Thermal Design Guidelines For High-Frequency and High-Power Avionics

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Thermal Design Guidelines for High-frequency and

High-power Avionics
Qin Luo, Sujuan Zhang, Hantian Gu, Guicui Fu
School of Reliability and System Engineering
Beihang University
Beijing, China

Abstract—Avionic equipments, which are vulnerable to airborne thermal design problems. Taking into consideration of the
radar, radio and other sources of human disturbance, always electromagnetic compatibility and thermal design, it usually
work in complex electromagnetic environment. Therefore, the meets the requirements of one side at the expense of the other
structure level segregation and protection methods are side.
significant. However, the thermal pathway of avionic equipments
Internal high-frequency and high-power airborne
with high power losses can be prolonged by electromagnetic
equipment often contain a large number of interference
compatibility measures inevitably because of the supererogatory
sources, which produce electromagnetic fields and the
thermal resistance. To solve these problems, some guidelines for
sensitive parts of the equipment may be vulnerable to damage.
thermal design of high-frequency and high-power avionic
Shielding measures need to be taken. But the measures make
equipments are presented in this paper. Additionally, to evaluate
thermal resistance increased. It is not conducive to heat
the usefulness of the thermal control guidelines, numerical
dissipation. When layout the components, the devices, which
simulation and physical experiment method are both carried out
related with functions, should be as close as possible in order
in the case study. The results showed that the guidelines
to get a good anti-interference effect. , However, further
presented in this paper were necessary and valid, and can be
measures should be considered during the thermal design if
used as the reference for thermal design of similar avionic
the big-power devices are form a high-temperature region.
In order to prevent interference between components, the
Keywords-Avionic equipments; high-frequency; high-power; components with different frequencies need to be shielded by
thermal design guidelines metal shielding shell, or separated by using space separation
methods. These measures make the heat shield path of the
components change from components ÆPCB Æ chassis wall
With the continuous improvement of equipment
Æ environment, into components ÆPCB Æshielded
performance of airborne electronic equipment, the heat flux
enclosure chassis wallÆ chassis wallÆ environment.
will also rise. At the same time, the problem of
Thermal resistance increases.
electromagnetic interference has become increasingly acute [1,
. In order to ensure on-board electronic equipment to work, Due to the electromagnetic compatibility constraints, the
some EMC measures were adopted, such as grounding, chassis must be sealed. Structural characteristics of sealed
shielding and filtering. But considering the electromagnetic enclosure limited the choices of cooling modes. For example,
compatibility, these measures taken may affect the cooling chassis can not be used with fan-assisted cooling and other
requirements. For example: avionics will have more complex traditional methods [3, 4].
structure, longer heat path, greater resistance and a series of EMC design of these measures will give some impact on

978-1-4244-8165-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

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thermal design. These issues are analyzed and the N. Establish the whole thermal analysis model to calculate
corresponding thermal design guidelines are put forward in the temperature of the device components [4, 5], and check
this paper. And the thermal design guidelines are verified by the components of the junction temperature. If not meet
the integrated use of numerical simulation and experimental derating requirements, further improvements are needed.
thermal measurement method.
A. Device structure
Considering the effect of EMC, the thermal design Aerospace electronic equipment geometry is 420 mm ×
guidelines for high-frequency and high-power avionic 230 mm × 230 mm with total power consumption of 228W.
equipments are presented as follows in this paper:
The working environment temperature is 70ć. There are 14
A. Equipment must be sealed structure. internal components in the device, including large power
components 6, 7, 11, 12. Components 7 and 12 are
B. Two thermal control methods can be chosen: natural
high-frequency components, while components 6 and 11 are
cooling or forced air flow cooling.
the low frequency components.
C. In order to meet the requirements of thermal and
B. Thermal Design
electromagnetic compatibility, choose aluminum as the
shielding material. Combined with thermal design guidelines Appeal A, B, C,
the chassis is sealed and the material is aluminum. The main
D. Device’s package must be with good thermal stability.
heat of the device is transmitted to the chassis from both sides
E. Without affecting the other conditions, try to use low of the PCB, and heat exchange with the environment. So
power devices. select both sides of the chassis as a cooling surface. Heat flux
of the equipment on both sides of the surface is 0.12W/cm2,
F. High power loss device surface should be black or
less than 0.31W/cm2, greater than 0.07W/cm2. In forced
aluminum powder coating spray.
air-cooled heat flux range, take forced air cooling as the
G. Thermal conductivity blocks, heat pads or heat sink thermal control method.
cooling devices should be added on high-power loss
Components 4 and 5 contain many sources of interference.
devices, furthermore high-power loss devices should be
According to the criteria I, it has to be shielded with metal
installed in the chassis shell or bottom of the device.
shell. Seamless aluminum shield shielding effect is far greater
H. High power loss components should add cooling plate or than any electronic equipment for shielding requirements (120
heat sink [3]. ~ 140dB). The greater the thickness of the shell, the higher the
I. Choose EMI source with metal packaging, or shield or shielding effect. Heat dissipation is more difficult. The 1mm
[6, 7]
isolate EMI source. shell has been able to provide adequate shielding , so on
the basis of greater than 1mm, it can heat design the metal
J. High power loss components away from each other, or
shielding enclosure.
close to the outer case.
In order to prevent interference between components,
K. Components of different operating frequency should be
Combination of criteria K and G, The PCB with Sensitive
shielded with metal shield case.
devices are coupled with a metal shield case; for large power
L. Taking the impact of electromagnetic compatibility into device, add heat block in the corresponding component
account, uniform distribution of power inside the chassis location of the metal shield. Fill the gap with heat pad
is to prevent the formation of high-temperature region. between the device and thermal conductivity block when
installed. Component with metal shell, added thermal
M. Thermal control programs should meet derating

