46 Model Essays

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All of the essays are not mine. This essays isn’t good enough for
you to get
full marks because everybody made a mistake. It
belongs to those who publish it in Google so I just happen to
search for some good essays made by students and organize it by
correcting the spelling mistakes and spacing stuffs so you could
easily read them one by one. You guys can also print it and share
with your friends since our examination is just around the corner.
Sorry because I could not help much. My English also broken since I’m

JUNE 15, 2020

Descriptive Essays
1. Friend
2. Friends
3. My Best Friend
4. Describe an afternoon at the bus station
5. A Horrifying Swim
6. A Prominent Malaysian Leader
7. A Demonic Gold
8. My Mother
9. My Favourite TV Programme
10. The Night Market
11. Malaysia, a Unique Country

Narrative Essays

12. A Horror / Tragic Story

13. Finally, A Voice Message
14. Forgiven
15. Home
16. Race
17. That is the reward for my patience and hardwork
18. A Holiday I Would Never Forget
19. Couple Foils Robbery Attempt
20. Write a story starting with: “The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son
21. My Most Embarrassing Situation
22. A Road Accident
23. Autumn on Sugarbush Street
24. Of Bombs and Ice-Cream
25. After All, It Isn’t That Bad

Argumentative / Persuasive Essays

26. Haze: A Danger to Health

27. Money
28. Cell phones - One of Our Greatest Technologies Misused
29. Importance of Studying English
30. Faith
31. Thoughts On Sharing

Reflective Essays

32. Are undergraduates ready for the real world?

33. Does School Prepare Us for Life
34. What would you do if you had a lot of money
35. Which do you prefer, living in the countryside or living in the city?
Factual Essays

36. Pollution
37. Social Networking Website
38. The Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)

Directed Writing

39. Anti-Smoking Campaign Speech

40. Informal Letter
41. Informal Letter Sample
42. Formal Letter: Letter of Application
43. Formal Letter: Letter of Complain
44. Complain Report About School Canteen
45. Book Report
46. Police Report on Accident

1st Essay “Friend”

This friend I have is special, whilst young, intelligent and righteous. He lives with me since he
was born, a pleasure to have all these years. The strength to face each day can sometimes
be drawn from knowing him.

When I watch him dribble around with the ball at the street soccer court then knocking it
into the goal leaving the opponent frustrated there is unspeakable pride and joy emitting
from the core of my heart. How this fine young man has grown from a novice soccer player
just three years ago to a forwarder that instill fear to defenders who have to mark him. An
elusive player who pass his opponent with ease and elegant he can match the highest
standard of the land.

The fond memories of the time we spend together still lingers in my mind. Bringing him to
the movies, watching him fight with his sisters still sits in my mind. When he is younger, he
never kept still and even climb out of the cradle that is meant to restrain him. That is
when he is only two years old and that time nearly got a spanking from his grandmother.

The coolest transformation is his hair. It uses to be always gelled and groomed into the
"curry puff" look that is the trademark look that signifies his childhood days. Curry puff is a
local snacks that has extraordinary puff when fried. Youth has robbed away that and
reinstall a new image to befit the modern time. The "anime" type spike hairstyle is now the
replacement. Skinny jeans with a smart tee shirts is the order of the day when he needs to
go for a outing. While I would prefer him to be in long sleeved shirt and a business pant, his
peer may feel out of place with this sort of strange outfit.

Our favorite chat always centered on his favorite Barclay Premier League Club Chelsea and
my Manchester United Football Club. Our exchange on the matter can turn into a feisty with
each not giving way to the other. Glorified Manchester United has done it once again but
the arrival of Ancelloti this season and the departure of Christiano Ronaldo has up the
challenge for the rivals.

Every weekend is spent at the soccer field where we conduct soccer lessons for children
under ten. He is my coach while I am his manager and together we managed to keep soccer
alive for these kids who showed up every weekend. Our effort has rewarded us with two
championship through the years and the greatest pride is the one that Chris has played in.

Chris is more of a friend than a son, we spend our time together like most friends do. I am
proud of him both as a friend and a son.
2nd Essay “Friends”
Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our side
through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly right
and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital role in
shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a friend?

A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your
problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit
beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you.
A friend’s empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make
you realize how important a friend really is.
Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any
worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friend’s honesty will enable you to
trust his or she’s opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For
example, an honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to
work harder while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall
improvement in yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend.

Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who
is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she
should also be generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. A true friend must be
everready to help you when you are inept in certain subjects. A friend can easily guide you
towards understanding the subject matter better as he or she is often on the same page as
you. The only difference is that you can’t quite grasp the content of the page per se.

Besides that, a friend must also be able to humour you. Humour plays a quintessential role
in making your day more lively and enjoyable. Friends who pull your leg and mess about will
indefinitely make life seem so much better. As they say, laughter is the best medicine and a
little levity on rainy days is always welcomed.

In conclusion, friends are people we spend most of our time with. Thus, we have to be
selective when it comes to choosing our friends.
“My Best Pal”
Close friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people
striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your
true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We were
both enrolled at the same school and were at wits’ ends as we searched tirelessly for
our designated classes.

Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each
other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into
the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the
best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness.
There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother
owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like I,
was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual smile.
She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere together
and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as we walked,
thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was not
hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to
growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess. The
incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate friend.

As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time
together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other
deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young
for all that emotional roller coaster.
Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first,
but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge the gap
in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be equivalent to
waking up from a beautiful dream.
“Describe an afternoon at the bus
It was two o’clock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with
Mohan after Mrs Wong’s extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back
and I could feel my sweat trickling down my spine. I have often wished that my mother
would allow me to ride a motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but we both
know that she is terrified that a car would knock me down.

When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan
and I strode to a bench near the stationmaster’s office. I could feel the tension on my
shoulders as the straps of my school bag ate into my shoulder. “Where is the bus?” I
sighed to myself. An elderly woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a
conversation but gave up after my monosyllable answers.

Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for
the chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohan’s bus. The group of boys were
jostling each other to get into the bus. “Masuk! Masuk!” shouted the conductor but
nobody seemed to be moving. The black fumes made me nauseous. All of a sudden, people
started appearing from all directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were
packed like sardines in the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers
behind. I waved at Mohan when I noticed him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus
swerved out of the station again. It left another trail of black smoke.

I decided to go to Panjang’s ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched
throat as I sipped slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus
heading towards the station. I paid for my drinks. “See you tomorrow,” I waved to

Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was
being shoved around by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw
Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled my bag through the window and he
caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had already started moving. I got into my seat and
told myself that I must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle again.
Here is an example of a story with a good plot. Read and highlight the use of interesting
phrases which are precise. Many students tend to memorise bombastic words and try
to insert into their essays. The words or phrases must be suitable. Originally, this was
just a 150-word essay. I have expanded it by using dialogues and more details.

It was a school holiday. Rahman woke up at the crack of dawn and headed for Ah
Chong’s house. The boys had agreed to meet Sean and Sasi, their classmates. It was a
perfect day for a swim. Although they were all strong swimmers, Rahman’s mother
had cautioned him against going for a swim. A week earlier, their neighbour's son had
nearly drowned in that river.

“Splash!” Hassan dived off the rock into the inviting river. The water was deep but he
was not worried. After all, he was an excellent swimmer and a certified lifeguard. He knew
the waters in the area well as he often swam there. He persuaded the rest of the boys to
follow him up to a higher waterfall. They clambered up the boulders. “Let’s jump!” an
exhilarated Rahman shouted. The boys plunged in together, screaming in delight.

Suddenly, Sean was tumbling out of control. The water smashed him over and over
again. The current had smashed the other boys against a rock and they managed to pull
themselves out from the raging water. At first, they could not see Sean. Then, as the waves
subsided, they saw Sean’s half-submerged figure, face down. Rahman dived into the
water immediately. He knew that every second counted. Swimming strongly, he got to
Sean in no time. With Sasi and Ah Chong’s help, they managed to pull Sean out of
the water and onto the rock.

“Oh God, let him not be dead!” Rahman pleaded. Sean looked so blue. The others
stood, paralyzed, not knowing what to do. Rahman grabbed Sean’s wrist but he could not
feel any pulse. He remembered what his teacher had told him. A drowning victim had to
receive artificial breathing within four minutes or he would die. With his lifeguard training in
mind, Rahman immediately drew Sean’s head back and clamped his mouth over him. He
began pumping breath into Sean’s lungs as Sasi compressed Sean’s chest while keeping
count. Suddenly, Sean gurgled and threw up. They continued breathing and pumping.
“Keep going. One of us has to go for help. Sasi, you are the fastest. Run home and get help.
Ask someone to call for an ambulance. Quick ”

After thirty minutes, and what seemed like a lifetime, Rahman felt something moved
against him. Sean’s leg had jerked against him. He felt for a pulse. “Sean’s
Rahman cried. Just then, they heard an ambulance. “You are going to be alright’ he
assured Sean. Within minutes, the paramedics had lifted him to the ambulance and headed
for the nearby hospital. At the hospital, the boys were so thankful that Sean was going to be
alright and they had saved his life. Rahman’s mother gave him a stern lecture. Rahman
felt bad and regretted not listening to his mother.
“A Prominent Malaysian Leader”
As the fourth and most dynamic Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
will indelible impression on the sands of Malaysia for many years to come. He held the post
for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister, and
one of the longest-serving leaders in Asia.

Born on 20th December, 1925 in Alor Setar, Dr. Mahathir is the son of a teacher. He is the
youngest of nine children of a school teacher and a housewife. His father, Mohamad
Iskandar, was of Indian descent, being the son of a Muslim and a Malay mother, while
Mahathir's own mother, Datin Wan Tempawan Wan Hanafi, was Malay. He is married to
Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali, they have seven children, four sons and three
daughters. From an early age, Tun Mahathir had the importance of education drummed into
him by his father, who was also a strict disciplinarian.

After his early education at the Maktab Sultan Abdul Hamid in Alor Setar, he enrolled
at the King Edward VII College of Medicine in the University of Singapore. Armed with a
MBBS degree in medicine, he set up his own clinic, the Maha Clinic in Alor Setar. As a
doctor, Tun Mahathir came into close contact with people from variety of social strata and
enjoyed a close rapport with them. He understood their problems. Thus, when he was
thrust into the politic limelight, he strove to fulfil the needs of the people.

He was first catapulted into the world of politics when he became the Member of
Parliement for Alor Setar in 1964. After holding a number of portfolios, including Minister of
Education, Minister of Trade and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, he finally became the
Prime Minister on 16th July, 1981. The country flourished with Dr. Mahathir at the helm of
the government. His contributions to the nation are so immense and par excellence. He has
left his mark in every aspect – in politics, economy or education.

Realizing that government-owned enterprises are neither efficient nor profitable, he

initiated the privation policy in 1983. This had immediate effect of cutting down
bureaucratic ineptitude and operational cost while at the same time generating more
With collapse of the prices of agricultural commodities in the eighties, Tun Mahathir decided
that it was time to shift the nation’s focus to more profitable areas. Thus, he
started the industrialization programme. Reputed as the country’s top salesman,
he showcased
Malaysia to investors abroad in a bid to woo them. As a result of the heavy industrialization
drive, major projects like national car project or PROTON and the steel company, PERWAJA,
together with other mega project were launched one after another. Next, realizing that
industrialization would require a good infrastructure, he set about improving it. The
Mahathir era saw a successful completion of the North-South Highway, the East-West
Highway, the Multimedia Super Corridor, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang
and many more.

An astute politician, he charted the growth of the country’s progress from the day he
took office. He envisages that Malaysia can only attain the status of a fully developed
country if it becomes an industrialization one and this ambition has been his main agenda
during his tenure. With this in mind, he announced Vision 2020, his most ambitious vision.

Frank and outspoken by nature, Tun Mahathir speak without fear nor favour. This has been
the hallmark of thus much respected statesman. The inefficiency of local and international
organizations has always come under his scrutiny and critism.

It has been almost two decades since Tun Mahathir took over reins of the government. It
has undoubtedly been the golden era for Malaysia with many notable achievements.

“A Demonic Gold”
These two young, petite meerkats are fixing their gaze, with their inquiring, ball-shaped eyes
on a spectacle that you do not see every day. They are so mesmerized, and it is as if the
meerkats are in some kind of a trance. They are standing straight and upright, like a soldier
waiting for his superior.

The sight is of a small girl around the tender age of five. She has the face of an angel. It is
one that is so pure, and it has a shine that fills the park up with life.

Her skin is very light and smooth. There are no wrinkles, no scars and no blemishes present.
It is as soft as a baby’s skin, brand new from birth and right out of its mother’s womb.

She is like a dove coming down from heaven, and changing its physical looks. Nothing on this
earth can be so perfect, in appearance that is.

There is something unknown about her. It is something that cannot be placed. Her eyes are
dark blue, and they are contrasted by a peculiar green that is encircling the blue. The most
catching thing about her eyes, is that there is a tiny spark of crimson red, tucked beneath
the prominent blue.

The sun is starting to set over the green hills. The park is filled with a gold brilliance that
shines its light on the autumn leaves, rebounding the rays of the sun.

And then the sun goes down. Everything changes with an extremely drastic force. The
colours cease to exist. The leaves on the floor are hiding away, crouching under their
superiors, the trees. The golden colours of autumn have disappeared; they have drifted
away into nothing.

The little girl’s appearance has also changed. You can no longer see her beautiful
blonde hair, but instead long strands of string that have changed to fit in with the dark
presence of the night.

It is now the blue’s hues being imprisoned. Her eyes have changed to a crimson red,
surrounding her pitch black pupils. She is not what she appears when everyone can see her.
She is something evil and dark. She is something that does no good. She is something that
destroys lives and takes away happiness.
What she really is, is something that only she knows, and only she will ever know.

“My Mother”
About seventeen years ago, a beautiful young woman, named Kari, was trying to adjust and
understand the purpose of her life. She was a typical adolescent, making mistakes and
hoping each lesson would guide her in the right direction of life. At this time, she was living
in Germany, occupied in the US Army, on and off with a boyfriend, and fighting to keep a
relationship with her family, through letters. It may not seem like an ideal situation, but
everything in life has a purpose, the challenge is discovering it. Unlike most adolescents, her
life was put into perspective very quickly. At the age of nineteen, Kari received results from
a test, which changed her life forever. She was pregnant.

In January 1995, at the age of twenty years old, Kari gave birth to a baby girl. Her life now
revolved around her child, Alexis. She got out of her relationship, got a job, and found a safe
place for the two of them. Now living with her mom and step dad, working as a papergirl
(newspaper delivery person), and fighting for divorce, Kari was struggling. It didn’t matter
though; she made the best of it.

