reoriented on a stereonet to remove bedding directly at Bréhec, and located to within c. 1 m at Port
dip. Lazo. Cobble grade conglomerate, with a few boulders,
4 D. J. W E N T

Figure 3. Map summarizing field relationships on the east coast in Anse de Bréhec. Solid colour on coast denotes extent of exposure
on the rock platform.

rests with marked angular unconformity on eroded Bri- zontal, decimetre-scale bedding or stratification and
overian sandstones and shales at both localities (cf. the clasts are locally imbricated (Fig. 5a). Palaeocur-
Went, Andrews and Williams, 1988; Went, 1991). The rents obtained from pebble imbrication suggest flow to
Port Lazo Formation lower member is estimated to be the south (Figs 4, 8). The intergranular matrix is red-
up to 130 m thick at Port Lazo (Fig. 4). Comparable coloured granular sand. The clasts are predominantly
facies occur at each locality, but the sequence is ap- of Brioverian sandstone and shale. This facies accounts
parently somewhat thinner (50 m) in Bréhec. The fact for c. 50 % of the Port Lazo lower member (Table 1).
that the member is not seen inland in the main outcrop
suggests that the member may thin and be overlapped 4.a.2.b. Mud-matrix conglomerate (PLL2)
or overstepped to the south by the Port Lazo Formation These are poorly organized, decimetre-scale beds of
upper member. pebble to cobble conglomerate, locally containing lar-
ger boulders, set in a red muddy matrix (Fig. 5b). The
larger clasts within this facies are largely in contact
4.a.2. Facies and therefore clast supported. Smaller particles, up to
The Port Lazo Formation lower member comprises small pebble grade, are commonly supported by the
five facies: planar stratified, sand-matrix conglomer- mud matrix, however. This facies is present at Bréhec
ate; mud-matrix conglomerate; trough cross-stratified and accounts for c. 5 % of the Port Lazo Formation
sandstone; laminated silty sandstone; and red mudstone lower member.
(Table 1, Figs 4–7).
4.a.2.c. Cross-stratified medium-grained sandstone (PLL3)
4.a.2.a. Planar-stratified sand-matrix conglomerate (PLL1) These are typically medium-grained, red sandstones
These are very poorly sorted, moderately to poorly or- showing decimetre-scale trough cross-stratification.
ganized, cobble to pebble grade, clast-supported con- This facies occurs overlying conglomerate at Port
glomerates. The conglomerates show a crude hori- Lazo and interbedded with red mudstone in Bréhec
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 5

Figure 4. Measured section through the Port Lazo Formation lower member at Port Lazo. The key to this figure also relates to Figures 6,
7, 9, 10 and 12.

(Fig. 5c). Palaeocurrents obtained from trough foresets 4.a.2.e. Red mudstone (PLL5)
display a fair spread of azimuths, but mostly indic- This facies is well exposed in strike section in low
ate flow to the south. However, one 2.5 m thick in- cliffs on the south side of the Anse de Bréhec. The
terval of yellowish-grey, trough cross-stratified sand- contact with the underlying conglomerates, which are
stone present towards the top of the sequence in Bréhec on the north side of the bay, is obscured by the beach
displays easterly palaeocurrents (Fig. 7, log D). Facies at Bréhec. These are red-coloured mudstones intercal-
PLL3 makes up c. 5 % of the Port Lazo Formation lower ated with buff-coloured, very fine sandstones (Fig. 5e).
member. The intercalated sandstones typically show abundant
current- and wave-formed ripple lamination. Palaeo-
currents obtained from ripple cross-lamination are dir-
4.a.2.d. Laminated silty sandstone (PLL4) ected to the south. Measurements of the strike of wave-
These are red-coloured, fine- to very-fine-grained, pre- formed ripple crests, exposed in plan view, are roughly
dominantly parallel-laminated, silty sandstones. Less E–W-trending (Fig. 8b). The mudstones display irreg-
commonly, this facies shows current ripple cross- ular, warty laminations, desiccation cracks and poly-
lamination, loading and water escape features (Fig. 5d). gons, sand dykes and cement nodules (Fig. 5f, g). Lam-
This facies occurs succeeding the trough cross- ination both runs through, and is deformed around, the
stratified sandstones in Port Lazo (Fig. 4) and is also cement nodules. Immediately beneath the contact with
present as an interval 1 m thick intercalated with con- the Port Lazo Formation upper member, an interval of
glomerate in Bréhec. Palaeocurrents obtained from silty, very fine sandstone shows bedding-discordant, in-
ripple cross-lamination in this facies in Port Lazo and clined stratification passing laterally to a steep erosion
Bréhec are typically directed southwards. surface with 0.8 m of relief (Fig. 6). Palaeocurrents
6 D. J. W E N T

Figure 5. (Colour online) Port Lazo Formation lower member. (a) Crudely bedded and imbricated pebble conglomerate, Port Lazo. (b)
Red, mud-matrix conglomerate, Bréhec. (c) Trough cross-stratified sandstone, Port Lazo. (d) Parallel and ripple-laminated very fine
sandstone and siltstone, Port Lazo. (e) Red mudstone with intercalated very-fine-grained, ripple cross-laminated sandstones, Bréhec.
(f) Irregular bumpy lamination interpreted as adhesion warts, Bréhec. (g) Large desiccation polygons in red mudstone, Brehec. (h)
Bedding plane of red mudstone displaying fine, sub-parallel ridges and grooves, and ovoid pits typical of Arumberia, Bréhec.
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 7

Table 1. Summary of facies, Port Lazo and Roche Jagu formations.

member Amount Environment/
and facies (%) Description Process interpretation sub-environment

