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Origin and Evolution of Gnathostome

Dentitions: A Question of Teeth and Pharyngeal
Denticles in Placoderms

Article in Biological Reviews · June 2005

DOI: 10.1017/S1464793104006682 · Source: PubMed


52 652

2 authors:

Zerina Johanson Moya Meredith Smith

Natural History Museum, London King's College London


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Evolving functional dentitions in sharks and rays from inherited pattern View project

Evolving functional dentitions in sharks and rays from inherited pattern View project

All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Moya Meredith Smith
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Biol. Rev. (2005), 80, pp. 1–43. f Cambridge Philosophical Society 1
DOI : 10.1017/S1464793104006682 Printed in the United Kingdom

Origin and evolution of gnathostome

dentitions: a question of teeth and pharyngeal
denticles in placoderms
Zerina Johanson1 and Moya M. Smith2
Palaeontology, Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia (E-mail :
ph : 61(2) 9320-6142 ; fax : 61(2) 9320-6050)
Craniofacial Development, Dental Institute, Kings College London, and Earth Sciences, University of Bristol
E-mail : current address: MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Kings College London

(Received 31 March 2004 ; revised 11 November 2004; accepted 16 November 2004 )


The fossil group Placodermi is the most phylogenetically basal of the clade of jawed vertebrates but lacks a
marginal dentition comparable to that of the dentate Chondrichthyes, Acanthodii and Osteichthyes (crown-
group Gnathostomata). The teeth of crown-group gnathostomes are part of an ordered dentition replaced from,
and patterned by, a dental lamina, exemplified by the elasmobranch model. A dentition recognised by these
criteria has been previously judged absent in placoderms, based on structural evidence such as absence of tooth
whorls and typical vertebrate dentine.
However, evidence for regulated tooth addition in a precise spatiotemporal order can be observed in placo-
derms, but significantly, only within the group Arthrodira. In these fossils, as in other jawed vertebrates with
statodont, non-replacing dentitions, new teeth are added at the ends of rows below the bite, but in line with biting
edges of the dentition. The pattern is different on each gnathal bone and probably arises from single odontogenic
primordia on each, but tooth rows are arranged in a distinctive placoderm pattern. New teeth are made of regular
dentine comparable to that of crown-gnathostomes, formed from a pulp cavity. This differs from semidentine
previously described for placoderm gnathalia, a type present in the external dermal tubercles.
The Arthrodira is a derived taxon within the Placodermi, hence origin of teeth in placoderms occurs late in the
phylogeny and teeth are convergently derived, relative to those of other jawed vertebrates. More basal placoderm
taxa adopted other strategies for providing biting surfaces and these vary substantially, but include addition of
denticles to the growing gnathal plates, at the margins of pre-existing denticle patches. These alternative strategies
and apparent absence of regular dentine have led to previous interpretations that teeth were entirely absent from
the placoderm dentition. A consensus view emerged that a dentition, as developed within a dental lamina, is a
synapomorphy characterising the clade of crown-group gnathostomes.
Recent comparisons between sets of denticle whorls in the pharyngeal region of the jawless fish Loganellia scotica
(Thelodonti) and those in sharks suggest homology of these denticle sets on gill arches. Although the placoderm
pharyngeal region appears to lack denticles (placoderm gill arches are poorly known), the posterior wall of the
pharyngeal cavity, formed by a bony flange termed the postbranchial lamina, is covered in rows of patterned
denticle arrays. These arrays differ significantly, both in morphology and arrangement, from those of the den-
ticles located externally on the head and trunkshield plates. Denticles in these arrays are homologous to denticles
associated with the gill arches in other crown-gnathostomes, with pattern similarities for order and position of
pharyngeal denticles. From their location in the pharynx these are inferred to be under the influence of a cell
lineage from endoderm, rather than ectoderm. Tooth sets and tooth whorls in crown-group gnathostomes are
suggested to derive from the pharyngeal denticle whorls, at least in sharks, with the patterning mechanisms
co-opted to the oral cavity. A comparable co-option is suggested for the Placodermi.

Key words : Gnathostomata, jawed vertebrates, crown-group gnathostomes, total-group gnathostomes,

Placodermi, dentition, endoderm.
2 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith


I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 000

II. Gnathostome dentitions and vertebrate phylogeny ................................................................................ 000
(1) Alternative theories on the origin of teeth in stem-group gnathostomes ...................................... 000
(2) Characters of the dentition in crown-group gnathostomes ............................................................. 000
(3) Tooth addition with replacement in jawed vertebrates ................................................................... 000
(4) Phylogenetic relationships of the Placodermi .................................................................................... 000
III. Placoderm dentitions : contribution of teeth and denticles .................................................................... 000
(1) Oral cavity : presence of teeth and denticles ..................................................................................... 000
(a) Arthrodira : arrangement of teeth ................................................................................................. 000
(i) Evidence in coccosteomorph arthrodires for the presence of teeth .................................. 000
(ii) Diversity and arrangement of structures in the coccosteomorph dentition .................... 000
(iii) Juvenile dentitions : toothed rows ......................................................................................... 000
(iv) Evidence in pachyosteomorph arthrodires for the presence of teeth ............................... 000
(b) Other arthrodires : tooth rows and denticulated ‘ areas ’ ........................................................... 000
(i) ‘ Primitive brachythoracids ’ : teeth and denticles ................................................................ 000
(ii) Phlyctaeniida : denticle fields .................................................................................................. 000
(iii) Actinolepida: tooth addition .................................................................................................. 000
(c) Phyllolepida : denticle fields ............................................................................................................ 000
(d) Acanthothoraci : supragnathal plates ............................................................................................ 000
(e) Antiarchi and Rhenanida : external dermal elements in the dentition .................................... 000
(f) Other denticles in the oral cavity: parasphenoid and paraotic plates ...................................... 000
(2) Pharyngeal cavity : presence of pharyngeal denticles ....................................................................... 000
(a) Gill arches and skeletal components ............................................................................................. 000
(b) Postbranchial lamina and denticle pattern .................................................................................. 000
IV. A developmental model from phylogenetic pattern ............................................................................... 000
(1) Ectodermal against endodermal patterning ...................................................................................... 000
(2) Tooth retention and tooth addition ................................................................................................... 000
(3) Tissue growth in teeth and denticles .................................................................................................. 000
(4) Adaptive growth and tissue remodelling ............................................................................................ 000
(5) The placoderm oral cavity ................................................................................................................... 000
(6) The placoderm pharyngeal cavity ...................................................................................................... 000
V. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................. 000
VI. Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................... 000
VII. References .................................................................................................................................................... 000

I. INTRODUCTION there is active disagreement and debate as to the validity of

these two theories (Smith and Johanson, 2003 a, b ; Burrow,
Classic theories of dental evolution are based on the acqui- 2003; Miller, Cloutier & Turner, 2003; Young, 2003). Sire
sition of teeth at the jaw margins by the assumed evol- (2001) and Sire & Huysseune (2003) have also advocated a
utionary migration of external skin denticles surrounding different definition of teeth, denticles and odontodes as
the mouth into the oral cavity (see Jollie, 1968). A develop- dermal skeletal elements from studies of development in
mental mechanism was provided to explain this evolution- extant osteichthyans, including ‘ extra oral teeth ’ (Sire,
ary pattern of change, from jawless to jawed fishes, in 2001).
location of the denticles from skin to oro-pharynx and then The main objective of this review is to present new data
to an enlarged, specialised set at the jaw margins (Reif, on the phylogenetic origins of teeth and pharyngeal den-
1982). It was assumed that all denticles are homologous ticles, focusing on the jawed vertebrate group Placodermi,
(those of the skin and oro-pharynx, as odontodes, Ørvig, phylogenetically basal jawed vertebrates and sister-taxon to
1977) and that the agreed phylogenetic order of their ap- the crown-group Gnathostomata (Fig. 1). We attempt to
pearance was skin denticles first, then oral denticles prior to establish the phylogenetic sequence in which characters of
teeth at the jaw margins, and lastly, pharyngeal denticles the dentition are expressed within the Placodermi including
(Jollie, 1968). However, new fossil evidence on denticle dis- pharyngeal denticle patterns comparable to those observed
tribution relative to the origin of jaws has provided an in the thelodont Loganellia scotica Traquair, 1898 (Johanson &
alternative to this classic consensus view (van der Brugghen Smith, 2003). We interpret our morphological observations
& Janvier, 1993; Donoghue & Smith, 2001 ; Purnell, 2001; in the context of a developmental model based on pattern-
Smith & Coates, 2001). Opinion is currently divided and ing of tooth addition as identified in extant jawed vertebrates
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 3

Total Gnathostomata
Jawed Vertebrates 'primitive



Crown Gnathostomata Stem Gnathostomata











Fig. 2. Cladogram showing relationships of taxa assigned to
the Placodermi (adapted from Goujet & Young, 1995 and
Goujet, 2001) and relationships within the Arthrodira (see also
Fig. 4). Note that in Goujet, 2001, the Rhenanida and
?5 ?5 Acanthothoraci are resolved as sister taxa.
5 5
2, 6 2, 6
2, 4, 6 (1) Do oral denticles derive from denticles on the external
dermal armour, and do these subsequently evolve, with co-
option of their ectodermally derived pattern, into teeth at
the jaw margins? Or (2), does this pattern derive exclusively
3 from that of internal pharyngeal denticles, as such being
1 endodermally derived ? (3) Are pharyngeal denticles them-
selves derived from the posterior migration of skin denticles
into the caudal end of this region, or do they have a distinct
and separate evolutionary history ? Or (4), alternatively, are
they derived from dermal denticles formed at the junctions
Fig. 1. Cladogram showing relationships of jawed vertebrates, of ectoderm with endoderm in the post-cranial region,
including the Placodermi and crown-group Gnathostomata either laterally at each pharyngeal pouch, or solely at the
(adapted from Donoghue et al., 2000, Purnell, 2001). Character sites of the postbranchial laminae ?
states : 1, mineralised skeleton, odontode histogenesis ; 2,
internal mineralised skeleton ; 3, external mineralised skeleton ;
4, jaws ; 5, teeth ; 6, genes responsible for organising and II. GNATHOSTOME DENTITIONS AND
patterning internal skeleton.

(1 ) Alternative theories on the origin of teeth in

stem-group gnathostomes
(Smith, 2003), using these data in the placoderm dentition to Classic ideas on the evolutionary origins of teeth suggest that
consider homology with teeth of crown-group gnatho- the denticles became enlarged to form teeth subsequent to
stomes. their migration from external skin to oral margins, as the
Our observations are placed in a phylogenetic context, ectoderm invaginated to form the stomatodeum during
based on recent work by Goujet & Young (1995) and Goujet development of the mouth (Fig. 3; Jollie, 1968). Develop-
(2001 ; Fig. 2) for higher-level placoderm phylogeny and mental mechanisms proposed for this are that teeth devel-
Carr (1995) and Lelièvre (1995) for arthrodiran relationships oped from an innovative tooth-making structure, an
(Figs. 2, 4). Our central objective is to establish in which ectodermally derived tissue known as the epithelial dental
placoderm taxa teeth are present and to determine whether lamina, such that teeth formed out of the bite and deep to
they are restricted to derived taxa within the group, as re- the surface (Reif, 1982; Smith & Hall, 1993, see their Fig. 2).
cently proposed (Smith & Johanson, 2003 b). This tissue structure alone patterned the entire dentition,
Using information from the Placodermi, we attempt to while denticles found posteriorly in the pharyngeal region
address some fundamental questions concerning the evol- originated later in the evolutionary process (Broili, 1933;
utionary origins of jawed vertebrate dentitions. Watson, 1937 ; Halstead Tarlo & Halstead Tarlo, 1965;
4 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

stom. or.t
stom. ph.d

phar. phar.
1st. a








pter PBL
ce.h hy.h
Fig. 3. (A–E) Diagrams to show generalised agnathan (A, B)
and gnathostome (C, D) in longitudinal horizontal section, of Antiarchi
types with both an armoured dermal skeleton (A, D) and one
with separate denticles (placoid scales, B, C). (E) A transverse
section through the pterygoid and hyoid arch in a gnathostome
with denticulated pharyngeal plates (modified from Figs. 3, 4, 5
in Jollie, 1968). These show the limits of the ectoderm (hatched)
and endoderm (shaded), as predicted by Jollie (1968). Double
arrows mark the equivalent position of the postbranchial
lamina (PBL) in placoderms. Establishing the positions of the
ectoderm-endoderm boundary is proposed as a key to pattern
information in development of oro-pharyngeal denticles and
Fig. 4. Cladogram showing relationships within the
oral teeth (or.t). (B) Adapted from Jollie (1968) to show the
Arthrodira. Adapted from Lelièvre (1995) and Carr (1995).
position of pharyngeal denticles (ph.d) based on new infor-
mation in Loganellia scotica. Other abbreviations : 1st.a, 2nd.a,
first and second gill arches ; ba.h, basihyal ; ce.h, ceratohyal ;
hy.a, hyoid arch ; hy.h, hypohyal ; ma.a, mandibular arch ; ventillatory theory, in which jaws evolved first for suction
phar., pharyngeal cavity ; pter, pterygoid ; sp, spiracle ;, feeding, while teeth developed at a later stage of gnatho-
splanchno-skeleton ; stom., stomodeum ;, tooth plates. stome evolution. Also, both systems, jaws and teeth, were
proposed to be independent units in their development, and
thus also change independently during evolution (Smith &
Hall, 1993). Subsequently, it was recognised that although
Jollie, 1968 ; Schaeffer, 1975 ; Burrow, 2003 ; Young, 2003). odontodes shared a homologous developmental programme
As such, these theories assume that mechanisms for the de- for histogenesis, internal oro-pharyngeal denticles and ex-
velopment and pattern regulation of skin denticles became ternal skin denticles possessed different and divergent evol-
co-opted to make teeth, involving an inductive ectodermal utionary histories (Smith & Coates, 1998). Because these
epithelium. Tooth-making ability has been linked to the originate at a phylogenetically basal node in vertebrate
acquisition of jaws, when the mandibular arch moved cau- phylogeny (Fig. 1), one could not be derived from the other.
dally together with the invagination of the ectoderm (Fig. 3; One topographic basis for the difference between oro-
see Fig. 4 in Jollie, 1968). It was assumed that the inner pharyngeal denticles and dermal skin denticles is the pro-
denticulate surface of the first branchial arch was then used posed phylogenetic independence of the visceral skeleton
for food processing at an early phylogenetic stage, with these (splanchnocranium, Kardong, 2002) from the dermal and
changes linked to increasing predatory activity (Jollie, 1968). endoskeletal systems (Donoghue & Sansom, 2002).
In recent years, several aspects of the classic theories Donoghue and Sansom (2002) suggest that this distinction
(Jollie, 1968; Reif, 1982) have been challenged. For ex- occurred at a level below the origin of the Vertebrata (a
ample, rather than accepting an evolutionary link between clade including the last common ancestor of hagfish, lam-
the development of a dentition and articulated jaws during preys, crown-group gnathostomes and all descendants of
increasingly active predation, Mallatt (1998) proposed the this ancestor, including fossil jawless fishes as well as the
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 5

Placodermi ; Fig. 1). Oro-pharyngeal denticles and teeth are pharyngeal denticles has been questioned in recent pub-
included as part of the splanchnocranium, some fused to lications. The first, by Purnell (2001), demonstrated that
splanchnic bones of the palate and dermal bones of the jaws, amongst other jawless vertebrates (Heterostraci, Fig. 1), oral
along with the supporting branchial cartilages and their denticles at the mouth margin of heterostracans intergraded
perichondral and endochondral bones (Nelson, 1969, morphologically with dentine ridges on the external head-
1970 a ; Donoghue & Sansom, 2002; Kardong, 2002; shield. Thus, Purnell (2001) concluded that external dermal
Smith, 2003). As discussed below (Section IV.1), splanchnic structures gave rise to oral denticles in heterostracans, as
structures are hypothesised to be dependent on endoderm, predicted by the more traditional theories of dental evol-
rather than ectoderm, for pattern information. ution. The heterostracan oral denticles also show a degree of
Another observation supporting the divergent evolution- organisation, such that the denticle tips are oriented out-
ary histories of internal and external skeletal systems is that wards, leading Purnell (2001) to suggest that the develop-
the Conodonta (total-group Gnathostomata, Fig. 1) are the mental differences between oro-pharyngeal denticles and
first vertebrate group to show skeletal mineralisation. skin denticles in thelodonts described by Smith & Coates
Importantly, this occurs exclusively within the oro-pharyn- (1998) were not significant. However, both thelodonts and
geal cavity, possibly associated with the splanchnoskeleton elasmobranchs have comparably oriented denticles in the
(Smith & Coates, 1998, 2000, 2001; Donoghue, Forey & prenasal sinus and inhalent nasal openings, both respect-
Aldridge, 2000 ; Donoghue & Aldridge, 2001 ; Donoghue & ively, derived from ectoderm (van der Brugghen & Janvier,
Sansom, 2002). Conodont elements show both bilateral 1993 ; Purnell, 2001). Denticles associated with the bran-
symmetry and antero-posterior differences as evidence of chial arches in the pharyngeal region of Loganellia scotica are
organisation or patterning. Given their known position in significantly different from the more anterior oro-nasal
the conodont animal, ventral and posterior to the eyes, they examples (Smith & Coates, 2001), forming joined sets or
are topographically co-incident with other feeding struc- whorls with sequential addition from one direction only.
tures ; the anterior elements could be part of the oral cavity, Regulation of the pharyngeal system would appear to be
with the more posterior part of the pharyngeal apparatus more comparable to the patterned tooth sets in crown-group
(Donoghue & Purnell, 1999, see their Fig. 1). Other early gnathostomes than either those of skin, oral or nasal den-
total-group gnathostomes (Heterostraci, Anaspida, ticles, and hence more likely to have been co-opted as a
Osteostraci, Fig. 1) are characterised by a heavily min- developmental system to pattern dentitions.
eralised dermal armour and the apparent absence of Miller et al. (2003, Section II.4) have recently described
internal dermal structures (Smith & Coates, 1998, 2000, the earliest known articulated shark in which they noted that
2001 ; Donoghue & Sansom, 2002). Although Donoghue & the branchial denticles differed morphologically from teeth
Sansom (2002) suggest that these internal and external el- in the jaw. Tooth families were visible and showed newer
ements can shift topographically between these regions, in- teeth sitting in a space representing the dental lamina. We
cluding from internal to external, in fact the two regions are can conclude from Miller et al. (2003) that the tooth system
distinct at the early phylogenetic stage represented by the was well regulated from a dental lamina and that this con-
Conodonta. tinued along the length of the jaw to the more posterior
As a new theory distinct from the classic one, Smith & tooth families, which are also distinctly different from the
Coates (1998, 2000, 2001) suggested that the essential pat- pharyngeal denticles. However, Miller et al. (2003) state that
terning mechanisms required for the tooth sets characteristic these posterior tooth sets are more similar to modified der-
of crown-group Gnathostomata evolved from the co-option mal scales, based on absence of ‘the dental membrane ’.
of regulatory mechanisms associated with organised internal They suggested this evidence, and the differences between
pharyngeal denticles in the jawless vertebrate Loganellia sco- pharyngeal denticles and teeth, contradicted an origin of
tica Thelodonti ; Section IV.1). Significantly, as with the teeth from pharyngeal denticles. However, the term ‘ dental
Conodonta, this was prior to the appearance of jaws. This membrane ’ is obscure and not properly defined by the
new hypothesis essentially reversed the inferred polarity of authors and we suggest that these posterior sets are teeth,
dental evolution. Rather than an external origin from der- developing from a superficial dental lamina, rather than
mal denticles with embryonic ectoderm recruited to make scales. Differences between teeth and branchial denticles
teeth at the mouth margins, an internal origin from embry- are misunderstood by the authors, as the concept advanced
onic endoderm of the pharyngeal cavity was proposed. For by Smith & Coates (1998, 2000, 2001) suggests that it
example, the initial iterative pattern in the zebrafish Danio is the regulatory and patterning mechanisms for sets of
rerio pharyngeal region is dependent on endodermal signal- denticles that are co-opted, not just denticle morphology.
ling, which is also required to make the separate cartilages in Furthermore, denticles in the anterior mucous membranes
the branchial arches (Piotrowski & Nüsslein-Volhard, 2000). near the mouth margin are polygonal in shape, differing
Donoghue (2002) noted that the external skeleton (scales) is morphologically from the rounded external skin denticles of
patterned, in a manner comparable to other dermally de- the head, suggesting a separation, rather than continuation
rived elements such as feathers, however, this patterning of, or gradation between, these denticulated areas. Contrary
involving the ectoderm differs significantly from patterning to the authors’ views, this does not support classic theories of
associated with the splanchnocranium and with structures dental evolution.
such as the denticle/tooth whorls. In a phylogenetically based critique, Donoghue & Smith
Despite these attempts to revise the theories on the (2001), using new analyses, argued that Loganellia scotica is
origin of teeth, their origin from developmentally distinct derived within the Thelodonti, rather than resolved to a
6 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

