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— radius of cylinder is fixed at4 em. Ifthe its base-radius if its total surface area increases The A m eof the cylinder decreases by, find “a hbase docreane in the volaeibalaay from 40cm? to 42cm*. oplnder. 9 Given haty=—5,, find he vale of pate sideofa cube is 6cm. Ifeach side ofthe abe decreases by 0.05 cm, find the when x=4. Hence, estimate the value of ‘imate decrease in the total surface area @ ofthe cube. a ¢Teheight of closed cylinders fourtimesits ©) Fo8r tuse-radius. Find the approximate increase in ‘ we o 1 wo finding the ee of composite functions, students commonly forgot to differentiate Differentiate 2(4° ~ 3x + 2)‘ with respect tox. 2-342)" Inconect because) zs _Reeoyy a (4x? 3x+ 2) | Retin me | | ir 2(ax' - 3x + 2) # = 8(4x° - 3x+ 2)? <—_ heer AL «(at 304.2)"(8-3) | = 8(8¢ - 3) (4x° - 3x +2)’ | B ad solving problems on rates of change, students, ‘commonly forgot to insert a negative sign for the rate decrease. The side of a square is 4 cm and it is decreasing at the rate of 0.1 cm s"'. Calculate the rate of decrease of its area anata | | xem Le | | Incorrect because a nega (TERETE | | ee hot deme tee wai represent the rate of |’ s* =2x(0.1) «| decrease. & spould be | =2(4)(0.1) | | BOS ente! —0.1 and not 0.1 J | ome: pon aT ©. When solving problems on small changes, students commonly forgot to insert a negative sign fop the small decrease. If the radius of a circle decreases by 0.2 cm, calculate the approximate decrease in its circumference Circumference of circle, P= 2xr 2. Find the value of lim ro-t\ Pedr 3. Find the value of lim [ 4 Find the vale of im ( ae eet Incomect because a negative ‘sign was not inserted to tepresent the small decrease. | Br shouldbe-0.2andnot | | BP dP or dr anegatne ) | ae ap, dr = 2nX (-0.2) ~-04Kcn of the circle is 047m. 6 Differentiate respect tox d at\ 2-1 area (2 8 Given that f(x) = (3x +7)* find 4 Fo. 9 Given that y= (1 dy a 3x)’, find Given that y and ' 15 fina 2 find 2 an de terms of x Gradients of Tangents, Equations of Tangents and Normals 16 thecuney'= 44+! athe point where the y-coordinate is 12 | | | Hence, the approximate decrease inthe circufeen dy a of the tangent tothe curveat pit Qis y=3x-+5. Ifthe -coorknst of point Qs positive, find the ‘coordinates of point Q. +h Tenuta ‘The gradient of the normal tobe + x= Latthepit curve y= x 1 -1,-3) is. Find the wai (C1.-Dis-7y of m and of k Find the equation of the tae” the curve y= QD. Find the equatio the cuney=3-(=20 80 where the x-coordinate 51 12. Find the coordinates ofthe point on the curve y=——® whose 17 Gren ay | se) rs ae) ol eratintis | ag Find the ting Pom cue, 13 The gradient ofa point Q(x, 9) on a 1a curve is given by | 3 ee 1 {) Determine whether the turning point in (a) is a maximum point ‘ora minimum point. 19 Given that y= 5 isthe equation of the tangent tothe curve y=-1 + 6x4 at point P, find the coordinates of point P. 20 Given that (2, 5) is the maximum, int of the curve y=-2r' + bx +c, find the value of b and of c [ED Problems on Maxima and Minima 21 The variables x and y are related by the equation xy = 9. Another variable, z, is defined by z= 16x + y Find the positive value of x and of y that make za minimum, 22 The variables p and q are related by the equation p + q=3. Another variable, v, is defined by v =p + 247. Find the minimum value of v (ED Related Rates of change © B htisgiventhaty=x+ 4 Ify * increases atthe rate of 0.7 units s", find the rate of change of x at the tant x= 24 The volume of a sphere increases at ‘arate of cms"! Calculate the rate of change of the radius of the sphere atthe instant its surface area is 100rcm’ 25 The height of a closed cylinder istwo times its base-radius. Find the rate of change of the total surface area of the cylinder ifits radius is increasing atthe rate fof 0.2ems" atthe instant the radius is 8 cm, | ED small changes and mations 26 tis given that +5. Find, imterms of k, the approximate Stange in y when x increases from eet where k is a very small 27 A container contains water of ‘pth bcm. The volume of water in the container,’, is given by V=2(h+4)'—32. Find the volume of water if the depth of | 28 The surface area of a sphere | increases from 36xem’t0 377m’ Calculate the approximate change imits radius. 