Ingles 3-2-2023

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Narne: Total §core

Qtx§x ffi
lJate. I 50 points

JL <¡ir I-isten t* f*ur cell phona conversxtimns" Circle the eorr*ct
ans§rer t* eomplete each *sntence.
1. Judy is in front of the bank I library I school.
2. Tess is wearing a red lwhite / brown shirt.
3. Mike is eating pasta I pizza / tacos.
4. Tom is standing I talking to a waiter I sitting and drinking coffee.
A i I poinls i2 points each)

B Look at the picture. Write T {true} or F (false).


.ffi ffie
{ §f $4F--*'

1. The girl is behind the clock. É 4. The sunglasses are in her Uug.
2. There's a bag next to the giil. T 5. The woman is under an urnbrella f-
3. The book is behind her bag. I- 6. The man is next to the block. I
B I S pcir-rts {1 point each}

G Uook at the picture in Exercise B again. Complete each sentence with the --
correct affirmative or negative present cont¡nuous form of the verb in
parentheses. Use contractions where possible.
1. The girl
(sit). 'l
She i5 rr't S1.',.,L.,,
Sl:,".cL.rrL (stand).

2. The man and the *orrñ ttr ( L,;t.\ L t,,r c- lwatk¡. They ;t¡<r,'l t ,-, (run).
3. The man t ! l:' .,\cL.r,t
*--_?-J--. (hold) an umbrella, and the girl and the woman


4. The children (play) soccer. They ar f,,,it

---- {watch) TV.

t I I poinis {1 point each)

o Can:bridge U*Íversity Press ph*tse*piable F*ur üerners 1 Unit § Q*iz
D Look at the pictures and the example. Write yes / no questions in the
present continuous. Then answer the questions.

1" T*d ar¡d Hve I ?" Fedrn ar*d Anna I 3, Lee I 4. fi§ary I
cook dinner create a website clean his house play soccer
1. Are Ted and Eve caokinq dianer ?

No, thev're takinq a tennis lesson No,

+, JS I tsirv ,¡ 1c,,, rri '¡CC(ir ?

l.lo, ilu.' ,: l<c-r.rr-^r'n< ]; cL.,,v<


§ -..-- / 1? poir::s i? points each)

E Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.
I Ui, Sam. lt's Jane. Do you have a minute?
3 OX, no problem. Talk to you later.
't or. ay*,
,rf Of',, sorry. This isn't a good time. I'm making lunch. Can lcallyou back?
E 14 poirrts (1 point each)

F Read Jenny's essay. What are Jenny and her family doing these days? --
Complete the sentences with words from the text"

Sy'f;'r* all r.*1ry busy at ruy hcuse th¿:se days.

My;xotker la;'ants ttr go [* Rome, so she's sfudyinpl ita]ian" §he i*ves ]rer ¡:lass"
1\{y I'ather is tut*ring my trrother, Faul. F{e's teac}dng hirn *verythi*g ab*¿¡t
cofi1p${ers. and Paui is iriaking ii w*bsite for nnr fandly. isn't that cool?
My sisf.*r is taki*g dance ctrasscs a¡id tennis less*ns. l{*w sh* *-'arl piay ter-tnis,
sücn*r" arid voltreybatl ! §he 18v*s sporfs"
I'¿"n lear*ing tll play the guitar. h1y teacher is fr*m Spain. sc¡ {'m leami*g sürne
Spamisir, t*c.

1. Jenny's is creating a website. 4. Jenny's (.,,[1,.".- is tutoring Paul.

2. Jenny's,rlcLlt¿" is studying ltaiian. 5. Jenny's lt,y is taking tennis lessons.
\-,. Jenny's t i :.1¿, is learning to dance. 6. Je-nl,.v is taking music lesso¡-rs.
-_----_____r- F ¡' i2 poi*ls {2 pcints each)

€:j Carnbridg* Ur:iver sity Press p|rotoccpiable F*ur C*rners 1 i.Jnii S ü¡"¡iz

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