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action is a chemical reaction where oxidat on and reduction can be defined as follows: ion and reduction occur simultaneously. Table 1.1 Definition of oxidation and reduction A reactant gains oxygen, A reactant loses hydrogen. A reactant loses electrons. Increase in oxidation number of elements in the reactant. 3, An oxidising agent is a substance that oxidises another subtance. The agent is reduced in this reaction. A reducing agent is a substance that reduces another substance. The agent is oxidised in this reaction. fal Reduction in Terms of Gain and Loss of Oxygen Example: Magnesium undergoes oxidation (gain of oxygen, O) Copper(Il) oxide undergoes reduction (loss of oxygen, O) Explanation: + Magnesium, Mg gains oxygen. Therefore, magnesium undergoes oxidation. Magnesium reduces copper(ll) oxide, CuO, Magnesium is a reducing agent. Copper(il) oxide, CuO loses oxygen. Therefore, copper undergoes reduction. Copper(ll) oxide oxidises magnesium, Mg. Copper(|l) oxide is an oxidising agent. Oxidation and Reduction in Terms of Gain and Loss of Hydrogen Example: Hydrogen sulphide undergoes oxidation (oss of hydrogen, i) Chlorine undergoes reduction (gain of hydrogen, H) 223 FORM 5 (-) CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Explanation: + Hydrogen sulphide, H,5 loses hydroge' chlorine, Cl,. Hydrogen sulphide is a reducing agent + Chlorine, Cl, gains hydrogen. Therefore, chlorine un: H,S. Chlorine is an oxidising agent. 1, Therefore, hydrogen undergoes oxidation. Hydrogen sulphide reduces dergoes reduction. Chlorine oxidises hydrogen sulphide Oxidation and Reduction in Terms of Electron Trans’ fer Qa -----~ . 1 Reducing agent 1 Ae } + X loses electrons. t 1 + Xis oxidised by Y Pe 1 (becomes more positive). | Gee ule Figure 1.1 Loss of electrons by an atom + Potassium atom, K with an electron arrangement loses one electron to form potassium ion, K* in Potassium chloride, KCI. + Therefore, potassium undergoes oxidation. oiein i ij __K(s) + K"G) + € (loss of electron) se ( > 2CF (ain of econ) chlorine, Cl. Potassium is a reducing agent (electron donor) sak L fi ). ak gore is an oxidising agent (electron acceptor). CHAPTER 1 Redox Equiibrium - i pou Transferring of electrons at a distance fi xidation and reduction reactions \ 4 ” Feactions in terms of electron transfer at a distance tere ny sulphuric acid, H,50y, 0.2 mot dm? fr ; a ‘ol dm? freshly prepar uum manganate(VID solution, Kh cl dad SSR phate solution, FeSO,, 0.1 mol dm? NO4, 0.5 mol dm? ‘droxide solution, NaOH. sodium hys wP ter connecting wires with crocodile clips, ‘tort stand, test tube, dropper, galvanometer, carbon electrodes oceduT dn sulphueigenl 1,80, is poured oni) sulphate solution, FeSO, ntil the layer of iron(I}) sulphate acidified potassium mangan into the U-tube until half full and it clamped vertically. tion, ent arefully by using a dropper into one of the arms of the Solution, FeSO, reached a helght of eg nate(Vil) solution, KMnO, is poured into the other arm of the U-tube non electrodes are’ connected ta) galvanic it tae \ carbon electrode is dipped into iron() sulphate solution, Feso, carbon Clectrode is dipped into acidified potassiun, ste(VI1) solution, KMnO,. The electrodes are ensured to not ich sulphuric acid, HySO,, sirection of the deflection of the galvanometer needle is observed, ctrodes that act as the positive and negative terminals ean be he apparatus is left aside for 30 minutes. yy changes that occurred in iron(II) sulphate solution, FeSO, and ccdified potassium manganate(Vil) solution, KMnO, are observed recorded in Table 1.2, 9. After 30 minutes, 1 cm* of iron(II) sulphate solution, FeSO, is drew out wth a dropper and the solution is poured into a test tube, 0.8 mol dm” sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH is added into the test tube to verify the product formed. Results The deflection of the galvanometer needle shows that the electrode placed in iron() sulphate solution, FeSO, acts as the negative terminal while the electrode placed in acidified potassium manganate(VIl), KMnO, acts as the positive terminal, 2. Table 1.2 shows the solution used, observations and inference of the activity. Iron({) sulphate, FeSO, ron(I1) sulp! a i cidified potassium Acidified potassium The purple ai ee manganate(VIl), KMnO, manganate(VIl), KMnO, tums colourless. 3wn precipitate insoluble in excess sodium Sodium hydroxide, NaOH f solution, NaOH is produced. Discussion ind acidified potassium manganate(Vil) solution, KMnO,. "reaction between ironi(tt) sulphate solution, FeSO, a Table 1.3 “Fe*(aq) > Fe*(ag) + 1 ‘SFe2"(aq) + MnO, (aq) + BH’ (aq) > SFe(aq) + Mn*(aq) + 44200) * Tron() ions lose one electron t0 form iron( Ill) ions. ) . trend) fonsaat oe ions. FORM 5 (—) CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium _ Tee Reduction = —~oxid eT eae he oxidat ber of iron + The oxidation number of manganese decreases * The oxidation number of iror ta ES increases from +2 to +3 Baer er arto te(Vil) ions/Potassium manganat oni) sulphate solution Mangana vty | trond) ions/Iron(tt) sulphat ae ge eee 5 the oxidising agent (positive terminal Blectrone are transferred from the reducing agent (negative terminal) to th y agent (p ) through the connecting wires. Transfer of Electrons at a Distance as a Redox Reaction 1. Transfer of electrons at a distance occurs when two solutions of a reducing agent and an oxidising agent are separated by an electrolyte in a U-tube. —~ carton electrodes Oxidising agent (gains electrons and undergoes reduction) (c= lane Reducing agent foses electrons ‘and undergoes oxidation) U-tube — — Electrolyte Figure 1.3 (a) The redox reaction occurs as a result of electrons flowing through an external circuit/connecting wire, (b) The electrons flow from the reducing agent (loses electrons) to the oxidising agent (gains electrons) through the connecting wire and can be detected by a galvanometer. (0) Accarbon electrode that is dipped in the reducing agent is known as the negative terminal (anode). (d) A carbon electrode that is dipped in the oxidising agent is known as the positive terminal (cathode). (e) The electrolyte allows the movement of ions and completes the electric circuit 2. A reducing agent loses its electron and undergoes oxidation. Table 1.4 Examples of common substances used as reducing agents Reducing agent Half-equation of oxidation ‘Magnesium, Mg ‘Mg(s) —> Mg”*(aq) + 2e7 Sulphur dioxide, SO, $0,(g) + 2H,0(!) > $O,(aq) + 4H*(aq) + 2” Hydrogen sulphide, H,S H,S(g) — 2H*(aq) + S(s) + 2e~ Sodium sulphite solution, Na,SO, $03*(aq) + H0(1) — $0,2-(aq) + 2H*(aq) + 2¢° Potassium iodide, KI 2I-(aq) > b(aq) + 2e~ Potassium bromide, KBr 2Br-(aq) > Br,(aq) + 2e~ Iron(il) chloride, FeCl,/Iron(Il) sulphate, FeSO, bil Fe?*(aq) — Fe?*(aq) + e~ 3. An oxidising agent gains electrons and undergoes reduction, Table 1.5 Examples of common substances used as oxidising agents Oxidising agent Acidified potassium manganate(Vil), KMnO, Acidified potassium dichromate(V/), K,Cr,0, Chlorine water, Cl, Bromine water, Br, Lroniill) chloride, FeCl/tron(it) sulphate, Fe,(S0,), Half-equation of reduction MnO, (aq) + 8H*(aq) + Se~ > Mn?*(aq) + 44:00), C1207? (aq) + 14H*(aq) + 6° —> 2Cr**(aq) + 7H, 000 Ch(aq) + 2e- > 2CI-(aq) Bro(aq) + 2e- — 2Br-(aq) Fe*(aq) te" Fe*(aq) CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium: nical cell or U-tube cell, the electrode that is dipped in educing agent becomes the negative terminal of anode because the agent loses electrons and pes oxidation. oxidising agent becomes the poste tefl oF esd aaa agent gains electrons and pes reduction. tion in Terms of Change in Oxidation Number ye oxidation number of an element iner he oxidation number of an element dec eases, the element is reduced, The element i an oxidising agent. is nota redox reaction ifno elements undergo a change in oxidation number. mple 1 placement of hydrogen from sulphuric acid by magnesium xidation number: Be ons reaction & alte because the oxidation n substances have changed. : A displacement reaction is a redox reaction. jumbers of magnesium and hydrogen in the jon: Explanatio! Magnesium, Mg undergoes oxidation because the oxidation reduction because the oxidatio number of hydrogen decreases : from +1 to 0. ution and sodium chloride solution: = a jixture of silver nitrate solution : Precipitation of silver chloride from a mixtul aa ed Oxidation number: ss use there is no change in oxidation * This reaction is not a redox reaction becat i and products. oe Number of any element in the ie : ae ee : ; * A double decomposition reaction is not 227 CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Table 1.7 F monoatomic ion isthe charge of the ion. | 2. The oxidation number of atoms or molecules in a neutral element is zero. 3. The sum of the oxidation numbers of the element in a polyatomic ion is | equal to the charge of the ion. Examples + Sodium ion, Na* + Magnesium ion, Mg?