Rigid Rotor Stability Analysis On Finite Hydrostatic Double Layer Porous Oil Journal Bearing With Velocity Slip

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Tribology Transactions

ISSN: 1040-2004 (Print) 1547-397X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/utrb20

Rigid Rotor Stability Analysis on Finite Hydrostatic

Double-Layer Porous Oil Journal Bearing with
Velocity Slip

M. Phani Kumar, P. Samanta & N. C. Murmu

To cite this article: M. Phani Kumar, P. Samanta & N. C. Murmu (2015) Rigid Rotor Stability
Analysis on Finite Hydrostatic Double-Layer Porous Oil Journal Bearing with Velocity Slip,
Tribology Transactions, 58:5, 930-940, DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2015.1030054

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10402004.2015.1030054

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Apr 2015.
Published online: 18 Apr 2015.

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Tribology Transactions, 58: 930–940, 2015
Copyright Ó Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
ISSN: 1040-2004 print / 1547-397X online
DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2015.1030054

Rigid Rotor Stability Analysis on Finite Hydrostatic

Double-Layer Porous Oil Journal Bearing with
Velocity Slip
Academy of Scientific & Innovation Research (AcSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi 110001, India
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Surface Engineering and Tribology Group, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur 713209, India

A theoretical investigation has been carried out for stability The stability of a rotor depends significantly on the stiffness
characteristics of a finite hydrostatic double-layer porous oil and damping characteristics of its bearing. A review on the con-
journal bearing considering the effect of Beavers-Joseph cept and methods for computing stiffness and damping coeffi-
velocity slip at the porous film interface. A linearized cients was given by Lund (2). Conry and Cusano (3) investigated
the stability of porous journal bearings with a fully cavitated film
perturbation method has been used to obtain the threshold of
using short bearing approximations. Chattopadhyay and Majum-
stability in terms of critical mass parameter. The effect of slip
dar (4) performed a theoretical investigation to predict the
parameters, eccentricity ratios, bearing feeding parameter, and
dynamic characteristics of an externally pressurized porous oil
slenderness ratio on the stability is investigated. Furthermore, journal subjected to translator mode of whirl. Using a perturba-
nonlinear transient analysis is carried out to determine the tion technique, they obtained the dynamic stiffness and damping
system stability by tracing the journal center locus. Several coefficients of the bearing. Kumar and Rao (5) analyzed the sta-
trajectories of the journal center locus have been obtained for bility of a hybrid porous oil journal bearing in the turbulent flow
different operating conditions and are depicted with the help regime by considering Constantinescu’s turbulent lubrication
of graphics. theory and using a first-order perturbation technique. They
observed that turbulence deteriorates the stability of the rotor.
KEY WORDS One of the most severe problems encountered with conven-
tional/single-layer porous bearings is reduced load capacity due
Two-Layered Porous Bearings; Whirl Instability; Velocity
to the seepage of lubricant through the wall of the bearing oper-
Slip; Linear Perturbation Analysis; Transient Analysis
ating under boundary lubrication. One can enhance the load
capacity of the bearing by restricting this seepage into the walls.
INTRODUCTION In practice, this can be done by using double-layer porous bear-
ings with a thin layer of surface with high restriction to flow
The use of a porous material as the bearing surface in hydro-
backed by a highly permeable coarse-grain substrate. Investiga-
static bearings has been well recognized in several industrial
tions carried out by Heinzl (6) and Okano (7) suggested that a
applications that demand higher load capacity and frictionless
two-layer bearing configuration could be used to enhance stabil-
operations. Flow of externally pressurized lubricant through a
ity. Cusano (8), (9) provided an analytical solution for a hydrody-
large number of pores causes to bleed even pressure from the
namic double-layer porous bearing using short and long
porous surface, resulting in a better pressure distribution on the
approximations. Rao, et al. (10) presented an analysis of a dou-
journal surface. Therefore, porous bearings can be used as a sub-
ble-layer long porous journal bearing by using couple stress and
stitution in place of traditional bearings designed with single or
Newtonian fluid in the film region and Brinkman’s model to
multiple orifices and often combined with grooves, which are
model the flow in the porous region. Khan, et al. (11) presented
expensive and complicated in design. With the advancements in
a series solution of a long porous slider. Saha and Majumdar (12)
powder metallurgy techniques, porous journal bearings have
carried out a steady-state and stability analysis of hydrostatic
been successfully used in various industries like automobiles,
two-layer porous oil journal bearings and reported that two-layer
precision machinery, domestic appliances (food disposal units
bearings possess better load-carrying capacity and stability char-
for kitchen sinks, clothes dryers; Khonsari and Bosser (1)), foot-
acteristic than conventional porous bearings.
wear, electrical, etc. In the applications of porous oil bearings,
In all of the literature reviewed so far, the analyses were based
one of the most significant problems encountered is the instabil-
on the conventional adherence velocity condition at the porous
ity of rotor bearing systems.
film interface. It was customary to assume the lubricating fluid to
enter the clearance space with a zero tangential component of
Manuscript received September 9, 2014
Manuscript accepted March 8, 2015 the velocity until the pioneering work carried out by Joseph and
Review led by Michael Khonsari Tao (13), who were first to emphasize the necessity to impose
Stability Analysis 931

