Research Paper G2B Finall Revision 2

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A Research Project


HINAY, Ejiel T.
OMAYAO, Marinel M.
PAMAT, Jereca C.
PINO, Lara Marie B.
SABIO, Mikyla N.

Calumpang, General Santos City

June 2023

A Research Project
Presented to the Research Panel

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Academic Track Senior High School Curriculum


HINAY, Ejiel T.
OMAYAO, Marinel M.
PAMAT, Jereca C.
PINO, Lara Marie B.
SABIO, Mikyla N.

Calumpang, General Santos City

June 2023


First of all, the researchers would like to thank the almighty God for his
enduring grace, guidance, and protection that he has bestowed upon us during
this research project.

The researchers would like to express their gratitude for the making and
conduct of a research study like this, which requires determination, courage, and
hard work in order to achieve triumph.

To express their sincere gratitude to their research coach, Mrs. Hazel Rose
V. Corachea, for her invaluable guidance, expertise, and encouragement
throughout the entire duration of this research project. Without her unwavering
support and insightful feedback, this study would not have been possible.

To their panelists, namely Niza B. Ponteras and Alma E. Agulan for

sharing their expertise through helpful critique and comments that assisted in the
enhancement of this article.

Additionally, the researcher would like to express gratitude to the

respondents who kindly gave their time and effort to participate in this study.
Without their participation, our research would not have been as richly enhanced
or gained as many insightful results from their invaluable contributions.

To their family, for their constant financial and moral support, their presence
and words of encouragement stimulated and supported the researcher to be
motivated and determined every time.

Lastly, to their friends for the day-to-day presence, which helped the
researchers keep their hope and courage.

The Researchers


The purpose of this study was to determine the branding strategy and

business performance of small-medium sized enterprises. The study used a

descriptive-correlational research design to describe the relationship among the

variables. The convenience sampling was utilized to select the 10 customers of

small-medium sized enterprises. The weighted arithmetic mean was used to

determine the dependent and independent variables of the study, while Pearson-r

moment of correlation was used in testing the research hypothesis. The study also

indicated that there was a significant relationship between the branding strategy

and the business performance of small - medium sized enterprises. The result of

the study showed that the branding strategy is often used and business

performance of small - medium sized enterprises is above average. Hence, the

right branding strategies can be very beneficial to business performance. Thus,

this study reveals that small-medium sized enterprises must improve their product

quality through implementing advertising campaigns, customer testimonials, and

certifications that demonstrate the company’s adherence to quality standards for

them to be able to build a strong brand and brand reputation, earn customer loyalty,

and meet customer expectations.

Table of Contents


Background of the study 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Hypothesis 3

Scope and Limitation 3

Significance of the Study 3


A. Related Literature 5

B. Related Studies 10

C. Research Gaps 15

D. Conceptual Frameworks 17


Design 19

Respondents 19

Locale of the Study 19

Map of the Location of the Study 25

Data Collection 20

Sampling 21

Instrumentation 21
Data Analysis and Interpretation 22

Operationalization of Variables 23






A – Permit to Conduct the Study 40

B – Letter to the Validators 41

C – Validation Form 43

D – Questionnaire 44

E – Documentation 47

List of Tables
Table Title Page
1 Branding Strategy of SMEs 26

2 Business Performance of SMEs 29

3 Relationship between Branding Strategy and 31

Business Performance of SMEs
List of Figures
Figure Title Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 18

2 Map of the Location of the Study 25

Chapter I
Background of the Study
Small – medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are extremely important to most

economies, especially those in developing countries. Small–medium sized (SMEs)

are the majority of businesses worldwide and important contributors to

employment and global economic development. Branding strategies have become

an important tool globally for any organization to remain competitive with effective

branding in order to survive the pressure from the global market. Defining what

proper branding strategy is the best for your business. Branding strategies will be

an advantage for small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in terms of brand

loyalty, recognition equity, and awareness. Branding strategies represent the

business owner’s personality and using effective branding strategies can help

small – medium-sized enterprises to grow and reach beyond the target market.

With increasing competition and dynamic market conditions, many small–

medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Barangay Calumpang are increasing their

effort to understand how they can improve their performance to be competitive,

some strategic branding scholars have advocated for more strategic branding

practices. Aremu and Lawal (2012) stated that strategy implies the analysis of the

market and its environment, customer buying behavior, competitive activities, and

need capabilities of branding strategy. Therefore, defined as the method by which

a firm attempt to reach its target market, branding strategy starts with market

research, in which consistency, encourage and reward loyalty.


Furthermore, it takes time to build a brand and the successful path can take

many avenues depending on the service, and product category market. Anuja Lath

(2018) said that a well-defined branding strategy leads to a growth of a business.

Thus, this study will be conducted to examine the impact of branding

strategies on business performance with special reference to the selected small -

medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally attempted to determine if the branding strategies can

affect the business performance of small - medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in

Barangay Calumpang.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the branding strategy of the small – medium sized enterprises

(SMEs), in terms of:

1.1 customer service;

1.2 product quality control; and,

1.3 campaign types?

2. What is the business performance of small - medium sized enterprises

(SMEs) in Barangay Calumpang in terms of:

2.1 marketing; and,

2.2 human resources?


3. Is there a significant relationship between the branding strategy and the

business performance of small – medium sized enterprises in Barangay



To guide this study, the hypothesis was formulated:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the branding strategy and

business performance of small – medium sized enterprises in Barangay


Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted to determine the relationship of branding strategy

and business performance of small-medium enterprises (SMEs) in Barangay

Calumpang, year 2022-2023. The study employed survey to collect needed data.

Also, the main focus of this study was to identify and assess the effect of branding

strategies and business performance of (SMEs) in Barangay Calumpang. The

researchers selected 10 small-medium sized enterprises customers in Purok San

Miguel to be the respondents of this study.

