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Department of Education
Division of Rizal



This study focuses on the collective discrimination experiences of San Jose
Litex Senior High School Students who are part of the LGBT Community mainly focused
with the identified trangenders. There are transgender students that experience a lot of
problems and discrimination regarding their gender identity. Some students have
dropped out of school due to bullying and discrimination but there are still many
students who continue studying and don't pay attention to people who judge them.

People who are part of LGBT Community is not a rare thing to everyone.In the
Philippines, around 73% of Filipino think that homosexuality should be accepted by the
society. But in some cases,there are still many cases of bullying and discrimination in
our country especially among students who are member of this community.

In the Philippines, Department of Education(2012) who handles primary and

secondary schools pass a Child Protection Policy design to address bullying and
discrimination in schools, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
identity.The Anti-Bullying Law of 2013 was passed the following year by Congress,
along with implementing rules and regulations that list sexual orientation and gender
identity as forbidden grounds for bullying and harassment.


Transgender students encounter unique challenges in their circumstances.
The very common problem they encounter is discrimination from the society there
where belong to.

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Division of Rizal

Research Questions:
1. How do transgender students identify themselves as a victim of
2. What are the instances that transgender students experience
3. What are the implications of being discriminated by someone?
4. What are the ways how learners mitigate of being discriminated?

This study aims to:

i. To identify the challenges the participants encountered as part of LGBT
Community especially as a transgender.
ii. To know their hardships growing up as part of Transgender Community.
iii. To find the reasons why they decided to continue studying despite their situation
of being bullied and discriminated.


The importance of this research can give an insight on how Discriminated
Transgender students struggle to show who they really are to the community they
belong to. one of the reason transgender students are struggling to come out is
because they are afraid to be judge, discriminate and be a victim of bullying.

This study will benefit the following:

Students - this study will help them understand the transgender student experiences
and their struggles and hardships.

Teachers - teachers can also gain significance in this study, for them to be able to know
the situation of the students who are part of the Transgender Community.

The researchers - this will serve as their basis for gathering more information so they
can conduct a larger study.

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This study is limited to those transgender students who experiences
discrimination as they come out with their real gender identity.They must be studying in
San Jose Litex Senior High School and can be from Grade 11 or Grade 12 as long as
they are currently enrolled in SJLSHS.This study is limited to those transgender
students who continue to study despite the bullying,discrimination and inequality that
they experience not only inside the school within their schoolmates but may also be in
their house,their families and relatives, in the park or anywhere else in their community.

The subject of our research are Transgender students, who still chose to
continue school despite of problems they encounted as member of LGBT Community.
Despite the problems on how the community will accept their identity, most of the
students still do fine in school.They do their school tasks well to prove that they can
excel in their studies even though they are members of LGBT and they are transgender
students. Which gives them a bigger goal in mind, they go to school, do their school
works well, so if they finish school, they have something to be proud of.


Transgender - denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not

correspond with the sex registered for them at birth.

Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people,

especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.

Experienced- having knowledge or skill in a particular field, especially a profession or

job, gained over a period of time.

Identified- establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.

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This chapter includes the review of related literature about Transgender

students, ideas, generalization and conclusion about the said topic. The information
included in this chapter helps to fully understand the research to be done for better
comprehension of the study.

Foreign Literature
As they move into their new identities, a lot of transgender students
expereinces prejudice from the society.They have a lot of difficulties as they want to
blend in with their friends and classmates and want to grow as a human being with the
gender they preffered to be.They have difficulties in school mainly being a subject for
bullying, violence and discrimination which may cause depression and suicidal attempts
to the victims.Most Transgender students feels like they don't belong to the community
they were in.

According to The Experiences of Transgender Youth (2009), Students who identify

as transgender experience far more bullying and violence than LGB students.And these
significant victimization rates cause these pupils to skip more classes and receive
poorer marks and a sense of being excluded from the school community.In agreement
with that, Trans High Ed (2022) also stated that transgender people described feelings
of incompleteness, having to conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity at
school due to their LGBTQ status, and unfair treatment, harassment, or bullying that
had an adverse effect on the quality and quantity of their education.Many transgender
people claimed that they experienced negative school behavior throughout their entire
lives, which had an impact on their academic performance or level of education as
cisgender LGBQ people. In all different kinds of higher education institutions that they
had attended, almost a third of transgender people said that teachers, staff, or school
administrators had treated them unfairly. And more than a third reported being the target
of bullying, harassment, or violence in higher education.