When Alexis was two, Kari married her husband, Mike. Together, they got a town home.
Now, with a home and family, it may seem like times were great, but there was still a lot of
life to be learned from. Mike was constantly traveling; in fact, he was in Utah for two years
after they got married. Kari was now raising Alexis, working seven days a week, and working
to keep her marriage healthy. As with everything in her life, Kari took sacrifices and made it

Fourteen years later, looking at this 36 year old, you would never realize the struggles she
has faced in life. She is a beautiful, young, and caring, mother, friend and wife. She lives in a
nice house, takes care of kids, home-schools Alexis and, her husband is home almost every
night. She has many great qualities, but I think the characteristic that makes her the most
unique and genuine person, is her love and creativity. She was, and is, able to take anything
normal and make it enjoyable.

By now you have probably realized, I am Alexis, her daughter. I have a great relationship
with my mom, something many girls, my age, are lacking. In some ways, it’s like we
grew up together (although twenty years apart), best friends. She has always provided the
loving, but strict mother figure, which I can rely on, in my life. Her creativity brought me lots
of fun times, and cherished memories, throughout my adolescents. Her strong words and
lectures, many she has learned from in the past, bring me wisdom and guidance for the rest
of my life. And her open and loving heart, gives me a safe place to share my emotions. I
could ask for a better person to spend my memories with, for they wouldn’t be the
memories they are, without her.
“My Favourite TV Program”

The television (TV) is part and parcel of many households. Therefore, watching television is a
culture of today’s modern society. It is a favourite past-time of many people, cutting
the culture, creed, gender and age. I must admit that I too enjoy “sitting glued” to
the TV as mum often laments. Since I watch TV whole day long, I don’t blame mum.
whenever I watch my favourite TV programme she doesn’t complain. In fact, she often sits
together to watch it, the ‘National Geographic’.

The National Geographic is a well-known documentary programme, focusing mainly on the

ever-changing world, on Mother Earth and on nature and peoples and creatures that colour
it with. Just the press of a switch and a button and ‘Hey Presto!’, the whole world is
brought before me, for me to savour its beauty and wonders. Personally, I am often awed
and amazed with them.

I like this programme because it is very educational. It is a ‘window to the world’. By

watching it, I can ‘travel’, ‘explore’ and ‘discover’ the four corners of the world. I have
trekked up the highest peak and conquered Mt. Everest. I have dived down the deepest
trenches. I have walked through the wilderness and be amongst the wild beasts, big and
small. Thus, this programme has helped to expand my horizon and improve my knowledge
and experience. I can proudly say I am no more a ‘frog in the well’.

I also enjoy watching the National Geographic because it is entertaining, interesting and
stimulating. I never imagined that such an educational programme can be very enjoyable. I
get a chance to enjoy the kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and colours of the world and its
different peoples, all in the comfort of my own home.

In addition to that, this programme is of very high quality and it is produced by a team of
experts, all are authorities in their own field of interest. The photographic footage is
extremely breath-taking and inspiring. Besides, the narration is very accurate, informative,
vivid and descriptive. Thus, I have never felt restless, distracted or bored watching this

The National Geographic is my favourite programme as it has helped me to ‘grow’

and ‘mature’. I have watched it since I was a seven-year-old innocent child. Now, I
am more sensitive and aware of the world and Mother Earth. I learn to be more
appreciative of
Mother Earth and its beauty and wonders. I am more concern about the preservation and
conservation of the world not only now but also for posterity. In short, the National
Geographic has converted me into a more responsible citizen of the world and a caretaker
of Mother Earth.
It is a touching and heart-warming TV programme and I will not hesitate to recommend it to
others so that they too have a chance to savour amazing moments and appreciate and care
for the one and only world we live in.
10th Essay “Night Market”
One of the most interesting places in Malaysia is the night market. You may visit and
experience the night market yourselves. Both locals and foreigners agree that the night
market is the most common feature in the local society.

The night market begins when the vendors arrive in the late afternoon. More and more
goods laden vans arrive to begin a brisk day of business. Most of the vendors busily set out
to set up their stalls respectively in order to get ready for a brisk day of business.

The sun gradually sets and the night market picks up momentum. More cars and vans are
arriving. By now, the stalls are neatly and strategically arranged to entice their customers.
There is an assortment of goods sold ranging from food, toys and clothes, to name a few. A
variety of goods is sold at low prices.

Large rainbow-coloured parasols are used to shade the people from rain and shine. A
concoction of blaring music can be heard in the night market background amidst the
constant shouting. It is an amazing kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, smells and

The night market is known as a haven by local ‘gourmets’ who can enjoy various
kinds of mouth-watering local cuisine. Still more people arrive, they come from all walks
of life, mingling freely and harmoniously. Crowds are walking up and down in an endless
stream. Some of them are stopping by the stalls and haggling before making purchases.
Little children tag along, amused and excited. Sprinklings of tourists join in to experience
the lifestyle of typical Malaysian folks.

When night falls, lighted lamps brighten up the place, they add gaiety to this atmosphere,
and it is like a funfair. The night wears on and the traffic of people recedes. Vendors get a
chance to rest their weary legs besides bantering with each other.

By 10.00 pm, all the stalls call it a day. The vendors pack up and close the van doors. One by
one, they leave, leaving behind pieces of papers, plastic bags and discarded boxes. It us an
eyesore! Finally, the night market disappears. The place becomes quite and still once more.

“Malaysia, A Unique Country”
Malaysia is a multiracial country. Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million consisting
of 61 percent Malays, 30 percent Chinese, 8 percent Indians and 1 percent of other ethnic
groups. Malaysia is unique because of its diversity of races, religions and cultures, the
stability of the country and many places of interests. Besides, there are many international
achievements which are the pride of our nation.

Diversity of races, religions and cultures is a significant characteristic of our nation.

Malaysia is a multiracial country with a rich cultural heritage. Unique to Malaysia is the
'Open House' concept where during the various cultural and religious festival like Hari Raya,
Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Gawai Day and others, friends and families and even
strangers would visit the homes of those who are celebrating the festival, to wish them well
and enjoy the feast prepared by the hosts. Although the visitors may be from different
races, they still can tolerate with each other and live under the same roof where they
celebrate the festival together. This will help to strengthen the ties among themselves.

Moreover, the stability and peacefulness of Malaysia is also a uniqueness of us. We

live harmoniously in a country where there are no wars and conflicts among Malaysians.
War is dreadful and it may deteriorate humans' lives. We are fortunate that our country is
safe and runs off the war. So, people can live safely here. Somehow, Malaysia is a paradise
for those Iraqis or Pakistanis. Besides, our country is freed from natural disasters such as
earthquakes. Earthquakes may bring death and destroy many buildings. Therefore, Malaysia
is unique because of the stability and peaceful environment.

On top of that, there are many places of interests in country such as beaches, islands
and rain forest. Malaysia's rain forest is considered as the oldest in the world. The diverse
species of animals and plant life continue to excite a great deal of scientific research. Many
believe that some undiscovered plant may hold cures to many currently incurable human
diseases. There are many islands in our country such as Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Redang,
Pulau Ketam and many others. Pulau Langkawi has a lot of historitical informations. Those
who are in favour of history can go there to explore the history of that place. All the
beaches in those islands are beautiful. The sand is soft and white. The accommodation is
wellestablished and that makes those islands ideal places to visit.

Following this, there are also international achievements of our country. Those
achievements include the existence of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Formula
One (F1) racing circuit and the Petronas Twin Towers. KLIA is unique because it has all that is
needed for business, entertainment and relaxation within its boundaries. The airport is part
and parcel of the Multimedia Super Corridor where high technology industries are being
actively developed. Nevertheless, there is a Formula One Race Track near the airport, so
foreign car racing enthusiasts from all over the world can come for a visit to gather here.
Besides that, Petronas Twin Towers which is a building that soars 452 metres into the sky is
once upon a time, the tallest building in the world and yet it is a national pride to the people
of Malaysia.

In short, Malaysia is unique that it has diversity of races, religions and cultures, a
stable and peaceful environment, places of interest and some internal achievements. Those
are important characteristic of our nation. It is rich of cultural heritage; it would be worth to
play a visit here.

“A Horror/ Tragic Story”
I opened the door, to my horror, a few skeletons lay there, chained on the wall.

Okay, time to recap. I and my friends, Jack and Peter, were playing around an old,
abandoned mansion. We were told that no one was allowed to enter. However, curiosity
overcame us and we picked the lock, granting us entrance into the sacred lair of the

At the sight of the skeletons, the three of us were completely stunned. Our jaw hung
wide open for a few minutes before we came back to our senses. My sixth sense told me
that something was about to go wrong, so I urged the other two to back out of the mansion.

“Don’t be such a chicken,” said Jack, with a shaky voice.

“Aren’t you scared too?” I challenged him.

“Yes, but we might never get the chance to explore here again if we leave now.”

“…All right, but we leave as soon as the first sign of danger shows.”

We ventured deeper into the mansion. The design looked like some sort of torture
room, or a prison. Even though I was afraid, I was eager to discover more. Throughout the
lair, we did not lose sight of skeletons or spider webs. These were at every corner, at every
turn. The occasional howls from a distance made the hair on our backs stand up straight.
We finally arrived at a long hallway. Jack picked up a piece of wood and lighted it up with
his lighter. The flame seared at first, but after it simmered down, I was able to see the walls
clearly. There were ancient writings, the kind we usually see in an Egyptian grave robber
movie. As the expert in history, Jack tried his best to decipher the carvings. Meanwhile,
Peter leaned towards the wall to catch his breath. At that very moment, a cold chill went
down my spine.

“Watch out!” I shouted.

Before he could react, that portion of the wall he was leaning against flipped, trapping
him on the other side. All he could let out was a loud shriek and he vanished behind the
walls. I pounded against the wall, shouting his name. Only then did I know what real terror
felt like. However, the chance of rescuing him was bleak. I sank to the ground, desolated
and hopeless.

“Let’s get out of here, we have to inform the adults!” suggested Jack.

I got to my feet swiftly and both of us sped through the building. My heart was racing.
I knew that danger may be waiting at the next corner. I could hear blood pounding in my
ears. Wait, was that a creak I heard? “Uh-oh,” I thought to myself. The ceiling began
to crumble. My sub-consciousness took over. I sprang forward and tackled Jack. Both of us
fell to the ground. Just as I thought that trouble was out of the way, the burning piece of
wood slipped out of his hand and landed in a pile of grease. Fire started spreading like
mad. I struggled to get up.

“Come on, there’s not much time left!” I screamed as I turned towards the exit.


In a split second, my head turned 180 degrees. A gigantic marble pillar fell on Jack. I
mustered all the strength from every single cell in my body, trying to lift it up, to no avail.
My eyes were watery. I was completely out of ideas.

“Save yourself, leave me, please,” muttered Jack, with a weak tone.

This was certainly a tough decision for me. All the moments we had spent together
flashed through my mind. How could I leave him now? As the fire was close to sealing my
only exit, I knew that I had to be rational. I dived for my escape route.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as the mansion erupted into flames behind me.

“Finally, A Voice Message”

[Hello...How do I start this? Err, it’s Pippy here. So, how was school? I’ve tried
reaching your phone but I was always answered by a robot-voice woman. Your Uncle Tom
said you might be too busy, but I knew my grandson was just being a good boy who
wouldn’t break the school regulations. How are you?]

Amongst hundreds of scholars scattered dot-like in front of the brick-red edifices of an

elite boarding school, were two friends deeply absorbed in their conversation.

Mick, a bright student, was bargaining his friend to stay with him during the holiday. With
little reluctance, his friend said yes, so much for the 3DVC* Mick owned and so that they
could discuss the ‘Passive Cigarette Filter’ project.

[Here’s the truth about your mother, Diana. When it came time you were born, not a
glimpse of disgust had she shown despite your condition. There was only one regret...]

True, as they say, life isn’t all beer and skittles. His fantastic blueprints of
childhood dreams, hardship borne – flying suit, smart robot maid, and fountain of youth
– were sold by his associate, Mick, out of the trust and friendship they had been through
for so long. In fact, there was a story about a man’s-best-friend terrier biting its master.

[...her chicken boyfriend. She besought me to be strict with you, and soon she died of
AIDS. By God’s will, you were alive! Don’t play fool with lust, believe me He won’t
save you

Somehow, somewhere in the midst of glory, he was dragged back to where he began
assembling, bit by bit, the ingredients to bake a cake of success. He felt for and found an old

Strewn inside were a Bible, an iPhone, and a forgotten photo capturing a grinning boy
clasping the eyes of an old man – picture perfect. From this place in an old apartment,
through the windowpane, as he started combining the pieces of nostalgic puzzle, he caught
a forlorn view of the boarding school, his ‘alma mater’. Then it dawned on him; his
friend wasn’t just a biting terrier, he was an evil obscured beyond the look of an angel.

[Once, you asked why there were still bad people if really God is almighty. You see, on a
rainy day, some cursed, but in truth, farmers, trees, and starving African all gave their
thanks. He is fair...simple answer for simple question. Now stop questioning and read the

Soon the decelerating car halted to a rest, floating aloft the electromagnetic roadway.
Hence he set forth all he could an effort to run, with an anxiety that just grew stronger,
almost staggeringly so.

He dashed his way inside the house, all the rush only to witness a humorous hanging
banner: WELCOME HOME, CITY BOY. His sight improved to a wider angle. At once he was
dumbfounded as he realized the dust in place everywhere; the unwanted but the logic had

[No one can travel to the past but it’s never not alright to make mistakes. Upon
every breath, give your best; cherish every chapter of life. If on your way the road gets
harsh, step into a carriage of faith and it will escort you to the triumphant sky. One of these
days when your feet crumble, flip the Bible and inside it you’ll find wisdom, with little
or no searching. Sometimes even the slightest failure can shut the voice of a fighter,
that’s when others’ advices can guide you, but above all, bow your head and pray...]

Gone were the days of storm and chillness, and after came the warmth of the sun and
comfort of the breeze, which blew a pale gold leaf pass three figures, already loud in a
lunatic burlesque. While one busied himself fixing the camera, the other was persuading his
cheeky grandson not to stand on the bench. The way it defied the world, the
grandson’s synthetic leg wasn’t something that brought him slumping. But that is
how it goes with young children: the more you prevent them, the more rebellious they
will be.

The old man gave in and sat beside his grandson. Just a split second before the
cameraman (whose name was Tom) flashed his camera, the bolt-quick hands of the
grandson had closed the eyes of his grandfather – picture perfect.
[I know it’s busy life there but...I really miss my boy. I can still kick a ball you
know...I need a tissue, Tom...Why in the world am I crying like a sissy? Maybe my boy has
turned handsome and gentleman now, but if you need a Grandpa, Pippy’s not going
anywhere –]


[...I hate that robot woman, for real...]

14th Essay “Forgiven”
I stood motionless and looked at the solid, dark brown wooden door. The house was
painted white, and black on the wooden beams and window panes. It looked huge and
expensive from the outside. I had to make my mind up whether to knock or press the bell. I
turned to face the garden. I thought about going back to my car and drove home. Home.
That was where I wanted to be; or was it where I would be after I knocked the door? I
sighed and walked to the side where there was a wooden bench by the beautiful garden. I
could see that the woman in the family loved the garden. The smell of white lilies reminded
me of the florist down the road on Sixteenth Street. I sat on the sturdy looking wooden
bench, trying to figure out what I would say if someone was to open the door. I wished I did
not find out where she was so that I would not have three sleepless nights thinking of why
she left me, whether she was looking for me or whether I should be angry.

