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National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency

Ministry of Rural Development

Government of India


National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency

Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India

Pradhan Mantri
This document is for wide dissemination amongst the stakeholders connected with construction and
maintenance of Rural (low volume) Roads, such as PTAs/STAs, Engineers, Quality Monitors, Contractors, Field
Supervisors etc.
Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, IAS
Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India


Rural road connectivity is a key component of Rural Development for promoting access
to economic and social services. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) plays a vital role in
this direction and the roads constructed under the programme are important part of the poverty
reduction strategy. Their continued existence is absolutely essential to achieve the intended
objective. Pradhan Mantra Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched in the year 2000 with an
objective of providing all-weather road connectivity to all eligible unconnected habitations in rural
areas of country.

Government of India had launched Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (referred to as
PMGSY-I) on 25th December 2000 with an objective of providing rural connectivity and subsequently
launched the PMGSY-II & PMGSY-III for consolidation of major rural link and through routes to give
a boost to rural economy.

It gives me an immense pleasure in presenting this “Module”, a booklet prepared by a group

of experts from various IITs/ NITs. The use of this “Module”, will result in maximizing the use of locally
available materials, optimization of pavement composition, minimizing construction cost, promote
efficient use of the scarce road building materials and fuel, minimization of adverse impacts on
environment, and sustainability of the vast road network being built under the PMGSY and other
Rural Roads Programmes.
Dr. Ashish Kumar Goel, IAS
Additional Secretary,
Ministry of Rural Development
& Director General, NRIDA
Government of India


The Government of India, as a part of the poverty reduction strategy, launched the Pradhan
Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY-I) on 25th December 2000 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to
assist the states for construction of rural roads. The primary objective of the PMGSY was to provide
all- weather road connectivity to the eligible unconnected habitations in the rural India. The
mandate of PMGSY has been subsequently widened to include new interventions. PMGSY-II was
launched in 2013, with a target to upgrade 50,000 km of the existing rural roads. Road Connectivity
Project for Left Wing Extremism Affected Areas (RCPLWEA) was launched in 2016 for construction/
upgradation of strategically important roads in the remote areas of the country. PMGSY-III was
launched in 2019 for consolidation of 1,25,000 km through routes and major rural links connecting
habitations to various socio-economic centres. Since inception till 31st March 2023, more than
7 lakh km road length has been completed under various verticals of PMGSY.

PMGSY has helped in better access of marketplace for the rural masses and generated
employment in various forms. It has also helped in improving socio-economic condition of rural
populace. An evaluation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Rural Development Sector, including
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana was carried out by the Development Monitoring and Evaluation
Office (DMEO) of NITI Aayog in 2020 and it was found that the scheme is well aligned with India’s
international goals and is seen to contribute to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) 2 & 9
as it addresses the issues of poverty, hunger and infrastructure for growth. Roads constructed
under PMGSY have been observed to create positive impacts at the level of the household and
community. Roads have impacted in increased access to market and livelihood opportunities,
health and education facilities of people.
PMGSY has been pioneer in adopting New and Green Technologies in construction of
rural roads. Ministry of Rural Development has launched “Vision Document on New Technology
Initiatives & Guidelines 2022 in the month of May 2022. More than 1 lakh km of roads have been
sanctioned under PMGSY, which have adopted one or more new technologies.

India being a developing country is required to have a road network which sustains for
a longer life with less maintenance cost. The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) is releasing
this Module on “Geosynthetics in Pavements” with an objective to guide the engineers involved
in implementation of PMGSY. Usage of the Geosynthetics considerably improve the strength
of the weak soil strata. Moreover, Geosynthetics in the pavement layer also reduces aggregate
requirement, especially in the stretches where the soil is weak. As such, the use of Geosynthetics
is also beneficial from the point of view of conservation of natural resources and environmental

This document has been prepared with contributions and suggestions of my NRIDA
colleagues Shri B.C. Pradhan, Consultant Director (Technical), Dr. I.K. Pateriya, Director (P-III),
Shri Pradeep Agrawal, Director (P-I), Shri Devinder Kumar, Director (P-II), Smt. Shalini Das, Joint
Director (Technical), Shri Ashish Srivastava, Joint Director (Technical), Shri Navneet Kumar,
Joint Director (P-I), Shri Atul Pandey, Deputy Director (P-II), Shri Mohit Chauhan (YCE) and
Shri Arun Kumar (YCE).

I also acknowledge the immense contribution made by Prof. G. L. Sivakumar Babu, IISC
Bangalore and Prof. Gnanamurthy P B, Government SKSJ Technological Institute, Bangalore
without whose support and vital guidance, it would not have been possible for us to produce this

Finally, I am grateful to Hon’ble Minister, Rural Development, Shri Giriraj Singh Ji for
his tremendous encouragement and mentorship of new technology. I am thankful to Hon’ble
Ministers of State, Rural Development Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti and Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste for
their constant guidance. I am indebted to Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Rural
Development for his invaluable support in developing a vision and strategy for adoption of new
technologies and innovative approaches in PMGSY.

1. Introduction 1

2. Advantages and Limitations of Geosynthetics 5

3. Types and Functions of Geosynthetics in Pavements 7

4. Properties and Test Methods for Different Geosynthetics Materials 13

5. Design Methodologies 27

6. Construction Guidelines for the Use of Geosynthetics in Road Works 31

7. Production of Various Types of Geosynthetics in the Country and Manufacturers Details 47


1. Introduction

1.1 Geosynthetics Types and Advantages

Geosynthetics is a general classification for all synthetic materials used in geotechnical engineering
applications. It includes Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geomembranes, Geonets, Geocomposites, Geocell,
and Geomats. Geosyntheticare generally used as reinforcement, separation, filtration, drainage, and
erosion control.

Geosynthetics considerably improve the strength of the weak soil strata. Using Geosynthetics in the
pavement layer also reduces aggregate requirement,especially in the stretches where the soil is weak. As
such, the use of Geosynthetics is also beneficial from the point of view of conservation of natural resources
and environmental angles.

It is essential to incorporate new materials into the pavement design to optimize material consumption and
performance. New materials such as Geosynthetics have been used to reinforce pavement layers, improve
their performance in critical site conditions, and sustain heavy loading situations. Virgin aggregates, which
have become a scarce commodity, are required in large quantities yearly to construct and rehabilitate new
pavements. Many road project sites have no other option but to procure good-quality aggregates from
far away to meet the required quantities for their construction, leading to consequent cost escalations.
The reduction in the utilization of non-renewable natural resources such as aggregate is indeed required
to conserve the environment. For sustainable transportation infrastructure development, using locally
available materials in combination with engineered materials such as Geosynthetics is considered one of the
best solutions to preserve the diminishing natural resources. Using Geogrids offsets and thus partly reduces
the aggregate requirement in the pavement layers and imparts sustainability in pavement construction by
lowering the carbon footprint.

1.2 Design & Construction methodology

Many detrimental factors affect the service life of roads and pavements, including environmental factors,
subgrade conditions, traffic loading, utility cuts, road widening, and aging. The main cause of distress in
pavements is that they are sufficiently permeable, with 30 to 50% of precipitation surface water infiltrating
through the pavement, softening and weakening the pavement subgrade and base, accelerating pavement
degradation. Existing pavement distress, such as surface cracks, rocking joints, and subgrade failures, cause
the rapid reflection of cracking through maintenance treatment. Therefore, the preferred long-term road

and pavement performance strategy is to build safeguards during initial construction. These performance
safeguards include stabilizing the subgrade against moisture intrusion and associated weakening;
strengthening road base aggregate without preventing efficient drainage of infiltrated water; and, as a
last resort, enhancing the stress absorption and moisture proofing capabilities of selected maintenance
treatments. Geosynthetics are the most cost-effective tools for safeguarding roads and pavements in these
ways. The four main applications for Geosynthetics in roads are subgrade separation and stabilization,
base reinforcement, overlay stress absorption, and overlay reinforcement. Subgrade stabilization and base
reinforcement improve the road structure as it is constructed by inserting an appropriate Geosynthetic
layer. Subgrade separation and stabilization apply Geosynthetics to both unpaved and paved roads. Base
reinforcement uses Geosynthetics to improve the structure of a paved road. Geosynthetics are also helpful
in rehabilitating distressed road surfaces. Applying a layer of bituminous concrete called an overlay is often
the solution for damaged pavement. Geosynthetics can be used as interlayers by placing them below or
within the overlay. Some Geosynthetics relieve stress, and others can reinforce the overlay. The products
may also provide a moisture barrier.

Figure 1.1: Design & Construction Methodology Flow Chart

Identify the application for which Geosynthetics is to be used.

Select appropriate Geosynthetics type for the given application.

Identify relevant properties, tests and property requirements as per standard specifications
(Refer section 4 and 5 of this document) and select a qualifying Geosynthetics material for the construction.

Installation guidelines provided in this document as well as considerations for other site-specific conditions are
to be considered during design and construction phase.

The first step in the design and construction phase is to identify the type of application for which Geosynthetics
is intended to use. Hence one or many of the following application(s) shall be considered based on the site
1. Side/Trench Drain.
2. Subsurface/Underdrain.
3. Base or Subbase or Subgrade Separation.
4. Base or Subbase or Subgrade Stabilization.
5. Base or Subbase or Subgrade Capillary Barrier.
6. Base or Subbase or Subgrade Reinforcement.
7. Subgrade Restraint.