Port Lazo Formation lower member: alluvial fan to tidally influenced coastal plain
PLL1 50 Stratified, poorly sorted pebble to cobble Gravelly stream-flood deposits Middle to distal
conglomerate in beds 0.15–0.5 m thick alluvial fan gravels
PLL2 5 Poorly sorted, mud-matrix rich, pebble to Debris-flow deposits Middle to distal
cobble conglomerate in bed alluvial fan gravels
0.25–0.5 m thick
PLL3 5 Trough cross-stratified medium to coarse Deposition from sinuous crested Distal alluvial fan,
sandstone in beds 0.2–0.5 m thick dunes/megaripples sand-bed channels
PLL4 20 Planar laminated silty sandstone with Bedload and suspension deposition Fan abandonment
rare current ripples and water escape from unconfined shallow flows facies/sand-flat–
features playa
PLL5 20 Red mudstone and intercalated thin beds Low-energy bedload, suspension Tidally influenced
of very fine sandstone showing and adhesion deposits alluvial plain
desiccation cracks, irregular mudstones
lamination, current- and wave-formed
ripples and locally Arumberia
Port Lazo Formation upper member: subtidal, river-fed turbidity currents
PLU1 63 Massive, erosively based, fine to medium Rapid deposition from sediment Proximal, river-flood-
grained sandstones, 0.3–4 m thick, concentrated, density generated, shallow
mostly structureless, locally displaying underflows/high-density water, high-density
loaded bases, sole marks, dish turbidity currents, locally turbidites
structures, cross-bedding and modified by wave action (hyperpycnites)
wave-ripple-modified tops.
PLU2 5 Clean, sharp-based, tabular beds of Upper flow regime turbidity Medial, river-flood
parallel laminated fine-grained current deposits generated, turbidity
sandstone, 0.2–1 m thick. current deposits
PLU3 15 Clean sharp to erosively based beds of Lower flow regime turbidity Distal, river-flood
current rippled fine-grained sandstone, current deposits generated, turbidity
0.1–1 m thick. current deposits
PLU4 15 Intercalated thin beds of current and/or Deposition from low-energy Background, shallow
wave-rippled sandstone and mudstone, turbidity currents, water, current-,
locally containing Arumberia; wave-generated currents and wave- and
heterolithic strata possible tidal mud drapes tide-influenced
PLU5 2 Silty laminated mudstone Hemi-pelagic deposits Background subtidal
Roche Jagu Formation: braided river
RJ1 50 Trough cross-stratified sandstone Deposition from sinuous crested Channel-bar deposits
RJ2 10 Large, laterally persistent, tabular Deposition on the slipface of Slipfaces of unit and
asymptotic cross-stratified sandstone transverse unit bars compound bars
RJ3 20 Flat to low-angle cross-stratified Deposition from fast, shallow flows Fluvial bar top flats
RJ4 5 Current-rippled sandstone Low-energy channel-fill deposits Waning flow and
abandonment facies
RJ5 15 Heterolithic: current- and wave-rippled Low-energy traction current and Bar top and possible
sandstone, red mudstone and suspension deposits subject to overbank sandstones
desiccation cracks ponded waters and desiccation and mudstones

obtained from this interval are directed to the south and southwards-building, alluvial fan to tidally influenced
east, normal to and up the dip of the inclined bedding- alluvial plain system. A continental environment of de-
discordant stratification. Locally, this facies contains position is generally supported by the red colouration
probable fossil remains. These are manifest on bedding and abundant evidence of subaerial exposure (e.g. de-
plane structures as millimetre-scale ridges and grooves siccation cracks). Petrographic data (clast composition
associated with millimetre-scale circular to ovoid pits observations plus data in Egal et al. 1995) indicate that
(Fig. 5h). These are identified as the enigmatic struc- the drainage basin was composed of Brioverian rocks.
ture Arumberia, an Ediacarian – lower Cambrian im- A depositional model for the Port Lazo lower mem-
pression fossil (Glaessner & Walter, 1975; Bland, 1984; ber is presented in Figure 9a. Facies and environmental
Davies et al. 2016). interpretation are further detailed in the following.
The sand-matrix conglomerates (PLL1) are inter-
preted as waterlain stream- and sheet-flood deposits
4.a.3. Interpretation
(Blair, 1987, 1999). The clast-supported texture and
The facies of the Port Lazo Formation lower mem- crude stratification and bedding attests to gradual ag-
ber are interpreted to represent the deposits of a gradation of clasts from water flows. However, the very
8 D. J. W E N T

Figure 6. (Colour online) Large-scale low-angle cross-bedding interpreted as lateral accretion associated with a tidally influenced
channel at the top of the Port Lazo Formation lower member. Mini logs depict sedimentary structure at three locations. Horizontal field
of view is c. 30 m. View is to the south and palaeoflow is into the page. An erosion surface interpreted as the cut bank is visible on the
right-hand side. Palaeocurrent orientations: north to top of page.

Figure 7. Measured sections through the upper parts of the Port Lazo Formation lower member, Anse de Bréhec.

poor sorting of the clasts and locally poorly organized The mud-matrix conglomerates (PLL2), which are
fabrics argues against prolonged stream flows and fa- also poorly sorted, are interpreted as muddy debris-flow
vours deposition from rapidly waning water floods that deposits (Sharp & Nobles, 1953; Blair & McPherson,
may, on occasion, have been hyperconcentrated to some 1998). They are characteristic of, and almost unique to,
degree (Costa, 1988). They are interpreted as distal al- alluvial fans. The mud matrix is inferred to have had
luvial fan deposits. relatively low cohesive strength, as suggested by the
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 9

Figure 8. (Colour online) Summary of main palaeoflow indicators from (a–d) Port Lazo Formation, lower member; (e–g) Port Lazo
Formation, upper member; and (h) Roche Jagu Formation.