Significance of the study

This study would benefit the following individuals:

Entrepreneurs. This study would help entrepreneurs to determine appropriate

branding strategies to improve their business performance.


Employees of SMEs. This study would help employees of small – medium sized

enterprises to improve their services through branding strategy suitable for the

business locality.

Customers. With this study, it would produce quality products that would be a

benefit for the consumers and increase their loyalty.

Retailers. This study would be of help for retailers and benefit from brands by

receiving marketing and advertising support from the brand, which could help to

increase sales.

Sari – Sari Store Owners. This study would help the owner of SMEs to improve

their business performance. Results of study will give them more ideas on how

branding strategy could contribute in the business.

Traditional Sellers. This study would enlighten the traditional sellers about the

impact of implementing branding strategies to build their customer’s loyalty, sales

and revenue.

Researchers. This study would be an aid for future researchers to have a

background on how to conduct research and knowledge of the significance of the

Chapter II


This chapter discusses the related literature, related studies, research gap

and the conceptual framework in which the problem anchored.

A. Related Literature

The following is the body knowledge in which the variable is anchored with.

Branding Strategy of Small – Medium Sized Enterprises

Based on the statement given by Keller (2013), branding strategy reflects

the number and nature of common and distinctive brand elements applied to the

different products sold. In other words, a branding strategy involves deciding which

brand names, logos, symbols, and so forth should be applied to which products,

and the nature of new and existing brand elements applied to the new products so

that it could be uniquely and purposefully differentiated in the mind of the

consumer. A branding strategy can be characterized according to its breadth (in

term of brand-product relationship and brand extension strategy) and its depth (in

terms of product-brand relationship and the brand portfolio or brand mix).

Also, Robinson (2013) noticed that various brands of a certain article which

in fact are almost exactly alike may be sold at different qualities under names and

labels which will induce rich and snobbish buyers to divide themselves from the

poor buyers. Since then, branding has become a central marketing issue

(Saunders, 2012). There are several reasons why branding is of growing interest

to business and practitioners (Aaker, 2012). As recognized by Robinson, it


provides functional benefits plus added values that some consumers value enough

to buy. It guides the integration of marketing mix and provides an anchor for

marketing tactics and strategy in a turbulent environment. Firms follow several

branding strategies to manage their brands (Rao et al., 2014). In general, most of

it begins with a single product and becomes multi-product over time. As a new

product is introduced and further products are being added, the decision about

branding becomes more crucial. In the initial stage there are two options for

branding. The first option be the corporation's name as brand name and other is

the corporate name independent, i.e., individual.

In fact, Aaker & Thaler (2012) predicted that a trend from individual brands,

through endorsed and sub brands, towards corporate branding structures. Several

reinforcing factors drive this trend: emerging market complexities, competitive

pressures, channel dynamics, and globalization.

Furthermore, Simoes & Dibb (2017) and Rooney (2015) mentioned that the

globalization, diverse nature of consumer as well as stakeholder interest, new

media (social networking sites & internet) and other external and internal dynamics

force companies to choose and adopt a more complex form of branding strategy.

Corporations are using branding as a strategy in today’s business environment

with increased regularity. Successful brands communicate with consumers through

brand stories (Chiu et al., 2012).

In addition, organizations develop brands to attract and keep customers by

promoting value, image, prestige, or lifestyle. By using a particular brand, a

consumer can cement a positive image (Ginden, 2013). Brands can also reduce

the perceived risk customer(s) face when buying something that they know little

about (Montgomery & Wernerfelt, 2018). Branding is a technique to build a

sustainable, differential advantage by playing on the nature of human beings.

Essentially the purpose of branding is to build the product’s image among the

consumers (Cleary, 2019). Thus, branding strategy is determined based on a

literature review. planning and overseeing the strong brand to establish and

maintain the point of distinction in providing to create competition in the consumer's

mind advantage or a series of related decisions and acts, the selection of a brand's

brand portfolio and brand design in the context of a product and market. Brand

management in the definition of the brand management context is a pattern of

taking action and deciding regarding the brand's identity in a product-market

context for a product by a company.

Also, according to Krake (2015), branding is a comparatively fresh topic

among small medium businesses. Even though brand management is properly

debated in research and publications of journals among multinational companies,

SMEs are discarded as an isolated unit. Big and small organizations have crystal

clear differences in marketing methods (Abimbola & Vallaster, 2017). Moreover,

Branding has become a manipulating factor of every tangible and intangible thing

on earth. Even people need to be branded to climb the ladder in a corporate world

by building networks, connections and getting noticed by the society. Same goes

to a tangible product, brand is a way of differentiating products or services from

others and making the products attractive to customers and because of its ethereal

characteristics, different people find different ways to make sense of it.


Thus, these concepts are useful for the current study as they spent the

importance of the branding strategy.

Business Performance of Small – Medium Sized Enterprises

According to Mark & Thilini (2016), business performance offers

organizations that enabled approach to formulate, modify, and execute strategy

effectively. In addition, Bernand & Gianni (2013) stated that the business

performance measures the evolving and diverse research field which features

highly on the agenda of business and practitioners from functions including general

management, accounting, operations research, marketing, and human resources.

Furthermore, it was mentioned by Mark (2019) that business performance

is tested using data from a large sample of firms in the furniture industry. The

impact of business strategy both directly on performance and as a moderating

variable in relation to production competence is analyzed. Business performance

is fundamentally driven by the degree of competition in the marketplaces in which

the firm chooses to operate, which in turn is a function of the structural

characteristics of those marketplaces. Superior business performance is therefore

achieved by investing in markets low in competitive rivalry and through gaining

positional advantages within these markets that can be sustained through the

creation and exploitation of market imperfections that limit competition (Neil, 2012).

