RuleResolution I

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1. What is the Difference between Available and Final?

In both cases PRPC picks the same rule and processes it.

If the availability is available , rule will be processed, also it can be copied from one rule set
to another rules.
If the availability is Final, rule will be processed, But it CANNOT be copied from one rule set
to another rules.

2. What is Difference between Availability ‘Not Available’ and ‘Withdrawn’

If Highest version is not available, process commander pick the previous version from SAME
If highest version is withdrawn, process commander ignores all version of current class and
proceeds to take from Parent class.

3. What is availability blocked.

If a rule is blocked, Process commander stops processing it permanently.

4. We have a rule there in V4, 3 and 2. V4 is available and V3 is Not available. When requesting
for this rule which version will be picked?
5. We have a rule there in V4, 3 and 2. V4 is ‘not available’ and V3 is Withdrawn, V2 is
available. When requesting for this rule which version will be picked?
ANSWER : Parent class rule will be picked.

6. Why ‘Blocked’ is checked after the filtering, why not included at the initial stages of filtering?

Let’s take an example we have a rule R1. It is there in 01-01-01, 01-01-02, 01-01-03.

Where Version 03 is blocked.

Every rule has to be process, by taking from cached. Weather to process or not should be
decided after cache.

Let’s say at initial stages itself if blocked is looked up, PRPC stops Rule resolution for this
rule. Thus it will not verify the cache at. Which is violating the rule resolution cache

Here, Let’s say OP1 and OP2 are requesting for above Rule R1.

Consider the above situation of Blocked is being added at the beginning of algorithm.

When Op1 requests, PRPC collects all the rules and when blocked encountered, it stops
processing it.
After Op1, Op2 requesting for the same rule, Process commander has to pick all the rules
and check the availability and blocked is there, so it stops the processing.

In both cases, if blocked is looked up at the beginning, PC un necessarily wasting time to

collect all rules from PEGA.

So for better optimization, blocked is being verified after taking from cache.
That means for the first time it collects all rule, places blocked into cache, stops processing.
Second time onwards, no need to collect all rule, just directly take blocked from cache and
stop processing. Which Is improving the performance.

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