0 0

NOMENCLATURE p 2 ; p 02 D Pressure and steady-state pressure in the

coarse layer, respectively
0 0

C D Radial clearance p 1 ; p 01 D Dimensionless pressures in the fine layer,


D D Diameter of the bearing p0 1 =ps ; p 01 =ps

0 0

Drr ; Dff ; Drf ; Dfr D Damping coefficients of film p 2 ; p 02 D Dimensionless pressures in the coarse layer,
Drr ; Dff ; Drf ; Dfr D Dimensionless damping coefficients of film, p0 2 =ps ; p0 02 =ps
Dij D Dij Cv=.LDps / Q0 ; Q0 D End flow of oil, Q0 Lh=C 3 Dps
e0 D Steady state eccentricity R D Journal radius
Fr ; F r D Dynamic film force along the radial direc- t D Time
tion, Fr =LDps U D Surface velocity of journal
Ff ; F f D Dynamic film force along the f direction, W0 D Load capacity
Ff =LDps W0 D Dimensionless load capacity, W0 =.LDps /
H D Thickness of the porous bushing Wr ; Wt D Dimensionless components of load,
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

H1 ; H2 D Thickness of the fine and coarse layers, W r;t D Wr;t =.LDps /

respectively x, y, z D Cartesian coordinates
h0 D Film thickness u; y; z D Dimensionless coordinates, x/R, y/H, 2z/L
h0 D Dimensionless film thickness (1 C e0 cosu) a D Slip coefficient
h2 D Dimensionless film thickness at the begin- a D Dimensionless thickness of the coarse layer,
ning of the cavitated zone H2 =H
K x1 ; K z1 D Dimensionless permeability coefficients, b D Bearing feeding parameter, 12R2 ky1 =HC 3
kx1 =ky1 ; kz1 =ky1 , respectively e; e0 D Eccentricity ratio, e=C; e0 =C
K x2 ; K z2 D Dimensionless permeability coefficients, e1 D Perturbation parameter
kx2 =ky2 ; kz2 =ky2 , respectively zox D Slip function, 1 C 1ahs
ð xÞ

K y2 D Dimensionless interlayer permeability zx;z D Slip function in x and z directions, respec-

3ðhs x;z C 2aÞ
coefficient, ky2 =ky1 tively, s h 1 C ahs
x;z ð x;z Þ
Krr ; Kff ; Krf ; Kfr D Stiffness coefficients of the film
h D Coefficient of absolute viscosity of fluid
K rr ; K ff ; K rf ; K fr D Dimensionless stiffness coefficients of the
u1 , u2 D Angular coordinate at which film commen-
film, K ij D Kij C=.LDps /
ces and cavitates, respectively
kx1 ; ky1 ; kz1 D Permeability coefficient of the fine layer
L D Bearing number, 6hv=ps ðC=RÞ2
along x, y, z directions, respectively
λ D Whirl ratio, vp =v
kx2 ; ky2 ; kz2 D Permeability coefficient of the coarse layer
λc D Critical whirl ratio
along x, y, z directions, respectively
s x,y,z D Dimensionless permeability factors in x, y,
L D Length of the bearing
and z directions (C (Kx,y,z)¡1/2)
M D Mass parameter, MCv2 =.LDps /
t D Nondimensional time, vp t, for linear pertur-
Mc D Critical mass parameter, Mc Cv2 =.LDps /
bation method
pa D Ambient pressure
t D Nondimensional time, vt, for nonlinear tran-
ps D Supply pressure
sient analysis
ps D Dimensionless supply pressure, ps =pa
f0 D Steady-state attitude angle (rad)
p ; p0 D Film pressure and steady state film pressure,
f0 0 D Steady-state attitude angle ( )
v D Journal rotational speed
p ; p0 D Dimensionless film pressure, p=ps ; p0 =ps
0 0 vp D Frequency of journal vibration
p 1 ; p 01 D Pressure and steady-state pressure in the
fine layer, respectively

some requirement on the tangential component of velocity at the designed as the optimized slip surface. Chandra, et al. (19) inves-
porous film interface. Later, Beavers and Joseph (14) reported tigated the effects of velocity slip on the static as well as dynamic
the presence of tangential velocity slip at the stationary porous performance of plane porous journal bearings. Chattopadhyay,
surface and presented a mathematical model. Based on the Bea- et al. (20) theoretically investigated the stability characteristics
vers-Joseph model, Murti (15) and Prakash and Vij (16) modi- of hydrostatic a conventional porous oil journal bearing consid-
fied the Reynolds equation to consider the effect of velocity slip. ering the effect of velocity slip. They also investigated the effect
Rao (17) carried out a numerical stability analysis of a journal of various design parameters on the dynamic coefficients.
bearing based on the slip length model. The effects of slip param- To date, most of the research work on double-layer porous
eters on the bearing stability performance are discussed. Ma, bearings has been carried out by neglecting the velocity slip at
et al. (18) studied the influence of wall slip on the operation sta- the porous wall surface and the Reynolds equation was solved
bility of a rigid rotor bearing system using limiting shear stress using the no-slip boundary condition at the wall–film interface.
model and finite element methods. They observed that wall slip However, assuming such a boundary condition at the porous
enhances the system operation stability if the sleeve surface is wall surface is not exactly true as the fluid within the porous wall