Besides, it was stated by Premium (2021) that business performance as a

reflection of commercial effectiveness is an effective way and is the ability of a

company, a department or an individual to achieve its or their objectives and


expected results. The notion of commercial effectiveness thus covers issues of

costs, deadlines, quality and profitability.

It is important to remember that business performance can also be defined

as the ability of a company to generate maximum commercial profitability from the

material and human resources at its disposal. Evaluating business performance

should be an ongoing process within a business. You can evaluate your business

performance in many ways depending on the initial business objectives you have

set. This can be done through both financial and non-financial data (Harper, 2014).

According to Kantana (2022), to improve performance, you’ll need to

understand the business’s current performance and future potential using tools

and resources such as the following. A SWOT analysis reveals the weaknesses

and strengths of the business—as well as threats and opportunities. A

benchmarking analysis compares your business’s performance against similar

businesses. Market research and trend analyses look at large-scale business data

to discover how to better serve your customers. Finally, a consultant could help

you create a new business model taking trends and other data into account.

Besides, stated by Jimmy (2018), our understanding of performance needs

to consider the desired business behaviors and the valuable outcomes produced

by those behaviors. To stay competitive firms, measure, monitor, and analyze their

performance. Business Performance management systems are regularly

implemented as balanced and dynamic solutions requiring considerable human

and financial and offering support to the decision- making process by gathering,

elaborating, and analyzing information (Vuksic, 2013). Andersan (2020) mentioned


that on that basis, we can conclude that strategic planning has a positive impact

on business performance regardless of the sector in which it operates.

Finally, business performance is a company's ability to adapt to the

business environment, accompanied by changes in the market environment that

include customers, competitors and other power forces that can alter the way

business works. A good strategy depends on management’s ability to create

harmony between the environment and internal company so the ability to adapt is

important. For that reason, SME must develop their adaptability through marketing

to grab accounting opportunities and capabilities to understand their internal

business and capitalize on those opportunities. The ability to adapt and maximize

business performance will obviously help improve the economic conditions of the

region where the small business operates (Rekarti, 2017).

B. Related Studies


According to the correlational study conducted by Sanda (2016)

entitled Strategic Planning and Its Relationship with Business Performance Among

Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa, it has shown the importance of

strategic planning as a tool for small and medium-sized businesses. This study's

goal was to determine the connection between SME firm success in South Africa's

Gauteng province and strategic planning techniques. Strategic planning

dimensions include environmental scanning, organizational mission, and vision,

the formality of strategic plans, evaluation, and control, strategy implementation


incentives, employee involvement, etc. The findings support the notion that

strategic planning positively correlates with and positively predicts the

performance of SMEs. The results of this study can serve as a guide to SME

owners and managers to properly implement strategic planning practices which

will enable them to propel and sustain their businesses.

In addition, the correlational study conducted by Moriones (2021)

entitled Business Strategy Performance Appraisal and Organizational Results

emphasized a positive relationship between an innovation strategy and

developmental performance appraisal. A cost strategy has a negative impact on

the adoption of developmental performance appraisal. The findings also confirm

that firms with a quality strategy and developmental appraisal have higher

performance. Therefore, firms adopting an innovation strategy and administrative

appraisal enjoy higher return of equity.

Besides, the study conducted by Dante (2012) entitled Branding Dynamic:

Building the Most Valuable Asset in Business indicated that the purpose of this

study is to know the importance of brand as an immutable asset of a company,

branding is, thus, an important tool to stimulate demand and gain the brand

competitive advantages. The antecedent variables to branding efforts which are

challenges, perspectives and personality as well as indicators of branding

management such as brand positioning, marketing programs and monitoring are

good predictors in anticipating business performance. Although the presented

branding dynamic may not be the only tool that can be applied for branding, it

represents a parsimonious, logical and insightful technique in building the most


valuable brand asset for Malaysian businesses and those of developing

economies with similar situations. A business that takes care of its brand is taking

care of its future. It is hoped that this discussion has shed some lights for Malaysian

brands to thrive forward.

Moreover, the correlational study by Alberto (2020) entitled Business

Strategy Performance Appraisal and Organizational Results Prior Studies on SOs

have mainly focused on single orientations at any given time. However,

researchers increasingly argue that many firms are better off if they build their

strategies on multiple SOs. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is one

of the first empirical studies to address multiple (four) SOs in the same research

model. However, little is known about if and how the performance effects of

different SOs vary across countries. The results show that entrepreneurial

orientation, market orientation and brand orientation have a positive effect on

business growth in SMEs in both Hungary and Finland through brand and market

performance. With regard to learning orientation, a positive yet somewhat weak

effect on growth is found only in the Hungarian sample. The moderation analysis

reveals that country moderates several of the hypothesized paths from SOs to

business performance.

Above all, the experimental study conducted by Muhammad (2018) entitled

Brand Orientation and Financial Performance in Business-to-Business (B2B)

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) revealed the results suggest that

brand orientation improves the effectiveness of brand communication and internal

branding in building brand awareness and credibility. Brand awareness


emphasizes an external route through brand communication, whereas brand

credibility emphasizes an internal route through internal branding. Brand

awareness has a positive impact on brand credibility, and brand credibility has a

positive impact on financial performance, highlighting the importance of both brand

performance components for financial performance. The results suggest that

brand-oriented strategy can contribute to business performance through brand

awareness and brand credibility in the context of B2B SMEs.


According to the correlational study conducted by Tajeddini & Ratten (2016)

entitled The Moderating Effect of Brand Orientation on Inter-firm Market

Orientation and Performance showed that the market and brand orientation are

key contributors to successful business performance. The purpose of the paper is

to investigate the relationship between business strategies and the purpose; to test

the moderating role of brand orientation in that relationship. A total of 169

completed pairs of surveys were collected of small and medium enterprises

operating internationally in a variety of industries in Philippines. The results show

that inter-firm market and brand orientation are two antecedents of marketing and

financial performance. The impact of the inter-firm market on marketing and

business performance is significant when the brand orientation is favorable.