* + Aluminium ion, AP* + Chloride ion, Cl + Oxide ion, O7 + Nitride ion, N® Hydrogen gas, H, + Copper, Cu + Hydroxide ion, OH ‘Manganate(VIl) ion, MnO« + Chromate(Vi) ion, CrO,? Dichromate(VI) ion, Cr,077~ Sulphate(V1) ion, SO.” [ Oxi + Oxidation number of Na = 41 + Oxidation number of Mg = 49 + Oxidation number of Al + Oxidation number of Cl + Oxidation number of © + Oxidation number of N + Oxidation number of H + Oxidation number of C + Sum of oxidation numbed = + Sum of oxidation numbers + Sum of oxidation numbers. + Sum of oxidation numbers 4, The sum of the oxidation numbers of the elements in a compound is zero. Calcium carbonate, CaCO, Carbon dioxide, CO, Sulphuric acid, HSO, Ammonia, NH3_ + Sum of oxidation numbers + Sum of oxidation numbers + Sum of oxidation number: + Sum of oxidation numbers = 0 5. Special cases: (a) All Group 1 elements have the oxidation number +1 Element Na in NaCl + Element K in KO + Oxidation number of Na = +1 + Oxidation number of K_= +1 All Group 2 elements have the | oxidation number +2. (b) Element Mg in MgO + Element Ca in CaCO; + Oxidation number of Mg = +2 + Oxidation number of Ca = +2 © All Group 13 elements have the oxidation number +3. Element Al in AlO3 + Oxidation number of Al = +3 (@) AllGroup 17 elements (halogens) have the oxidation number —1 in most of their compounds. Element Clin NaCl Element Br in MgBr, Element | in KI Element Cl in KIO, + Oxidation number of Cl = =1 + Oxidation number of Br = -1 + Oxidation number of | = -1 + Oxidation number of Cl = + 6. The oxidation number of oxygen in its ‘compounds is -2 except in peroxides which i Element O in Al,O; Element O in H,0, * Oxidation number of 0 + Oxidation number of O 7. The oxidation number of hydrogen in its compounds is +1 except in metal hydrides which is -1. Element H in NH; Element H in HCl Element H in NaH Element H in MgH, Calculate the oxidation number of carbon, C in calcium carbonate, CaCO,, Oxidation number of Ca** ion is +2. xa +4 Oxidation numberof oxygen in ‘compound is -2. :. The oxidation number of carbon, CaCO, is +4, (0 Fe*(aq) yg ». Bromine water, Br) is an oxidising agent. Broming molecule gains electrons and undergoes reduction to form bromide ions, Br Reduction half-equation: Bro(aq) + 2e"— 28a 3, Bromine oxidises iron(I1) ion, Fe**. Bromine is an oxidising agent. Iron(Il) ion, Fe?* reduces bromine molecule, Iron(I!) ion, Fe’* is a reducing agent Ionic equation: Br,(aq) + 2Fe*(aq) > 2Fe*(aq) + 2Br(aq) Activity B 1. Zinc, Zn is a reducing agent. Zinc atom loses electrons and undergoes oxidation to form zinc ion, Zn. 2, Iron({ll) ion, Fe®* undergoes reduction by gaining an electron to form iron(II) ion, Fe* Reduction half-equation: Fe*(aq) + e + Fe*(aq) Oxidation half-equation: Zn(s) - Zn**(aq) + 2e 3, Zinc reduces iron(III) ion, Fe. Zinc is a reducing agent. Iron(IIl) ion, Fe** oxidises zinc. Iron(Ill) ion, Fe** is an oxidising agent. Tonic equation: Zn(aq) + 2Fe*(aq) > Zn*(ag) + 2Fe*(aq) Concept Focus K, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Sn, Pb, H,, Cu, Ag. ee ee Electropositivity decreases Figure 1.6 Electrochemical series 2. The element in the higher position in the electrochemical series or the more electropositive element isthe element that tends to release electrons to form positive ions. 3. Electrochemical series is a series of metal arrangements accordin 4, The more electropositive element is oxidised more easil 5. As an example, potassium is a stronger reducing agent electropositive. i to the standard electrode potential, E%. ly and acts as a stronger reducing agent. compared to magnesium because potassium is mort ‘occurs is called a displacement reaction, SCL Displacement of metal from its salt solution Aim To study a redox reaction in the displacement of metal from its salt solution. Magnesium ribbon, Mg, lead plate, Pb, copper plate, ‘magnesium nitrate solution, Mg(NO;), Cu, 0.5 mol dm-3 a 0.5 mol dim copper) Lead) nitrate sotution, Pb(NO,),, 0.5 mol dt Apparatus Solution, Cu(NO),, sandpaper Test tube, measuring cylinder, test tube rack dure CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium copper(ll) nitrate solution, Cu(No. )2 8 poured into a tes sum ribbon, Mg is cleaned with sandppan ota um strip is put Into copper() nitrate solution, CUINO}), in the test irate solution spinture is shaken, change of the solution is recorded, Magnes 5 ‘ oid is deposited Figure 1.7 Table 1.11 Oxidation Ma(s) + Mg?*(aq) + 2e- $$ ee Mas) + Cu?*(aq) + Cul) + ‘Mg**(aq) * Magnesium, Mg is more electropositive . jon, Cu receives electrons than copper, fom copper cess Ge a Magnesium atom, Mg loses electrons to | « cust iovhe reduced to form magnesium ion, Mg?*, * The oxidation Magnesium is oxidised to magnesium ion, . ‘The oxidation number of magnesium: * Oxidising agent: increases from 0 to +2. Copper(il) ion/copper() nitrate solution Reducing agent: | Magnesium Displacement Reaction of Halogen from Its Halide Solution |, Halogens are placed in Group 17 of the Periodic Table of Elements, Halogen elements tend to receive electrons to achieve a stable electron arrangement. Halogens are reduced to halide ions. Therefore, halogen acts as an oxidising agent. Cl,{aq) + 2e° > 2Ch(aq) (reduction) i W. } The tendency of halogens to receive electrons (halogen reactivity) decreases when se Group 17. Thus, the reactivity of halogens acting as oxidising agents decreases when going down : Figure 1.8 Halogen reactivity active halogens from their halide 4 The more reactive (electronegative) halogen can displace other less re: Solutions, ey CF CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium TTS INAICME Displacement of halogen from its halide solution an its halide To study the redox reaction in the displacement of a halogen from its solution Materials vay Chlorine water, Cl, 0.5 mol dm potassium bromide solution, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, CHjCCly Apparatus Test tube, dropper, measuring cylinder, test tube rack Procedure 1, 2 cm’ of 0.5 mol dm* potassium bromide solutio few crs ibe and the 2. A few drops of chlorine water, Cl, are added into the test tube an mixture is shaken. Any change of colour that occurred is recorded. 3. 2m? of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, CH,CCI; is added into the solution in the test tube. wn, KBr is poured into a Potassium bromide + Chiorine water | aqueous layer Se 4,4, 1-tchloroethane layer Figure 1.9 The mixture is shaken thoroughly. The colour of the aqueous and 1,1,1-trichloroethane layers are observed after 30 seconds. 5. The colour change of the layer is recorded. Results 1. The colour of the aqueous layers yellow. The colour of the 1,1,1-trichloroethane layer is brown. Table 1.12 > Caution Handle 1,11 = in a fume chamber ating practice 1.1 b tions 2H,0(1) > Culs) + ZnCly(aqy 1:S04(aq) + Zn$O,(aq) + Hy(g) CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium xidation number of the unde the underlined elements in the following compounds, he aa Znis) + COG) et | nec) PbO(s) + Ha(g) > Pb(s) + HZ0() aq) + Mg(s) > Mg**(aq) + Pb(s) ) + HeSOs(aq) > ZnSO,(aq) + Hy(g) Standard Electrode Potential hen a reactive metal, M such as a zinc, Zn is placed in an aqueous solution containing its ions, (aq), the metal atoms can release electrons and. dissolve in the solution to form M'* ions, leaving the electrons on the metal. The metal is now negatively-charged. Hence, a potential difference is produced between the negatively-charged metal M and the solution. This potential difference is called the electrode Potential. When a non-reactive metal, M such as silver, Ag 's placed in an aqueous solution containing its ‘ons, M"(aq), the M"* ions from the solution can remove electrons from the atoms of the metal and be deposited as neutral atoms. The piece of metal Now acquires a positively-charged. An electrode Potential