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Transgender students faces a lot of prejudice as they transition to their preferred

identity.A lot of them experience bullying, violence and discrimination inside their school
community which made them feel not belong to the society.Negative school behaviors is
something that transgender individuals deal with as well, and it may negatively impact
their educational performance.This are the common problems that transgenders
encountered that should be given an immediate and long- lasting solution.

Local Literature

Bullying,harassment and abuse of LGBT people is one of the problems

worldwide. LGBT students experience harassment in class, on the playground, in
restrooms and locker rooms, while traveling to and from school, as well as online. They
may also experience rumors, intimidation, pushing and hitting, stealing from them or
damaging their property, obscene notes and graffiti, social exclusion, cyberbullying,
physical and sexual assault, and even death threats.With the number of discrimination
and exploitation people do to them its time for the government to take an action to
protect their rights and treat them as part of this society,as a whole human being.

With the discriminations Transgender and LGBT Community is facing,the

government of the Philippines passed a Republic Act that will protect them against
violence and discrimination. The Department of Education(2012) enacted the Child
Protection Policy as a "zero tolerance policy for any act of kidnapping, exploiting
children, assault, prejudice, bullying, and other abuses". All forms of bullying and
discrimination in schools, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
identity, are prohibited by the policy.To also give protection from bullying,Philippine
Congress(2013) passes an Anti-Bullying Law and it directs primary and secondary
schools to "adopt policies to address the existence of bullying in their respective
institutions. These policies must at the very least forbid bullying that occurs on or near
school property, as well as cyberbullying and harassment that occurs off school
property.interferes with a student's education and targets individuals who report bullying
with reprisal.These guidelines should also spell out the punishment for bullying, lay out
the steps to take to stop it, allow students to report it anonymously, inform students,
parents, and guardians of bullying and the school's policies to stop it, and make a public
record of bullying statistics in the school.

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Two laws were approved by the Philippine government to safeguard LGBT individuals
from abuse and prejudice. Bullying and discrimination in schools, including on

the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, are also prohibited by the Child
Protection Policy. The Anti-Bullying Law requires elementary and secondary schools to
implement anti-bullying policies in their particular settings. These rules should specify
the sanctions for bullying, outline the procedures to take to put an end to it, let students
to report it anonymously, alert students, parents, and guardians about bullying, and
make bullying data available to the public.

Foreign Studies
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ)
adolescents regularly endure hostile school environments, including bullying and
discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This makes schools a
dangerous place for them. The wellbeing of LGBTQ adolescents may be threatened by
hostile school environments and discriminatory incidents.

According to the study conducted by McGuire, Anderson ,Toomey & Russell

(2010), Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) adolescents may not instantly benefit from
programs designed to help them since transgender youth frequently endure hostile
school situations. They found out in the study that there is a lot of bullying at schools
because of transgender identity, and this bullying has a bad effect on people's emotions
of safety. In addition to that Kosciw, Greytak, Giga, Villenas & Danischewski,(2012)
found out in their 2011 surveys that look at the experiences of LGBT Students that the
following are the indicators of a hostile school environment: hearing homophobic
remarks said during class, feeling unsafe due to one's sexual orientation, gender
identity, or race/ethnicity, skipping classes or days of school due to safety concerns, and
being harassed or assaulted at school.

LGBT adolescents face hostile school environments, including bullying and

discrimination, which can have a negative impact on their wellbeing.Most of the LGBT
students that had experience this hostile school situations are often due to their gender

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identity. Those hostile school environment at school are marked by homophobic insults,

worries about personal safety, and harassment.

Local Studies

Philippines is known as a Catholic Country, almost 85% of its population are

Roman Catholic.And we know that the Catholic Churches only recognizes two genders,
the woman and the man. So being transgender and a member of the LGBT community
in our country is one of the biggest challenges for them.

Discrimination and bullying from academic stuff is one of the problems LGBT
members are facing. According to the study of Allied Academies (2018) conducted in the
Philippines, LGBT students at Catholic schools may be dismissed solely on the basis of
their sexual orientation and gender identity. In contrast to that, The Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines(2022), stated that they do not discriminate against LGBT
individuals who choose to serve God. However, it is also expected of the LGBT
community "not to change God" and Church teachings. As stated by Father Jerome
Secillano, executive secretary of CBCP’s public affairs committee, that they instead
need to alter for the sake of God, the Church, and her principles, And this is true for
everyone; God is here to direct men's destinies. The roles are not reversed.