The material properties are only one factor in a successful installation using Geosynthetics. Proper
construction and installation techniques are essential to ensure that the intended function of Geosynthetics
is fulfilled. Though the installation techniques appear straightforward, most Geosynthetic problems in
roadways occur as a result of improper construction techniques. If the Geosynthetic is ripped, punctured,

or torn during construction activities, it will not perform as desired. If the Geosynthetic is placed with many
wrinkles or folds, it will not be in tension and, therefore, cannot provide a reinforcing effect. The following
step-by-step procedure should be followed in different construction activities with Geosynthetics.

The Geosynthetics shall not be placed when weather conditions, in the engineer's opinion, are not suitable
to allow placement or installation. This will typically be during wet conditions, heavy rainfall, extreme cold
or frost conditions, or extreme heat.

1.3 Geosynthetic Terms

Apparent opening size (AOS, 095) - a property that indicates the approximate largest particle that would
effectively pass through a Geotextile.

Blinding - condition whereby soil particles block the surface openings of a Geotextile, thereby reducing
hydraulic conductivity.

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) - the ratio of the force per unit area required for corresponding penetration
of a standard material.

Clogging - condition where soil particles move into and are retained in the openings of a Geotextile, thereby
reducing hydraulic conductivity.

Cross-machine direction - the direction in the plane of the Geosynthetic perpendicular to the direction of

Filtration - the process of retaining soils while allowing the passage of water (fluid).

Geocell - a three-dimensional comb-like structure to be filled with soil or concrete.

Geocomposite - a Geosynthetic material manufactured of two or more materials.

Geogrid - a Geosynthetic formed by a regular network of tensile elements and apertures, typically used for
reinforcement applications.

Geomembrane - an essentially impermeable Geosynthetic, typically used to control fluid migration.

Geonet - a Geosynthetic consisting of integrally connected parallel sets of ribs overlying similar sets of ribs
for planar drainage of liquids or gases.

Geosynthetic - a planar product manufactured from polymeric material used with soil, aggregate, or other
Geotechnical engineering materials.

Geotextile - a permeable Geosynthetic comprised solely of textiles.

Index test - a test procedure that may contain a known bias but which may be used to establish an order for
a set of specimens with respect to the property of interest.

Machine direction - the direction in the plane of the Geosynthetic parallel to the direction of manufacture.

Permeability - the flow rate of a liquid under a differential pressure through a material.

Permittivity - the volumetric water flow rate per unit cross-sectional area per unit head under laminar flow
conditions, in the normal direction through a Geotextile.

2. Advantages and Limitations
of Geosynthetics

Geosynthetics, including Geotextiles, Geomembranes, Geonets, Geogrids, Geocomposites, and Geosynthetic

clay liners, often used in combination with conventional materials, offer the following advantages over
traditional materials.

2.1 Advantages of Geosynthetics

1. Space Savings: Sheet-like geosynthetics take up much less space in a landfill than do comparables
oil and aggregate layers.
2. Material Quality Control: Soil and aggregate are generally heterogeneous materials that may
vary significantly across a site or borrow area. On the other hand, Geosynthetics are relatively
homogeneous because they are manufactured undertightly controlled conditions in a factory. They
undergo rigorous quality control to minimize material variation.
3. Construction Quality Control: Geosynthetics are manufactured and often factory “prefabricated”
into large sheets. This minimizes the required number of field connections or seams. Both factory
and field seams are made and tested by trained technicians. Conversely, soil and aggregate layers
are constructed in place and are subject to variations caused by weather, handling, and placement.
4. Cost Savings: Geosynthetic materials are generally less costly to purchase, transport, and install
than soils and aggregates.
5. Technical Superiority: Geosynthetics have been engineered for optimal performance in the
desired application.
6. Construction Period: Geosynthetics can be installed quickly, providing the flexibility to construct
during short construction seasons, breaks in inclement weather, or without the need to demobilize
and remobilize the earthwork contractor.
7. Material Deployment: Layers of Geosynthetics are deployed sequentially but with minimal stagger
between layers, allowing a single crew to efficiently deploy multiple Geosynthetic layers.
8. Material Availability: Numerous suppliers of most Geosynthetics and ease of shipping ensure
competitive pricing and ready availability of materials.
9. Environmental Sensitivity: Geosynthetic systems reduce the use of natural resources and the
environmental damage associated with quarrying, trucking, and other material handling activities.

2.2 Limitation of Geosynthetics
1. Carrying, handling, storage, and installation must be done with quality control and assurance.
2. Geosynthetics Installation requires an experienced fabricator/installer with technical knowledge
and special equipment.
3. Natural Geosynthetics are biodegradable; hence their life is short. Thus, it cannot be used for the
structures of long life.
4. The exposed life of Geosynthetics, being polymeric, is less than unexposed as when soil is backfilled.
5. For the long-term performance of Geosynthetics, they are chemically ultraviolet stabilized, which is
6. For certain soil types (Loess soils, fine cohesionless silts, and extremely turbid liquids), clogging of
Geotextiles, Geonets, and/or Geocomposites is a difficult design challenge.

3. Types and Functions of
Geosynthetics in Pavements

Various types of Geosynthetics can be used to fulfill one or more specific functions in various roadway
applications. Geosynthetics have been in use since the 1970s in applications aimed at improving the
performance of unpaved roads on soft subgrade soils. Beginning in the 1980s, Geosynthetics were used
in applications that focused on minimizing reflective cracking in asphalt overlays and improving the
performance of base aggregate layers.

3.1 Types of Geosynthetics

Geotextiles are textiles in the traditional sense but consist of synthetic fibers rather than natural ones, such
as cotton, wool, or silk. Geotextiles are porous to water flow across their manufactured plane and within their
plane, but to a widely varying degree. They are further classified depending on the type of manufacturing
process, such as woven or nonwoven. The various types of Geotextiles are shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Photo of Various Types of Geotextiles

Geogrids are woven, nonwoven, or knit textile (or textile-like) fabric. Geogrids are plastics formed into a
very open, grid-like configuration, i.e., they have large apertures (Figure 3.2). They are stretched in one or
two directions for improved physical properties. By themselves, there are at least 25 application areas, and
they function in two ways: reinforcement and separation.

Figure 3.2: Photo of Various Types of Geogrids

Punched/Drawn Geogrid Woven/Coated Geogrid

Geonets are usually formed by a continuous Figure 3.3: Photo of Geonet for Iandfill Application
extrusion of polymeric ribs at acute angles to one
another. When the ribs are opened, relatively large
apertures are formed in a net like configuration.
Their design function is entirely within the drainage
area, where they have been used to convey fluids
of all types.

Geomembranes are impervious thin sheets of

rubber or plastic material used primarily for linings
and covers of liquid- or solid-storage facilities.
Thus, their primary function always is as a liquid or
vapor barrier. The range of applications, however,
is extensive.

Figure 3.4: Photos of Geomembranes

Calendared Geomembranes

Geocells are three-dimensional, expandable pockets/panels made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE),
polyester, or another polymer material used to provide additional confinement to the base/subbase

Figure 3.5: Photos of Geocells

Geocellular Confinement Systems

Geocomposites consist of Geotextile and Geogrid; Figure 3.6: Photos of Geocomposites

Geogrid and Geomembrane; Geotextile, Geogrid, and
Geomembrane; or any of these three materials with
another material (e.g., deformed plastic sheets, steel
cables, or steel anchors). The primary functions of
this creative effort encompass the entire range of five
functions listed for Geosynthetics discussed.

3.2 Major Applications of

!! Reinforced soil walls/Slopes protection for Double- and single-sided geocomposite drains
approaches to Bridges, Flyovers, Road Over
Bridges, Underpasses, Highways/Pavements,
Railways, and Airport runways.
!! Land reclamation (Ground improvement)
!! River training, Coastal erosion, and Scour control
!! Landscaping, Buildings, Water Harvesting, Basement Water Proofing
!! Drainage, Separation, Filtration, Erosion Control, and Re-vegetation
!! Wastewater treatment
!! Rockfall protection/control
!! Sports fields and Golf courses
!! Land reclamation and Remediation
!! Landslide Prevention

3.3 Functions of Geosynthetics
Geosynthetics generally perform six primary functions: separation, reinforcement, filtration, drainage, and
moisture barrier. In addition to the primary function, Geosynthetics usually perform one or more
secondary functions. The primary and secondary functions of Geosynthetics make up the total
contribution material in a better way to a particular application. It is essential to consider both the
primary and secondary functions in the design computations and specifications. Table 3.1 summarizes
the primary functions performed by various Geosynthetics.

Table 3.1: Primary Functions of Geosynthetics (IRC-SP: 59-2019)

Types of Primary Functions of Geosynthetics

Geosynthetics Separation Reinforcement Filtration Drainage Barrier Erosion Control

Geotextiles √ √ √ √ √

Geogrids √ √

Geomembranes √ √

Geonets √ √

Geocells √ √

Geo composites √ √ √ √ √ √

Note: The given matrix of primary functions is indicative only; each product can have multiple functions per site conditions.