matrix support of only the smaller particles, but was in both environments, the distinction being that sedi-
nonetheless probably of significance to flow mobility ment on the alluvial plain is largely supplied by a trunk
and in providing buoyant support to the larger clasts fluvial system. There is limited evidence for a trunk
(Nemec & Steel, 1984). river, although a possible exception is the yellowish-
The trough cross-stratified sandstones (PLL3) attest grey, trough cross-stratified sandstone seen near the
to deposition from the migration of sinuous crested top of the mudstone sequence (Figs 7, 9). Tidal influ-
dune bedforms in turbulent water flows 2–4 m deep ences are inferred from the presence of Arumberia and
(Guy, Simons & Richardson, 1966; Allen, 1984; Bridge the evidence of small migratory channels towards the
& Tye, 2000). These are generally interpreted as distal top of the sequence.
fan, stream channel deposits. However, the yellowish- The wave-formed ripples present in the fine and very
grey, trough cross-stratified sandstone intercalated with fine sandstones within the mudstones attest to winds
red mudstone towards the top of the sequence in Bréhec blowing over shallow water, possibly ephemeral lakes
shows strong easterly palaeocurrents, and may possibly formed through flooding or alternatively from tidal in-
represent the deposits of a modestly sized trunk river flux. On the other hand, the abundant intervals show-
(Figs 7, 9). ing desiccation cracks and sand dykes clearly point
The laminated silty sandstones (PLL4) are inter- to periods of subaerial exposure and confirm this is
preted as the deposits of practically unconfined sheet a continental environment of deposition (Oomkens,
flows. Water escape features attest to the periodically 1966; Tunbridge, 1984). The irregular warty lamina-
saturated nature of the substrate, suggesting a fluctuat- tions are interpreted as adhesion structures (Kocurek
ing, generally high-water table such as that encountered & Fielder, 1982). They may have been formed entirely
where alluvial fans transition to mud-dominated flats by physical processes of wetting and drying or, alternat-
or playas (Hardie, Smoot & Eugster, 1978; Hubert & ively, have involved the presence of algal films (Davies
Hyde, 1982; Tunbridge, 1984). This facies may repres- et al. 2016). The initial formation of the cement nodules
ent deposition marginal to an active retreating alluvial in the mudstones was relatively early, as indicated by
fan system or, alternatively, reflect the abandonment of some differential compaction that occurs around them,
the pre-existing fan system (Heward, 1978). and may have developed via early diagenesis associ-
The red mudstones (PLL5) are interpreted to repres- ated with the fluctuating water table levels. Arumberia
ent deposition on a playa to tidally influenced alluvial is believed to have been formed by a microbial organ-
plain. Playas (mudflats) are commonly observed mar- ism adapted to mixed salinity and periodically desic-
ginal to alluvial fan systems (Hardie, Smoot & Eugster, cated environments (Kumar & Pandey, 2009; Koles-
1978; Hubert & Hyde, 1982) where they may merge nikov, Grazhdankin & Maslov, 2012) and is therefore
into alluvial plains. Fine-grained sediment dominates consistent with a tidally influenced alluvial plain.
10 D. J. W E N T

lateral migration of the channel (Fig. 6). The channel

evidently lay dry for periods of time judging by the de-
siccation cracks formed throughout the sequence and,
when in flow, was of low energy with only ripple bed-
forms developed. Muddy point bars tend to be asso-
ciated with tidally influenced channels in coastal parts
of alluvial plains (Stewart, 1983; Thomas et al. 1987),
an observation consistent with the immediate change
upwards to grey sediment of the Port Lazo Formation
upper member, which is interpreted to be subtidal mar-
ine in origin. Nevertheless, fluvial or ebb flow discharge
was evidently dominant as only southwards flow is ob-
The coarse facies present in the Port Lazo Form-
ation lower member bear a striking resemblance to
the facies of the Rozel Conglomerate Formation
(Went, 2005). The latter likewise contains a repor-
ted occurrence of Arumberia (Bland, 1984). The
proportions of the different facies present in the
two formations highlights that the Port Lazo Form-
ation lower member was probably deposited in a
more distal fan setting than the Rozel Conglomerate

4.b. Port Lazo Formation upper member

4.b.1. Bounding surfaces and thickness

The contact between the Port Lazo Formation lower

and upper members is not exposed on the north coast
west of Port Lazo, where a 100 m section of beach
gravels separates the two nearest exposures. However,
it is exposed in the Anse de Bréhec where the two
members are in structural conformance. A measured
section through the contact is shown in Figure 10 (log
F). Red mudstone and very fine sandstone is succeeded
by current-rippled fine grey sandstone and mudstone.
The beds immediately above the contact contain ex-
amples of an impression fossil comparable to Arum-
beria (Fig. 11f). A fault and boulders from a rock fall
prevent the viewing of an uninterrupted section above
the contact. However, there is a rapid transition to thick
massive sandstones and intercalated, thin mudstones.
The top of the formation in Bréhec is a faulted contact
with an andesite intrusion (Fig. 3). The total thickness
Figure 9. Environment of deposition. (a) Port Lazo Formation, of the upper member to the fault contact is on the order
lower member; (b) Port Lazo Formation, upper member; and (c) of 100 m.
Roche Jagu Formation. Numbers relate to facies codes defined On the north coast west of Port Lazo to Pointe Ker-
in the text.
mor the member crops out in strike section. The top and
base are not exposed. The base may well be conform-
able; however, the top is undoubtedly faulted. The fault
contact with the Roche Jagu Formation runs through
The inclined stratification at the very top of the se- the west of the bay at Boulgeff. A number of faults
quence is interpreted to reflect lateral accretion on a cut the section from Port Lazo to Boulgeff, making
very-fine-grained bank-attached bar and the associated thickness estimates problematic. However, c. 60 m of
erosion surface, the cut bank. The inclined surfaces dip section is estimated to be present. The mapping of
towards the cut bank and contain current ripples which Auvray et al. (1980) and Egal et al. (1995) suggests
indicate flow to the south, orthogonal to and, in places, the formation thins to the south in the main outcrop,
up the depositional dip of the accretionary surface, sug- where it is overlapped or overstepped by andesites
gestive of a component of helical flow accompanying (Fig. 1).
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 11

Figure 10. Measured sections through the Port Lazo Formation upper member, Anse de Bréhec (logs F, G, H) and Boulgeff (log B)

