Resume Example (SG)

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Barnes Williams • +1410-934-0758 •+1240-479-5838

Determined Experienced Computer Science Graduate seeking to leverage Professional IT

Experience into Project Managment

● Experienced Python and Javascript Developer

● Seasoned Research assistant (Neuroscience)
● International technical experience
● Start-up experience

Core Competencies
Python • Critical thinking • Adaptability •Jira •Product Development • C • C++ • Go • Jupyter
Notebook • JavaScript • R • MATLAB • Scientific Research • HTML5 • Ubuntu Linux • OS X •
Prolog • Data Structures • Algorithms • Technical Writing • MERN • Django • Agile Development •
Scrum •Software as a Service • AWS(S3, EC2,Lambda,boto3,DynamoDB) •Node.js • React •
MySQL • Git • Enthusiastic Learner •Software Design

Relevant Experience

Software Intern, AtomLeap Berlin, Germany

June 2019 – August 2019
• Client development on internal analyzation tool to improve graphical visualizations and
organization utilizing Python, Html, and JavaScript
• Implemented server and database development on internal system under Django to generate more
in-depth data reports using Python generating 50% more virtualizations
• Introduced new URL scraper for internal system employing Python for data reports on other
companies in similar markets, increasing information density by 35%

Research Assistant, UMBC Research Department Baltimore, Maryland

October 2017 –April 2021
•Impactful contributor in development of a thesis to determine if non-invasive electrical signals can
alleviate neurological diseases
• Trained to operate EEG on 100+ mice and collected and analyzed neurological patterns for over
1000 test subjects via SLoretta
• Programmed machine learning algorithms to track and analyze distance tracing and paired click
paradigm between EEG wavelengths implementing MATLAB, Prolog, and Python

Software Developer, Orolia Washington, D.C.

October 2021 – October 2022
•Contract work(6-month) for NIH(National Institutes of Health) and NASA(National Aeronautics
and Space Administration) under a non-disclosure agreement
• Used Java, C++, HTML, CSS3, Node.js, AWS and Javascript


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (May 2021); CS GPA : 3.8

University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD
Relevant Coursework: Software Engineering, Algorithms, Data Science, Operating Systems
Merit Scholar •Gilman Scholar • Study Abroad Ambassador •CWIT Scholar

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