In addition, based to the study of Cammayo, (2021) entitled

Correlational Between Marketing Strategies and Financial Performance of Micro

Small – Medium Sized Enterprises in Isabela, Philippines emphasized that this

study aims to determine the financial performance of MSME’s, the level of


implementation of marketing strategies and the relationship that exist between the

financial performance and branding strategies. The descriptive – correlational

research method is used in the study. The interview with the respondents was

recorded using the survey questionnaire. It was revealed that the MSME’s financial

performance is “poor”. It was discovered that SME’s adopt modern strategies at a

low rate. They continue entice customers in the conventional way. Furthermore, it

is found that the financial performance of MSME’s has a substantial and direct

relationship with modern marketing strategies.

In fact, the correlational study conducted by Racelis (2016) entitled

Relationship Between Strategic Orientation and Organizational Performance: An

Exploratory Study of Philippine SMEs revealed that the business performance

variables turned out to have any significant relationship with the strategy variables

are Profit Margin and Debt Ratio. Likewise, the only strategy variables that turned

out having any significant relationship with the organizational performance

variables are consistent brand and brand strategies, 2) producing products that

have competitive advantages, and developing core business areas through

investment. While the sample size needs to be enlarged, the implication of these

findings for practitioners are that strategic orientations shown to have a significant

relationship with financial performance should lead managers to consider adopting

those specific strategic orientations in their regular planning routine.

Also, according to the experimental study conducted by Vidic & Vadnjal

(2016) entitled The Role of Branding in SMES: Different Perspective on the Market

where they are able to determine the use and position of brand management within

the strategic orientation context of researched companies. An important result of

the study is the classification system of SMEs, with regard to their market position

and future perspective. By using descriptive statistics and cluster analysis, we

were able to determine the use and position of brand management within the

strategic orientation context of researched companies. An important result of the

study is the classification system of SMEs, with regard to their market position and

future perspective. The main finding of the paper is therefore an empirical

confirmation of the theoretical stand that branding should not be a sole-standing

business function but merely embedded into the core generic strategy which a

company is following.

C. Research Gaps

In the previous study conducted by Sandada (2016) entitled Strategic

Planning and Its Relationship with Business Performance Among Small and

Medium Enterprises in South Africa has shown the importance of strategic

planning as a tool for small and medium-sized businesses. While on the current

study, it will give emphasis on the importance of branding strategy as a tool for the

business performance of small-medium sized enterprises.

Moreover, a study by Racelis (2016) entitled Relationship Between

Strategic Orientation and Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Study of

Philippine SMEs emphasized that strategic orientations shown to have a significant

relationship with financial performance should lead managers to consider adopting

those specific strategic orientations in their regular planning routine. On the other

hand, the present study focuses on more than just specific strategy but in branding

strategy in terms of customers service, products quality control and campaign


In addition, the previous study conducted by Dante (2012) entitled Branding

Dynamic: Building the Most Valuable Asset in Business that a strong competitive

brand distinguishes a business from its competitors, grabs attention, and quality,

fosters trust, and increases client loyalty. However, on the current study, this review

confirmed that the effectiveness of branding strategies has emerged as a crucial

tactic to change business performance of small businesses becoming successful


Furthermore, a study by Alberto (2020) entitled Business Strategy

Performance Appraisal and Organizational Results Prior Studies on SOs cited that

researchers increasingly argue that many firms are better off if they build their

strategies on multiple SOs. On the other hand, the present study results show that

the impact of branding strategy to the performance of SMEs is significant when the

branding strategies is conducted which is important, especially for enterprises

wanting to increase their brand reputation by entering into partnerships with other


Finally, a study by Muhammad (2018) entitled Brand Orientation and

Financial Performance in Business-to-Business (B2B) Small and Medium-sized

Enterprises (SMEs) revealed the results suggest that brand orientation improves

the effectiveness of brand communication and internal branding in building brand

awareness and credibility. However, on the current study, this has larger scope and

it is more than just the effectiveness of brand orientation but this study emphasized

that branding strategies will improve the strength of SMEs not only their

complementary interaction but also on how necessary does branding strategies

for enhancing the business performance of small-medium sized enterprises.

Therefore, the study of branding strategy and its relationship towards the

business performance of small - medium enterprises will be conducted considering

the cited research gaps above.

D. Conceptual Framework

The independent variable of the study is branding strategy. The branding

strategy refers to how branding strategies can build identification and favorability

with customers, and was correlated with business performance.

Thus, the dependent variable of the study is the business performance. The

business performance of small – medium sized enterprises was determined and

correlated along with branding strategy.

Therefore, the independent variable in this study is the branding strategy

while the dependent variable is the business performance. Also, this emphasized

that the branding strategy may or may not have relationship with each other.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Branding Strategy of Business Performance of

Small – Medium Small – Medium
Enterprises Enterprises

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Chapter III

This chapter presents the research methodology which includes research

design used in conducting the study. It also includes the respondents, locale of the

study, data collection, sampling, instrumentation and data collection and



This study used descriptive-correlational research design, where the

branding strategy of small medium sizes enterprise and business performance was

described accordingly. Also, the same variables were correlated. In addition,

according to Lappe (2017), the aim of descriptive-correlational design is to

describe the relationships among variables.


The respondents of the study were the customers of Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) in Purok San Miguel, Barangay Calumpang, General Santos

City. By using the convenience sampling, the researchers selected 10 customers

who are available and accessible during the conduct of the study.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Purok San Miguel, Barangay Calumpang,

General Santos City. Calumpang is a barangay of General Santos in the province

of South Cotabato. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 87,718.