naturally has a velocity component parallel to the wall surface For the fine layer,
(Ishizawa and Hori (21); Murthi (22)). The viscous shear in the
0  2 2 0  2 2 0
film region tries to enter into the porous wall at the porous film @2 p 1 R @ p1 D @ p1
K x1 C C K z1 D 0: [2]
interface region, giving rise to a component of velocity of the @ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2
fluid parallel to the porous wall surface. Therefore, it is necessary
to consider the velocity component parallel to the porous wall The modified Reynolds equation in the film region consider-
surface in solving the Reynolds equation. There is a lack of pub- ing velocity slip in dimensionless form is
lished reports on the dynamic performance of a double-layer
porous bearing considering the velocity slip.    2  
@ @p D @ @p
Hence, the present article deals with a stability study of finite h 3 ð1 C z x Þ C h 3 ð1 C z z Þ
@u @u L @z @z
hydrostatic double-layer porous oil journal bearings considering
@   @h  0 
the Beavers-Joseph criterion of velocity slip at the porous film
DL h ð1 C zox Þ C 2Lλ _ @ h C b @ p 1 
¡ 2fLλ :
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

interface. Stability analysis has been performed using both line- @u @t @u @ y yD1
arized and nonlinear transient methods. In the linearized [3]
method, stiffness and damping coefficients are computed by per-
turbing the journal center about the line of centers and its per-
pendicular direction from the equilibrium position. These
coefficients are then used in determining the critical mass param- Linearized Method
eter, which is a measure of stability. Nonlinear transient analysis In the linearized approach, a first-order perturbation method
is carried out using this mass parameter to obtain the journal is used assuming that the journal whirls about its mean steady-
center trajectory. state position e0 and f0 with periodic motions of small amplitude
Re Ce1 eit parallel to the line of centers and Re Ce0 f1 eit per-
THEORETICAL ANALYSIS pendicular to the lines of centers. It is assumed that, at the onset
of instability, the position of the journal center can be defined as
An externally pressurized double-layer porous oil journal
a steady-state value ðe0 ; f0 Þ together with a harmonic vibration
bearing along with the coordinate system used in the analysis are
of frequency vp ; thus,
depicted in Fig. 1. The entire outer surface of the bearing is sup-
plied with pressurized oil at a supply pressure ps .
e D e0 C e1 eit
The governing equations of pressure in porous layers for an
f D f0 C f1 eit [4]
anisotropic bearing in dimensionless form can be written as fol-
where j e1 j < < j e0 j and j f1 j < < j f0 j:
lows: For the coarse layer,

By using the first-order perturbation, the equations for pres-

0  2 2 0  2 2 0 sure and local film thickness can be written as follows:
@ p2
R @ p2 D @ p2
K x2 C C K z2 D 0: [1]
@ u2 H @y 2 L @ z2 0 0 0 0
p 1 D p 01 C e1 eit p 11 C e0 f1 eit p 12
0 0 0 0
p 2 D p 02 C e1 eit p 21 C e0 f1 eit p 22
: [5]
p D p0 C e1 e p1 C e0 f1 e p2
it it

h D h0 C e1 eit cosu C e0 f1 eit sinu

Expanding Eqs. [1] to [3] by substituting Eq. [5] and gathering

the e0 ; e1 eit and e0 f1 eit terms, a set of linear differential equations
0 0 0 0 0 0
in p 02 , p 21 , p 22 , p 01 , p 11 ; p 12 and p0 , p1 ; p2 are obtained. Details
of these differential equations along with the associated bound-
ary conditions are presented in the Appendix. Differential equa-
0 0
tions of steady state in p 02 , p 01 , and p0 are solved simultaneously
with appropriate boundary conditions for steady-state pressures
in the film as well as porous regions. The partial derivatives are
written in finite difference form using a central difference
method and then solved by using the Gauss-Seidel iteration
method with a successive overrelaxation (SOR) scheme. The
Reynolds boundary condition is used to identify the cavitation
zone in the film region. For every iteration, negative pressures at
any grid point are replaced by zero and further iterations are car-
ried out. The interlayer permeability coefficient is considered as
200, which means that the coarse layer should have a permeabil-
Fig. 1—Schematic diagram of double-layer hydrostatic porous oil bear- ity coefficient 200 times that of the fine layer. A three-dimen-
ing under dynamic condition. sional grid pattern with a uniform grid size is adopted for each
Stability Analysis 933

