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Instructions for Colonoscopy

1. The key to a successful colonoscopy is clean bowel. You must follow

instructions carefully.
2. If you are on blood thinners (like Warfarin) or antiplatelets like Ecosprin,
or anti diabetic medicines, please inform your doctor.
3. Stop Iron tablets 7 days before procedure.
4. 2 days before colonoscopy stop salad, high fiber diets, vegetables, fruits
with skin like apples.
5. One day before colonoscopy have a light breakfast and decrease your
anti diabetic medicines as per advice of doctor.
6. After breakfast don’t have lunch or dinner. Have clear fluids only like
clear juice, tea/ coffee without milk, plenty of fluids, coconut water,
apple juice, dal soup,
7. You take bowel preparation as per advice which will give you diarrhea –
but that’s how bowels will get clean.
8. In split preparation – from 4PM to 6 PM on day before colonoscopy:
take medicine in fluid as advised over 2 hours (one glass in 20 min). If
you feel nauseous may take slowly in small sips.
9. On day of colonoscopy – wake up early and repeat the solution as day
before over 2 hours.
10. Thereafter have nothing by mouth till procedure. If you get thirsty, you
may have small sips of water.
11. Have your routine medicines of thyroid and hypertension on day of
12. You will know that your bowel has cleared when the stool color and
consistency changes and it becomes like urine.
13. Bring a towel for the procedure and come in loose comfortable clothes.
14. Don’t travel from far to get the procedure.
15. You will be required to change into colonoscopy shorts prior to
16. During procedure keep your body as relaxed as possible, it decreases
discomfort and reduces procedure time.
17. Some discomfort is expected after examination – because of gas used to
distend abdomen, it will go over a period – keep on moving around.
18. After procedure collect your report and ask for any sample, if it has
been taken to be deposited in lab.

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