Soil Properties School Project

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Research Project Report







A Research Project Report Submitted to the Department of chemistry

Faculty of Science of the University of Buea in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Award of a Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) in chemistry



JUNE 2023


I would like to dedicate this work to my lecturer Dr Toh Boyo




This is to certify that the work entitled: “Soil analysis in the university of Buea around dumped

areas and five hundred meters away around non-dumped areas to determine phisico-

chemical parameters of the soil” By TUM ELLIOT WANYI (SC20A819) submitted to the

department of chemistry in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a bachelor of

science (B.Sc.) Degree in chemistry under our supervisor:






I would like to express my special thanks to my supervisor Dr Toh Boyo for his guardians and

support in completing my project. A special thanks and gratitude my family and friends for their



Soil is the most diverse rich nutrient rich loose surface material which covers most of our land.

Soil contains both the inorganic and organic matter. The presence of soil is necessary to prevent

direct leaching of the inorganic(mineral) particles in the ground water. Color texture structure

porosity density consistency temperature air are the physical properties of soil. Suitability of soil

for agriculture is determined by the physical properties. There are different properties for different

soils. Soil is the source of water and provide mechanical stability to the plants. There are various

types of soil in the environment for example loam soil, sandy soil, chalk, peat, silt, clay soil. Soil

analysis refers to a set of various chemical processes which help us determine the available plant

nutrient which are either in micronutrients of macronutrients form. I this study various

physicochemical parameters (PH, electrical conductivity, soil moisture, soil organic matter) were

monitored, after carrying out this analysis, we understood that the properties of soil keep changing

depending on various anthropological activities carried out nearby. The range in which values

keeps fluctuating, sometimes under range, sometimes totally beyond it. Through such studies we

endeavor to highlight the potential for hazardous impact that nature might face due to excessive

anthropological activity.

Key words: soil parameters, anthropological activity, physiochemical parameters


DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................................. i

CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................ iv

TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................................................................. v

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................................................................. 2

1.2 RATIONAL ........................................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................ 3

1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................... 3

CHATER 2: LITERARATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS ...................................................................................... 8

3.1 SOIL SAMPLING ................................................................................................................................ 8


MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINATION AND CLEANED .......................................................... 8

3.3 DETERMINATION OF PH ................................................................................................................ 9

3.4 DETERMINATION OF SOIL CONDUCTIVITY ............................................................................ 9

3.5 DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT ........................................................... 9

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 PHYSIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOIL....................................................... 10

4.2 PH STATISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 10

4.3 CONDUCTIVITY STATISTICS ...................................................................................................... 11

4.4 MOISTURE STATISTICS ................................................................................................................ 11

4.5 ORGANIC MATTER STATISTICS ................................................................................................ 11

CHAPTER 5: DISSCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................. 13

5.1 DISCUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 13

5.2 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 14

5.3 RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................................... 14

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 16


Soil is an important system of terrestrial ecosystem. There’s a direct impact of pollutants on

mineral organic matter and microbial community of soil (Lawry et al, 1951) the discharge of

industrial effluents especially without treatment may have profound influence on physio-chemical

and biological properties of the soil (David shyam babu, 2010). A major industry that produces

huge volume of waste water contains several toxic and non-degradable organic materials, may

affect soil enzyme activity, which in turn affect soil fertility. In reality the soil enzymes play a vital

role in catalyzing reactions associated with organic matter decomposition and nutrient recycling

(oonkothai and parvatham, 2005). Also organic matter equally plays an important role in

improving physico-chemical properties of soil by stimulating microbial growth and increase

enzymatic activity. The fertility of the soil in natural agroecosystem depends on the microbial

processes such as mineralization of organic nitrogen(N), carbon(C), Sulphur(S) and phosphorus(P)

(Joniec, 2018). The important parameters which reflect soil quality are; quantity and quality of

organic matter, soil structure, PH, conductivity, moisture content amongst others. Soil physico-

chemical parameters are basic indicators for estimating the level of nutrient content and

characteristics. It was observed that available nutrients balance in soil was influenced by soil PH.