layer with 36, 10, and 13 divisions along the circumferential For the steady-state condition,
direction, axial direction, and radial direction, respectively.
Because of symmetry, only one half of the bearing is considered. ðFr Þ0 C W0 cosf0 D 0
The convergence criterion adopted for pressure is Ff 0 ¡ W0 sinf0 D 0
j.1 ¡ pold = pnew /j0:0001. No appreciable change in results
was observed when the convergence criterion was changed to
Substituting Eqs. [4] and [9] into Eqs. [7] and [8] and retaining
0.00001; hence, it was concluded that the present results were the first-order terms after nondimensionalizing, and for a non-
fairly accurate. Obtained steady-state pressures are then used for trivial solution (see Chattopadhyay, et al. (20) for details),
solving the perturbed equations for dynamic pressure using the
finite difference method and SOR with similar convergence cri- 1    
teria. The evaluated dynamic film pressures are used to obtain MD   [ Drr K ff C K rr Dff ¡ K fr Drf C Dfr K rf
λ2 Dff C Drr
nondimensional components of stiffness and damping coeffi- W 
C Drr cos f0 ¡ Dfr sin f0 ]
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

cients as follows: e0
2 W cos f0
2 3 M λ4 ¡ λ2 M C K ff C K rr
Z1 Zu2 e0
61 7
K rr D ¡ Re4 p 1 cosu du dz 5 
0 u1 C Drr Dff ¡ Dfr Drf C K rr K ff ¡ K fr K rf
2 3
Z1 Zu2
61 7 W 
K fr D ¡ Re4 p 1 sinu du dz 5
2 C K rr cos f0 ¡ K fr sin f0 D 0 [11]
0 u1 e0
2 3
Z 1 Zu2
61 7 M and λ can be calculated by solving Eqs. [10] and [11] simul-
D rr D ¡ Im4 p 1 cosu du dz 5=λ
2 taneously. M thus realized is the critical mass parameter above
0 u1
2 3 which the bearings are unstable and the corresponding λ is the
Z 1 Zu2
61 7 whirl ratio. This implies that at a higher M value the designer
D fr D ¡ Im4 p 1 sinu du dz 5=λ
2 will have higher zone of stability; that is, higher value of M gives
0 u1
2 3 g [6] higher stability. Furthermore, the results obtained from the pres-
Z 1 Zu2
6 1 7 ent method for hydrostatic double-layer porous with no-slip con-
K ff D ¡ Re4 p 2 sinu du dz 5
2 dition were compared with similar available solutions (Table 1).
0 u1
2 3
Z1 Zu2 Nonlinear Method
61 7
K rf D ¡ Re4 p 2 cosu du dz 5 In the linearized approach, the method fails to provide any
0 u1 information on the journal center trajectory (Majumdar and
2 3
Z1 Zu2 Majumdar (23)). However, such useful information can be
61 7
D ff D ¡ Im4 p 2 sinu du dz 5=λ obtained by the nonlinear transient analysis. In order to study
0 u1 stability with the help of the nonlinear transient method, the val-
2 3
Z 1 Zu2 ues of the mass parameter have to be provided. As an initial
6 1 7
D rf D ¡ Im4 p 2 cosu du dz 5=λ guess value, the mass parameter obtained from linearized theory
0 u1 was used and several values close to this mass parameter are
tested for stability using the nonlinear transient analysis. For a
specific operating condition, the critical mass parameter value is
found when the trajectory of the journal center ends in a limit
Equations of Journal Motion cycle. In this method, as we are marching with time to know the
journal center orbit at each time step, the time is nondimension-
With reference to Fig. 1, considering the rotor to be rigid, the
alized using journal rotational speed (v). Then Eq. [3] will be
equations of motion of the journal can be written as
independent of whirl ratio (λ) and takes the following form:
"  2 #    2  
d2 e df @ @p D @ @p
Fr C W cosf D MC ¡ e [7] h 3 ð1 C zx Þ C h 3 ð1 C z z Þ
d t2 dt @u @u L @z @z
@   @h _ @ h C bj @ p 1 j :
" # DL h ð1 C zox Þ C 2L ¡ 2fL [12]
@u @t @u @ y yD1
d2 f de df
Ff ¡ W sinf D MC e 2 C 2 [8]
dt dt dt
Initially—that is, t D 0—Eqs. [1], [2], and [12] are solved
simultaneously with appropriate boundary conditions with
where Fr and Ff are the lubricant film forces along the line of e_ D f_ D 0. The finite difference method with SOR scheme is used
centers and perpendicular to the line of centers, respectively. for solving the differential equations. A three-dimensional grid
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

.L=D D 1:0; H=R D 0:2; L D 1:0; K y2 D 200/
b e0 W0 f0 0 Q0 K rr K ff K rf K fr Drr Dff Drf Dfr M λ