I was abandoned at Bliss Home when I was barely four. They said they found me playing
joyfully in the playground, innocently thinking that I was sent to school. After three years, I
found out that my mother left me at the orphanage because she had to go and find my
father who left us when I was two. I was devastated, knowing that my mother left me to
strangers. Funny, I thought, how manipulative and contradictory adults could be when it
comes to giving advice. Those at Bliss Home took good care of me and made me realise that
I was still lucky to be able to enjoy life. Sister Lisa was one of those who managed to make
me see that I should make the most of myself than being miserable, grieving my
unfortunate life; thinking nobody loved me. I stayed there till I was 12, when I was then
transferred to Rouston Public School. Well, Sister Lisa thought it was a good school. Spurred
by Sister Lisa’s determination to give me ‘life’, I did my best in Rouston and would
go back to Bliss Home during semester breaks or Christmas to be part of the family. Well, I
was not sure whether I knew the meaning of that word, but Sister Lisa convinced me that I
was part of them when my presence was usually welcomed by freshly baked apple pie and
mince meat. Then we would all sit in our warm huge and rather aromatic dining hall. I could
still smell Martha’s mouth-watering Yorkshire pudding and roast beef in the kitchen
whenever I visited Bliss Home.

It was 8 years ago when I started digging files and tailing endless documents to find out who
my biological parents were. Blessed, I found where my mother lived but was reluctant to go
and see her. I knew it would shake her down to her knees and she would beg forgiveness for
leaving me; that she was young and naive; that she would not have managed looking after
me on her own. Even worst, my presence would stop her heart; that she would collapse
unconsciously, leaving me feeling guilty instead. Sister Lisa was the one who insisted. At the
end of the year, I eventually gave in but forbade her from calling Mom to inform that I was
coming; in case I changed my mind. She gladly agreed and even packed me cheese and
tomato sandwiches for the journey. I was skeptical when she said that Mom would be
waiting for me. If mom knew where I was, why didn’t she come and find me?

My thoughts were interrupted by a butterfly flying right in front of my nose. I looked back at
the house to see if anyone noticed my presence. Silence. I glanced at my watch but I forgot
what time I arrived, so I did not know how long I was there. I stood up and walked back to
the sandy path leading to the house. I stopped at the wooden door again wishing it was an
automatic door so I did not have to decide. Spotting a shadow by the window on my left, my
heart pumped. Somebody was at the window and was walking towards the door. I found it
very hard to swallow a big lump in my throat as my heart thumped against my chest. I
thought that I was the one who would be unconscious.

“Hi, can I help you?” asked the girl who was standing in front of me with a huge grin. I
swallowed hard while admiring her curly blonde. Seeing that, I knew she must be Mom’s
daughter. She looked 15, lean and has beautiful brown eyes. Pretty.

“Yes.. Ermm yeah.. I was looking for Mrs. Collins. Hmm well, is this Mrs Collins’s house
by any chance?”

“Ohh yeah.. Hmm..Mom’s upstairs. And I think she’s expecting you. Aunt Lisa told
mom this morning.” She smiled pleasantly holding the door. Despite the dazzling big
smile, I could see the quizzical frowns on her forehead. I wondered whether it was because
I frowned first. Obviously Sister Lisa must have had said something to Mom.

I waited. Looking for words, 1 folded my arms unintentionally and looked away at the
lilies, biting my lower lips. I thought of saying that it was a big mistake and should just walk
back to my car. After all, it had been 25 years since she left me. It would not change
anything, would it?

“Owh well, you must be freezing. Please come in, she’ll be down in a minute”.

She opened the door and took my left hand, looked at me in the eyes as if to ask for
permission and pulled me inside. As I dragged my feet down the hallway, I could see a
family picture on the wall. Something stabbed me, right on my chest. Deep. I could feel the
pain that I felt years ago when I found out I was left on my own, and was on the verge of
Again, I thought of walking back to the door but I brushed the thought away when I heard
the footsteps. It happened so quickly, I was not sure whether I was actually there. My
stomach tightened when I saw the hopeful look in her eyes.

“William, ohh it’s you. I’ve been waiting for you for what..like..30 years? I
knew you would find me. See, it’s in your nature. Being curious, that is.”

Well, as if it was my mistake that she had to wait so long. I thought I was supposed to
wait for her to find me, or at least she should have gone to Bliss Home to find out. Silence. I
could not say anything looking at her fragile face. I noticed that her daughter was standing
by the small coffee table, looking out of the window expressionlessly, pretending we were
not there.

I looked at Mom pityingly and sighed. I was unsure of what to say. As if to wait for me to
invite her in her own living room, she stood by the door and smiled awkwardly. Despite the
quivered smile, I could still vaguely recognise those beautiful brown eyes when she smiled.
Then, she looked down at her hands, which she clenched and unclenched nervously. I
presumed that she was as uneasy as I was. After a moment, I cleared my throat and forced a
weak smile. Seeing that, she ran towards me and hugged me. Sobbing. Tears welled in my
eyes. I closed my eyes, afraid that anyone would see me, but I knew she was forgiven.
In 1998, a civil war broke out around the district of Mai Chau in Vietnam and Luang
Prabang in Laos. Both sides’ respective leaders had a conflict regarding the goal of uniting
these two countries under a communist rule ruled by the Army of Republic of Vietnam
(ARVN). Instead of discussing the current issue together, both sides decided to become
juvenile and resort to violence instead.

Almost all districts of Hanoi were severely disrupted. Historical buildings and residential
compounds collapsed and destroyed by the tanks and military armies. The town suffered a
rash of arson attacks. Dead corpses lying on the ground, children crying and screaming
everywhere, terrifying sounds of gun shots and bombs. It was an utter mess.

Before the war was getting much more chaotic than it already is, my family and I
decided to flee from Vietnam. We packed all the necessary things and sneaked out of Hanoi
using an overnight train that lead us to the city of Bac Ninh. Upon our arrival, we rushed to
the International Airport of Bac Ninh. Luckily, with the help of our cousin, Vrinh who worked
as an officer there, we were able to bypass the strict airport checkups and landed ourselves
in Minnesota, USA.

Things were complicated when we first started our “new” lives in the United States
of America. My parents and older siblings were trying their hardest to make ends meet in
order to support the family. Being a naive 10 years old I was back then, I could only sit there
and watch. After awhile, my family was finally financially stable; we were able to buy a
comfortable ranch-styled house big enough for us to live in and I was enrolled to an Asian
American private school. 15 years later, I find myself working as a music teacher in a public

Every time I played the piano, I always reminisce the memories during my time in
Vietnam. So, me and my brother decided to pay a visit to our home in Vietnam. Both of us
flew to Mai Chau to witness the current condition of the area.

As I stepped forward to the isolated and deserted place, cold air around me slowly
dissipated as the sudden warmth enveloped around me to the core of my spine.
This is the place where I grew my wings. This is the place whom I shared memories
with my deceased grandmother. This is the place where I used to run around with my dear
friends, Ming and Cho. This is the place in which I developed my interest for music after
listening my former neighbor played the violin and piano. My childhood memories are still
vividly attached to this place.

As I squad down feeling the dusty ground with my bare hand, tears pierced through my
eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I braved a smile and whispered ……

“Not so fast Lewis!” My immature ten-year-old voice yelled out at the fast disappearing
figure before me. I knew the additional two wheels of my glittering silver-tinted bicycle had
given me a disadvantage rather the advantage I thought I would have. I pedaled with all the
force my undeveloped leg muscles could generate, but it only proved to be futile. I could not
win this race.

I had never beaten my brother, Lewis, in any bicycle race after that. He always seemed to
be one step ahead of me, no matter how hard I tried. Lewis was a caring and understanding
brother, but equally so was he competitive and determined. He was my role model and the
person I respected most, but he was also my main rival. Our parents too supported our
healthy competition. Races with Lewis were never short of passion and excitement, and
soon I found myself getting more into cycling, determined to beat Lewis at our favourite

The years had gradually passed, and the both of us had found a new love, motorcycle
racing. We had worked hard to make our mark in the sport, and both of us had succeeded
thus far, winning respective races in different parts of the world. Yet, he had won many
more titles than me. I could never surpass him, it seemed. Our rivalry was a race.

Now, it was time for us to compete once more. Both of us had entered the
widelyacclaimed “MotoGP” competition, and a showdown would be inevitable. We had not
raced together for many years, leaving this race down to the tremendous amounts of hard
work we had put in. The press had written countless articles about our coming race, and it
was finally time for the big clash.

I turned my head towards him, and I could see his eyes through the visors of our
helmets. Eyes filled with a colourful mixture of nostalgia, happiness and determination.
Then, the horn blared. We raced, neck to neck from the start. It stayed that way for the next
seventeen laps, before the final lap. He sped in front of me, stretching his engine to the
limit. It would be extremely difficult to attempt to rival his pace, and I tried my very best to
reduce the gap as much as I could. As I saw him riding in front of me, I was gripped by a
sense of déjà vu.
“Not so fast Lewis!” I mouthed, for the sake of reliving our very first race. Only
this time, I would not let history repeat itself. I flicked my wrist back, accelerating my
vehicle. I concentrated on the figure in front of me. I could feel the effect of pushing my
engine to its limits. My gloved hands were feeling the heat from the overheating engine.

We approached the last hundred metres. I was only half a motorcycle’s length
him. With a final flick, we crossed the finish line.

We looked up at the giant screen. A camera replay was being shown. It was too close to
call a winner.

“And the winner is Will!” the commentator boomed through the sound system.

I felt immense relief and a massive sense of achievement. I had finally done it. I had won
the cup. I had won a race against my brother. I had won the race to surpass my brother.
“A Holiday I Will Never Forget”
Holidays, a time everyone gets hyped up over, parents planning activities for the family to
spend quality time with and school children (as well as teachers) jumping for joy. Hello,
waking up late, celebrating, going for tuition and best of all, vacations! In my case, a holiday
I would never forget is a fruitful one I expereinced five years ago, where my family I spent
six days in the land of K-Pop and 'kimchi '- Korea.

Finally, after ages of waiting, our family arrived in beautiful Korea. Stepping out of the
plane, we could feel the chilly weather to our bones. Never experiencing that kind of
weather, my siblings and I were totally excited. Passing through immigration and baggage
claim, we were talking animatedly about our new surroundings. Since we went with tour
group, we knew we were in good hands.

Incident number one. We were supposed to take a bus to check in at the hotel, as
instructed. I guessed I was overeager and without thinking. I ran to a random bus and
knocked on the door. The young bus driver opened the door and looked at me with a
puzzled expression. He started asking me something in Korean, which of course I did not
understand. I tried to reply in English, but before I could make the attempt, my father
quickly apologized to the driver and walked me back to the tour group who was watching
from afar, shaking with laughter. It turned out that the bus I was running to was not the bus
we were supposed to take. I dismissed my burning cheeks. I was glad I could be the butt of
everyone's jokes on my first day in a foreign country.

It was a bit past lunch time when we were done checking in our hotel. Not doubt,
everybody's stomachs were grumbling. Thank God after checking in, we were going to have
our lunch and do a bit of sightseeing. While waiting for the others outside the hotel, we
walked around nearby. There was a row of vending machines that sold various snacks and
beverages, including Haagen Dazs ice-cream, and instant noodles. My mother had a craving
for Nescafe, so she spent her first Korean money on that.

At the restaurant, a delicious meal was already spread out for us. That was the first
time we all tried kimchi, a spicy and sour vegetable side dish. I did not think it was horrible,
but I preferred the fish kimchi much better. We all ate using chopsticks, so that was kind or
awkward for me and my siblings, as we were not skilled at using them yet. Being
Malaysians, we were used to rice, so it was a good thing that the Korean meal included rice
and a few other side dish, eaten from a Bento box. It was weird though, the rice was stickier
compared to the rice we eat at home, mainly to make it easier to eat using chopsticks. There
was also hot and scrumptious miso soup together with the meal. Since my sister and my
brother did not like it much, I finished up theirs. I gulped the warm soup down my throat- a
nice contrast from the shivering weather outside.

One of the highlights of our activities that we did in Korea was skiing. Everybody from
the tour group was looking forward to that, even the 52-year old couple traveling with us.
Since it wasn’t fully snowing yet, the hill was covered with artificial snow. After
grobbing our ski gear, we listen to a briefing by the instructor. He was very helpful,
especially with us kids and the elderly couple.

Feeling jumpy and hyperactive, me and my sister made our way to the cable car and
successfully skied down a slope. I thought, "We're natural at this," and my sister could not
agree more. When we came to see how our parents and brother were doing, my brother
started to throw a snowball towards me and my sister. It hit me, and we started having a
small snowball fight of our own, just like in the movies! I guessed we got a bit out of hand
and my sister accidentally hit a woman's back. When she turned around, she had this angry
look on her face and started to walk towards us. I hurried my siblings to continue skiing with
our parents, and we ran away before she cold catch us. Breathless, we giggled innaxivety as
we recapped the moment.

In a way, skiing is like swimming. Why do I say so? Well, when swimming, you do not
feel tired, but you would see the effect when you get ravenous and eat more after a session
or when you intend to take a nap, but it is extended to long hours. The same goes to skiing.
When we arrived at the hotel after skiing, we were drained out and starving. Instant
noodles saved the day! We all ate curry flavoured Maggi together, savouring the
memontary pleasure. We also dozed off quite early that night, right after going for a walk to
enjoy the amazing night view of the mountains, and breathing the cool, fresh winter air.

Shopping in Korea was also different compared to Malaysia. Its malls were packed with
small shops or stalls on every floor. Big boutiques were not seen as much as the quaint
kiosks. Nevertheless, I found shopping at their markets more enjoyable, especially because
you could haggle the price. Their specialties were crystals, fabrics and outerwear. Apart
from that, I also liked their wet markets, mainly because they were very clean and they did
not have that fishy smell. I remembered a shocking incident when walking through the
stalls of the wet market. A large fish jumped out its aquarium and onto the floor. I stared at
it and
suddenly, I saw a huge cutting knife slicing through the fish's neck! It was the owner of the
stall's doing. Then, the owner left the fish flapping around lifelessly without a head.
There was also a treasure trove among the stalls of the wet market- a tiny shop which
served grilled seafood. My family stepped into the shop and ordered some grilled fish and

After saying our prayers, we devoured our mouth-watering find of the day. Dripped in a
type of sauce, the seafood was the best I had ever eaten, as you could taste the freshness.
Or maybe I was just hungry after a full day of activities.