Soil electrical conductivity can serve as a measurement of soluble nutrients and it is useful in

monitoring the mineralization of organic matter in soil (ingole, 2015; sde et al, 2000). Additionally,

soil enzyme activities are commonly influenced by soil PH and enzyme activities also has control

on SOC (soil organic carbon), (Bueis et al, 2018) in general soil physico-chemical properties and

soil enzymes do great effort on SOC dynamics together. The physico-chemical study of soil is

very important and this knowledge will help us understand the status of soil and also to the people

who are interested in the agricultural field.


The soil on university grounds plays a crucial role in the growth of plants and overall

environmental health. However, due to the continuous use and exposure to various environmental

factors, the quality of the soil may deteriorate over time. It is important to regularly monitor the

physicochemical properties of the soil to ensure that it remains suitable for plant growth and

environmental sustainability.

Therefore, the university needs to establish a soil analysis program to determine the

physicochemical properties of the soil on its campus. The program should include regular sampling

and testing of soil from different locations on campus to assess the pH, organic matter content,

nutrient levels, texture, and other relevant properties of the soil.

The results of the soil analysis can be used to develop strategies to improve the quality of the soil

if necessary, such as by adding organic matter or adjusting the pH. Additionally, this data can be

used to inform decisions about plant selection and management practices that are best suited to the

specific soil conditions on campus.

Overall, the establishment of a comprehensive soil analysis program will ensure that the university

grounds remain healthy and sustainable for both plants and people


The dump from local community’s industries laboratories amongst others affect the soil negatively

as it destabilizes the soil by contaminating it with the chemical impurities killing microorganisms

like bacteria which play an important role in humus formation. This limitation may affect both

crops and living organisms present around the area, so it is very important to carry out soil analysis

to determine the physiochemical parameters around the area and carry out conclusions and

resolutions on how to minimize the problem faced by the soil.



To estimate the available nutrient level in soil

To provide recommendation if the soil contains more or less amount of nutrients

To check different parameters and agricultural activities


To evaluate the fertility and nutrient status of soil in the university of buea, around dumped sites

and 500m away around non dumped sites by determining some physical parameters such as soil

PH, conductivity, soil organic matter and soil moisture.


Soil physicochemical properties play a crucial role in determining soil quality and fertility, and

their assessment is an essential component of soil management practices in agricultural and

environmental settings. Here are some relevant literature references on the physicochemical

determination of soil in a university context. Soil is the biologically active and porous medium that

has developed in the uppermost layes of earth’s crust. It serves as a reservoir of water and nutrients

and a medium for the filtration and breakdown of injurious wastes. Soil is the loose surface

material that covers most land. It consists of organic particles and organic matter. soil provides the

structural support to plants used in agriculture and is also their source of water and nutrients soil

vary greatly in their chemical and physical properties. There are four main types of soil that is

sandy soil, clay or loam soil and silt soil, with others like alluvial soil, black cotton soil, red and

yellow soil, laterite soil, mountainous or forest soil and desert soil, saline and alkaline soil, peaty

and marshy soil. The four main types which are sandy, silt, clay and loam all got uses. The sandy

soil is a type which is dry, light and gritty and does not hold water well. Most sandy soils are acidic

and lack a lot of nutrients. Because this soil drains water quickly, this is one of the best types of

soil to grow vegetables because of the good drainage and because it warms up quickly. However,

it doesn’t retain nutrients throughout the growing season adding compost or manure for example

is an excellent way to enhance sandy soil. Silt soil is parked with nutrients as it originates from

river sediments. It’s one of the best types of soil for gardening as a lot of plants flourish in silt. The

particles are medium sized therefore retain water quite well but drainage can become a problem.

An issue with silt soil is that it is easily compacted, this is because a problem with downpour of

rain that can wash it away or if its continually walked on. Adding organic matter to create larger

clumps of soil can resolve the issue

Clay soils can be very difficult for inexperienced gardeners. It’s very heavy and holds a lot of

nutrients which is good. However, it also holds a high amount of water and drains very slowly.

This means that it remains very moist and wet in winter and dries out and cracks in summer. Clay

soil is useful for growing crops such as wheat but needs to be amended with organic matter. Loam

soil is a mixture of the three previous different types of soil, sand, silt and clay. The combination

works to create fertile, rich soil that offsets the negative characteristics of the three soil on their

own. There is always a dominant component that can make this soil a sandy loam or clay loam.