Everyone's opinion is different when it comes to this topic. There are people who
agree with Transgenders and members of the LGBT Community, but people who are
against this sexual identity cannot be avoided because it is against their beliefs and
faith. But even so Anyway, I hope everyone will learn to respect any gender preferences
of others even if it is contrary to our doctrines and beliefs.

The study about the experiences of transgender students has been well
researched.The research finds that Transgender students experience more extreme
type of bullying and violence than the other LBG students,(The Experiences of
Transgender Youth ,2009). The experiences of incompleteness , discrimination and
unfair treatment of other people to the Transgender students due to their status leave a
negative impact on their education,(Trans High Ed, 2022). LGBT adolescents may not

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benefit from programs

designed to help them due to hostile school situations and bullying, which has a
negative effect on their emotions of safety,(McGuire, Anderson,Toomey &
Russell ,2010).Some of

the hostile school situation LGBT students experience are homophobic remarks, feeling
unsafe due to their sexual orientation, and being harassed or assaulted at school,
(Kosciw, Greytak, Giga, Villenas & Danischewski,2012).Discrimination and Bullying are
not the only things transgender & LGBT students experience in fact they also
experience being discriminated in their religion. According to the study of Allied
Academies (2018) conducted in the Philippines, LGBT students at Catholic schools may
be dismissed solely on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.However,
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines(2022), stated that they do not
discriminate against LGBT individuals.According to them,LGBT individuals are welcome
to serve God, but must not change God and Church teachings.

This shows that the related literature and studies and the research we conducted
was demonstrated that bullying,prejudice,discrimination and inequality are the things
that most transgender students had experienced.Those transgender students who still
goes to school despite of the discrimination and bullying they have experienced are the
students who has a bigger goal in mind, they go to school, do their school works well,
finish school and have something to be proud of.These studies had started to provide
insights on how and what are the transgender students struggles to still come to school
despite being bullied of others in their society. Though they have to face a lot of
discrimination, prejudice and harsh reality of how people think about them, they
surpass/ and are willing to surpass through their strong will and lofty dreams to prove
that they can do it even if they are members of the Transgender and LGBT Community.

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This chapter provides the summary of our research methodology. namely, that
despite being the target of bullying and prejudice in our culture, we were able to identify
the difficulties that each transgender student experiences in finishing their
education.You will learn precisely about the methods we used in this study, such as the
research design, participant selection process, data analysis, data collecting
methodology, and instrumentation.

Research Design
This study will use a qualitative research design, utilizing interviews with
Transgender students. Participants will be recruited through convenience sampling from
Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of San Jose Litex Senior High School. Data will be
analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns in the
experiences of transgender students.
In this study the researcher will use the Phenomenological method of
Qualitative Research as they want to gather the experiences their participants faced as
part of the LGBT community who becomed a victim of bullying and prejudice in their
Qualitative research is a research technique that focuses on gathering
information through open-ended and conversational discussion to better understand
concepts, views, or experiences. It is used to gain in-depth insights into a topic or to
develop fresh research ideas, focusing on intervention improvement.

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Population and Sampling Procedure

In this study, the researchers use the purposive sampling.The researchers will
select samples by their judgement selecting those individuals that are especially
knowlegeable or experienced about the study they were conducting.The reason why
they used this approach is that they are seeking for transgender students who are
willing to response to their questions and share their experienced as being part of the
LGBT Community.Transgender students will be chosen based on the qualities the
researchers are looking for, namely as those students who are a victim of bullying
because of their gender identity, those transgender students who experienced
discrimination not only in the school but also with their families and relatives and lastly
those students who finally come out as who they really are. To accurately identify and
compare the challenges and difficulties of the transgender students, the researchers will
expect to have ten (10) participants.To ensure that the participants information is fully
understand by the researchers, they will conduct a face-to-face interview that will be
recorded.The researcher will also try to find a safer and comfortable location that the
participants can speak more comfortable and honestly about his/her experiences.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to beginning our research, we first created an agreement or a request
letter for our subjects. We choose to conduct an oral survey for the comfort and privacy
of our participants. Structured interviews were employed to collect the data for this
investigation. Each participant had a member of our group assigned to them in order to
observe them and acquire information about them (such as personal identity, do they
have a good relationship with their parents,etc.).
After the interview, we will combine our observations and interviews to formulate
a verbal interpretation. We will summarize the facts and interpret the data collected from
the interviews conducted with the participants.
The hypothesis of our investigation will be determined with the aid of our selected
interpretation. It will collect our chosen participants' awareness, obstacles, influences,
and conditions. This will lead to the interpretation and analysis of our study's