81 Itis given that (a) Find the value of x=3. (b) Hence, estimate the value of [ED Hea of tangents toa Curve and its Relation to | Differentiation 1 Find the first derivative of each of | the following functions from first principles. "7 Differentiation of the Sum and Difference of Algebraic | Functions 2 Find 4 foreach ofthe folowing | | functions. (b) @ | ED pina cue 3 Differentiate (x 2)'x-+ 2) with respect tox 4 Given that fix) = 2x(4x + 3), find so. 5 Giventhatfy= (** so) 6 (@) Giventhaty p=3v+ 1, find Sin terms of x (b) Given that y= 2r+ 37 and 4 in terms x=61~3, find of. [EBD Gradients of Tangents, Equations of Tangents and Normals 7 Find the gradient of the curve “eae Hence find the equation ofthe norma the curve a that point 8 The gradient of the curve y=px +L atthe point ( Dis Find the value of pand of 4. 9 Find the coordinates of the points on the curve y= (2x~ 1)" such that the gradient of the normal to the 1 ccurve at that point is 10 The straight line 4y +x=pisa normal to the curve y = (2x~1)*-2 at point Q. Find (a) the coordinates of point Q and the value of p, (b) the equation of the tangent at point Q. n y overentton EEN 223 ‘The diagram shows the curve Y=x°—Sx that passes through the origin, Given thatthe straight lines AB and POR touch the curve at points and Q respectively such that AB and POR are perpendicular to each other, find 5 cerentes SHOWS ae fa) the gradient ofthe straight line ism with a Volume of aad a eS (2) Stowtainepanee (b) the gradient ofthe straight line ear ee as area ofthe prism, Ac ee : ced jen. as shown in the given by A =12¢ 4 192 (©) the coordinates of point 0. enclosed reg ae diagram, In the diagram, @) Find de beagittig ‘AB = DC, AED and BFC ate ‘when the total surface [ED second-order semicircles, each of radius rem. aaa Differentiation, Turning (a) Show that the area of the m Points, Maximum and enclosed region, A cm’, is a ‘Minimum Points | given by A= 150r—327° (b) Find the value of rwhen A | a oS 12 Given thet 7 oeciae thatthe value of A is @ smut oe ewan | ae cee 18 The points M and N lie on the sides 2 FY 4 4 D4 y= 12720, | opand RS of a square PORS P= sara respectively. The square is of “The above diagram shows aie | side a em, MQ= 2x em and height h em and of base-radivs ro 13. Find the maximum point and/or NR=3xem. that is made from a wooden ‘minimum point ofthe curve | G@)_Show that the area of APN, spherical solid of radius 12cm Te yo4-v_t6. Lem’, is given by volume ofthe cone is Vem 1 % Late -art te (a) Show that 2 () P=24h-R, 14 The curve y= (b) Find in terms of a, the value of ze 1 5: turning points at (1, ~4) and x such that the valueof Lisa | Gi). Vine Maa 1.0). minimum. (b) Hence, find the vale oft (a) Findthe value of a,ofbandof | (c) Find, interms of a, the that the volume of the coe © | minimum area of APMN, maximum. (b) Determine the nature of these | turning points. ie Q xem | 2 15 The tangent tothe curve | Sv | y=px +gx+ratthe point : ‘where x =I is parallel tothe | hm straight line 8x + y~2=0. | P\ | Given that (1, 2) s the turning point | = of the curve, find the value | | es of p, of qand of r ‘The above diagram shows a ‘The above diagram shows' triangle POR inscribed in a circle. | ‘of a window formed from a 16 Given that the graph of the function Itis given that PO = 10cm and OR ‘of width 2x mand of height a (foy= ae +” hasa gradient | em. nd a semicircle of amet . x (a) Show that the area of the ‘on top of it. Ifthe permet Esa shaded region, A em’, is given window is 5m sbow that the window, A m’, is ge"? by. =25n+Ee—Sx | function f*(x)=2x—26, such that i | «and b are constants, find the ne (@)_ the value of a and of b, (©) Findthe value ofxsuch hata | “A= 97" 2s ys (b)_ the coordinate ofthe turning isa minimum and calculate Hence find the valve