If it was up to me, there were so many things to write on my memorable trip to Korean.
Not only we got to spend quality time together as a family, but we also learnt countless new
things and even discovered hidden talents. My father always said we should travel with an
open mind and an open heart. This is when you get to see your capability to adapt to
changes. Just enjoy the simple things in life and be thankful of what you have. So, do just
that. Who knows you might discover a part of yourself you never know existed?
“That Is The Reward For My
Patience and Hardwork”
No guts no glory. No pain no gain. Those are my life mottos. I feel that nothing can be
achieved by simply sitting and doing absolutely nothing to make dreams come true. Life can
be so hard especially when you are not born with silver spoon in yuor mouth. It is also the
time when true friends are hard to comeby just because you do not much money to treat
them at Kentucky Fried Chicken or Burger King. That is something that I have experienced
ever since my family moves to this metropilitan city and I study in the new school.

In my new school I study hard to complete with all my fellow classmates who come
from all walks of life but most are from rich background. They have all that I have ever
wanted in my life but fail to get. They can buy branded shoes and clothes, unlike my worn
out Bata. They afford the latest handphones brands with the latest technology but me?
There is nothing I could do to be on par with them. So, I just let them show off their fancy
gadgets without feeling remorse with the fact that I am only an ordinary student coming
from a family clerk. I just feel sad that they act as if I do not have feelings. I do not feel the
least discourage since I know that I can also be like them one day if I work hard enough to
score in my SPM exam.

Day after day, night after night, I do not to do anything else but concentrate on my
studies. SPM examination is just around the corner and I have no other wish apart from
wanting to pass SPM with flying colours. My parents are my inspirations. They always
remind me to work hard and hanged our fate, make them proud as well as prove to
everybody that a son of a plain clerk can also succeed in life and deserve some respect. At
times, I feel so stressed out that I almost give up and cry. Nevertheless, thinking of my
parent's hope and wishes, I would never surrender and that is my final decision. I engage
myself in group discussion, have consultations with my Physics and Chemistry teachers, the
two subjects that I am weak at as well as burn as much midnight oil as possible to obtain my
ultimate goal-10A+ in the exam. Sometimes, I feel overworked myself but I know I have to
muster every single one of my strength to pull through this ordeal and pray that it will end

The most awaited moment has arrived. With prayers and good luck wishes from my
father and mother, I step into my examination hall with full awareness that I have to do
really well in the exam to realize all my parent's dreams and mine. The torturous moments
last for three weeks and as far as I am concerned time really flies but I trust myself that I
have given my very best for each paper.

March 2015 comes I heard on the television that the SPM 2014 result will be out today.
With anticipation and nervousness I walk to school with my good friend Samah. I cannot
imagine getting less than 8A+ because according to my counselor, only getting 8A+ will I be
able to secure any scholarship, something which is very important to me due to my parent's
incapability to pay for my tertiary education. The moment Ms. Asiah, my form teacher
hands me the result slip, my heart skips a beat. i am cold from feet to toe from the
suspense. Then the moment arrives! It is the most unforgettable time of my life. I manage to
get 10A+ and my prayer has been answered. Thank God for giving me opportunity to
succeed and make my parents proud. That is the reward for my patience and hardwork.
Couple Foils Robbery Attempt - Sample
Essay: Directed Writing
Newspaper Article / Report
There has been an attempted robbery in your area. As a newspaper reporter, you have been
assigned to write a report of the incident for publication in a local newspaper. Using the
notes below, write out your report.

couple – taking a walk

two men approached them

ordered couple to give jewellery a
struggle – husband injured one
neighbour – taking a dog for a walk
heard shouts – went to investigate
robbers saw dog – fled couple made
police report
Couple Foils Robbery Attempt
PULAU PINANG, Thu – An elderly businessman and his wife foiled a robbery attempt by two
men armed with a screwdriver and a knife. The victims were reported safe from any bad

Tan Ah Wok, 60 and his wife were taking a morning walk near their home in Helen
Heights yesterday when two men on a motorcycle stopped them under the pretext of asking
for directions. As Mr. Tan was giving directions, one of the robbers pointed a knife at him
and ordered them to keep quiet. He then relieved Mrs. Tan of her jewellery and instructed
Mr. Tan to hand over his ring and watch. When he refused, a struggle ensued. Meanwhile,
his accomplice grabbed a helmet and hit Mr. Tan on the head with it. On seeing this, his wife
started screaming.

One of their neighbours, R. Subramaniam, who was taking his dog for a walk, heard
the screams and when to investigate. On seeing Subramaniam and his dog, the robbers fled.
“I was taking my dog for a walk when I heard someone shouting for help. Knowing
that something was wrong, I ran there as fast as I could. Before I reached the scene, the
robbers fled on a motorbike. They were probably afraid of my Rottweiler.”

Mr. Tan, who suffered a small cut on his head, was given outpatient treatment at a
private clinic. He said that it was a horrified experience as he never expected the two men
would attack his wife and him. He thought that they were lost and needed help. He also
mentioned that the guard who in charge nowadays easily allowed the strangers to enter
their residents. State CID Chief Supt Harun Din advised him and the people to be more
careful in giving help to strangers. The guard also must be stricter in letting people from
entering any residents without proper permission.

He added that the suspects, aged between 25 and 30, were believed to be illegal
immigrants. He said there had been similar incident last week when two men approached a
factory worker who was on her way home after work. The duo then relieved her gold chain
and cash. He advised the residents to be alert and reports to police any suspicious-looking
characters lurking in their area.
Write a story starting with: “The widow
had to work hard to bring up her little son
The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son alone. This was after her
husband’s early death. She and her son lived in a wooden house. It was a small
house with only one bedroom and a kitchen.

Mariam wanted Sam to study hard to get good result. So she would not let Sam help
her do any household chores or wash his own clothes. The years flew by. Sam sat for his
SPM examination and pass with flying colours.

His mother was very happy. She went round telling her friends, “My Sam will be
leaving for the city to study in a college. He will become a Manager one day. I’ll move
to live
with him in the city. Then, my struggle is worth it.”

So Mariam continued to work hard to send money to Sam who was studying a
business degree. For Mariam, it was a tough life. Meanwhile, Sam kept on phoning home to
ask for more money. Mariam even had to borrow from her neighbours and friends to send
her son the money.

Three years Sam stopped calling home. He did not even let his mother where he was.
When she phoned the faculty, they told her that he had graduated and left for job.
However, they could not her more. Mariam was baffled. Where was Sam? She was so sure
he would come back and fetch her for city. So, she started to pack some of her bags and

Three months later, there was still no news or call from Sam. One day,
Mariam’s niece, Kate, came to talk to her about Sam. She told her aunt, “Auntie, a
friend of mine met Sam in a bank. He’s the branch manager. This is his address.”
Early in the morning, Mariam took the first bus to the city. At the bus station, she
took a taxi and showed the taxi driver the bank address. On the way there, she told the
driver about Sam and what a filial son he was.

The driver stopped his taxi in front of a tall building. She got out of the taxi and smiled
at him happily. This was the moment she was going to meet Sam. She imagined him showing
surprise and delight at meeting his mother. Inside the building, a security guard asked her
who she was looking for. She told the guard Sam’s name.

The bank staff saw an old lady holding a worn-out handbag. They were wondering,
“Who is this woman? Why is she asking for our manager?”

Meanwhile, Sam pretended he did not know his mother. Feeling disgusted and
ashamed, he asked the security guard to ask her to leave. Mariam was shocked to hear that!
She looked Sam in a disappointed feeling ever, and ran out of the bank.

Back in her house, Mariam cried the whole night. She cried and cried till she had no
more tears. The next morning, she was sitting by the window with Sam’s photo on
her lap. She saw him walking towards their house. Soon she was shouting and crying,
“My Sam is back! My Sam is back!”

Sam ran towards her and hugged Mariam as he never let go. He was so sorry and
regretted the way he behaved. His colleagues were the one who made him realized his big
mistakes neglected his mother.

The neighbours heard her. They too shouted and cheered, feeling happy for her.
“My Most Embarrassing Situation”
Everyone has been embarrassed at one time or another. It is that moment in time when you
wish the earth would open up and swallow you. The anxiety and discomfort felt during that
time which may only last a few seconds feels like time has stood still.

I remember so well when I had my most embarrassing moment. I was in Form 4 and it
was during the school recess. The minute the bell rang for recess, I rushed to the toilet
because I had been controlling my urges since class started. I didn’t want to
miss class because the lesson taught that morning was to include tips for the
forthcoming examination.

Without realising, I had rushed to the girls’ toilet. The prolonged control and an
upset stomach made worse by two glasses of cold milk in the morning made me grunt and
groan in what I thought in what I thought was the privacy of the cubicle. I thought I heard
giggling outside and wondered why the giggles sounded unusually near. A few minutes later
I came out the cubicle and discovered my horror that I had entered the girls’ toilet. To
matters worse, the few girls standing outside didn’t even turn away when I came out.
Instead they looked down at me, then only they turned quickly away. Horror of horrors, I
had forgotten to zip up! No beetroot could have matched the colour of my face at this point
in time!

They news of my predicament spread like wild fire throughout school. I was truly
the talk of the town. I felt like I could either walk around feeling perpetually self-conscious
and embarrassed or I could turn the situation round, perhaps even to my advantage. I
remembered my mother’s words that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’. So I
decided to make fun of myself, to laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored after
a while and nobody teased me after that.

It was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people
laugh at you, you should laugh along. You must not take yourself seriously. Learn to look at
yourself through other people’s eyes and you will realise that most of the time when
they laugh at you, they just want to have some fun. They mean no harm. If you can make
people laugh, it’s like bringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said, ‘those
who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.’
th Essay

“A Road Accident’
Road accidents are reported in newspaper and on television every day. There are more
frequently caused by reckless drivers rather than faulty vehicles. Last Saturday, while I was
travelling from Ipoh, I witnessed a serious accident. The scene of the accidents was vivid in
my mind.

A motorcyclist was following behind was taxi very closely. He was so impatient that
he was trying to overtake my taxi even near a sharp bend. At that critical moment, there
was an oncoming car. The taxi driver swerved to the roadside and I got a terrible jolt. It was
too late for the motorcyclist to avoid the car. His motorcycle ran against the bumper of the
car and smashed its windscreen. The motorcyclist somersaulted over the car and was found
lying in a pool of blood. It was a scene to chill the flesh! The car driver, who was cut by the
flying glass, was in a state of shock. All that happened in split second and fear overwhelmed

The taxi driver stopped his taxi and I quickly ran to the nearest to the nearest
telephone booth to inform the police and the hospital. From a distance I could see some
people trying to help the injured motorcyclist and the car driver. They carried them into one
of the onlooker’s car and sent them to the hospital for treatment. Meanwhile the taxi
driver tried to control and directs the traffic. Soon the police arrived and they promptly
took some measurements and evidence. After that they moved the damaged car and the
motorcycle to the roadside to ease the traffic congestion. They also took down the evidence
provided by witnesses and onlookers. Some sweepers were clearing the debris and the
blood stains on the road.

When the taxi finally continued the journey, I silently thanked God for my narrow
escape. I learned a good lesson that impatience and recklessness would bring harm and
danger. I was happy to see that Malaysians are public-spirited and they render help to
others readily. Since then I remember and follow the saying ‘more haste less
speed’ and
‘prevention is better than cure’. I believe good road manners and roads safety
campaigns can help to reduce the number of road accidents which cause injuries, loss and
lives and properties.
th Essay 23

“Autumn On Sugarbush Street”

When I think back to the best memories of my youth, it’s the street where I lived
that I think of first. Tucked far enough out of the way to have a slower pace than the rest
of the world, my neighborhood was the perfect place to grow up. I spent my summers
swimming or fishing and my winters in snowball fights and ice skates. While all the seasons
have their own beauty, it‘s the fall that I love the most. Surrounded by color and
wildlife, autumn on Sugarbush Street was like living in God’s painting.

Dominated by maples, willows, elms, and birch trees, my street was cut off from the
busy outside world. I often imagined as a child that a great woodsman had carved a path
through the forest of trees on my street; that my father and our neighbors had followed to
bury their own roots where the trees once lay. In the autumn, after the swimming pools
were covered and the sprinklers packed away, the trees exploded with color almost
overnight, as if they knew that Mother Nature would put them to sleep for the winter in a
few weeks and they wanted to pulse with life one last time. I would look up and suddenly be
surrounded by chocolate browns, fiery reds, and bright yellows. In the late afternoon, the
whole street glowed golden amber and the sky burned with brilliant reds and purples as the
sun set. When the houselights came on and the chimneys signaled that fireplaces were lit,
my world shrank to pools of warm light and front porches; no place has ever felt as good or
as safe to me. Everything would smell of cool earth and wood smoke. I could taste the
sweetness of the fallen leaves in the air. The only thing you could hear, unless you turned
your back to it, was the roar of the wind as it tried to shake loose the leaves too stubborn to
let go of the branches. I always lingered just outside my front door, taking one last look
around: the sky’s fire cooling to silver in the light of the moon, the trees fading to
silhouettes, and the crickets restless and noisy at the start of their nightly watch. When I
walked inside, my family’s talking above the television’s soft murmur replaced the sounds
of the wind and crickets. Those smells from outside quickly faded, replaced with sweeter
ones of pumpkin pie and cinnamon; two smells that always permeated my house in the fall.

On autumn mornings, if I got out of bed early enough, my backyard would be

alive with activity. My father always put beef suet and extra seed in the birdfeeders
when the weather turned cold, and I loved to watch the animals come for a taste.
Shivering in my pajamas as my skin pebbled from the cold, I would carefully approach
the big picture window that faced out back and press my face to the glass. Red and black
squirrels, furry tails standing at attention as they rustled through the piles of leaves
foraging for food,
24 th Essay
chattered angrily at one another if they dared to venture too close. Nervous rabbits
streaked back and forth through the dew that glistened like crystals in the morning light. As
if sensing my stare, they would suddenly stop, frozen in place like perfect lawn statues. The
slightest quiver on the tips of their ears and the twitch of their tiny noses were the only
signs that they were real. Pheasants, standing proud like lords of the yard watched it all with
me. The smell of bacon frying would pull me away, and the imprint of my face would fade
from the cold glass while I decided to concern myself with the inside world for a while.

On one of those mornings, I remember running to the old apple tree out back for
some of its sweet red fruit. The carpet of leaves crackled underfoot as I ran, the sound
startling the blackbirds into the air. I stood panting underneath my tree, face flushed, when
a buck stepped out of the woods at the end of my property. We both stopped, noticing each
other at the same time. Brown like the leaves scattered at my feet with antlers that looked
like a crown of branches, the buck’s head tapered to a gray muzzle and ended in a
band of pure white like snow. Ears and tail stiff with alert, his liquid brown eyes gazed into
my smaller hazel ones and I held my breath trying not to move. Powerful muscles moved
beneath its fur when it took a cautious step backward into the safety of the trees, and I
realized our destination was the same. The crooked tree that smelled so strong of the soft
apples that had fallen to the ground after growing too big for the tree to maintain its hold
on them. He was there for those apples; I was there to climb for mine. I slowly bent down
and picked up an apple to offer to him. My fingers put little indents in its soft skin. My
movement startled him and the buck turned and leapt back into the shelter of the dark
woods in one fluid motion. Hopeful I could lure him back, I tossed a few apples to where he
had stood and climbed my tree, slowly making my way up the knobby bark to the crossed
branches at the top that had adapted to my shape from years of sitting on them. I waited in
that tree all day for him to return, gaze locked on those apples, pretending not to notice the
November cold settling onto me like a blanket. It finally grew too dark to see and my mother
called for me to come inside. I never saw that buck again.