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This chapter presents the result of the study, analysis, and interpretation of data
that pertain the Discrimination Experienced by Identified Transgender Students of
San Jose- Litex senior High School.

SOP 1: To identify the challenges the participants encountered as part of LGBTQ

Community especially as a transgender.
Primary Theme: The challenges encountered of Transgenders
Question 1: As a part of LGBTQ that focus on Transgenders, How do you identify
yourself as a victim of Discrimination?
Participant 1: “Ah for me hindi naman ako naging Getting in trouble
biktima ng discrimination and thanks god is
maayos naman yung buhay ko ngayon pero iba
iba kase tayo ng estado sa buhay meron ding
mga ibang LGBT na parang parang wala sa hulog
or may mga na ooffend na lalaki kaya
napapahamak sila.”

Participant 2: Uhmm pwede po bang gamitin accustomed

yung ano native language (researcher: opo)
uhmm parang sanay nako na mabully kase mula
pagkabata parang tinutukso nila akong bakla
parang hanggang ngayon nadala ko na kahit
sabihan nila akong parang wala nakong pake.

Participant 3: Uhmm di pa po ako nakakaranas resist

ng discrimination kase tinuruan po ako ni mama
na pumalag sa mga ganyang lalake like tinetake
ko nalang po siya as compliment if ever man
tinatawag nila ako na bading ganon kase wala
pinanganak po akong bading trans po talaga
anong magagawa ko don kaya tinatanggap ko

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nalang talaga siya.

Participant 4: Uhmm nakaranas na po ako ng Facing the truth

discriminations minsan galing pa po sa mga
teachers like one time dito po sa sa ano naging
teacher po naming siya pero di ko nalang po
papangalanan uhmm sinabi niya po saken na
kahit ano daw pong gawin namin lalake padin daw
po kami kahit daw po mag transition kame
magpahaba ng buhok kahit ano pang inumin
lalake padin daw kame ayun lang naman po yung
naranasan ko dito.

Participant 5: Uhhmm I’ll identify my self as a Gender bias

victim of trans ahh discrimination uhhm like they
ahh they di nila ako tinitreat like uhm I’m uhh
normal I’m I’m uhh normal person so may mga
scenario na yung alam mo yon yung para kasing
malalaman mo yon eh sa treatment yung mas
better talaga yung treatment sa mga uhmm iba
uhmm yah sa mga hetero sexual or sa kahit sa
mga ibanga part ng LGBTQ mas ano talaga sa

Participant 6: Actually uhm when I was a little I disregard

experience a lot of discrimination because of my
gender and here in school, I experience a lot of
discrimination based on my gender when. When it
comes to my voice my… When it comes to my
voice, my actions and then my chest and I and I
disregard all though people, all the people that

Participant 7: Well hindi naman, totally hindi

naman ako naging biktima ng discrimination pero
siguro uhm..Junior High School naging biktim ako
ng discrimination. Pangbubully, pangungutsa ng
mga classmate ko, ganun.

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Participant 8: mo na bakit wala naman yan doon

Ayun yung.. yung pag uusapan ka tungkol doon
sa Sexualidad sa ano diba sa bibliography na
ginawa yung tao na babae at lalaki lang ganun.

Participant 9: Uhmm Masakit lalo na kapag

galing pa sa mga taong akala mo na kakampi mo
pero may nasasabe paren sayo kase nga
transgender ka which is hindi naman maiiwasan
yun pero sana diba dapat sila uhmm, dapat sila
yung unang makakaintindi sayo, tatanggap sayo,
Participant 10: I identify my self as a victim of
discrimination uhm uhmm sa bahay namin yung
family ko, una di nila matanggap since biglaan
yung transformation ko nagpahaba muna ako ng
buhok and hindi nila masyadong pinapansin yun
kase nga pandemic and hindi makalabas and
hindi makapagpagupit, then after ilang months
tinatalian ko na yung buhok ko then I put a light
make-up don nako cinomfront, di nila ako tanggap
syempre nasa tamang ag iisip pa daw ba ako, ano
daw bang mali bat ko nagawa yon ganun. Then sa
community naman almost the same nabigla sila
sa transformation ko and kinukutsa nila ako baket
ganun daw ginawa ko sayang daw yung pagiging
lalake ko and what so ever.