3.4 Functions of Geosynthetics in Pavements

Figure 3.7 and 3.8 shows a paved road Figure 3.7: Multiple Functions of Geosynthetics in Roadway
section with the location of possible Applications
Geosynthetics layers and the various
functions that these Geosynthetics can
fulfill. These functions include:

3.4.1 Separation
Geosynthetics were first used in
roadway applications solely to fulfill
the function of separation. In this
application, a Geosynthetic is placed
between two layers of soil with
different particle-size distributions.
Indeed, a significant cause of the
failure of roadways constructed over
soft foundations is the contamination Note: The location of Geosynthetics in pavement structure would depend on
of aggregate base material with other factors such as terrain, its application, and the type of Geotextile material.
the underlying soft subgrade soil
(Figure 3.8a).

Figure 3.8: Use of Geosynthetics in Separation: (a) Roadway Designed without Geosynthetics
(b) Roadway Designed with Geosynthetics

Contamination may occur due to: (1) penetration of the aggregate into the weak subgrade after localized
bearing capacity failure under wheel-induced stresses and (2) intrusion of the fine-grained soils into the
aggregate because of pumping or subgrade weakening due to excess pore water pressures. Subgrade
contamination results in inadequate structural support, which often leads to premature failure of the
roadway. A Geosynthetic placed between the aggregate and the subgrade can act as an effective separator
by preventing the mixing of the subgrade and base aggregate materials.

3.4.2 Filtration
Use of Geosynthetic allows adequate liquid flow across the plane of the Geotextile. The apparent opening
size (AOS) allows water to pass freely from the Geotextile while preventing soil from passing through the
same. This is due to the skillful manufacturing of the nonwoven Geotextile’s AOS, which is always kept less
than the size of the finer soil particles.

3.4.3 Reinforcement
The Geosynthetic develops tensile forces intended to maintain or improve the stability of the Soil-
Geosynthetic composite. A fundamental design property to carry out this function is the Geosynthetic
tensile strength. Geogrids improve the overall stiffness of the pavement layers. They also prevent lateral
spreading of the base, increase the confinement and improve the vertical stress distribution on the
subgrade. The combined benefits can enhance the load carrying capacity of the road by well over 50%.

3.4.4 Stiffening
The Geosynthetic develops tensile forces intended to control the deformations in the Soil-Geosynthetic
composite. Fundamental design properties to accomplish this function include those used to quantify the
increased stiffness resulting from the Soil-Geosynthetic interaction.

3.4.5 Drainage
The Geosynthetic allows liquid (or gas) to flow within the plane of its structure. A key design property to
quantify this function is the Geosynthetic transmissivity (in-plane hydraulic conductivity integrated over

3.4.6 Barrier
The Geosynthetic minimizes the cross-plane flow, providing containment of liquids or gases. Key design
properties to fulfill this function include those used to characterize the long-term durability of the
Geosynthetic material.

4. Properties and Test Methods
for Different Geosynthetics

4.1. Properties of Geosynthetics and Test Methods

This section gives an insight into various properties of Geosynthetics and test methods in use or currently
favored for testing of Geosynthetics as per existing worldwide standards. This section has been subdivided
into the following three major categories:
!! Physical properties are index properties of Geosynthetic materials.
!! Mechanical properties indicate the Geosynthetic material's resistance to tensile stresses mobilized
under applied loads and/or installation conditions.
!! Hydraulic/Endurance properties of the soil and Geosynthetic materials influence the hydraulic
characteristics of the soil/Geosynthetic materials system. Two essential properties are soil
permeability and Geosynthetic materials permittivity. Other properties are listed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Soil/Geotextile Filter System Properties

Soil Geotextiles

Permeability Permittivity

Grain size distribution Apparent opening size

Plasticity Percent open area

Dispersivity Structure

Compaction and confinement Durability

4.1.1 Geotextiles
Table 4.2: Geotextile Properties and Testing Methods

Property Test Method Remarks

Physical Properties

Specific gravity ASTM D792 or ASTM D1505 Typical values of specific gravity of commonly used
polymeric materials made into Geotextiles are
Polypropylene: 0.91, Polyester: 1.22 to 1.38, Nylon:
1.05 to 1.14, Polyethylene: 0.90 to 0.96, Polyvinyl
chloride: 1.69.

Mass per unit area IS:14716, ISO9864, ASTM D5261 Mass per unit area governs the fabric cost;
normally, mechanical properties are directly
related to it. The mass (weight) should be
measured to the nearest 0.01 percent of the total
specimen mass. The Geotextiles mass per unit area
is given in grams per square meter. The typical
values range for most Geotextiles is from 100 to
1000 gm/m2.

Thickness IS:13162 (Part3), ISO9863, ASTM Thickness is measured as the distance between
D5199 the fabric's upper and lower surface, measured at a
specified pressure. The thickness of the commonly
used Geotextiles ranges from 0.25 to 7.5 mm.

Mechanical Properties

Tensile Strength IS:13325, ISO10319, ASTM D4595,

IS:16342, ISO13934, ASTM D4632,

Puncture Strength IS:13162 (Part 4), IS:16078 (For CBR This test is conducted to assess Geotextile
Puncture strength), ISO 12236, resistance to objects, such as rocks or pieces of
ASTM D6241 wood, under quasi-static conditions and reported
as N or KN.

Sewn Stream strength ASTM D4884

Hydraulic properties

Apparent opening size IS:14294, ISO12956, ASTM D4751 The Apparent Opening Size (AOS) or the
(AOS) Equivalent Opening Size (EOS) measures the
largest effective opening in a Geotextile.

Geotextile permittivity IS:14324, ISO 11058, ASTM D4491

Determination of IS:16389, ASTM D5101, ASTM

clogging potential of D5567
i) Gradient ratio test
ii) Hydraulic
conductivity ratio

4.1.2 Geogrids
The primary function of Geogrid is improving the Geotechnical material property by reinforcing and
stabilizing. Based on the function and applications of Geogrid, its properties are generally classified into
physical, mechanical, and endurance properties.

Table 4.3: Geogrid Properties and Testing Methods

Property Test Method Remarks

Physical Properties

Many of the physical properties of Geogrids, including the type of structure, rib dimensions, junction type, aperture
size, and thickness, can be measured directly and are relatively straight forward.

Mechanical Properties

Tensile Strength: ASTM D6637.

i) Single rib and junction ISO 10319 or IS 13325, or ASTM D6637
(nodal strength)
ii) Wide-width tensile

Tensile strength and/or ISO 10319 Tensile strength of Geogrid for Base and
stiffness @ 0.5% strain Subbase Stabilization of Flexible Pavement.
Tensile strength
@ 2% strain
Tensile strength
@ 5% strain

Junction strength ASTM D7737

Geogrid aperture MD/CMD Direct scale measurement by using a

scale or ruler

Endurance properties

Installation damage ISO 10722, ASTM D5818-06 Generally, the higher strength-loss values
occur when large, poorly graded, quarried
aggregate is used, and heavy construction
equipment performs the placement and
compaction. If it is necessary to use such
materials and methods, it is prudent to first
place a cushioning layer of sand above and
sometimes below the Geogrid.

Tensile creep behavior: ISO 13431, ASTM D6992 and ASTM

D5262. Consideration of creep reduction
factor for reinforcement application
of Geosynthetics in reinforced soil
systems reference may be made to IRC:
SP: 102 (2014), MoRTH Section 3100.

Property Test Method Remarks

Degradation issues

Temperature effects Given the temperature ranges of typical

environments, temperature extremes
(hot or cold) should have no serious
adverse effects on Geogrids. One caution
is that high temperatures can exhibit
strains arising from tension creep, creep
rupture, and/or stress relaxation.

Oxidation effects EN ISO 13438 This method for screening the oxidation
resistance is particularly applicable to
polypropylene and polyethylene-based

4.1.3 Geomembranes
Table 4.4: Geomembrane Properties and Testing Methods

Property Test Method Remarks

Physical Properties: Physical properties have to do with the Geomembranes in an as-manufactured and/or
as-received state. They are essential for quality control, quality assurance, and proper identification.

Thickness. ISO 09863 and ASTM D5199

Smooth Sheet: ASTM D5994
Textured Sheet. ASTM D7466. GRI GM12
Asperity Height

Melt (flow) index: ASTM D1238

Mass per unit area (Weight) ISO9864 or ASTM D3776

Density ASTM D792

Dimensional stability ASTM D1204

Mechanical Properties:

Tensile behavior ISO527-3, ASTM D6693/

Tensile strength and ASTM D638
elongation: ASTM D4885
Tensile strength:
(Wide Width Strip Method)

Tear resistance ASTM D1004

Puncture resistance ASTM D4833/ASTM D5494

Endurance properties:

Oxidation: ISO 10722, ASTM D5818-06 Generally, the higher strength-loss values occur
when large, poorly graded, quarried aggregate is
used, and heavy construction equipment performs
the placement and compaction. If it is necessary

Property Test Method Remarks

to use such materials and methods, it is prudent

to first place a cushioning layer of sand above and
sometimes below the Geogrid.

