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-ii! -iire First Ptrrty'is noi allowecj to -*{'-^+ a!

ill J3)r *pl *Lt A- -t '

a-Enrploytng the second perly in construction sites:nrl cpen .iij 4s;,iSJi JSL^!1J rlo'u;r)1 1si:^..1 !U,il uJJJI ,iii.X- i
arecslvithhighterrperatr-iresatttoon(irlrn:12;r)tc:33t)), (Y. f . - \Y f .)+.1J1 ;;$-Lll iEji +-e1+1,11 :Jl ,.i1
ctr-rrrng Alrglist
tlre montns ol JLlne, Jr,rly ancl _"!,riiJ r+.1: r+.r x;l 31 ,t.-tt;.
i,.Vioailnc'.i-iepi.vlslonsoftlrisco.rtrailt, ltl:si'i,t;;tltese-oncl ,o j^+;t Ji -*ii .;,,1<,9i r:Jr ;or*14CJ)!_r_r
,^,,^- ,*r"+--r-ir,rr.i, *-, i, )t SJr i.r.,rC-*,,,1 -
.l,eSS;lgC('S::.,,JrSCSdnd'o,.jtr3n>,Lo,l..F,,dtot.c;e'-_/) iridi ''-lol' jjS-' r-iJ+i
irenrayassri;nir:lrtoworK.rf ttrerenoi,-,,rclen,,r,,L,rj cifierence "+s;ieijt lF-'-?iul
the n,ri^,, tasks and ttte..originall,rorr h. , ia5i..ecl vlltr,. !-,^-r+ G)'lil ,i-tJ1 .]Jt ' ii''-,|
) .[jt l:i
, -::,i,;'jr'_l
* ;4r .-or-s- *.-1..,+ *; "pj-rrL-,y,*)-i

r).i -"
];"ll*;,,10" lrrj
nct lransielrec to another entployer tite enr;:ti:.. lt nas ieflthe
.r=t sL- J r* +* jJt a'il',c
.he *jl JiJ a+
,'\-y a+ ui.-i ;9G eLL) 4Jti^4+t+ J^,.:t gLu]l .:l;,,
\rcik in violatior.. of the provisioni of the iabor iaw, he sl-rall be
repatriatec i| acccrdance with the proc.edutes ar]'lpied b5i the .;,.,ij_il!:i";Jt :iel,.)i .:Br
,,' Y[t1t 6on" l-,,Jrty shall undcrla,<.ng 1nc tu lo;,,n; :*-I Lc ;Ur :*.4 -\
a- Cornply wrth the vrork terms stiptilated in the contract riJl ,ii kJc .r-j"+l JiJl -tJ;& rljilYl -l
b-Respectthelslamicreligion theSultanate'slawsandits L$l']|iJ\il:tcj:)J1 ;stgrrra)L)l P;ril 31 ;ol -','
socral traditicns and crrstoms artl"i+:*l
c- Not to be invloved in any activities that hann Lhe state security. .DUi ;Jr ;t:i liJijL slisrJl ;o -6
(in Arabrc language,), in trlsiL U"U _Uft * ur! oi .+r _r r
11i_The ernployntent contract shall be written
trro cop es, cne copy to each party. lf the contra.l^: - 4+!1 iiu! 1;;,,^j
ii:f::"-d li^ r. ,,.tr _,++ L_,i ., ..,,rS t-:11 ,4-*r -}t ,lS, ,:+,i,,i
any ot,rer ralgirage tnan the Arabic ianJ.rage rti Atabtc anguage :1-,,:',.1'.
,f -
versronshali beattachedandendorsedbythetwopu,t"t ii.ull '.:sJl lllttar^!'!4!'r,rLi)Js4i"!JYt i"a'3'
cI any ccnflrtt rn interpretatton, the Arabic version shall be binding. i"ril ti'JL Ju: -+-sJ --s j)'ii)i -rs I
14 iabor law the decisrons and rriinisteriai regirialions i 4l ;':t^11 +,fl ,r1 .ruif I ;r ,ll'J J -)^.i! u1r'Ji j-!-i -\ :
irnplarrtrn5; rl sllail be effect ve on wttetever lro l:t:xl ltas been lri1 cjSi r/ J s
15- in case the ii.'o i;arties destre to abide L7 of lei ii-'in:s, thil ,-ts "+ ,1 J.lYi r#itjl ..4 ;; l;)-i i;-l- :;+; a-o *s -' :
shaii be incir.rrle0 rTr an allr'ex to titis cotitract, vLliltc.;iit lietnil J} ,.t" +pt 31 ' ^iil ;;; rrjl 1r'r i;.. Fl i=' i
endorsecl bv the N4inistry, taking into accouni trel !t conc-s in ..Njt ,9[l alL: {slt "J9Sr il i'ciJ M.irl jrt
*nu rvrLr Ihe l'ro;.>ions ol tne lat-rot iaw I dvu pti . jL'J tiie ,late
1e ir:ru [u]1'.-:t,Jkn<-,rvledge Uldl tlrey )+i:nJ il_,rll ;pLi; ,:.ii ^r Jii *J' Lr'\t!+ ;l-r;tll ,r., -t