position at the base of the group. Branchial whorls are not mechanisms regulating their respective developmental pat-
known from the more basal thelodonts and based on this terning (Donoghue, 2002) and specifying the positions for
phylogenetic resolution the derivation of tooth whorls from addition and replacement of teeth are non-homologous. As
denticle whorls in Loganellia scotica is problematic. Similarities noted above, their divergent evolutionary histories (Smith
in organisation within the denticle whorls (Loganellia scotica) & Coates, 1998, 2001 ; Smith, 2003) (Section II.1) can be
and tooth whorls (crown-group gnathostomes) observed by traced to the base of the total group Gnathostomata and the
Smith & Coates (1998, 2000, 2001) would be convergently Conodonta (Fig. 1).
acquired. In the oral cavity both teeth and oral denticles are used to
Burrow (2003), commenting on Smith & Johanson’s build dentitions in crown-group gnathostome taxa but the
(2003 b) identification of teeth in derived placoderm groups, use of these terms as defined by Ørvig (1977) and Reif (1982)
suggested that more basal placoderm groups possessed not is often not stringently applied (Smith, 1988). Distinction
teeth, but tubercles, on the dental plates, organised in the between the two terms involves developmental concepts and
same manner as the ‘teeth ’ identified by Smith & Johanson may be difficult to apply to fossil taxa (Schaeffer, 1977 ; Reif,
(2003 b). Burrow (2003) suggested that the tubercles on the 1982). This can cause confusion and lack of precision in
dental plates are not randomly distributed in these basal comparisons between dentitions (for a discussion on lungfish
placoderm groups, such as the Acanthothoraci, Rhenanida dentitions see Smith, 1988). Distinctively new teeth form
and Antiarchi (Figs. 2, 4), a contention discussed, and re- within a dental lamina below the biting surface of the jaw
futed in Section III.1d–f. Burrow (2003, see her Fig. 1 A) and in advance of participation in the bite. By contrast,
identified a gnathal plate from the Acanthothoraci and denticles develop superficially, are widely dispersed, and
suggested that the arrangement of tubercles on this plate was form when a space becomes available due to general or local
comparable to external skin tubercles on the head and growth, or loss of a previous denticle. From these topo-
trunkshield plates. This led her to conclude that oral den- graphical criteria, both the arrangement and relative timing
titions were derived from external skin tubercles, as suggested of addition can be deduced.
by classic theories of dental evolution. However, as noted by In particular, the position of putative tooth primordia can
Smith & Johanson (2003a), the particular microvertebrate be inferred from the presence of a regulated and organised
specimens Burrow (2003) illustrates as being an acantho- sequence of tooth addition, exemplified by tooth whorls in
thoracid placoderm are of uncertain affinity, in all prob- fossil taxa, but said to be absent in placoderms (Reif, 1982).
ability acanthodian. In extant chondrichthyans (sharks, rays, and holocephalans),
Young (2003) also supported the derivation of all placo- tooth ‘families ’ or ‘sets ’ have been recognised, with the
derm dentitions from external skin tubercles and queried the position of the tooth primordia in a deep epithelial fold
characters specified by Smith & Johanson (2003 b) to identify (dental lamina). The newest teeth added to sets in early
teeth in placoderms. He noted, as we have, that external growth stages are the largest and the locations of tooth pri-
dermal tubercles are also patterned (as discussed above, mordia are not random, but part of an organised, timed
Donoghue, 2002), justifying this by illustrating a row of sequence, regulated proximo-distally at the initiation stage
pointed tubercles along the edges of the arthrodiran spinal of the dentition (Reif, 1976, 1984 ; Smith & Coates, 2001).
plate and antiarch pectoral fin. However, Young’s (2003) Theoretical models for patterning tooth development and
suggestion that these denticles satisfy the criteria used for the replacement in crown-gnathostome dentitions have recently
recognition of teeth by Smith & Johanson (2003b), is not been reviewed (Smith, 2003). Several taxa possess a stato-
adequately supported by his own figures (Fig. 1E–G in dont dentition, where teeth are not replaced but are retained
Young, 2003, also Stensiö, 1948). We maintain that teeth in the tooth set (Jaekel, 1901 ; Patterson, 1992) and joined at
(Young’s ‘ denticles ’) in brachythoracid arthrodires differ their bases, with the newest teeth showing lyodont addition
from external tubercles in their spatiotemporal regulation (from the lingual side of the jaw). These terms have been
and see no evidence to refute this (Smith & Johanson, discussed for holocephalans (Patterson, 1992), other chondri-
2003a, b). Differences between oral denticles on the phlyc- chthyans (Smith & Coates, 1998), acanthodians and placo-
taeniid Dicksonosteus arcticus Goujet, 1975 (Fig. 10 H) and derms (Ørvig, 1973), and in general by Smith & Coates
tubercles on the external surface of headshield plates are (1998, 2000, 2001) where the condition is considered to be
readily apparent (see plate 5, 2b, 5a, in Goujet, 1975; primitive for jawed vertebrates. In many osteichthyians
Figs. 39, 41, 42, and plate 8.5B, 8.6A in Goujet, 1984 a). (bony fish), teeth are individually replaced except for tooth
External dermal elements are incorporated into the den- whorls at the jaw symphysis, but there are also taxa with
tition of two phylogenetically basal placoderm groups a completely statodont dentition, notably the dipnoans
(Section III.1e), but these are not teeth, nor do they form (Denison, 1974; Smith, 1988). Tooth whorls have been
part of a patterned dentition, nor are the dentitions of more noted in sarcopterygians [Psarolepis romeri Yu, 1998 (Zhu, Yu
advanced placoderms derived from these. & Janvier, 1999), porolepiforms (Jarvik, 1972), onychodonts
(Jessen, 1966; Long, 2001)] and a very limited number of
actinopterygians (e.g. Howqualepis rostridens Long, 1988). In
(2 ) Characters of the dentition in crown-group
the fossil group Acanthodii, these tooth whorls occur not
only at the jaw symphysis, but also as individual whorls, or
Although teeth and skin denticles or tubercles are hom- sets, along the jaw margin in certain taxa [Brochoadmones
ologous at the tissue development level (Ørvig, 1977; milesi Bernacsek & Dineley, 1977 (Gagnier & Wilson, 1996)].
Schaeffer, 1977; Smith & Hall, 1990 ; Donoghue, 2002), the Other acanthodians (Family Ischnacanthidae ; Long,
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 7

1986) possess rows of evenly spaced teeth of graded size, in endoderm lining the pharyngeal cavity (Huysseune et al.,
which the largest represents the newly added tooth (Smith, 2002 ; Section IV.1).
2003). Recent comparisons between chondrichthyans and bony
The statodont condition is also recognisable in placoderm fishes have suggested that the concept of a ‘dental primor-
dentitions, with the cutting edges and tusks of the gnathalia dium ’, or ‘ tooth clone ’ sensu lato, responsible for forming
maintained as continuous growth regions. In statodont new teeth in each set, explains observed morphologies,
dentitions teeth are added at the growth margins but the particularly in bony fishes (Smith, 2003). In tooth replace-
older teeth are not shed as they are worn down and incor- ment on the jaw of the trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Berkovitz,
porated at the cutting edges, so that strictly in situ replace- 1977) and Polypterus senegalus (Cuvier, 1829) (Clemen,
ment does not occur. The contribution of teeth to these Bartsch & Wacker, 1998), the new teeth form from the
surfaces was proposed by Ørvig (1980 a), and recently re- dental epithelium at the base of the old one (comparable to
evaluated by Smith & Johanson (2003b), most notably the cichlids above). In these examples tooth addition loci are
within the Arthrodira. In this taxon examples of new teeth close to functional teeth rather than deep within a continu-
and older teeth, as part of the regulated tooth-addition unit, ous dental lamina along the jaw margin as in elasmobranchs
can all be observed in a variety of well-preserved taxa (see (Reif, 1982). Positions of the first tooth loci along the
Section III.1a, b). jaw determine where each new replacement tooth-germ
forms. In this way, odontogenic cells (a clonal group, see
(3 ) Tooth addition with replacement in jawed Smith, 2003) of the initiator tooth buds form the primary
vertebrates (original) pattern and autonomously regulate the secondary
replacement pattern. We suggest that these observations on
Tooth replacement patterns in fish, amphibians and reptiles the variability of development in osteichthyan and chondri-
have been reviewed by Berkovitz (2000) and the develop- chthyan dentitions provide criteria for the recognition of
mental models for these by Smith & Coates (2001) and different dentition patterns in fossil forms, for example, re-
Smith (2003). The developmental mechanisms of this re- lated to identifiable locations of tooth initiation and addition.
placement relative to the dental lamina (Reif, 1982), either In Section III, we apply these criteria to the Placodermi.
continuous or discontinuous, and the regulatory genes con-
trolling the pattern of tooth positioning are now being
(4 ) Phylogenetic relationships of the Placodermi
studied in fish (Fraser, Graham & Smith, 2004 ; Laurenti
et al., 2004). Laurenti et al. (2004), reporting on the zebrafish The Placodermi was first erected by M’Coy (1848) to in-
pharyngeal teeth, implicate one gene in particular (Eve1) clude the groups Antiarchi and Arthrodira, but also what we
with epithelial initiation of the first tooth primordium in now recognise as a jawless fish, Psammosteus Agassiz, 1845
each dentate region. Fraser et al. (2004) report on epithelially (Heterostraci). Traquair (1888) restricted antiarchs and
expressed genes (Shh, Pitx2) important in creating both first arthrodires (the genus Coccosteus Agassiz, 1844) to the group
and replacement teeth in the trout Oncorhyncus mykiss and Placodermata Owen, 1860, but later, Cope (1889) assigned
show that the same genes are deployed in trout, in oral and the Antiarchi to the Ostracodermi, along with pteraspid
pharyngeal teeth, at exactly equivalent stages of tooth de- (Heterostraci) and cephalaspid (Osteostraci) jawless fishes.
velopment as in the mouse. They conclude that the genes The Antiarchi were believed to lack jaws, and Cope’s (1889)
needed to build a dentition are conserved from fish to classification persisted for many years (Woodward, 1891;
mouse, thus a molecular tool kit for making teeth emerged Dean, 1895; Goodrich, 1909). As well, Woodward (1891;
early in vertebrate evolution. Dean, 1895) allied the Arthrodira with the Dipnoi (lungfish).
Amongst pharyngognath fish (functional teeth only found Thus, the Placodermi have not always been considered a
on the pharyngeal arches), the cichlids (Teleostei : Cichlidae) monophyletic group. However, in-depth study of anaspid
are noted for their phenotypic plasticity, forming in and cephalaspid jawless fishes made it clear that these were
Astatoreochromis alluaudi fine sharp teeth or large molariform very different from the Antiarchi (Kiaer, 1924 ; Stensiö,
teeth in response to changes in diet as the teeth are cyclically 1927) and shortly after, upper and lower jaw elements were
replaced (Greenwood, 1965 ; Huysseune, 1995, 2000). Initial discovered for the Antiarchi (Stensiö, 1931). Stensiö (1927,
teeth form directly from the pharyngeal epithelium but 1931) returned to the usage of the Placodermi including only
tooth replacement is from the dental lamina deep in the the Antiarchi and Arthrodira (or Euarthrodira, at that time
bone, whereas other replacement pharyngeal teeth form including all other taxa currently assigned to the Placodermi,
from the dental epithelium of the predecessor tooth also Stensiö, 1969) and suggested they were most closely
(Huysseune, Sire & Meunier, 1994 ; Huysseune, 1995; related to elasmobranchs (Chondrichthyes).
Huysseune & Sire, 1998). Most recently, this epithelium is Placoderm monophyly was also questioned by workers
considered to be a stem cell population (Huysseune & who noted similarities between the Holocephali (Chondri-
Thesleff, 2004) where together with odontogenic (tooth- chthyes) and the Arthrodira (Stensiö, 1925, 1934) and
producing) mesenchyme it can form a tooth primordium for between the chimaeroids (Holocephali) and the placoderm
a replacement tooth. There can be little doubt that in both group Ptyctodontida (Holmgren, 1942). However, some of
the developmental and functional senses, true teeth form in these similarities have been shown to be non-homologous
pharyngognaths despite their location on the fifth branchial (Patterson, 1965, 1992; Gardiner, 1984 b ; Forey & Gardi-
arch. Importantly, they are truly a part of the splanchno- ner, 1986), and currently the Ptyctodontida are retained
skeleton and under the putative inductive influence of within the Placodermi (Figs. 2, 4).
8 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Attempts to evaluate the relationships of taxa assigned to any synapomorphies. Nevertheless, most recent phylogenies
the Placodermi in a phylogenetic framework have been (Goujet & Young, 1995 ; Goujet, 2001) have retained a
made by a variety of researchers (Miles & Young, 1977; monophyletic Acanthothoraci, suggesting previous analyses
Denison, 1978 b ; Young, 1980 ; Gardiner, 1984b ; Goujet, (Goujet, 1984 b) were based on poor data from incomplete
1984b ; Forey & Gardiner, 1986 ; Goujet & Young, 1995). In specimens.
these analyses, the Arthrodira, in its modern usage (Figs. 2, Phylogenies addressing relationships of taxa assigned to
4), is resolved as one of the most derived groups within the the Placodermi have been varied in their resolution of indi-
Placodermi. Discrepancies amongst the phylogenies have vidual groups, as has the position of the Placodermi within
mainly centred on the positions of the groups Antiarchi and the clade of jawed vertebrates. Discussions in the upcoming
Ptyctodontida and monophyly of the Acanthothoraci. In sections follow recent phylogenies suggesting that placo-
recent analyses, certain poorly understood groups have been derms are phylogenetically the most basal group within the
excluded, for example, the Stensiöellida and Pseudopeta- clade (Schaeffer, 1975 ; Schaeffer & Williams, 1977 ; Young,
lichthyida, with some question as to whether these belong to 1986; Coates & Sequeira, 2001 ; Goujet, 2001 ; Janvier,
the Placodermi (Janvier, 1996a). With regards to the Ptycto- 2001; Zhu & Schultze, 2001). Other researchers have
dontida, Miles & Young (1977) retained the group within suggested a closer relationship of the Placodermi to
the Placodermi, but suggested that their phylogenetically chondrichthyans within the group Elasmobranchiomorphi
basal position was based on the presence of the pelvic and (Stensiö, 1925, 1927, 1931). Still others have proposed
pre-pelvic claspers, otherwise present in chondrichthyans that placoderms and osteichthyans (sarcopterygians+
(holocephalians having both structures, elasmobranchs actinopterygians) are sister taxa, based on putative homol-
having the pelvic claspers alone). Other placoderms were ogies between placoderm trunkshield plates and ostei-
considered derived in the absence of these claspers (Miles & chthyan shoulder girdle bones (Jarvik, 1944 ; Stensiö, 1959),
Young, 1977). However, the chondrichthyan pelvic and including a denticulated postbranchial lamina, among other
pre-pelvic claspers are supported by cartilage, but in the characters (Forey, 1980 ; Gardiner, 1984 b). However, these
ptyctodont Ctenurella, claspers consist only of dermal spines homologies have been questioned (e.g. Young, 1986) and
or plates, with no cartilaginous support. This led Forey and are not supported by recent phylogenetic analyses (Zhu &
Gardiner (1986; also Gardiner, 1984b) to suggest that Schultze, 2001).
ptyctodont and chondricthyan claspers were not homol- It is important to note that currently the monophyly of the
ogous. In Forey and Gardiner’s (1986) analysis, ptyctodonts Placodermi is based on a small number of characters that
are still the most basal placoderm taxon, lacking a pre- have not been tested in a phylogenetic analysis of the entire
pectoral process on the scapulocoracoid, dorsal narial clade of jawed vertebrates (Goujet, 1982; Young, 1986 ;
openings and sensory canals in open grooves. However, in Janvier, 1996 a ; Coates & Sequeira, 2001). Outgroup com-
other analyses (Goujet, 1984 b), the absence of dorsal narial parison, necessary for determining character polarity, is also
openings is shared between arthrodires and ptyctodonts (see problematic. The recent analysis of Goujet & Young (1995)
below) and the presence of sensory canals in tubes, rather used a ‘hypothetical ancestor ’ to code the plesiomorphic
than open grooves, is shared with petalichthyids (these are state for all characters, which is not entirely satisfactory.
shown as reversals in Forey & Gardiner, 1986). In current Other researchers determined the plesiomorphic and de-
analyses, the Acanthothoraci is resolved to the basal position rived conditions for various characters by evaluating their
within the Placodermi (Goujet & Young, 1995). distribution within the Placodermi. For example, with re-
In most phylogenies, the Antiarchi was considered to be gards to the trunkshield, Miles & Young (1977, p. 131) de-
the sister group of the Arthrodira, based on the greater scribed the plates present in the ‘ primitive placoderm ’ by
length of the trunkshield relative to other placoderm taxa, noting which plates were found among the widest range of
considered to be the derived condition (Miles & Young, placoderm groups. When outgroup comparisons are made,
1977; Denison, 1978b ; Young, 1980; Gardiner, 1984b ; taxa utilised were often other jawed vertebrates (Miles &
Forey & Gardiner, 1986 ; Goujet & Young, 1995). By con- Young, 1977; Denison, 1978b, Gardiner, 1984b ; Forey &
trast, Goujet (1984 b) focused on characters of the head- Gardiner, 1986).
shield, including the dorsal position of the nasal openings However, in order to determine character polarity in a
and the presence of a premedian plate, which led to a hy- group resolved to the basal node of a major clade like the
pothesis of relationships between the Antiarchi, Rhenanida jawed vertebrates, it is more appropriate to use the most
and Acanthothoraci. In the most recent available clado- closely related taxon outside this group, i.e. a jawless fish
gram, these three groups are resolved to sequential nodes taxon. However, problems arise because these jawless
near the base of the cladogram, again with Arthrodira as fishes differ from members of the jawed vertebrate clade in
one of the most derived taxa (Figs. 2, 4 ; Goujet & Young, many respects (Osteostraci) and are often known poorly,
1995). In previous phylogenies, the Acanthothoraci particularly internally (Heterostraci, Anaspida, Thelodonti).
(=Palaeacanthaspida) was a monophyletic group, based on The Osteostraci are currently resolved as the sister group
the posterior projection of the paranuchal plates of the to the jawed vertebrate clade (Janvier, 1996 b; Donoghue
headshield (Miles & Young, 1977; Young, 1980 ; Gardiner, et al., 2000 ; Donoghue & Smith, 2001). These have been
1984b). However, in the cladogram presented by Goujet used as an outgroup to polarise character states within
(1984 b), the Acanthothoraci are paraphyletic, with some the jawed vertebrates and less frequently, the Placodermi
taxa more closely related to antiarchs and others to the (Coates & Sequiera, 2001 ; Janvier, 2001; Johanson, 2002).
Rhenanida. Janvier (1996a) also noted that the group lacked For example, the osteostracan Norselaspis possesses a
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 9