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conductivity block, and the structure profile is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Profile of the component structure

separated. Taking into account the electromagnetic

compatibility requirements, the high frequency components
and low frequency components should be separated.

Combined with thermal design guidelines for N, a CFD

model was built by FloTHERM software tools. Numerical
simulation usually consists of several parts: the establishment
of CFD models, parameter setting, meshing and solution. The
result is shown in Figure 2:

With design criteria M and N, it can be seen that the

overall temperature of the chassis is available to meet the
requirements. High temperature devices can be found, and
further improvements are needed in heat dissipation.

External device component LY is with significantly higher

temperature. With design criteria G and L, the high
temperature component devices with a metal shielding
enclosure should use thermal conductivity block heat transfer,
the device's thermal channel change from components Æ PCB
Æ shielded enclosure Æ chassis wall Æ environment, into
components Æ shielded enclosure Æ chassis wall Æ
Figure 2 ‡’‡”ƒ–—”‡…‘–‘—”• environment. It is more conducive to heat dissipation and also
can be directly installed in the chassis wall. After changing the
No additional shielding shell of PCB also takes location of the device LY, the temperature is reduced from
appropriate cooling measures and power-hungry components 104ć to 70ć, while to avoid the formation of a high
to add radiator and the corresponding thermal block. temperature, the temperature of the device ke is reduced from
Combined with thermal design guidelines for J and L, 120ć to 86.1ć. Temperature results are shown below:
components 11, 12 of large power consumption should be

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Figure 3 Before improvement Figure 5 Initial temperature

Figure 4 After improvement Figure 6 Temperature contours after improve

Component 11 is a high temperature device whose C. Experimental verification

maximum temperature is 123ć. Combined with thermal After getting the prototype ˈ the heat measurement
design guidelines for G and M, add thermal block in the experiment is carried out in order to further verify the
corresponding position to improve the device's thermal path. practicality of design criteria and make the results of thermal
The improved device temperature is dropped significantly analysis accurate.. The comparison of thermal measurements
which can meet derating requirements. Temperature results and numerical simulation are shown in Table ǿ. (Ambient
are shown below: temperature is 70ć)

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TABLE I COMPARISON OF THERMAL MEASUREMENTS AND are used. The environment of electronic equipment has
NUMERICAL SIMULATION become increasingly complex, and electromagnetic
compatibility issues are increasingly prominent [8]. Combined
Results of Thermal
Module Error with high frequency high power avionics features, the
Location Thermal Stress
Names ˄%˅ corresponding thermal design guidelines are presented in this
Measurement Analysis ®
paper. Use numerical simulation with FloTHERM software
front Chassis inside 53.1 56.7 6.78
tools to find the devices, which do not meet the derating
wall Outside 54 56.5 4.63
requirements, and take measures for them. Simulation results
top wall The inside 57.9 60.4 4.32
also verify by means of heat measurement experiment. The
9 outlet 52.7 52.4 0.57
results show that the proposed thermal design guidelines are
5outlet 48 50.8 5.83
good to meet the high-frequency large-power avionics design
1 outlet 47.9 49.4 3.13
outlet requirements and can also provide some reference for future
11 outlet 51.7 53.8 4.06
similar avionics thermal design.
3outlet 44.2 47.8 8.14
7outlet 53.9 58 7.61 REFERENCES
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