Autumn is still my favorite season. When the days get shorter and the leaves start to
pile up under the trees, I start to feel like a kid again. My old street has changed over the
years. There aren’t as many trees as there used to be; many have been cut down to
make room for new neighbors. The trees that remain, though, are just as striking and vibrant
their fall colors as I remember. There’s a bank at one end of the street now, the soft
green grass of the field where kids played tag and baseball is now the hard gray of a parking
lot. The apple tree behind my parent’s house has been cut down, but I swear I can
still smell the apples that littered the ground beneath it when I walk over the place it once
stood. The woods, so dark and dense in my memories, have been thinned and you can see
daylight between the trees now. The sounds of wind whispering through those woods have
been replaced by lawn mowers and radios. I walk back to that spot sometimes, where I saw
that buck so long ago, when I stop by to visit (Mom’s pie, still as rich and sweet as it
ever was, is one thing that hasn’t changed). When I do, I always get the taste for
apples and the urge to climb a tree. I wonder where he went, that buck, when his home
was taken over by
progress. I like to think that he found another, quieter Sugarbush Street to spend his
remaining years; another crooked tree to stand under and eat apples, with an ear cocked to
hear the sounds of children playing in the leaves far away. That was twenty autumns ago.
I’m looking forward to many more, but I know my best autumns were on Sugarbush
Street. I’m glad I was there.
24th Essay “Of Bombs
Or Ice Cream”
Her slender figure slumped restlessly against the window. She gazed out at the
multitude of brightly coloured stars that lay before her.

Commander Assyria’s eyes were fixed on the big rock of green and blue that
floated helplessly in space from her small, circular window panel located in her private
quarters up in space aboard the Ulysses VI. She could not help but think how much she
missed home so much ever since she had left for duty onboard the Ulysses fourteen
months ago.

“Many things must’ve changed since I left. What with the growing turmoil that
was going on somewhere in the Middle East the last I heard of. I do hope things have
settled down back there.”

At that moment, Commander Assyria’s second in command on the Ulysses,

Fleet Commander Lucas Bishop entered her quarters as the doors separating the
quarters with the main hallway slid open with a silenced hush.

“Gazing out at Mother Earth again, I reckon? Doesn’t she just grow on you out
here in space?”

“Here you go again with your senseless ramblings, eh?” joked Assyria.

“Oh well, that’s Luke! Anyway, I came here to tell you about a video conference
with the
United Nations later on at 1400 hours.”

Commander Assyria nodded appropriately and sent Lucas off to dwell on his
neverending ‘philosophies’ he calls ‘The Lucas Way’. Most probably a pun he picked up
studying The Milky Way for aeons.
“Another round of pointless debates with the UN again. It’s not as if
there’s a meteorite whizzing past us every other day.”

Checking her data pad and seeing as how she still had a few more minutes to spare,
she made a beeline to the station’s canteen for a nice, hot cup of coffee to keep her
on track throughout the meeting.

Moments later, she settled herself down comfortably in her commander’s chair
inside the conference room. The video screen immediately flickered to life and the familiar
logo of the United Nations visualised onscreen. After a momentary pause, Dr. Sergio
Camacho-Lara, the Director of Space Affairs appeared.

“It’s good to see you once again, Assyria. I trust things are going well up there?”
the doctor with his thick Mexican accent.

“As right as rain, director! Although we hardly EVER see it up here,” laughed

“Good, good. Assyria, there’s something important I felt that I needed to

tell you personally. It’s regarding your… family.”

“What… what is it, director? What has happened to my family?!” demanded

Assyria with a clearly anxious tone compared to a few seconds ago. Her facial expression
had changed almost quite instantly, almost as pale as a ghost.

“Well, it’s not going to be easy to say. There was… there was a recent terrorist
attack against your home country. There were bomb blasts all around the main city. We
fear that the casualty count has reached an all time high. Seeing as how your family stays
nearby the city, we cannot help but wonder if they… had managed to survive.”

She sat in her seat motionless, silently watching the steam rising from her mug of coffee.
Now speaking with a tone of distraught, Assyria said, “I’m sorry, director, but I will
need some time to myself to think about this. Thank you for informing me.” With that,
she immediately cut off the feed not giving the director time to even respond to her
statement. She hastily made her way back to her private quarters to regain her composure.
She lay huddled in bed emotionally lost in her thoughts. She did not know what to make
of the recent events that had just taken place. Outside her quarters, a few crew members
had gathered wondering why their commander had been in there for such a long time.
Lucas came whistling by and noticed the commotion.

“Hey! What’s going on? The commander got herself stuck trying on her spacesuit
Boy, that was a scene I’d never forget.” laughed Lucas.

“It’s not that, Sir. The commander has been in there for quite a long time. She
refused to
see anyone at all. It’s quite unusual for her to be like this, isn’t it?”

“Indeed. I’ll go in and have a talk with her. The rest of you, carry on with your
duties.” Following that, he rapped on the door and allowed himself in. Seeing her curled
up into a ball on the bed, he calmly walked and sat down next to her.

“Ria, what’s going on? This is very unlike you.”

“Luke, my family… my… family… bombing… gone… gone! I hate… I hate this
world. I hate the cruelty. The wars. The discrimination. I hate it all!”

Visibly shaken, Lucas tried his best to comfort her by putting his arm around her and
holding her close. “Don’t worry, Ria. There’s still hope. They may still be alive. You
need to be strong.”

“If I could change the world… THIS world… I’d just wish for all this pain and
suffering to disappear forever! Wars… they don’t help further any cause. All they do
is cause destruction and agony all over the world. The Earth… it looks beautiful from
up here, but true evil lies snugly beneath it. How I wish I had the power to stop all these
catastrophic events from happening. It hurts… It hurts my heart deeply… Luke…”

“If I could change the world,” paused Lucas. “I would’ve wanted it to be a

peaceful world. A world where everyone could live together despite racial and religious
differences. These are the things that ultimately give rise to wars and terrorism. It’s
something all of us could do without… I’m sure anyone in their right mind would
agree heartily…”
Assyria quietly leaned on Lucas’ side. She did not want to move too much as the
emotional burden she was experiencing was too great. She felt relieved that she could share
this burden of hers with Lucas.

“Luke, I’m going to be on the first shuttle leaving the Ulysses back to Earth. I hope
you understand why. I want to look for my family or whatever traces that are left of them –
my quest,” concluded Assyria.

“I understand, Ria. I’ll take over for you onboard the Ulysses until you’re ready to
back. I wish you God-speed.”

A few days later, the shuttle heading for Cape Caneveral, Florida was fuelled and ready
for departure. By that time, Assyria was all packed and ready to embark on her mission –
the search for her family, the moment she touched ground.

Before entering the shuttle, she managed to say her goodbyes to her crew. At the
entrance to the shuttle, she found Luke waiting for her with a nervous look on his face.

“Why the look, Luke? Feeling sad that I’m leaving?” teased Assyria.

“Um… Ria, before you go, I just wanted to tell you that… there will be a ring with
name on it waiting for you when you return.”

Knowing conclusively what this meant, Assyria could not contain her emotions and
hugged Luke affectionately. Without saying a word, she kissed him on his cheek and
boarded the shuttle.

Luke, who was now all smiles, watched from the window panel of the station as the
shuttle undocked itself from the Ulysses and began its voyage towards Earth. After watching
the shuttle float steadily towards Earth, Luke turned around towards his crew and said,
“Anyone for vacuum-packed ice-cream?”
Enormous groans emanated throughout the cabin crew as they were all too familiar
with the awkward and near-rancid taste of the NASA quality-approved ‘I Scream’ as
most crew members called it.
“After All It Isn’t That Bad”
She looked so beautiful that morning. As I shifted my hands through her gorgeous hair, I
kissed her. “Take care, darling. Gotcha go to work,” I said, in my peculiar Australian
and European mixed accent. After waving at my wife, I got into my black Brabus S350,
in my porch, growling. “Good day, Sir,” wished Mr. Baskaran, my personal driver,
as he started to drive the growling beast, ready to unleash its mighty horsepower. As I
leaned back in the posh leather seat, the 30 inch widescreen LCD screen started to unfold
in front of me. It resumed the episode of “House”, I was watching yesterday.

But no matter how I tried, I couldn’t enjoy the sarcasm of Hugh Laurie as I was
too preoccupied with what happened at work yesterday. Being a CEO of a multimillion
dollar company like Google does equate to a life full of stress and tension. The only
consolation I got was, the security analyst, who melted my heart and made me go on a
cloud nine, Julie became mine. Her smile made me euphoric, her eyes made me drool;
her voice sent a tingling sensation down my spine, which I longed for, every minute, every

“Mr. Mahen, we have arrived, Sir,” announced Baskaran as he opened the door
and led
me into the giant headquarters of the world-renowned Google Inc. As I made my way
through, dozens of smiling faces wished me a good morning. But, the morning wasn’t
The thought of what I did yesterday was running all over my mind.

Hssh! the air-conditioner hummed as I went into my cabin. The most luxurious in the
building. The CEO room was finished with fine oak wood, enriched with blinds which
are controlled automatically, a foosball table and yes, a state-of-the-art computer

Slowly, I sat and took out the files. The figures were big and scary, some eight digits and
some nine. If it happened, I have no idea how I’m going to pay the foreign
investors and even worse, my staff! I need a solution, one which can solve this problem
once and for all. Trying to think as hard as I could, I closed my eyes. Just as I was trying to
visualize some ideas, there was a knock on the door. It was hard.

“Sorry to interrupt Sir, but here’s your cup of special Jamaican brewed mocha
cappuccino,” mumbled Sarah Lane, my personal assistant cum secretary. Still thinking
I brought the porcelain cup closer to my mouth. There was a code on the cup. It read
‘CBSGOOGLEV2’. Just as I started to take t a sip, suddenly the missing pieces of the
jigsaw in my mind came together. YES! I’ve got it! It was all because of the ‘V2’
code on the cup. If it wasn’t for that code, I wouldn’t have got it.

I immediately called my chief programming officer, Mr. Karl Benzer. A sore looking,
depressed, fat, belly-buttoned guy entered my cabin. “Take that look off your face at
once,” I exclaimed. “I’ve found the solution to our problem!” I shouted happily.

As though my words were words of some sorcerer’s magic, the sore look
disappeared. His teeth started to show and he was desperate to know further. I poured the
whole thing. “Benzer, settle down and I’ll tell you.” “Initially, as you know, we were
facing a losing battle with those scoundrels who stole our new unreleased software, Gamma
Google. If it went
into the pirate’s hand, we would be bankrupt....” As I was talking, Benzer interrupted
me. “But sir that is what we were discussing the whole day long yesterday. Tell me how
are going to overcome it,” blattered my impatient staff.

“It’s like this. They’ve stolen Gamma Google which wasn’t ready and for
testing purposes, I secretly added a command which would allow the software to self-
destruct no matter wherever it is in the world. How silly of me to forget about that,” I
contentedly to Karl. “Wow! It’s a huge relieve to hear that, sir. I will start working on
executing the command strings you’ve put in,” said Karl.

That evening, I left early. I wanted to take my wife to an exclusive, select restaurant as a
treat. I hit the pause button of the LCD TV and I called my wife to inform her about the good
news while I was in the Brabus. Later, I resumed watching and yes, it was that sarcastic
doctor’s show being screened. Hey, who said being a CEO of a multimillion dollar
like Google equate to a life full of stress and tension? After all, it isn’t that bad.


You are concerned over the implications and long-term health effects of the haze. Write an
article to the local newspaper expressing your concern based on all the notes below.
the reasons behind the haze
role of government and society
steps that can be taken give
relevant examples of:
- health complications
- measures

- roles of government and individuals

When writing the article you should remember:

- to lay out the letter carefully

- to use paragraphs
- that you letter is to the press

Haze: A Danger to Health

The haze is a constant phenomenon faced by Malaysia and her neighbouring

countries. The haze is basically pollution of atmosphere, which is clogged with pollutants
and other substances from forest fires.

The haze is a direct effect of forest fire in Kalimantan and other parts of Indonesia
due to slash and burn method of farming. The Indonesian authorities appear to have no
power to control farmers from practising such methods. The haze is further worsened by
open burning practised by most Malaysians. Open-field burning of rice straw by the rice
planters and open burning of dried leaves and garbage done by the public are a few
examples that done by Malaysian. Many are ignorant of the health effects of open burning.
During the haze, hospitals and clinic often report a dramatic increase in respiratory
problems, lung infections and asthma attack. The Air Pollution Index (API) usually indicates
the hazardous and dangerous levels of pollution
t during this period. The haze has long-term
side effects. Prolonged inhalation of polluted air will result in serious lung infection which
particularly affects the elderly.

The government must play its role to reduce the haze treat. It has to cooperate with
the Indonesian authorities to stamp out forest fires. The culprits must be brought to justice,
either through healthy fine or prison sentence. Constant vigilance would ensure the
perpetrators do not repeat their offence.

The government should also raise the public awareness of the dangers of forest fire.
Continuous campaign of the cause, solutions and steps-need-to-be-taken to reduce the haze
need to be promoted through all types of social media like television, radio, newspaper and
even via internet. The authorities should also provide assistance to farmers and introduce
more sophisticated forest clearing methods.

In Malaysia, strict laws must be imposed to penalise those who practise open
burning. On-going campaigns on the dangers of open burning should be intensified.
Individuals too have a role to play. They must participate in every campaign and stop
burning. Students can advise their parents not to practice open burning.

Every individual has to remember that we do not own the world, but instead we lent
it from our future generations. We must protect our world so that our grandchildren
woulh have a healthy earth to live.

Ahmad Harun bin Hashim

Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

It is truly undeniable that in this science and technology millennium, we can hardly live
without money. Even buying something small such as sweet will cost you some money.
However, this does not mean that money can buy happiness, unlike the misconception of
most people in the world. In fact, wealth is a far cry from happiness. If you disagree with
me, let's look at the reasons for my stand.

Firstly, one of the main gates to happiness is to stay healthy. Maybe some people think
that when one is rich, he can be healthy or it does not matter even if they have diseases
because these rich men have lots of money to pay their medication. This is totally wrong.
Good health is acquired from a healthy lifestyle progressively and not in a day. With lots of
money we are tend to temp ourselves to exotic, luxurious food. If this food is taken
excessively, it will let to obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension and other serious
illness. Moreover, rich people are probably lack of exercise as they hardly walk outdoor due
to 24 hours-service debar fetching them about causing them to be at a higher risk of getting
these unnecessarily health problems. How a person can enjoys his life and feels happy
when he is confined to a wheelchair or bed-ridden. He would not even be glad spending his
money and time curing his sickness. Therefore, wealth cannot bring happiness.