This is actually on of the best types of soils for plants and gardening and experienced gardeners

and beginners alike will love working with it. The mixture of particles holds a lot of nutrients and

has excellent drainage the perfect condition for growing the soil is often referred to as agricultural

soil because of the perfect balance of properties.

Soil contamination occurs when human made chemicals, such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals

find their way into the earth altering the natural soil environment. Generally, soil contamination is

cited as a consequence of non-organic farming particles, industrial activity and improper waste

disposal. Common chemicals involved in soil contamination include petroleum hydrocarbons,

leads, solvents, pesticides and poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene. Pesticides

and insecticides which are designated to destroy pest and insects and herbicides which are

designated to kill weeds are used by farmers in order to protect their crops. Synthetic pesticides,

insecticides and herbicides are created in the laboratory using a combination of chemicals. In the

past the use of synthetic pesticides, insecticides and herbicides has resulted in soil contamination.

Improper waste disposal has also lead to soil contamination. Treated sewage, also known as bio

solids, is sometimes used as a fertilizer. Higher in contaminants than other fertilizer, the use of bio

solid fertilizers ought to be subject to greater regulation. In addition, munitions may also cause soil

contamination, the chemicals present in biological weapons and other types of weapons can leach

into soil, greatly upsetting its natural balance. Soil pollution causes a chain of reactions, it alters

soil biodiversity, reduces soil organic matter and soils capability to act as a filter. It also

contaminates the water stored in the soil and ground water and causes an imbalance of soil

nutrients. Among the most common soil pollutants are heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants

and emerging pollutants like pharmaceuticals and personal care products. (Brady, N.C. et al 2016).

The nature and properties of soils. Pearson Publishers. This comprehensive textbook provides an

overview of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils and their measurement

methods (Clark, R.B. 2001) Understanding soil acidity: A handbook for consultants, growers, and

agricultural professionals. CRC Press. This book focuses on the measurement and management of

soil acidity, which is an important soil property that affects plant growth and nutrient availability

(Gee, G.W., & Bauder, J.W. 1986). Particle-size analysis. In A. Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil

Analysis: Part 1Physical and Mineralogical Methods (2nd ed., pp. 383-411). American Society of

Agronomy. This chapter describes the particle size analysis method, which is used to determine

the distribution of particle sizes in a soil sample. (Nelson, D.W., & Sommers, L.E. 1996). Total

carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In D.L. Sparks et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis:

Part 3—Chemical Methods (pp. 961-1010). American Society of Agronomy. This chapter presents

methods for measuring total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter content in soils (Olsen,

S.R., & Sommers, L.E. 1982). Phosphorus. In A.L. Page et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis:

Part 2—Chemical microbiological Properties (2nd ed., pp. 403-430). American Society of

Agronomy. This chapter describes the methods for measuring phosphorus content in soils, which

is an important nutrient for plant growth (Rhoades, J.D. 1996). Salinity: Electrical conductivity

and total dissolved solids. In D.L. Sparks et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3—Chemical

Methods (pp. 417-435). American Society of Agronomy. This chapter presents methods for

measuring soil salinity using electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids (Soil Science

Society of America 2017). Glossary of soil science terms. Soil Science Society of America.



Walked across the field in a “W” pattern aiming to collect the sample with the sampling tool

Used a towel to remove a slice of soil about 2.5cm wide ton sample depth and collected in a clean

plastic paper. Furthermore, slices were taken in the same way from different parts of the field until

all samples collected.



Four crucibles were dried in the oven and weight recorded. 40g of soil sample was placed in the

crucible and weight of sample and crucible determined and recorded. the crucible with soil content

was then placed in an oven to about 1500C – 2000C for some hours After drying the crucible with

its content was removed from the oven and allowed to cool

The weight of the crucible and its content was determined and recorded after cooling. The moisture

factor MF was used to calculate the moisture content in the experiment

Moisture factor MF = 𝑊3−𝑊1

Where; W1= weight of tin(g), W2 = weight of moisture soil + tin (g),

W3 = weight of dried soil + tin (g)


20g of each soil sample was weighed and put in a 100ml beaker 25ml of distilled water was added

to the sample. The suspension was left for 30 minutes with occasional stiring using glass rod in

order to enable it reach equilibrium. The suspension was determined using a PH meter.