Among the 26 barangays comprising General Santos City, barangay Calumpang


was the most populous. Its population size was 12.5 percent of the total population

of the city. This barangay is becoming a wide-raging barangay and continuously

growing because of the numerous new small to medium sized businesses being

built due to the expanding size of its population. Most small-medium sized

businesses are located in Purok San Miguel. Most of the businesses in barangay

Calumpang such as Sari-Sari store, baking business, rice retailing business, hair

and beauty salon, printing business, etc., are examples of small-medium sized

enterprises that you can spot at the said purok. Thus, this barangay has a lot of

small-medium enterprises that are suitable for the locale of the study.

Data Collection

The steps that were utilized in the conduct of this study were the following:

1. The researchers drafted a questionnaire;

2. The questionnaire was validated by the experts in the field,

3. The researchers asked permission from the principal. Then, to the small-

medium sized enterprises customers of Purok San Miguel, Barangay Calumpang,

General Santos City where the study was conducted;

4. Upon approval of the study, the researchers conducted a survey to the

respondents by distributing the questionnaire to them;

5. The questionnaire was answered briefly and concisely by the respondents;

6. After the total return of the questionnaire, the data were tallied;

7. The data were classified and analyzed;


8. Based on the gathered data, conclusions were drawn; and,

9. Recommendations were made.


Convenience sampling was utilized by the researchers in selecting the

respondent of this study. Based on Simkus (2022), convenience sampling is a

method of non-probability sampling where researcher chose their sample based

solely on the convenience. There is no pattern whatsoever in acquiring these


This technique was applicable to the present study because it only used the

SMEs customers in Purok San Miguel, Barangay Calumpang who are available

during the conduct of the study.


To determine the business performance of small medium sizes enterprise

and its relationship towards branding strategy. The researchers used a researcher-

made questionnaire.

Specially, the questionnaire has 5 questions for every term relating to each

variable. The questions covered the indicators that determined the branding

strategy and the business performance of small medium sizes enterprises. The

respondents marked check (/) in the scale and rate the indicators fairly based on

what they actually feel using the modified Likert scale. Likert scale is a rating scale

used to measure opinion, attitude or behavior which is used to allow the individual

to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement. It is the

most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey research.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

In SOP 1 and SOP 2, the branding strategy and business performance of

SMEs was determined. Weighted arithmetic mean was used to analyze the

information collected. It was interpreted using the following range and descriptions:

1.00 -1.49 which means very low level, 1.50 -2.49 is low level, 2.50 -2.50-3.49 is

moderate level, 3.50-4.49 which means high level and 4.50-5.00 is very high level.

In SOP 3, the relationship of the branding strategy and business

performance was analyzed. The statistical tool, Pearson r was used and explicated

through p-value.

p-value Remarks

0 No Correlation

0-0.20 Almost Negligible Correlation

0.21-0.40 Slight Correlation

0.41-0.70 Moderate Correlation

0.71-0.90 High Correlation

1 Perfect Correlation

Operationalization of Variables

For better understanding of this study, the following terms were

operationally defined:

Branding Strategy. This term indicated how a brand builds identification

and favorability with customers and potential customers. This term also serves as

the independent variable of the study.

Business Performance. The term is used to describe the effectiveness of

strategy to the performance of SMEs. This term also serves as the dependent

variable of the study.

Campaign types. This term refers to the types of strategic sequence of

steps and activities that promote your company's product or service, with a specific

objective in mind.

Customer Service. The assistance you serve your customers, both before

and after they purchase and use your products or services.

Human Resources. This term refers to ensuring the right employees are

hired to meet those demands and that there are relevant support structures

available to ensure business performance.

Marketing. This term is defined as the process by which a company

promotes, sells and distributes a product or service.

Product Quality Control. This term refers to a process that a business

utilizes to ensure that they either maintain or enhance the quality of their products.

Small-Medium Sized Enterprises. This term refers to small medium businesses

that are non-subsidiary, independent firm which employ fewer than a given number

of employees. Specifically, registered small to medium sized enterprises with

business permits and licenses. This referred to the main respondents of this study.

Map of the Location of the Study

Figure 2. Location of Purok San Miguel, Barangay Calumpang

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the results and discussions of the data gathered

which are presented based on the statement of the problem.

Table 1
Branding Strategy of Small-Medium Sized Enterprises
Indicators Mean SD Description Interpretatio
A. Customer Service
1. Small-medium sized enterprise 4.50 0.85 Strongly Always
allows feedback and resolves Agree
complaints to understand customer
2. Small-medium sized enterprise 4.00 1.05 Agree Often
adopts environment-friendly
Grand Mean 4.30 Agree Often
B. Product Quality Control
1. Small-medium sized enterprise 3.60 1.35 Agree Often
conducts quality inspection activity.
2. Small medium sized enterprise 4.40 1.07 Agree Often
product/service quality standards.
Grand Mean 3.94 Agree Often
C. Campaign Types
1. Small-medium sized enterprise 4.10 1.10 Agree Often
uses digital marketing campaigns
for better results.
2. Small-medium sized enterprise 3.50 1.51 Agree Often
uses social media influencers in
their marketing campaigns.
Grand Mean 3.96 Agree Often

Table 1 in the previous page answers the SOP 1 which presents the

weighted mean of the branding strategy of small-medium sized enterprises in

terms of customer service, product quality control and campaign types. Based on

the data presented for customer service, the indicator Small-medium sized

enterprise allows feedback and resolves complaints to understand customer

needs is the top indicator with the mean of 4.50. Whereas, the indicator Small-

medium sized enterprise adopts environment-friendly atmosphere got the lowest

average mean of 4.00. Also, the data show that the standard deviation was high,

which means that the variation of response is wide spread.