0.001 0.2 0.0449 (0.0443) 76.886 (76.934) 0.0610 (0.0613) 0.1020 (0.0991) 0.0465 (0.0516) 0.2067 (0.2099) ¡0.2209 (¡0.2177) 0.4628 (0.4625) 0.8184 (0.8112) ¡0.1984 (¡0.1773) ¡0.0966 (¡0.0836) 0.3750 (0.3797) 0.5123 (0.5070)
0.4 0.1052 (0.1035) 64.349 (64.413) 0.1184 (0.1188) 0.2759 (0.2688) 0.1062 (0.1114) 0.2231 (0.2318) ¡0.3025 (¡0.2974) 0.6625 (0.6697) 0.9127 (0.9035) ¡0.4495 (¡0.4197) ¡0.2246 (¡0.2063) 0.8396 (0.8676) 0.5257 (0.5160)
0.6 0.2240 (0.2199) 51.422 (51.488) 0.1760 (0.1767) 0.7470 (0.7631) 0.2311 (0.2297) 0.3668 (0.2591) ¡0.5421 (¡0.5300) 1.5005 (1.2255) 1.1354 (1.1189) ¡0.8844 (¡0.8734) ¡0.4409 (¡0.4266) 1.9526 (1.8219) 0.5133 (0.5267)
0.8 0.5980 (0.5847) 36.678 (36.746) 0.2331 (0.2339) 3.4127 (3.3788) 0.6098 (0.5932) 0.6567 (0.5218) ¡1.5663 (¡1.5234) 4.6174 (4.2219) 1.7435 (1.7096) ¡2.2906 (¡2.2389) ¡1.09716 (¡1.0785) 6.25195 (6.7702) 0.4799 (0.4567)
0.05 0.2 0.1037 (0.1018) 40.633 (40.639) 0.3684 (0.3715) 0.4180 (0.4073) 0.3933 (0.3814) 0.3380 (0.3315) ¡0.3493 (¡0.3443) 0.7164 (0.7056) 1.3522 (1.3259) 0.0000 (0.0000) 0.0015 (0.0013) 2.5737 (2.5027) 0.4604 (0.4610)
0.4 0.2283 (0.2238) 39.734 (39.750) 0.3584 (0.3614) 0.5550 (0.5419) 0.4385 (0.4257) 0.3651 (0.3578) ¡0.4316 (¡0.4261) 0.9343 (0.9200) 1.4604 (1.4313) 0.0000 (0.0000) 0.0021 (0.0016) 3.1959 (3.1075) 0.4614 (0.4623)
0.6 0.3951 (0.3870) 38.484 (38.564) 0.3505 (0.3531) 0.7614 (0.7658) 0.5203 (0.5032) 0.4175 (0.4025) ¡0.5928 (¡0.4998) 1.3601 (1.3243) 1.6653 (1.2924) 0.0000 (¡0.0707) 0.0030 (¡0.0343) 4.2342 (3.9039) 0.4569 (0.4762)
0.8 0.6032 (0.5878) 35.896 (36.034) 0.3670 (0.3697) 0.90074 (0.8890) 0.6185 (0.5893) 0.4236 (0.4260) ¡0.5865 (¡0.5520) 1.7979 (1.7454) 1.1873 (1.1476) ¡0.3429 (¡0.3841) ¡0.1685 (¡0.1887) 4.6563 (4.4794) 0.4818 (0.4840)
0.1 0.2 0.1338 (0.1310) 26.654 (26.683) 0.6483 (0.6523) 0.5922 (0.6006) 0.5957 (0.5794) 0.3001 (0.2941) ¡0.2930 (¡0.3042) 0.6037 (0.6183) 1.2003 (1.1764) 0.0000 (0.0000) 0.0032 (0.0002) 5.9882 (5.3987) 0.3637 (0.3837)
0.4 0.2818 (0.2757) 26.741 (26.774) 0.6267 (0.6316) 0.7021 (0.6814) 0.6272 (0.6099) 0.3169 (0.3104) ¡0.3617 (¡0.3534) 0.7631 (0.7459) 1.2677 (1.2417) 0.0000 (0.0000) 0.0001 (0.0002) 5.5894 (5.4645) 0.4035 (0.4025)
0.6 0.4494 (0.4389) 27.406 (27.454) 0.5936 (0.5989) 0.7499 (0.7214) 0.6634 (0.6443) 0.3447 (0.3371) ¡0.4406 (¡0.4282) 0.9789 (0.9522) 1.3789 (1.3486) 0.0000 (0.0000) 0.0001 (0.0003) 5.9963 (5.8753) 0.4063 (0.4038)
0.8 0.6181 (0.6005) 29.2599 (29.352) 0.5580 (0.5638) 0.6136 (0.5701) 0.6732 (0.6504) 0.3775 (0.3678) ¡0.5034 (¡0.4803) 1.2294 (1.1783) 1.5106 (1.4715) 0.0000 (0.0000) 0.0000 (0.0003) 7.0849 (7.0631) 0.3648 (0.3563)

Values in the bracket are from Saha and Majumdar (12).