4.b.2. Facies to form bed sets 1–2 m thick (Fig. 11b). This facies
accounts for 5 % of the Port Lazo Formation upper
Five depositional facies are identified in the Port Lazo
Formation upper member. A summary of the depos-
itional characteristics of the facies, their relative abund- 4.b.2.c. Current-ripple-laminated sandstone (PLU3)
ance and interpretation are presented in Table 1. They These are sharp-based, tabular units of clean current-
are further described in the following sections and il- ripple-laminated sandstone organized in beds and bed
lustrated in Figure 11. sets 0.1–2 m thick (Figs 10 (logs B, H), 11c). The
4.b.2.a. Thick bedded, massive sandstones (PLU1) beds typically show negligible grading and the cur-
These are thick beds (0.4–5 m) of grey-coloured, fine- rent ripple lamination displays low angles of climb. Pa-
to medium-grained, largely structureless sandstone. laeocurrents obtained from current-ripple lamination
Locally the sandstones display dish and pillar struc- are unambiguously directed to the south. This facies
tures, faint parallel lamination or minor decimetre- accounts for c. 15 % of the Port Lazo Formation up-
scale cross-bedding. Beds show sharp, planar to chan- per member and is commonly intercalated with facies
nelized erosive bases, locally with sole marks or ball PLU2.
and flame load structures (Table 1; Fig. 10a). Bed tops
4.b.2.d. Heterolithic strata (thin interbeds of sandstone and
locally display wave ripple forms, or may be incised
mudstone) (PLU4)
by deep channels (Fig. 9, logs F and B). This facies
contains common nodular concretions. Palaeocurrents These are thin tabular beds (2–20 cm thick) of in-
obtained from channel margins are oriented NNW– tercalated fine-grained sandstone and parallel lam-
SSE and wave ripple crests strike approximately E–W inated grey to purple mudstone (Figs 10 (log G),
(Fig. 8f, g). This facies accounts for c. 60 % of the Port 11d). The thin sandstone beds are typically sharp or
Lazo Formation upper member. erosively based, locally graded and commonly display
current and wave ripple forms and cross-lamination.
4.b.2.b. Parallel laminated sandstone (PLU2) Locally thin, millimetre-scale couplets of mudstone
These are sharp-based, tabular beds 30–50 cm thick of and very fine sandstone drape the sandstones beds.
clean, grey-coloured fine to medium sandstone show- The intervals of heterolithic strata which are 0.5–5 m
ing parallel lamination. They locally stack vertically thick locally display examples of Arumberia, but are
12 D. J. W E N T

Figure 11. (Colour online) Port Lazo Formation Upper Member. (a) Thick bedded, erosively based sandstones showing prominent
load structures at contact with inclined heterolithic strata (left arrow), channel margin (middle arrow) and steep-sided mud- and
sand-filled channel above surface marked with right arrow. (b) Flat laminated clean sandstone (board for scale is 30 cm high). (c)
Current ripple-laminated fine sandstone. (d) Heterolithic strata with beds of sandstone comprising symmetrical wave-formed ripples
draped with alternating thin layers of mudstone and sandstone (arrowed). (e) Parallel laminated silty mudstone. (f) Bedding plane view
of large Arumberia at the base of the upper member in Bréhec. (g) Stepped erosional contact (at hammer head, arrowed) between thick
massive sandstone and unit of inclined heterolithic strata.
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 13

otherwise devoid of trace or body fossils. Heterolithic flows, specifically high-density turbidity currents
strata locally show evidence of gravity-induced de- (Lowe, 1979, 1982; Kneller & Branney, 1995). The
formation and convolution. sharp to erosively channelized bases and localized as-
sociation with channel cuts suggest a largely chan-
4.b.2.e. Parallel laminated mudstone (PLU5) nelized origin. They are interpreted as the product
These are intervals 0.25–2 m thick of parallel lam- of density underflows (hyperpycnal flows) formed at
inated grey to purple mudstone (Figs 10 (log G), the mouths of major river channels in times of flood
11e). They comprise centimetre-scale beds of nor- (Plink-Björklund & Steel, 2004). The underflows are
mally graded siltstone and claystone and constitute believed to have resulted from high river discharges
c. 5 % of the total interval. The parallel lamin- and sediment loads (Burgess & Hovius, 1998; Mulder
ated mudstones commonly show evidence of gravity- et al. 2003). Turbid sediment-rich waters entered the
induced, post-depositional modification including re- sea and transitioned to density flows at a plunging
cumbent folded intervals, slumped bedding and zone, in this case probably the top of the delta front
convolution. (Mulder et al. 2003). High-density turbidity currents
resulted in much rapid deposition on the delta front
4.b.3. Stratal architecture as flow competence was lost offshore (Nelson, 1982).
The ball and flame structures which are locally present
The sedimentary facies described are associated with in this facies attests to the weight of sediment in-
some distinctive architectural elements. Although ver- troduced on deposition (Mutti et al. 2007). Period-
tical stacking of tabular bedded sandstone and shale is ically during flows, the rate of sediment deposition
commonly observed, evidence of channelling is also was reduced allowing localized planar lamination and
widespread. Many of the massive sandstone (facies traction bedforms to develop. This is consistent with
PLU1) show channelized bases with relief of 1–2 m as modern river-fed hyperpycnal flows which, although
described in the sedimentary logs and photos (Figs 10, they tend to last for several days or weeks, may ebb
11). Also common are deep channel scours 1–3 m deep, temporarily (Mulder et al. 2003). The interpretation
with heterolithic fills. The heterolithic fills variously places sediment deposition in subtidal channels im-
show sandstone pillows loaded into convoluted mud- mediately offshore of the fluvial/tidal mouth bar. The
stone, thin beds of alternating rippled sandstone and localized moulding of the tops of massive sandstones
mudstone, and locally thicker channelized sand bodies into wave-formed ripples attests to the action of waves
forming a composite fill to a larger channel. Smaller- touching the water bottom, confirming that the massive
scale (centimetre–decimetre-deep) channel bodies are sandstones were deposited in relatively shallow water,
less conspicuous, but also locally present. Lenticular certainly above wave base (Raaf, Boersma & Gelder,
sandstone bodies several metres to tens of metres 1977). Locally, where the sandstones and wave ripple
wide are locally arranged as shingled stacks with the forms occur associated with thin couplets of sand-
shingling occurring approximately perpendicular to pa- stone and mudstone (Fig. 11d) they resemble tidal
laeoflow. Partings of mudstone commonly separate the rhythmites (Rahmani, 1988). This suggests the sedi-
sandstone bodies in these cases. Also common are in- ments may have been modified by both waves and tides,
tervals of more mudstone-dominated heterolithic ma- the mud deposition occurring via particle floccula-
terial which shows inclined bedding relative to regional tion during slack water periods (Reading & Collinson,
dip. The inclination of the strata in these intervals also 1996).
tends to be perpendicular to the prevailing palaeocur- The tabular bedded intervals of parallel laminated
rent (Fig. 11g). sandstone (PLU2) are interpreted to reflect upper flow
regime, plane bed deposition from turbidity currents
(Bouma, 1962; Lowe, 1982). This facies is locally
4.b.4. Interpretation
transitional to facies PLU1 and is interpreted to reflect
The grey colouration and lack of any indicators of slower rates of bed aggradation than for the massive
subaerial exposure suggests deposition took place in sandstone deposition. This facies is not generally as-
a subtidal environment. Deposition is interpreted to sociated with conspicuous channelling and, as such,
have occurred in the subtidal parts of a southwards it is interpreted to reflect deposition from less con-
building delta or estuary, as depicted in Figure 8b. The centrated, unconfined flows in a slightly more distal
bulk of sedimentation is interpreted to have occurred environmental setting.
during river flood in the form of hyperpycnal turbidity The beds of current-ripple-laminated sandstone
current flows. Subordinate deposition is interpreted to (PLU3) are also interpreted as turbidity current de-
have occurred as background sedimentation in a low- posits, reflecting aggradation under lower-flow-regime
energy wave and tide-influenced environment. Facies conditions (Bouma, 1962; Lowe, 1979, 1982). The
interpretations and environmental analysis are detailed fairly thick tabular beds of ripple cross-lamination
in the following. are interpreted to reflect deposition from fairly sus-
The prominent thick beds of structureless or tained, unconfined flows in a medial to distal environ-
dewatered sandstone (PLU1) with erosive and com- mental setting. Deposition from fairly long-duration
monly loaded bases point to deposition from mass sustained flows is deduced from the fairly thick
14 D. J. W E N T