Professionals like doctor, nurse, lawyer, engineer, food technologist and accountant earn a
lot of money per month. They are considered the high class citizens who can afford large,
expensive house with huge beautiful gardens. But do they really enjoy the pleasures of life?
Most probably not because they are simply too busy with their work. They frequently burnt
the midnight oil in their work place. It is even more miserable if they have to turn their
home into a working place. Most specialists have to stand-by 24 hours in case of emergency
calls from the hospitals. Hence, they can hardly spend any relax, restful night at their home
even if they posse a huge two and a half storey bungalow with a beautiful garden and
artificial waterfall. Successful businessmen may always have a chance of flying to all parts of
the world when they go out station to make business. However, very few of them can really
take it as a holiday as a treat for themselves for their schedules are always full and they are
so stressful with their works. Even fewer businessmen can ignore urgent, pursuing calls from
their clients or office when they are going for holidays or resting. In other words, one can
make lots of money but he may not enjoy even the beauty of nature around them or the
branded, expensive things with them. So what is the use of money when we do not even
enjoy a meal properly and discontented with lives. One with a moderate income can feels
happier if he leads a simple life and be grateful with what he has.
Finally, a children or a teenage brought in moderate family is better than in a rich family.
As the sons or daughters of billionaires, their parents will give them whatever that they
want in material. These children or teenagers get a lot of pocket money from their parents
and can afford to buy many expensive things like branded, latest handset, expensive clothes
and branded sport shoes. But the question is, are they happy if their parents are always
working with only an Indonesian maid to accompany them. If they are asked to choose
between wealth and love from their parents, I believe that they were undoubtedly choose
love. A healthy family is not created for the children. These children mentally are not as
healthy as those being cared and loved by their parents. Children need parents who can
listen to their problems and give them words of wisdom, teaching then day by day. Parents
who are not rich may not be able to buy branded things to satisfy their children but with
more communication and understanding, these teenagers will understand the difficulty of
their parents in earning money, learning to be thrifty. In short, money does not promise a
happy, caring family.

Money may be able to buy a lot of things but not love, friendship, health and others. These
are the main ‘ingredients’ for a happy life. Thus, it is a controversy if money can bring
happiness. Even, if we can afford many things we desired with lots of money, we may not be
happy and enjoy our lives if we are always dissatisfied with what we had, yearning for more.
Thus, I stand firm that money cannot bring happiness.

“Cell Phones”
Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices were once
developed to get in contact with someone else in case of emergencies, and now talking on
the phone while driving has turned out to be a way of life for millions of American drivers.
More than 85 percent of the 100 million cell-phone subscribers frequently talk on the phone
during driving.(www.smartmotorist.com) Talking on the cell phone while driving should be
illegal, because of the dangers they cause. Driving while using the cell phone is one of the
major problems here in the US. Cell phones should not be used while driving. This matter is
too dangerous to let it go unnoticed.

According to the essay, Yes, Prohibit Their Use, which appeared on the congressional
quarterly’s web site on March 16, 2001, the Harvard Center for risk analysis printed
a study in 1999. They appointed a crash risk factor to using cell phones. In the summer of
2000 it came out to 450 to 1,000 fatalities each year. The NHTSH says that for every fatality,
there are 666 property-damage and injury-producing crashes. There are about 300,000 and
650,000 different crashes due to cell phones! This same essay states that Japan is one of the
14 countries banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The accidents caused by
the use of cell phones dropped by 75 percent the next month, proving cell phones are not
necessary parts of the driving nature.

There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have to take
their eyes off the road while dialing. Also, drivers can get so deep into their conversations
that their ability to concentrate may be dangerously limited. This jeopardizes the safety of
the people inside the vehicle, and the pedestrians outside. In order to drive safely, the
driver should be able to put 100% of his or her focus on the road. Cell phones are simply a
huge distraction while driving.

It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed.
In these cases, I agree with the author of Yes, Prohibit Their Use, the driver should pull-over
somewhere safe to use the phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait
until the car has come to a complete stop. Then he should proceed to use the phone. If he
feels that the emergency is urgent enough to take action right away, then the person should
use the hands free headset. Only in emergencies should cell phones be used.
Some people argue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. While using a
cell phone when driving may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies prove that it is the

most common cause of car crash accident, and common cause of death here in the US.

The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Philadelphia, because many
people die due to distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and
330,000 injuries in the United States every year. (www.livescience.com/technology).
Another reason to not use the cell phone while driving is devastating the many lives of the
victims and their families in the case of an accident.

When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not

“Importance Of Studying English”

It is a big concerned for teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the importance of
English language as they tend to ignore to learn the language. Students’ attitude
towards the language is also crucial to make sure that these teenagers can face the future
world better by learning English language as it is an international language.

Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English, many
students are still not bothered about studying it seriously. There is also a campaign that still
on to make all the Malaysian becomes a better English learner, which is ‘Enhance
Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthen the English’. English is the most important
and the most useful language in the world today. There are many reasons why you should
study the language properly.

First and foremost, English will definitely help you a lot when you want to further
studies. Almost all books at university are written in English in all subjects. Plus, it is a
compulsory for any candidate to pass English with credit before entering any universities.
So, if you are poor in English, you will blow you chance for better education or worse, you
are going to have a big problem studying at university.

The second reason why you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a
job. When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. The
first impression you should give in order to success and have the job is, to respond in English
fluently. Your chances of getting the job are very slim if you stutter while interviewing.

A good command in of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company
you work is actively involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective
customers in English. Miscommunication might occur if your English is bad. And this will put
your company at risk and you will likely be dismissed if this happen.

Good English will also help you a lot when you travel. Every country in the world
studies English. Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English! At least
some of the people you meet on your travels in other countries can understand English. The
language is certainly practical when you are lost in your trip. Communication problem will
not happen if you can converse well in English. Inevitably, English is one of the languages
used in any airport in the world in making announcement. Knowing English well, therefore,
make travelling overseas easier. 29 t

Besides all these, entertainment is one of the major advantages you will experience if
you good in English. You will enjoy television’s best programmes. We must admit that
many of the best programmes are produced by the Americans and British companies. High
self confidence influenced by the programmes will indirect inculcate in yourself when you
are fluent in the language. Quality time is worthily spent if you understand and enjoy the

Based from all the above elaboration, I hope that students will see the importance
and realise how importance the language is for their own future. Although it is a second
language in our country, it is now a main language all over the world.

Feeling thankful is how I feel now. The greatest present to receive is the sense of content
and gratitude that I feel. No matter how much I earn or the value of properties I owe,
without sharing, how life can be?

Few years back when I was in school, my mind was set on money and branded items. No
matter how badly life has for me, nothing can bring me further away from my set-mind.
From many hardships, I struggle for a presence, a name, a status. I need to let people know
what I have and what I can achieve.

As time passes and sky is unlimited, people change so do I. I turn to God. I turn to my
family. I turn to my faith. Nothing can make me feel more content than myself. I need to
satisfy my own need before I make my way to the world. Love, Peace and Happiness are
what I believe now. As I mention earlier on, faith is the tool for all lives. Imagine a world
without faith? How can one trust someone or something? Take for an example a relation
between two sexes. Both need to gain the trust and belief before embarking a journey
together. It’s a journey of understanding as well as respect. Nothing can bring two
with the concrete tools both have.

No matter how much money is flowing in my bank accounts or how many properties
waiting in my list, as long as I don’t feel content with myself, nothing would. All these
are material visions that count only for a short period of happiness. I want a long lasting
happiness. A happiness that can be shared by everyone even passer-by.

I turn my life to myself, family and GOD. It revolves with them. Not that I’m a 100%
believer in God but somehow or another, it smooths my daily life whenever I trust on
something. I believe what comes around goes around in life. Why one should feels
frustrated and irritated when aim is not reached? Why? Ask yourself deep in your heart? Is
it worth the temper-rush? The best way to do is to look at the problem with a smile on your
face and a relax heart. Turn back and don’t let your anger out from your box. Think
appreciation that mistakes are made and told to you. All you need to do: CHANGE.

It is as simple as ABC.
world is in its greatest condition. 30
In life, if only one can recognize the significant of Trust, Understanding, Faith and Love our
31th Essay “Thoughts On
Some of us may be selfish to share our study tips yet deliberately disturbing the others
while they are doing their works. Some might agree with such an attitude as a secret
weapon for crucial examination namely UPSR, PMR and SPM. But don't you agree that
sharing is actually the happiest thing we can do? We can share meaning that we have the
capability. Sharing brings more knowledge and ideas to be exchanged. Nobody will improve
much if they are reluctant to share. In fact, when we initiate to share, we will definitely get
more and more feedback which may be beyond our knowledge. 3 people are better than
only 1. More minds contribute more thoughts. That's why group discussion is highly
recommended for it is an proven effective way to catalyst our improvement of study.

Study is only a part of our life routine and being student is merely our temporary role .
Actually that time is our precious moment to develop into a better person. One cannot
know and experience everything with limited ages . However, we can gain unlimited
knowledge and lesson once we start to share and exchange. By sharing, we know more, we
continue our learning and without we can realise , we have fostered good friendship and
become a better individual. Let's have a very simple example,every of us owns one box of
biscuits. Every box of biscuits have different flavour. If we are kind enough to reciprocate
our biscuits with each other, then we get to taste a variety flavour of biscuits. Similarily,
sharing and exchanging is something mutually profitable for every of us. Through
sharing,we apply our knowledge and subsequently we gain more. Do share your knowledge
with others as if you intend they share theirs with you. Only those who are generous to
share and humble to keep on learning deserve to possess more power, wealth and

Being students,we are still learning and painting our lives with endless colour and school
should be the safest platform for us to practice our behaviour. Here,sharing makes more
sense to complement each other. Nothing can be accomplished without a cohesive
teamwork. One cannot be successful without any assistance provided by the others.
Frankly, have you shared your fortune,wealth and knowledge with your friends? If not, try
your best whenever you are still able to do so. When we are stepping into the working
world, seldom do we have such an opportunity to share and enjoy anxiety-free student
lives. A real success is more than just a straight A result or thousands and one certificates
but whether one really enjoys the process towards success. And sharing will be a must for
the particular joyful process.
32th Essay
This article was written by Kwan Will Sen, a third-year Law student at University of Malaya.

“You take the blue pill -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you
want to believe. You take the red pill -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep
the rabbit-hole goes." – Morpheus

Although fictional, the Matrix world as in the blockbuster movie ‘The Matrix’ by the
Wachowski Brothers is very relevant in the context of our society today. Undergraduates,
especially the ones from local universities are akin to those stuck in the Matrix. Fed with the
belief that they will make it in life, armed only with a scroll, they succumb to complacency.
Their minds start to rot, intellectual growth is suppressed, and the end result; they hit rock
bottom in the ‘real’ world. Groping in the dark, they try to find a way out, but to no
Thereafter, enlightenment ensues, a harsh realization, that the scroll in their hands is
merely that, a scroll.

Since pre-school, our parents and teachers have constantly imparted upon us, that
success in life can only be achieved through education. This is true to a certain extent, but
apparently, as we grew older, something got lost in translation along the way. Education is
no longer interpreted in the normal sense of the word, but solely equated with academic
achievement. Our undergraduates are products of a system that hails the number of As and
a CGPA of 4.0 as the only testament of success, indicating a bright future ahead. Rote
learning seems to be the order of the day, while the holistic approach is now almost

Such ‘values’ to life in university defeats the whole purpose of a tertiary

education. Undergraduates strive to get CGPAs of 4.0, and are further exhorted to do so,
especially when an ex-Minister proclaimed that it is their duty to get 4.0 in university. As
preposterous as this may sound, it is very real. A right-minded person would shun such
statements, but for some, it’s almost like a matter of filial piety. Time spent mugging
and memorizing might get you good results, but it does not prepare you for the ‘real’
world, where problem solving skills and the ability to think outside the box is valued
instead of the text book stuff.

Students spend so much time studying, they forget about everything else, except where
to find that particular book in the library. Ask them if they know anything at all on current
issues, and they respond with a blank look, expecting you to fill them in. The other problem
with our undergraduates is that, they seem to idolize pop culture a tad too much. Try
organizing a public lecture by Warren Buffet and a concert by some Akademi Fantasia
singers on the same day. It is not that hard to predict which event will have a bigger crowd,

Then, there is the other group of students, i.e. those who believe that life in university is
a bed of roses. There is, of course, nothing wrong with that. Problem is, some tend to
stretch it a little too much, so much so that they don’t even know what they are doing.
believe that just as in the university, everything will be taken care of when they are out
there in the ‘real’ world, i.e. that their precious scrolls will take them places. No
effort whatsoever is made to improve themselves and participating in ridiculous
activities is
deemed to be the ultimate indicator of what is to expect in the ‘real’ world. For
instance, a senior while ordering around a junior to do this or that project will justify it
by saying “This is to prepare you for working life, especially when facing employers”.
And the poor subordinate believing it, bids the senior’s wishes. We should never send
across such wrong messages. Kow tow is not fun, and will never be. Period. Furthermore,
why should we continue the negative and perpetuate such myth? Whatever happened to

Another issue which bugs a portion of undergraduates today is the inability to converse
and write in English. Needless to say, in the era of globalization, the importance of English
cannot be over emphasized. One might have plenty of mind boggling ideas, but without the
ability to articulate them, such ideas cannot be conveyed to others. While such facts are
known to every student, they prefer to converse in their mother tongues. Getting out of the
comfort zone is often the toughest nut to crack.

On the other hand, the introduction of a compulsory soft skills course serves only to
magnify the deficiencies of our education system. Students have forgotten how to interact,
how to communicate, and how to ace that interview, to the extent that such drastic
measure has to be taken. While this solves the problem on the surface, it effectively sweeps
the bigger chunk of it under the carpet. Undergraduates cannot be expected to learn the
art of eloquence and to gain self confidence overnight. It takes more than a course to
create the wholesome undergraduate.

More importantly, undergraduates must be provided with room and space for holistic
growth. Intellectual discussions, debates and forums on any topic at all should be
encouraged and the underlying fear that students will rebel, retaliate or even form
extremist groups, I would like to state, is unfounded. As adults, they should be respected as
such, which means also to be given inter alia, the right to freedom of expression. What is
right or wrong is not the point. The focal point is, undergraduates must be allowed to think,
to express themselves, and to dissent if they want to. Keep pushing them around, and what
do you get? A bunch of pushovers in society.