is also produced. Ea 233 ‘The magnitude of the electrode potential shows the tendency for a metal to lose electrons, which is to act as a reducing agent or the tendency for its ions to receive electrons, that is to act as an oxidising agent. Electrode potential is the potential difference Produced when an equilibrium is established between metal M and the aqueous solution containing metal M"* ions in a half-cell. To compare the electrode potential of different elements, the standard conditions chosen are as follows: (a) Concentration of ions in an aqueous solution is 1.0 mol dm? (b) Temperature at 25°C or 298 K (©). Gas pressure at 1 atm or 101 kPa (d) Platinum is used as an inert electrode The electrode potential measured under standard conditions is called standard electrode potential, E° and has the unit of volt, ‘The standard hydrogen electrode (S.H.E.) was are chosen as the reference electrode (the symbol * means standard conditions). Standard Hydrogen Electrode 4. The standard hydrogen electrode consists of hydrogen gas at a pressure of 1 atm bubbling over a platinum electrode dipped in an acid solution with a concentration 1.0 mol dm~? hydrogen ion, H? and a temperature of 25°C or 298 K. CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium: ; , is defined as zero vol 2. The electrode potential ofthe standard hydrogen electrode is de He gas at 25°C (298 Kj and 1.0 atm ‘Acid containing — 1.0 mol dm of hydrogen ion, Hr at 25°C with platinum oxi Figure 1.10 3. The standard hydrogen electrode potential, E° is given the value 0.00 V. Hr(aq) +S THLE) E* = 0.00V 4, Platinum is used as an electrode because it is inert or unreactive and it catalyses the reaction that produces hydrogen gas, H, by absorption. Standard Electrode Potential Value, E° 1. The standard electrode potential, E* of an element M is defined as the potential difference measured between an electrode of metal M in contact with its ionic solution, M"* of 1.0 mol dm and the standard hydrogen electrode. 2. The standard electrode potential of any half-cell is measured relative to a standard hydrogen electrode. The standard electrode potential of a half-cell is the em. (electromotive force) of a voltaic cell made of the standard half-cell and the standard hydrogen electrode. 1—Votmeter reading = 0.76 V Ho gas at 1.0 atm,—+—== Zinc electrode (Negative) ‘Solution containing s rig 1.0 mol dm zine ion, Zr?" Figure 1.11 ‘Measuring the standard electrode potential of the Zn?*/Zn(s) haif-cell 3. The standard electrode potential has a negative sign if an element has a greater tendency to ‘compared with hydrogen. In this case, electrons move hydrogen ae ee Is Move from the element to the standard CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium High resistance votmeter (4) =~ chit at 000m, 250 (Crag) 1.0 mol den? Figure 1.12 Measuring the standard electrode Potential of the Ci{g/Ct(aq) half-cell trons move from the standard hydrogen electro trode potential of the element will have a de to the element through the external circuit, the Positive sign, pample: r Ae) +e SCraq)E: 1.36 V re postive sign for E* indicates that electrons move from salecell through the external circuit. Thus, ¢ the voltaic cell. the standard hydrogen electrode to the chlorine the electrode in the hydrogen half-cell acts as the negative terminal xidsing Agent and Reducing Agent Based on the Value of Standard Electrode Potential ‘re standard electrode potential series is obtained when the standard electrode potentials, E ofall the half- celsare arranged in increasing order (from the most negative to the most positive). Table 1.13 Standard electrode potential series Lit(aq) +e = Li(s) K'(aq) + & = K(s) Ca®*(aq) + 2° — Cals) Na*(aq) + e~ = Na(s) Mg?*(aq) + 2e7 = Mg(s) AP*(aq) + 3e7 = Alls) Zn?*(aq) + 2e° = Zn(s) | Fe**(aq) + 2e = Fe(s) Crt(aq) + & = Cr*(aq) Ni?*(aq) + 2e" = Ni(s) | Sn?*(aq) + 2e” ==> Sn(s) | Por(aq) + 2e" == Pb(s)___+ 2H*(aq) + 2e° = H,(g) | Sn‘*(aq) + 2e7 = Sn?*(aq). Cu?*(aq) + 2e7 == Cu(s) O,(g) + 2H,O(1) + 4e" == 40H (aq) 1,(s) + 2e° = 2I-(aq) Fe**(aq) + e~ = Fe**(aq) Ag’(aq) + = = Agts) 5 Br,(I) + 2e° == 2Br (aq) i +133 Ch(g) + 2e° = 2CK(aq)_ 7 7 +152 HO aq) (ag) + Sees) 44:00 H,0;(aq) + 2H*(aq) + 26° == 24h | $:042"(aq) + 26” =* 250,°(aq) ___—| Fig) + 2e° = 2F (aq) Strength as oxidising agents increase 235 CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium e series are: ortant points about the ser 2. Several imps ous ions, {a)_Allions involved are aque’ (b) All half-cell reactions are written (©) Oxidising agents are found on the le (d) Reducing agents are found on the ri as reduction. ft of the nt of the half-cell eq half-cell equations. uations. Example: er e agent. inc isthe reducing agent while Zn** is the oxidising 26 eerie electrode potential, (or the lower the position in th mr go a a re Fn ound ec 4, The more negative the value of the standard electrode potential E (or the hig he Poston te Beneerenber thie reducing agent wil be. The easier Ics for the arom or fon co uncleraelessaaia The standard electrode potential,” can be used to predict: (@) the atoms or ions which will undergo oxidation or reduction. (b) the strength of the ing agent or reducing agent. alue of the standard Exam, The equation below shows a displacement reaction. “Zn(s) + Cu?*(aq) = Zn?*(aq) + Cu(s) Relate the oxidising agent or reducing agent with the €° value for the displacement react 1. Zn?*(aq) + 2e° = Zn(s) E = -0.76 V The E* value of Zn is more negative than the E* value of Cu. (a) Zinc ion, Zn** is a weaker oxidising agent than copper(II) ion, Cu2*. (b) Therefore, zinc ion, Zn?* is difficult to receive electrons to form zinc atom, (©) Zinc ion, 2n** does not undergo oxidation. 2. Cu*(aq) + 2e° = Cu(s) E* = +034 V The E* value of Cu is more positive than the E° value of Zn. (@) Copper, Cu is a weaker reducing agent than zinc, Zn. __ (b) Therefore, copper atom, Cu has a lower tendency to release electrons @. on, cut. i @ Copper, Cu does not undergo reduction. 7) voltaic Cell ~ -eaction in a Voltaic Cell ye reaction that involves the displacement of 1 its salt solution by another metal ean Jodo bulla simple voltaic cell (chemical ce metal cell can be constructed by sing ewo different metals with different tropositivities in an electrolyte solution and qected to each other by connecting wires, 13 shows an example of simple voltaic cel at are placed higher up in the standard potential or electrochemical series electropositive) will act as the negative terminals. Metals placed lower in the standard de potential or electrochemical series (less ictropositive) will act as the positive terminals, Copper plate {—Coppertl) sulphate solution Figure 1.13 Simple voltaic cell «the negative terminal, the metal electrode will release electrons and dissolve to form metal ions. At the positive terminal, the metal ions will receive electrons and be discharged to form neutral atoms. The potential difference between two electrodes causes the movement of electrons that produces dlectric current. The electric current produced can be measured by using ammeter, voltmeter or zalvanometer. A voltmeter can also be used to measure the electrical energy that is produced. The energy conversion that occurs in a simple Voltaic cell is: "ox Reaction in a Daniell Cel 4 Daniell cell is made up of two different types Of metals with diferent E* value immersed into 'S espective metal ion solutions. The electrolyte a oe are separated either by a porous Pot OF ge. Fete 1.14 shows Daniell cells which consist of 'ate solution, ZnSO, and copper( tl) sulp! 237 CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Solution, separated fy of Fespectively. Both solutions are Y either a porous pot or a salt ae Copper electrode Zine sulphate —H ‘Copper sulphate sokiton fl solution Porous pot I a Ze electrode, Copper Zine SOS, Sulphate solution -Copperti) Figure 1.14 Two types of Daniell cells that use a Porous pot or salt bridge 3. Zinc is more electropositive than copper. Therefore, zinc, Zn releases two electrons to form zinc ion, Zn**, So, the zinc rod acts as the negative electrode (terminal/pole). 4, The electrons are transferred from the zinc rod to the copper rod through the outer circuit. An electric current (electrical energy) is produced. 5. The copper rod is less electropositive than zinc. Therefore, electrons flow to the copper rod. So, the copper rod acts as the positive electrode. 