beds, lack of conspicuous grading and low angle 5. Roche Jagu Formation
of climb associated with the ripple cross-lamination.
The Roche Jagu Formation takes its name from the
The general lack of wave-formed structures suggests
château which lies above the River Trieux, where sand-
this facies was deposited below fair-weather wave
stones are exposed on the banks of the river and in rail-
way cuttings on the east (right) bank (Fig. 1). The best
The intervals of heterolithic strata, comprising thin
exposures of this formation, however, are on the north
beds of current and wave-ripple-laminated sandstone
coast between the small port of Kerarzic and the beach
and silty mudstone are interpreted to reflect low-energy
at Boulgeff, where andesite is also present (Fig. 2).
sedimentation either in areas marginal to the main locus
of hyperpycnal turbidity current deposition or outside
times of major flood activity. The thin, graded beds of 5.a. Bounding surfaces and thickness
current-ripple-laminated sandstone are interpreted to
reflect deposition from dilute turbidity current flows of The contact between the Port Lazo Formation upper
short duration. The occurrence of wave-formed ripples member and the Roche Jagu Formation is not exposed
indicates deposition took place in relatively shallow in the bay at Boulgeff, but lies under the western part of
waters, an observation consistent with the occurrence the beach. Structural-stratigraphic considerations de-
of Arumberia in this facies. The mud–sand couplets termine that the contact must be faulted (Fig. 2).
locally present in this facies may furthermore reflect The contact between the Port Lazo Formation upper
shallow-water deposition through the action of tides member and the Roche Jagu Formation elsewhere in the
(Rahmani, 1988; Visser, 1980; Dalrymple, Zaitlin & Plourivo-Plouézec outcrop is typically obscured from
Boyd, 1992). view and assumed to be faulted (Egal et al. 1995).
Intervals of laminated mudstone, comprising nor- However, a structurally conformable superposition on
mally graded centimetre-scale beds of siltstone and the River Trieux is reported by Egal et al. (1995) who
claystone, are interpreted to reflect deposition from note red sandstones replacing grey beds of alternating
very-low-energy turbidity currents. They are inter- sandstone and mudstone. The thickness of the Roche
preted to have been deposited in an environment mar- Jagu Formation is estimated by Egal et al. (1995) to be
ginal to and/or distal from that of PLU4. up to 80 m.
Palaeocurrents, obtained mostly from current ripple
lamination, are strongly unidirectional and indicate
that the observed turbidity-current-dominated wedge of 5.b. Facies
delta sediments built southwards through time. Most of The Roche Jagu Formation is subdivided into five fa-
the sediment is interpreted to have come from fluvially cies. These are trough cross-stratified sandstone, tab-
generated underflows. Loading from these dense flows ular asymptotic cross-stratified sandstone, flat to low-
or seismic events in the basin may have triggered slides angle cross-stratified sandstone, ripple cross-laminated
and dewatering on the delta front, resulting in the oc- sandstone and heterolithic intervals of sandstone and
currences of chaotic beds and recumbent folded strata red mudstone. The facies are summarized in Table 1
(Damuth, 1994; Mulder & Cochonat, 1996; Morgan, and illustrated in Figures 12 and 13.
2003, Briggs et al. 2006).
The evidence for large-scale, deeply incised chan-
nels in the Port Lazo Formation upper member is in- 5.b.1. Trough cross-stratified sandstone (RJ1)
terpreted to reflect deposition in a setting close to the
river mouth. The cuts are tentatively ascribed to the These are beds, 20 cm to 3.5 m thick, of fine-
turbidity current delivery process, and were in many to medium-grained sandstone showing trough cross-
cases filled by the same event. In some cases, how- stratification (Fig. 13a). Beds are erosively based and
ever, the deep channel cut was evidently filled in mul- typically stacked to form intervals several metres thick
tiple stages and partly by later events. The channel (Fig. 12). Sets of trough cross-stratification of thickness
fills that comprise both sandstone and mudstone were 15–50 cm predominate. Average set height is 30 cm
clearly filled by a mixture of events of low and high and maximum set height is 1 m. Palaeocurrents ob-
energy. tained from trough foresets and trough axes indicate a
The shingled sandstone bodies and inclined het- current flow to the east (Fig. 8).
erolithic strata occur in intervals showing evidence
for channelling. These strata are inclined in a direc-
5.b.2. Tabular asymptotic cross-stratified sandstone (RJ2)
tion perpendicular to palaeoflow and are interpreted
as lateral accretion surfaces formed on bank-attached These are beds c. 1–1.5 m thick of fine-grained sand-
bars associated with the subtidal channels. Such chan- stone showing tabular asymptotic cross-stratification.
nels and facies are present in the subtidal parts The beds are laterally persistent for over 150 m where
of deltas, and are common on submarine slopes in seen in strike section east of Kerarzic. They show a
both the Niger and Nile deltas (Peakall, McCaffrey number of reactivation surfaces. Maximum dips are
& Kneller, 2000; Posamentier & Kolla, 2003; Samuel c. 30°, approximately at the angle of repose. The fore-
et al. 2003; Peakall et al. 2007). sets become asymptotic at the base. Palaeocurrents
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 15

capping bed sets of trough cross-stratification

(Fig. 12).

