Compliance Requirement Matrix

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Compliance Requirement Matrix by Alan Chow

rom working in regulated indus- Sample Section of a Compliance

tries over the years, I have seen Requirement Matrix
plenty of quality system audits.
Depending on the industry, noncompli- 21 CFR Regulation QAP # Procedure
ant audit findings can be both embar-
1 820.1 Current good manufacturing practice A0101 This quality policy and system manual
rassing and costly. I believe one of the (CGMP) requirements are set forth in applies to all operations as described….
best pre-audit tools is the compliance this quality system….
requirements matrix (CRM). The beau-
820.3 Definitions C0104 See document
ty of the CRM is it can be used to verify
requirements for any regulation. 820.5 Each manufacturer shall establish A0101 Implementation of the policies stated
A defense contractor I worked and maintain a quality system that is in this document is accomplished
appropriate for the specific medical…. through….
f o r hired an ex-Defense Contract
Administration Services auditor for 820.20(a) Quality policy. Management with A0101 The company is committed to providing
internal quality auditing. The auditor executive responsibility shall establish safe and effective products, services….
frequently asked me the same ques- its policy and….
tion: “Where do you meet this require- CFR = Code of federal regulation B0101 The quality policy and system manual
ment?” His intent was that I QAP = Quality assurance procedure shall be communicated to all ….
demonstrate where and how the
requirement was met in the quality Make one column each for the regula- paragraph contradicts another. Too
system manual (QSM). tion or requirement number, the regu- many quality systems have one proce-
Of course his interest did not stop lation text, the associated procedure dure requiring A, and another proce-
there. He also expected to see one or number and the procedural text (see dure requiring B, with A and B being
more examples of actual implementa- Table 1). It’s best to have the actual contradictory actions. The CRM also
tion, whenever it was appropriate. I text in the columns to verify that a indicates erroneous references. One
would start by pulling the QSM, find- specific procedural statement meets CRM identified contradictions in two
ing the correct procedure and showing that regulation. procedures, each of which referred to
the specific paragraph that addressed It is simple to cut and paste the text the other for instructions on docu-
the requirement. This would be fol- from the procedure or specification menting nonconformances, but nei-
lowed by a show-and-tell of actual directly into the matrix. Use an L- ther provided any instruction. The
implementation. shaped matrix for compliance with a CRM quickly identified the problem.
It was clear to me that a cross refer- single standard and a T-shaped or X- If you have a quality system require-
ence document would readily provide shaped matrix for compliance with ment or regulation, try building a
the specific procedural paragraph for multiple standards.2 CRM to see how well your system
any regulation. Building a CRM show- After completing and verifying the meets those requirements. It’s a valu-
ing the regulation and its compliance CRM, keep a copy near your QSM, so able tool to have, and it could show
in the QSM was the logical step prior you won’t need to search for it in the you some things about your system
to the appropriate demonstration. event of an audit or if any questions that you didn’t know.
about the regulations and procedures NOTE
Use in Internal, External Audits come up. A CRM also shows an audi- A more complete table can be found at
The CRM is useful at any stage of tor that you are on top of your com-
the quality system. In development of pliance and have already done the
your QSM, the CRM will ensure all work to verify compliance within
1. Joe Tsiakals, “Standards Outlook: ISO 9001
regulations have been covered. The your system. and Regulatory Compliance in the Medical
CRM is a helpful internal auditing tool Table 1 is part of an overall CRM for Device Industry,” Quality Progress, Vol. 34, No. 4,
that can be reviewed to ensure your compliance with the medical device 2001, pp. 75-77.
2. Jack B. ReVelle, Quality Essentials: A
procedural system meets the regulato- quality system requirements of the Reference Guide from A to Z, ASQ Quality Press,
ry or certification level requirements. Food and Drug Administration’s 21 2004, pp. 98-105.
The CRM is also the right tool for an CFR Part 820 quality system regula-
external compliance audit, providing tion. As shown, in some cases there ALAN CHOW is an instruc-
direct links between the audited sys- may be more than one paragraph in tor for Mitchell College of
tem regulations and the procedures in the QSM that addresses the regulatory Business at the University of
South Alabama in Mobile. He
place to meet them. Finally, the CRM requirement. In those cases, it’s a
earned a master’s degree in
helps when upgrading to new versions good idea to identify all procedures quantitative business analy-
of a regulation or standard to verify and paragraphs. sis from Louisiana State
that all updates are in place. This serves two purposes: to identi- University. Chow is a certi-
A CRM is simple to create. Any fy all of the procedures that address fied Six Sigma Black Belt and is a senior mem-
software that builds tables will work. the regulation and to ensure that no ber of ASQ.

80 I DECEMBER 2007 I

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