Tensile creep behavior ISO 13431, ASTM D6992 and

ASTM D5262. Consideration
of creep reduction factor for
reinforcement application of
Geosynthetics in reinforced soil
systems reference may be made
to IRC: SP: 102 (2014), MoRTH
Section 3100.

Degradation issues

Temperature effects Given the temperature ranges

of typical environments,
temperature extremes (hot or
cold) should have no serious
adverse effects on Geogrids.
One caution is that high
temperatures can exhibit strains
arising from tension creep, creep
rupture, and/or stress relaxation.

Oxidation effects EN ISO 13438 This method for screening the oxidation resistance
Oxidative Induction ISO 11357, ASTM D3895, ASTM applies to polypropylene and polyethylene-based
Time (OIT) Standard OIT D5855 products.
High-Pressure OIT UNE104302
Low-temperature brittleness ENISO62
Water absorption ASTM D1603
Carbon black content ASTM D5596
Carbon black dispersion

4.1.4 Geonets
The primary function of a Geonet/Geospacer is to convey liquid within the plane of its structure. The in-plane
flow rate or Transmissivity is a crucial design parameter.

Table 4.5: Geonet Properties and Testing Methods

Property Test Method

Density(g/cm3) ASTM D792

Mass per Unit Area ASTM D3776

Wide width Tensile Strength (MD) ISO10319/ASTM D4595

Flow capacity ISO12958/ASTM D4716

Thickness at 20k Pa ENISO9863-1

4.1.5 Geocells
Geocells are the three-dimensional structure elements with interconnected cells made of polyester/
polypropylene/high-density polyethylene stabilized with carbon black. Stabilization by providing lateral
confinement is the main function of Geocell.

Table 4.6: Geocell Properties and Testing Methods

Property Test Method

Wall thickness nominal ASTM D5199

Seam efficiency (min. Avg.) GRI-GS 13

Density (min. Avg.) ASTM D1505/D792

Tensile Properties (min. avg.) (1) yield strength ASTM D6693

Break strength
Yield elongation
Break elongation

Seam Peel Strength US — ACE GL-86 — 19 ISO

Method A 13426-1 (Method B)
Method B

Seam Hang Strength (Pass on temperature variation 23°C-54°C with a dead ASTM D751
weight of 72.5 kg for 7 days)

Tear Resistance (min. avg.) ASTM D1004

Puncture Resistance (min. avg.) ASTM D4833

Carbon Black Content (range) ASTM D4218

Carbon Black Dispersion ASTM D5596

Direct Shear Friction Angle ASTM D5321

Oxidative Induction Time (OIT) (min. avg.) ASTM D3895

Standard OIT ASTM D5885
— or —
High-Pressure OIT

Oven Aging at 85°C ASTM D5721

Standard OIT (min. avg.) - % retained after 90 days ASTM D3895
High-Pressure OIT (min. avg.) - % retained after 90 days. ASTM D5885

UV Resistance ASTM D7238

Standard OIT (min. avg.) ASTM D3895
— or — ASTM D5885
High-Pressure OIT (min. avg.) - % retained after 1600 hr

Environmental Stress Crack Resistance ASTM D1693

NCTL stress crack resistance ASTM D5397

Property Test Method

Resistance to weathering (Min. 95% retained strength) EN ISO 12224

Resistance to oxidation (min. 28 days) EN ISO 13438

(1) Machine Direction (MD) and Cross Machine Direction (CMD) average values should be based on five test specimens in each
direction. Yield elongation is calculated using a gauge length of 33 mm. Break elongation is calculated using a gauge length
of 50 mm.
(2) Other methods such as D1603 (tube furnace) or D6370 (1GA) are acceptable if a reasonable correlation to D4218
(muffle furnace) can be established.
(3) Carbon black dispersion (only near spherical agglomerates) for ten different views: 9 in Categories 1 or 2 and 1 in Category 3.
(4) Actual Geocell strip against well-graded sand.
(5) The manufacturer can select either one of the OIT (oxidative induction time) methods listed to evaluate the antioxidant
content in the Geomembranes.
(6) The condition of the test should be 20 hr. UV cycle at 75°C followed by four hr. Condensation at 60°C.
(7) Not recommended since the high temperature of the Std-OIT test produces an unrealistic result for some of the antioxidants
in the UV-exposed samples.
(8) UV resistance is based on the percent retained value regardless of the original HP-OIT value.

4.1.6 Geocomposites
As Geocomposites are a combination of two or more different Geosynthetic materials, the properties
confirming the individual Geosynthetic constituting a Geocomposite will be valid for Geocomposite also.
Table 4.7 presents the different properties and corresponding test methods of Geocomposites.

Table 4.7: Different Properties and Test Methods of Asphalt Reinforcing Geocomposites for Drainage

Properties Reference Standard Unit of Measurement

Geotextile Properties

Pore Size O90AOS ENISO12956/ASTM D4751/IS14294 mm

Permeability/Permittivity ENISO11058/ASTM D4491/IS14324 l/m2sec

Tensile Strength ENISO10319/ASTM D4595 kN/m

Thickness at 2kPa ENISO9863-1 mm, N

CBR puncture resistance ENIS012236

Dynamic perforation cone drop ENISO13433 mm

Property of Drainage Core

Mass per Unit Area ENISO9864/ASTM D3776 g/m2

Long Term Creep ASTM D7361 %

Thickness at 20kPa ENISO9863-1 mm

Property of composite material

Wide width Tensile Strength ENISO10319/ASTM D4595 kN/m

Properties Reference Standard Unit of Measurement

CBR Puncture Resistance ENISO12236/ASTM D6241/IS13162 kN

Massper Unit Area ENISO9864/ASTM D3776 g/m2

Inplane flow capacity (i=1) ENISO12958

@20 kPa l/msec

@50 kPa l/msec

@100 kPa l/msec

@200 kPa l/msec

@400 kPa l/msec

Thickness at 20kPa ENISO9863/ASTM D5199 mm

In-plane flow capacity (i=0.1) ENISO12958

@20 kPa l/m sec

@50 kPa l/m sec

@100 kPa l/m sec

@200 kPa l/m sec

@400 kPa l/m sec

4.2 Certification of Geosynthetics materials

The manufacturer shall have ISO certification for the manufacturing process and quality control. The
manufacturer shall provide the manufacturer's test certificate for every lot supplied from the factory. The
supplier shall provide third-party test reports from an independent laboratory with valid accreditation for
all the test values in the manufacturer's test certificate. Geosynthetics shall be tested according to tests
prescribed by relevant BIS, ISO, ASTM, EN, or BS.

The term ‘Typical Value’ and Minimum Average Roll Value; both relate to the variability inherent in
Geosynthetic material properties. This variability stems from the manufacturing process and is similar to
that of all construction materials, including concrete and steel. Geosynthetics manufacturers continuously
perform Quality Control (QC) testing to monitor the physical properties of their products. Using the result
of this testing, a manufacturer can represent physical properties statistically in normal distribution curves,
as shown in Figure 4.1.

The supplier of any Geosynthetic material should provide a certificate to the engineer stating the
manufacturer's name, product name, style number, roll number, the chemical composition of the filaments
or yarns, and other pertinent information regarding the property values of an individual roll to describe the
specific Geosynthetic material fully.

The manufacturer is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control program to assure
compliance with the requirements of tote specifications. Documentation describing the quality control
program shall be made available upon request. The manufacturer's certificate shall state that the furnished

Figure 4.1: Statistical distribution of the Geosynthetic material properties

Geosynthetic material meets MARV requirements of the specifications as evaluated under the Manufacturer's
quality control program and are in conformance per ASTM D4759 or equivalent standards/procedures. The
certificate shall be attested by a person having legal authority to bind the manufacturer.

4.3 Property Requirements and Selection Criteria of Geosynthetics

Based on Function
4.3.1 Separation/Filtration Requirements
In roads and pavement works, Geotextile is the most preferred Geosynthetic material, which satisfies the
function of separation/filtration and prevents intermixing of subgrade soil and aggregate cover material
(Base/Subbase) with sufficient filtration.

Table 4.8: Geotextile Requirements for Separation (Subgrades Soaked CBR >3)

Geotextile Property Requirement

Permittivity as per IS14324/ASTM D4491 0.02 sec-1 (per sec)

Maximum Apparent Opening Size as per IS 14294/ASTM D4751 0.60 mm

Table 4.9: Geotextile Requirements for Separation (Subgrades Soaked CBR ≤3)

Geotextile Property Requirement

Permittivity as per IS 14324/ASTM D4491 0.05 sec 1 (per sec)

Maximum Apparent Opening Size as per IS14294/ASTM D4751 0.43 mm

4.3.2 Base/Subbase Reinforcement Requirements

Geosynthetics are a cost-effective alternative to improve poor sub-soils in adverse locations in almost all
Geotechnical engineering projects such as airport and highway pavements.