scapulocoracoid with an articular surface for a single pharyngeal denticles are considered to be absent in placo-
fin radial and surrounding depressions for fin muscles and derms (Donoghue & Smith, 2001), although they are present
foramina for nerves and blood vessels comparable to the in basal chondrichthyans and osteichthyans. Pharyngeal el-
scapulocoracoid of jawed vertebrates (Janvier, 1985, 1996 a). ements are largely unknown in acanthodians except for gill
Comparisons between the course of these vessels in osteo- arches and accompanying rakers in Acanthodes bronni Agassiz
stracans and the Antiarchi suggested that the antiarch 1833 (Miles, 1973).
condition is plesiomorphic relative to the rest of the The absence of teeth in placoderms has been justified for
Placodermi and other jawed vertebrates, such that these three reasons. First, tooth whorls, or spirals, are absent from
taxa share a derived character that the Antiarchi lack placoderm jaws ; these whorls providing the structural evi-
(Johanson, 2002). This challenges placoderm monophyly dence that a tooth-producing dental lamina is present in the
but again has not been tested within a rigorous phylogenetic crown-group gnathostomes, including the fossil group
analysis. Acanthodii (Reif, 1982). For example, Young et al. (2001;
Placoderm non-monophyly could result in those taxa also Young, 2003) recently emphasised the lack of order, or
(Arthrodira) with teeth being resolved as more closely re- patterning (i.e. into whorls or spirals) of the denticles on the
lated to crown-group gnathostomes than other placoderms. gnathalia of certain arthrodires (the group Phlyctaeniida;
In this instance, teeth would not be independently derived Figs. 2, 4). The second reason is the apparent absence of
within the placoderms, but consideration would still need to regular dentine in the dental tissues ; Young et al. (2001)
be given to the absence of teeth early in chondrichthyan and emphasised the histological similarity of the denticles to the
possibly acanthodian history (Turner & Young, 1987; Long, dermal tubercles on the external surface of the dermal plates
1995 ; Janvier, 1996a ; Wilson, Hanke & Sahney, 1999; of the head and trunkshield (see Section III.1.a, b). This
Williams, 2001). Miller et al. (2003) described the earliest variant of dentine has been described in both the arthrodire
articulated chondrichthyan currently known, from the early dentition and shield tubercles as semidentine (Ørvig,
Devonian (Emsian), a specimen with up to fifteen spaced 1980 a). Linked with this is the absence of a pulp cavity
and organised sets of teeth at the jaw margin. However, normally found in teeth, but not in dermal tubercles. Third,
even earlier articulated shark specimens from the Early as universally accepted, an enamel covering is absent (Gross,
Devonian (Lockhovian) of the Canadian Arctic have been 1957 ; Ørvig, 1973 ; Denison, 1978 b).
described as lacking teeth, leading Wilson et al. (1999) to Contrary to these views, Smith & Johanson (2003 a, b)
propose an independent origin of teeth within the chondri- described morphological and histological evidence for the
chthyans. As well, in some of the earliest known chondri- presence of teeth in Placodermi, in the derived group
chthyan faunas from the Silurian of Russia and Asia, dermal Arthrodira, although the phylogeny indicated non-hom-
scales are present but teeth are not. This includes taxa which ology with teeth in other jawed vertebrate clades (Figs. 1, 2).
may represent one of the most plesiomorphic chondri- Because more phylogenetically basal placoderms such as the
chthyan groups, such as those assigned to the Mongolepida Antiarchi and Rhenanida (Figs. 2, 4) lack these tooth rows,
(Karatjute-Talimaa, 1973 ; Karatjute-Talimaa et al., 1990). teeth evolved independently within the group. The mor-
Even earlier ‘chondrichthyan-like ’ scales, but not teeth, phological evidence demonstrated that new teeth, with a
have been described from the Ordovician of Colorado gradual size increase and similar shape polarity, were con-
(Sansom, Smith & Smith, 1996). sistently added to the ends of pre-existing rows, below the
functional bite. Hence, the arthrodiran tooth row is very
similar to a crown-gnathostome tooth whorl or family, and
we have compared it to a statodont tooth row, as in dipno-
ans. However, the more phylogenetically basal placoderms
III. PLACODERM DENTITIONS : lacking these criteria cannot be said to possess teeth and
CONTRIBUTION OF TEETH AND DENTICLES are relevant in discussions of the origins of placoderm
teeth, whether from external skin tubercles, or internal phar-
In current phylogenies, the Placodermi are the most plesio- yngeal denticles, because their edentate condition suggests
morphic group to possess jaws and should provide import- arthrodiran teeth are neomorphic.
ant data on the distribution of teeth and denticles at this
stage of evolution, relative to jawless vertebrates such as
(1 ) Oral cavity : presence of teeth and denticles
Loganellia scotica and the Heterostraci and jawed vertebrates
included in the crown-group Gnathostomata. We provide We follow a developmental model of tooth addition to the
below new data and reassess published information on the dentition (Smith, 2003) and apply this to the Placodermi, to
feeding apparatus in all placoderm groups, together with a allow us to identify the evolutionary origins of the tooth-
review of denticle distribution in the pharyngeal region additive type of dentition and further to assess homologies
based on Johanson and Smith (2003). with teeth in crown gnathostomes. This model is based on
One current opinion is that teeth (those derived from the statodont dentition, which essentially preserves the en-
a dental lamina) are a synapomorphy of crown-group tire ontogeny of the dentition (e.g. the lungfish toothplate),
gnathostomes present in all jawed vertebrates except placo- allowing developmental and growth processes to be inferred
derms (Denison, 1978 b ; Reif, 1982 ; Goujet, 2001; Young, and positions of newly added teeth to be identified (see
Lelièvre & Goujet, 2001; Zhu & Schultze, 2001 ; Donoghue Ørvig, 1980 a). The functional part of the dentition, worn
& Sansom, 2002 ; Burrow, 2003 ; Young, 2003). Equally, teeth, also tusks and cutting edges, forms from non-replaced
10 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

teeth. The developmental model of tooth addition as pro-

posed is defined as follows :
(1) a tooth regional field (with odontogenic restriction
boundaries) is associated with each dentate (gnathal) bone
(Donoghue, 2002 ; Fraser et al., 2004). Within each field, a
single separate primordium (dental placode, or clonal group
of cells, gene expression centre ; Smith, 2003; Fraser et al.,
2004; Laurenti et al., 2004) initiates the placoderm specific
pattern for sequential tooth addition. Based on new evi-
dence for the sequential, reiterative pattern of tooth
initiation and morphogenesis of mammalian teeth (Jernvall ASG
et al., 2000), each primordium (dental placode) will act as PSG
a tooth signalling centre. IG
(2) Genetic mechanisms responsible for the tooth re-
gional field in (1) and the pattern of sequential, reiterative
tooth development could be part of a hierarchical develop-
mental module for tooth sets. In the early manifestation of
this, one phylogenetic stage is oral denticles added to the Fig. 5. Coccosteus cuspidatus Miller, 1841 ex Agassiz ms. Anterior
margins of gnathal plates, but not in regular well-spaced view of headshield, anterior and posterior supragnathals and
rows. infragnathals (all shaded). Adapted from Miles & Westoll
(3) New teeth develop in relation to the initial tooth site (1968). Abbreviations : ASG, anterior supragnathal ; IG, infra-
and are regulated as proposed in the clonal model for a gnathal ; PSG, posterior supragnathal.
discontinuous dental lamina (Reif, 1982 ; Smith, 2003) and
by expression of epithelial genes (Fraser et al., 2004).
(4) Teeth are added to a recognisable, statodont, tooth Denison, 1978b ; Carr, 1995 ; Goujet, 2001) although only
row linking the original tooth to later, regularly spaced the Actinolepida and Eubrachythoraci (Fig. 4) possess dental
functional teeth where each is supported by a new bone of morphologies most readily compared to the statodont
attachment. Functional, worn teeth and newly added teeth condition of various chondrichthyans, acanthodians and
are often incorporated and transformed into cutting edges osteichthyans. Dentitions of the ‘primitive brachythoracids ’
and tusks (Section IV.3, 4) by an adaptive mechanism of possess tooth rows in addition to areas or patches of den-
pleromic growth of dentine into the bone (see Smith & ticles. Among the Arthrodira, only the Phlyctaeniida appear
Sansom, 2000). to lack tooth rows; instead denticles are added to the mar-
(5) New teeth of tubular dentine grow from the pulp, as gins of the gnathal plates of the dentition, showing some
in the crown-gnathostome-type. Only after further growth degree of regulation. A comparable pattern is seen within
related to wear does this transform into semidentine (Section the group Phyllolepida.
IV.4), the type that occurs in the dermal tubercles.
Most aspects of this model can be readily recognised in
( a ) Arthrodira : arrangement of teeth
the statodont dentition of arthrodiran taxa, and from the
observed pattern of growth the genetic patterning processes As indicated in Figs. 2 and 4, the Arthrodira includes the
are inferred. Placoderm feeding structures are organised Actinolepida, Phlyctaeniida and the Brachythoraci, the lat-
into a single pair of lower jaw elements (infragnathals) and ter containing two large groups, the coccosteomorphs and
upper jaw elements known as anterior and posterior the pachyosteomorphs, along with the ‘primitive brachy-
supragnathals (Fig. 5, IG, ASG, PSG respectively). Each thoracids ’. Our descriptions start with the most derived
infragnathal comprises a bony structure supported on arthrodiran taxa (Figs. 6–9, and 11), and proceed to the base
Meckel’s cartilage ; the latter is endochondrally ossified to of the clade, concluding with the Actinolepida (Fig. 10A–D ;
varying degrees in different taxa, but the infragnathal is a Denison, 1958).
membrane bone and, therefore, ossified throughout its ex- (i ) Evidence in coccosteomorph arthrodires for the presence of
tent (Figs. 6 B, F, G and Figs. 7–9). The anterior and pos- teeth. Coccosteomorph taxa examined for this description
terior supragnathals (Figs. 6A, C, D and 7 A–G, I–K) are include Kimberleyichthys whybrowi Dennis-Bryan & Miles,
supported on the endocranium, on the ethmoid and auto- 1983, Harrytoombsia elegans Miles & Dennis, 1979, Incisoscutum
palatine (as part of the palatoquadrate) respectively. ritchiei Dennis & Miles, 1981, Gogopiscis gracilis Gardiner &
Homology of the upper feeding structures in the Antiarchi Miles, 1994, Compagopiscis croucheri Gardiner & Miles, 1994
(Fig. 10 I, J) and the Rhenanida (e.g. Nefudina qalibahensis and Bullerichthys fascidens Dennis & Miles, 1980 (Fig. 7 I, J ;
Lelièvre et al., 1995) to the supragnathals is problematic also Dennis-Bryan & Miles, 1983 ; Gardiner & Miles, 1990).
(Section III.1,e). The supragnathals of these coccosteomorph taxa possess
Based on the current developmental model, the best rows of teeth, frequently two on the anterior and three on
evidence for teeth amongst placoderms is provided by the posterior (Fig. 7 A–G). These rows meet at (or radiate
the derived group Arthrodira (Fig. 2; Goujet & Young, from) a single point on the supragnathal, representing both
1995; Goujet, 2001). The Arthrodira can be divided into the growth centre of the gnathal element (gr.c) and the
the Actinolepida, Phlyctaeniida and Brachythoraci (Fig. 4; location of the original tooth primordium. Two or three
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 11

Fig. 6. (A–F) Dunkleosteus terrelli (Newberry, 1874). (A, C). Right posterior supragnathal, CMNH 5848, (A) lateral, (C) medial views.
(B, E) CMNH 5698, left infragnathal, (B) lateral view, (E) closeup of marginal row of teeth. (D) CMNH 7888, anterior supragnathal,
anterolateral view. (F) CMNH 5230, right infragnathal, lateral view. (G) Gorgonichthys clarki (Claypole, 1892), CMNH 7129, left
infragnathal, lateral view. Larger unlabelled white arrows indicate the anterior direction. Abbreviations : bt.s, biting surface on
gnathal ; CMNH, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland ; l.t., latest tooth to be added to the tooth row ; marg., marginal
tooth row ; med., medial tooth row or tusk ; symph., symphyseal tooth row or tusk. Scale bars=1.0 cm.

rows of teeth are present on the coccosteomorph infra- importantly, is formed away from the biting surface, and in
gnathal, one located at the symphysis and a second pos- advance of use on this surface (Figs. 7, l.t, 11E, G–I, t3–t5).
teriorly along the dorsal jaw margin. A third medial row These new teeth are inferred to form from separate pri-
may be present between these in some genera (Fig. 7H). We mordia located only at these sites, developed from the orig-
interpret the point where these rows meet as the growth inal or initial tooth primordium. The teeth erupt by
centre and location of the first tooth primordium (see Smith, differential growth of bone, prior to their incorporation into
2003) and from this the position of each tooth row on the the functional biting surface (Fig. 7, bt.s), located on the
supra- and infragnathals is regulated. For example, on the infragnathal between the symphyseal (symph.) and marginal
anterior and posterior supragnathals, the position of new (marg.) tooth rows. Teeth from the third, medial row (med.),
teeth is exactly reciprocated medially on the posterior pro- if present, are also incorporated into this biting surface and
cess ( on both the left and right supragnathals in taxa are better developed in certain taxa relative to others (com-
such as Harrytoombsia and Compagopiscis (Fig. 7 A, B, F ; Miles pare Fig. 7 H, L). In addition, the shape and polarity
& Dennis, 1979 ; Gardiner & Miles, 1994). (orientation) of the teeth is constant through the row (e.g.
In the supragnathal/infragnathal rows, the newest tooth Figs. 7A–H, 11 E, G–I), and the base of each tooth is closely
is added to a specific location at the end of the row and most apposed to the adjacent one. It is noteworthy that original
12 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 7. For legend see opposite page.

Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 13

descriptions of these coccosteomorph gnathal plates by identifiable in the adult form, with shorter rows associated
Dennis and Miles (1980) consistently refer to ‘ teeth ’ and with the lateral and medial ones (see Fig. 13A in Dennis &
‘ tooth rows’. Miles, 1981). These additional rows are lost during growth
( ii ) Diversity and arrangement of structures in the coccosteomorph to the adult morphology (see Fig. 10 in Dennis & Miles,
dentition. The above observations apply to several types of 1981). On the juvenile infragnathal, a distinct symphyseal
coccosteomorph dentition that otherwise function in differ- tooth is visible (see Fig. 12 in Dennis & Miles, 1981), as is a
ent feeding types. For example, the dentition on the supra- row along the dorsal margin of the bone. New teeth are
gnathals of coccosteomorphs such as Harrytoombsia elegans added to the posterior end of this row, although only one
(Miles & Dennis, 1979) must have occluded with that on the tooth is present in the symphyseal row. This symphyseal
infragnathals, but strong shearing surfaces are not devel- tooth is the largest on the infragnathal and we consider this
oped (Fig. 7 A–H). In Kimberleyichthys whybrowi (Dennis-Bryan to be a new tooth, representing the original primordium,
& Miles, 1983), a deep shearing surface is formed (Fig. 7K) ; and site of subsequent addition to the symphyseal row tooth,
by comparison, the main biting surface of Bullerichthys fasci- forming the adult dentition. Additionally, new denticles are
dens (Dennis & Miles, 1980) is flatter and represents a duro- added along the inner face of the infragnathal, each with
phagous, or crushing, dentition (Fig. 7 I, J). Discrete tooth associated bone of attachment (see Fig. 12 D in Dennis &
rows are readily observed on Harrytoombsia elegans and Miles, 1981). In Coccosteus cuspidatus, by comparison, juvenile
Compagopiscis croucheri (Fig. 7 C) while in Kimberleyichthys why- dentitions appear to have the same pattern of rows as seen in
browi, most of the row has been worn away and incorporated the adult dentition but none of the denticles present in
into the extensive shearing surface. However, two teeth are Incisoscutum ritchiei (Miles & Westoll, 1968).
visible dorsal to this surface (Fig. 7 K, l.t), produced prior to The morphology of the juvenile dentition is important
incorporation into the bite. This was one of the criteria for because it illustrates the early establishment of the symphy-
teeth produced within a dental lamina (Reif, 1982), and it is seal and marginal tooth rows on the infragnathal, and
clear that the teeth in Kimberleyichthys whybrowi are produced lateral, medial and ventral rows on the supragnathal that
in a similar manner. Interestingly, its predecessor in the persist and generate new teeth into the adult stages (Fig. 7).
tooth row appears just functional at the biting surface Similarity between the Incisoscutum ritchiei juvenile infra-
(Fig. 7K, larger arrow), indicating an ongoing, dynamic gnathal and the infragnathal of a brachythoracid arthrodire
process associated with growth of the gnathal element. similar to Buchanosteus fascidens has already been noted
The anterior supragnathal of Bullerichthys fascidens shows (Young et al., 2001). Other ‘ primitive brachythoracids ’ (Carr,
teeth being added to two separate rows (see Fig. 10 in 1995), as well as certain pachyosteomorph arthrodires,
Dennis & Miles, 1980), but its posterior supragnathal, used the Phlyctaeniida and the Phyllolepida (Fig. 4) also possess
as a durophagous dentition (Dennis & Miles, 1980), is very upper and lower adult gnathalia in which new oral denticles
informative. Several rows of teeth are visible on the lateral are added only at the margins of the existing denticulated
surface of the plate (Fig. 7I), continuing ventrally to the patch or area (Section III.b, c). The presence of these
biting surface. These lateral teeth are again produced out of denticles may represent a retained juvenile condition.
the bite, in advance of their use on this surface. More im- ( iv ) Evidence in pachyosteomorph arthrodires for the presence of
portantly, the teeth are not added randomly, but are pro- teeth. In the pachyosteomorph arthrodires (Figs. 6, 8), den-
duced at a set location on the dorsal surface of the posterior titions include both tooth rows and denticulated areas, the
supragnathal. This is well below the oral surface, as new latter occurring in the posterior region where the newest
teeth are embedded in the newest bone (Fig. 7 J, l.t) and here tooth is added to the marginal row either medially or lat-
attach to the palatoquadrate, where a small space for soft erally (Fig. 8 E, G, H, lat.dent, m.dent). The number of tooth
tissue must have occurred for the tooth primordia of three rows varies. For example, in the pachyosteomorph family
adjacent rows to develop. Dunkleosteidae, the supragnathals and infragnathals of
( iii ) Juvenile dentitions: toothed rows. Juvenile or sub-adult Dunkleosteus terrelli are characterised by well-developed
supragnathals and infragnathals have been described from shearing surfaces (Fig. 6 ; Newberry, 1889). In both
Incisoscutum ritchiei (Dennis & Miles, 1981), Eastmanosteus cal- Dunkleosteus terrelli and Gorgonichthys clarki (Claypole, 1892) a
liaspis Dennis-Bryan, 1987 (see her Fig. 18) and Coccosteus large tusk dominates the symphyseal region of the infra-
cuspidatus (Miles & Westoll, 1968). In Incisoscutum ritchiei, the gnathal (also present on the supragnathals), and a row of
posterior supragnathal retains the three main tooth rows separate symphyseal teeth is absent. However, a row of teeth

Fig. 7. Dental (gnathal) plates of coccosteomorph arthrodires. (A, B) Harrytoombsia elegans Miles & Dennis, 1979, WAM 70.4.254, left
and right anterior supragnathals, ventral (occlusal) view. (C) Compagopiscis croucheri Gardiner & Miles 1994, WAM 94.8.1, posterior
supragnathal, ventral view. (D, E) Harrytoombsia elegans, WAM 70.4.254, left suborbital plate with attached posterior supragnathal,
(D), medial (internal), (E) lateral views. (F) Harrytoombsia elegans, WAM 70.4.254, posterior supragnathal, medial view. (G) Gogopiscis
gracilis, WAM 94.5.1, posterior supragnathal, lateral view. (H) Gogopiscis gracilis, WAM 94.5.1, right infragnathal, medial view. (I, J)
Bullerichthys fascidens Dennis & Miles, 1980, WAM 70.4.259, right posterior supragnathal, (I) ventrolateral view, ( J) dorsal view. (K)
Kimberleyichthys whybrowi Dennis-Bryan & Miles, 1983, WAM 89.9.676, right anterior supragnathal, posterior view. (L) Bullerichthys
fascidens, WAM 70.4.259, right infragnathal, medial view. Abbreviations as in Fig. 6, also : gr.c, growth centre on gnathal plate ;, posterior process on anterior and posterior supragnathals with accompanying teeth ; SO, suborbital plate ; WAM, Western
Australian Museum, Perth. Scale bars=1.0 cm (D and E, L), =0.5 cm (A and B, F–H, K), =0.25 cm (C, I, J).
14 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 8. For legend see opposite page.

Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 15

is present at the posterior edge of the shearing surface of during this period of growth, tooth addition ceases com-
both the posterior supragnathal and the infragnathal, with pletely, with the shearing surface maintained by ingrowing
each tooth incorporated into this surface (Fig. 6 A–C, E, G), pleromic dentine (Fig. 8 D).
comparable to taxa such as the coccosteomorph The dentition of other pachyosteomorph taxa includes
Kimberleyichthys whybrowi (Fig. 7 K). The teeth in Dunkleosteus denticulated areas. In taxa such as Gymnotrachelus hydei (Carr,
terrelli are approximately equal in size along the tooth row, 1994 ; Fig. 8 E–H) and Selenosteus brevis Dean, 1901 (Ørvig,
and are evenly spaced within the row. The incorporation of 1980 a) this area occurs posteriorly, such that the marginal
the anterior teeth into the shearing surface establishes a row of the infragnathal continues posteriorly into this area.
polarity of tooth addition in this taxon and in others [e.g. Thus, it is more difficult to identify the newest tooth added
Gorgonichthys clarki, Fig. 6G] with these representing the and the site of future tooth primordia. A comparable con-
functional teeth and those at the end of the row as the newly dition is described below in the ‘ primitive brachythoracid ’
added or successor teeth. A medial row is represented on the Antineosteus lehmani Lelièvre, 1984. Denticulated areas can
infragnathal by a second tusk positioned between the sym- also occur along the medial, or lingual, side of the infra-
physeal tusk and the medial row of teeth. Ørvig (1980 a) gnathal in pachyosteomorph taxa such as Protitanichthys sp.
described the development of this tusk in substantial detail, (personal observations ZJ and MMS, 2002). The location
as ingrowing pleromic dentine, forming in response to wear of this denticulated area is comparable to that described
against the supragnathals (Fig. 12, tk). above for the juvenile Incisoscutum ritchiei, and will also be
Although the shearing surfaces and large tusks result in a described in greater detail in Section III.(b) for Antineosteus
morphologically dramatic dentition for the Dunkleosteidae, lehmani. Denticulated areas of this type occur in adult and
the length of the functional shearing surfaces is maintained juvenile arthrodires, although in the coccosteomorph
posteriorly by the addition of new teeth, as described above arthrodires, they appear to be limited to the juvenile
for the coccosteomorph arthrodires. Other pachyosteo- morphology.
morph gnathals show even greater similarity to the cocco-
steomorph condition. For example, in Heintzichthys gouldii
( b ) Other arthrodires: tooth rows and denticulated ‘ areas ’
(Newberry, 1885) and Gymnotrachelus hydei Dunkle & Bungart,
1939 (Fig. 8A–H ; Carr, 1991, 1994), the symphyseal and The morphology of the dentition of these other arthrodires
marginal rows of teeth can be readily recognised on the is variable, and is discussed in reverse phylogenetic order
infragnathal (e.g. Fig. 8 E, F). On the posterior supragnathal (Figs. 2, 4 ; Carr, 1995), from the phylogenetically basal
of Heintzichthys gouldii (Fig. 8 B) a row of widely separated ‘primitive ’ brachythoracids (e.g. Buchanosteus sp., Maideria
teeth crosses what appears to be the margin of the plate. The falipoui Lelièvre, 1995, Antineosteus lehmani) to the
teeth in the marginal row on the infragnathal are also evenly Phlyctaeniida and the basal arthrodire group Actinolepida.
spaced and nearly all the same height posteriorly, although The Phyllolepida are described at the end of the section.
the teeth do become notably smaller anteriorly. Polarity ( i) ‘Primitive brachythoracids’ : teeth and denticles. The den-
of tooth addition on the infragnathal is indicated by this titions of other brachythoracid arthrodires possess tooth rows
anterior decrease in size. As well, the thickness of the bone of comparable to the coccosteomorph and pachyosteomorph
attachment (Fig. 8 A, b.att) is noticeably wider posteriorly, patterns, such as the ‘ primitive brachythoracids ’ (Fig. 4;
associated with each new tooth, eventually becoming Carr, 1995) Maideria falipoui (Fig. 8 L, M ; Lelièvre, 1995),
thinner as it is incorporated into the infragnathal anteriorly. Antineosteus lehmani (Fig. 9 ; Lelièvre, 1984) and a ‘ buchano-
Carr (1991) illustrated an ontogenetic sequence for steid ’ arthrodire described by Young et al. (2001). On the
Heintzichthys gouldii (including Fig. 8 A, C, D) which shows anterior supragnathals of the ‘ buchanosteid’ and Maideria
that teeth are eventually incorporated into a shearing sur- falipoui (Fig. 8L, M), newer, larger teeth are arranged in
face, as in the Dunkleosteidae. It appears that at some point rows along the anterior margin (t.row, dent), surrounding a

Fig. 8. Dental (gnathal) plates of pachyosteomorph (A–H) and ‘primitive brachythoracid ’ (I–O) arthrodires. (A–D) Heintzichthys
gouldii (Newberry, 1885) (A, B) CMNH 8037 ; (A) left infragnathal, lateral view, (B) posterior supragnathal, lateral view. (C)
Heintzichthys gouldii, CMNH 8056, right infragnathal, lateral view, showing wear of tooth row. (D) Heintzichthys gouldii, CMNH 5728,
left infragnathal, lateral view, showing extreme wear of tooth row (bt.s) and formation of symphyseal tusk. (E–H), Gymnotrachelus hydei
Dunkle & Bungart, 1939 ; (E–G) CMNH 8051, right infragnathal, (E, F) medial view, (F) closeup of symphyseal tooth row and
anterior end of marginal tooth row, (G) lateral view. (H) Gymnotrachelus hydei, CMNH 8084, medial view of denticulated area on
posterior part of infragnathal. (I–K) ‘Saudi Arabian buchanosteid ’ MNHN ARB 239, (I) occlusal view anterior supragnathal, ( J, K)
medial and lateral views of infragnathal. (L–M) Maideria falipoui Lelièvre, 1995, headshield and anterior supragnathal plate in (L)
ventral view. (M) Natural break through tooth in tooth row (t.row), showing pulp cavity (arrow). (N–P) Holonema westolli Miles, 1971
WAM 95.6.09. (N) medial view of gnathal plate associated with the infragnathal. (O, P) postbranchial lamina, anterior view. (O)
entire lamina. (P) closeup of denticle rows near ontogenetic origin of lamina, indicated by larger white arrows in (O, P). (Q)
Incisoscutum ritchiei Dennis & Miles, 1981, AMF121767, closeup of denticles on postbranchial lamina. Abbreviations as in Figs. 5–7,
also : AMF, Australian Museum, Sydney ; b.att, bone of attachment ; dent, denticles on gnathal plate ; lam.marg, dorsomedial margin
of the postbranchial lamina where new denticles, either separate or in short rows, are generated ; lat.dent, m.dent, lateral and
marginal field of denticles ; MNHN, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; t.pipe, ‘tooth pipe’ comprising dentition of the
basal arthrodire Holonema ; t.row, tooth row. Scale bars=1.0 cm in all ( J and K share one) except =0.2 cm (M), =0.5 cm (I, Q).
16 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 9. For legend see opposite page.

Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 17

posterior patch of denticles (see Fig. 6 in Lelièvre, 1995 ; and teeth but thinner along the row towards the oldest tooth, as
Figs. 2, 3 in Young et al., 2001). A tooth row can be seen on this bone is remodelled into the main part of the gnathal
the infragnathals of the ‘ buchanosteid’ (see Fig. 2 C in bone. The addition of new larger teeth to the end of
Young et al., 2001), with the largest tooth visible occurring at the tooth row can also be seen on the infragnathals of the
the ventral part of the symphyseal region. A small patch of ‘buchanosteid ’ (Young et al., 2001, see their Fig. 2C). We
denticles also occurs along the lingual face of the infra- consider that this may relate to the symphysial tooth row,
gnathal (see Fig. 4 A, B in Young et al., 2001 ; personal ob- but is rather longer than in most taxa. In Maideria falipoui,
servations ZJ and MMS, 2001). This lingual area can be quite large new teeth are seen at the lateral margin and a
seen in other buchanosteid taxa (e.g. an undescribed taxon natural break shows a large pulp cavity in the teeth of this
from Saudi Arabia), although on associated supragnathals of row (Fig. 8M).
these taxa, tooth rows are present alternating with edentu- The infragnathal of Antineosteus lehmani, another ‘primitive
late areas (Fig. 8 I ; see Fig. 3 D–G in Young et al., 2001). On brachythoracid ’ (Fig. 4), is dominated by areas of denticles,
the infragnathal a marginal tooth row is present, while but one prominent feature is a marginal ridge along the
denticles can be observed both on the medial and lateral dorsal edge of the infragnathal (Fig. 9A, I, marg.). Nothing is
faces of the infragnathal (Fig. 8 J, K, m.dent, lat.dent). This known of the upper gnathal elements for Antineosteus lehmani.
also characterises the ‘ primitive ’ brachythoracid Antineosteus This elongate ridge is aligned with separate teeth, anterior,
lehmani, as described below. or symphyseal in position (marg., marg./symph.). The pro-
Young et al. (2001, p. 675–676) describe a transformation cess by which these teeth are incorporated into the marginal
sequence or series between the ‘primitive tuberculate tooth ridge during growth (forming the functional biting surface)
plates ’ of the new ‘ buchanosteid ’ and the more specialised would seem to involve tooth addition at the anteriormost
gnathal elements of eubrachythoracids, such as the cocco- part of the infragnathal (at the symphysis). In addition to
steomorphs described above. In this proposed evolutionary these teeth, new denticles are added to the medial (lingual)
sequence, the ability to produce enlarged teeth along the side of the infragnathal (Fig. 9 B, D, H, m. dent), although a
margins of the gnathal plate (described as ‘denticles ’ by smaller number also occur on the lateral surface (Fig.
Young et al., 2001) is retained. Subsequent loss of the pos- 9C, I, J, lat.dent). There is no clear arrangement or pattern
terior ‘ denticle field ’ occurs in the ‘ buchanosteid ’ and to the addition of these denticles, but at least medially, the
Maideria falipoui (Young et al. 2001, their Figs. 2, 3), to attain newest would appear to be added strictly to the margin of
the morphology seen in coccosteomorphs (Fig. 7) including the existing denticulated area, surrounded by well-devel-
Coccosteus cuspidatus (Fig. 5, Miles & Westoll, 1968) or oped bone of attachment (Fig. 9 B, D, b.att). This bone forms
Incisoscutum ritchiei (Fig. 11 A, E, G–I). Thus, Young et al. a distinct pedestal around the base of the denticle.
(2001, see their Figs. 3, 4) suggest that tooth rows on the Roughened areas occur just lateral and medial to the mar-
anterior supragnathal of coccosteomorphs are homologous ginal tooth ridge (Fig. 9 H–J, and would appear to be
to the anterior and lateral tooth rows of the brachythoracid linked to the resorption of the bone of the infragnathal, re-
‘ buchanosteid ’ arthrodire. We agree with this interpret- lated to overall growth. In this way, lateral and medial
ation, although Young et al. (2001) referred to these as rows denticles are incorporated into the bone of the infragnathal
of denticles, but we would maintain that coccosteomorph during growth and into the marginal biting ridge, which
dentitions possess ordered teeth showing the characteristics appears to be flanked by regions of ongoing bone remodel-
described for the tooth rows or sets of other jawed ver- ling. Comparable areas of resorption have been observed on
tebrates. We do not currently know if they are also composed gnathal bones of certain coccosteomorph arthrodires, as
of the same type of dentine, but each is added to only one described below (Section IV.4). Only a histological study
locus on the gnathal bone. Therefore, contrary to Young will confirm these details of growth and remodelling.
et al. (2001) we would suggest that the anterior and lateral ( ii ) Phlyctaeniida : denticle fields. Observations of extensive
row in their ‘ buchanosteid ’ and Maideria falipoui must also denticulated areas apply to other taxa assigned to the
represent teeth. As in the coccosteomorph tooth row, teeth Arthrodira, for example, members of the Phlyctaeniida
in the anterior row of the ‘ buchanosteid ’ supragnathals are (Figs. 2, 4). The dentition of these is best represented by
added to the (medial) end of the row (Young et al., 2001), are Dicksonosteus arcticus (Fig. 10H ; Goujet, 1984 a ; Smith &
larger in this position, and also have an associated bone of Johanson, 2003b) with a well-preserved posterior supra-
attachment (personal observations ZJ and MMS, 2001). We gnathal. Addition of new denticles occurs at the margins
noted that this bone of attachment can be identified and of the gnathal plate and there is also a size gradation across
associated with each tooth in the row. As noted above for the supragnathal, so that the newly added denticles at vari-
the pachyosteomorph arthrodire Heintzichthys gouldii, the ous positions along the plate margins are readily dis-
bone appears to be thickest in association with the newer tinguished from their smaller predecessors. This represents a

Fig. 9. Infragnathals of the ‘primitive brachythoracid’ (Fig. 4) Antineosteus lehmani Lelièvre, 1984. (A–K) MNHN MCD 76 (includes
both left and right infragnathals). (A) Right infragnathal, occlusal view, (B) medial view, (C) lateral view. (D) Closeup of medial
denticles. (E–K) Left infragnathal. (E) Occlusal view, (F–G) closeup of symphyseal tooth row, (H) Closeup of marginal tooth row
(ridge), (I–J) lateral view. (K) occlusal view of separate piece of left infragnathal showing denticulated area posteriorly. Abbreviations
as in Figs. 6, 8, also :, resorption area. Scale bars=1.0 cm (A, B, E, I), =0.1 cm (C), =0.5 cm (F) and =0.2 cm (D, G, H, J).
18 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 10. For legend see opposite page.

Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 19

non-shedding condition or statodont dentition, although described above in the Phlyctaeniida, new denticles are
denticles, rather than teeth, are involved. The smaller den- added to the margins of the phyllolepid anterior supra-
ticles are situated closer to the centre of ossification of the gnathal (Fig. 10E–G) and there is a gradation in size across
supragnathal, representing the point from which growth the gnathal plate (Long, 1984; Ritchie, 1984). In Placolepis
progressed, now the functional biting surface. The newest budawangensis Ritchie, 1984, the denticles can form rec-
denticles are added outside this surface and overlap the ognisable rows across the gnathal surface (Fig. 10 F, G),
margins of the gnathal bone. We suggest this is an example although these are less distinct in other phyllolepids such as
of a common morphological genetic programme in a hier- Austrophyllolepis ritchiei Long, 1984 and Austrophyllolepis youngi
archy shared with the more derived forms possessing teeth, Long, 1984 (Long, 1984, his Figs. 5, 18 ; also Fig. 10E for an
described above. new undescribed Australian taxon). New denticles are not
( iii ) Actinolepida : tooth addition. The final arthrodire group added between or among their predecessors on the gnathal
to be considered is the Actinolepida (Figs. 2, 4). The den- bone, and there is no evidence of superimposition of newer
tition associated with the actinolepid infragnathal is nearly denticles above older. The infragnathal is relatively narrow
identical to the coccosteomorph condition, with a row of compared to the supragnathal, but again, new denticles are
teeth at the symphysis and a second marginal row extend- added marginally with smaller, worn denticles in the middle
ing posteriorly (Denison, 1958; Dineley & Liu, 1984; of the plate. Thus, newly formed marginal denticles are
Mark-Kurik, 1985). As described for the coccosteomorph added to a statodont dentition out of the biting surface.
dentition, the newest teeth are added at the base of the Comparable with the phlyctaeniid arthrodires, the location
symphyseal row, and posterior to the marginal row. of these new denticles, at the gnathal margin, is partially
Undescribed actinolepid gnathals of Aethaspis from the regulated, and can be considered part of the developmental
Water Canyon Formation, Utah show distinct teeth added morphological hierarchy relative to the tooth rows described
to rows. It is clear that the newest and largest teeth are for a variety of brachythoracid and actinolepid arthrodiran
added medially to three tooth rows on the infragnathal taxa.
(Fig. 10A–C, black arrows ; Fig. S1A in Smith & Johanson, The dentition of the Arthrodira provides the best struc-
2003 b). These decrease in size anteriorly, as the older pre- tural and histological evidence for the presence of teeth
viously added teeth are incorporated into the functional comparable to those possessed by other jawed vertebrates.
biting surface and become worn (Fig. 10A). It has not been Among more phylogenetically basal placoderm groups
possible as yet to investigate the histology of these speci- (Fig. 2), teeth are absent, and the rounded or pointed den-
mens. Denticles are not associated with this dentition, ticles described for the Arthrodira may only be present in a
as opposed to the dentitions of Antineosteus lehmani and limited number of taxa (Gemuendina Traquair, 1903). These
pachyosteomorph arthrodires such as Gymnotrachelus hydei groups, the Acanthothoraci, Antiarchi and Rhenanida, will
[but see Denison (1958, his Fig. 101B)]. Supragnathals be discussed in turn below.
have been described for the actinolepid Actinolepis spinosa
(Fig. 10D, ASG, PSG ; Mark-Kurik, 1985) including an- ( d ) Acanthothoraci : supragnathal plates
terior and posterior ‘ dental fields ’. Graded size sequences
can be seen for the teeth included in these fields, and they The Acanthothoraci are known from very well preserved
conform best to the tooth rows described above. head- and trunkshield materials (e.g. Stensiö, 1969 ; Ørvig,
1975 ; White, 1978; Young, 1980), but the dentition is vir-
tually unknown. Recently however, a single specimen of
( c) Phyllolepida : denticle fields
Romundina sp. has been discovered by D. Goujet (Paris)
The Phyllolepida have been excluded from the Arthrodira, preserving a pair of anterior supragnathal plates articulating
based on the putative absence of a posterior supragnathal to the ethmoidal region of the braincase. These anterior
(Denison, 1978 b ; Carr, 1995), but are included in the supragnathals are covered in denticles that differ in their
Arthrodira in the cladogram shown in Figure 4 (and in pattern of arrangement from the tubercles covering the
recent analyses of Goujet & Young, 2004, their Fig. 1). As adjacent, inturned face of the rostral plate of the headshield

Fig. 10. Dental (gnathal) plates of a variety of placoderms. (A–D) Actinolepida. (A–C) Aetheaspis sp. (A) Left infragnathal, lateral view
showing marginal tooth row. (B) Right infragnathal, medial view showing symphyseal row. (C) Infragnathal showing at least three
separate tooth rows (arrows). (D) Actinolepis spinosa (drawing taken from Mark-Kurik, 1985, Pi 1094b). (E, F, G) Phyllolepida,
supragnathal plates, occlusal view (E) Phyllolepida n. gen., n. sp., AMF96756. (F, G) Placolepis budawangensis Ritchie, 1984. (F) AMF
61920 ; (G) AMF 61761 (both from Ritchie, 1984). (H) Dicksonosteus arcticus Goujet, 1975 (Phlyctaeniida), MNHN SVD 114, posterior
supragnathal, occlusal view (from Goujet, 1984 a). (I, J) Antiarchi, suborbital plates in oral cavity, ventral surface, showing continuity
of ornamentation with external head and trunkshield. (I) Phymolepis cuifenshanensis Young & Zhang, 1996, IVPP.V9059.1.
( J) Bothriolepis sp., CPC 25205 (from Young, 1984). (K, L) Jagorina pandora Jaekel, 1921 (Rhenanida), MB.f. 510.3. (K) Infragnathal,
anteromedial view. (L) occlusal view of biting surface showing small polygonal units crowded onto surface. Abbreviations as in Fig. 7,
except in D where abbreviations as in Fig. 5. Scale bars=0.5 cm (A, B, E, J), =0.2 cm (C, D, H), =1.0 mm (I), =0.8 cm (K) and
=1.0 cm (F, G, I). Abbreviations : CPC, Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, Canberra ; IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate
Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Beijing ; MB, Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt Universität, Berlin ; Pi, Institute of
Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences.
20 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 11. Growth and remodelling in teeth and gnathal bones in scanning electron micrographs of natural growth and wear surfaces
of gnathal bones from Devonian fossils of Gogo in Western Australia. All arranged with the oral surface uppermost independent of
body position. (A, B) Incisoscutum ritchiei AMF 95644, right anterior supragnathal. Lateral surface in A shows new tooth addition
(arrows) below the abrasion surfaces (^^), and above a vascular bone surface with small areas of scalloping due to localised resorption
(**), this bone resorption is seen at higher magnification in B. (C, D) Goujetosteus sp. (=Torosteus sp. of Gardiner & Miles, 1990) WAM
88.6.3, left anterior supragnathal. (C) Medial face of natural cutting edge (c.e) with abrasion marks and below this are clear growth
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 21