SOP 1: To identify the challenges the participants encountered as part of LGBTQ

Community especially as a transgender.
Question 2: What are the things you’ve made just to be accepted by our society?
Secondary Themes/ Codes
Participant 1: Okay especially sa mga sa pamilya authentication
ko uhmm ginagawa ko is nagpakatotoo talaga ako
and wala akong, wala akong parang pinipili kung

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ano man yung sabihin nila saken wala akong

intention na wala namang intention na sirain yung
pamilya namin pero linalabas ko lang yung
totoong ako.

Participant 2: Siguro bago ko tanggapin yung Self acceptance

mga kinukutsa nila saken uhmm kailang ko muna
tanggapin sarili ko kase diyan naman nag start
kung ano ako diba.

Participant 3: Uhmm currently po I’m transitioning transitioning

na po pero hindi pa po ako nagtetake ng pills
nagpapahaba palang po muna ako ng buhok.

Participant 4: Uhmm siguro hindi kami gagawa Respecting others

ng mga kababuyan na para ma ano sila para ano
offend sila ganun para like para yung maging
reason na lalayuan nila kami or mahate nila kame.

Participant 5: Uhmm first nag comply sa mga transfigure

parang ano nila uhmm yung you need to be ano
uhmm feminine or mag muka ka talagang babae
para maano ka talaga parang makuha mo yung
amount of respect.

Participant 6: Since, I experience a lot of Protecting myself

difficulties and discrimination uhm I’m still doing
my job as a student and as a person and as a
LGBT too.Ah, I, I do a lot of waste on how to
protect my self against of "homophobic people" I, I
do another activity which is like intercept, like
socializing and making my self, making my self
uhm a big difference from others.

Participant 7: Well wala naman, hopefully hindi Self approval

naman ako yung... gagawing lahat para iaccept
lang nila. I’m just going to express my self as who
I am. Ayun nga hindi ko naman kailangan ng bag,
tanggap ng iba, tanggap ko naman yung sarili ko
hihintayin ko nalang tanggapin nila ako, hindi
kona kailangan gawin pa yung mga bagay na

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dapat magustuhan nila.

Participant 8: Wala, hindi ko kailangan ipilit yung Self acknowledgement

sarili ko kung ayaw nila okay lang.

Participant 9: Para ma accept ako ng society Role model

uhmm as transgender hindi ko gagawin yung mga
bagay na ayaw gawin saken. Halimbawa kung
ayoko ma husgahan dapat ganun din ako sa tao,
uhmm bago ko, bago ko gawin sa iba titignan ko
muna sarili ko, paano kung saken ginawa yun?
Diba masasaktan ako so ayun be respectful all the
time nalang.
Participant 10: Uhmm wala masyado ei, basta disinterested
kung ano ako yun lang ginagawa ko tanggapin
man nila or hindi wala akong pake.

SOP 2: To know their hardships growing up as part of Transgender Community.

Question 3: How do you see yourself after five(5) years of being part of Transgender
Secondary Themes/ Codes
Participant 1: Actually hindi naman ako trans eh
pero parang papunta din rito kasi may balak din
akong mag pa mag pills din then ah ah I think mga
2, 2 years lang akong naging umamin tapos
naging part ako ng LGBTQ. Bilang transgdender
siguro ano maganda na siguro ako non pag ganun
tapos syempre diba ano pag nagpipills yung mga
bakla is humuhubog na yung katawan, katawan
nila mas nagiging babae syaka nagkakaroon ako
ng confidence siguro sa sarili.

Participant 2: Ano parang feel kong Malaya ako accepting

kahit na maraming, maraming hindi nakakakita ng
potential namin pero feel ko Malaya ako kasi kahit
na bakla ako marami din nagmamahal na katulad

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ko tas merong din mga taong kahit yung iba hindi

nila tanggap pero meron ding tanggap kami.

Participant 3: I see myself as a successful successful

women po.