6. At the copper rod, copper(I!) ion, Cu?* from the copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO, receives two electrons to form copper atom, Cu. Therefore, copper is deposited at the copper rod. 7. In this reaction, zinc, Zn is oxidised to zinc ion, ‘Zn** by copper(|!) ion, Cu. 8 At the same time, copper(I!) ion, Cu** is reduced by zinc, Zn to copper, Cu. 9, The half-reactions involved can be represented by the half-equations below. ( 40. The overall jonic equation of this reaction is shown below. electrode, the zinc rod dissolves yh A ne a of ese ee). FORM 5 ie) CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium 12. Atthe positive electrode Me (a) the blue copper) sulphate solution, CusOs fodes (the intensity of the blue se decreases/the blue solution become colourless). ie (b) a brown solid forms at the cope’ TO" Co copper rod thickens/the mass of the copper rod increases). 13. Copper(tt) ion oxidises zinc to zin copper(l) ion acts as the oxidising agent 14 On the other hand, zinc reduces copper inc acts as the reducing agent ss occurs at the anode of the node of c ion, Therefore, (iI) ion to copper. Therefore, zi 15, The oxidation proce cell, Therefore, the zinc rod acts as the al the cell, On the other hand, the copper rod acts as the cathode of the cell, where the reduction process occurs. 16. The zinc rod acts as the anode of the cell because zinc is more electropositive than copper. 17. The Daniell cell can be represented by a cell notation 2n(s)|2n?*(aq)iCu?*(aq)|Cu(s) ort Zn(s)|2n?*(aq)||Cu**(aq)|Cu(s) |_ The negative electrode is written on the left of | the cal symbol, oa is written on the ofthe cell symbol ij ; The anode, cathode, positive terminal and negative terminal in a chemical cell can be d i based on the value of E°. ee 2 An electrochemical cell can be constructed by constr y combining two half-cells with different E* value s. 3, The half-cell with the more positive ge the positive terminal of the cel] le 4. The half-cell with the more negative g the negative terminal of the cei, “lth, 5. The electrons will flow from the negati to the positive terminal. An elect produced. €=-076V) | Figure 1.15 (a) Zinc half-cell has a more negative p than copper half-cell. Thus, zine fama negative terminal of the cel (b) Copper half-cell has a mo a than zinc half-cell. Thus, copper ‘oll positive terminal of the cell (cathode) (©) The electrons flow from the zinc elecrodes the copper electrode. 6. E°cqi is also given by the following formula: Ea= Egaa Ee 7. Consider the Daniell cell in Figure 1.15. The®t the two half-cells are: : Zn**(aq) + 2e = Zn(s) E= Cu**(aq) + 2e° = Cus) E df The voltage reading, E*eu for the Daniell Be ore = (+034) - (-07 =4L10V iment 2 Determining the voltage of voltaic cell To determine the electrolytes aeserne wgt® OF & Volto cell by using ane seca Problem statement How can different pats of metals a on late, Fe, zinc plate, Zn, magnesium CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium f ¥ ng 8 Yecorded ee Copper plate © Positive termin nal (anode) are determina ooo) am peated each time using elfen Copper phat le 1.14. ‘ent pairs of Daniell cell is setup x shy z Figure 1.16 copper plate, Cu are a @ on, ZnSO, and copper(i) sul > sate % ee -Copper plate Zine sulphate H-Coppert sulphate solution, 2n80, solution P-Porous pot is psi Figure 1.17 dnc “Magnesium two different metals are immersed in an electrolyte solution, a potential difference (voltage) is generated. 1 The further apart the positions of the two metals in the electrochemical series, the larger the value of the cell voltage (electromotive force) produced. Ina smple voltaic cell, the metal that is more electropositive (ocated higher in the electrochemical series) will act negative terminal (anode) while the metal thatt is less electropositive (located lower in the electrochernical setes) will act as the positive terminal (cathode) of the cell 4 Operational definition of chemical cell: Voltmeter shows a reading when different types of pairs of metals are dipped into electrolytes. Cenetusion hy tp md het eae acts as the negative terminal (anode), while the metal that is less metal that is more electropositive eczopesitive will act as the positive terminal (cathode) in «simple voltae cell or a Daniell call FORM 5 C) 1 A chemical cell is represented by the following cell notation, on Table 1.13. o_, (voltage) based it of metals and their ion solutions. Write the cell Mtenty the anode and cathode and calculate : } Glove the E*y for a cell constructed with the following PAS Aotation, CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium (Ga) Electrolytic Cll Electrolysis 1. Electrolysis is a process wherel constituent elements by passing él (a) anions (negative ions) are attracted of the anode and become neutral ato mee (b) electrons flow from the anode to the cathode FV" (©) cations (positive ions) are attracted and move to of the cathode and become neutral 2. Electrolysis can be divided into: (a) Electrolysis of molten compounds (b) Electrolysis of aqueous solutions by compounds in the gh them. Jectricity throug | We aioe Land move to the anode. The anio! © electrons to the es The anions are discharged atthe anoae gh the connecting wire in the external Gey cathode. The cations receive electrons at thy The cations ae discharged atthe tag molten state OF an AqUeOUS Solution decompo ay oms or molecul atoms or molecule Electrolytes and Non-electrolytes 1. Electrolytes are substances that can conduct ele undergo chemical changes. Examples of electrolytes are dilute sodium chloride solution. 2. Non-electrolyees are substances that cannot conduct electricity either in molten state or aqueous oy Examples of non-electrolytes are naphthalene, benzene, glucose solution. tricity in either the molten state or aqueous soluiey acids and alkalis, molten lead(l) bromide Electrolysis of Molten Compounds SGlue Electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide Aim Results To study the electrolysis of molten lead{(t1) bromide Table 1.15 Materials Lead({i) bromide powder, carbon electrodes Apparatus Electrolytic cell, light bulb, battery, connecting wire with crocodile clips, switch, crucible, tripod stand, Bunsen burner, pipeciay triangle Procedure A grey solid is deposited. : ; Discussion 1 Keele i reg ith lead) bromide powder, 1. All the freely moving ions in the mol Bese tell aha ea | bromide are lead({II) ions, Pb?* and bromide! Placed on the tripod stand using a 2. When the circuit is completed, lead() pipeclay triangle. peas clvittaogle is move to the cathode and bromide ions, up as shown in Figure 1.18, to the anode, ‘hh 3. At the cathode, lead(II) ion, Pb™ electrons to form lead atom, Pb. undergoes reduction, Carbon (cathode) ‘Motten lead 4. At the anode, bromide ion, Br releases bromide to form bromine atom, Br. TWO combine to form bromine gas, Biz Br undergoes oxidation. Figure 1.18 S. The overall equation is shown below 's observed, Conclusion Thee lysis of molten lead(t) ‘metal at the cathode and bromine 9a CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium ¢ f ‘Weous Soluti a more than one type of ion is attracted ie to Tecto}sis, Only ONe type of ion is selec na the aint ecrode. Selective discharge only occurs sy ah Ke chey usually Contain more than one tyne coe cation (positive ion) Pe of ani ection of ions for discharge depends on thy ine E° value +,» concentration of solution ‘type of electrode (inert electrode oy nen elecrolss is conducted on @ dilute squne ete) oes the cations with more positive oF less ng is sing inert sada electrode potential series wl be easier’ pe vale ced while the anions with more negative or wre ectareed » the standard electrode potential ae seri ; 4 and oxidised. 