Accounting For Managers Question Paper

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CBC CHEN E usw | | [| 18MB, First Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.2020 Accounting for Managers ‘Time: 3 hrs. sg Note: J. Answer any FOUR full questions from QU 10 2. Question No.8 is compulsory. 1 a, Why isthe going concern concept postulate control to 1. the value of fixed assets fills is it necessary to provi factors considered for caleulation of deprecation? ce. Analyse the effects of these transactions onthe accou Date 170372018, 0203/2018 0370872018 DRORAOIS 1003/2018, 18/2018; TSi03/018 18/03/2018, 20/03/2018 25/03/2018 ‘WO arish 2 a. Define diret: ‘Distinguish betwe . Journals the fol (osarks) (rts) Purchased goods form Mohan Rs.2,000 Sob! goods for cash RS, 000 Paid to Mohan ‘Cash vathrawn from Bank for personal use RS 500 72/2018 | Paid salary and postage Rs.5000 and Rs. 150 respectively 72/2018 | Cash deposited into bank Rs.1,500 "i 2622018 | Interest received Rs.100, - 2871212018 | Paid rent by cheque Rs.2,500. 4 Atyroaing beaten appa wear anor equations wrtence. 42850, be teed ae mabe. Important Note: 1, On spl your ane, company daw agp! rs ie enh elaine Dank es. lof . BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Ly, Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBAI3 3 List the main benefits derived from Human Resource Accounting, (omen 1 Discus the features and objectives of TERS, (7M rom the following Trial Balance (containing some errors) prepare corrects tribal Bebir]Creaie SINo] Name ofaccoun | Te>t | Gest Purchases 60,000 | = Reserve fun 20000| = Sales = ° Purchase etwra 1000 Sales return 2000 | aeeerrereins (0 Marts) owner's equity is Rs.23,55,000. What isthe (3 Marks) ‘See, 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961 (07 Marks) {rom the following particulars, “ranisstions ed 25,000 aed Bask Rs 40,000 | Parchased goods for cash RS 15,000 Parchased motor eyeTe on account from ABC motors for Rs30,000 “Aug-18”| Sow goods Tor exch RS.10}000 (oarts) 2of4 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBAL; 5 a. State any tivee benefits of sustainability reporting. cosmaris) ‘Ratio analysis is tool to examine the health of «business with a view 10 make the ‘results more intligible? Explain. «7 © Liabilities and assets of Western manufactures Td,, as on 1% January, 3Q)8 andl 31" December 2018 are as follows Tiabiies ono | 31727 Asis ‘oun | 307 ‘Shave capital 2,50,000 | 2,50,000 Land and buildings [S900 | 5% debentures 100,000 | "80,000 | Machinery 32 x Creditors 1,15,000 [7,08 000, Stock ‘ 14,000 ‘Surplus actourt 000 | 27,000 | Debtors 0007 81,000 Depreciation fund 40,000 | 44,000 | Cash Bank 55,000. Reserve for coningeacies | 70,000 | 55,000 | Temperary inv 1.000 | 95,000. ‘Outstanding expenses | 15 000 | 24,000 | Prepaid 000 | — 3,000 6,000 | 588,000 0,000 | 588,000, Following additional information is aso available: i) New machinery was purchased for Rs30,000 ry costing RS.15,000 was sold for Rs S000 accumulated depreciation was Rs 8, fi) Rs-20,000, 9% debentures were redeemed by figghasefrORppen mart Rs. 96 iit) Rs. 36000 investments were soldat book value iv) 12% dividend was pad in cash ‘)_Rs.13000 was debited to contingency ‘You are required to prepare cash tlow sat tlement of previous tax lability ct methods, 0 Marks) casi) ing 3103/2018 fom the flowing dat: Ts. 240,000, 208,000 0,000 350,000 00,000 3.000 2.000 13.500 10.000 10,600 2.000 8000 12,000 5,000 | ‘The cost of uma stock on 31% March 2018 was Rs 120,000 but its market value of sane s,,5,000. mn ‘8 purchased» machinery on 01/0103 ata ost of RS.52380 and spent RS.1620 on its allation. On January 1, 2003 