5.b.5. Heterolithic fine sandstone and red mudstone (RJ5)

These are intervals typically 1–2 m thick which

show intercalated tabular beds of fine current-ripple-
laminated sandstone and red mudstone. The mudstones
locally show desiccation cracks and sand dykes up to
1 cm wide. These are particularly conspicuous in bed-
ding plane exposures where they display polygonal geo-
metries (Fig. 13c, d). Palaeocurrents from ripple cross-
lamination are limited in number (n = 16) and show
modes to the south and north.

5.c. Interpretation

The facies, palaeocurrents and red colouration of the

Roche Jagu Sandstones is interpreted to reflect depos-
ition in an easterly flowing, braided river depositional
environment, as depicted in Figure 9c.
The trough cross-stratified sandstones (RJ1) are in-
terpreted as fluvial channel sandstones. The sets of
trough cross-strata attest to deposition from sinu-
ous crested dune bedforms in unidirectional water
flows of the order 5–7 m deep (Yalin, 1964; Guy, Si-
mons & Richardson, 1966; Allen, 1968; Bridge &
Tye, 2000). The erosive bed bases and inferred wa-
ter depths suggest the flows were confined in chan-
nels. The repeated stacking of erosively based beds of
trough cross-stratification attests to frequent avulsion of
the channels, suggesting the river course was braided in
character. The palaeocurrents are unidirectional and in-
dicate flow to the east. The red colouration and intercal-
ation with other facies, showing evidence for subaerial
exposure, confirms the environment was continental
and the sediments periodically exposed to desiccation
(Cotter, 1978; Todd & Went, 1991; Collinson, 1996).
The tabular asymptotic cross-stratified sandstones
(RJ2) are interpreted as the slipfaces to transverse unit
Figure 12. Measured section through the Roche Jagu Formation,
west of Boulgeff. bars (Smith, 1972; Cant & Walker, 1978; Bridge &
Lunt, 2006). The palaeocurrents obtained from this fa-
show flow to the SE broadly similar to the results ob- cies are to the SE, suggesting flow either parallel to that
tained from trough cross-stratification (Fig. 12). in the main channels or at a low angle to it. The lateral
extent of these foresets and the presence of reactivation
surfaces suggest these were semi-permanent features
5.b.3. Flat to low-angle cross-stratified fine sandstone (RJ3) probably established on larger compound bars within
These are beds c. 0.5–1 m thick of fine sandstone the river course. These are therefore interpreted as the
showing flat stratification or very-low-angle cross- slipfaces to unit bars dipping broadly parallel with the
stratification. Beds are commonly stacked into intervals main channel axes. The scale of the slipfaces is also
up to 3 m thick with thin laterally discontinuous beds consistent with flows of several metres depth.
of trough cross-stratification locally interleaved. The The flat to low-angle cross-stratified sandstones
few palaeocurrents obtained from the low-angle cross- (RJ3) are interpreted as sandy, inter-channel bar flats.
strata are oriented NE, broadly similar to the results The flat stratification is interpreted to have formed
obtained from trough cross-strata. as upper flow regime planar lamination or locally,
from the migration of very-low-amplitude sandwaves
formed in the fast, very shallow waters flowing over
5.b.4. Ripple cross-laminated fine sandstone (RJ4)
the bar flats (Smith, 1971; Harms et al. 1975; Cant &
These are beds 50 cm thick of current-ripple cross- Walker, 1978). The laterally impersistent beds of small-
laminated sandstone. They are typically found scale trough cross-stratification are interpreted as the
16 D. J. W E N T

Figure 13. (Colour online) Roche Jagu Formation. (a) Trough cross-stratified sandstone; (b) large-scale tabular asymptotic sandstone;
base of foreset at level of hammer head; (c) heterolithic strata comprising interbedded fine sandstone and red mudstone; and (d) bedding
plane view of red mudstone showing sand-filled desiccation cracks. All photos Boulgeff to Pointe de Kerarzic.

dune-covered floors of small channels crossing the bar (Collinson, 1996). There is insufficient exposure to be
top flats and draining flood waters back into the main able to discriminate between the two possibilities (cf.
channels (Bridge & Lunt, 2006). Ielpi & Ghinassi, 2015).
The relatively thin beds of ripple cross-laminated
sandstone (RJ4) capping bed sets of trough cross-
stratification are interpreted as channel abandonment 6. Andesite and Toul Lan Formation
deposits. The low-energy bedforms are observed cap- Andesite is found predominantly in the east and south of
ping fining-upwards and thinning-upwards bed sets of the main outcrop (Fig. 1) where it reaches a maximum
trough cross-strata which themselves show decreasing of 80 m thick (Egal et al. 1995). Exposures of andesite
set size. These are therefore interpreted as the final occur in quarries and on the coast. The best expos-
low-energy flows filling aggrading channel courses. ures are found on the north coast between Boulgeff and
The heterolithic strata (RJ5), comprising tabular Pointe Kerarzic, where andesite occurs at six localities
beds of fine ripple cross-laminated sandstone and red in contact with sandstones of the Roche Jagu Form-
mudstone, are interpreted as the deposits of weakly con- ation (Fig. 14). The characteristics and field relation-
fined to unconfined flows. The palaeocurrents obtained ships have been studied at each of these six localities.
from the ripple cross-laminated sandstones that show Amydaloidal andesite, greyish purple in colour, occurs
north and south modes might be interpreted to reflect overlying the top of the Roche Jagu Formation at three
flows dispersing at a high angle to the main channel localities which are correlated as shown in Figure 14.
direction. The intercalated mudstones suggest suspen- The evidence of a vesicular texture (now amydaloidal)
sion deposition from temporarily ponded waters. The attests to the free escape of gas from the magma and
sand-filled mudcracks attest to the subaerial exposure suggests these andesites are best interpreted as extrus-
of these red mudstones. Deposition may have occurred ive lava flow deposits (Fig. 15a). The contact between
on the low-energy (bar tail) parts of large compound the lavas and the underlying sandstones is erosional,
bars (Bridge & Lunt, 2006) or on levees/flood basins with relief of up to 4 m (Fig. 12). The nature of the
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 17