(D. Goujet, personal communication ; see also Smith & A B

Johanson, 2003a). Thus, a distinction can be made between
the oral and external skin denticles in this basal placoderm
group. The morphological gradation between external and
oral denticles identified for the Heterostraci by Purnell
(2001) is not observed. The supragnathal denticles are
sy.t.5 t5
however quite different and distinct from arrangements on
other gnathal plates described above. The denticles appear t1
to be smaller towards the growth centre of the supragnathal,
located in the middle of the bone, as described for the
statodont, denticulated dentitions of the Phlyctaeniida and tk at.
Phyllolepida, although the denticles themselves are some- C
c.e. t1
what elongate, rather than rounded (D. Goujet, undescribed
material). Despite the lack of dental material available for sy.t.1
study, the Acanthothoraci represents the most basal placo-
derm group in current phylogenies and shows that oral el-
ements are not added to a defined and restricted number of sy.t.5
tooth rows, as described for the teeth of the Arthrodira. This
is an important and key observation for the origin of teeth in
the placoderm phylogeny, supported by the next most basal
groups in the placoderm phylogeny, the Antiarchi and
Rhenanida. Fig. 12. Plourdosteus canadensis Woodward, 1892, diagrams of
growth and wear in the three gnathal bones. (A) Anterior
( e ) Antiarchi and Rhenanida : external dermal elements in the dentition supragnathal (ASG). (B) Posterior supragnathal (PSG). (C)
Infragnathal (IG) (modified from Figs. 34, 39, 43 in Ørvig,
In the Antiarchi (Fig. 2), the infragnathal is an elongate, 1980a, actual arrangement unknown). The direction of tooth
S-shaped structure, with an anteromedial biting region addition (thin arrows) and removal by wear of the pleromic
either edentate (e.g. Johanson, 1997) or supporting a dentine tissues (thick arrows) as proposed by Ørvig, 1980a.
roughened bone meshwork (Young, 1984). The upper Teeth (sy.t.1–t.5) are added to each of the symphyseal rows, to
feeding structures are formed from suborbital plates of the the posterior rows of the PSG (t1–t4) and IG (t1–t6), and to the
headshield that have become positioned within the mouth lateral row of the PSG (t1–t5). Teeth show wear through at-
(Fig. 10I, J ; Young, 1984). The suborbital plate comprises trition (at., attrition facets) and add to the biting surface, or
the cheek of other placoderm groups (Denison, 1978 b). cutting edge (c.e, hatched). Wear is accommodated by internal
Antiarch suborbitals are best known for Bothriolepis sp., based growth of the pleromic dentine as a type of compensatory
on specimens from the Gogo Formation of Western growth. Where the cutting edge is enhanced as a tusk (tk) this is
Australia (Young, 1984). The palatoquadrate lines the formed by internal growth of extra hard pleromic dentine, this
growth is indicated by the central stippled areas on the ASG,
internal surface of the suborbital and contacts the endo-
PSG, and IG.
cranium at possibly three points. The posterior supragnathal
of the Arthrodira also articulates to the palatoquadrate.
However, the antiarch suborbital cannot be considered
homologous to the posterior supragnathal as both structures and trunkshield (Young, 1984 ; Fig. 10J). This is also dem-
occur in arthrodires (Denison, 1978b), failing the conjunc- onstrated by the suborbitals of the antiarch Phymolepis cui-
tion test of homology (Patterson, 1982). fenshanensis Young & Zhang, 1996, where the external
The ventral, external surface of the suborbitals of surface is covered by the same scattered dermal tubercles as
Bothriolepis sp. shows an open bony texture, comparable to occur on the external headshield plates (Fig. 10I). Phymolepis
the external surface of the dermal plates covering the head cuifenshanensis is assigned to the Yunnanolepidoidei, a taxon

bands (arrows ; see Ørvig, 1980 a, also Fig. 12). (D) Cutting edge surface, specimen etched with 1 N HCl for 1 min to reveal structural
details of pleromic dentine, biological infilling of vascular dentine spaces, and importantly a reversal line (arrows) where new tissue
has been deposited onto the previous resorption surface in the process of remodelling through tissue addition (top edge is the
abrasion surface of C). (E–G) Incisoscutum ritchiei AMF 95644, left infragnathal, medial view of posterior tooth row (t1–t4) and cutting
edge (c.e) above an extensive resorption surface (arrows) with deep resorption pits of osteoclastic action as a natural biological
remodelling process. Higher magnification (F) shows that the smooth walls of the vascular canals are unaffected by this process. (G)
Medial view of unetched natural surfaces of symphyseal tooth row (t3), shows extensive active resorption (arrows) and the beginning
of redeposition of tissue (**), onto a resting bone surface. (H) Incisoscutum ritchiei AMF 121767, right infragnathal, new tooth (t3) added
to symphyseal tooth row on the new bone surface, above is a smooth coating tissue (c.d) assumed to be a type of dentine (shown as
the surface layers in Fig. 19A, E). (I) Incisoscutum ritchiei AMF 95644, right anterior supragnathal, occlusal view of symphyseal tooth
row (t1–t5) the degree of wear compares directly with the wear facets in the diagram (Fig. 12), biting surfaces of the tusk (tk) and
cutting edge (c.e).
22 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 13. Gemuendina stuertzi (Rhenanida). (A, B) KGM 1983/306, (C) KGM 1983/308. (D) KGM 1983/307. (A) Headshield and
anterior trunkshield, dorsal view. (B, C, D) Closeup views showing denticulated infragnathals (e.g. smaller white arrows in B).
Abbreviations : KGM, Karl-Geib Museums (now Schlossparkmuseum), Bad Kreuznach, Germany. Scale bars=1.0 cm (A),
=0.5 cm (B–D).

occupying the basal node within the antiarch clade (Zhu, Goujet, Janvier & Racheboeuf, 1993), implying that they
1996). Thus, the presence of the suborbital as a feeding were acting as part of the upper biting apparatus.
structure within the oral cavity occurs throughout the group Otherwise, separate supragnathals appear to be absent in
(see also Young, 1984; Zhu, 1996; Johanson, 1997). In the entire group. The biting surface of the infragnathal of
Bothriolepis sp., the posteroventral margin of the suborbital is the rhenanid Jagorina pandora Jaekel, 1921 (Fig. 10 K, L ;
smooth, with small denticles located along the biting edge of Young, 1986) is covered in small units polygonal in
the plate (Stensiö, 1948; Young, 1984; Fig. 10 J). This appearance. These were said to be comparable to the small
margin is completely smooth in Phymolepis cuifenshanensis and plates (tesserae) covering the external surface of the head-
in taxa such as Remigolepis walkeri Johanson, 1997. The shield, randomly distributed and crowded onto the biting
Antiarchi provides an intriguing example of a group in surface (Stensiö, 1959, 1969; Young, 1986; Young et al.,
which external dermal structures have been co-opted into 2001). Given the damage to the specimen (Fig. 10L), it is
the dentition and one in which the external ornamentation very difficult to discern addition of new dentition units to the
of the headshield can be said to grade into the oral cavity. biting area. The only other rhenanid from which the den-
However, neither this ornamentation, nor the suborbital tition is known is Gemuendina stuertzi Traquair, 1903 (Fig. 13 ;
plate, are representative of teeth comparable to those de- plate 2 in Gross, 1963 ; Young, 1986, his Fig 10 E after
scribed for the Arthrodira, instead it would seem to be an Gross 1963), again only from infragnathals, although entire
alternative solution to recruit dermal ornament to serve as specimens are preserved. The dentition associated with
the functional dentition. the infragnathal appears arranged in ordered rows across
A comparable contribution of the suborbital to the upper the biting surface (Fig. 13 A, B; Gross, 1963, his plate 2),
dentition may occur in Nefudina qalibahensis, a member of the much more so than is the case for Jagorina pandora Jaekel,
Rhenanida (Lelièvre et al., 1995), although the plate itself is 1921. These are featured also in a radiograph (Case, 1992)
not situated within the oral cavity as it is in the Antiarchi. in which each denticle is seen as separate. A closeup of this
The ventral margin of the suborbital of Nefudina qalibahensis is region (Fig. 13 B) does show some ordering into rows (small
covered by several large, randomly positioned denticles. white arrows), with a larger arrow marking a row of what
These were said to be potentially related to the absence of appear to be larger denticles, perhaps part of the symphyseal
supragnathals (Lelièvre et al., 1995 ; also Stensiö, 1969; row. However, other specimens (Fig. 13C, D) show a more
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 23

random arrangement, comparable to the denticle mor- of fossil taxa allows for the identification of an ectodermal-
phology in the Phyllolepida (Fig. 10E). In Gemuendina stuertzi, endodermal boundary in these ; in sharks the hypophyseal
these are also likely to be denticles rather than teeth, and foramen is closed over, but a parasphenoid-like concen-
do not appear to be related to external dermal structures tration of denticles also permits this boundary to be ident-
but are defined as oral denticles (Gross, 1963). Thus, the ified.
group Rhenanida includes a notable range of dentition A patterning influence of the endodermal-ectodermal
morphologies. boundary has been suggested for all elements of the
The three phylogenetically basal groups of placoderms splanchnoskeleton (reviewed in Smith, 2003, and see below)
(Figs. 2, 4) possess a variety of dental morphologies, and as well as for the organised denticles on the postbranchial
although the antiarch and rhenanid dentition has been well lamina at the rear of the pharyngeal cavity (Johanson &
described, that of the Acanthothoraci has not. Interestingly, Smith, 2003 ; Section III.2.b). This boundary may also oc-
the Antiarchi and two taxa assigned to the Rhenanida cur within the gill slits (Fig. 3) and denticles in this region in
(Nefudina and Jagorina) may utilise external dermal structures a variety of sharks show clear organisation into rows along
(suborbitals and tesserae) in their dentitions. Incorporating the branchial arches (Nelson, 1970b). Although the influ-
this character into new phylogenetic analyses of the ence of these boundaries must currently be hypothetical
Placodermi may result in these taxa being resolved to the until endodermal markers for use in in situ hybridisation
basal nodes of the group, rather than the Acanthothoraci. are better developed, the boundary associated with the
Within these taxa, only the infragnathals of Gemuendina hypophysis is well established.
stuertzi may show rows of denticles comparable to those
described above for the Phyllolepida and Phlyctaeniida.
(2 ) Pharyngeal cavity : presence of pharyngeal
( f ) Other denticles in the oral cavity : parasphenoid and paraotic plates
Although the gill arches of placoderms are very poorly
Other than the paired supragnathals and infragnathals, known (the rhenanids being an exception), all placoderm
dermal bones of the placoderm oro-pharyngeal cavity are taxa (Figs. 2, 4) show evidence for patterned or organised
rare elements of the splanchnocranium. Those restricted to denticles within the pharyngeal cavity (Johanson & Smith,
the pharygneal region are discussed in Section III.2. Stensiö 2003). This occurs in a more caudal but comparable anat-
(1963, 1969) suggested that the placoderm supragnathals omical region to that of organised denticle whorls described
were homologous to the osteichthyan vomers and palatino- for the thelodont Loganellia scotica (Fig. 3B ; van der Brugghen
pterygoids, but Young (1986) rejected this, noting that & Janvier, 1993 ; Smith & Coates, 1998). Although neither
these dermal elements did not show strong enough topo- denticles nor dermal bony plates are observed on the phar-
graphic correspondence to warrant homology. The only yngeal arches and there are only two taxa possessing gill
other dermal bone in this region of the oro-pharyngeal rakers, a denticle cover is prominent in all other taxa on the
cavity is the parasphenoid, although in taxa such as rear wall of the placoderm gill chamber. This is formed by
Nefundina (Rhenanida, Lelièvre et al., 1995), denticulated the medial aspects of the dermal plates associated with the
paraotic plates are present posterior to the parasphenoid trunkshield and known as the postbranchial lamina (Fig.
and serve to floor the notochord. 3D, PBL). These denticles differ morphologically from the
Most of the known placoderm parasphenoids are from external denticles or tubercles comprising the dermal orna-
the Arthrodira, with the only exceptions being the para- ment of the head and trunkshield armour, and differ sig-
sphenoids of Nefudina qalibahensis, Kosoraspis peckai Gross, 1959 nificantly in their pattern (formed into rows). These
(Acanthothoraci) and possibly an undescribed Bothriolepis sp. structural differences allowed us to infer different develop-
(Antiarchi) from the Gogo Formation (Dennis-Bryan, 1995). mental processes involved in internal and external denticle
In general, the parasphenoid is pierced by a single, or pair formation and patterning (Johanson & Smith, 2003), in
of, buccohypophyseal foramina. In some taxa, a shallow terms of the participation of different cell lineages (ectoderm
transverse groove extends from the hypophyseal foramina to versus endoderm and trunk versus cranial neural crest).
the lateral edge of the parasphenoid. Beyond these simi-
larities, the placoderm parasphenoid shows a variety of sizes
( a ) Gill arches and skeletal components
and shapes and extent of denticulation across the ventral
surface (Dennis-Bryan, 1995). The denticles on the para- Dermal elements covering the gill arches have been de-
sphenoid show no particular organisation or patterning, but scribed for a variety of chondrichthyan, acanthodian and
notably, differ morphologically from the tubercles on the osteichthyan taxa, including gill rakers and bony plates
external surface of the headshield. covered by denticles or teeth (Nelson, 1969; 1970 a, b ;
In adult jawed vertebrates, the hypophyseal gland marks Miles, 1971 ; Clemen et al., 1998; Grande & Bemis, 1998;
the boundary between the oral and pharyngeal cavities. Huysseune, 2000 ; Wacker, Bartsch & Clemen, 2001).
Because the formation of the hypophysis involves both Placoderm gill arches have been described from the
ectodermal (Rathke’s pouch) and endodermal (Sessel’s organ) Ptyctodontida (Ørvig, 1960, 1962 ; Forey & Gardiner, 1986;
contributions, a boundary between these epithelia can also Long, 1997), a very limited number of arthrodires (Stensiö,
be recognised, even though the original boundary between 1963, 1969) and the Rhenanida (Gross, 1963 ; Stensiö, 1963,
oral and pharyngeal cavities is lost during ontogeny. The 1969). Of these, gill rakers are present on the branchial
buccohypophyseal foramen in the parasphenoid of a variety arches of the rhenanids Jagorina pandora and Gemuendina stuertzi
24 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 14. For legend see opposite page.

Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 25

(Gross 1963), but bony plates and denticles have not been Rhynchodus eximius ( Jaekel, 1919) (Ptyctodontida),
described. In Jagorina pandora (Fig. 14 G, black arrows), only Dicksonosteus sp. (Phlyctaeniida), Holonema westolli Newberry,
the bony bases of the gill rakers are preserved, while the 1889 (Brachythoraci ; Fig. 8O–Q) and Harrytoombsia elegans
pointed rakers are visible in X-rays of Gemuendina stuertzi. Miles and Dennis, 1979 (Eubrachythoraci)) (Miles, 1971;
These are both positioned at distinct and evenly spaced Zhang, 1978 ; Chang, 1980 ; Goujet, 1984 a ; Goujet et al.,
positions along the gill arch itself, particularly noticeable 1993 ; Lelièvre et al., 1995 ; Johanson & Smith, 2003).
along the preserved gill arches of Jagorina pandora, and in- Denticles are added either individually to the files, or in
terestingly the bases decrease in size medially along the row shortened rows at the dorsomedial margin of the lamina
in this taxon. (Figs. 8 O–Q, 14 A, D, F, lam.marg), but not within or
The organisation of these gill rakers at particular locations among the denticles already present on the lamina. It would
(and the possible size gradation) is suggestive of a skeletal appear that these denticles form as the bone of the lamina is
patterning mechanism within the pharyngeal cavity in ad- added to the dorsomedial margin and a new surface for their
dition to the iterative gill supports. In placoderms lacking attachment becomes available. The denticles themselves are
preserved gill cartilages, patterning is evident in the den- attached to the surface of the lamina, but do not form from
ticulate ornamentation along the postbranchial lamina within the bone of the lamina. When denticles are lost, for
(Johanson & Smith, 2003). example, during preparation, the lamina beneath is either
smooth or shows a very shallow pit, representing the loss of
the denticle and its bone of attachment (see Fig. 8 C in
( b ) Postbranchial lamina and denticle pattern
Johanson & Smith, 2003). Although the external denticles of
The postbranchial lamina forms the rear wall of the gill the head and trunkshield can also be organised into rows,
chamber in placoderms (Figs. 8 O–Q and 14A–F, H), the differing morphologies externally and on the post-
osteichthyans and rarely in acanthodians (e.g. Diplacanthus branchial laminae suggest development from different em-
crassimus Duff, 1842 ; Denison, 1978 b ; White, 1978; bryonic cell layers.
Gardiner, 1984a ; Zhu et al., 1999; Zhu & Schultze, 2001). The actual distribution of ectoderm and endoderm within
Stem-tetrapods with digits, such as Acanthostega gunnari Jarvik, the oral and pharyngeal cavities still needs to be demon-
1952 and Whatcheeria deltae Lombard & Bolt, 1995 also pos- strated experimentally, even in ‘ model ’ animals such as the
sess small postbranchial laminae (Lombard & Bolt, 1995; zebrafish. However, structural evidence for the topographic
Coates, 1996). Although forming the rear of the gill chamber, position of a boundary between these cell layers is provided
the lamina itself is formed as a medially directed flange of by the position of the hypophyseal opening in the para-
bone from the anterior trunkshield plates in placoderms and sphenoid bone (Section III.1.f). In Loganellia scotica, patterned
the dermal pectoral girdle in osteichthyans and stem- denticle whorls present on the inner side of the branchial
tetrapods (cleithrum and clavicle). The homology of these arches place these whorls within the pharyngeal cavity and
bones of the shoulder girdle has been discussed by a variety under the presumptive influence of endoderm. Notably,
of authors (Stensiö, 1959; Forey, 1980 ; Gardiner, 1984 a; early researchers considered the pharyngeal denticles of
Zhu & Schultze, 2001). In nearly all placoderms, the lamina elasmobranchs and pharyngeal teeth of Cyprinus carpio to be
is covered in denticles that are morphologically different, derived from the endoderm (Cook & Neal, 1921 and
being triangular in shape or some variation on this (Fig. 14), Edwards, 1929, both cited in Sellman, 1946). In placo-
from the tubercles covering the external surface of the derms, the internal position of the postbranchial lamina,
head and trunkshield plates, which are generally rounded topographically within the gill chamber or pharyngeal cav-
(Figs. 14 H, 15 B). Further, these triangular denticles of ity, suggests this is also under the influence of embryonic
the laminae are ordered into staggered, offset files (e.g. endoderm. The position of an ectodermal-endodermal
Romundina stellina Ørvig, 1975 (Acanthothoraci), Nefudina boundary in placoderms can be predicted at the ventro-
qalibahensis (Rhenanida), Antineosteus lehmani (‘ primitive medial (Fig. 14D, H, larger arrows), or ventrolateral aspects
brachythoracids ’), Eastmanosteus calliaspis (coccosteomorph of the postbranchial lamina (Fig. 14 A, larger arrow). This
arthrodire)), or into separated rows extending across the boundary is indicated by a change in denticle patterns
laminar surface. The latter morphology occurs in Bolivosteus between the lamina internally and the external surface of
chacomensis Goujet, Janvier & Suárez-Riglos, 1986 the interolateral plate, indicated by a single row of closely
(Rhenanida), Yunnanolepis chii Liu, 1963 (Antiarchi), packed denticles of identical size and shape (Fig. 14 H,