Participant 4: Uhmm ahh siguro nakikita ko yung prosperit

sarili ko na ano successful tsaka maayos na tao.

Participant 5: Uhmmm probably after five years I

hope I’ll be a done uhmm sa pag aaral and naging
teacher na… yah as a parang teacher pero I ano
ahh trans and trans ahh transgender teacher.
Participant 6: I.. dont have any idea about a
future after the 5 years but I only know that. Since
I part of LGBT since in the after 5 years I only see
my self standing both of my feet. Proudly and
proud be raise my flag as a LGBT.

Participant 7: well ganun parin siguro, hindi na

siya magbabago if maraming.. taong hindi kame
gusto, hindi na babaguhin sarili namin kase hindi
naman kame gusto siguro same paden as

Participant 8: Hindi ako transgender bisexual

lang ako. Pero if ever man uhm nakikita ko sarili
ko bilang isang matatag na parte or member ng
LGBTQ Community.
Participant 9: A successful transgender in the
Philippines kabog diba? Tapos pag naging
successful nako tutulong ako sa mga taong naapi
tapos tinatapaktapakan lalo na sa mga members
ng LGBT para kahit papaano makaramdam sila ng
Kalayaan na ilabas at ipakita ang tunay na sila.
Participant 10: After 5 years nakikita ko yung
sarili ko as a transgender who is free and malayo
sa panghuhusga, linolook forward ko na after 5
years yung mga homophobic na tao is maaccept

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din kame kahit papaano.

SOP 2: To know their hardships growing up as part of Transgender Community.

Question 4: How do you see yourself after being discriminated?
Secondary Themes/ Codes
Participant 1: Saken siguro ano sa napakasaya
ko kase ano sa ngayon kase ano eh tawag dito
parang manhid nako sa mga bagay bagay, oo
masaya parin ako kahit madalas akong
nasasaktan pero eto sanay nako.

Participant 2: Masakit siya pero kasi minsan pag

yung mga bata sinisigawan ako ng ah bakla bakla
ako tinatawanan ko nalang ka kase parang
ineenjoy ko nalang.

Participant 3: Uhmm syempre po mababawasan

po yung self confidence ko don kase antagal ko
po niyang binuild yung confidence na yon pero
ididiscriminate lang ako parang nakaka offend po
talaga siya.

Participant 4: Ahhmm nakakababa siya ng self-

esteem tsaka ng nakakabawas din siya ng self-
confidence sa sarili.

Participant 5: More stronger I guess like it builds

character like it strengthens me and uhmm yun
nga it builds character.

Participant 6: Like what I said. Since I, I

discriminated a lot from here in the school like, not
just in school but in community, Uhm I always
thought my self uhm to look for my self and do
not, do not... give attention to others.
Participant 7: siguro.. depressed kase baket
ganun? Yung iba yung tinatanggap tas ako
nakukutcha, nalalait, nadidiskriminal ng ibang tao.

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Participant 8: Hindi, hindi nalang ako nag

papaapekto doon sa mga sinasabe ng mga ibang
tao tungkol sa sarili ko dahil kilala ko yung sarili

Participant 9: Nakakabawas ng confidence, kahit

naman siguro yung straight once na diniscriminate
pag ka tao mo masasaktan ka at mababawasan
ang confidence mo.
Participant 10: Nakikita ko yung sarili ko bilang
isang transwoman na hindi karapat dapat makutsa
kase at the end of the day tao parin naman ako ei,
binago ko lang yung itsura ko kase doon masaya
ako, sa pagbabago kong yon nakilala ko lalo sarili

SOP 3: To find the reason why they decided to continue studying despite their
situation of being bullied and discriminated.
Question 5: How do a transgender student cope with discrimination?
Secondary Themes/ Codes
Participant 1: Saken ano ehh moral lesson
nalang kasi yung ganung bagay kailangan mo ring
magpakatatag if if alam mong mong ano part ka
ng LGBT kailangan mo ng honest sa sarili mo and

Participant 2: Siguro kung wait siguro kung

dinisdiscriminate ako ng iba siguro binabayaan ko
nalang sila.

Participant 3: Ano po uhmm feeling ko po humor

ginagawa po naming humor pero deep inside
nasasaktan po talaga.