another machinery for Rs. 1,600 was acquired. On 1” July, the machinery purchased on 1" January, 2003 having become obsolete was auctioned fOr s.26600 and on the same dae fesh machinery was purchased et a cost of Rs.40,000. Depreciation was provided fr annually on 31” December the rte of 10% on written down salve, Cavite machinery account fo 3 years. Sofa BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBAI3 7 Define window dressing with examples (oman 1. Discuss the various uses of aceounting information. (oma Prepare Balance Sheet forthe folowing data: Gross profi (20% of sales) = Rs.60.000 Shareholders equity =Rs.50,000 Credit sales ott sles = Rs, 80% Total Asses mover =3times Stock tumover = Btimes e “Average collection period [360 days na year] —18 days Curent ratio =161 Long tem det to equity 00% catia § CASE STUDY (compulsory) Following ae the balances of JOHRI Co, Lid, as en31.03 4018 . % ,o0 000 30,00,000 36,2500 3,70,000 4,0,000 41,50,000 250,000. 35,000] eben ip 124,67,500 me Tax @ 50% ig stock was Rs. 9,50,000 ‘of Rs 250,000 workmen’s compensation i being disputed by the company. iement showing Profit and Loss Account and a Statement of Balance Sheet as on 3103/2018 mn vertical format GoMarts) 4ora BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CB CSIS CHEN usN 18MBAI3 First Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 2019 Accounting for Managers “ime: 3h, Max. Mais:100 Note: J. Answer any FOUR full questions fom Na o 2 Nn Bscompulsons £ 1 a. statethe meaning of convention of conservation, tarts) Bo * & Spiumaitret ype orateltary bats nos Folly expan te Head of coms sppsbl to an indivi gf RE ars 5 i 2 a What is Contra Entry? Give examples. (03 Marks), B? t Docnatiemts otras embyae (rst) £2 ©. Joumalse te following taseton inthe books of £ 3O18 Jay) 1 Stared busines with sash Rs. 50, i? 3 Pandit Bank Rs 250.000 te 4 Gooes purchased fom Amrit 125 ct 6 Sold goods for Rs. 75,000 Ey 8 Bought furniture for cash Rs. 44 i 12 Arsh pid Ra eof our ew hen = > 13. Pchased govern spe i 16 Goods purtasd fe 00 a ” 18 Goods worth Rs. 25,0 it, a claim was made and the bE railway author ytd a > 25. Rocewed condita RK Tacs a Rs, 1000 toss 53 4 Listoutthe areas coverey ing sma if 1. What is window dress Bs of window dressing? (7 Marks) $3 ‘¢. Give accounting equati wing transactions of Hitesh for the year 2018. : Sane bo ison i i, Pane fran ‘ 4 for ts 5,000 and on ced Rs. 2.000 ee wv. Rs, 4,000 (Costing Rs. 2400) ii : ret ontardig Rs 200 id ‘i Ifo esa use Rs 8,00 a3 i rt for cash Rs. S00 i: Rs. 600 u : Pr eqipment Rs 250 te esaespens 0 ge ‘10st A gq WAN cecouning sania? many i pissy ie acreing cont (ors) ; c. OMRITG, «fr pusines machinery for Rs. 4,000 and spent Rs 10,000 fr a i irnion “On. hly 2016, f preemie michinery for Rs 20,00. On 052017, machinery purchased on 1.72016 was sok! for Rs. 16,000, On 1.72017, a new hiner was purchased for Rs.30,000. The frm write off 10% p.. under WDY method. Prepare machinery AJe for three years ending 31.12 2018 (ao stais) of Ss Go green S_. | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 1sMBALa Sa, What aro the causes of depreciation? (omg 5. riety expan the objectives IFRS. w Enter the following in a thre colurm Cash Book ~ 2018: 2018 Dec 3 Balance of cash in hand Rs. 12,000; Cash at bank Rs. 10,000, *"$_Bought goods for eas Rs. 8,000 6 Received cash fom Mobi: Rs-13,000 and allowed discount Rs. $0 8 Paid to San & Co, Rs. 15,000 and recsived discount Rs @ 10. Withiraw from bank for personal use RS. 3,000, 10. Sold goods for cash Rs. 4,000, 12 Paid into Bank Rs. 6,000 16. Received a cheque from Navin Rs. 16,000 19. Withirew trom Bank for office use Rs, 2.500, 24 Paid salaries