of point ofthe graph ofthe | tts minimum area of the the area of the window is? function, ' shaded region, aati — eo Sjr— The above diagram shows a rectangle PORS where PQ =, RQ=xem and its perimeter is 60 ‘om. The rectangle is rotated about its axis of symmetry that is parallel to PQto generate acylinder as shown in the above diagram, (@)_ Show that the volume of the cylinder, Vem’, is given by v= 00-0, Hence, find the maximum value of the volume. Express the curved surface area of the cylinder, A cm’, in terms of x. Hence, find the ‘maximum value of A o 4 The volume of a closed cylinder of radius rem is 250m’. Show that the total surface area of the cinder, A cm’, is given by 500m r ‘value of such that the total surface area of the cylinder isa minimum, Calculate the minimum total surface area ofthe cylinder. A=dm'+ Hence, find the 38 The total surface area of an open ‘ylinder of radius rem is 27x em" (a) Show that the volume of the eylinder, Vem’, is given by ves-er -P) (0) Find the maximum volume of the cylinder. $ R The above diagram shows a Semicircle, with centre O. The PR can be adjusted in uch a way that the point Q which lieson the circumference of the “micircle can move such that ?Q+OR=80 cm. Given that | QR=xemand 30 the area of the triangle POR =A em*, find (2) the expression for “4 pression for (©) the maximum area ofthe triangle, [27a ® | | |yem | eas AC ‘The above diagram shows two semicircles, with diameters AD and BC respectively, which are inscribed in the rectangle ABCD. ‘The perimeter of ABCD is 100m. (a) Show that the area ofthe shaded region, Lem’, is given 44m) 5 by L=S0y- = y L= Sy ( 7 . Find the width and the length of the rectangle such that the area ofthe shaded region is ‘maximum. State your answer | interms of x. () [ED Related Rates of change | 28 A closed sylinder has a constant height of 12 cm and the radius ofits base varies. Find the rate of increase cof the total surface area of the cylinder when the radius of its base is increasing atthe rate of 0.1 ems atthe instant its radius is3 em, Water | surface Base The above diagram shows a spherical flask of radius 12 em. Water is poured into the flask such thatthe height ofthe water level from its base, h cm, increases at the rate of 0.2ems" Show that the area ofthe (@) water surface, A cm’, is given byA=A124h—h’), (b) Find the rate of increase of the area of the water surface at the instant h= 2 a 32 a eS is | The above diagram shows a conical container. The height of the cone is 20.em and its base-radius is 12.em. Initially, the ‘cone contains water of height fem ‘and the radius of the water surface (a) Show that the volume of the space that is not filled with water, Vom’, is given by 3 . V= 55 (8000-1). (b) Because of a leakage at the bottom end of the conical container, water flows out such that the volume of the space that is not filled with water changes at the rate of 8 com’ 5". Find the rate of decrease of the water level when h= 12, Acid ins suite batt i zon Theheighof tease 1 times the length of the side of its base. If x increases at the rate ‘of 0.03 cms", find the rate of change of the volume of the cuboid when its total surface area is > ‘The above diagram shows a ‘metall hemispherical solid When itis heated, it expands such that its radius increases at the rate of 0.2m"! Find the rate of cchange of the total surface area (the circular surface and the curved surface) at the instant its volume is 144n cm’ Diterentation 225 35 The above diagram shows a cubic ice block. Attime r hours, the length of each side of the ice block ism Initially, the length of each side of the ice block is I m. Ifeach side 1 becomes — m after 24 hours, find (@) the rate of change of the ‘Yolume of the ice block, in m’ hour", the rate of decrease of the side ‘of the ice block atthe instant x= 0 a () ‘estimate the value of. 3.01" 4 Given that m=5x—2andy=-—+., find (a) the rate of change of the value ‘of x when mchanges atthe rate of 1.5 units", dy b) —® interms of x, () inter (c) the approximate change in the value of y when x decreases from 110 ©. 