Consequently, the branding strategy of small medium sized enterprises in

terms of customer service is often used with the highest grand mean of 4.30. The

result implies that the small-medium sized enterprises utilize consistently the

branding strategy in terms of customer service to participate in competitive market

and grow.

This further indicates that SMEs ensure customer service across all the

channels by understanding customer needs and ensuring quality of customer

service to establish strong relation to the customers. Small and medium sized

businesses took the time to follow up with customers to confirm that their

concerns or issues have been addressed and that their experience was positive

and emphasize the fact that customers are valued. This can be done through a

variety of channels, ranging from traditional business phone calls and emails to

modern methods such as social media messaging. This will help to create loyal

customers and improve the overall customer experience.


To support the result of the study, Gibson (2014) cited that consistently

providing quality customer service can establish positive experience from

customers and refer their friends and family and leave positive review that

strengthens your brand and brand image. The effectiveness of branding strategy

for customer service relies on a company's ability to not only collect and analyze

feedback, but to also understand the needs of its customers. This requires that the

organization is both responsive to customers and proactive in identifying customer

issues. By doing this, the organization can develop strategies to ensure customer

satisfaction. Additionally, Turban et al. (2018) stated that customer service is a

series of activities design to enhance the level of customer satisfaction and met

customer expectation that emphasizes excellent customer service and help build

loyal customer’s base increasing customer satisfaction by developing a customer

service policy that takes customer feedback into account. This could involve

creating a customer feedback system, resolving customer complaints in a timely

manner, and providing timely and personalized responses to customers.


Table 2

Business Performance of Small Medium Sized Enterprises

Indicators Mean SD Interpretation
A. Marketing
1. Small-medium sized enterprise builds 4.10 0.99 Very Good
credibility and trust with potential customers
by advertising reviews and testimonials.
2. Small-medium sized enterprise attracts 3.80 1.23 Very Good
more customers by offering promotions and
Grand Mean 3.92 Very Good
B. Human Resources
1. Small-medium sized enterprise observes 3.50 1.51 Very Good
law on minimum age of workers
2. Small-medium sized staff maintains 4.50 0.85 Excellent
productivity products based on customer
Grand Mean 3.98 Very Good
Overall Mean 3.95 Very Good

The table 2 shows the business performance of small medium sized

enterprises in terms of marketing and human resources. Based on the data

presented for the marketing, the indicator Small-medium sized enterprise builds

credibility and trust with potential customers by advertising reviews and

testimonials is the top indicator with a mean of 4.10. Whereas, the indicator Small-

medium sized enterprise attracts more customers by offering promotions and

discounts got the lowest mean of 3.80. Also, the data show that the standard

deviation was high which further shows that the variation of response is wide


Additionally, the indicator for human resources Small-medium sized staff

maintains productivity products based on customer feedback is the top indicator

with the mean of 4.50. Whereas, the indicator Small-medium sized enterprise

observes law on minimum age of workers has the lowest average weighted mean

of 3.50. Also, the data show that the standard deviation was high, which means

that the variation of response is wide spread.

Hence, the business performance of small-medium sized enterprises in

terms of human resources is very good with the highest grand mean of 3.95. The

result implies that SMEs have promising performance for human resources. This

indicates that they reinforce the brand and ensure that it consistently reflects the

value and initiatives for employee engagement and proper communication with the


To support the result of the study, Vulpen (2023) stated that the developing

the skill and abilities of employees is essential for enhancing the performance and

contributing to the success of small medium sized enterprises. Additionally, Erik

(2018) cited that well trained employees can be a powerful tool for enhancing the

performance of small medium sized enterprises by investing in training,

comfortable and safe workplace.


Table 3

Significant Relationship between the Branding Strategy

and the Business Performance of Small Medium Sized Enterprises
Variables R R2 p-value Remarks

Strategy and
Performance 0.912 0.832 0.000 Significant
of Small
Medium Sized

As shown in Table 3, branding strategy and the business performance of

small medium sized enterprises has a correlation of 0.912 described as a high

correlation. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is given by r2 = 0.832 which

means that 83.2% of the branding strategy of small-medium sized enterprises

contribute to the business performance of small-medium sized enterprises.

Furthermore, the table reveals that there is a significant relationship between

branding strategy and business performance of small-medium sized enterprises

as shown by p-value > a where (a = 0.05, p = 0.00). Thus, the null hypothesis of

this study is rejected.

This explains that there is correlation between branding strategy and

business performance of small medium-sized enterprises. This implies that the

right branding strategies can be very beneficial to business performance.

The result of the study agrees with the study of Barahun (2019) that

creating a brand orientation mindset and applying branding strategies help the

organization to create a sustainable competitive advantage for the brand. This


involves clearly defining the brand in terms of its purpose, vision, values,

competencies, and aspirations. The literature has shown that brand orientation has

a powerful impact on brand equity and also influences the business performance

of a company.

Furthermore, Mzungu et al. (2017) revealed that to safeguard the brand

equity, brand orientation should be adopted. He further stated that it is one of the

significant factors to manage the brand strategically for all types of companies

even SMEs. Innovativeness helps companies to see the significance of

implementing branding as an essential instrument to be well adopted to innovative

services that meet consumer demands; this is because a strong brand gives

credibility and security that will certainly assure excellent performance.

Chapter V


This chapter discusses the summary of findings and conclusions of the

study. Recommendations are also forwarded in this chapter.


This study attempted to determine the branding strategy and business

performance of small – medium sized enterprises.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the branding strategy of small–medium sized enterprises in terms


1.1 customer service;

1.2 product quality control; and,

1.3 campaign types?

2. What is the business performance of small–medium sized enterprises in

Barangay Calumpang in terms of:

2.1 marketing; and,

2.2 human resources?