by cheque Rs. 7,500, 30. Received cheque for commission Rs. 2 Nisha I paid the same inthe Banke 31 Interest on deposit Rs. 120, (wostaris) costars) th 2018 ater consider 6 a Distinguish berscen direct wx and indirect ax. Net profit ofa company before tax is Rs, 25,00,09@as on 31 the following Deprevation on fixed assets ‘Loss on sale of machine Goodwill writen off Taxpaid “The current aes and curren i the year were as follows in the beginning and atthe end of 1.017 ‘Aceouns Rese 031,000, ‘Acoouns Paya 1000 25,000 Debtors 60000 75.000, Stock in 30000 28,000, Outsand 15.000 10,000 Calculate cash operat activities by indirect method. 3132018 c7Mans) c. Following i ‘of Neon Lids on 31" March 2018 Liabilities Re Assets Re Equity Share Cap 500,000 Land & Building 9,00,000 8% Prefyge shave Mal —4,00,000 Pant & Machinery 800,000 460,000 Closing stock 300,000 % 600000 Debiors 00,000 rent yi 400,000 Bank & cash 0,000 Prepaid expenses 10,000 Addie information : ng the year Rs 800,000, ministrative expenses. Rs. ‘Loss on sale of machinery Rs. 34,000 + Costof goods sold Rs 600,000, 000 ; Commission & discount eatned Rs. 12,000, 5 Profit on sales of building Ks. $4,000 Yu are required to calculate () Curent Ratio (i) Liquid Ratio (ji) Stock Turnover Ratio @PGross roi ato. (¥) Operating cst ratio (vi) Net poft rato (vi) Debi-Equity Ratio (vi) Proprietary Ratio U0 Maris) 2of3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBAI3 7 a. Whats ROCE? Give the rato of ROCE. wn Explain various methods of vation of Human Resourse. % © From the following information, prepare cash flow statement for the year JS in sceordance with ASS (revised). Liabilities [31.3.2018 [3133017 _[Aaweis [31.2078 [313.30 ‘Share Capital) 50,00,000 | 40,00,000"| Fixed Assets Reserve Fund | 13,00,000 —5,00,000 | Investments. | Secured Loan 40,00,000 Stock ‘Current £60,00,000 | Debiors Liabilities (Cosh & bank 1,50,00,000 {7.45 00.000 ‘Adéifonal Tnorvabon ; (i) The net profit affer adjustment Aividend and tax was Rs. 10,00,000. i) There was adit mounting to Rs 40,000 and depreciation for (ao tats) 8 Case study (Compulsory) Following ae the balances of Shri Nath as on 30° Jun Debit Balaress Re (Cashin hand S40 98,780 (Cash t Bank 2630 ‘300 Purchases 40875 62,000 Returns inward 0 cl 6,300 Wages 8.480 5.000 Fue and power (Carriage on sales CCariage on purchases Opening stock Buildings Frechold land Machinery Investment pied insurance Rs. 170 debts Rs, 725, received in advance Rs, 1,000 8) Interest on investment of RS 2,000 crue king into azsount the above adjustments, propare the Trang and Profit & Loss for the x ended 30° June 2018 apd Balance sheet a the same date (anata) 30f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT SCHEIE usy Go green 18MBAI3 First Semester MBA Degree Examination, Aug/Sept.2020 Accounting for Managers ‘Time: 3 hrs. Note: 1. Answer any FOUR full questions from Q.No.I 10 Q.) 2. Question Na. 8 is compulsory. 1a, Whatis convention of materiality? b. Explain the various types of accounts with relevant examples . Joumalize the following transactions in the books of Mr.Ashok 2013 June, 1 Started business with eash Rs.48,000 Tune, 2 Paid into bank Rs.28,000 Tune, 4 Purchase of furniture and payment by cheque June, 7 Sold goods to Mr. Aravind Rs.4000 Tune, 10 Goods retumed to Mr. Amith Rs.1000 Tune, 14 Cash received from Aravind Rs.376Q, June, 18 Withdraw from bank for private u June, 22 Paid telephone reat for one year June, 28 Cash paid to Me. Raghupathi Tune, 30 Goods worth Rs, 800 dist fe 2e8 > 50, he td as patie som the ramaining Hai pre : Distinguish between revenue expenditl b. Explain any seven accounting © From the following transact lin 2 