Stability Analysis 935

pattern and convergence criteria used in the linearized theory

have been used. The dimensionless fluid film forces are given by

8 9
> Z1u Z 2 >
> 1 >
> F D p cosu du dz >
2 0 >
< =
0 u1
: [13]
Z1 Z 2 >
> 1 >
> p 0 sinu du dz >
> Ff D 2
0 u1

When t D 0, F r and F f will give the steady-state load and attitude

angle of the bearing and are given by
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W0 D F r0 2 C F f0 2
  Fig. 2—Variation in dynamic coefficients with bearing number.
f0 D ¡ tan ¡ 1 F f0 =F r0
@ p 
1 other parameters constant. The threshold of stability in terms of
Q0 D ¡ h0 3  0  du [14]
6 @ z zD1 critical mass parameter are depicted with respect to L for differ-
ent slip and no-slip cases. The effect of design variables such as
bearing feeding parameter, eccentricity ratio, and slenderness
where F r0 , F f0 are the dimensionless steady-state hydrodynamic
ratio on the critical mass parameter have been investigated keep-
forces obtained along the line of centers and perpendicular to
ing constant the H/R ratio of 0.2.
line of centers, respectively, and Q0 is the volume rate of flow
from the bearing ends.
Variation of Dynamic Coefficients
Equations [7] and [8] in nondimensional form can be written
as The effect of velocity slip on the stiffness and damping coeffi-
cients is illustrated in Fig. 2. It is observed that the velocity slip
decreases the absolute values of dynamic coefficients, and similar
€e D ef_ C AF r C B Cos f
results were observed by Chattopadhyay and Majumdar (4) and
€ D ¡ 2_ef=e
f _ C AF f =e ¡ BSin f=e [16] Chandra, et al. (19). This phenomenon may be attributed to the
increase in velocity-induced flow (Couette flow) due to slip and a
where M D LDps ; AD 1
; BD W
. simultaneous reduction in pressure-induced flow to maintain flow
continuity in the same clearance space (Chandra, et al. (19)).
Equations [15] and [16] are second-order differential equa-
tions in e and f and they are solved by the fourth-order Runge-
Kutta method for a time step Dt to get e; f; e_ and f._ These val- Variation of Mass Parameter
ues are then used to find new F r and F f and the process is 1. Effect of s: Figure 3 shows the variation in mass parameter of
repeated for the next time step until a definite pattern (stable or a double-layer bearing of isotropic permeability as a function
unstable) of journal orbit is obtained. This analysis gives the of L for L=D D 1:0, eo D 0:6, a D 0:1 for various values of s. It
journal center locus and from this one can study the system sta- is observed that for a particular value of s, the critical mass
bility. A bearing is said to be operating under stable operating parameter increases with L. With the increase in the values
conditions if the journal locus does not grow with time, whereas
a bearing is considered to be unstable if the journal locus grows
with time and tends to meet the clearance circle.


In the present investigation, a parametric study on the stability
of a double-layer porous journal bearing with tangential velocity
slip has been carried out by considering isotropic permeability
K x1 D K x2 D K z1 D K z2 D 1:0 and s z D s x D s. It is evident from the
governing equations that components of stiffness and damping
coefficients and critical mass parameter representing the journal
stability are dependent on various parameters like
L=D; H=R; s; a; eo ; L; b; K x1 ; K x2 ; K z1 ; K z2 .

Linear Analysis Result

The stiffness and damping coefficients for slip and no-slip
cases are compared for various bearing number (L) keeping all Fig. 3—Variation in mass parameter with permeability factor.
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

Fig. 6—Variation in mass parameter with feeding parameter.

Fig. 4—Variation in mass parameter with eccentricity ratio.

of s the stability in terms of critical mass parameter increases

and the stability curves approach the stability curve of the no- parameter is not observed at higher values of slip coefficient
slip case with higher values of s. It is also observed that the (a), particularly above 0.5.
no-slip condition has better stability characteristics than the 4. Effect of b: The critical mass parameter increases with a
slip cases. decrease in b, as shown in Fig. 6. This shows that in a dou-
2. Effect of e0 : The eccentricity ratio (e0) always plays a signifi- ble-layer bearing configuration, a thin layer with a lower
cant role in stability. The effect of e0 on the stability in terms feeding parameter shows better stability than that with a
of critical mass parameter (M) can be studied in Fig. 4. The higher feeding parameter. This may be attributed to the thin
figure reveals that the critical mass parameter increases with porous layer having lower permeability, which provides a
an increase in e0 and the no-slip condition has better stability lower value of the feeding parameter as well as higher stiff-
characteristics than the slip condition. For a particular value ness and stability (Laha, et al. (24)). For a particular value
of e0 the mass parameter increases with an increase in bearing of b the mass parameter increases with an increase in L. It is
number (L) for both slip and no-slip cases. The family of also observed that at lower bearing number, there is no sig-
curves shows improved stability for the bearing operating at nificant variation in the mass parameter; however, at higher
higher e0. values of bearing number the mass parameter varies signifi-
3. Effect of a: The effect of slip coefficient (a) on the critical cantly for various values of b.
mass parameter can be studied in Fig. 5. The critical mass 5. Effect of L/D ratio: The L/D ratio is an important parameter
parameter increases with an increase in bearing number for a in stability analysis. It is observed from Fig. 7 that bearings
particular slip coefficient. As the values of the slip coefficient with higher L/D ratios have better stability in terms of the
increase, the mass parameter values come within reach of the critical mass parameter. For a particular L/D ratio, the critical
values of the no-slip case; that is, higher values of (a) give mass parameter increases with an increase in L, which implies
higher stability. A prominent variation in the critical mass that the bearing is more stable at higher speeds.