'es will be easier to be Electrolysis of 0.1 mol dm sulphate solution using ca sulphuric acid and copper) irbon electrodes im z the electrolysis of 0.1 mol dm sulphuric acid and. copper(tt) sulphate solution using carbon el terials d nal dm sulphuric acid, HSO,, 0.1 mol dm copper( sulphate solution, ‘CuSO, wooden splinter, carbon electrodes apparatus and water, H20- sottaq) > O10) + 2H,00 + 40 lecreases as the concentration of (© The intensity of the blue colour of the electrolyte dec n ration of the blue ga Seta even iubre copper is deposited on the cathode (@_ In terms of the value of t i, Copper) ion, Cu’* ions is more positive than E e cathode. This is because the valu 2 le of s, Cu? will be discharged ang © #08 “ie ected to be discharged at th for H’ ions. Thus, copper(I1) ion: the cathode. Half-equation at the cathode: Cut(ag) + 26° & Cuts) = +0.34V 2H*(aq) + 20° = Hx) F°= 0.00 V to the anode, OH" ion is selected to be discharged at the < is more negative or less positive than E? for SO, jong yt ii, $0.2 ions and OH" ions move 4 and oxidised at the anode. fons Th is because the value of E° for OH” ion: hydroxide ions, OH will be discharged Half-equation at the anode: $0,2aep + AH*(aq) + 26° > H,SOx(a9) + HOM 40H (aq) > 2H,00) + Ox(@) + 4° 017 1.229.V can = Featose ~ E’anode) +0.34 V - 1.229 V = -0.889 V ‘Minimum voltage supplied is 0.889 V 2. Dilute sulphuric acid, H, a i i oe Iphuric acid, H,SO, consists of hydrogen ions, H*, sulphate ions, SO,? and hydroxide ions, OH that my (@) During electrolysis, H* ions move to the cathode. H* ions are discharged by accepting electrons fo fs hydrogen gas, H3. 2H*(aq) + 2e- + HL(Q) (b) SO,* ions and OH" ions move to the anode. OH OFF i i aedree mesg et more tothe o ions are selected to be discharged by donating 4OHT(aq) > 0,19) + 2H,00) + 4e~ (© The concentration of sulphuric acid in \poses into hydrogen gas and. \creases gradually as water decom| gas. The volume of hydrogen @ a terms of the value ee ea twice the volume of oxygen gas. i, Hydrogen ion, H’ is selected to be dis SE, Thue dischai |. Thus, hydrogen ions, H* Half-equation at the cathode: ged because it has only hydrogen : ly hy ions as will be discharged and reduced at the cathode, 2H"(aq) + 26° -» Hyg) Benue $80,(aq) + 4H*(aq) + 26° 40H(09) -+ 21,00) + O,@) eked) +H,00) e . 2 a7 y, lution jon of Solut “centre arried out using inert electrode “y but this is only applied for halide and concentrat ions, which are CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium ed Solutions, ions that are more concentrated CH, Br and F- ncentrations of ions in selective discharge of ions of ions in hydrochloric acid, s to be discharged at the hlotic acid, HCI is used, ‘harged at the anode. drochloric acid, HCl is used, scharged at the anode. entration of hydrochloric acid, n discharged at the anode jydrochloric acid, HCl and carbon electrodes 0 mol dm’ hydrochloric acid, HC, .e litmus paper, carbon electrodes =] ammeter, batteries, connecting wires with ch, test tubes ctolytic cell is filled with 1.0 mol dm® echloric acid, HC] until hatf full. o test tubes are fully filled with 1.0 mol dm* .ochloric acid, HCl and the test tubes are inverted carbon electrodes in the electrolytic cell. opparatus is set up as shown in Figure 1.20. é __\ Figure 1.20 A greenish yellow gas with a pungent and choking is relecsed. ‘The gas turns blue litmus paper to red and then to white. 1. The aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, HCI consists of hydrogen ions, H*, chloride ions, Cr and hydroxide ions, OH" that move freely. 2. During electrolysis, Cr ions and OH ions move to the anode. (@) Electrolysis of 1.0 mol dm hydrochloric acid: Cr ions (reducing agent) are selectively discharged because of their higher concentration in the electrolyte even though E° value of Cron is less negative than OH" ion. Hence, chlorine gas, Cl, is formed. (©) Electrolysis of 0.0001 mol dm hydrochloric acid: OH- ions (reducing agent) are selectively discharged to form oxygen, Oz and water. H,0. This is because E° value of OH" ion is more negative than Cr fon. FORM & i) CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium The Type of Electrode There are two types of electrode: Beicoo (a) Inert electrode - An electrode that only ac imum. Normally it is made of carbon or platinu! a conductor but also underE0es chemical hag only acts as (b) Active electrode ~ An electrode that no acta iGieae ¥ the anode release electrons (0 form ausing the mer electrolysis, the metal atoms of far the cathode which may be a metal electrode sup te become thinner, while the cation is discharged Uh as ea silver or nickel. Experiment 13 Effects of type of electrode on the selection of ions to be disc} Aim To study the effects of the type of electrode used on the selective dischamge of ions att the electrodes Problem statement Does the type of electrode used affect the sel Hypothesis The type of electrodes will affect the selective dischonge of ions att the electrodes. ductor and does not undergo any chemje al Jective discharge of ions at the electrodes? Variables (@ Manipulated : Type of electrode (®) Responding: Selective discharge of ions at the electrodes © Fixed Concentrations of electrolytes Materials 0.5 mol dm~ copper(II) sulphate solution, CuSO,, wooden splinter, sandpaper, carbon electrodes, copper electies Apparatus ; Electrolytic cells, ammeter, batteries, connecting wires with crocodile clips, switch, test tubes, beaker, electionie 1. Two carbon electrodes are cleaned with sandpaper. 2. An electrolytic cell is filled with 0.5 mol dm copper( 3. The apparatus is set up as shown in Figure 1.21 sulphate solution, CuSO, until itis half full. CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium opper(ll) sulphate OH that move freely. 8 Of Copperg fons, Y. am) . phate ions, ydrogen s using comben elecHedal ail ne ea ai cathode © Positive than that of jon ond Ht io Of hydrogen go MOVE to the de fons, HY. Thus, cuz cathode. The value of E° for fons will be discharged and Cua) + 26 > Cus) ions move to the ions. Thus, OH ions will ky 2, Value of Ee be for OH tilt ons more negative or less postive ie ctolysis of Copperd sulphate solution, CuSO, using conbon electrodes, oxygen, O; and water, HjO ed at the anode while the copper anode dissolves to form copper) ions, Cu?* when copper electrodes used. However, the product formed at the cathodes is not affected by the type of electrode used. Comparison Between Voltaic Cell and Electrolytic Cell Consists of two different metals ped in an electrolyte and comected to a voltmeter using a connecting wire Eectons flow from the “sina (anode) to the p sminal (cathode) ; CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Table 1.1 ttaic cell and an electrolytic cell | 9 Redox react Electrolytic celj - Voltaic cell Anode Ze Cathode |___Catpaas Anode ; maior Anion/Metal atom | Cation ng ive | The metal ic Ses = The more ectropostive | Te Teroiye gains | loses its electrons | electro gl Transfer of | real loses its electrons the lees Te. | and acts asa | electrneatt_| | educing | electrons 2 icing agen | electrons | and actsasa reducing | . Reduction occurs at the positive terminal in a voltaic cell and at the negative terminal in an elegy a juction occurs a if The term cathode is assigned to the electrode where reduction occurs. Hence, the cathode isthe pg e cell. terminal in a voltaic cell, but it is the negative terminal in an electrolytic Purification of metals Electroplating and Purification of Metals Wattohstideo 1. There are three uses of electrolysis in industry Wiech th oN) to eam mere about | Electroplating of metals ceoreel Uses of i electrolysis Es Extraction of metals Figure 1.23 J 2. Electroplating is the electrolysis process used to coat one metal with another metal. (a) Provide a thin protective coating of the metal on the surface of another metal (b) Make an object more attractive and resistant to corrosion (©) Coat an object with expensive or attractive metals such as gold, silver, copper and tin Electroplating of Silver on an Iron Spoon and Purification of Metals Table 1.20 ences Electroplating of copper on an iron spoon Purification of copper ‘Apparatus tl (it—_a— plate Impure: ron spoon ES Copper ce ‘Sulphate solution Structure 3 (0 Ame ance ih metal: | To purify an impure metal oy itd asthe cathode, reropeed | (0) An impure meal Bai fie anode MB Metal is used as | (b) A pure metal is used 35 (2) An electrolyte j (c)_ An electrolyte is an aqueous solution corinne Tee solution containing the electroplating metal, ions of the metal to be purified. process nat the ation @ fe nat the Cu2*(aq) + 29° © (reducin, 8 agent) The copper plate diss ol thinner. 'ves and becomes * Copper atoms donate electrons to form copper(tl) ions, * The copper anode dissolves and becomes thinner. al CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Guts) > Cu2*(aq) + 26° (reducing agent) eae vie | The impure copper anode dissolves and becomes thinner. po ee Copperitt) ion YL al a ar Ra * Copper atoms donate electrons to form copper(I) ions. * The impurities fall to the bottom of the beaker. Cu?