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Student name: Huynh Nhat Phuong

Student number: 31211025085

University: UEH- ISB

The leader that I want to talk about is Bill Gates.

Bill Gates is an American billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist whose vision and
leadership have inspired an entire generation of innovators. Bill Gates had a significant
impact on not just his team members but also, to some extent, the world while building a
billion-dollar firm to pursue his passion for technology. The leadership style of Bill Gates is
one factor in Microsoft's success. Bill Gates, the co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft,
embraced transformational leadership, which not only altered the company's culture but also
inspired its staff to act as the organization's true spokesman. The best way to succeed, in his
opinion, is to develop while also making a difference in the lives of those around you. He had
great achievements and received the public's love because of his inspiring charm and
admirable personality (Jain, n.d.).

I really respect this leader because of his admirable personality and sufficient

Time management:

The most valuable resource in Bill Gates' life, according to him, is time. He is aware that
hard work and perseverance over time are what ultimately lead to success. Regarding this
philosophy, he meticulously arranges his day and makes sure that his time is used in an
efficient manner. He keeps a strict schedule and devotes every minute to a certain task. Bill
Gates urges his team members to follow his lead by using this strategy.

Lead with a vision:

History cannot be made by a leader without vision. This strategy, which can still be seen in
Bill Gates' leadership style after all these years, is one of the numerous factors that have
contributed to Microsoft's current level of success. When dealing with a huge number of staff
members, Gates realized that communicating his vision forcefully and passionately might
inspire staff members and push them to work with passion and clarity. By having everyone
work toward a shared objective, this helped not only the employees but the entire firm.

Care for his people:

Bill Gates was a humanitarian who genuinely cared for his team, his company, and the entire
globe. In order to give back to society, he established the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
an institution that prioritizes preserving human life and enhancing global health.

By accepting both positive and negative employee input, showing up for his staff, and
fostering an environment that empowers, increases engagement, and provokes passion, he
believed that the greatest way for his business to develop was to take good care of its

Learning is an ongoing process:

Despite dropping out of school, Bill Gates continued to learn. He thinks that as long as we
can adapt, there is something new to learn every day. Bill Gates' leadership abilities
encouraged him and his staff to continue learning and developing their skill sets even after
they had established a big business. He believes that the only way to succeed and become
a better version of yourself is to do this.

Advocate innovation and creativity:

The world is evolving quickly, and if your company doesn't innovate, it could perish. As it just
takes one mistake to force you out of the game, you must continually innovate your
products, the method, the strategy, and other aspects if you want to continue in the game or
be the pioneer.

Energized by his love of technology, Bill Gates pushed staff members to work hard and
come up with innovative concepts that could serve as long-term revenue generators. He
places a strong emphasis on fusing innovation, creativity, and research as a transformational
leader. It applies to both making software and doing charitable work.

Take big risks:

A successful leader is one who is willing to take risks and evolve with the times, which sets
them apart from average ones. Bill Gates has always taken risks, from quitting college to
launching a business in his parent's garage out of passion. Bill Gates didn't become a
pioneer in the software industry by taking the safe route. Many people's lives were
influenced by his philosophy, including many of his Microsoft workers. Some of his

subordinates admire him because they aspire to be like him, while others think he can
improve their leadership skills.

Nobody is flawless. Every leader occasionally makes mistakes. Leaders must

recognize their particular areas of weakness in order to improve.

Bill Gates expresses ideas or opinions that he believes to be true. If he believes that his
suggestion is the best course of action, it will be pursued. If that plan does not work out, his
method of working can end up being a weakness, especially if alternative ideas are put out
for consideration. (9 Bill Gates Leadership Style Traits, Skills and Qualities, n.d.)

In conclusion, as a transformational leader, Bill Gates changed both the lives of the
company's employees and society as a whole. The staff were able to perform beyond their
capacity because of this strategy, which helped Microsoft become what it is today. I have
learned many valuable lessons and strategies of leadership from Bill Gates, such as time
management, leading with a vision and caring for others. These approaches have helped me
to improve my leadership skills as I can apply them into organizing my teamwork at

Jain, S. (n.d.). Inside Bill Gates leadership journey of building Microsoft from nothing. Grove
HR Solution | Blog. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from
9 Bill Gates Leadership Style Traits, Skills and Qualities. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 31, 2022, from


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