3. Is there a significant relationship between the branding strategy and the

business performance of small – medium sized enterprises in barangay



The following findings answered the statement of the problem of the study.

1. The branding strategy of a small – medium sized enterprise is customer

service with the grand mean of 4.30.

2. The business performance of a small - medium sized enterprise (SMEs) in

Barangay Calumpang is human resource with the grand mean 3.95.

3. There is a significant relationship between the branding strategy and the

business performance of small – medium sized enterprises in barangay

Calumpang with rxy value of 0.912 at 0.5 level of significance p-value of 0.000.

Thus, the null hypothesis of this study was rejected.


Based on the research findings and data analysis, the researchers

concluded the following:

1. The small medium sized enterprises have developed a strong branding

and often used branding strategies in terms of customer service, product quality

control and campaign types to participate in competitive market and to establish

strong relationship with customers.


2. The business performance of small medium sized enterprises in

barangay Calumpang in terms of marketing and human resources is very good

and are performing well in order to maximize business performance by reaching

out to customers, building brand awareness through employees and creating a

positive customer experience.

3. Effective branding strategies can significantly affect the business

performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


Based on the findings and conclusion drawn, the following

recommendations were drawn.

1. They must improve their product quality control through implementing

quality inspection activity and regulatory actions by observing highest level of

product quality to demonstrate the company’s adherence to quality standards.

2. They should consider offering more promotion and discounts to attract

audience to the right channel, to gain more competitive advantage and differentiate

themselves from competitors.

3. They must maintain their branding strategies consistently as it plays a

crucial role in the good performance of small medium sized enterprises.


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Appendix A


Principal III
General Santos City National High School
Calumpang, General Santos City
Dear Sir,
The Grade 12-ABM Economics students in complying with the requirement
of the K to 12 Curriculum, it necessitates personal grasp and exposure to the actual
field from conception of a problem in mind, down to the with the findings of the
study. Hence, the undersigned group of student researchers would like to ask
permission to conduct of the study entitled:
This further permits the students to collect base line data through interviews
and pertinent documents available for the said study.
It is hoped that this permit warrants the objective of the conduct of the study
as it the desire of the student to come up with the research output in accordance
with the required scientific inquiry and research ethics.

Very Respectfully Yours,

Ejiel T. Hinay
Student-Researcher Representative

Noted by: Recommending Approval:


Research Teacher Assistant Principal for SHS



Principal III

Appendix B1

April 24, 2023

General Santos City National High School
Calumpang, General Santos City

Dear Ma’am,

The undersigned is a Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management
Student of General Santos City National High School undertaking a research
With your expertise, the researchers are humbly asking your permission to
validate the attached researcher-made questionnaire using attached rating tool.
The student-researcher is looking forward that his request would merit your
positive response. Thank you and God Bless.

Respectfully Yours,

Student-Researcher Representative

Noted by:


Research Teacher

Appendix B2

April 24, 2023

Master Teacher ll
General Santos City National High School
Calumpang, General Santos City

Dear Ma’am,

The undersigned is a Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management
Student of General Santos City National High School undertaking a research
With your expertise, the researchers are humbly asking your permission to
validate the attached researcher-made questionnaire using attached rating tool.
The student-researcher is looking forward that his request would merit your
positive response. Thank you and God Bless.

Respectfully Yours,

Student-Researcher Representative

Noted by:


Research Teacher

Appendix C


Research Title:



General Instruction. Based on the description, to determine the content validity through the
adequacy, appropriateness and acceptability of the test, the content validity will be
established using the scale, please answer the items sincerely and honestly by
checking which, corresponds the value of your rating.
Legend: 5 - Very High Extent
4 - High Extent
3 - Moderate Extent
2 - Less Extent
1 - Least Extent
5 4 3 2 1

a. The item in the questionnaire gives the learners the

opportunity to explore the use of the language.
1. Adequacy b. The item in the questionnaire provides various experiences
in getting the needed data.
c. The item in the questionnaire evaluates skills performance.
a. The items are appropriate in getting information about the
subject matter

2. Appropriateness b. The items are relevant in the coming up with the questions.

c. The terms used are in accordance with the understanding of

the learner

a. The questionnaire contains questions needed in research.

b. The questionnaire items are understandable and interesting
3. Acceptability to learn

c. The questionnaire motivates interest in research activities

4. Other Comments
and Suggestions

Name & Signature of Validator


Appendix D



Name: Date:
Contact Number:

General Instructions: The following include the indicators on your participation

with the service quality of courier services. Please bear in mind that your answers
will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Scale Description Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Always

4 Agree Often

3 Moderately Agree Sometimes

2 Disagree Rare

1 Strongly Disagree Never

Part I: Branding Strategy of Small – Medium Sized Enterprises

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
A. Customer Service
1. Small-medium sized enterprise establishes
strong relation with customers by hiring staff of
high moral value.
2. Small-medium sized enterprise allows
feedbacks and resolves complaints to
understand customer needs.
3. Small-medium sized enterprise offers fast
services by hiring staff who are knowledgeable,
experienced, and helpful.

