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Your Friendly Let’s begin with…

Offering Help / Assistance

Pocket Guide Greetings *) May I help you?
*) Would you need some assistance?
*)Good morning, Sir / Ma’am …
*)Good afternoon, Sir / Ma’am …
Let me show you, Sir / Ma’am
*)Good evening, Sir / Ma’am …
Let me guide you, Sir / Ma’am
Allow me to help you, Sir / Ma’am
*) Welcome to …
Allow me to assist you, Sir / Ma’am
*) How are you today?
One moment, please.
“Here you are, Sir/Mam...”
Have a nice day
Have a good day Polite Answer
(Semogaharinyamenyenangkan) “Certainly, Sir!” (Baik, Pak)
Have a wonderful day “Sure, Mam!” (Tentu, Bu)
(Semogaharinyamenyenangkan) “Absolutely, Sir!” (Pasti, Pak)
Have a nice evening “Right away, Mam!” (Segera, Bu)
(Semogamalamnyamenyenangkan) “Yes, of course, Sir!”
Have a nice weekend (Ya, tentusaja, Pak)
Human Capital Development (Semogaakhirpekannyamenyenangkan) “My pleasure, Mam!”
(dengansenanghati, Bu)
Right (kanan) Numbers Magic words
Left (kiri) 1 : ONE 11 : ELEVEN 30 : THIRTY  Excuse me (permisi)
In front of… (didepan…) 2 : TWO 12 : TWELVE 40 : FOURTY  I’m sorry (sayamohonmaaf)
Across the … (di seberang...) 3 : THREE
4 : FOUR  I do apologize for the inconvenience
Behind the… (dibelakang…) 5 : FIVE15 : FIFTEEN (sayamohonmaafatasketidaknyamananny
Turn right (belokkanan) 6 : SIX 16 : SIXTEEN a)
Turn left (belokkiri) 7 : SEVEN
17 : SEVENTEEN  Welcome to… (Selamatdatang di…)
Turn around (putarbalik) 8 : EIGHT
9 : NINE  Is there anything else I can assist you?
Go straight (jalanlurus) 10 : TEN 20 : TWENTY (apakahadahal lain yang bisasaya bantu?)
 Thank you (terimakasih)
On the right / left side of… 1000 : ONE THOUSAND  You’re welcome (terimakasihkembali)
(disebelahkanan / kiridari…) 1000000: ONE MILLION  Thankyou for coming
Next to… (disebelah…) Ke-1 : first 1st (terimakasihataskedatangannya)
First floor… (dilantaisatu) Ke-2 : second 2nd  Please come again next time (Kami
Ground floor (di lantaidasar) Ke-3 : third 3rd tunggukedatangannyakembali lain waktu)
Ke-4 : fourth 4th
Ke-5 : fifth 5th  Thank you for your visit
North (Utara) Ke-6 : sixth 6th (TerimakasihataskunjunganAnda)
South (Selatan) Ke-7 : seventh 7th
East (Timur) Ke-8 : eighth 8th
West (Barat) Ke-9 : ninth 9th
Ke-10 : tenth 10th

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