Fig. 5—Variation in mass parameter with slip coefficient. Fig. 7—Variation in mass parameter with slenderness ratio.
Stability Analysis 937

Transient Analysis Result

Typical curves obtained from nonlinear transient analysis
shown in Figs. 8a–8c represent some examples of point stable,
marginally stable (limit cycle), and unstable journal center tra-
jectories for L/D D 1.0, H/R D 0.2, e0 D 0.4, b D 0.05, a D 0.1,
s D 1,000, and L D 5.0. The corresponding mass parameter value
is shown in the figure. It has been observed that a change in the
critical mass parameter changes the journal center trajectory
when other operating parameters are kept constant.
The mass parameter value at which the journal center traver-
ses in a limit cycle is called the critical mass parameter. The criti-
cal mass parameter for the trajectory shown in Fig. 8b is 3.05.
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

Mass parameter values lower than the critical value give a point
stable locus as shown in Fig. 8a. The trajectory of the journal
center grows continuously if the mass parameter value is beyond
the critical value as depicted in Fig. 8c. The critical whirl ratio
(λc ) can be obtained from the limit cycle and the procedure for
finding the whirl ratio is as follows:
One such limit cycle is depicted in Fig. 9a with a critical mass
parameter of 36.0. The motion of the journal center corresponding
to the limit cycle can also be depicted in the time domain as shown in

Fig. 8—(a) Trajectory of the journal center (point stable), (b) trajectory of
the journal center (limit cycle), (c) trajectory of journal center Fig. 9—(a) Trajectory of the journal center for limit cycle, (b) vertical and
(unstable). L/D D 1.0, H/R D 0.2, b D 0.05, a D 0.1, s Z D 1,000, e0 D horizontal displacement versus time of the journal center. The
0.6, L D 50.0. whirl ratio is 0.503.


RATIO WITH BEARING NUMBER (L=D D 1:0; H=R D 0:2; b D The influence of velocity slip on the stability characteristics of
0:05; s z D 1000; a D 0:1; K x1 D K x2 D K z1 D K z2 D 1:0; K y2 D 200:0)
a finite hydrostatic double-layer porous oil journal bearing was
e0 L Mc λ investigated. The following conclusions have been drawn:

0.6 1.0 2.50 0.496

1. The effect of velocity slip on stability in terms of critical mass
5.0 4.7 0.510
parameter is more significant at higher values of bearing num-
10.0 8.0 0.510
15.0 11.5 0.505 ber (L).
20.0 15.0 0.505 2. Stability increases with an increase in the values of perme-
25.0 18.8 0.500 ability factor (s) or slip coefficient (a) and approaches no-slip
30.0 21.8 0.505 stability characteristics at higher values.
35.0 25.5 0.503 3. Stability decreases with an increase in bearing feeding param-
Downloaded by [CMERI Central Mechanical Engineering Res. Inst.] at 00:00 07 June 2016

40.0 28.8 0.505 eter (b). Lower values of feeding parameter result in a higher
45.0 32.2 0.504 stable zone.
50.0 36.0 0.503 4. Stability increases with an increase in the eccentricity ratio
5. Stability increases with an increase in slenderness ratio (L/D).
Fig. 9b. In this figure, the nondimensional horizontal and vertical dis- 6. The velocity slip at the porous film interface adversely affects
placements of the journal center are depicted. From Fig. 9b, the non- stability, and stability in the no-slip condition is always found
dimensional time period for whirling is obtained as (t p D vtp D to be better than that in slip cases.
12.48). Whirling frequency is given by vp D (2p/tp) and the whirl ratio
is measured as vp/v D (2p/t p) D 0.503, which implies that the whirl-
ing frequency is half of the journal rotation frequency. A detailed ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
procedure for calculating the whirl ratio is outlined in Laha, et al.
The authors acknowledge Dr. Pijush Pal Roy, Director,
(24). This value of whirl ratio may change with operating condition.
CSIR-CMERI for his encouragement and permission to publish
The variation in whirl ratio with critical mass parameter is illustrated
the article.
in Table 2. This shows that the variation in whirl ratio with the criti-
cal mass parameter is not significant.
Furthermore, stability characteristics in terms of critical mass REFERENCES
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@u @u
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h0 A0z
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F3 D h0 A1z C 3h0 2 A0z cos u
Sets of linear differential equations are given as follows: For  
S1 D h0 3 A1 C 3h0 2 A0 sin u
the film region,
@h0 @A1
S2 D 3h0 2 A1 sin u C h0 3 sin u C h0 3 A1 cos u
@u @u
@2 p0 @p @2 p @ h0 @h0 @A0
e0 :B1 C B2 0 C B3 20 ¡ LA2 C 6h0 A0 sin u C 3h0 2 sin u C 3h0 2 A0 cos u
@u 2 @ u @z @u @u @u
0 [A1]
@A2 @ p 01  2
¡ Lh0 ¡ bj j D0 D  3 
@u @ y yD1 S3 D h0 A1z C 3h0 2 A0z sin u