Fig. 14. (A–C, E) Campbellodus decipiens Long, 1997 (Ptyctodontida). (A) WAM 86.9.672, anterior lateral plate with postbranchial
lamina (PBL) covered in rows of denticles ; arrow marks the putative origin of ectodemal-endodermal boundary. (B) denticles on
dorsalmost part of PBL with certain denticles showing differences in orientation from the main rows. (C) Denticles from middle of
PBL. (E) Denticles from ventral and lateral parts of PBL. (D, F, H) Antineosteus lehmani Lelièvre, 1984, MNHN MCD 76. (D)
Postbranchial lamina, anterior view, larger arrows mark the successive growth stages of the lamina margin. (F) Closeup of denticles,
showing dorsomedial margin (lam.marg) along which new denticles are added. (H) MNHN MCD 76, postbranchial lamina (PBL)
and interolateral plate (IL), showing differences between rounded tubercles on the IL and triangular denticles on the interolateral ;
arrows mark the junction between the two types. (G) Jagorina pandora Jaekel, 1921, MB.f. 510.3, ventral gill arches showing bases of gill
rakers (black arrows) along arch surface. Abbreviations as in Fig. 8 : dent, denticles (pharyngeal) across anterior face of PBL ; IL,
interolateral plate of trunkshield ; tu, tubercles covering trunkshield. Scale bars=1.0 cm, except for =0.25 cm (C), =0.20 cm (B, E, F).
26 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Coates, 1996, IL, large arrows). The dorsomedial/ inductive endoderm (see the position of pharyngal denticle
ventrolateral margin of the postbranchial lamina represents whorls in Fig. 3B, ph.d) with co-option of this genetic
the site where denticles are generated (Fig. 14D, F, lam. regulation for tooth sets at the margins of the mouth (Fig. 3).
marg) and as this margin grows away from the original ecto- Jollie (1968) had attempted to explain the homologies and
endodermal boundary, it would still be covered by endo- evolution of the visceral skeleton (=‘ splanchnoskeleton ’),
derm and continue to generate an endoderm-type pattern of mainly that of the cartilaginous gill supports in jawed and
denticles. We suggest that epithelial signals were provided jawless gnathostomes by presenting a hypothesis of the
here to establish the distinctive pharyngeal pattern for den- functional evolution of the mouth and pharynx. In this, he
ticle initiation at this site, especially their spacing, sequence proposed that the expanded mouth and posterior migration
and timing of addition. The difference in shape, size and of the mandibular arch to join the hyoid arch for jaw sup-
arrangement between these denticles and dermal denticles port brought dermal denticles into the oral cavity, and that
in placoderms is particularly well illustrated in interolateral these became enlarged to function as teeth. In this way he
plates of Antineosteus lehmani and Campbellodus decipiens Long, included dermal bones and ‘ teeth ’ in his theory of evolution
1997 (Ptyctodontida) (Fig. 14). Interestingly, in Campbellodus of jaw supports (Fig. 3), dependent upon the assumption that
decipiens, it appears that as the individual becomes older the a lining of ectoderm covered the stomatodeum (early mouth
denticle patterning is less controlled, especially at the margin cavity) up to the opening of the oro-pharynx at its caudal
now distant from the original boundary. For example, the end. This was the site where the mandibular arch joined the
denticles at the latest generative margin, particularly those hyoid, representing the boundary between stomatodeal ecto-
dorsally, are no longer oriented into clear rows (Fig. 14B). derm and endoderm (Fig. 3A, B). Given these consider-
ations, the assumption was made that the pattern for tooth
development spread antero-posteriorly from ectoderm to
endoderm, in conjunction with mandibular arch formation
IV. A DEVELOPMENTAL MODEL FROM and posterior migration. The scenario envisaged teeth ex-
PHYLOGENETIC PATTERN tending posteriorly into the oro-pharynx to ‘ hold and sub-
due increasingly larger and more active prey ’ (Jollie, 1968,
Phylogenetic data potentially record the earliest manifes- p. 95). The position of the hypophyseal canal is, in embry-
tations of a developmental module, namely that responsible ology, a marker for the ectoderm-endoderm boundary, as
for producing tooth sets in gnathostome dentitions. One noted above. Development of dermal elements beyond the
example discussed here and dependent on accepted phylo- back of the mouth, within the pharyngeal region, was also
genies is whether, or not, the developmental module not considered, essentially because none were known in
underlying regulation of tooth sets is conserved, or con- jawless fish, until those of Loganellia scotica were described
vergently assembled. We have presented phylogenetic data (van der Brugghen & Janvier, 1993). The developmental
to propose a common, hierarchical morphogenetic pro- derivation of ‘ membrane bones ’ on the palate was also not
gramme for placoderm dentitions. This is based on a para- mentioned (e.g. the parasphenoid), nor their assignation as
digm for tooth sets as part of an internal splanchnoskeleton dermal bones challenged.
dependent on endoderm for their early induction. The most recent molecular and developmental data pro-
vide important examples of the participation of endoderm in
patterning skeletal elements of the splanchnoskeleton,
(1 ) Ectodermal against endodermal patterning
specifically, the hyoid and pharyngeal arches, as well as the
Previously, Smith & Coates (1998, 2001 ; also Smith, 2003) facial region. Using data from the chick, Ruhin et al. (2003,
suggested that the position of the boundary between the p. 239) concluded that the ventral foregut endoderm ‘exerts
ectoderm and endoderm at the oro-pharyngeal membrane a regionalised patterning activity on the cephalic neural
was important to understand the observed differences be- crest to build up the primary facial and visceral skeleton in
tween dermal denticles and teeth. They emphasised the jaws and neck ’. David et al. (2002, p. 4457) noted that data
classic experiments in amphibians (Sellman, 1946) which obtained from the zebrafish showed that ‘ the endoderm
demonstrated the dependence of tooth formation on endo- provides differential cues along the antero-posterior axis to
derm for induction as part of the genetic regulation for both control ventral head skeleton development ’ (cartilage bars of
initial tooth loci and for replacement teeth. Compared to the pharyngeal arches). The patterning role of endoderm is
those in the oro-nasal cavities the different observable pat- corroborated by earlier findings that the positional infor-
tern of both arrangement and addition of the pharyngeal mation giving polarity to each pharyngeal pouch is estab-
denticles in the thelodont Loganellia scotica, emphasised the lished in the endoderm of the embryo even after neural crest
significance and dependence on oral endoderm (Smith & migration into that region is experimentally prevented
Coates, 1998 ; Fig. 14.1A, E, H in Smith & Coates, 2001). (Veitch et al., 1999). This information was deduced from the
Most importantly, those on the branchial arches were expression pattern of Bmp4, Fgf8 and Pax9 in the endoderm,
spatially and temporally ordered as denticle whorls, features remaining the same both with and without neural crest cells
both the oro-nasal and dermal denticle assemblages lacked, and suggested to be a putative inherited chordate pattern for
leading Smith & Coates (2001) to propose that the key as- the serial arrangement of branchial arches.
pects of dentition patterning were present in pharyngeal Couly et al. (2002, p. 1072) investigated the contribution
denticle whorls. As such, they reversed the classic scenario of foregut endoderm to patterning of the dermal bones of
and suggested an early origin of patterning of teeth from an the face and noted that ‘ proximodistal and anteroposterior
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 27

polarity of the skeleton is dictated by the endoderm’. Also, are an example of this type of odontode growth and as we
‘ in strong contrast to the foregut endoderm, neither the have proposed these evolved from denticle sets within the
ectoderm, nor the mesoderm display patterning properties pharynx (Section III.2) from which genetic regulation was
that lead to skeletogenesis of the facial bones’. Similar pos- co-opted for sequential tooth addition.
itional information could organise the pattern of pharyngeal With the classic concept as a basis, Ørvig (1973) at-
denticles, teeth and membrane bone of the splanchno- tempted to interpret growth and tooth replacement in fossil
cranium, but needs to be established experimentally in fish forms, as part of a comparison of dentitions of acanthodians
(see Huysseune et al., 2002 for a review of endodermal par- with those of early actinopterygians and also of brachy-
ticipation in odontogenesis in fish). In zebrafish mutants, the thoracid arthrodires. In this he accepted that tooth replace-
initial iterative pattern in the pharyngeal region is depen- ment did not occur in the dentition of brachythoracid
dent on endodermal signalling, and is also required to make arthrodires and acanthodians, because they were of the
the separate cartilages in the branchial arches (Piotrowski & ‘stephanodont’ type (statodont as in Section II.2, each tooth
Nüsslein-Volhard, 2000). As Couly et al. (2002) have also fused to the bone and not exchangeable). By comparison
shown, these polarities are determined in the foregut endo- both taxa add teeth during growth, although from opposite
derm well before the branchial pouches are formed. They directions in the jaw (Long, 1986 ; Smith, 2003), to what he
also showed that presumptive first arch endoderm will elicit termed the ‘ dermal jaw-elements ’ (gnathalia in placoderms)
Pitx1 expression in the neural crest cells, a gene normally and contribute to the biting surface by further wear-resistant
activated in skeletogenesis of the teeth and jaws. Pitx2 is a tissue growth into the supporting bone. Ørvig (1973) also
marker gene exclusively expressed in odontogenic epi- concluded that these differences precluded acanthodian and
thelium in the mouse, through the early stages of initiation, placoderm dentitions evolving into the tooth-replacing
position of tooth loci, and cytodifferentiation for morpho- dentitions of osteichthyans, i.e. there are fundamental dif-
genesis (Mucchielli et al., 1997). In our observations of the ferences among these groups, as recently proposed by Smith
structural patterns in pharyngeal denticles we emphasise (2003). To illustrate the growth process, Ørvig (1973)
that structures under putative control of the endoderm, such examined a graded size series of gnathalia in the arthrodire
as branchial whorls of Loganellia scotica and the pharyngeal Plourdosteus canadensis (Woodward, 1892) and importantly
denticles on the placoderm postbranchial lamina, show a stated that they carried ‘ real teeth ’ (Fig. 12). Later, he gave
distinct pattern from those of the skin. Another distinctive a more complete account of the structure and growth in
feature is that they demonstrate a quite different addition or arthrodire gnathalia in which he discussed whether or not
replacement pattern relative to the external skin denticles. periodic growth could actively occur on such abraded,
Dermal denticles can also be ordered into linear patterns highly polished attrition facets of the biting areas (tusks and
(Purnell, 2001 ; Donoghue, 2002 ; Young, 2003; Section cutting blades) of the jaws (Ørvig, 1980a). In both works he
II.1), but none compare to the spatiotemporal regulation of published an elegant series of diagrams to show how growth
patterns for tooth sets (Smith, 2003). in concentric bands increased the dental field area with
each new tooth, to add to the tissues of the gnathal bones
(Fig. 12).
(2 ) Tooth retention and tooth addition
Ørvig (1977) had made a clear distinction between der-
Our developmental model refines the consensus views, mal denticles (including oro-pharyngeal denticles) and teeth
based on the precise definition of teeth as single odontodes in his review of their histology and development, reserving
(Reif, 1982 ; Sire & Huysseune, 2003) but emphasises that the term odontode for the former but not for teeth. Teeth
they are component parts of a regulated and patterned were distinguished as those structures developing in ‘sub-
dentition. In the general model for development and growth merged positions ’ in precise locations on the dermal bones
of the dentition, tooth sets have either replacement of the mouth and pharynx and functioning in the appre-
mechanisms built into them, or teeth are retained and new hension, or processing of food, as is the case for arthrodire
tooth addition is regulated to extend the tooth rows. The placoderms. Conversely, Reif (1982) later proposed that
way these are patterned is unique for each crown-group ‘odontode ’ referred to all dentine units including teeth,
gnathostome taxon, teeth being initiated within a specific comparable as building units and including the ‘bone of
pattern (Smith, 2003). Ørvig (1973, p. 135) conceptually attachment ’. This consolidated the views of Schaeffer (1977)
considered the homology between dermal denticles, oral who had proposed that ‘odontodes ’ were single modifiable
denticles and teeth as paramount and conceived of teeth as morphogenetic units in both the dermal skeleton and the
‘ superficial odontodes which had secondarily assumed a dentition, but emphasised the inclusion of the bone of at-
submerged position ’. An explanation of ‘especially small tachment, as did Smith & Hall (1993). Reif (1982) proposed
teeth ’ on the margins of teleostome (=Acanthodii+ distinguishing teeth from other odontodes by a develop-
Osteichthyes, Fig. 1) jaws was that they ‘continued to form mental concept, one effectively based on that of the chondri-
as superficial odontodes ’ (Ørvig, 1973, p. 135, i.e. chthyan dentition. Namely, that the mode of formation
Eusthenopteron foordi Whiteaves, 1881). He envisaged the for successional teeth was different from all other odontodes,
phylogenetic sequence as starting from an ‘oral dermal as only they develop on a dental lamina, equivalent to
skeleton of superficial odontodes ’ in which super- Ørvig’s (1973) ‘ submerged position ’. This has become the
impositional growth was suppressed, then later changed to commonly accepted definition for vertebrate teeth, now
‘ periodic addition at the margins – of the same generation ’. listed as one of four synapomorphies of crown-gnathostomes
New teeth, added only at one end of statodont tooth rows, and notably excluding placoderms (Goujet, 2001). Ørvig
28 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

(1973) also discussed the presence of a dental lamina and its ‘ the synchronous formation in consecutive stages of growth
variance in all groups of jawed vertebrates as a continuous, of new teeth’. However, rather than depicting these data in
or discontinuous, permanent or non-permanent structure terms of denticle field theories, we have justified a develop-
for the provision of successional, replacement and same mental interpretation of a discontinuous dental lamina lo-
generation teeth, terms later emphasised by Reif (1982; also cated at the base of each ‘ last added ’ tooth in the tooth row.
Sire & Huysseune, 1998). Exceptionally, Sire (2001) and In the Placodermi this is interpreted as another manifes-
Sire & Huysseune (2003) have described denticles in the skin tation of the ‘ tooth whorl ’ concept (Smith & Johanson,
of living teleosts as ‘extraoral teeth ’. They discount the lack 2003a, b). As outlined in a previous section (Section II.3), this
of a dental lamina and base their identification on lack of concept includes tooth primordia forming sequentially and
phylogenetic continuity of these denticles with ‘ ancestral linked to the functional teeth (Reif, 1982), i.e. odontogenic
odontodes ’, such that these external denticles are indepen- ability confined to specific loci in the mouth related to the
dently derived only in certain groups of actinopterygians. existing tooth rows. These primordia can be considered ex-
Reif (1982) reviewed the evolution of dentitions and amples of qualitative changes in shared gene expression
concluded that gnathostome-type teeth (characteristic of the patterns by control of gene transcription, either positive or
crown-group) had not evolved in placoderms because they negative (see Minelli, 2003). Genes are either switched on or
showed no evidence of teeth forming from a dental lamina. off, for tooth positions alternating with tooth incompetent
The evidence Reif depended on for determining whether regions, as a prepattern for tooth set spacing (see Streelman
teeth developed in this way in fossils was the presence of et al., 2003 for recent model). Each one of these sites would
tooth whorls, either at the symphyseal region, or along the relate to new tooth development as explained by clonal
jaw, as fused tooth sets (see Smith, 2003). He considered models of tooth programs, with each new tooth patterned
these as homologous with each tooth set in extant chondri- and regulated relative to previous teeth in the group, or row,
chthyans, and to indicate a succession of individual teeth in a taxon-specific pattern (Smith, 2003). With regards
produced from a dental lamina, in a comparable way to to the coccosteomorph arthrodires (Section III.1a ; Fig. 4),
those of tooth families in sharks (see Fig. 14.5 in Smith & Ørvig (1973, p. 140) noted that ‘it should be made fully
Coates, 2001). Tooth whorls were present in acanthodians clear that the gnathalia in coccosteids carry real teeth ’.
but notably absent from placoderms. However, Ørvig Ørvig (1980 a, p. 157) also noted that ‘the number and
(1973, p. 145) had previously noted a resemblance in growth relative position of these dental fields in several forms agree
and tooth addition between acanthodian jaw elements and closely with each other ’, suggesting homology with other
the ‘ teeth ’ on the gnathalia of brachythoracid arthrodires, arthrodiran taxa.
and to those of tooth whorls in fossil sharks. Nevertheless, Two important additional points concern how these teeth
Reif (1982) later dismissed this evidence for tooth addition in possess different patterns of addition, replacement and
placoderms because the tissues were known to be quite dif- growth, relative to the dermal tubercles (fields of denticles)
ferent from those of crown-gnathostome teeth, enamel or on the plates of the placoderm head and trunkshield and
enameloid absent and with semidentine (unipolar cell bodies their histology (by comparison to teeth in crown-group
enclosed in the tissue, see Section IV.3). gnathostomes). The first is that our observations indicate
Despite the different developmental model for the evol- that placoderm teeth are never added superficially or by
utionary origin of teeth from the one proposed herein, the superimposition, as are all denticles. Two, teeth are not shed
observations of Ørvig (1980 a, his Figs. 1–21) are very rel- individually but are retained (statodont dentition), and
evant. He identified potential sites of new tooth addition in dental tissues grow from each tooth site deep into the bone
smaller (assumed younger), unworn specimens and illus- to compensate for wear. For example, the main tusk on the
trated rows of teeth in several positions on all the gnathal biting edge is formed from an ingrowing vertical column of
bones. For example, the supragnathal (upper jaw) of dentinous tissue (pleromic dentine, see Section IV.4), and
Coccosteus cuspidatus Miller 1841 ex Agassiz ms, illustrated by presumed to derive from the small teeth of the earlier stage
Ørvig (1973, his plate 17.3 ; Miles & Westoll, 1968) pos- (Fig. 12, tk). Posterior and medial, or lateral to the cutting
sessed both adsymphysial and lateral rows of teeth. Ørvig edges, individual teeth remain in rows, but these were
considered that single teeth on each of the rows occupied a described as being made of semidentine (Fig. 15 A–D, s.d),
peripheral ‘dental field ’ because of their association with the accepted characteristic placoderm tissue for dermal
growth bands on the surface of the bone, successive growth tubercles (Figs. 15 E, F, 16 D–F ; Ørvig, 1980 a). Resolution
bands increasing the gnathal bone area and adding a new of the type of dentine present in newly formed and older
tooth. These grew by areal addition of fields of new denticles teeth, and the ingrowing tissue of the gnathal tusks, has
(Reif, 1982 ; Karatajute-Talimaa, 1998), and in this respect provided crucial data in the debate on the origin of teeth in
tooth addition to the placoderm dental field was compar- placoderms and is discussed below (Section IV.3).
able. Because of these similarities to denticle fields, Ørvig
(1973) did not describe placoderm teeth as developing on a
( 3) Tissue growth in teeth and denticles
dental lamina in the manner characteristic of all other jawed
vertebrates, hence the prevailing view that teeth are not As we have observed (Smith & Johanson, 2003 a, b), when-
present in placoderms. Still, the real significance of Ørvig’s ever we have examined sections cut exactly through the
(1973, p. 144, 1980a) views can be summarised by his ob- toothed part of the gnathal bone in arthrodires, the principal
servations of ‘ the successive addition of new teeth in one central tissue component is regular, straight tubular dentine
direction … in alignment with already existing ones’ and as found typically in all other crown-gnathostome teeth
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 29

A C D Figs. 24–28. Ørvig, 1980 a). It is, however, noteworthy that

b.e gr.z s.d Ørvig (his Figs. 65, 66. 1980a) also recorded a different tis-
t1 o.c sue in the apparently edentate gnathal tissue of Pholidosteus
bidorsatus von Koenen, 1883 and described it as ‘compact
hard tissue without cells and possibly with tubules ’. The
discussion herein is important because despite the poor
preservation and the comments that ‘ these tubules …
s.d probably result from collagen fibrils in the living state ’,
Ørvig (1980a, p. 154) does conclude that this is tooth den-
t4 tine. He compares it with the lateral dental field corre-
sponding to those of the lateral tooth rows in Coccosteus
cuspidatus and Dinichthys herzeri Newberry, 1868. None of this
information has been assimilated into the accepted body of
cr.d knowledge concerning histology of the placoderm dentition,
E F no doubt because of the complexity of Ørvig’s (1980 a) dis-
s.d cussion. The statement that ‘ Since the hard tissue does not
tu2 contain spaces for enclosed cells … it is clearly not semi-
dentine as in Plourdosteus ’ and may be some sort of pleromin,
bo compounds the confusion. Another rare reference (Bryant,
1934) is to a tissue containing the ‘ same fine radiating
tu1 tubules’ from a section of the symphysial denticle in the
infragnathal of the arthrodire Dinomylostoma buffaloensis
Fig. 15. Diagrams to compare arrangement of tissue types in Hussakof & Bryant, 1919.
gnathal bones and dermal tubercles in arthrodires. (A) Statements regarding absence of teeth in the placoderm
Plourdosteus livonicus (Eastman) (Fig. 5A in Ørvig, 1973) section dentition resulted in part from this evidence of semidentine
through the adsymphyseal tooth row below the biting edge in the gnathal edges, being present in many types of dermal
(b.e) ; growth zones of the bone (gr. z) coincide with each tooth tubercles of the dermal armour, and distinctive for placo-
in the row, these show the vascular nature of the teeth (t1–4), derms (Ørvig, 1967). However, another important aspect
each made of semidentine (s.d) as seen in the higher magnifi- concerns the growth of the dentine when comparing teeth
cations shown in B and C. (B, C) Holonema westolli Miles, 1971 with external dermal tubercles (Young et al., 2001). The
(Ørvig, 1980 b). Sections through the pipe-ridge on the medial latter never show invasive growth of the pleromic tissue type
side of the infragnathal show the outer layer of semidentine
as in jawless vertebrates (psammosteid heterostracans,
(unipolar odontocyte cells, o.c) over bone (bo). (D) Actinolepis
Ørvig, 1967) and semidentine of the tubercles is frequently
tuberculata Agassiz, 1844 (Fig. 10B in Gross, 1957) vertical sec-
tion through a medial spinelet on the dermal spinal plate with interspersed between layers of bone, as several generations
quite regular tubular dentine (d.t), note each group of tubules of tubercles are added in layers by superimposition (Fig.
emerging from vascular canals in the bone, and few cell lacu- 15F). However, pleromic dentine is a widespread vertebrate
nae. (E, F) Phlyctaenius acadicus (Whiteaves, 1881 ; Fig. 9B, E in phenomenon (see review by Smith & Sansom, 2000) where
Gross, 1957) vertical sections through dermal tubercles with a the migratory cells of the dentine continue to produce den-
special coronal layer of unipolar cells (cr.d) and others dispersed tine by invasive growth into all the soft tissue spaces of each
below this (s.d), over bone (bo). In F dermal tubercles are jaw bone, mostly of a harder, more mineralised type
superimposed from successive growth stages (tu1, tu2, tu3). (Section IV.4).
It seems that the repertoire of dentine types in both the
dermal and splanchnic skeletons is extensive (Figs. 15–18),
with remarkable variability of dentine tissues within placo-
(Fig. 17). This is a key observation to question the suggestion derms to include larger dermal tubercles that may exhibit
of similarity, even homology with dermal tubercles, although quite regular tubular dentine, resembling orthodentine.
they also can independently form orthodentine as in the Denison (1978 b) selected several examples where the den-
spinelets of the pectoral spinal plate (see below, Denison, tine of the dermal tubercles was more like regular dentine
1978 b). The direction and arrangement of the dentine (tubules without cell body spaces in the tissue). The ‘ taller
tubules (tracks of the formative cell processes of odontoblasts) tubercles of the rhenanid Ohioaspis, the inner part of the
reveal centripetal growth as the cells migrate within a cen- teeth of Pachyosteus, and especially the marginal spinelets on
tral pulp cavity in the process of forming the dentine tissue of the spinal plates of Actinolepis ’ all exhibit regions of tubular
the tooth. The tooth tissue differs from semidentine (dentine dentine (Fig. 15 D; Denison, 1978 b, p. 15). Gross (1957, his
with enclosed cell body spaces) present in most, but not all, Figs. 10, 12–15 ; Fig. 15D) illustrated regular dentine in the
placoderm dermal tubercles (Figs. 15E, F, 16). These ob- spinelet of Actinolepis tuberculata Agassiz, 1844 and in the
servations of the exceptionally well preserved Gogo fossils, tooth plates of the ptyctodonts Rhynchodus major Eastman,
such as those of Compagopiscis croucheri (Fig. 17), are crucial, 1898, Rhynchodus sp. and Ptyctodus sp. (Fig. 18 A, B). Denison
therefore, because they conflict with those reporting semi- (1978 b) regarded this tubular dentine infilling the bone
dentine tissue constituting the gnathal biting edges in trabeculae in the gnathal bones of ptyctodonts as ‘ true
placoderms such as Plourdosteus livonicus (Fig. 15 A; and see dentine ’ (see Fig. 18 D–F), but Ørvig (1980 b, his Figs. 1–6)
30 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Fig. 16. (A–F) Tubercles as dermal ornament, with histology of dentine types shown in vertical sections. (A) Typical shapes in a field
on the dermal armour of the acanthothoracid Romundina stellina Ørvig, 1975, Prince of Wales Island, Canada, GSC loc. 8234. (B, C)
Romundina sp., section through one stellate tubercle showing a cellular form of dentine in the body of the tubercle, above spongy
bone : in the higher magnification (C) the outer layer is penetrated by parallel tubules normal to the surface and few elongated cell
body spaces (lacunae), together they comprise what is known as semidentine (odontocytic dentine, with a distinct tubular mantle
layer and inner cellular layer). (D, E) An arthrodiran dermal tubercle Sedowichthys terrae-boreae (Bystrow, 1957 ; section number VNKT
388, personal collection V. Karatajute-Talimaa) example of semidentine with two very distinct zones to the semidentine ; a mantle
layer of parallel tubules extending from a row of cell body spaces, below this many unipolar cells in groups and dispersed within the
inner dentine (classic semidentine). This distinctive outer layer is also shown in Fig. 15 (cr.d) as the special coronal layer of Gross
(1957), the cell bodies (odontocytes) are aligned at the junction of mantle with inner semidentine (arrows). (F) Incisoscutum ritchiei
Dennis & Miles, 1981, BMNH locality 31, Gogo, Western Australia, arthrodiran dermal tubercle with small layer of semidentine
over cellular, spongy bone. Abbreviations as in Fig. 15. BMNH, Natural History Museum, London. GSC, Geological Survey of
Canada, Ottawa.