Table 4.10: Minimum Geotextile Strength Property Requirements

Strength Property Requirement (MARV)

Grab Strength in Tear Strength in Puncture Strength in

Installation Newton (N) as per Newton (N) as per Newton (N) as per IS16078/
Type IS16342/ASTM D4632 IS14293/ASTM D4533 ISO12236/ASTM D6241
Elongation at Failure

<50% ≥50% <50% ≥50% <50% ≥50%

Harsh installation Type-I 1400 900 500 350 2800 2000


Moderate Installation Type-II 1100 700 400 250 2250 1400


Less Severe Type-III 800 500 300 180 1700 1000

Installation condition

(1) All numeric values in the above table represent the Minimum Average Roll Value (MARV) in a weaker principal direction. The
MARV has been derived statistically as the average value minus two standard deviations.
(2) When the Geotextiles are joined together by field sewing, the seam strength shall be at least 60 percent of the material's
tensile strength. All field seams shall be sewn with thread as strong as the material in the fabric.

Geogrid requirements Reinforcement is the primary function of Geogrids. It performs better than
Geotextiles in base layer reinforcement mainly because of grid interlock with aggregate particles. Poor
friction properties of Geotextiles do not allow suitable interlock with aggregate particles. The Geogrid for
use in both base and subbase shall meet the requirements of Table 4.11.

Table 4.11: Minimum Requirements of Geogrid for Base & Sub base Stabilization of Flexible Pavement

Property Test Method Unit Requirement

Stiffness at 0.5% strain IS13162 Part 5/ISO10319 kN/m 1350; both in a machine and cross-
machine direction.

Tensile strength @2% IS13162 Part 5/ISO10319/ kN/m *,15% of Tultimate both in machine and
strain ASTM D6637 cross-machine direction.

c IS13162 Part 5/ISO103a9/ kN/m *20% of Tultimate both in machine and

ASTM D6637 cross-machine direction.

Junction efficiency for GRI-GG2-87 or ASTM-WK 14256 90% of rib ultimate tensile Strength
extruded Geogrids

Ultraviolet stability IS 13162 Part 2/ASTM D4355 70% after 500 hrs exposure.

• All numerical values in the Table represent MARV in the specified direction.
• All Geogrids shall be placed along the machine direction parallel to the centre line of roadway alignment.

4.3.3 Subsurface Drainage Requirements
Geotextile property requirements: Geotextiles will become integral to any structure, wherever they are
used. So, the Geotextile must possess sufficient strength to withstand the construction and other stresses
a fabric will likely bear during its life span. The specifications are applicable for placing a Geotextile against
the soil to allow long-term passage of water into a subsurface drain system retaining the in-situ soil. For
drainage purposes, woven slit film Geotextiles (i.e., Geotextiles made from yarns of a flat, tape-like character)
should not be allowed.

Table 4.12: Geotextile Requirements for Subsurface Drainage

Permittivity, per sec, as per Maximum Apparent Opening Size,

In-situ Passing 0.075 mm Sieve(%)
IS14324/ASTM D 4491 mm IS 14294/ASTMD4751

<15 0.5 0.43

15 to 50 0.2 0.25
>50 0.1 0.22

Geocomposite property requirements: Geocomposite shall be able to meet the drainage and protection
requirements in structurally demanding water draining applications. It should be able to effectively eliminate
hydrostatic pressure against below-grade structures and aid in dewatering saturated soil by collecting
and conveying groundwater to a drainpipe for discharge. Geosynthetic drainage composite (drainage
composite/Geonet/Geospacer between one or two Geotextile layers) shall also satisfy the requirements of
subsurface drainage as per the site requirement.

Table 4.13: Geotextile Requirements for Fin Drains

In-situ Soil Passing 0.075 mm Permittivity, per sec, IS14324/ Maximum Apparent Opening Size,
sieve (%) ASTM D4491 mm as per IS 14294/ASTM D4751

<15 0.5 0.43

15 to 50 0.2 0.25

>50 0.1 0.22

Table 4.14: Properties of Geocomposite

Minimum Average
Property Test Method Units
Roll Value

Tensile strength ENISO10319 kN/m 16

Static puncture test (CBR test) ENISO12236 kN 3

Mass per unit area ENISO9864 g/m2 710

Thickness of Composite ENISO9863 mm 4.5

In-plane Hydraulic gradient, i=1 at 100 kPa pressure ENISO12958 l/m/s 0.55
Hydraulic gradient, i=1 at 200 kPa pressure 0.45

4.3.4 Erosion Control Requirements
Geotextile, Geocell, Geogrids, and Geosynthetic mats are different Geosynthetics that will perform erosion
control functions effectively in different applications in roads and pavement works. Engineers can select any
product based on the project requirement and experience.

Geotextile requirement: This specification applies to using a Geotextile between energy absorbing
armor systems and the in-situ soil to prevent soil loss resulting in excessive scour and to prevent hydraulic
uplift pressures causing instability of the permanent erosion control system. The primary function of the
Geotextile in erosion control applications is filtration. Geotextile filtration properties are a function of site
hydraulic conditions, in-situ soil gradation, density, and plasticity. The Geotextile requirements for the above
applications are given in Table 20.

Table 4.15: Geotextile Requirements for Erosion Control

In-situ Soil Passing 0.075 mm Permittivity, per sec, IS14324/ Maximum Apparent Opening Size,
Sieve(%) ASTM D4491 mm IS14294/ASTM D4751

<15 0.7 0.43

15 to 50 0.2 0.25
>50 0.1 0.22

Geocell requirement: For the steep slope, vegetation may be challenging to establish. It also may not be
possible to mitigate potential erosive forces that are likely to overcome the strength of the root system.
In that case, geocells are an effective solution for preventing soil slippage and encouraging vegetation.
Geocell forms a 3-dimensional honeycomb structure with Geocell height of 75 mm to 150 mm when
it expands. Geocells placed on the slope are secured to adjoining cells at suitable intervals using a clip
arrangement. These expanded cells should be secured to the slope using steel staples typically 300 mm
long and 9.5 mm in diameter. Geocell requirements for erosion control are given in Table 4.16.

Table 4.16: Requirements of Geocell for Slope Protection

Property Test Method Unit Min. Required Value

Density IS13360-Part 3-1/ASTM g/cm3 0.9


Environmental Stress Crack ASTM D1693 hrs 3000

Resistance (ESCR)

Carbon Black Content ASTM D4218 % by Weight 1.5 to 2

Strip/Cell Wall thickness ASTM D5199 mm 1.20

Seam Peel-Strength Test Nper 25 mm of cell depth 350

Creep Rupture Strength ASTM D2990 Creep Rupture Load at

10,000 hours shall be 1 kN
minimum was obtained
from the 95% prediction
interval at 10,000 hours,
considering a logarithmic
time/creep rupture model.

Geogrid requirement: With Geogrid polymer mesh for root reinforcement, an extremely high density of
grass growth can be achieved. Geogrid reinforcement slope protection has been shown to provide erosion
protection equivalent to 250 mm thick revetment and is treated as an attractive, cost-effective alternative
solution. Geogrid requirements for erosion control shall be in accordance with IRC:56 (2011) (Clause No. 5.8).

Geomat requirement: Vegetation growth for slope protection is very unpredictable and unreliable as
achieving 100 percent vegetation coverage may be challenging. Reinforced vegetation (or reinforced grass)
is a better alternative for enhancing slope stability and erosion control. The synthetic materials can be two-
dimensional polymeric meshes or three-dimensional mats. Three-dimensional Geosynthetic materials
with multifilaments, layers of Geogrids folded and knitted or bonded together, with specific thickness
are effective in this application, also known as Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs). These Geomats
(3-D mats) are made exclusively from UV-stabilized synthetic fibers and filaments processed into permanent,
high-strength, three-dimensional matrices. A tension element, i.e., a reinforcing element like Geogrid or
steel wire mesh, shall be included along with the three-dimensional polymeric mats to provide strength
against erosive forces if specified in the contract in severe environmental conditions.

Table 4.17: Tensile Strength Requirement for Normal (Non-Reinforced) Three Dimensional
Geosynthetic Mat for Erosion Control Application (Less Severe Environmental Condition)

Minimum Average
Property Test Method Units
Roll Value

Tensile strength requirement (For slopesless ISO10319 kN/m 2

than 60°)

Ultraviolet stability at 500h, Retained strength IS13162 Part 2/ASTM D4355 % 80

percentage with respect to original strength

Thickness ISO9863 Part-1/ASTM D6525 mm 6.5

Mass per unit area ISO9864/ASTMD 3776 g/m 250

4.3.5 Capillary Cut-off

A capillary cut-off could be provided to arrest the capillary rise of water in an embankment. Drainage
composite can be a suitable alternative for capillary cut-off over conventional sand/granular material.

The drainage composite for capillary cut-off (plastic spacer encased between an impermeable layer of low-
density polyethylene Geomembrane and nonwoven Geotextile) of adequate thickness over the full width of
the embankment is recommended as a capillary cut-off. Using this drainage composite, a sand blanket can
be avoided as generally provided in any other method of capillary cut-off mentioned as per clauses 4.1 to
4.6 of IRC: 34 (2011).

