Asking For Permission

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Situación: Tratas de conseguir mesa en un restaurante importante.

A (talking to himself): Oh god, I hope I can get a table at that restaurant,
Olivia will be furious, today is our anniversary and I completely forgot it.
I already see the parking lot of the place; I hope everything goes well.
B: Hi, today I will be your personal waitress. Do you have any
A: Hello, no, I don’t’. Uhmm.. do you mind if I park out front?
B: I’m sorry. Those spots are reserved. There’s another parking lot across
the street.
A: Oh, well, that’s a shame. Anyway… May I leave my bags here for a
B: Be my guest!
A: Well, I don't think Olivia would mind walking a bit... I'll try to get the
table. Oh, she's calling.
Hello honey!... Yes, I got the table, don't worry. Would you mind if I
order something to eat? I'm starving. .... Thank you very much dear. See
Oh rays! I forgot to greet her for our anniversary.
B: Hello again, sir. You told me you didn't have a reservation. Do you
mind if I use my phone to talk to the staff and get a table for you and
your partner?
A: No, go ahead.
B: Thank you ...
Hello, do we have a table available for two people? ... Just one? ...
Perfect, thank you very much.
Today is your lucky day. Let me guide you to your table.
A: Thank you very much! May I ask you another question?
B: Yeah, don’t worry.
A: Do you mind if I charge my phone here? It has 5%.

B: I’m afraid the charging stations are for paying customers only.
A: Okay, could I order any drinks and then charge my phone?
B: Absolutely.
A: Great. I want a coke. Could I use your washroom too? I am a little bit
B: Sure, go ahead. While I get your drink.
(pasan 5 segundos)
A: Ok, I’m ready. Can I see a menu, please?
B: Certainly, here you are.
A: Thank you. What’s today special?
B: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.
A: That’s sounds really good. I’ll have that.
B: Ok, and…
A: No, forget it. Olivia hates when I ate fish.
B: Olivia? Sorry for the question.
A: Olivia is my girlfriend. Today is our anniversary and I’m messing
everything up, mainly because of the part where I forgot it.
B: Okay, so if you can't order fish because your partner doesn't like it,
what meal on the menu would you like to order?
A: Could you recommend a specific dish from your menu?
B: The spaghetti is great, but I would go for any of the artisan pizzas. We
have the best artisan pizzas in the whole city.
A: That sounds great. I'll have that.
B: Fine. Would you like an appetizer?
A: No, pizza is more than enough for me! Can I ask you another favor?
B: No, go ahead.
A: Well, as I told you, today is my anniversary, which I forgot, but when
Olivia arrives, could you put a message on the plate that she orders?
B: What kind of message?
A: I don't know, I've never been good at these things. Something like
"happy anniversary darling"?
B: Ok... I think we can do that. I'll go register your order.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: You’re welcome, see you in a minute.
A: Oh, lady, could you do me one last favor?
B (suspirando): Yeah, tell me.
A: Does the restaurant have some kind of show for this type of event?
B: Sorry, I don’t understand your question. Can you be more specific?
A: I mean if you or the other waiters could sing or put on a show for my
anniversary for Olivia?
B: Well, we don't really do that here, but I sing a little bit, if you like, I
could sing a song and set the scene.
A: That’s sounds perfect. Thank you very much for being so patient and
kind, I know that I have been very insistent and somewhat annoying. But
you really have saved my situation. Thank you, really thank you.
B: There is nothing to thank, it is part of my job.

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