*(aq) + 2e° —> Cus) (oxidising agent) A thin layer of brown solid is deposited | on the spoon, CuP*(aq) + 26° ~» Cus) (oxidising = ‘A pure copper cathode becomes thicker. Copper metal Copper metal + Copper(tl) ion, Cu is selectively discharged by receiving electrons to form copper atom, Cu. | + A brown solid is deposited on the spoon. + Copper(I!) ion, Cu?* is selectively discharged by receiving electrons to form copper atom, Cu. + Pure copper is deposited on the cathode which is made of pure copper. Observation on the solution ed ' Site whether each of the following is an electrolyte OF '9) Hydrochloric acid + The intensity of the blue colour of copper(!l) sulphate solution remains unchanged because the concentration of the blue copper(II) ions remain unchanged. + For every one copper(I!) ion discharged to become a copper atom at the cathode, one copper atom, ) Ammonia solution ( “) Glucose solution ‘® Sodium chloride powder © Molten lead Zine sulphate solution + The intensity of the blue colour of copper(I!) sulphate solution remains unchanged because the concentration of the blue copper(I!) ions remains unchanged. + For every one copper(II) ion discharged to become a copper atom at the cathode, one copper atom from the anode will dissolve to form a jump aiess eee es copper(II) ion copper) a non-electrolyte. CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium 2 Complete the following table: Aluminium a) Aluminium oxide (a) Al | +k ii aqueous solutions. Then, identify tic Ka ions has carbon are used egy (b) Potassium iodide (©) Zine bromide sent in th jectrodes suc 3. Write the formulae forthe fons present in He at the anode and cathode during electro! Aqueous zine sulphate ee ae i eee (b) Dilute nitric id r 2H,0 + O, + 4e (©) Aqueous potassium hydroxide 4OH- — 2H% 2 (@) Aqueous silver nitrate Extraction of Metals 1. Figure 1.24 shows a summary of the methods of extracting metals from their ores. Reactivity series of metals Na | Very reactive metals CaF Their ores require strong reduction, which is done th Mg | electrolysis of molten ores (For metals that are more reactive than carbon) Zn Fe iGure 1.24 Methods of extracting metals from 2, There are three main methods of 2 their ores (a) Reduction of the molten rete. ing Metals from their ores: (b) Reduction of the ores with anes lectrolysis (©) Reduction of metal oxides tetas pectrolyte CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium ‘The melting point of aluminium oxide, Al;O, is 2 000°C so cryolite s added to lower the melting point to 980°C. ALO,(s) > 2AP*(1) + 307-() Electrode Anode (Carbon electrode) Cathode (Carbon lining) Oxide ions, O? are attracted to the anode. Oxide ion releases electrons to form oxygen gas, O,. Oxide ion undergoes oxidation. Oxide ion loses its electrons and acts as a reducing Aluminium ions, AP* are attracted to the cathode, Aluminium ion receives three electrons to form aluminium atom, Al. Aluminium ion undergoes reduction. Aluminium ion receives agent. electrons and acts as an oxidising agent. Half-equation 207-(I) > O,(g) + 4e7 AP*(|) + 3° — Alls) | Product, Oxygen ‘Aluminium al Figure 1.25 Extraction of aluminium from molten aluminium oxide 2 Saute is the major mineral ore of aluminium. Natural bauxite ores contain aluminium hydroxide, ferric oxide, titanium oxide and reactive silica. 1 As for other aspects affecting pollution including the geology of the crust theinfluence of seawater and nearby industrial and port activities, oe srocessing areas have been found to be contaminated with heavy mets als such as nickel, ‘pecially chromium, arsenic and mercury. Other materi 2c and others are present but in low concentrations: Gabon (as coke or charcoal) is cheap. It coy acts as a reducing agent, but it tho S28 the fuel to provide heat for L os peel dioxide gas produced is not Gecnets and thus can be released into the air, Concept Focus Reactive metals such as potassium, K, sodium, Na and ‘aluminium, Al can be extracted from thelr motten compounds Using electrolysis. CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Extraction of Iron re 1. There are a number of iron oF ea al to extract most o! S xtracting iron 3 . However, it ores. is uneconomic Two important ores used in extract haematite, Fe,O, and magnetite, ee Bos 2. The concentrated ores are reduced Peers the form of coke in a very large and hot [NN called a blast furnace. Its temperature car to 2 000°C. Raw material Biasts of hot air Molten slag Cong) Carbon dioxide, CO, rises in the bla and comes in contact with the coke a fing endothermically to form carbon mongcst roi €O,(e) + Cs) > 2c0¥g 3, Carbon monoxide, CO (a strong reduc reduces the iron(II) oxide, Fe,0, in the top of the furnace to molten iron which runs to the bottom of the fu gases such as carbon dioxide, CO, esca top of the blast furnace. a rai en Oxidation +3 number: + lron(Ill) oxide is reduced because the number of iron decreases from +3 t00 oxide is an oxidising agent. + Carbon monoxide is oxidised because t oxidation number of carbon in carbon mona increases from +2 to +4, Carbon monoxies reducing agent. 4, At higher temperature, carbon reduces iro oxide to iron. 2Fe,04(s) + 3C(s) > Fe3O4(s) + 4CO(g) FesO4(s) + 2C(s) — 3Fet ore. The main impurity is sand (silicon In this reaction, the limestone is heat to form carbon dioxide and the limestone reacts with the sand n form molten slag, also known as ca The slag is run off to the bottom of ‘The molten slag, being less dense On top of it and makes the easier. The slag collected can be Of roads. «Metal Oxide to ASS! on 0 r arting metal oxi gon converting ides to metals jg jepencling on the reactivity of ty heat (pyrometallurgy) of the metals CHAPTER 1. Redox Equilibrium call e nie eduction, For te commonly 4 ‘uction, different types of reducing AE the BotOM ofthe methods for reduction are: ACtivity se ies can by e reduced to metals by the action of temperature of about 300°C. sion by aluminium (aluminothermic Feaction) aed ides of manganese and chromium can be reduced to th nrocess of reduction of a metal oxide to the metal uso ® Metals using aluminium, rpetod of extraction of metal from the following: ‘Aluminium oxide p) Iron ore «) Tin ore &) Manganese dioxide > jon is extracted in a blast furnace. “ |) sute two iron ores used in the extraction of iron, ») Besides iron ores, name two other raw materials added into the blast furnace «) Give the function of the two raw materials mentioned in 2(b). 4) Name two other metals that are extracted in the same manner as iron, FORM 5 CG The rusting of a metal is a redox reaction in which the metal undergoes oxidation spontaneously by losing: eectrons to form metal ions. Example: §9) Corrosion of magnesium: af = * then the metal corrodes, it usually forms a protective coating on ne surface of the mé i x F .en iron corrodes in the presence of water wireot iton isthe corrosion of iron. Rusting of iron cakes pct wget whe Won at a reducing agent. Oven. It isa redox reaction whereby oxygen acts 38 251 CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Iron Rusting as a Redox Reaction r a simple 1. When iron is in contact with water 1 chemical cell is formed. The surface of 8 Tr Aropler exposed to the air tends to he reactions involved electrons. Figure 1.29 shows t in the formation of rust 8 Cathode (pstve termina) oe. 00) + 24:00» tor» 4OHF ‘Anode (negative termina) Fase) = FePiaa) + 26° Figure 1.28 Reactions involved in the formation of rust 2. The surface of iron at A with lower concentration of oxygen becomes an anode (negative terminal), the electrode at which oxidation occurs. ron atom loses electrons and is oxidised to form iron(II) ion, Fe”’ Half-equation of oxidation: 3. The electrons flow through iron to the edge of the water droplet at B, where the concentration of oxygen is higher. The iron surface at B becomes the cathode (positive terminal), the electrode at which reduction occurs. Oxygen molecule, O, receives electrons and is reduced to form hydroxide ions, OH”. Experiment lial Corrosion of metal occurs on copper and iron Aim To study the corrosion of copper and iron Problem statement Do copper and iron undergo conosion? Hypothesis Corrosion of copper strip produces blue com 4 rect rosion of iron nail produces brown precip moe 252 Half equation of reduction 4, Iron(II) ion, Fe’* produced yl hydroxide ions, OH” to form iron() Fe?