The bottom line is this. Whether or not an undergraduate will ever be ready to face the
‘real’ world is essentially a matter of choice. Choose to maintain your status quo,
you continue in your temporary bubble in Neverland, waiting for the ‘real’
world to come
crashing through. Choose to free your mind from the fetters of tradition for tradition’s
sake, and to move out of your comfort zone, you embark on a journey with nothing
guaranteed, except unfamiliarity. The latter sounds like a better deal, at least to me.
33th Essay “Does School Prepare
Us For Life”
The school days are crammed with facts and figures, encompassing various subjects
ranging from English to Mathematics. All of these require students to learn, memorise,
understand and to be tested. Besides grades and examinations, the school also
encompasses a wider curriculum including character moulding, citizenship building and
personality development. Indeed, I think the school does prepare us for life.

Firstly, the school teaches us self-discipline. We learn to keep to a schedule and to

adhere to the timetable. We also learn to appreciate time and to be punctual. Moreover,
we are trained to plan and manage time wisely. We also abide by and respect rules and
regulations. The disciplined students will grow up to be disciplined adults and they will do
well in their future undertakings.

The school also helps to fortify our determination and perseverance. We learn to fulfil
the demands of the school. We also learn to meet deadlines and hand in the homework on
time. Moreover, we learn to face stress and pressure. In school, students learn to overcome
challenges. Students with strength of character will be well-prepared to face the challenges
of work and life in the future.

Co-curricular activities are part and parcel of a student’s life. They help to mould
students’ character and personality so that students learn to be confident. They
help to hone the leadership qualities in the students themselves. Students learn to work
together and co-operate with others. They also learn to appreciate good values like esprit
de corps. Students learn to contribute positively and to put their best foot forward
besides to take success and failure in their stride. We as the students learn to honour
values of sportsmanship and fair play. Through co-curricular activities, students also learn
loyalty, commitment and responsibility. When they grow up, they will work well as a team
with others and committed in serious work.

The school is a micro-society. The everyday social interaction is an excellent preparation

for life in the society outside. In school, students have the opportunities to interact with
other students from varied background, creed and race. Indirectly, they learn tolerance,
acceptance and understanding. The students also have the opportunity to work and to
mingle together. This can help to foster an open mind and promote unity.
Just mention the word ‘school’ and images of grades and examinations come to
our mind. Indeed students spend a lot of time and energy preparing and sitting for
examinations. Along with that they gather a string of qualifications as well as knowledge and
skills. They are crucial since they are the stepping stones and the foundation for the future.
They can help students to secure a good job and successful career.

In short, school does prepare us for life. It helps to nurture and to build strong character
in ourselves. School also prepares students with the necessary ‘tool’ so that students
can fit into society and contribute positively to the nation and people in future.
34th Essay
Question: What would you do if you had a lot of money?

When I was small, I often dreamt about being rich as my parents were quite poor. We
had difficulty making ends meet each month. So, if I had a lot of money, I would certainly
fulfill my dreams.

First and foremost, I would buy a house for my parents, preferably a bungalow, in a quiet
town. I would equip the house with the latest technology so that it would be a smart home.
My mother would have a state-of-the-art kitchen as she loves cooking. I would also get a
maid to help her with the household chores. I will ensure that my family is comfortably
settled in this house.

The second thing I would do is to go on a world tour with my parents. I have never been
overseas but I long to see the places I have only read or dreamt about. First, I would like to
visit Europe, especially Italy, the city of romance. I would visit all the museums and
buildings I have heard so much about. My next stop would be Hong Kong or China. There is
something mystical about China and her people. This would be my dream come true.

Apart from that, I could finally go on a shopping spree, which is my favourite pastime.
Thus far, I could only go window shopping and if I had a lot of money, I would go into these
stores and buy whatever I fancy. Just imagine that for once in my life, I do not need to look
at the prices of the items that I like. I could just shop till I literally drop. The salesgirls would
be hovering near me with their latest outfits and my wish would be their command. Ah, I
would not be ignored anymore as I walk into their stores!

Besides shopping, I would also remember the poor and the less fortunate. First, I would
certainly build a better home for the orphans in my town. In fact, I would also sponsor their
education till they could stand on their own. They would receive an allowance monthly and I
would definitely take them shopping.
Finally, I would take the opportunity to further my studies. When I was younger, my
parents could not afford to send me overseas. So, I would love to pursue a course in interior
decorating in London and once I graduate, I would like to set up my own business with the
rest of the money.
They say that a fool and his money are soon parted. Thus, I would be very careful with
how I spend my money. I would invest my money with my parents’ advice and
keep some for rainy days.
35th Essay
Which do you prefer, living in the countryside or living in the city?

I think living in the countryside is far better than living in the city. There are numerous of
reasons why living in countryside is the better than the city. The scenery, the streets, the
people and the paced are totally different compare to the city.

The first outstanding characteristic about the countryside is that it is beautiful and
peaceful. The air is fresh and the surroundings green. This is because the countryside is free
from pollution, be it air, land or noise pollution. There no such perfect peaceful view that
you can see other than in the countryside.

There are no crowded streets and heavy traffic in the countryside. Thus there are no
fumes from cars and smoke from factories buildings to pollute the air. The trees surrounded
the countryside help the people from inhaling the polluted air. The freshness smell of plant
somehow helps the people of the countryside to have a healthy life.

Furthermore, people in the countryside are more conscious of keeping their

surroundings clean and so there is little throwing of rubbish everywhere, only at designated
places. This is unlike the cities where if the garbage trucks do not collect the rubbish
disposed by household or restaurants, the city will be overflowing with rubbish! This will
attract the mosquitoes, fly, rats and wild dogs to pollute their surrounding that will cause
them to have diseases like dengue and cholera.

Thirdly, heavy traffic and crowded streets increase the level of noise pollution. The
honking of cars in the streets is continuous and the crowds on the roads increase the hub of
activity. There are also sound of the machine used in manufacturing factories, loud radio in
and out the mall. These add to the noise of the city. Even if one lives in residential areas,
one is never far from busy streets.

However, in the countryside, life is slow-paced. There is no need to rush around

because there are not too many places to go. Most places are close by and people can walk
or cycle. Less vehicle used, so less fumes is released.
The most heart-warming thing about the countryside is the attitude of people. People
are friendly and helpful. If there are any happy or festive occasions, everyone pitches in to
help. This feeling of cooperation and neighbourliness is what separates the countryside
from the city.
In the city, people are too busy to take note of the people around. Some hardly even
know their neighbours. So they would not even be bothered about what happens to people
around. This is why the crime rate is increasing in the city because bystanders do not rush in
to help if a crime is committed on the streets.

The pace of life in the countryside is slow so people have more time to enjoy life as the
day goes on. Thus, for me to enjoy the quality of life, I prefer to live in the countryside.

In my opinion, one has not experienced life until one has lived in the city. There is so
much to see and experience in the bright lights of the city that you cannot get in the
countryside. Here in the city, you can learn about how to get along with people of different
types, encounter varied situations and solve problems. All these help a person to grow in
maturity. After all, experience is the best teacher.

In the countryside, however, you only move around people you are used to. So, you
seldom encounter strangers or new and demanding situations. Life is more mundane and
routine-like. Staying in a secure, safe place does not allow for one to gain new experiences
and grow in maturity.

Furthermore, young people need a life that is exciting and pleasurable. It is the city that
offers you entertainment- cinemas, parks and eating places. Here you can hang out with
friends and family members. Life as fast-paced and this keeps you active and alert all times.
And when it comes to educational opportunities, the city abounds in this. There are good
school and libraries that are necessary for your mental development. Furthermore, there
are places like museums and educational centres where you can go, to increase your

Such places that offer you entertainment or learning opportunities are of course not
available in the countryside. For entertainment, there is only the occasional festive
celebration or marriage feast or fishing outing. Some may find this appealing but not me.
Moreover, opportunities to widen your knowledge are limited in the countryside.
Another point in support of living in the city is the available of jobs. In the city, you can
find a job that suits your qualification or interest. If you find a job unsuitable, you can always
move to another. This, naturally, increases your earning power and you have better chances
of a more comfortable life. Of course, one may argue that one can live in the countryside
and work in the city but this will only incur extra expenses and unnecessary inconveniences.

Thus, for all the reasons mentioned above, I think that life in the city is better than living
in the countryside. After all, you are young only once.
“Social Networking Website”
A large number of internet users have joined social networking websites. A social
network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting
of social networks or social relations among people. For example is for those who wants to
share interests and, or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a
representation of each user which known often as a profile, his or her social links, and a
variety of additional services.

Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact
over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are
sometimes considered as a social network service. In a broader sense, social network
service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are
groupcentered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and
interests within their individual networks.

In the last five years, they have been growing up more and more popular. This increase
in their popularity has led to a large number of members.

One of the many reasons why Yahoo!, MySpace and Facebook social networking
websites have increased in popularity is due to the fact that they cover a wide variety of
different topics, issues and interest. They do not just focus on one particular group of
individuals or one particular issue. Their policy is to invite as many types of internet users to
join as possible. By this, it gives members a wide selection of online friends to choose from.

If you are looking to join a social networking website that is more focused on creating
friendships or partnerships between internet users preferable with the same interests, then
you will want to focus on social networking websites. They have a particular focus. The
prevalent websites focus on important issues, topics and hobbies, such as pet owners,
religion travel and others. So before you join, think of an issue you are interested in and sign
up for the website that focuses on that issue.

What really sets them apart from other websites? What is so special about them? These
are questions which have been asked by many who show interest in joining. Primarily, it is
the community. As mentioned, such social networking sites tend to focus on a particular
topic, issue or hobby. This means that if you are a keen traveller and you would like to speak
to other keen travellers, you will want to join a traveller’s networking sites.

The difference between these social networking sites and traditional ones is that you will
automatically be paired with hundreds, if not thousands, of other internet users who share
the same interests, views or beliefs as you. This is a big bonus to the members.

Another benefit to joining the social networking website is that you are, in a way, safer
than those who are members of other networks. Most of them require activation before
joining the site. Before activation can occur, many users are required to state their reasons
for wanting to join the network or they may be required to fill out a small questionnaire
pertaining to determine whether or not they have a genuine interest in the topic focused on
by the network in question. By pairing you with a group of individuals who share the same
beliefs, views and interests as you do is advantageous to members. It means that you do not
have to spend hours researching a person or speaking to them just to learn what they are or
are not interested in. Therefore, this enables you to jump right in and start making friends,
almost as soon as you are granted access to the site that you have chosen. This service gives
the social networking websites a great edge over other websites.
Pollution is an issue of concern in the modern world that we live in today. There are many
types of pollution, namely air, water and noise. Pollution in our environment will
undoubtedly affect our quality of life. Our naturally beautiful world becoming ugly because
it is suffering from the effects of environmental pollution. Pollution can also cause various
health problems and other negative effects.

Air pollution is caused by the emission of toxic gases from vehicles, factories and open
burning. Nowadays, there are more and more vehicles on the road as society gets more
affluent. More and more people strive to have a better quality of life by having the
convenience of driving to their destinations instead of taking public transportation.
Automobiles provides transport to millions people around the world to enable them to
travel to their workplace, school and other places, therefore, the air around us is getting
more polluted by the carbon dioxide that is emitted. Carbon monoxide is another type of
gas which harmful to the environment as it can cause the reduction of oxygen in the

Another example of contributor to the air pollution is the manufacturing factories. The
manufacturing of products in factories to meet the growing demand of society is also
causing air pollution. Factories release toxic gases to the environment. Some factories also
use coal to generate heat and energy. As a result from the burning of coal, carbon dioxide is
released into the environment.

Besides factories, many people are still practising open burning as a way of disposing
their household wastes. Although burning our household wastes is a convenient way of
getting rid of our rubbish, it is harmful to the environment as it contributes to the
worsening of the air quality. As a result, air pollution causes people to suffer from health
problems such as chest pain and asthma. In extreme cases, people can contract lung cancer.

Water pollution is also a problem that we are currently facing. The marine life is the
first to suffer from water pollution as they depend on the nutrients in the water to survive.
As a result, we are robbed of beautiful sea corals and unique species of fishes. Besides
ruining our marine heritage, the disappearance of marine life will affect the livelihood of
fishermen, not to mention our source of food. Water pollution is caused by harmful waster
from industries, farms and sewerage systems which are dumped into our sources of water
such as rivers and lakes. This irresponsible act contaminates our drinking water and can
cause serious health problems and can even culminate in death.

Noise pollution is another form of pollution. Noise from heavy machinery and
vehicles can cause hearing problems and in extreme cases, deafness. As there is growing
number of vehicles on the road, we are exposed to noise pollution every day. The
government in advanced countries encourage their citizens to take the public buses and
trains by providing an affordable and efficient transportation system. This effort discourages
people from driving their private vehicles and consequently reduces the number of vehicles
on the road.

We must work together to reduce pollution so that the future generations can live
in a healthy, unpolluted environment. As the saying goes, precaution is better than cure.
Let’s hands on hands together by recycle and conserve the world for the better future.
Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is one of Asia's major aviation hubs and is a
destination in itself. It is located at the top of the southern corridor of Peninsular Malaysia,
bordering the states of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. It is situated in the Sepang district,
approximately 50 km from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. This RM 9 billion airport was
opened by his majesty, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Jaafar on June 27, 1998. The
airport which covers 10 000 hectares of land took less than 5 years to build. It has a capacity
to handle 25 million passengers and 1.2 million tonnes of cargo annually.

Despite its mammoth size, it is user-friendly and as our former Prime Minister, Tun
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pointed out, it is not just an airport but a piece of art delicates to
beauty as well as the environment. It is often described as the “airport in the forest,
forest in the airport” because it is a futuristic structure set in rainforest landscaping.
Lush tropical forests, with its diverse and exotic flora, skirt the entire airport structure.

The control tower, standing at 130 metres, is one the tallest in the world. The
colourful flora and the cascading waterfalls are part of spectacular and breathtaking sight
which can be viewed from the Super View Corridor. Moving through the airport complex
provides the visitor with glimpses of different forest – highlands, swamp, bamboo and
multicoloured flora.

The five-level Main Terminal building which is 241 000 squares metres, is located
right at the heart of the airport complex. The building with its futuristic design of glass and
steel is both the entry and exit point of passengers. On the top of the building is the
departure concourse, and other facilities such as foreign exchange counters and
international telephone facilities.

The Satellite Building where passengers make connections to other international

flights is linked to the Main International Building by an automated train shuttle. The
Satellite Building houses lounges, prayers rooms, duty free shops and a 80-room hotel for
transit passengers.

The KLIA will be the country’s nucleus that will spearhead business and trade.
It is expected to provide 30 000 jobs and reap economic benefits for the country. The
successful completion of the airport well ahead of schedule reflects the ability of
Malaysians to build a world-class airport that has become the pride of the country.


Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the

Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak
Campaign’ recently launched by the government.

‘Tak Nak Campaign’

A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and

Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an
antismoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming
catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I
even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting
aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing
compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking.

But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak
Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian
teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily
from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite
the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous
to your health”.

What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising
creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd,
that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it
is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with
secondhand smoke.

Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the

debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of
smokerelated deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on
billboards which should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my
39 t the number of cigarettes they smoke per week.
friends are quitting now, or trying to reduce

However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and
organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad
to say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our
parents and teachers.