Geocomposite requirements: Geocomposite capillary break comprises a tri-planar Geonet core/Geospacer

consisting of thick supporting ribs with diagonally placed top and bottom ribs and with thermally bonded
nonwoven geotextiles on both sides for Geonet and one side for Geospacer. This product can quickly
remove surface water infiltrating or groundwater seeping into the soil base. The product provides a void-
maintaining system under high normal loads to work as a capillary break; it also works as a separation and
sub-base reinforcement layer and will have properties conforming to the values and test methods listed in
IRC:34 (2011) (Section

5. Design Methodologies

This section presents the concepts and approach for designing Geosynthetics in pavements for
reinforcement, separation, filtration, and drainage applications. The detained design procedures are
provided in IRC: SP:59 (2019).

5.1 Design for Reinforcement

Geogrid reinforced flexible pavement sections can be designed based on two design approaches
1. Modulus Improvement Factor (MIF) method based on MEPDG
2. Layer Coefficient Ratio (LCR) based on modified AASHTO method

5.1.1 Modified AASHTO method

The first step includes the estimation of structural number for given traffic, soil support, reliability, and
serviceability conditions using the following equation:

where, W18 = predicted number of 80 kN ESALs

ZR = standard normal deviate, -1.645 for 95% reliability
So = the combined standard error of the traffic prediction and performance prediction
SN = structural number
ΔPSI = difference between the initial design serviceability index and the design terminal serviceability index
MR = subgrade resilient modulus

For unreinforced section, the required SN is used to estimate the required thickness of the pavement layer
using the following equation:
SN = a1D1 + a2D2 m2 + a3D3 m3 +…

where, ai = ith layer coefficient
Di = ith layer thickness
mi = ith layer drainage coefficient

For reinforced sections, the SN is estimated using the following equation quantified by an empirical term
defined as LCR.
SN = a1D1 + LCR2a2D2 m2 + LCR3a3D3 m3 +…

LCR (Layer Coefficient Ratio) is greater than one and represents the improvement provided by reinforcement
in the respective layer. This value is back-calculated, based upon the number of load cycles on a reinforced
section to the number of load cycles on an unreinforced section, with the same geometry to reach
the defined failure state. An appropriate empirical value of LCR in Table 5.1 may be used based on the
IRC: SP:59 (2018).

Table 5.1: Indicative Range of LCR Values

CBR LCR range for Geogrid

<3% 1.2-1.8

>3% 1.2-1.6

5.1.2 Modulus improvement factor (MIF) method

The step-by-step procedure for Geocell/Geogrid reinforced flexible pavement is as follows:
1. Estimation of soaked subgrade CBR as per IS 2720-Part 16 design traffic load from traffic survey.
2. Selection of conventional pavement as per IRC:37 (2018) for specific subgrade CBR and design traffic.
3. Since Geocell/Geogrid can be used in the base/subbase layer, the elastic modulus of the
corresponding layer shall increase due to confinement action of Geocell, tension membrane
action, and bearing capacity improvement action of Geogrid. This increased modulus of confined
base/subbase layers may be computed by applying a Modulus Improvement Factor (MIF) to the
unconfined modulus of the base material.
Ereinforced base/subbase layer = MIF Eunreinforced base/subbase layer
4. Based on this increased modulus of the base layer, the strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer
shall be again calculated. By the trial-and-error method, the thickness of the surface layer shall be
reduced so that the tensile strain at the bottom of the surface layer is less or equal to that of the
conventional section.
5. For this reinforced section with reduced surface layer thickness, determine the compressive strain at
the top of the subgrade.
6. Based on the tensile and compressive strains, calculate the fatigue and rutting resistance (NF and
NR, respectively) from equations given in IRC:37 (2018). The fatigue and rutting resistance must be
greater or equal to the design traffic load.

The indicative range of MIF values for Geogrid to be used in the design shall be 1.2 to 2, and for Geocell,
these ranges shall be as per Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Indicative Range of MIF Values

CBR MIF range for Geocell

<3% 2-2.75

>3% 1.4-2

5.2 Design for Separation and Filtration

The Calhoun (1972) proposed the retention criterion for Geotextile filters with cohesionless soils following
the equation and for cohesive soils should be less than 0.2 mm.

Where, is the apparent opening size and is the soil diameter corresponding to 85% passing.

The permeability criterion suggested by Christopher and Holtz (1985) is given following equation:

Where, is the permeability of Geotextile and is the permeability of soil.

The clogging potential is evaluated based on the long-term flow test (Rollin and Lombard, 1988), hydraulic
conductivity ratio test (ASTM D5567-94, 2018), and the Gradient Ratio (GR) test (ASTM D5101-12, 2017).
The widely used test method is the GR test, which involves measuring GR and flow rate through the Soil-
Geotextile system. A GR is the ratio of a hydraulic gradient in Soil-Geotextile to the hydraulic gradient in the
soil. Ideally, the Soil-Geotextile system should have less than one GR value. USACE (1977) recommends Soil-
Geotextile compatibility with a GR value of less than three.

5.3 Design for Drainage

The design of drainage Geocomposites is based on the principles of allowable flow rate greater than the
required flow rate represented in the factor of safety given by the following equation. The selection of
Geocomposites is such that FS must be greater than one.

The allowable flow is estimated as:

where, = available long-term flow rate for the Geocomposite

= short-term flow rate obtained from laboratory tests

= Reduction Factor for the intrusion of filter geotextiles into the draining core

= Reduction Factor for the compressive creep of the Geocomposite

= Reduction Factor for chemical clogging of the draining core

= Reduction Factor for biological clogging of the draining core

The required flow rate ( ) is estimated using the following equation

Where, = Total rainfall flow on the catchment zone

= Input flow rate due to additional surficial flow

L = Running length of the Geocomposite drain (m)

= Factor of Safety on input flow rate

6. Construction Guidelines for
the use of Geosynthetics in
Road Works

6.1 Construction Guidelines for Subsurface Drainage

Trench excavation shall be done in accordance with the details of the project plans. In all instances, the
excavation shall be done in such a way as to prevent large voids from occurring in the sides and bottom of
the trench. The graded surfaces shall be smooth and free of debris, depression, or obstructions.

The Geosynthetic material shall be placed loosely with no wrinkles or folds and with no void spaces
between the Geosynthetic and the ground surface. Successive sheets of Geosynthetics shall be overlapped
a minimum of 300 mm, with the upstream sheet overlapping the downstream sheet.

In trenches equal to or greater than 300 mm in width, after placing the design filter material, the
Geosynthetic shall be folded over the top of the backfill material in a manner to produce a minimum
overlap of 300 mm. In trenches less than 300 mm but greater than 100 mm wide, the overlap shall equal
the width of the trench. The Geosynthetic overlap shall be sewn or bonded if the trench is less than
100 mm. All seems shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. If the Geosynthetic gets damaged
during installation or drainage aggregate placement, a Geosynthetic patch shall be placed over the
damaged area with a minimum 300 mm overlap all around or the specified seam overlap, whichever is

Placement of design filter material (as per MoRTH 702.2.3) should proceed immediately after placement
of the Geosynthetic material. The Geosynthetic should be covered with 300 mm of loosely placed
aggregate before compaction. If a perforated collector pipe is to be installed in the trench, a bedding
layer of drainage aggregate should be placed below the pipe, with the remainder of the aggregate
placed to the minimum required construction depth. The aggregate should be compacted to a minimum
of 90 percent of standard proctor density. Figures 6.1 to 6.3 illustrate various Geosynthetic drainage
application details.

Figure 6.1: Various Arrangements for Trench Drains

Figure 6.2: Trench and Toe Interceptor Drain for Cut Slope Seepage

Figure 6.3: Sequence of Construction Procedure for Drains

6.2 Construction Guidelines for Separation/Filtration/Reinforcement

These construction guidelines are related to placing a Geosynthetic material between base or subbase and
subgrade for any of the following applications:

Base or Subbase Separation

Base or Subbase Stabilization Base or Subbase Capillary Barrier

Base or Subbase Reinforcement

!! The site should be cleared, grubbed, and excavated to design grade, stripping all topsoil or other
unsuitable materials. If CBR is greater than 1, lightweight profiling operations should be considered
to locate unsuitable materials. Isolated pockets where additional excavation is required should be
!! During stripping operations, extreme care should be taken not to disturb the subgrade. This may
require lightweight clovers or graciers for low-strength, saturated, non-cohesive, and low-cohesive
soils. In this case, all vegetation should be cut at the ground surface. Sawdust or sand can be placed
over stumps or roots that extend above the ground surface to cushion the Geosynthetic. The
subgrade preparation must correspond to the survivability properties of the Geosynthetic.
!! Once the subgrade along a particular segment of the road alignment has been prepared, the
Geosynthetic should be rolled in line with the placement of the aggregate. Field operations can be
expedited if the Geosynthetic is pre-sewn the design widths in the factory or on firm ground so it
can be unrolled on site in one continuous sheet. The Geosynthetic should not be dragged across the
subgrade. The entire roll should be placed and rolled out as smoothly as possible. Wrinkles and folds
in the fabric should be removed by stretching and stacking as required.

!! Adjacent rolls of Geosynthetic should be overlapped. For curves, the Geosynthetic should be folded
or cut and overlapped in the direction of construction. Geosynthetics shall be sewn or joined as
required for separation, drainage, and capillary barrier applications. The Geosynthetic fold should be
stapled or pinned approximately 0.6 m center-to-center as shown in Fig. 6.4 (a) and (b).