20g of each sample was weighed and put into a 100ml beaker 25ml of distilled water was added

to the sample the suspension was left for 30 minutes with occasional stirring using glass rod in

order to enable it reach equilibrium. the conductivity of the suspension was determined using a

conductivity meter


The mass of four emptied and cleaned crucibles was recorded and determined (MP). Part of the

entire oven-dried test from moisture content experiment was placed in the crucible and soil

specimen was determined and recorded(MOPS). The crucible containing the soil specimen was

placed in an oven and temperature gradually increased to about 6000C and left overnight. The

crucible was removed carefully using tongs since it was very hot and allowed to cool and the mass

of each determined and recorded.

The organic matter content % was calculated using OM% = 𝑀𝐷 × 100

Where; MO = MD – MA,





The physiochemical analysis of the soil samples includes: PH, organic matter, moisture content,

conductivity expressed on a tabular form

samples PH conductivity Organic matter Moisture

% content
NDS1 5.67 0.92 18.28% 1.098
NDS2 5.57 0.79 17.7% 1.1055
DS1 6.43 0.25 16.97% 1.0872
DS2 6.30 0.26 17.5% 1.0819

To carry out a statistical comparison, we use the t-test, assuming that S1 and S2 are the same,

where, S = standard deviation


2 (∑ 𝑥𝑖)2
[ 𝑋1−𝑋2] 𝑛1𝑛2 ∑ 𝑥𝑖 −
t= √ , s=√ 𝑛
𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑛1+𝑛2 𝑛−1

𝑆 2 1 (𝑛1−1)+𝑆 2 2(𝑛2−1)
spooled = √ = degree of freedom
( 𝑛1+𝑛2−2)


NDS( non-dumped site) DS( dumped site)

S1 = 0.0707 S2 = 0.184
𝑋̅ 1(mean 1 ) = 5.62 𝑋̅ 2 (mean 2) = 6.365
n1 = 2 n2 = 2

Spooled value = 0.1394

t= calculated = 5.344
Degree of freedom = (n1 + n2 – 2) = 2
t-table at 95% C.I = 4.303


DS( dumped site) NDS( non-dumped site

S1 = 0.0707 S2 = 0.092
𝑋̅ 1(mean 1 ) = 0.225 𝑋̅ 2 (mean 2) = 0.855

Spooled value = 0.082

t= calculated = 7.682
Degree of freedom = 2
t-table at 95% C.I = 4.303


DS( dumped site) NDS( non-dumped site

S1 = 0.038 S2 = 0.0583
𝑋̅ 1(mean 1 ) = 1.08455 𝑋̅ 2 (mean 2) = 1.10175

Spooled value = 0.0492

t= calculated = 0.349
t-table at 95% C.I = 4.303


NDS( non-dumped site) DS( dumped site)

S1 = 0.0424 S2 = 0.0412
𝑋̅ 1(mean 1 ) = 0.172 𝑋̅ 2 (mean 2) = 0.1799

Spooled value = 0.0418
t= calculated = 1.645
t-table at 95% C.I = 4.303



Soil parameters play a crucial role in determining the productivity and fertility of soil. In a

university setting, physico-chemical determination of soil parameters involves the analysis of

various physical and chemical properties of soil samples collected from different locations.

Physical parameters of soil that are commonly analyzed in a university setting include soil texture,

bulk density, porosity, water holding capacity, and soil structure. Soil texture refers to the

proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles in soil samples and is determined using methods such

as the hydrometer method or the laser diffraction method. Bulk density, which is the mass of dry

soil per unit volume, is commonly determined using the core sampling method. Porosity, which is

the proportion of pore spaces in soil, can be determined using the water displacement method or

the mercury intrusion porosimetry method. Water holding capacity, which is the amount of water

that soil can hold, is determined using the pressure plate method.