in his later paper, as in the earlier one (Ørvig, 1973) did not. not be orthodentine. It is significant, however, that Gross
Rather he considered it a specialised dentine of the pleromic (1957) considered this outer layer to be dentine (Fig. 15 A, B).
type formed by infilling an external bony hard layer and One example of a tubercle of Phlyctaenius acadicus
from its topographic position (inside bone, see Fig. 18 C) could (Whiteaves, 1881) was selected by Denison (1978b, his Fig. 9)
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 31

Fig. 17. (A–C) Compagopiscis croucheri Gardiner & Miles, 1994, WAM 94.12.2, right posterior supragnathal, vertical sections through
one tooth on the posterior row (arrow in C) to show the regular tubular dentine with fine terminal branches at the surface (A). The
higher magnification field is from the tooth in (B) where the entire cone of dentine is infilling a surface layer of atubular tissue. (A, B)
Photomicrographs taken in Nomarsky differential interference contrast optics.

as one ‘with orthosemidentine superficially and trabecular tubercles (Burrow, 2003 ; Smith & Johanson, 2003 a, b ;
semidentine centrally ’ (Fig. 15 E), as illustrated by Gross Young, 2003). We have to assume a widespread develop-
(his Fig. 9 in Gross, 1957). These terms may only add to mental plasticity in the dermal armour of early vertebrates
confusion when attempting to compare teeth of placo- (Smith & Sansom, 2000) and create simple classifications
derms with those of crown group gnathostomes, and little is that reflect this, such as acellular tubular dentine and cellu-
advanced by subdivision of regions in a tooth with different lar odontocytic dentine. By comparison with dentinogenesis
terms for each, other than the accepted topographic ones of of modern derived dentine types in shark teeth, a develop-
mantle (outer) and circumpulpal (inner). This is best illus- mental interpretation was suggested for placoderm tuber-
trated by the histology of dermal tubercles in Phlyctaenius cular dentine (Smith & Sansom, 2000). In this description,
acadicus (Fig. 15E, F) where the outer mantle layer (semi- two different cell types, by phenotypic expression from the
dentine, or coronal dentine of Gross, 1957) is distinct from progenitor cells of the dental papilla, produce the outer and
the inner semidentine. Burrow & Turner (1999) provide an the inner dentine. Both cell types become included in the
extensive discussion of all the previous terminologies of mineralised product, odontocytic dentine, so it is not an
placoderm tubercular dentine and attempt to create five exclusively tubular dentine, but the cells are unipolar as
distinctive categories, but these are still complex and con- defined for semidentine (Figs. 15 B, C, E, F, 16 D–F). They
fusing. They also use two names for outer and inner dentine, may participate in its further maintenance, as coronal
ortho-semidentine and meso-semidentine, whereas in reality odontocytes [ortho-semidentine of Denison (1978b) and
all the dentine is formed without leaving a distinct pulp Burrow & Turner (1999)] and inner (pulpal) odontocytes
cavity, as the cells of the dental papilla become embedded in [trabecular semi-dentine (Denison, 1978 b) and meso-semi-
the calcified product, hence all the tissue is semidentine in dentine (Burrow & Turner, 1999)] exemplified exactly by
this inclusive sense. Phlyctaenius acadicus (Figs. 15E ; Fig. 9A in Gross, 1957) and
It remains true that the occurrence of orthodentine, Sedowichthyes terrae-boreae (Fig. 16 D, E).
dentine with tubules and no enclosed cell bodies, is very rare As Denison (1978 a, p. 15) commented ‘ true dentine
in the dermal skeleton of placoderms and should not be re- is best developed among placoderms in the gnathals of
garded as evidence for the origin of teeth from these dermal Ptyctodontida’. Although Ørvig (1980 b, his Figs. 1–6)
32 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

A C F tub situation where new teeth are added to an established tooth

row, each made of orthodentine, is most comparable to the
pl condition in other jawed vertebrates (Section II.3).
d.t B
pl pl ( 4) Adaptive growth and tissue remodelling
b.e A mechanism for maintenance of biting surfaces and adap-
tation to wear becomes a pre-requisite for survival with any
statodont type dentition. The massive jaws of the 9 m long
Devonian placoderm Dunkelosteus terrelli Lehman, 1956, and
E b.e those of taxa such as Gorgonicthys Claypole, 1892, are con-
spicuous for their enormous tusks and blade-like cutting
Fig. 18. (A–G) Diagrams of pleromic, tubular dentine in edges, with diminutive teeth located in a row at the posterior
toothplates (gnathalia) of ptyctodonts. (A) Ptyctodus sp. (Fig. 15 in end (Fig. 6). These and other pachyosteomorph arthrodires
Gross, 1957) section through biting edge (b.e) shows an outer were described in Section III.1.a. These cutting blades and
shell of dentine (d.t) infilled by trabecular dentine (td) and the toothplates of the Ptyctodontida provide two divergent
pleromic dentine (pleromin, pl). (B) Higher power of mantle examples of hypermineralised, ingrowing dentine of the
dentine layer from outer edge with tubules linked to vascular pleromic type and ones in which the growth has been de-
spaces. (C) Opposing edges of upper and lower tooth plates of scribed and well illustrated by Ørvig (1973, 1980 b). Also, the
Ctenurella gladbachensis Ørvig (Fig. 3 in Ørvig, 1980 b), with tissue growth in the cutting blades and tusks of the toothed
harder, translucent pleromin infilling the outer shell of dentine. gnathals in Plourdosteus canadensis and P. livonicus has been the
(D–F) C. gladbachensis (Figs. 26, 28 in Ørvig, 1980b) increasing main focus of Ørvig’s (1973, 1980 a) papers and this tissue
magnification diagrams of the tubular dentine (tub) and pos- growth is discussed herein (see Figs. 12, 15A). As may be
ition of the formative cells (o.c) with cell processes ; direction of obvious, ‘the upper and lower gnathalia work against each
growth of pleromin shown by white arrows. (G) Left toothplates other like a pair of shears – often sharp edged and polished
in situ attached by quadrate–articular jaw joint of perichondral
by wear ’ (Ørvig, 1973, p. 140, 1980a, p. 51). A type of
bone Rhynchodus tetradon Jaekel, 1903 (Fig. 1 in Ørvig, 1980b).
Black arrows show fields of higher magnification drawings.
invasive growth with tissue remodelling in the interior
compensates for the tissue lost by abrasion at the functional
surface of the gnathal bones (Figs. 12, 18). The upper
gnathal plates have two rows of teeth in Coccosteus cuspidatus
discusses pleromin in ptyctodonts, and illustrated sections and Plourdosteus canadensis (Fig. 12 A, B). Each tooth is made of
through these tooth plates showing true dentine-like tissue a richly vascular core (Fig. 15 A) and the interior is composed
(Fig. 18 C–F), he debated as to whether or not this was the of bone (osteosemidentine), and the outer of pallial semi-
same as the superficial tissue in a tooth and was reluctant to dentine [in the terms of Ørvig (1973) ; see Section IV.3].
call it orthodentine. Ørvig did emphasise the acellularity of The contrast is made between these teeth with continuous
pleromin and noted the ‘total lack of enclosed scleroblast ingrowing dentine and the semidentine tubercles of the
spaces’, while unicellular scleroblasts are diagnostic of dermal armour. Columns of semidentine beneath the main
semidentine. Lack of semidentine in ptyctodont tooth plates tusk of the biting edge are described as forming by complete
was used by Ørvig (1980b, p. 326) to separate ptyctodonts fusion of the consecutive, semidentine teeth (see Fig. 12).
from arthrodires, where he had shown the presence of Increase in size of the whole gnathal bone is by addition of
semidentine alone, and concluded that ‘ ptyctodonts are not trabecular bone at the soft tissue surface, converted into
really placoderms in the strict sense ’. dense, compact bone by osteone formation (these are illus-
It seems that we can conclude that there is considerable trated in Fig. 19 D, E). Within this skeletal trabecular bony
plasticity in the occurrence of semidentine in placoderms, framework, thought to provide the growth sites for the
additionally, many tubercles are made of bone alone, or pleromic dentine tissue, the primordial tissue of the semi-
only a superficial layer of irregular semidentine (Fig. 16 F). dentine columns arises (Ørvig, 1973). The direction of
However, in certain groups regular dentine would appear to growth in this type of infilling dentine is clear from the
be associated with the growth of the dentition in ptyctodonts direction of the tubules (Fig. 18 A, C–E, white arrows,
as graphically illustrated by Ørvig (1980b ; our Fig. 18 F), Fig. 19A–C, p.d).
where cell bodies are outside the forming dentine, and in We can add significant new data from images taken with
certain arthrodires as we have shown there is regular den- a scanning electron microscope and from sections through
tine (Fig. 17). New teeth, those added individually, have these regions of growth (Figs. 11, 19) in different gnathal
not been recognised in ptyctodonts, and instead the dentine plates. Although previously unrecorded, these show bio-
is produced by continuous invasive growth, as illustrated logical activity of resorption of the tissues and redeposition
in figure 18, which we believe is a derived condition and of layers of both dentine and bone, in active remodelling
one showing great disparity in jawed vertebrates. In the growth. New teeth are added to the new bone (Fig.
arthrodires, by comparison, the dentition grows and dentine 11A, E–I) and layers of smooth, white tissue coat all these
is added through the addition of new teeth to existing surfaces (probably dentine), each interpreted as equivalent
rows (Figs. 11 E, G–I, 17 C), and only with wear of these to a growth layer (arrows, Fig. 11 C, as shown by Fig. 5
does pleromic semidentine appear (see section IV.4). The in Ørvig, 1980a). On the bone surfaces below the teeth
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 33

Fig. 19. Remodelling of gnathal tissues by pervasive growth of dentine into spongy bone (A–C) compared with infilling by osteonal
bone (D, E). (A–C) Vertical sections of Antineosteus lehmani Lelièvre, 1984, MNHN MCD207, infragnathal through both ridge (ri) and
denticle (dent) tissue (see figure 9 for topography and structure) made of compact, dense atubular dentine. Similar dentine fills in the
vascular spaces of the bone below, as shown in higher magnifications (B) where the lighter coloured dentine fills in the vascular
spaces pervasively (arrows) and in C (pl) deep to the biting surface. The light coloured dentine (pl) is relatively unstained by the
process of fossilisation and contrasts with the crystalline diagenetic material (**) filling the remaining soft tissue spaces in the bone.
(D, E) Dunkleosteus sp. MNHN MCD 17, vertical sections through the gnathal bone, below the cutting edge resorption has taken
place along the medial surface (arrows, compare with cutting edge resorption in other species shown in Fig. 11 D, E, G). Deep inside
the bone remodelling has occurred with new osteones (os) highlighted by a diagenetic change to their biological structure.
Abbreviations as defined previously.

osteoclast resorption pits are seen, either minimal in extent lateral side of the bone. This is most clearly seen where the
(Fig. 11A, B), or very extensive as at the medial side of cutting surface has a new layer of bone and dentine is added
the infragnathal of Incisoscutum ritchiei (Fig. 11 E–G). This to a previous resorption surface, with a clear disjunction of
effectively removes much of the bone and infilling dentine the tissue structure (arrows in Fig. 11G). Comparative sec-
(arrows in Fig. 11 D), but is later replaced by new bone layers tions through other pachyosteomorph arthrodires show a
and especially is accompanied by selective deposition on the similar disjunction, and a resorbing edge (arrows, Fig. 19D).
34 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Inside the gnathal bone remodelling occurs as new osteones However, the arrangement of the tooth rows in arthrodires
fill in the vascular spaces (Fig. 19 D, E, os). suggests their primordia are located at widely spaced and
The histology of dentine growth in Antineosteus lehmani restricted positions on the gnathal plates. In these
Lelièvre, 1984 reveals how extensive the ingrowing dentine arthrodires, the concept of a discontinuous, rather than
becomes (Fig. 19 A–C) from the denticles and ridge tissue continuous, dental lamina is more appropriate, in which the
(for the topography of these structures see Fig. 9). The tooth-producing tissues are restricted to certain points along
lighter, less stained and harder dentine is without tubules the dentate bones (Reif, 1982). A comparable condition is
and can be seen to infill all the available spaces of the vas- shown by lungfish with a tooth-plated dentition, in which
cular canals (Fig. 19 C, p.d) similar to that of bone in form- teeth are added to specific loci at regulated positions, de-
ing osteones in compact bone (Fig. 19 D, E, os). In this way, termined by the sites of tooth primordia, along the margin of
hard wear resistant tissue is created, by forming within the the plate (Smith, 1985, 1988, 2003).
denticles or teeth at the surface, this creates extensive, all Denticles can be associated with the tooth row in ar-
pervasive growth of the pleromic dentine (compare with Fig. throdire taxa such as the pachyosteomorph Gymnotrachelus
18). This is an impressive adaptation to non-replacement of hydei and the ‘ primitive brachythoracids ’ Antineosteus lehmani
teeth as a character of placoderm dentitions and we are only and the new ‘buchanosteid ’ of Young et al. (2001). In these
beginning to understand in which taxa it is a dominant taxa, distinct tooth rows are present in which new teeth are
feature. This development and growth of dentine is perfectly added to regulated positions at the end of the row.
possible to observe in well-preserved material, especially in Accompanying denticles, most notably in Antineosteus lehmani,
those which retain the record of all growth stages until lost appear to be incorporated into biting surfaces, a process
by wear. involving resorption and redeposition of dental material. In
the phlyctaeniid arthrodires (e.g. Dicksonosteus sp.) and the
Phyllolepida rows can sometimes be visually reconstructed
(5 ) The placoderm oral cavity
amongst the denticle patches, but spaced tooth rows, re-
Reif (1982) denied that placoderms possessed a dentition duced in number, are not present. We refer to the units
generated within a dental lamina but he also discussed the added to these dentitions as oral denticles, reserving the
concept of ‘ tooth families ’ (as occur within a tooth whorl), term ‘ teeth ’ for dentitions conforming to the developmental
including the functional tooth and all its successors. model outlined in Section III.1. New denticles form outside
However, Smith & Coates (2001) revised this and referred the functional biting surface as do new teeth in our devel-
to a ‘ tooth family ’ as a ‘generative set ’, and Smith (2003) opmental model with some element of patterning, but ad-
suggested that this concept can accommodate the den- dition is not as strictly regulated as that of new teeth. All
tition of arthrodires. Thus, description of the actinolepid, denticles are retained and resorption does not appear to
pachyosteomorph, ‘ primitive brachythoracid ’ and coccos- occur. The genetic networks involved in producing regu-
teomorph tooth rows (see Fig. 4), considers the ‘functional lated dentitions may not be refined in the Phyllolepida, but
tooth ’ to be the active biting edge in these taxa, to which the this morphology, with regulation of denticle addition only to
successor teeth are continually added at one end only, as in a the margins of the preexisting plate or denticle area may
generative set. This can be determined at least in growing represent an early or precursor developmental state in the
gnathal bones, to which new teeth are being added (Figs. placoderm phylogeny. In some individuals, this regulation
6–9, 10 A–D). In some taxa, such as the pachyosteomorph (compare Fig. 10 F, G and 10E), is not fixed or consistent
arthrodire Heintzichthys gouldii, this tooth addition appears to within the groups and precise tooth families, or sets, cannot
end at some point in ontogeny. Reif (1982) placed great be recognised.
importance on the presence of tooth spirals (whorls) in other With regard to the crucial morphology of the placoderm
basal groups of jawed vertebrates (e.g. chondrichthyans and dentition at the base of the clade, the groups Acanthothor-
acanthodians), in which teeth of successive generations are aci, Rhenanida and Antiarchi are of prime importance.
fused to a common bone of attachment (the only form of However, very little information is available from the
bone in chondrichthyans). By comparison, ‘bone of attach- Acanthothoraci, while the Rhenanida and the Antiarchi are
ment ’ has also been observed surrounding the bases of the characterised by the incorporation of external dermal
new teeth added to arthrodiran tooth rows (Fig. 9), event- headshield units into the dentition, whether the suborbital
ually being merged or incorporated into the new gnathal (antiarchs) or tesserae (Jagorina pandora). The rhenanids show
bone as the teeth became part of the functional biting sur- notable variation in the morphology of the dentition ; be-
face. In Heintzichthys gouldii (Fig. 8 A), this bone of attachment sides Nefudina qalibahensis and Jagorina pandora, the infra-
underlies and joins all teeth in the row, equivalent to the gnathals of some specimens of Gemuendina stuertzi appear to
common bone of attachment described by Reif (1982). include ordered rows of denticles, comparable to the
These common features suggest that the tooth rows ob- phlyctaeniid arthrodire Dicksonosteus and the Phyllolepida.
served in certain arthrodire taxa are comparable, both Denticles cover the paired anterior supragnathals of the
morphologically and in terms of their development, to tooth acanthothoracid Romundina sp. and differ essentially in their
whorls or tooth sets. This development must involve a dental arrangement from those on the headshield, especially
primordium (‘ primordial tissue ’, or tooth placode of epi- the ventral aspect of the median rostral plate (Smith &
thelium and competent mesenchyme) to create each new Johanson, 2003a). This is just one variant of widely diverse
tooth at the end of the tooth row, similar to that illustrated morphologies unrelated to establishing teeth in a regulated
deep within the dental lamina by Reif (1982, his Fig. 3). pattern in more derived placoderm taxa, which we contend
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 35