Figure 6.4: Folding of Geosynthetics

!! Before covering, the condition of the Geosynthetic should be checked for damage (i.e., holes,
nips, and tears) by an Engineer experienced in the use of these materials. If excessive defects are
observed, the section of the Geosynthetic material containing the defect should be repaired by
placing a new layer of Geosynthetic over the damaged area in case of Geotextiles and Geomembrane
for separation, drainage, and capillary barrier applications. The minimum required overlap for
adjacent rolls should extend beyond the defect in all directions. Alternatively, the entire defective
section can be replaced. In the case of Geogrids and Geocells for reinforcement and stabilization
function, if the material is damaged, placing a new layer over the damaged portion will not provide
a membrane effect, and the intended function may not be fulfilled. In those cases replacing with
new material for the entire design role length of Geosynthetic material in a transverse direction
is advisable.
!! The first aggregate lift should be spread and graded to 300 mm, or design thickness if less than 300
mm before compaction. At no time should traffic be allowed on a soft roadway with less than 200
mm of aggregate over the Geosynthetic.
!! Any ruts that form during construction should be filled to maintain adequate cover over the
Geosynthetic. In no case should ruts be bladed down, as this would decrease the aggregate cover
over the Geosynthetic.
!! All remaining base aggregates should be placed in lifts not exceeding 250 mm in loose thickness
and compacted to the specified density. Different operation sequences for construction are shown
in Figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5: Construction Sequence

6.2.1 Geosynthetic Overlaps

When Geosynthetic material is used, the overlaps can provide continuity between adjacent Geosynthetic
rolls through frictional resistance between the overlaps. Also, a sufficient overlap is required to prevent
soil from squeezing into the aggregate at the joint. The amount and overlap depend primarily on the soil
conditions and Geosynthetics' function and application. If the subgrade does not rut under construction

activities, only a minimum overlap is required to provide some pull-out resistance. As the potential for
cutting and squeezing soil increases, the required overlap increases. Since cutting potential can be related
to CBR, it can be used as a guideline for the minimum overlap required.

Geosynthetics can be stapled or pinned at the overlaps to maintain their positions during construction
activities. For the separation and filtration applications using Geotextiles, the overlap requirements are
given in Fig. A4. For underwater applications, 5 mm dia and 450 mm long steel pins should be placed at a
maximum of 1.0 m center-to-center.

Since manufactured rolls of Geocomposite drainage materials must cover large areas, field-constructed
connections along their sides and ends are necessary. This guide addresses such connections. Even further,
the ends of the Geocomposite must eventually terminate by attachment to pipes, sumps, or swales. These
are also made in the field by construction personnel. The following situations are presented in this section,
illustrating various connections.

Connection of overlapping Geocomposite on their ends and sides: Fig. 6.6 shows an overlapped
Geocomposite with the up-gradient end overlapping the down gradient end. For the sides of the rolls,
upper or lower is not essential. The recommended overlap lengths (“L") are 300-450 mm for ends and
100-150 mm for sides. Another consideration is that the roll ends are factory supplied or cut in the field. The
manufacturers of Geocomposite usually leave an excess of 300 mm of un-bonded Geotextile for complete
coverage purposes. Field cut Geocomposite has no such excess Geotextile.

Figure 6.6: (a) Field Cut Geocomposites, (b) Factory Ends with Excess Geotextile

Geocomposite to Horizontal Pipe Connection: Geocomposite drainage core should wrap around the entire
pipe with no intervening Geotextile in the flow transfer area (Fig. 6.7a). The Geocomposite's upper Geotextile
must be stripped off the drainage core, greatly trimmed, and then bonded to the reverse side of the
Geocomposite with its Geotextile intact after wrapping around the pipe. The overlap distance “L" should be
approximately three times the encapsulated drainage pipe diameter. Also, plastic electrical ties are necessary
to hold the Geonet together, particularly for thick bi-planar and all tri-planar Geonet composites. Generally,
two ties are necessary to minimize the air space around the encapsulated pipe. This same detail can also be
followed if the drainage pipe is located in a trench at a lower elevation than the exiting Geocomposite drain;
see Figure 6.7b.

Figure 6.7: (a) Drainage Pipe on a Slope, (b) Drainage Pipe in a Trench

6.2.2 Seams
When seams are required for separation applications using Geotextile, there should be a minimum of
90 percent of the material’s tensile strength requirements of survivability. All factory or field seams should
be sewn with thread as strong and durable as the material in the fabric.

When field-sewing Geotextiles, several details must be addressed. They are:

!! Thread type: The choices are polyester, polypropylene, and polyamides. Consideration should be
given to using the same thread type as Geotextile fibre.
!! Thread tension: This is usually adjusted in the field to be sufficiently tight without cutting the
!! Stitch density: Two, three, or four stitches per 25 mm are customary.
!! Stitch type: The choices are prayer, J-type, or butterfly. Figure 6.8 shows typical seams for Geotextiles.
The strongest is the butterfly type.
!! Number of rows: One, two, or three are customary; generally, two are recommended.

Figure 6.8: Typical Seams for Geotextiles

6.3 Construction Guidelines for Erosion Control

The Geosynthetic shall be placed in intimate contact with the soils under slight tension, without wrinkles
or folds, and anchored on a smooth graded surface approved by the Engineer. The Geosynthetic shall be
placed in such a manner that placement of the overlying materials will not excessively stretch to tear the
Geosynthetic. Using Geotextiles, Geomats, and biodegradable mats anchoring the terminal ends shall be
accomplished through key trenches or aprons at the crest and toe of the slope.

The following anchoring recommendations are provided as a guide and need to be adjusted based on
specific site conditions and manufacturer’s instructions.
!! Anchoring the edges of the erosion control mat in a trench approximately 150-200 mm deep
by 150 mm wide prevents water from flowing under the mat and provides maximum erosion
protection. When installing a mat down a slope, the upstream edge is recommended to be anchored
in a trench to provide better protection from stream flow.

!! A mat should have good contact with the soil surface and be secured with an appropriate number of
pins for a degree of slope. As a general rule, the mat should be secured with pins at 0.5-1 m intervals
along the length of the mat and staggering pins 400-600 mm across the mat. Pins should be driven
flush with the soil surface and be long enough to ensure sufficient ground penetration to resist
pullout. If the degree of slope is greater than 1V:3H, the anchor trench must be installed at least 1 m
from the crest of the slope.

Table 6.1: Minimum Number of Pins for the Degree of Slope

Type of Slope Gradient Minimum Pins/m2

Steep slopes 1:1–1:2 or greater 6 to 8

Moderate slopes 1:2–1:3 4 to 6

Gentle slopes 1:4 or less –

Figure 6.9 (a): Erosion Control Using Geotextiles

Figure 6.9 (b): Anchoring Details of Erosion Control Mats

Figure 6.9 (c): Orientation of Matting on Slopes and Channels

!! The Geosynthetic shall be placed with the machine direction parallel to the direction of water flow,
which is usually parallel to the slope for erosion control runoff and wave action and parallel to the
stream or channel in the case of stream bank and channel protection. Adjacent Geosynthetic sheets
shall be joined by either sewing or overlapping or joining. The overlap at roll ends and adjacent
sheets shall be a minimum of 300 mm, except when placed under water. In such instances, the
overlap shall be a minimum of 1 m.
!! In cases where wave action or multi-directional flow is anticipated, all seams perpendicular to the
direction of flow shall be sewn.
!! Care shall be taken during installation to avoid damage to the Geosynthetics as a result of the
installation process. Should the Geosynthetic be damaged during installation, a Geosynthetic patch
shall be placed over the damaged area extending 1 m beyond the perimeter of the damage.
!! The armour system placement shall begin at the Joe and proceed up the slope. Placement shall take
place to avoid stretching and subsequent tearing of the Geosynthetic. Riprap and heavy stone filling
shall not be dropped from a height of more than 300 mm. Stone with a mass of more than 100 kg
shall not be allowed to roll down the slope.
!! Slope protection and smaller sizes of stone filling shall not be dropped from a height exceeding 1 m,
or a field trial should be undertaken to verify that the placement procedures will not damage the
Geosynthetic. In underwater applications, the Geosynthetic and backfill material shall be placed on
the same day. All void spaces in the armour stone shall be backfilled with a small stone to ensure
complete coverage.
!! Following placement of the armour stone, grading of the slope shall not be permitted if the grading
results in movement of the stone directly above the Geosynthetic.
!! Field monitoring shall be performed to verify that the armour system placement does not damage
the Geosynthetic. Any Geotextile damaged during backfill placement shall be replaced as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.

6.4 Construction/Installation Guidelines for Geotextiles
This section provides the Specification details of materials properties for Geotextiles used in drainage,
erosion control, separation/stabilization, and pavement overlay application. The material properties are only
one factor in a successful installation involving Geotextiles. Proper construction and installation techniques
are essential to ensure that the intended function of the Geotextile is fulfilled.

