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Dr. T.K. Jain.

M: 9414430763
What is 2+3-1*5/3(2-
• BODMAS rule.
• Step 1: solve bracket – which gives 0
• Step 2: solve 5/3 – which gives 1.67
• Multiply 1*1.67*0 = the result is 0
• Add 2 and 3 and 0,
• Answer is 5.
What is average of first
18 multiples of 6?
step: 1. the numbers are 6,12,18,24 and so on. This is
AP (because in AP each number increases at
constant difference. We can take 6 as common
out of these – now series is : 6{1,2,3,4, … till 18}.
For additing a series , we use formula n/2(first
term+last term) = 18/2(1+18) 171 multiply it by 6 =
1026 (it is total of 18 numbers)
Step 2: average = total / no. = 1026/18
=57 Ans.
Average of 11 results is 50, if average
of first 6 results is 49 and that of last
6 is 52, which is 6th no.?
• Step 1: total of 11 = 11*50 = 550. (total is equal to
no. of items * average value of each).
• Step 2: total of first 6: 6*49 =294.
• Step 3: total of last 6: 6*52 =312
• Add these : 294+312 = 606
• Since sixth item has been counted twice (in first
and last six both), so sixth item is 606 -550
• = 56 Ans.
Find the average of first
12 prime numbers?
• First 12 prime numbers are:
• Now add these : 197
• Now divide 197 by 12
• =16.4 approx. Ans.
If there are five consecutive odd digits
– a,b,c,d,e. what is the average of
• Average is C. ans.
Average age of a family (husband and
wife) was 23 years, when they were
married 5 years back. The average age
of this family (with one child) is now 20
years. How old is the child?
• Step 1: total of family (of 2) age:
23*2 =46 (5 years back) so add 10 to
get present age : 56.
• Step 2: total of family of 3: 3*20 =
• Age of child: 60-56
• =4 ans.
Average of 6 numbers is 30, if the
average of first four is 25 and last
three is 35, what is the forth number?
• Total of 6 no. = 6*30 = 180
• Total of first 4= 4*25 =100
• Total of last 3: 3*35= 105
• Total of first four and last 3= 205
• Forth number has been counted
twice. So forth no is 205-180
• ==25 Ans.
Average age of 3 boys is 16 and their
age are in the ratio of 4,5,7 – what are
their ages?
• Total of their age: 3*16 = 48
• Age of firs is 4/(4+5+7) =4/16*48
• Similarly age of second is 15 and III
is 21
• So ans: 12,15,21. ans.
What is the mean
proportional beteween 7 &
• Formulae for calculating mean
proportion is : (a*b)^1/2
• So square root of (7*28) = 14Ans.
What is third
proportional to 9,12?
• First multiplied to third is equal to
square of second number.
• Let us assume the third proportion is
X. by formulae, 9X = 12*12.
• = 16 Ans.
The ratio of number of boys and girls in
a school of 720 students is 7:5, how
many girls should be admitted to make
ratio 5:7?
• No. of boys: 720 *(7/(7+5)) =420
• No. of girls: 720 *(5/(7+5)) =300.
• Now in order to make ratio to 5:7. we have
to get desired no. of girls. No. of boys will
remain same, so taking it as base:
420*(7/5) =588
• No. of girls required: 588-300 =288 Ans.
The ratio of number of boys and girls in
a school of 720 students is 7:5, some
boys quit and ratio becomes 5:7. How
many boys quit the school?
• No. of boys: 720 *(7/(7+5)) =420
• No. of girls: 720 *(5/(7+5)) =300.
• Now in order to make ratio to 5:7. we have
to get desired no. of boys. No. of girls will
remain same, so taking it as base:
300*(5/7) = 215
• No. of boys quitting: 420-215 = 205 Ans.
What is mean
proportional to 9,12?
• It is equal to square root of 9*12
• It is equal to 2*3*3^1/2
• = 10.2 approx. Ans.
What is arithmetic mean
of 9,12?
• Add 9 and 12 = 21.
• Divide 21 / 2 = 10.5 ans.
What is geometric mean
of 9,16?
• Find square root of 9*16 = 12 ans.
What is harmonic mean
to 9,12?
• Reverse 9 and 12 and add them,
• 1/9 +1/12 = 21/108 (a+b/ab).
• Multiply 21/108 by ½ = 21/216
• Reverse 21/216, you get: 216/21 Ans.
• = 10.28 approx. ans.
A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio
of 5:1, on adding 5 liters of water, the ratio of
milk and water becomes 5:2. the quantity of
milk in the original mixture was? What is the
quanitity of milk now?
• Here milk is 5, water is 2 (earlier 1).
• The ratio has incresed from 5:1 to
5:2, it means water has incerased by
1. 1 is equal to 5 liters, so milk which
is 5 is equal to 5*5 =25 Ans. Milk is
still the same.
Some money was divided between Ram
and Shyam in the ratio of 4:3, shyam
gets 4800, what is total amount?
• If total amount is 7, shyam gets 3,
• If shyam gets 3, total amount is 7,
• By same logic total amount is :
• 7/3 *4800 = 11200 ans.
Material labour and overhead cost are in
ratio of 5:3:1, plus, you have to add margin
of 20% and get selling price, and then you
have to offer 10% discount, if material cost
is 690, what is the final sale price (after
discount) of an item?
• Total cost : 5+3+1 = 9, so it should be:
9/5*690 = 1242. add 20% margin:
• 1242*1.2 = 1490.4
• Now give discount : 1490.4*.9 =
1341.36 Ans.
Rs 770 have been divided among ABC such
that A gets 2/9 B *C together. , B gets
4/7 of A & C together. what is the shares
of ABC respectively?

• If A gets 2, B+C get 9. that means A

gets 2/ (2+9) *770 = 140
• If B gets 4, A &C get 7, so B gets 4/
(4+7) *770 = 280
• Remaining belong to C = 770 –
(140+280) = 770-420 = 350 Ans.
Rs. 510 have been divided among ABC such
that A gets 2/3 of B, B gets ¼ of C. what
is the shares of ABC respectively?
• Denominators of 2/3 and ¼ are 3 &4
• Take LCM of 3&4: 12.
• Start from last, Let us assume that C
gets 12, B gets 3, A gets 2. their
ratio is 2:3:12. A gets: 2/(2+3+12) *
510 =60, B= 90, C = 360 ans.
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