happens within the Arthrodira (Smith & Johanson, These characters of the oral and pharyngeal cavities need
2003 a, b). to be evaluated in the context of a phylogenetic analysis
By evaluating the character states of dentitions in out- including both jawless and jawed vertebrates, similar to
group taxa, character polarity can be determined. Because those of Janvier (1996b), Donoghue et al. (2000) and
the Placodermi is resolved as the plesiomorphic sister taxon Donoghue & Smith (2001). Notably, these analyses did not
to all others in the cladogram of jawed vertebrates (Fig. 1), include ‘ teeth ’ as a separate character, while Donoghue &
jawless vertebrates such as the Osteostraci and the Smith (2001) coded ‘ denticles in pharynx ’ as absent for
Heterostraci are pertinent to this discussion (dentitions of placoderms. It will be vital to incorporate our new ob-
the jawless group Anaspida have not been described). The servations into more stringent and robust phylogenies, es-
Osteostraci has been resolved as the sister group to the clade pecially as only a very limited sampling of the placoderm
of jawed vertebrates (Young, 1986; Goujet, 2001 ; Janvier, taxa was utilised. Current phylogenies are also problematic
2001), and in this major clade any type of dentition is very in separating Loganellia scotica (Thelodonti) from the clade of
poorly known. The oral cavity is described in only a few jawed vertebrates, not only by other thelodonts (Donoghue
taxa, for example, in Tremataspis mammillata Patten, 1931, the and Smith, 2001), but also by the Osteostraci (Smith &
oral cavity is very small and covered in small denticles, re- Coates, 1998), the latter lacking any indication of denticles
stricted to just beyond the cavity opening (Fig. 17 A in on their gill arches. This results in homoplasy and character
Janvier, 1985). Nevertheless, it is significant that these den- convergence on these current phylogenies (Fig. 1), particu-
ticles do not merge morphologically into external headshield larly with respect to the Conodonta, phylogenetically the
structures. This condition is more similar to the dentition of first taxon to possess a patterned dentition in the oro-phar-
the acanthothoracid Romundina sp., and indeed most other yngeal cavity.
placoderms and all other jawed vertebrates (Smith & The group Placodermi is striking among jawed ver-
Coates, 1998, 2000, 2001) and may represent the plesio- tebrates in the variety of dentitions represented, and as we
morphic condition for the jawed vertebrates. However, as have argued, includes teeth which are morphologically and
noted above (Section II.1), Purnell (2001) demonstrated that developmentally the same as those in other jawed ver-
denticles at the oral margin of the Heterostraci merged, or tebrates (Smith & Johanson, 2003 a, b). Such teeth occur only
intergraded morphologically, into dentine ridges on the ex- in derived placoderm taxa, within the Arthrodira, leading to
ternal surface. These are comparable to the dentition of two possible conclusions regarding dental evolution in the
antiarchs and certain rhenanids, which also incorporate jawed vertebrates. The first is that current phylogenies are
external dermal elements into the oral cavity for use as incorrect (e.g. Figs. 1, 2, 4), and that arthrodires possessing
feeding structures, with the ornament on the external sur- teeth are more closely related to other jawed vertebrates (i.e.
face of these continuous with ornament on the external the Placodermi is a paraphyletic group, see Section II.4).
headshield surface (Fig. 10 I, J). Perhaps the structural ar- The second conclusion is that these phylogenies are correct,
rangement in these groups rather than that of the and that teeth evolved independently within the Placodermi
Osteostraci and Acanthothoraci represents the plesio- and are non-homologous with respect to the teeth of other
morphic condition for jawed vertebrates. This state involves jawed vertebrates (Smith & Johanson, 2003 a, b). Essentially,
a limited incursion of dermal denticles to the oral margin, teeth may have arisen several times in the gnathostome lin-
compared to the classic view of a more extensive cover of eage (Section I.4) thus provoking a need to re-evaluate
denticles in the oral cavity. A later step in this scenario was phylogenetic analyses of the placoderms and jawed ver-
proposed to be a more extensive distribution leading to tebrates.
denticles covering the pharyngeal cavity, the entire popu-
lation derived from the ectodermal genetic programmes. (6 ) The placoderm pharyngeal cavity
However, the condition in the Antiarchi and Rhenanida
should not be viewed as a ‘first step ’ in this classic evol- Recent phylogenetic analyses consider pharyngeal denticu-
utionary scenario. In these groups, dermal elements rep- lation to be absent for the Placodermi (Donoghue & Smith,
resent the functional dentition, but clearly do not satisfy the 2001). A consequence of this proposed absence is that jaw-
morphological requirements for the identification of teeth, less fish such as Loganellia scotica, with their patterned phar-
as applied by us to the Arthrodira. Denticles in the phar- yngeal denticle whorls, share a primary homology with
yngeal region of the Antiarchi and Rhenanida are organised jawed vertebrates that placoderms lack (i.e. an initial hy-
into rows of polarised denticles (Johanson & Smith, 2003; pothesis of homology, sensu de Pinna, 1991). It is significant,
Section III.2.b), but patterning is lacking from the dermal as described here, that the gill arches of certain placoderm
elements in the oral cavity (as well as in the Heterostraci). taxa possess bases of bony gill rakers ; their regular, spaced
The pharyngeal denticles are well separated from the oral pattern indicative of some controlling regulatory mechan-
dermal elements, with no morphological continuity within ism, while all placoderm taxa possess patterned denticles on
the oro-pharyngeal region. This evidence suggests that pat- the postbranchial lamina. Although this denticulated surface
terning mechanisms are associated with the pharyngeal is situated at the rear of the pharyngeal cavity, posterior to
denticles, and that this is prior to utilisation of these mech- and not supported by the gill arches (Fig. 3 D), we propose
anisms in the oral cavity, conforming with the paradigm that the denticulation pattern is generated inside the phar-
that co-option is from the pharyngeal region to the oral yngeal cavity, despite it being described as part of the
cavity (Smith & Coates, 1998, 2000, 2001), rather than trunkshield. This is relevant to the suggestion that there is
vice versa. separate regulation of pharyngeal developmental pattern
36 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

from that of the dermal exoskeleton (odontodes). The con- postbranchial lamina, based on an assumption that genetic
cept of separate modular developmental units for teeth, regulation at the pattern level is conserved within these
cartilages and bones (Smith & Hall, 1993), including all as- jawed vertebrate groups.
sociated mineralised elements of the splanchnocranium, Among sarcopterygians, comparable denticles are rarer,
whether cartilage, bone, denticles, or gill rakers (Smith & although they do occur in the phylogenetically basal fossil
Coates, 1998, 2000, 2001) is also relevant. Evidence from taxon Psarolepis (Zhu et al., 1999). Here the postbranchial
the zebrafish indicates that teeth (present only on the 5th lamina is covered in rows of triangular denticles, differing in
branchial arch) are present in ‘flathead ’ mutants while all morphology and arrangement relative to those of the ex-
other gill arch elements (cartilage and bone) are lacking ternal surface of the cleithrum (M. Zhu, personal com-
(Graveson, Smith & Hall, 1997; Smith & Coates, 2001), munication 2002). On the lamina of Youngolepis praecursor
supporting their modular nature. In other words, denticles Chang & Yu, 1981, the ornamentation is composed of bony
need not be associated with pharyngeal cartilages but can be ridges. These ridges are oriented differently relative to the
associated with other bones such as those internally pos- external surface of the cleithrum (and parallel to the medial
itioned as part of the trunkshield. It also suggests that these margin of the postbranchial lamina) and are straighter and
pharyngeal teeth were strongly conserved in the gnatho- more evenly spaced. By comparison, the ridges on the ex-
stome body plan as a persistent phenotype. ternal surface appear to anastomose throughout their length
A variety of actinopterygian taxa also possess rows of (Chang, 1991, her plate 6).
denticles posterior to the gill arches and associated with the The presence of ridges, scales or denticles associated with
cleithrum and clavicle (summarised by Patterson, 1977). the pectoral girdle either on the postbranchial lamina or
The most intriguing of these are the chondrostean Polyodon underneath the opercular flap would seem to be a feature
spathula Walbaum, 1792 (Grande & Bemis, 1991, 1996) and occurring only in placoderm and osteichthyan fishes (Zhu &
the neopterygian Amia calva Linnaeus, 1766 (Liem & Woods, Schultze, 2001). In both instances, these elements form
1973; Jarvik, 1980; Grande & Bemis, 1998). In Amia calva, within the boundaries of the pharyngeal cavity. Comparably
serrated appendages (homologous to the clavicle) carry long located elements appear to be absent in chondrichthyans
rows of denticles supported on triangular protrusions along and in acanthodians. Considering that pharyngeal denticles,
a bony ridge (Liem & Woods, 1973). Ontogenetically, the or scales, can occur in crown-group gnathostomes posterior
thin bone of the clavicle forms prior to the denticle rows to the gill arches and in association with the pectoral girdle,
(Liem & Woods, 1973), such that their development at this Nelson’s (1970 b) observations for chondrichthyans are sig-
stage is independent. These denticle rows differ from the nificant. He illustrated the pharyngeal denticles for a variety
ornament on the external surface of the cleithrum in of taxa, with the distribution of these forming a particularly
smaller individuals, where the denticles for the most part sharp boundary just posterior to the last pharyngeal arch ;
occur in a simple row along the bony ridges and the no denticles occurred posterior to this boundary (Figs. 1, 2, 5
triangular, or pyramidal protrusions, are rarer (Liem & in Nelson, 1970b). This suggests that the mechanisms in-
Woods, 1973). In larger (older) individuals, the number of volved in producing and patterning denticles in chondri-
denticle-covered triangular protrusions increases on the ex- chthyans were not present posterior to this last arch.
ternal cleithrum surface and the ornament here is similar to Again, the location of the boundary between endoderm
that preserved on the clavicle (Jarvik, 1980 ; personal ob- and ectoderm relative to the position of these pharyngeal
servations ZJ on MCZ 25088, Museum of Comparative denticles could be tested in extant chondrichthyans. In
Zoology, Harvard). Although on the external surface, this acanthodians dermal plates are associated only with the
part of the cleithrum is still covered by the operculum (M. ventral parts of the pectoral girdle (Denison, 1978 a).
Coates, personal communication, 2002), and could be con- Additionally, the scapula of Diplacanthus crassimus is divided
sidered to occur within the boundaries of the pharyngeal into what are described as a posterior flange and a post-
cavity. branchial lamina (Denison, 1978 b), although denticles are
Scales, differing from those located on the body, are clearly absent from the latter.
located on the external surface of the cleithrum in the fossil The influence of pharyngeal patterning on the oral cavity
taxon Peipiaosteus pani [Acipenseriformes (Fig. 8 in Grande & may be demonstrated by the brachythoracid arthrodire
Bemis, 1996)]. Morphologically unique scales are also as- Holonema westolli (Fig. 8O–Q). In general, the trend on the
sociated with the pectoral girdle of the extant paddlefish placoderm postbranchial lamina is for denticles near the
Polyodon spathula [Acipenseriformes (Fig. 23 in Grande & growth origin of the lamina to be smaller, increasing in size
Bemis, 1991)], and appear to occur under and on the as the animal itself grows (Johanson & Smith, 2003).
pharyngeal side of an opercular flap, comparable to the However, in Holonema westolli, the denticles are large in this
condition in Amia calva. In Polyodon spathula, the arrangement original position and maintain this size across the post-
of scales follows the curvature of the edge of the opercular branchial lamina (Fig. 8P, Q). Notably, the dentition of
flap and the bones of the pectoral girdle. Perhaps most sig- Holonema westolli is unusual, made up of vertical ‘pipes ’
nificantly, the presence of these post-gill arch denticles in of semidentine (Fig. 15 B, C ; Miles, 1971, his Fig. 15 O).
living actinopterygians implies that the contribution of an The size of these pipes is equal across the dentition of the
endodermal layer to the development of these denticles as- gnathal plate and does not increase during growth. Thus,
sociated with the pharyngeal cavity can ultimately be tested. this may represent an instance where the pharyngeal
This would provide evidence pertinent to the fossil groups pattern regulating size of structures is co-opted to the
such as the Placodermi and the patterned denticles on the dentition.
Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 37

V. CONCLUSIONS accepted position of the boundary between the earlier em-

bryonic endodermal and ectodermal layers and could never
(1) Placoderms possess a diverse range of dental have provided ectodermal patterning information to regu-
morphologies. Despite this, teeth can be distinguished from late tooth sets. Considering these observations in their
denticles and identified within the Placodermi, contrary to totality we suggest they provide compelling evidence that
recent opinion (Young et al., 2001 ; Zhu & Schultze, 2001; external denticles evolved independently from oro-pharyn-
Donoghue & Sansom, 2002 ; Burrow, 2003 ; Young, 2003). geal ones, the latter produced by the endoderm.
This information fills an important gap in data for stem (6) A developmental model can be proposed from these
gnathostomes at the base of the clade of jawed vertebrates phylogenetic data, the basis of which is endoderm in the
(Fig. 1). Amongst the Arthrodira, and more specifically the provision of pattern control. The essentially different pat-
actinolepid and eubrachythoracid arthrodires, new teeth terns of the two skeletal systems have their evolutionary
form at the ends of tooth rows, at predetermined positions, origins in the skeletogenic inductive ability of the endoderm
during growth within the statodont dentition. Both the in relation to regulatory control of the splanchnocranium,
mode of tooth addition, restricted to the ends of rows, and compared with that of the ectoderm for the dermal skeleton.
tooth non-replacement, are comparable to that of the stato- The latest data from experimental developmental genetics
dont dentitions of certain acanthodians, chondrichthyans show that endoderm is essential and required for the early
and osteichthyans. From current consensus placoderm regulation of pattern in amniotes (chick) and the zebrafish,
phylogenies we conclude that teeth in the Arthrodira are for the development of the pharyngeal arches (cartilage and
convergently acquired and not homologous (i.e. lack of bone of the splanchnoskeleton) and also for facial bones. We
phylogenetic continuity) with teeth of the crown-group suggest this regulatory mechanism from endoderm can also
gnathostomes. be utilised for denticles and teeth as part of the splanchno-
(2) An alternative to the conclusion above is that phylo- cranial skeleton. Stem-group gnathostomes, resolved phylo-
genies of the Placodermi and jawed vertebrates are incor- genetically, should be used as markers for early incidence of
rect. Incorporation of these revised characters on the developmental states from which hypotheses of evolutionary
distribution of denticles and teeth as characters in a data process can be made.
matrix will test different tree topologies. These new analyses (7) Homologies can be divided into those related to pro-
may resolve whether or not the Placodermi are para- cess and to pattern (Minelli, 2003). The process of odontode
phyletic, and whether the arthrodires are more closely re- (tooth, scale, denticle) formation extends to the base of the
lated to members of the crown-group Gnathostomata ; if total-group Gnathostomata (Fig. 1, character 1: Donoghue
supported, there would be few grounds for suggesting that & Sansom, 2002). A node more crownward in the phylo-
teeth were derived independently within the Placodermi. geny, independence of internal and external odontodes
(3) For each placoderm clade the postbranchial lamina of occurs, as illustrated by the Conodonta and other jawless
the anterior trunkshield supports organised denticles dis- vertebrates (Fig. 1, characters 2, 3). This independence in-
tinctly different in their arrangement and morphology from cludes the patterning mechanisms involved, with separate
those of the dermal ornament. Phylogenetically, these pat- and distinct regulatory systems existing for the internal and
terned pharyngeal denticles appear prior to teeth, providing external odontodes. The presence of a genetic network in-
an example of an early manifestation of a regulatory gene volved in patterning odontodes in the pharyngeal cavity is
network for the organised tooth rows in the placoderm independently derived in the Conodonta, Loganellia scotica
dentition which may be a synapomorphy of jawed ver- and jawed vertebrates (Fig. 1, character 6). The patterning
tebrates (Fig. 1). mechanisms may involve a unique genetic toolkit in the
(4) The placoderm groups Antiarchi and Rhenanida Conodonta, to regulate the different arrangement of
incorporate external dermal elements into their feeding conodont elements, characteristically mediolateral occlusion,
apparatus, but we stress that these are not teeth, neither in rather than dorsovental. However, the independent origins
their morphology, nor their development, nor as part of a of these mechanisms in Loganellia scotica and jawed ver-
patterned dentition. A similar incursion of external dermal tebrates are more problematic. Current phylogenies indicate
denticles into the oral cavity was described for the that Loganellia scotica is a derived thelodont, resulting in the
Heterostraci (Purnell, 2001), where organisation or pattern resolution shown in Fig. 1 (Donoghue & Smith, 2001).
to the heterostracan oral denticles is not apparent, apart Importantly, these phylogenies did not code pharyngeal
from a similar outward orientation. denticles as present in placoderms, nor did they include any
(5) Notably, external dermal denticles are restricted to characters describing their internal patterning. The number
the anterior parts of the antiarch and rhenanid oral cavity. of characters supporting the various nodes in the Thelodonti
Thus, the classically accepted evolutionary scenario, with is low (Donoghue & Smith, 2001) and the addition of new
posterior migration from the external skin into oral and characters may overturn these hypotheses. Alternatively,
then pharyngeal regions can be questioned as there is no we could consider that the regulatory networks responsible
morphological continuity with the patterned denticles for patterning pharyngeal denticles are resolved as a
covering the postbranchial lamina in these basal groups. synapomorphy at the node incorporating the Thelodonti
Additionally, denticles covering the placoderm para- and jawed vertebrates, with absence of expression in basal
sphenoid differ morphologically from those externally. thelodonts and the Osteostraci. Notably, absence of ex-
Therefore, we suggest that external skin denticles never pression of this gene network (absence of teeth in a regulated
reached the buccohypophyseal opening, currently the only dentition) does occur in basal placoderm groups such as the
38 Zerina Johanson and Moya M. Smith

Acanthothoraci and Antiarchi and may support absence of BURROW, C. J. (2003). Comment on ‘Separate Evolutionary
expression in other stem-gnathostome groups. However, Origins of Teeth from Evidence in Fossil Jawed Vertebrates ’.
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the Placodermi, the origin of the structures (teeth) patterned BURROW, C. J. & TURNER, S. (1999). A review of placoderm scales,
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Smith, 2003) does occur separately within placoderms Vertebrate Paleontology 19, 204–219.
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to support classic theories of evolution in which teeth evolve
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Company, Malabar, Florida.
CHANG, M.-M. (1980). Preliminary note on a Lower Devonian
First and foremost we would like to thank Drs John Long (Western
antiarch from Yunnan, China. Vertebrata Palasiatica 18, 179–190.
Australian Museum, Perth), Daniel Goujet and Herve Lelièvre
(Museum national d’Histoire naturelle) for providing extremely CHANG, M.-M. (1991). Head and exoskeleton and shoulder girdle
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material. Funding from National Geographic and Australian biology (eds. M.-M. Chang, Y.-H. Liu and G.-R. Zhang),
Geographic has supported John Long’s fieldwork. We would like to pp. 355–378. Science Press, Beijing.
thank all three of these researchers for their help and for in- CLEMEN, G., BARTSCH, P. & WACKER, K. (1998). Dentition and
numerable discussions on placoderm dentitions and phylogenies. dentigerous bones in juveniles and adults of Polypterus senegalus
We also thank Gavin Young (ANU, Canberra) for access to his (Cladistia, Actinopterygii). Annals of Anatomy 180, 211–221.
unpublished material. Reviews provided by Philip Donoghue COATES, M. I. (1996). The Devonian tetrapod Acanthostega gunnari
(University of Bristol) and Mike Coates (University of Chicago) Jarvik : postcranial anatomy, basal tetrapod interrelationships
helped us to clarify many of our arguments and we are grateful to and patterns of skeletal evolution. Transactions of the Royal Society of
them for subsequent discussion. Drs Gloria Arratia (Museum für Edinburgh : Earth Sciences 87, 363–422.
Naturkunde, Berlin), Mike Williams, Gary Jackson (Cleveland COATES, M. I. & SEQUEIRA, E. K. (2001). Early sharks and primitive
Museum of Natural History) and Alex Ritchie (Australian gnathostome interrelationships. In Major Events in Early Vertebrate
Museum) allowed us to photograph specimens for this work, in- Evolution : Palaeontology, Phylogeny and Development (ed. P. E.
cluding undescribed phyllolepids. Drs Long, Goujet, Lelièvre, Ahlberg), pp. 209–262. Systematics Association, London.
Arratia, Williams, Jackson and Joe Hannibal (Cleveland Museum COPE, E. D. (1889). Synopsis of the families of the Vertebrata.
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during study visits. Dr Michael Wuttke very helpfully provided COULY, G. F., CREUZET, S., BENNACEUR, S., VINCENT, C. & LE
several new casts of specimens of Gemuendina stuertzi for study. We DOUARIN, N. M. (2002). Interactions between Hox-negative
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cephalic neural crest cells and the foregut endoderm in pattern-
under her care and for generous hospitality. We would like to
ing the facial skeleton in the vertebrate head. Development 129,
thank Sue Lindsay (Australian Museum) for taking our S. E.M.
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study grants for work at the Australian Museum (2001, 2003), and DAVID, N. B., SAINT-ETIENNE, L., TSANG, M., SCHILLING, T. F.
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Origin and evolution of gnathostome dentitions 43

Permission to reproduce the following figures is gratefully acknowledged : Fig. 4: Blackwell Publishing :
Miles, R. S. 1967. Observations of the ptyctodont fish Rhamphodopsis Watson. Zoological Journal of the Linnean
Society 47, 99–120; Fig. 5 : Royal Society of Edinburgh from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
volume 67 (1968), pp. 373–476 ; Fig. 10E, Elga Mark-Kurik, Institute of Geology, Tallinn Technical
University, Tallinn ; Fig. 10F, G, Alex Ritchie, Australian Museum, Sydney ; Fig. 10H, Daniel Goujet,
Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris ; Fig. 10I, Gavin Young, Australian National University,
Canberra ; Fig. 10 J : The Palaeontological Association, UK ( Young, G. C.
(1984). Reconstruction of the jaws and braincase in the Devonian placoderm fish Bothriolepis sp. Palaeontology
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