*(aq) + 20H (aq) Combing Hyd 5, Iron(I!) ion, Fe” is green but rust is by iron(!) hydroxide, Fe(OH), undeyoe oxidation by oxygen to form hydrated fun, oxide, Fe,O,xH,O (rust). x is an integer (Mh the value varies. 8 th Fe(OH),(s) 6. Rustis brittle, porous and not tightly packeg a a on Ge underneath. Iron will undergo continuous, 7. Rusting of iron occurs faster in the pees of acid or salt because when these dissolve in water, the solutions produc better electrolytes. An electrolyte will nese electrical conductivity of water. Iron strucursy coastal and industrial areas rust faster becaueg (a) the presence of salt in the coastal brea (b) the presence of acidic gases in industal aes such as sulphur dioxide, SO, and niangs dioxide, NO,. 3. 12 cm? of 0.5 mol dm’ sodium chloride solution 6 cm’ of 0.5 mol dm” sodium hy a poured into a beaker. The mixture is heated v= 4 Figure 1.29 4. The mixture is poured into the test covered the iron nail and copper stip. 5. The test tubes are stored in the test CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium opservation: | x HIP | 5 change | Fe) + Fe® (aq) + 26° Inference: | 2 © Copper is g i The copper strip does ne b) Tnetal which is less elect itive. ‘ot Cotrode, oPPer does not undergo oxidation or corrosion Conclusion, 1. The hy ich is more electropostive, 2. When & wet accepted. lectrons to form iro sod Clectropositive metal is in contact with n() ie ee Solution, metal corrosion is slower ot tion ot rusting, 3 When sodium crue Slectropositive metal is in contact with ‘Mote quickly, Solution, metal corrosion will occur tals and Rusting of Iron one osion can be controlled using other metals Iron does not corrode i with Mg, Al and Zn Iron corrodes Pb and Cu Figure 1.30 2 When iron is in contact with a more electropositive metal such as zinc, rusting of iron is prevented. Zinc atom, Znreleases electrons to form zinc iron, Zn?*. Zinc corrodes or undergoes oxidation instead of iron. The electrons that are released flow through the iron to the metal surfaces where there is water and oxygen. 3 When iron is in contact with a less electropositive metal such as lead, iron rusts faster. Iron atom, Fe loses lctrons to form iron({l) ion, Fe2*. Hence, iron corrodes or undergoes oxidation instead of lead. ries, the faster the more electropositive metal corrodes. Deuter aparethe metalsarein the electrochemical sre hefner he mae se ne ‘sr example, iron, Fe which is in contact with copper C "vention of Rust aecmemt IB] effects of ether metas on stn haus ‘When at more electopostive, Spite y ron does not a Se etlects of other metals on rusting wih cn or io contact with an on ned, A Soement hespacgertion "ag Stent motels i contact with ton. aflet 253 fe) 1) me} CG CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium Variables (@) Manipulated : Different metal (b) Responding: Ru in © Fixed Iron nail Materials Iron nails, copper strip, magi hexacyanoferrate(I) solution, KjFe(CN), Apparatus: Test tubes, test tube rack Procedure 1, All five iron nails, 2, Four ion nails are coiled tightly with the magnesium Tis P 3. All five iron nails are placed in five separate test tubes as sh on 4, Same amount of agar solution containing potassium hexacyanoterrate(i) solution, K3Fe(CN), and, are poured into the test rubes to completely cover alll the nails. : Phencteh 5. The test tubes are put in test tube rack and lett aside for a day X u tH und the iron nati j around # im ribbon, zinc strip. nolphthalein, magnesium ribbon ion nal coed ‘Agar solution + Potassium a hexacyanoferatefl solution ce dike "h copper stp * ie with magnesium Agar soliton ¢ on nal Phenophthaein wi fh i 0 . rae Phenolphthan ‘Agar solution + Potassium ‘Agar solution + Potassium hexacyanoferatel) solution tron nal coled _‘hexacyanoferate(l) solution [61 tron nail coed Phenolphthalen win 206 SP pnenciphthalen nae Figure 1.31 Results Table 1.22 t “Dark blue Intensity of pink = eet colour ; Atew Present 5 None Present . z The most Present The iron nail rusts ve = None Present ‘The iron nail does not Many. Present The iron nail rusts, Discussion 1, During rusting, irond) ions are produced. The | 6. Test tube It ieee Kfocth onde | © Memon 5 ne sg J more iton() This means that: cam lose Bese oa the more the number of the more easily than iron, Therefore, ‘oxidised. Magnesium acts as the (©) The electrons flow to iron which 3. The jelly is used to enable us to see the cathode. ‘colours clearly os dif blue and ‘At the cathode, the Fae sete Ohare ne, 28S owt in received by oxygen. Thus, ‘mixed up and will be diffcult 1 distin, re eduction, producing hyd 4, Since the pink colour is its ined that concion of rc aes, ‘each test tube, The metal that ee Ree Rot Seb mekl that is ivcontocs wi © Teton conade, Ti nail does not: ‘absence of blue spot in the test | CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium lectropositive than copper 28) + an™(acp + ™m lose ts electrons mote — ea Therelore, tron nists oritiy | 9 sete v the anole Similar to test tube i the iton nail acts as the anode » Fe®(aq) + 2e- then fton is more electropositive large difference | RO reap ar ity, the ting of iron. Occurs aap . ducing a large amount of HOWever, thé sale ot ising th teat tube Vie xplains most number of dark lower than that in test tube III as the difference in this test tube. ioctopostvty between iron and tin fs smal than Ww 10 copper which acts as 2etlerence in the electopesvity between iron cathode, the electons ‘and copper. zYgen ond oxygens CHa eaen ision presence of hydroxide ions is | 2 smd epoca pinl lourattic i ocepted. tk ae 2. Rusting is inhibited when iron is in contact with a 4 Mote electropositive metal, be Tne ‘on oil tn his tee ioot aa Rusting is speeded up when iron is in contact with ie dark blue spot is found. less electr itive metal acts cs the anode and is oxidised as zine is more i aia than iron, yyysto Prevent Rusting Alloying FORM 5 Figure 1.32 3 Alloying F a ron. Suinlessstel is a corrosion-resisting alloy of ts of chromium, Cr and ri &®) It contains carbon, C and varying amount i i i and decorative items. contains about 18% chromium aud were for small objects such as cutlery (b) Thus, stainless steel is expensive and i : \ded to the iron and is not ® ing which is firmly bon hice c : tive Xd a cee esa areadaiTMRTacthG 9 Chou and oe provi ae coating is shiny, hence giving sal easily removed, Furthermore, tke finish, a ae * Using protective coating or protec Coating, depending on t e = Various materials can be used as protect f engine ips, bridges, railings and gates. ir rts of engi hips, bridges, ') Oil and grease are used for the moving Pal scratched such as Cas SF ine on them. Some pots and ©) Paine i used for items that are not ol 1s of anti-rust coating example, most modern cars have a few laye Bites have enamel-paine coating On MEM gers ae with a thin layer of zine. This is done by ©) Plastics are used for light items such as ta see ‘ing an iron oF S Calvanising (zinc plating) involves coating ‘ phere, ping the iron into molten zinc: that are exposed othe aemos Calvanising is used on objects and iron rubbish bins. pe jickel, Ni. The typical stainless steel he coating and usage ofthe iron items. such as iron roofing, water tanks CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium vented from rusting in (wo WaYs Firstly, ‘a protective oxide coating: ‘iron is scratched, inc corrodes more electropositive than ii, Galvanised iron is pres the zinc layer provides iii. Secondly, when the galvanise first instead of iron because zinc Is" iron. (e)_ In tin plating, an iron or steel sheet is coated with a very thin coating of tin. Ths is done by dipping the it" into molten tin or by electroplating an iron sheet using tin(IV) chloride as the electrolyte, i. Tin plating is usually uses expensive. After tin plating, with a thin layer of plastic ide coating to the cans. The Photograph 1,4 ii, The tin provides a protective 0» tans do not rustas longas the tin coating remains unbroken. However, as soon as the can is scratched, rusting will occur quickly. This is because iron is more electropositive than tin. 2 ree Thus, food in dented or scratched tin cans should not be baal Po consumed. ‘Which of the following metals 5, Sacrificial protection Used as the sactficial metal (@) In this method, iron is attached to a more electropositive metal fon ror which acts as a sacrificial metal. 