Participant 4: Ako ginagawa ko kapag na

didiscriminate ako ahh hindi ko na lang pinapansin

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Participant 5: Ay for me umm the way I cope is I

try to excel more to kase sa mga like straights I
guess para uhmm pagiging transgender ko will be
invisible so para makita lang nila ako as a normal
person or or to kung makikita lang nila ako kung
saan san ako magaling.

Participant 6: Uhm since I part of lgbt I know we

all have differences. Since LGBT is a broad, is a
broad community we all differences, we all pop
similarities but as a part of LGBT, I cope any
attention from LGBT not to be upgrade to the
people around them. and I always said that
always spread their love and self.

Participant 7: Well sa ngayon, wala naman okay

naman yung mga pakikisama ng mga tao saken.

Participant 8: Uhm una sa lahat ano mag mag try

ka syempre ayun yung pinaka matinding sandata
naten. Tapos, tapos ano kilala mo yung sarili mo
hindi kailangan ipilit sa iba ang nararamdaman

Participant 9: Nung una parang hindi ko

matanggap sarili ko yung pang huhusga nila
saken bilang transgender pero habang tumatagal
na a-accept kona, bahala kayo dyaan ijudge niyo
ako whatever you want basta ako kilala ko sarili
ko at mahal ko kung ano ang kasarian ko ngayon.
- Participant 10: Inaaccpet ko muna yung sarili
ko, binibigyan ko ng lakas at confidence para
kahit anong ibato nila saken masasaket na
what so ever hindi nako maapektohan.
Gumagala din kami ng mga friends ko na
kapwa LGBT then doon nalalabsan naming
then na oovercome namin yung pangkukutsa

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na dinadala namen.

SOP 3: To find the reason why they decided to continue studying despite their
situation of being bullied and discriminated.
Question 6: As you continue your studies here in San Jose- Litex Senior High
School, Do you think that this School is a safe learning environment for Transgender
Students? Why? Or Why not?
Secondary Themes/ Codes
Participant 1: Saken oo, kase marami na ring
akong naging close na mga lalaki bukod sa lalake
mga babae den and parang freee na rin ako dito
sa school na to.

Participant 2: Uhmm yes, why? kase ano feel ko

safe naman dito kung stricto siya pero kaming part
ng LGBTQ ano siya tanggap naman kami .

Participant 3: Uhmm yes po, kase nag iikot ikot

din po kame minsan sa mga room and di naman
po kame nadedisciminate ng mga lalake dito ehh
instead po parang tinatawanan pa po kame and
tinatawag kameng ganda ganon yun lang po

Participant 4: Ahhmm siguro diko rin masasabi

na ano sya na safe sya para samen kase nga
yung ibang teachers hindi, hindi sila okay samen
and yung ibang students hindi rin po sila okay
saken like nakakatanggap din, para po sakin na
sinasabi nila is back-handed compliment para po
mang asar lang.

Participant 5: Uhmm I guess cause actually I

have a mix feeling specially kase konti lang
naman yung population here sa San Jose-Litex
Senior High School. Feeling ko oo naman, kase
yung our ano our uniform anong tawag dito pwede
siya sa both gender parang parang hindi nman

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nacacategorize so feeling ko ok naman na yon

that’s it.

Participant 6: Uhm, i don't think so. But in my two

years of two years, two years here in San Jose
Litex I experience some people, I encountered
some people with homophobic background but I'm
for me. I still continue and choose this school
because I have a lot of memories here and as
from as that uhm I encountered LGBTQ like me
and I'm still proud here in San Jose Litex.

Participant 7: Uhm.for me its safe naman kase

most of the teacher are openly accepting student
na ineexpress nila yung sarili nila. So, siguro sa
mga susunod pa na mga estudyante na San Jose-
Litex express niyo lang yung sarili niyo wag
niyong hayaan yung iba na sirain kayo.

Participant 8: Yes, kase nakikita naman naten na

yung mga Uhm katulad ko at mga kaklase naten
diba? naeexpress nila sarili nila, hindi naman
naten school nag didiscriminate saten ng gender.

Participant 9: Yes , kase pagdating sa mga

teacher tanggap nila kung ano ako,actually
nakakabiruan ko pa sila kaya for me as a
transgender safe dito sa San Jose Litex Senior
High School.

Participant 10: Medyo yes na medyo no kase

some of the students even teachers are not on
transgenders, but syempre may mga iba parin
talaga na sinusuportahan kami kaya ayun.

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