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FIZ 102tl Exp Report Mustafa Çalışkan

Osc lloscope and b onalGenerator

Purpose of the exper ment

Th sexper menta ms todevelopthesk lls requ red toperform bas c adjustments
on an osc lloscope ands gnalgenerator as wellas to measure DCandACvoltageus ng
basedev ces G
Osc lloscope

A versat le electron cdev cethatd splaysgraphs of ampl tudeversust me voltage

ndfrequency It cons sts of a cathodetube d splay hor zontalandvert caldeflect onplates
nputterm nalsandvar ouscontrolbuttonsThesweepvatecanbeadjustedinternally or externally
nd t canbe usedto d splaymult ple s gnals s multaneously.ES
S gnal Generator

A dev cethatcreateselectr cals gnals w thspes f cpropert es suchas ampl tude

requency and wave shape 3
50msb r
Yid r ırlb v

50MS d vx 1,2d v 60MS

IV D vx 5d v 5Volt

G Labbooklet
G W k ped a

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