6.4.1 Drainage Geotextiles

!! Trench excavation shall be done in accordance with the details of the project plans. In all instances,
the excavation shall be done in such a way as to prevent large voids from occurring in the sides and
bottom of the trench. The graded surface shall be smooth and free of debris.
!! In the placement of the Geotextile for drainage applications, the Geotextile shall be placed loosely
with no wrinkles or folds and with no void spaces between the Geotextile and the ground surface.
Successive sheets of Geotextiles shall be overlapped a minimum of 300 mm, with the upstream
sheet overlapping the downstream sheet.
!! In trenches equal to or greater than 300 mm in width, after placing the drainage aggregate, the
Geotextile shall be folded over the top of the backfill material to produce a minimum overlap of
300 mm. In trenches less than 300 mm but greater than 100 mm wide, the overlap shall equal the
width of the trench. The Geotextile overlap shall be sewn or bonded if the trench is less than 100 mm.
All seams shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
!! Should the Geotextile be damaged during installation or drainage aggregate placement, a
Geotextile patch shall be placed over the damaged area extending beyond the damaged area a
distance of 300 mm, or the specified seam overlap, whichever is greater.
!! Placement of drainage aggregate should proceed immediately following placement of the
Geotextile. The Geotextile should be covered with a minimum of 300 mm loosely placed aggregate
before compaction. If a perforated collection pipe is to be installed in the trench, a bedding layer of
drainage aggregate should be placed below the pipe, with the remainder of the aggregate placed
to the minimum required construction depth.
!! The aggregate should be compacted with vibratory equipment to a minimum of 95 percent Standard
proctor density unless the trench is required for structural support. If higher compactive effort is
required, a Type-I Geotextile as per Table 16 of this document is needed.
!! Figures 6.10 illustrate various Geotextile drainage application details.

Figure 6.10 (a): Geotextile Drain Requirements for Permeable Bases

Figure 6.10 (b): Geotextile-Wrapped Longitudinal Edge Drain

Figure 6.10 (c): Geotextile-Wrapped Pavement Under a Drain

6.4.2 Separation/Stabilization Geotextiles

!! The installation site shall be prepared by clearing, grubbing, excavating, or filling the area to the
design grade. This includes the removal of topsoil and vegetation.
Note 1: Soft spots and unsuitable areas will be identified during site preparation or subsequent
proof rolling. These areas shall be excavated, backfilled with select material, and compacted using
normal procedures.
!! The Geotextile shall be laid smooth without wrinkles or folds on the prepared subgrade in the
direction of construction traffic. Adjacent Geotextile rolls shall be overlapped, sewn, or joined as
the plans require. Overlaps shall be in the direction as shown on the plans. See Table 33. for overlap

Table 6.2: Geotextile Overlap Requirements


Greater than 3 300–450 mm
1–3 0.6–1 m
0.5–1 1 m or sewn
Less than 0.5 Sewn
All roll ends 1 m or sewn

!! On curves, the Geotextile may be folded or cut to conform to the curves. The fold or overlap shall be
in the direction of construction and held in place by pins, staples, or piles of fill or rock.
!! Prior to covering, the Geotextile shall be inspected by a certified inspector of the Engineer to ensure
that the Geotextile has not been damaged (i.e., holes, tears, rips) during installation. Damaged
Geotextiles, as identified by the Engineer, shall be repaired immediately. Cover the damaged
area with a Geotextile patch that extends an amount equal to the required overlap beyond the
damaged area.
!! The subbase shall be placed by end dumping onto the Geotextile from the edge of the Geotextile
or over the previously placed subbase aggregate. Construction vehicles shall not be allowed
directly on the Geotextile. The subbase shall be at least the minimum specified lift thickness
between the Geotextile and equipment tires or tracks. A vehicle shall not be permitted on the first
lift above the Geotextile.
Note 2: On subgrades having a CBR value of less than 1, the subbase aggregate should be spread in
its total thickness as soon as possible after dumping to minimize the potential of localized subgrade
failure due to overloading of the subgrade.
!! Any ruts occurring during construction shall be filled with additional subbase material and
compacted to the specified density.
!! If the placement of the backfill material causes damage to the Geotextile, the damaged area shall
be repaired. The placement procedures shall then be modified to eliminate further damage (i.e.,
increase initial lift thickness and decrease equipment loads).
Note 3: In stabilization applications, using vibratory compaction equipment is not recommended
with the initial lift of subbase material, as it may cause damage to the Geotextile.

6.4.3 Erosion Control Geotextiles

!! The Geotextile shall be placed in intimate contact with the soils without wrinkles or folds and
anchored on a smooth graded surface approved by the Engineer. The Geotextile shall be placed
in such a manner that placement of the overlying materials will not excessively stretch to tear the
Geotextile. Anchoring of the terminal ends of the Geotextile shall be accomplished through the use
of key trenches or aprons at the crest and toe of the slope. Refer to Figures 6.11 through 6.14 for
construction details.
!! The Geotextile shall be placed with the machine direction parallel to the direction of water flow,
which is normally parallel to the slope for erosion control runoff and wave action (see Figure 6.11), and
parallel to the stream or channel in the case of stream bank and channel protection(see Figure 6.13).
Either sewing or overlapping shall join adjacent Geotextile sheets. Overlapped seams of roll ends
shall be a minimum of 300 mm except where placed under water. In such instances, the overlap
shall be a minimum of 1 m. Overlaps of adjacent rolls shall be a minimum of 300 mm in all instances.
Note 2: When overlapping, successive Geotextile sheets shall be overlapped upstream over
downstream and/or up slope over down slope. In cases where wave action or multidirectional flow
is anticipated, all seams perpendicular to the direction of flow shall be sewn.
!! Care shall be taken during installation to avoid damage occurring to the Geotextile due to the
installation process. Should the Geotextile be damaged during installation, a geotextile patch shall
be placed over the damaged area extending 1 m beyond the perimeter of the damage.
!! The armor system placement shall begin at the toe and proceed up the slope. Placement shall take
place to avoid stretching and subsequent tearing of the Geotextile. Riprap and heavy stone filling
shall not be dropped from a height of more than 300 mm. Stone with a mass of more than 100 kg
shall not be allowed to roll down the slope.

!! Slope protection and smaller-sized of stone filling shall not be dropped from a height exceeding
1 m, or a demonstration provided showing that the placement procedures will not damage the
Geotextile. In underwater applications, the Geotextile and backfill material shall be placed on the
same day. All void spaces in the armor stone shall be backfilled with a small stone to ensure full
!! Following placement of the armor stone, grading of the slope shall not be permitted if the grading
results in movement of the stone directly above the Geotextile.
!! Field monitoring shall be performed to verify that the armor system placement does not damage
the Geotextile.
!! Any Geotextile damaged during backfill placement shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer, at
the contractor's expense.

Figure 6.11: Method of Placing Geotextile for Protection of Cut and Fill Slopes

Figure 6.12: Cross Section of Slopes with Riprap

Figure 6.13: Geotextile Placement Scheme for Streambank Protection

Figure 6.14: Key Detail at Top and Toe of Slope for Geotextiles Used for Permanent Erosion Control

7. Production of Various Types of
Geosynthetics in the Country
and Manufacturers Details

List of Geosynthetics Manufacturess

Sl. No. Product Manufacturer Name

1 Geo Grid Geo Cell STRATA Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd.

2 Woven Non-Woven Geo Grid PVD steel Gabion Techfab India

Geotextile Tubes and Bags Geocomposite

3 Woven Non-Woven Geo Bags CEOFIL B3-444, B4-444, Flexituff International Limited
G6-444, Paving Fabrics

4 Woven Non-Woven GEONET, GEO Composite Skaps industires

5 Geogrid CTM Technical Textiles Ltd.

6 Non-Woven Composite Terram Geosynthetics Pvt. Ltd.

7 Woven Multifilament, Geomat, PP Gabion, Metal Gareware Wall Ropes Ltd.


8 High Strength Woven Kusumgar Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

9 Non- Woven Khator Technical Textiles Pvt. Ltd.

10 Glass Grid/Geogrid MontexFibre Industries Pvt. Ltd.

11 Geo bags, Geo tubes, Sand Mattress, Rope Gabion, M/s Geo Source
Geo container

12 Glassfibre Grid, Glassfibre Composite Grid, Glassfibre M/s Giridhar Techfab Private Limited
paving mat

13 HDPE Geomembrane M/s Meghaplast Packaging Pvt. Ltd.

14 PP Woven Material Jai Corp Limited

15 PET Non-Woven Capitol Non-Wovens Pvt. Ltd.

16 HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE Geomembrane, Geocomposite/ Maharshee Geomembrane India Pvt. Ltd.
Woven Geotextile/Geonet

Sl. No. Product Manufacturer Name

17 Geotextile, Geogrid, Geostrap, Drainage Composite, Maccaferri Environmental Solutions

Erosion control mat, Rainforced Slope Facia, Gabions

18 Coir Geotextile, Jute Geotextile, Jute Non-Woven, K K Enviro Tech Pvt. Ltd.

19 Woven Geotextile Techno Fabrics

20 Non-Woven Geo Grid Fibretex Non-Wovens

21 Woven Geotextile SRAVYA Textiles Limited

22 Non-Wven Geotextile SVM Non-Wovens Pvt. Ltd.

23 HDPE Geomembrane TEXEL Industries Limited

24 Geotextile NEO Corp International Ltd


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