5 owl (b) It is used for objects that are exposed to conditions that speed Tin up rusting such as water and seawater. For example, bridge D Copper a and hulls of ships are usually attached to zinc blocks while Answer: A underground pipelines are tied to bags of magnesium. Explanation: Secriial (©) Being more electropositive, the sacrificial metal also acts as the anode whereby it is oxidised, protecting iron from rusting, Thus, ' the sacrificial metal is also known as the sacrificial anode, (d) The sacrificial metal has to be renewed from time to time. cans as tin is very xd for making tin can is coated he inside of the Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. 1. When zine is in contact with iron: electropositive than iron, électrons to form zine ions, Zn?*, a? following oceurs in tion? 4 Los gen Ba of oxYZe C/N" ease in oxidation number p Dea .e following defines n oxidation number =f drogen electrons p Gain of € yhich of the following is a tion process? {A chlorine atom receives an electron B A potassium atom loses an esium atom gains D The oxidation number of a bromine atom increases. {The following equation epresents a redox reaction. NFO, Substance HFS What is substance X? 4 Aluminium oxide B Aluminium(I1) oxide C Aluminium dioxide D Aluminium trioxide 5The ionic equation below "presents a redox reaction, i statement is correct? on(II) ion, Fe®* is oxidised. ~ on(lt) ion, Fe* is reduced. Ctorne is a reducing agent. Oxidation number of chlorine increases 5 Wha ist : Cin on oxidation number of 1s ce uestion is followed by three Bromine water C ‘Sulphur dioxide gas D Potassium iodide solution 8 Which of the followi followin, reducing agents? tS 1 Chlorine gas I Hydrogen sulphide gas TI Hydrogen peroxide IV Tin) chloride solution saan B Tand i MandIV D tfand Iv 9 Which of the following shows the correct oxidation number for ‘manganese, Mn? ‘Ones t eo 10 The following equation represents ‘a redox reaction. What is the change in the ‘oxidation number of magnesium, Mg? 0 See @o>2 C+H30 D0 41 The following shows an ionic equation. Based on the equation, which of the following is correct? or four alt J ternativ, € answer swers. Choose one correct answer for each 12 Figure 1 shows the apparatus set Up to study a redox reaction. a Bromine water Iron() suiphate solution Figure 1 The colour of the solution changes from green to brown. Which of the _ following statements is correct? A Iron(ll) ion is oxidised to iron(Itt) ion. B Bromine water is a reducing agent. C Oxidation number of bromine increases. D Iron(il) ion can be replaced by iron(II) ion to get the same result. 13 Which of the following is a redox reaction? —K Displacement B Neutralisation C Precipitation 14 When zinc powder is added to copper(II) sulphate solution as shown in Figure 2, the blue solution turns colourless. as Copper) sulphate solution Figure 2 Which of the following can replace zinc to obtain the same observation? I. Magnesium, Mg II Silver, Ag II Lead, Pb IV Gold, Au A Land I B [and Itt C Mand IV D Iiland IV CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium 15 Figure 3 shows the apparatus set tion up for a chemical r Figure 3 Which statement about the reaction is correct? A Iron is reduced B Iron is an oxidlisin © Magnesium D The oxidation number of ases. electrons. magnesium dec 16 Figure 4 shows the apparatus up to investigate a redox reaction, Graphite electrode Potassium lodide solution Dilute todide solution The colour of potassium iodide solution turns bro. Which of the following is solution X? Chlorine water B Lron(ll) sulphat € Hydrogen sulphi 17 Which of the following. will ‘occur when a mixture of carbon and aluminium oxide is heated strongly? A.A grey solid is formed. B The oxidation number of aluminium changes fom +3 0 0. C Aluminium oxide acts as a reducing agent, AD No reaction occurs, 18 What is the position of carbon in the reactivity series of metals? A Between lead and copper Between aluminium and zine Between magnesium and aluminium, 0 20 2 the reaction between hydrogen copper(It) oxide i 1 equation. following s shown and by the srrect about Which statement is correct the reaction” A Hydrogen is a reducing agent B Copper(Il) oxide is oxidised to copper ‘The oxidation number of hydrog D The position of copper is above hydrogen in the reactivity series of metals When haematite, Fess reacts with carbon monoxide, CO, iron is produced as shown in the equation below Which of the following shows the changes in the oxidation numbers of iron, Fe and carbon, ce A| #230 | 0342 Ig ess Owl) 2 Sea c] 2343 | 0542 Di} +3342 Ho Figure 5 shows a chemical cell. on plate meee ‘Coppertti) sulphate solution Figure 5 What is the energy conversion that occurs in the cell? as energy — kinetic energy B Chemical energy ~> electrical 2 23 Below is the hap reaction, ; equation? ely A Electrons are & chlorine, "ting B Electrons are chlorine, “al 5 C Electrons are chloride ions, “Sy D Electrons are chloride ions, “ly Figure 6 shows a Patil Zine. Zine sulphate solution Potassium chloride solution Figure 6 ‘Which of the following cen reactions takes place a & positive terminal of the Daig cell? A. Cu(aq) + 2° 9 Cah) B Zn*(aq) + 2 — Za) © Cu(s) — CuP*(ag) +26 D Zm(s) > Zn*(aq) +2 specific order in the series. Which of the qnower all. questions shows the apparatus set up to ¢ onded after one day | a- agar Sokton vith assium hexacyan oral \ and phenolpthalon sera } Some dark precintates —— agar solution with sium hexacyanoferratei) and phenolphthalein solution, ron nail wrapped with metal P CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium The results Et — Large amount of dark B ) bh precipitates a ‘Agar-agar solution with | __ potassium hexacyanoferratel) and phenolphthalein solution }— Iron nail wrapped with metal Q J —— No dark blue precipitates. é Solution ture pink. Table 1 (i) State the function of potassium’ ‘The incomplete ionic equation for the reaction hexacyanoferrate(II1) solution in this. is: experiment, (1 mark] (ii) Write the half-equation for the formation of iron(II) ion from iron, (1 mark] (ii) In which test tube does iron rust the fastest? Explain your answer. {2 marks] (iv) Arrange the metals Fe, Pand Q in decreasing order of electropositivity. [1 mark] ») Figure 1 shows the apparatus set up to study the reaction between potassium manganate(VI) solution and iron(II) chloride solution through the transfer of electrons at a distance. Carton electrode. Potassium ‘Manganate(Vil Solution, pic! (i) Complete the above equation. {0 mark) (ii) What is the change of colour in the solution at electrode P? {1 mark) (iii) What is a substance that undergoes oxidation QD iin this experiment? Explain why. (2 marks} 2 Figure 2 shows the apparatus set up to study the transfer of electrons at a distance in a redox reaction. CHAPTER 1 Redox Equilibrium c acid {@) State the function of dilute sulphuric 87 gy takes (©) The equation below shows the reaction that place at carbon electrode Y {State the change in the oxidation number of chromium [1 mark) fi) State the type of reaction that occurs : a {1 mark] (©) Based on the reaction that takes place at carbon electrode X, (i) write the half-equation for the reaction [1 mark] ical test to identify (ii) describe briefly a cl GD the cation formed in 2(0)(i. [2 marks} (@ Table 2 shows the results of four sets of experiments to determine the position of hydrogen in the reactivity series. Burns quickly with a oxide P bright flame. + A black powder is formed which turns brown. I | Hydrogen + | + Burns with a bright oxide Q flame. + A yellow powder is formed which tums shiny grey. No change Essay Question ' tions: Answer all questions, Instr 3 (a) The chemical equations below BD reactions Based on the chemical equations whether the reactions are redox your answer in terms of the chal number. (b) Table 3 shows the results of two ey {GB determine the position of metals X ang, electrochemical series based on the op metals to displace other metals from solutions. X is immersed in copper(II) sulphate . solution. | Yis immersed in silver sulphate solution. Table 3 Suggest metals for X and Y, equations for both experiments. (©) Potassium manganate(VI1) soluti Ga strong oxidising agent while solution, KI is a strong re suitable reaction, explain ae used to identify the pre and chlorine gas.

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