@ 2 p1 @p @2 p @p @2 p  
e1 eit : B1 C B2 1 C F1 20 C F2 0 C B3 21 R1 D A3h0 C A2 sin u
@u 2 @u @u @u @z  
@h0 @A3 @A2
R2 D A3 C h0 C cos u
@u @u @u
@2 p0 @ p 11
C F3 C LR1 ¡ LR2 ¡ 2iLλ cos u ¡ bj j D0 [A2] R3 D A3h0 C A2 cosu
@ z2 @ y yD1  
@h0 @A3 @A2
R4 D A3 C h0 C sin u
@u @u @u

@2 p2 @p @2 p @p @2 p For the fine layer,

e0 f1 eit : B1 C B2 2 C S1 20 C S2 0 C B3 22
@u 2 @u @u @u @z
0  2 2 0  2 2 0
@2 p 01 R @ p 01 D @ p 01
e0 : K x1 C C K z1 D 0 [A4]
@2 p0 @ p 12
@ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2
C S3 C LR3 ¡ LR4 ¡ 4iLλ sin u ¡ bj j D0 [A3]
@ z2 @ y yD1
0  2 2 0  2 2 0
@2 p 11 R @ p 11 D @ p 11
e1 eit : K x1 C C K z1 D 0 [A5]
where @ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2

    0  2 2 0  2 2 0
3s x h0 C 6a 3s z h0 C 6a @2 p 12 R @ p 12 D @ p 12
A0 D 1 C   ; A0z D 1 C  ; e0 f1 eit : K x1 C C K z1 D0
@ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2
s x h0 C as 2x h0 2 s z h0 C as 2z h0 2

and for the coarse layer, for the fine layer,

0 0

 2 2 0  2 2 0 p 01 .u; y; z/ D p 01 .u C 2p; y; z/ at a y  1; ¡ 1  z  C 1
@ p 02
R @ p 02 D @ p 02 0
e0 : K x2 C C K z2 D 0 [A7] p 01 .u; y; § 1/ D 0 at 0 u  2p; a  y 1
@ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2
@ p 01
.u; y; 0/ D 0 at 0 u  2p; a  y  1
0  2 2 0  2 2 0
@2 p 21 R @ p 21 D @ p 21
e1 eit : K x2 C C K z2 D 0 [A8] for the coarse layer,
@ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2
p 02 .u; 0; z/ D 1:0 at 0  u 2p
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0 0

0  2 2 0  2 2 0 p 02 .u; y; z/ D p 02 .u C 2p; y; z/ at 0  y a; ¡ 1  z  C 1

@2 p 22 R @ p 22 D @ p 22
e0 f1 eit : K x2 C C K z2 D 0: 0
p 02 .u; y; § 1/ D 0 at 0  u  2p; 0  y  a
@ u2 H @ y2 L @ z2
[A9] @ p 02
.u; y; 0/ D 0 at 0  u  2p; 0  y  a
The associated boundary conditions are as follows: For
0 0
steady-state condition (p0 , p 01 , p 02 ) for the film region, for the interface between layers (y D a)

0 0
p 01 .u; z/ D p 02 .u; z/ at 0  u  2p; ¡ 1  z  C 1
@ p0
.u; 0/ D 0 at 0  u 2p 0 0 :
@z @ p 01 @ p 02
@p0 .u; z/ D K y2 .u; z/ at 0u2p; ¡ 1  z  C 1
.u2 ; z/ D 0 at ¡1  z C1 @y @y
@u [A14]
p0 .u; z/ D 0 at u2  u  2p
p0 .u; z/ D p0 .u C 2p; z/ at 0 u  2p; ¡ 1  z  C 1
The boundary conditions for dynamic pressures
p0 .u; § 1/ D 0 at 0  u  u2 0 0 0 0
p 21 ; p 22 ; p 11 ; p 12 and p1 ; p2 can be written in similar fashion
to Eqs. [A10] to [A14] except for the first condition for the
coarse layer,
for the film-bearing interface, 0
p 21 .u; 0; z/ D 0 at 0u2p; ¡ 1  z  C 1
p 22 .u; 0; z/ D 0 at 0u2p; ¡ 1  z  C 1
p 01 .u; 1; z/ D p0 .u; z/ at 0 u  u2 ; ¡1  z C1

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