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Dr. T.K. Jain.
M: 9414430763
social entrepreneurship for
better society
Probability of Ram, shyam, Hari living
100 years is .5, .6 and .4, and probability
of ram, shyam and hari all living for 100
• years is .08, probability of two living –
R&S = .3, R&H .2, H& S =.15. what is the
probability that at least one of them
will remain alive for 100 years?
A woman walking with a,boy meets
another woman and on Being asked
about her relationship with the boy, she
says,"My maternal uncle and his
uncle's maternal uncle are brothers."
How is the boy related to the woman ?

• The logical answer is the boy may be nephew of

the woman – one possiblity could be son also.
A is the brother of B. B is the brother
of C. D is the father of A. Based on
three statements, which of the
following statements cannot be
definitely true ?
(a) B is the brother of A. (b) B is the
son of D. (c) A is the brother of C.
(d) C is the brother of A.
(e) A, B and C are D's children.
• We don’t know about C – whether C is boy or girl – so we
don’t know whether C is brother or sister of A.
There are six persons A, B, C, D,E and
F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother
of E's husband. D is the father of A
and grandfather of F. There are, two
.fathers,three brothers and a mother in
the group.Who is the mother ?

• Based on given information, E is the

A family consists of six members P, Q,
R, X, Y and Z. Q is the son of R but R
is not mother of Q. P and R are a
married couple. Y is the brother of R..X
is the daughter of P. Z is the brother
of P.Who is the brother-in-law of R

• Z is brother in law.
A postman was returning to the post
office which is in front of him to the
north. When the post office was 100
metres away from him, he turned to the
left and moved 50 metres to deliver the
last letter at Shantivilla. He then moved
in the same direction for 40 metres,
turned to his right and moved 100
metres. How many metres was he away
from the post office ?
• 90 meters from post office ( he was towards west from the post office)
What will come next in the

0,4,18,48,100 ..

• 180 is the right answer.
When Rahul was born, his father was 32
years older than his brother and his
mother was 25 years older than his
sister. If Rahul's brother is 6 years
older than him and his mother is 3 years
younger than his father, how old was
Rahul's sister when he was born ?

• 10 years.
In a town, 65% people watched
the news on television, 40% read a
and 25% read a newspaper and watched
the news on television also. What
percent of the people neither watched
the news on television nor read a news­
paper ?
In a town, 45% people watched the news
on television, 40% read a newspaper
25% listened radio and 25% read a
newspaper and watched the news on
television both, 15% listened to radio
and watched TV also. 12% read
newspaper and listened to radio also. 2
% people got news from all the three
sources. What
percent of the people neither watched
the news on television nor read a news­
paper nor listened to radio ?

• Answer is 40 persons.
In the previous question,
how many only read
newspaper or watch TV or
listen to radio (one source
only)? How many have exact
two sources?
• Newspaper = 5
• TV = 7
• Radio = 0
• 46 have exact two sources.
. Out of a total of 120 musicians in a club,
5% can play all the three instruments
guitar, violin and flute. It so„happehs that
the number of musicians who can
play any two and only two of the above
instruments is 30. The number of musicians
who can play the guitar alone is 40. What is
the total number of those who can
play violin alone or flute alone ?

• There are 44 persons who play either

violin or flute alone. We cant find their
individual values.
In a code, ‘lee pee tin'
means 'Always keep smiling".
What is the code for 'smiling' ?
I. 'tin lut lee' means 'Always
keep left'.
II. 'dee pee' means *Rose
• Answer can be drawn from either of
the statement alone. Pee = smiling.
In which year was Ram
born ?
I. Rahul at present is 25 years
younger to his mother.
II. Rahul's brother, who was
born in 1964, is 35 years
younger to his mother.
• You have to use both the answer together – you,
to get the year of birth of Ram which is 1954
What will be the total weight of 10
poles each of the same weight ?
I. One-fourth of the weight of a pole
is 5 kilograms.
II. The total weight of three poles is
20 kilograms more than the total weight
of two poles.

• Answer can be drawn by each of the

individual statement alone – as the weight
comes to be 200 kg. from I and 200 kg.
from second statement individually.
Pankaj is younger than Sunita and
Rupali is older than Tom. Who among
them is the oldest ? .
I. Rupali is older than Pankaj. II.
Sunita is older than Rupali. III.
Tom is the youngest among all.
(a) Only II (b) Only III (c) I
and II together ..
(d) I, II and III all together
(e) None of these
• Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
How many speeches were delivered in
the two days' programme ?
I. 18 speakers were invited to give
at least one speech, out of which
of the speakers could not come.
II. One-third of the speakers gave
two speeches each.

• Answer cant be drawn – (by any

Afterschoool conducts three year integrated PGPSE
(after class 12 along with CA & CS) and 18 month
PGPSE (Post Graduate Programme in Social
Entrepreneurship) along with preparation for CS /
CFP / CFA /CMA / FRM. This course is also available
online also. It also conducts workshops on social
entrepreneurship in schools and colleges all over
India – start social entrepreneurship club in your
institution today with the help from afterschoool and
help us in developing society.
social entrepreneurship for
better society

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