Figure 14. (Colour online) Map summarizing field relationships on the north coast from Baie de Boulgeff to Pointe de Kerarzic (see
inset in Fig. 2).

surface suggests an unconformity, albeit one with no the Toul Lan Formation, which are interpreted to be
major angular discordance. The remaining andesite Early Ordovician (Arenig) in age. This interpretation
bodies are all non-amydaloidal. The boundaries of is summarized in the Wheeler diagram in Figure 16.
some of these andesite bodies are approximately paral- The reasoning behind this interpretation is discussed
lel to bedding. However, detailed examination reveals further below.
areas of bedding-discordant contact with the sand- The angular unconformity between the Port Lazo
stones in all of the bodies (Fig. 15b). Sandstone strati- Formation and the underlying Brioverian metasedi-
fication is either destroyed through baking or runs right ments is readily observable and indisputable. The de-
up to the andesite body; there is no change of facies formation of the late Precambrian metasediments is
or weathering products associated with the irregular attributed to the end Precambrian, Cadomian Oro-
boundaries of the andesites. No clasts of andesite are geny which climaxed at c. 540 Ma (Peucat, 1986).
found in the sandstones. These properties all confirm This places a maximum age limit on the Port Lazo
that the non-amydaloidal andesites are intrusions. Both Formation.
the lavas and the intrusions therefore post-date the The Port Lazo Formation lower member is up to
Roche Jagu Sandstones. This has major implications 130 m thick and records deposition in an alluvial fan
for the interpretation of radiometric data obtained from to alluvial plain environment of deposition. Depos-
the andesites by Auvray et al. (1980). Far from being ition within an intermontane, early post-orogenic, ex-
indicative of an Ordovician (Arenig) age for the Port tensional basin is consistent with this alluvial fan de-
Lazo and Roche Jagu formations, it suggests they are positional setting. The succeeding sediments of the Port
actually pre-Arenig in age. Lazo Formation upper member are unambiguously sub-
The Toul Lan Formation overlies either the andesite aqueous in origin and point to a rise in base level,
or the Roche Jagu Formation but is exposed only in consistent with deposition following a marine trans-
inland locations where it is up to 150 m thick. The gression. The sand-dominated nature of the Port Lazo
best exposures occur in large disused quarries where Formation upper member furthermore emphasizes the
decimetre-scale beds of white to pink, pebbly sandstone abundant supply of arenaceous sediment from nearby
are characteristic (Fig. 15c, d). The granular and pebbly upland drainage basins.
components include jasper and vein quartz and are sub- The restriction of faunal evidence to localized oc-
rounded in form. Towards the top of the formation currences of the enigmatic Ediacaran – early Cam-
marine trace fossils have been observed (Egal et al. brian impression fossil Arumberia, found in the Port
1995). Lazo Formation lower and upper members, might be
used to suggest the sediments pre-date the radiation
of Cambrian life and are therefore either very latest
7. Discussion
Precambrian or earliest Cambrian in age (c. 540 Ma).
On the basis of the sedimentology and field obser- Arumberia is recognized as a fossil organism adapted
vations, the lower Palaeozoic basin fill of Plourivo- to mixed salinity and periodically desiccated environ-
Plouézec is interpreted to comprise strata of both early ments (Kumar & Pandey, 2009; Kolesnikov, Grazh-
Cambrian and Early Ordovician age. The Port Lazo dankin & Maslov, 2012). It was initially believed to
and Roche Jagu formations are interpreted to be Lower be restricted to the late Precambrian, Vendian period
Cambrian in age. An unconformity is believed to sep- (Glaessner & Walter, 1975) but more recent discov-
arate these older formations from the andesites and eries indicate its range extends into early Cambrian
18 D. J. W E N T

Figure 15. (Colour online) (a) Amydaloidal andesite lava erosive on red mudstone of the Roche Jagu Formation. (b) Andesite intrusion
(grey) into red sandstone of the Roche Jagu Formation. (c) Pale whitish pebbly sandstone of the Toul Lan Formation, bedding arrowed.
(d) Close-up view of the granular sandstone showing rounded larger grains, Toul Lan Formation.

time (Bland, 1984). It is a somewhat controversial of the andesites that occur associated with the Plourivo-
fossil, with a non-biogenic origin even being proposed Plouézec Group sedimentary strata. The detailed eval-
by McIlroy & Walter (1997). However, despite much uation of field relationships observed around the coast
searching, Arumberia is not known to exist after early indicates that the andesites are a mixture of extrus-
Cambrian time. Despite its uncertain biological affin- ive lavas and commonly substantial, intrusive bodies.
ity it is still believed to have value as an age indicator The lavas exclusively overly the Roche Jagu Forma-
and, in this case, is consistent with the suggested early tion with several metres of relief present on what looks
Cambrian age. like an unconformity, albeit one with no great angular
Discounting the presence of Arumberia, a somewhat discordance. Other andesite bodies are intrusive into
younger age could be considered if the environment and post-date the Port Lazo and Roche Jagu form-
was non-marine or severely stressed, thereby inhibit- ations. The lavas and intrusions are petrographically
ing colonization (cf. Suire, Dabard & Chauvel, 1991; and chemically comparable and therefore believed to
Egal et al. 1995). A non-marine environment is not be related. A mixture of the lavas and the intrusions
excluded, since basinal processes appear to have been has been used as samples in the dating of the andesites
of low energy. However, if the evidence for tides is (Auvray et al. 1980). They have been dated using the
accepted, then the basinal waters must have been open Rb/Sr method, yielding a good isochron and date of
marine since tides are not known to be effective in lakes. 472±5 Ma (Arenig). This was interpreted by Auvray
It is considered plausible that common outpourings of et al. (1980) as reflecting an age of eruption. Despite
fresh water and sediment from river floods entering a a number of reservations, the interpretation of this age
restricted marine environment (Fig. 17) made it suffi- date seems reasonable and places an upper limit on the
ciently stressed to inhibit habitation (cf. Jackson et al. age of the Port Lazo and Roche Jagu formations. It also
2011). places a lower limit on the age of the Toul Lan Forma-
An upper age for the Port Lazo and Roche Jagu tion which succeeds the andesite and is not intruded by
formations is provided by the relationship and dating it (Egal et al. 1995).
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 19

Figure 16. Interpretation of the chronostratigraphy of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group and relationship to other regionally significant
events and formations.