These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do
smoke, they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started,
and then take steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they

On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its
zerotolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How
can our sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking.

Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by
reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make ‘Tak Nak’ your mantra. If you have
started smoking, say ‘Tak Nak’ and quit! And if you haven’t started smoking, say know
that smoking not only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money.

Your friend in Singapore has written to you to inform you that his cousin in Penang was
down with dengue fever. He would like to know the situation in Malaysia as he plans to
bring his family over for the holidays in June. Write a letter to brief him about the current

In your letter, include the following: express concern

over the health of your friend’s cousin news
about the situation steps taken
authorities present situation Do remember to:
use the informal letter format
use all the points given expand
each of the points given write
in paragraph

No. 34, Street of Fame,

Taman Bukit Bintang,
Bukit Bintang,
67500 Ipoh,

14 January 2011

Dear John,

How are you? I’m sorry to hear that your cousin had dengue fever. This
problem seems to have become very serious all of sudden. We always feel that the
problem is not our concern until someone close to us is affected.

My neighbour’s daughter who was in Standard 6 last year could not sit for UPSR
examination because she was down with dengue fever on the eve of the exam. Fortunately,
the authorities gave her an exemption so she is now in Form One. There were also a few
students taking the examination in the hospital.

According to the news, students made up nearly 30 per cent of the 1 500 suspected
cases over the first three weeks of the year. About 53 per cent of 621 confirmed cases last
year comprised children and youth under the age of 24. These statistics are quite worrying.
This has prompted the health ministry to increase checks on aedes breeding grounds in
school and public areas. The construction sites are largely to blamed. The problem is made
worse by the rainy season. The stagnating water attract the mosquitoes to lay egg and
breeding on the areas.

The authorities have taken various steps to control the situation. Fogging has been
carried out in many public areas and most of the housing estates. Contractors at the
construction sites have been instructed to take appropriate actions and warned to clean up.
They could be fined up to RM 3 000 for breeding aedes mosquitoes. Lot of campaigns
through the television, radio and newspapers were taken to make people aware of the issue
and take precaution rather than cure them.

Before the long holidays for the Chinese New Year, schools all over Malaysia carried
out a clean-up campaign of the school compound. The residents’ association in my
housing are also organised a family day clean-up of the housing estate. There were huge
piles of rubbish especially old tyres and containers littered by the hawkers near the might
market site.

The situation in Malaysia has improved since the end of January. There have been no
reports of new cases of dengue. So, don’t worry. You can bring your family for a
holiday here in June. I’m looking forward to seeing them again.

Send my regard to your mom and dad. Do take care.

Yours sincerely,
Harun Din

SPM Directed Writing: Informal Letter
You recently went an expedition with your classmates to Langkawi. You have been asked to
write a letterto your cousin about your visit to Langkawi Island.

Rosni Alias
No.3,Jalan Sutera,
Taman Cempaka, 43600
Bandar Baru Bangi,
12 March 2012.

Dear Zarina,

How's life? I hope you are in the best of health. How's my beloved Uncle Johari? I miss
him too.The reason I write this letter is to tell you about my expedition to Langkawi. Guess
what? We just came back from Langkawi . I went there with 25 of my classmates and my
class teacher. Mr, Zaid had kindlly accompanied us for the 3 day-trip. You should have joined
us. It was such an awesome experience!

Well, on the first day, we arrived at Langkawi in morning after a short flight. Then, we
were taken to Langkawi Geopark, a UNESCO World Heriatage Site where we could see
magnificent rock formations. We were taught the history of the place and some fossils of
fish could also be sighted. This is a wonderful opportunity to understand geogical aspect of
the island at the Geopark.

After visiting Geopark, we were taken to Pulau Dayang Bunting which about an hour
boat ride. I forgot to mention that the boat ride itself was so exciting and adventurous.
Upon arrival at the island, we were greeted by monkeys and soon, we saw a breathtakinng
lake, with its gree clear water. Not forgetting the fish spa where thousands of catfish nibble
at your feet when you lower feet into the water. Again, this is a new experience for me.
Other than that, we could really enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island.

The next day, we went to Underwater World where we saw the penguin, giant fishes,
colourful onemones and all sorts of marine life there.I'm sure, it's heaven for fish lovers.
One advantage of this trip is I could learn about themarine life. Well, on the final day, we
went to Mahsuri Tomb and Padang Mat Sirat to relive the legend of Mahsuri. It was a good
experience since I managed to see the historic sites and understand Mahsuri legend better.
Other than that, I also learn about the importance of being true to our words and do not
spread false gossips since these can lead to horrible consequences. I also managed to make
friends with some other tourists visiting the site.
Okay, I guess I have to have to pen off now. Hope to see you in the next letter. Please
convey my love and regards to my uncle and aunti. Take care!


DIRECTED: FORMAL LETTER: Letter of Application

You came across the following advertisement for the post Accounts Assistant Clerk.
Text Box: Lim and Sons Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. requires Accounts Assistant / Accounts
Clerk Requirements • Female aged 24 – 30 • LCCI Higher • Preferably with more than
two years experience in manufacturing field • Able to handle fullsets of accounts
Interested applicants are required to write in with complete resume together with a recent
passportsized photograph to: The Manager, Lim and Sons Manufactoring Sdn. Bhd., Lot 123,
Interstate Industrial Area, 76 001 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan

Write a letter of application together with curriculum vitae to the manager.

In your letter, include the following:

- your curriculum vitae
- the reasons for your interest in the job
- your ability to work independently
- pursuing a degree in Accountancy

Do remember to:
- use the formal letter
- use all the points given
- elaborate each points given

Chong Mei Lin,

40, Jalan
Taman Hati Bersih,
76 000 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan

The Manager,
Lim and Sons Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.,
Lot 123, Interstate Industrial Area,
76 001 Nilai,
Negeri Sembilan 18 JULY 2010

Dear Sir / Madam,

Application for the Post of Accounts Assistant

I wish to apply for the post of Accounts Assistant as advertised in The New Strait Times
dated 15th July 2011.
2. I have the necessary qualifications as stated in my curriculum vitae which is attached
to this letter. I have experience working in both food manufacturing and also auto
manufacturing fields. I am currently working in Lazat Ice Cream Sdn. Bhd. in capacity of an
Accounts Assistant and have been here since January 2008. Before this, I was working in
TFR Auto Enterprise as an Accounts clerk. Since my present position offers little prospect for
career advancement, I would like to be attached to a fairly large organisation such as yours.

3. I would like to work in Nilai as I intend to further my studies and get professional
qualification. I have registered with a college in Nilai to do ACCA on part-time basis. With
this high additional education level and knowledge, I can perform better in applying the
accounts knowledge in the future job.

4. I can assure you that I am capable person who can work independently. I am able
to handle full sets of accounts, up to three sets at a time. I am interested in working with a
company like yours as I feel I can grow well with the company. I am a team player, adapt
easily to any working environments and can work with people from all works of life.

5. I was active in extra-curricular activities and was considered as responsible and

dedicated worker. I led and organised many activities for the school clubs so I am confident
that I can be an asset to your company in this capacity. Furthermore, i have a good
command of English.

6. In view of my qualification and experience, I would expect a salary more than RM 2

000. And since I have my own car, I would have no problems travelling outstation should the
job require.

7. I look forward to hearing from you and I am fully prepared to attend an interview at
any time convenient to you.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,


DIRECTED: FORMAL LETTER: Letter of Complaint

Raju a/l Lingam,

123 A, Lorong Bahagia,
Taman Sentosa,
07231 Bandar Baru Sentol,

The President,
Bandar Baru Sentol Council,
Kompleks Utama,
07200 Bandar Baru Sentol 16 JUNE 2011

Dear Sir,

Uncollected Rubbish and Clogged Drains

I am writing this letter is to attract your attention to the above title. As the representative of
the community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 odd residents living in Taman Sentosa
are extremely unhappy about the lackadaisical attitude of the local town council towards
the uncollected rubbish and clogged drains in our area.

2. The rubbish in our area has not been collected for more than a week. The rubbish is
supposed to be collected on alternate days but this has not been the case. The town
council workers collect the rubbish according to their own whims and fancies. The
uncollected garbage has attracted not only flies and mosquitoes but also wild dogs which
had attacked the residents on several occasions. These stray animals also scatter the
rubbish and make the roads dirty and smelly. As a result, residents have to bear the
discomfort of stench from the garbage and risk their health.

3. We are also disappointed with the town council workers for not clearing the clogged
drains which are filled with rubbish. The drains would usually overflow when there is heavy
rain and the rubbish would then flow into the compounds of our houses. Besides, putting up
with the unbearable stench emitted from them, the residents have to spend hours cleaning
their compounds of rotten vegetables, food leftovers and other rubbish.

4. Due to dengue outbreak recently, we are really concerned about the

residents’ health especially the children. Fogging service also was not done accordingly to
the schedule. The fogging authority only did their job whenever a case of dengue aroused.
even fogging the neighbourhood late at night that caused us to leave the residents. They
need to consider the residents who have babies and also to those who need to wake up
early in the morning for work. The fogging also caused the people to have breathing
problem when we were not told the exact time of fogging.

5. We have made numerous appeals to the Municipal Council to look into our
complaints but to no avail. We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a
week. We hope the health authorities would do something to check these health hazards.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
DIRECTED: REPORT – Report to Principal

You are very disappointed by the conditions and services provided by your school canteen. You
decide to write a report to inform your school principal about the poor conditions and services of
the canteen. These would include:

insufficient table and benches

food and drinks not covered too
little food counters dirty and
clogged drains – smelly food –
expensive and lacks variety
inadequate food – late comers have nothing to buy, to
eat cold food – not fresh rude canteen workers

To : Mr. Hasnan bin Jalal,

The Principal,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata

From : Malik bin Abdul

Date : 24 March 2011

Report about the School Canteen

I am writing this report is to draw your attention regarding the school canteen. Many of the
students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata are unhappy about the conditions at the school
canteen. There were lots of complaints regarding this issue.

In the first place, there are insufficient tables and benches. Our school has a student
population of over 1 000. There is only one period of recess time for all forms. More than 80 per
cent of the students go to the canteen during recess to buy food and drinks. Unfortunately, there
are only about twenty-five tables and fifty benches which can accommodate less than half the
number of students. As a result, many students have to stand while eating.

The food sold at the canteen not only expensive but lacks of variety. The menu is the same
every day. For the past five years, ever since the present canteen management took over, students
go back to the same food.

The hygiene and preparation of food leave a lot to be desired. The food and drinks are not
covered. They way canteen attendants dress speak volume about hygiene. With their lackadaisical
attitude, the food they sell would one way or the other become contaminated.
My fourth complaint about the canteen pertains to the etiquette of the canteen workers.
They are rude and arrogant. They often shout at students. The students are always on the receiving
end of their bad moods.
We hope that conditions at the canteen will improve. The canteen should provide better
amenities. There should also be a different menu everyday so that students will not have to taste
the same food day in and day out. Cleanliness should be given top priority.

We hope that you will look into our complaints and take steps to remedy the situation. The
students are prepared to boycott the canteen if their complaints go unheeded.

Reported by:
Malik bin. Mohd Jalil

As a class project, you have been asked to write a book report. You decide to write a report of a
book you have just read.

Use the following notes in your report:

- author
- title
- setting
- synopsis
- main characters
- themes
- response

“The Story of My Life” is an autobiography written by Helen Keller. It tells us how Helen Keller,
who was deaf, blind and mute, defied the odds to become one of the most celebrated personalities
in the world. The story was set in Alabama in 1997.

In the first half of the book, Helen Keller writes about how she was afflicted with scarlet fever
while she was still a baby and how illness left her deaf, blind and mute. The story outlines the
frustration Helen Keller experienced as a child – alone in a dark and silent world – unable to
communicate with anybody. The author then goes on to say how her life changed with the arrival of
her new-employed teacher and nanny, Anne Mansfield Sullivan.

The second part of the book relates how Helen Keller studied the deaf and dumb language
and learnt how to write using Braille and then went to college and graduated. The story goes on to
say how she spent the rest of her life helping the deaf and dumb all over the world.

I enjoyed reading every page of the book. I found some sections of the book, especially those
that deal with the early part of her life, poignant and touching. It made me realize how difficult life
must be for the handicapped. It also made me realize how fortunate I was. It has made me more
sympathetic towards the plight of those who are less fortunate than I am, especially the
handicapped who has given up hope in the face of misfortune, and the severely handicapped who
have lost the will to live.
The story is very touching and informative. It arouses the feelings of the readers. I admire
Helen Keller for her determination and diligence. I appreciate the painstaking efforts taken by the
teacher. The book has a good moral lesson for all. It shows the triumph of the human spirit in the
face of indomitable obstacles. It makes us wonder whether Helen Keller was just another victim of
fate or whether her birth has a special significance. Was Helen Keller fortunate or unfortunate?
Helen Keller was unfortunate to have suffered the cruel twist of fate but the world is fortunate to
have had a person like her. Her life shining example to prove the adage, “where there is a
will, there is a way”.

46th Essay
DIRECTED: REPORT – Police Report
You witnessed an accident. The police officer has asked you to make a report. Use the points given

- when the event happened

- where the event took place
- how it happened
- description of the vehicles
- step taken

To: Sergeant Razali Kamrin

From: Julia Selamat
Date: 7th September 2011

Report of the accident on Jalan 2/14

On 7th September 2011 at 10.30 a.m., I was walking alone Jalan 2/14 which is next to the
children’s playground. As I was about to cross the road to enter the park, I saw a car driving
swiftly down Jalan 4/14. It was a Honda Civic with the number plate BEH 9110. Another car, a Toyota
1.5 with plate number WHM 4657 came out of Jalan 4/14 as well. The Honda Civic was driving too
fast that make it did not have time to avoid collision.

The accident caused a loud crash. The Honda Civic hit the Toyota Vios on the driver’s door.
The door could not be opened and the driver had to get out from the passenger’s door. The
driver of the Toyota Vios was lucky as he survived with no physical injuries. Both air bags popped up
when they collided to each other. They both were fortunate as their car was not badly damaged and

The Toyota Vios’s windscreen was shattered to pieces. The Honda Civic’s headlight and
signal light were smashed. There was plenty of glass on the road. The two drivers startled to argue.
The driver of the Honda City was a woman. They blamed each other and the argument stopped
her mobile phone rang. Most of the passerby slowed down their vehicle to watch the accident.
Some pedestrian came by and offered help.

As it happened, I ran into my house which is close by. I called the nearest police station and in ten
minutes, a police car drove up. I told the police officer I had witnessed the accident and offered to
come out to the station to give a statement. The cars were towed to the side of the road first, and
then were brought to the police station before to workshop. Pictures were taken for insurance

In my opinion, the driver of the Honda City is to blame for the accident. She was driving too
fast and did not pay any attention to vehicles coming out from the side road. The driver of the
Toyota Vios should have stopped at the junction.

Julia Selamat (signature)

Julia Selamat

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