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Liberty is the power to do as one pleases. On the whole, liberty means freedom. It is
natural for people to have different taste and preferences. Being able to express one’s own
opinion, respecting while accepting other’s opinion and right. As the world turns, liberty has
been the utmost topic people talk about. People around the world demands liberty as it is their
right to do so. The concept of liberty makes us free as a human being. Thus, society needs to
understand that liberty is required to all human being as long as it does not harm the well-being
of others. Liberty however has its own impacts to life whether it is positive or negative. It
effects people around the world.

On the bright side, liberty helps people to be equal, to voice out their opinion, to be
heard and to be freed out of restraints. You are free to go wherever you want, do whatever you
want and say whatever you want. Unlike in the old days, there is a gap between man and
woman. Back in the old days, woman didn’t have many much right than man due to a lack of
liberty. For example, women were never given the opportunities working as much as the men.
It is not equal and highly constrained. Sadly, most women have experienced the gender
discrimination before.

As everyone knows, people have been struggling to get their liberty since ancient times.
People’s liberty has been supressed by people with more powerful rank. Slavery was the norm
in ancient time which shows just how bad liberty was in those days. Human’s life is treated as
if there is no value. For example, in the case of slavery that often whipped and cruelly
mistreated. In the worst-case scenario, slave could even get killed by their owner without
apparent reason. Therefore, slavery customs were abolished to make sure humans were treated

Furthermore, liberty isn’t something that was freely given, but rather something that
was fought for. Freedom is never voluntarily given. People over the centuries have gone
through wars to get freedom, to be dependent on standing on their own two feet. Liberty for
the people comes with a cost in order in order for human to be free from others’ hand. For
instance, the journey towards Malaysian Independence Day, certainly there are many lives
were sacrificed in order to fight for liberty. People go through painful experience and fight for
their rights to free themselves from the oppression at that time.

The fight for liberty happened everywhere in the world. Many countries fight for their
liberty and that is why the aftermath can be seen now. Most countries nowadays use democratic
practices in which people have the power to choose their ruler and representative, usually by
election. The abuse of power on political issues can be avoided as a result. By giving the people
the rights, they deserve to make sure their rights is protected by the authority.

In the modern world, liberty has growth well. Despite all the challenges, liberty is
successfully given to woman, workers, lower classes, and so on. Liberty, however needs to be
handled delicately for it to be useful as its misused would bring a disaster. For certain people
to have too much freedom without insightful thought, it could be thorn in the flesh. These
people considered doing everything they thought was right without considering any other

In my point of view as a student myself, I appreciate the liberty that I have a lot. The
school environment gives the opportunity to myself as I get a lot of freedom voicing out my
opinion to my friends and teachers. I have a very positive surrounding and healthy relationships
with my friends. The freedom of speech amongst me and my surroundings leads me to the
growth of my own. I could show my talent as I grow more and more and also correct my
wrongdoings. Thus, based on my experiences, I could learn new things and adapt to new
environment at any time such as learning new language or getting to know new friends.

Other than that, liberty brings out my own potential to a new level and challenge myself
to do better in anything especially my studies. It is all thanks to my positive surroundings that
I have and I would never take for granted the liberty I have right now. However, I would
restraint myself too so that I would never being overboard in giving my own opinion or speech.
As the Malaysian Independence Day is just around the corner, I would appreciate every little
thing that I have living in this blissful country, Malaysia.

To sum up, liberty is the core to human being and it is proven that people can’t live
without liberty. Liberty has growth tremendously especially in this 21st century. As a
responsible person, we must appreciate how liberty was given to us since birth and wasn’t fight
for. We must not misuse the benefit of liberty to ensure the liberty for people is protected and
the next generation can enjoy the privileges. Thus, we should never think that the grass is
greener on the other side of the fence and always being grateful of the liberty we enjoy right
now. All in all, liberty encourages growth to each one of us.

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