iiocurtertts classilication larr., regrilatiotl of proie, tcd dreds as

u.,eli as the labulr law and its impletlenting oecisli;ns and
el3ijl; alJijslrj.iJl ;9Li J[53 4-*]1 ,#L"Y
iirnistPr ;:l rarlulat ons .r'l o:giii
1; f-irc srgl;r-,r: -.i tlle (or'rtract and its ar-rtirorrzaiiolr ls corlsiclerecj i'4 .!l+-i,t .'iL< 4,t i\ -illJ rliJi IJA ',J- -+.-, -lV
as a reqLiest 1a reglster the employee on the social insurance ,eXj p3; jr-+ 4,r. JXtj, a1.5r J t" i-U+lt iU-Ult
system unless there ts an obstacle prevents it, and would
r-esuit in the payrneni of contributions due for the ernployee on JSi itJt ;c z,:r-Jl .!l51 jli:)l :lr- +-rlc +J+-J
a rnontniy basrs This is a pplicatJle only tr-rr Omarres
1B- Others Condition :
\< I
l\ t
efl-r-rtt pl
Lirl ?
t :_\
rG % i$l+t.l'. ll trf i;.hjl
First 6arty: : J:Yt
l.lame A.ijia/,,.i .,u 1\,i-\i)lNA i\l- ,lAl)ri)A1i iii, {a.a5;rrtrrr ;+,{,i ,LrCff 612;r
as;; :a-)1

Srgnature & Starnp \

. lli
-.-i1 )l-r

Secorrd Pany: .Jll

.- \1
Naine ItAI\lli l{OSSAiN *;
Srg natu re, ,-r9 Jl

Note: : i!:}^
To endoTse this contract at the ivlinistry of i\4artpower, the foliouring shail be submitted: 'iri: ar,lr 4l1Jt !rrJl ;)ljr iill 1* slD Jj' -1n

:a,,iti al"bl\ 59irlJ tgl'rlc ')ji

A, Orlani Coniract:
.-l-(-':iJl -^:* :.: '
1 Four copies oi the original contract of ernployment.
/i*;11 :r'g,llj jFl J+ i.!1r ; i;.1* -\
2.A copv of the manpoi,ver registration card and lD.
3.Sample of the company's signatottes. ^-!i -jrr -r
4.Establishmerit's signatory and statnp ;1_i;l -jj ..e> , i
.+14 ,r..j'i-t ".: Ur-.^d'ric :+-
B. Non-Onlani Contracl:
l.Three ccpies of lhe oilginai conlraOt of en'tployment
2.Colry of |cerlse and Vrsa
x;,tltl?;u; q1'\,, elr' -r
-3.Sampie of tire establrshment's. srgnalor es aJlk
4 f stabiishrnerrt s signatorv arrc statilp r l!; -i
/ r-7.1c-13\^,.C.\qA5_ li-
l).161.1-A12 :l--'-jjlCii J )]1

,eJ *ilt

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