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Neliscreation-The Heart Of Perfect Learning

Online Educational Hub

Name of the learner: ……………………………………………

Sub: English Topic: Karate Parrot
Grade: V

 Shuffled- drag one’s feet
 Summoned- send for
 Imprisoned- kept in prison
 Cuddle- hug
 Amusement- experience something funny
 Unique- one of its kind
 Ambled- walk slowly
 Vigour- strength
 Swooped- move downwards through air
 Hefty- heavy
 Annoying- irritating
 Vile-nasty
 Disgust- feeling of disapproval

Scene 1
In the first scene, Sunil approached Moby’s café on Church Street.
Anil and Bala, his friends were already seated by the window. Sunil
walked into the cafe with difficulty and sat on an empty chair. He
asked his friends to order an expresso and kept the crutches beside
him. When they enquired about his leg, and his long absence, Sunil
said that it was a long story and narrated the incident to them.
Sunil’s foot was covered in plaster. He stirred the coffee and said that
he was fine on Wednesday. The incident occurred on Thursday when
his wife decided to have a pet.

Nilanjana sarkar | NELISCREATION
Copyright: All the materials on these pages are free for you to download and copy for educational use only. You may not
redistribute, sell or place these materials on any other platform without written permission from Neliscreation.
Neliscreation-The Heart Of Perfect Learning
Online Educational Hub

Scene 2
Sushmita, his wife always wanted a pet. But due to space constraints
they never thought of keeping one. Sushmita was lonely but agreed
to Sunil’s idea. One day she visited a pet shop next to the milk depot.
Though she was not keen on a dog or cat, she wanted to see what
other pets were available. Her children were grown up and she
needed some company. On Thursday, Sunil went into the city, as he
had some urgent work. He needed cells for his radio. Sushmita
walked into the shop and met the assistant. The shopkeeper said
that there was a unique parrot in his shop, named as karate parrot,
the only one in India. It will provide her loads of entertainment. He
also placed an old chair and let the parrot out of the cage. He
commanded “Parrot !karate chair” and immediately the parrot
attacked the chair. The chair was broken into pieces. Sushmita was
amazed at the parrot’s skills.

Scene 3

Sushmita decided to bring the parrot home. Once she reached home,
she took out all old cardboard boxes and allowed the parrot to
practice its skills. With one command , the parrot would attack
anything within minutes. The command was ‘ karate parrot’ followed
by the name of the object. As Bala and Anil heard this story , they
were awestruck and found it hard to believe. Sunil said that when he
had returned home that day, he saw that his wife and the parrot
were in the living room. He was quite annoyed at the parrot and
asked his wife how did she bring it home. He was even more irritated
when he heard about the price of the parrot. His wife tried to
convince him saying that it was not an ordinary parrot, but it was a
‘karate parrot’. In reply to this, Sunil uttered the words ‘karate
parrot! My foot’ in disgust. The parrot thought it was a command

Nilanjana sarkar | NELISCREATION
Copyright: All the materials on these pages are free for you to download and copy for educational use only. You may not
redistribute, sell or place these materials on any other platform without written permission from Neliscreation.
Neliscreation-The Heart Of Perfect Learning
Online Educational Hub

and attacked his foot . This was how his foot was injured. This was
how the parrot attacked Sunil.

1. Do you find the lesson amusing? Which incident amused you the

The lesson ‘karate parrot ‘ is hilarious and amusing. The parrot is

unique and its skills are very impressive. I have never heard about
such a parrot.
The last incident when the parrot attacked Sunil is very funny. Sunil
never knew that the parrot would take it as a command. I feel a little
bad for Sunil and his broken foot . However, I enjoyed the lesson a

2. What was Sunil’s view about keeping pets?

Sunil thought that his apartment was too small for keeping pets. His
wife was keen on having one, and she also requested him for
bringing a pet home.


Nilanjana sarkar | NELISCREATION
Copyright: All the materials on these pages are free for you to download and copy for educational use only. You may not
redistribute, sell or place these materials on any other platform without written permission from Neliscreation.

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