7 ‘The above diagram shows a simple pendulum which consists of a ‘spherical metal suspended from a string, /m in length, oscillating at the rate of T's for each oscillation (c iven that T= 2m |— . find Given that T= 20 226 ITI overt a ) AL in terms of Trang. eas (©) the approximate increase in | the length ofthe string whi ‘makes the rate of oscillation increase from 1,72 sto 1.75, 142 and ¢=10ms") | 7 ‘The above diagram shows a conical container. Is base-radius is Sem and its height is 8 em. Alcohol is | poured into the container such that | the height ofthe alcohol level is (a) Ifthe volume of the alcohol is, Vem’, show that V 19; (b) Find the approximate increase | in Vwhen x increases from 4 | 104.04. 38. Given that 2e 444, find the value of & at the point (2,4), Hence, find (@) the small change inx such that y decreases from 4 10 3.99, the rae of change of y atthe instant.x=2 ifthe rate of change of.xis 04 units per second SPM Question Ra: Short Questions (Papert), | 1 Given that y= 15% (3. ) =), caleulate | BL the value of xwhen yis.a maximum, (b) the maximum value of y [3 marks} | 2 Given thaty =x +34, use (B® differentiation to find the small "8. change in y when x increases from 202.01, [3 marks} Differentiate (3 —x)(2v—3)* with respect to. [4 marks} TWo variables, x and y, are related 3a by the equation y=6x- 2. Given 5 | cates (1). 6 BD containers given ee by 7 8 9 that y increases at 2 nits per second, fing that Mt change of r when xa ey Bray 8x Given that g(x) nai The volume of water, Vem) ina oi lie v. (8) week depth, in cm, of waterin the container. Waters poured container tthe rate of 10cm Calculate the rate of change of je depth of wate atthe instante dg of the wateris 2m. (Give your answerin temnsofs] [Smart Point Q lies on the curve = (x4 3)*, Given that the gaia othe normal at point Qis-2 find the coordinates of point Q [sma Given thaty J itandue tt x [Bm 1d in terms of x. find Sinn Given that y=3 + 14x-2r, (@) find the value of wher x=2, express the approxima? change in yin termset when x changes from 21° 2+ h, where kisaven = value @ ) The diagram below sho¥s 5 container with a diamete" 1" and eight of 0.7m Wate poured into the containet constant rate of 0.1 ms 0 ee moe - eee | ‘calculate the rate of change of the tof the Water level atthe instant theheight ofthe water level is 0.3 m, [Use x=3.142] [4 marks} 12 Theequation of a curve is . 12+ 11 1 Find the value of lim de (2 marks} Long Questions (Paper 2) 4 1 iff) find f"(x).. 3-2 2 ifthe tangent to the curve 8 Point (2, 3) is parallel to the normal of the curve Y= px +gx— the point (-1, -8), find the value of p and of g 3 °. R 2eem s Seem 10xem Tr et The above diagram shows a polygon PORSTUV. The Perimeter of the polygon is 270m. PM FORECAST ‘QUESTIONS 4 3 Given the cure y=(r+3)(e-5), | a+ 2at the (@) Find the coordinates of the Msn eins ctecune, | ©) Temematoiecare ste Determine. whether each of the a-axis at point P. Find the turning points is a maximum, coordinates of point P. rsncrsmiinarm a {5 marks} 5 Find the approximate increase in the volume ofa sphere if ts radius point (3 marks} increases from 3 em to 3.2m. ‘The height of a cylinder is 8 cm. If amore) its radius is increasing tthe rate of O.4.em "find the rate of increase Of ts Volume at the instant its radius is3em, [marks] find the coordinates of the turning [5 marks] [8 marks} eae The above diagram shows a solid which consists of cuboid with a square base of side 6 em, surmounted by a | pyramid of height 4xem. The volu | of the cuboid is 5832 cm’. (a) Show that the total surface area of the solid, Lem’, 3888 {5 marks} (b)_ Ifthe value of xis increasing atthe rate of 0.06 ‘ems, find the rate of increase ofthe total surface area of the solid atthe instant x = 3 (3 marks} (®) Show that the area of the polygon, A em*, is given by A= 1350x— 108 [4marks} | (©) Find the value of x and of y when the value of Ais@ | [3 marks} oiterentavon EIEN 227

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