equation ‘Started business wit Ay reveling of daneion el 6 eval adc ‘Ressived from Mr; Anand Rs.24.580) nd divount allowed him RAS Max, Marks:100 @ Marks) (07 Mark) (0 Marks) fowed to him Rs.40, (03 Marks (07 Marks) to Mr. Akash, show the effect on his assets, {ull settlement of his secount Rs. 1000, (oMarks) 3a What ling of Balance Sheet? (03 Mark b. Fro 2 transactions prepare the personal aecount of Mr. Anand and balance the (07 Marks) [2 [ Mr. Anand bought goods Rs.7000 ‘Received cash from Mr. Amand Rx 3400 Sold goods to Anand Rs, 7000 Important Note 1. On completing sour awery,ompusonty dr dngoal es Rescived eash from Mr. Anand Rx 5540 and discount allowed Rs. 60 Received eash Rs. 12,950 in full settlement of aocount Rs. 13,000. 1of3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBAI3 On 1-1-2010 Mr. Ramesh purchased machinery of Rs.72,000 and spent Rs.6000_ for installation and 12000 for repairs. (On 3046-2012, he sold a part of the machinery casting Rs.18,000 for Rs.12.000@Kew machinery as purchased on the same day for Rs.30,000 and spent Rs.604§\ for transportation ‘he depreciation was charged at 10% p.a. on the original cast method! Show the machine secount fr five yea. Hooks of secounth ae closed on 31" Des ve Ye ans (10M) Whats window dressing? ‘ptaris) ‘What do you mcan by IFRS? Explain the benefits of IFRS. ar) Distinguish between SLM and WDV, What are its advantages? Marks) What is Tas? (0s Marks) Briefly explain the ditferent heads of Income. (O7Marks) ‘What are the deductions covered 17S 80C of income Tax Ad (ofan) ‘Whats Human Resource Accounting? (Osan) Briefly explain the different typos of Assets and Liahijics O7Marks) Following are the liabilities and assets of Gramun Iygs off 1" Morch, 2014 and 31" March 2015, Tiabies 20 Zor [2015 ‘Share capital 750,000 .00,000 | 3.20,000 General reserve 300,000 so.ao0 | 60.000 Surplus AC $6,000 2.40,000 | 2.10.00, Creditors 168.000 20.000 | 455.000 Provision fortasation | 75,000 149,000 | 197,000 Mortgage loan 109 T0-40.000 | 12.42.00. ‘Aalitvonal Information’ G) Investment costing wade during the year was Rs.9000 f plant und machinery casting Rs.10,000 was sold for ied in surplus av. Gv) Dividend year amounted to Rs 44080. You are flow statement by indirect method, ronan) Whatiss sorting? (as Marks) o rial Balance to correct the seme, Trial Balance on 31% March 2014 oulars ‘Ami | Particulars ‘2680 | Capital 12190 | Sales 520 | Rent paid 50 | Discount received 12010 | Light charges 470 | Suppliers ‘Cash in hand 60 | Opening stock Customers Debtors)| 1490 | Furniture DIM 7 Maris) 2of3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBAI3 «©. Using the following data complete the Balance Sheet Gross profit 20° sales) ~ 60,000 Share sapital = $0,000 Credit sales to total sales ~ 809% Tota assets tumover (on sales) ~ 3 times Closing stock tumove (o cost of sles Average collection period (for 362 days Current ratio= 1.6 « Long term debt to equity = 40°% Share capital 2 Fixedastets Long term debt? Stock . Creditors 2 Debom 2 Cash 2 ae + (oars $ — Computiorn: From the following Trial Balonce of Mr. Nayak on rep Partisulas | Amount | Amour Capital ecount - Drawing account | 15,000 Bills receivable 22.000 Machinery 20.000 Debtor & Creditors | 69. Waos x Purchases and Saks | 25 00 Commission 2 500 Rent and Tases 00 far Stock on 1172018 (f) : Salaries < Traveling explpics : 2,000 sooo] _- (i) Prepaid insurance amounts to Rs.100, Compre cam bt ot ied amc 1.50 (WR Was are unpaid to the extent of Rs. 1000. sepreviate machinery by 5% and furniture by 10% per annum. @0Marks) 30f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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