Palaeogeographic reconstructions also need to be mandy (Fig. 17). In central and northern Normandy the
considered in support of an age proposal (Fig. 17). The lower Cambrian sequence is transgressive. This cannot
fossiliferous lower Cambrian strata in Normandy led be demonstrated categorically in Plouézec, Erquy or
Doré (1972, 1994) and Doré et al. (1977) to propose Alderney since continental sediments dominate. Mar-
a sinuous early Cambrian shoreline separating mar- ine intervals are however present in each of the above
ine Cambrian in the east from an exposed area over sequences, suggesting a connection to the sea (Went,
northern Brittany in the west. Went & Andrews (1990) 2013). The marine Erquy Quartzite and the Bluestone
proposed that the fluvially dominated Alderney Sand- Bay Sandstone sequence in Alderney may actually cor-
stone Formation and Erquy-Fréhel Group sediments relate with the Port Lazo Formation upper member.
were also probably Cambrian in age, and that the mar- This cannot be asserted with confidence since there is a
ine Cambrian basins of Normandy extended westwards difference in facies, but it is a possibility. On the other
into northern Brittany but with fills largely of contin- hand, local tectonic controls on basin subsidence may
ental strata. This western area was generally an inter- have determined that multiple, non-synchronous mar-
montane basin region but was still connected to the ine incursions affected these basins. While the large
marine environment, albeit through relatively narrow trunk rivers drained east parallel to the structural grain,
seaways. The Port Lazo and Roche Jagu formations lateral systems, typically either alluvial fans or coastal
of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group share some similarit- facies, fed the basin from the north or south. In Er-
ies with the strata exposed in Erquy. This is perhaps quy the alluvial fan systems drained north, whereas in
not so surprising since they are relatively close geo- Plouézec they evidently drained south. It is proposed
graphically. One feature of the Alderney Sandstone and that this is because they were on opposite sides of the
Fréhel Formation sandstones is that they were clearly depositional basin. Likewise, the nearshore sandstones
deposited by moderately large rivers that drained east in Erquy show N-oriented (ebb-dominated) palaeocur-
to the early Cambrian shoreline (Fig. 17). The facies, rents interpreted to reflect an E–W-oriented strandline,
palaeocurrents and palaeohydraulic characteristics of whereas in Plouézec the river-flood-dominated delta
the Roche Jagu Formation sandstones are closely com- shed hyperpycnal flows southwards. This palaeogeo-
parable to those seen in Alderney and at Erquy (Went & graphic interpretation is captured in Figure 17.
Andrews, 1990, 1991 ; Todd & Went, 1991). It is pro- The Cambrian sequences in northern Normandy are
posed that each records a moderately large river, drain- exclusively of early Cambrian age. The Cambrian strata
ing east to an early Cambrian shoreline that oscillated in central and southern Normandy may extend into
somewhat around a N–S-aligned line in western Nor- the middle Cambrian period. A period of regional
20 D. J. W E N T

Figure 17. Proposed early Cambrian palaeogeography: PP – Plourivo-Plouézec; EF – Erquy Fréhel; RC – Rozel Conglomerate; AS –
Alderney Sandstone; SJ – St Jean de la Riviere.

upwarping (epeirogenesis) during middle and late of the Rozel Conglomerate, Alderney Sandstone and
Cambrian time, extending through to the earliest Erquy-Fréhel formations, there are also some differ-
Arenig, affected Normandy and Brittany. During the ences. The Port Lazo Formation lower member contains
Arenig, subsidence was renewed and shallow-water a significant volume of red mudstone, unlike the other
sandstones (Grès Armoricain) and shales were depos- localities. Pre-vegetation rivers tended to be braided
ited across all Normandy and Brittany. In Brittany, a in character (Davies & Gibling, 2010; Davies, Gib-
phase of Arenig-aged red-bed deposition locally pre- ling & Rygel, 2011). However, in the lower coastal
ceded deposition of the Grès Armoricain (Bonjour et al. reaches of the mud-prone alluvial plain in Plourivo-
1988). The andesites in Plouézec are dated as Arenig in Plouézec, there is evidence for laterally migrating,
age. They are believed to have formed during broadly single-thread, sinuous channels. These channels carried
the same phase of crustal extension that was respons- a very fine bedload and may have been tidally influ-
ible for the volcanic rocks interbedded with the Grès enced. Nevertheless, they confirm that not all channels
Armoricain in Crozon (Bonjour et al. 1988). The Toul on pre-vegetation alluvial plains were braided (Santos
Lan Formation shares some similarities with the Grès & Owen, 2016).
Armoricain and is interpreted to have been deposited The facies of the subtidal Port Lazo Formation up-
very soon after eruption of the andesitic lavas, also in per member also contrast with the nearshore marine
the Arenig. This renewed phase of crustal extension facies observed at Erquy and in Alderney which are
during Early Ordovician time is related to the opening quartzites (Went, 2013). Perhaps the main reason for
of the Rheic Ocean (Robardet, Paris & Racheboeuf, the marked contrast in coastal processes operating in
1990). Plourivo-Plouézec compared with Erquy and Alder-
Although the facies of Port Lazo Formation lower ney was the difference in the grade of the sediment
member and the Roche Jagu Formation share fea- supplied to the shoreline. During deposition of the
tures in common with the continental clastic deposits Port Lazo Formation upper member, rivers delivered
Sedimentology and age of the Plourivo-Plouézec Group 21

fine-grained muddy sand to the shoreline, whereas in the final script. Thanks also to Neil Davies and Will McMa-
Erquy and Alderney the rivers supplied very-coarse- hon for discussions on the enigmatic Arumberia. This re-
grained sand. The fine grade of the material allowed search received no specific grant from any funding agency,
turbulent suspensions to develop at river mouths in commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
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