Chemical parameters of soil that are commonly analyzed in a university setting include soil pH,

electrical conductivity, organic matter content, and nutrient levels. Soil pH refers to the acidity or

alkalinity of soil and is determined using a pH meter or a colorimetric method. Electrical

conductivity, which is a measure of the ability of soil to conduct electrical current, is commonly

determined using the saturation extract method. Organic matter content, which is the amount of

decomposed organic material in soil, can be determined using the Walkley-Black method or the

loss-on-ignition method. Nutrient levels such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are

commonly determined using methods such as the Kjeldahl method or the inductively coupled

plasma method.

Various instruments and equipment are used to carry out physico-chemical analysis of soils in a

university setting. These include pH meters, conductivity meters, spectrophotometers, atomic

absorption spectrometers, and gas chromatographs.


The physiochemical studies of parameters are very important to a chemist for plant growth and

soil management. From results above we see the non-dumped sites have a favorable PH ranging

from 5.67 – 5.57 a favorable conductivity which is not too high ranging from 0.79 – 0.92, a high

percentage of organic matter ranging from 18.28% - 17.7 % a good moisture content ranging from

1.098 – 1.1055 indicating better favorable conditions than the dump sites which have a PH from

6.43 – 6.30, low conductivity ranging from 0.25 – 0.26, low organic matter percentage from

16.97% -17.5%, low moisture content 1.0872 – 1.0819, which equally indicates that dumping dirt’s

distorts the management, stability and properties of the soil and if care is not taken properly may

cause several damage in the future.


Soil analysis is an important tool for determining the physicochemical properties of soil, which

are crucial for plant growth and health. Here are some common physicochemical parameters that

are analyzed in soil testing:

1. pH: Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil and is an important factor in

determining nutrient availability for plants.

2. Organic matter content: Organic matter in soil provides nutrients for plant growth, improves

soil structure, and enhances water-holding capacity.

3. Nutrient content: Soil nutrient content, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium,

magnesium, sulfur, and micronutrients, is important for plant growth and productivity.

4. Cation exchange capacity (CEC): CEC is a measure of the soil's ability to hold onto positively

charged ions, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are important for plant growth.

5. Electrical conductivity: Electrical conductivity measures the soil's ability to conduct an electrical

current and can be an indicator of soil salinity.

6. Texture: Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in the soil

and can affect water-holding capacity and nutrient availability.


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 Lowry, O.H, Rouse Bough, H.I, Fair, A.L and Randall, R.I (1951) protein measurement

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 Brady, N.C., & Weil, R.R. (2016). The nature and properties of soils. Pearson

Publishers. This comprehensive textbook provides an overview of the physical,

chemical, and biological properties of soils and their measurement methods.

 Clark, R.B. (2001) Understanding soil acidity: A handbook for consultants, growers,

and agricultural professionals. CRC Press. This book focuses on the measurement and

management of soil acidity, which is an important soil property that affects plant growth

and nutrient availability.

 Gee, G.W., & Bauder, J.W. (1986). Particle-size analysis. In A. Klute (Ed.), Methods of

Soil Analysis: Part 1—Physical and Mineralogical Methods (2nd ed., pp. 383-411).

American Society of Agronomy. This chapter describes the particle size analysis

method, which is used to determine the distribution of particle sizes in a soil sample.

 Nelson, D.W., & Sommers, L.E. (1996). Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic

matter. In D.L. Sparks et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3—Chemical

Methods (pp. 961-1010). American Society of Agronomy. This chapter presents

methods for measuring total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter content in soils.

 Olsen, S.R., & Sommers, L.E. (1982). Phosphorus. In A.L. Page et al. (Eds.), Methods of

Soil Analysis: Part 2—Chemical and Microbiological Properties (2nd ed., pp. 403-430).

American Society of Agronomy. This chapter describes the methods for measuring

phosphorus content in soils, which is an important nutrient for plant growth.

 Rhoades, J.D. (1996). Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids. In D.L.

Sparks et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3—Chemical Methods (pp. 417-

435). American Society of Agronomy. This chapter presents methods for measuring soil

salinity using electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids.

 7. Soil Science Society of America (2017). Glossary of soil science terms. Soil Science

Society of America.


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