4. Small-medium sized enterprise services are

timely to ensure customer service quality.
5. Small-medium sized enterprise adopts
environment-friendly atmosphere.
5 4 3 2 1
B. Product Quality Control
1. Small-medium sized enterprise ensures
accuracy of product label.
2. Small-medium sized enterprise observes
highest level of product quality.
3. Small-medium sized enterprise conducts quality
inspection activity.
4. Small-medium sized enterprise implements
regulatory actions.
5. Small medium sized enterprise meets
product/service quality standards.
5 4 3 2 1
C. Campaign Types
1. Small medium sized enterprises should use
digital marketing campaigns for better results.
2. Small medium sized enterprises should
experiment with different marketing campaigns
to find the best fit.
3. Small medium sized enterprises should
consider them target audience before deciding
on a marketing campaign.
4. Small-medium sized enterprise uses social
media influencers in their marketing campaigns.
5. Small-medium sized enterprise maintains
strong online presence to succeed in today’s

Part II: Business Performance of Small–Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Scale Interpretation
5 Excellent
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Poor
1 Very Poor

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
A. Marketing
1. Small-medium sized enterprise builds credibility
and trust with potential customers by
advertising reviews and testimonials.
2. Small-medium sized enterprise attracts more
customers by offering promotions and
3. Small-medium sized enterprise offers unique
customer experience as a valuable marketing
tactic to differentiate themselves from
4. Small-medium sized enterprise has loyal
customer base for offering exceptional
customer service.
5. Small-medium sized enterprise offers unique
products or services as an effective marketing
tactic to differentiate themselves from
5 4 3 2 1
B. Human Resources
1. Small-medium sized enterprise improves
employment working condition of staff.
2. Small-medium sized enterprise observes law on
minimum age of workers.
3. Small-medium sized enterprise is responsive to
queries and concern of employees.
4. Small-medium sized enterprise staff
communicates well.
5. Small-medium sized staff maintains

Respondent’s Signature

Appendix E

Personal Information:
Age: 18 Years old
Sex: Male
Address: Purok Reformville, Brgy Calumpang
Date of Birth: November 13,2004
Place of Birth: General Santos City
Contact Number: 09350974319
Email Address:
Mother’s Name: Sarahjane T. Hinay
Mother’s Occupation: House wife
Father’s Name: Ritchel A. Hinay
Father’s Occupation: Labor

Educational Background:
Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School
Pre-School: Calumpang, General Santos City

Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School

Elementary: Calumpang, General Santos City

General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City
Junior High School: 2017-2021

General Santos City National High School

Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City

2012 – 2014: Achievers
2017 – 2021: With Honors

Learning Insights:
Through working in our research, I learned about fresh ideas and diverse
viewpoints. I also develop my critical thinking and discernment, and I believe
that curiosity is rewarded in the study process. You are constantly growing
when you are dedicated to learn.

Personal Information:
Age: 19 years old
Sex: Female
Address: Lower Puting Bato,
Calumpang, General Santos
Date of Birth: December 29, 2003
Place of Birth: Glan Padidu Glan Sarangani
Contact Number: 09558422335
Email Address:
Mother’s Name: Ursula Obot Matugas
Mother’s Occupation: DEceased
Father’s Name: Danilo Satinitigan Omayao
Father’s Occupation: Farmer

Educational Background:


Glan Padidu Elementary School


Junior High School: Glan Padidu National High School

Senior High School: General Santos City National High School

2012 – 2014: Achiever/With Honors
2017 – 2021: Achiever

Learning Insights:

Understand your target market: it is important to understand who your target

is and what their needs are in order to develop a successful branding strategy.
You should research your target market and learn about their preferences,
interest, and habits.

Personal Information:
Age: 19 years old
Sex: Female
Address: Upper Banualan, Tambler, Zone 5,
General Santos City
Date of Birth: May 27, 2003
Place of Birth: Christian Village Calumpang
General Santos City
Contact Number: 09659171723
Email Address:
Mother’s Name: Nenita Pamat
Mother’s Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Gerry Pamat
Father’s Occupation: Welder

Educational Background:


Banisil Central Elementary School


Junior High School: General Santos City National High School

Senior High School: General Santos City National High School

2012 – 2014: Achiever
2017 – 2021: With Honors

Learning Insights:

It develops and enhances our knowledge to dig deeper into how to ask good
question, use the appropriate measurement to gather and interpret data in a
systematic manner, and produce reasonable conclusion also improved the
problem-solving skills: through the research process.

Personal Information:
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Female
Address: Blk.8 Diamond Valley, Tambler,
General Santos City
Date of Birth: October 9, 2005
Place of Birth: General Santos City
Contact Number: 09638340534
Email Address:
Mother’s Name: Berlinda B. Pino
Mother’s Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Laureano S. Pino
Father’s Occupation: Fisherman

Educational Background:
Sarangani Country Homes Pre-School
Pre-School: Barangay Tambler, General Santos City
Banisil Central Elementary School
Banisil Tambler, General Santos City
Elementary: 2011-2017

General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City
Junior High School: 2017-2021

General Santos City National High School

Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City

2017 – 2021: Achievers

Learning Insights:
A strong belief in the power of collaboration and the importance of building strong
relationships with students. I have gained invaluable insights into the research
process. From the early stages of formulating a research question to the final stages
of writing and presenting the results of a certain issue, and also, I have come to
understand the importance of effective communication, collaboration. By working in
this research paper, it improved my problem-solving skill and came to realize that with
dedication and perseverance, I can do it and I apply what I have learned to any
research project.

Personal Information:
Age: 18 years old
Sex: Female
Address: Prk. Maliwanag, Calumpang,
General Santos City
Date of Birth: May 7,2004
Place of Birth: Koronadal City
Contact Number: 09608919759
Email Address:
Mother’s Name: Lazel N. Sabio
Mother’s Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: MIchael C. Sabio
Father’s Occupation: Steel Man/Mason

Educational Background:


Calumpang Elementary School


Junior High School: General Santos City National High School

Senior High School: General Santos City National High School

2012 – 2014: Achiever/With Honors
2017 – 2021: Achiever/With Honors

Learning Insights:

Understand your target market: it is important to understand who your target is and
what their needs are in order to develop a successful branding strategy. You should
research your target market and learn about their preferences, interest, and habits.
Last but not least, be sure to monitor and evaluate your branding strategy monitor
your progress and evaluate the success of your efforts to identify areas of

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