Mechanical Properties of Ferrochromium Slag in Granular-A.yilmAZ

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Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317

DOI 10.1617/s11527-009-9490-2


Mechanical properties of ferrochromium slag in granular

layers of flexible pavements
Altan Yılmaz Æ Mustafa Karaşahin

Received: 29 May 2008 / Accepted: 23 February 2009 / Published online: 8 March 2009
Ó RILEM 2009

Abstract Ferrochromium slag is a waste material Keywords Repeated load triaxial test 
obtained from the manufacture of ferrochromium Ferrochromium slag  Granular material 
(FeCr). This article reports the results of experiments, Resilient modulus  Flexible pavements
aiming to identify the properties of ferrochromium
slag when it is used as an artificial aggregate for
preparation of granular layers of flexible pavements. 1 Introduction
The experimental program consisted of two stages:
(1) study of the physical and chemical properties of Ferrochromium slag is a waste material obtained
slag; (2) study of the mechanical properties of from the manufacture of Ferrochromium (FeCr).
specimens made with ferrochromium slag and lime- Based on its physical properties, slag appears to be
stone as aggregate. Laboratory prepared cylindrical a good material as an alternative to conventional
specimens were tested in repeated load triaxial (RLT) granular materials [1].
test apparatus, developed at Süleyman Demirel Waste slag constitutes a significant portion of the
University, Turkey. In addition, particle size analysis, solid waste that goes to landfill each year. Highway
abrasion test, frost resistance, compaction test, applications such as pavement bases use large
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test and leaching quantities of granular materials; therefore it would
test were performed on the materials prior to RLT be an ideal use for slag [2, 3].
testing. The results indicate that the physical and Ferrochromium slag samples used in this study
mechanical properties of air-cooled ferrochromium were provided from Antalya Ferrochrome Plant, one
slag are as good or better than those of natural of the largest producers of low-carbon ferrochromium
aggregates. Therefore, FeCr slag and SiFeCr slag in Eurasia, located in southern Turkey. The current
have potential to be used as a pavement base layer production level of ferrochromium slag is approxi-
material in applications where crushed limestone mately 45,000 tons per year. In untreated conditions
aggregate materials are traditionally used. the bulk density of the slag is around 1.8 t/m3 and the
volume generated is about 81,000 m3/year [4]. Pro-
duction levels of the slag are acceptable for a
A. Yılmaz (&)  M. Karaşahin
highway construction material. A relatively small
Department of Civil Engineering, Süleyman Demirel
University, 32260 Isparta, Turkey percentage of this slag is currently utilized, but the
e-mail: rest is held in dumps.
M. Karaşahin In the last decade, the potential usage of ferro-
e-mail: chromium slag as an alternative aggregate in cement
310 Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317

and concrete applications and pavement layers has In the triaxial test, where only principal stresses
been investigated [5–8]. can be applied and two principal stresses are equal,
This article reports the results of experiments, usually r2 and r3, the following stress invariants
aiming to identify the properties of ferrochromium commonly are utilized:
slag when used as an artificial aggregate for prepa- r1 þ 2r3
ration of granular layers of flexible pavements. The p¼ ð1Þ
experimental program consisted of two stages; (1)
study of the physical and chemical properties of slag; q ¼ r 1  r3 ð2Þ
(2) study of the mechanical properties of specimens h ¼ r1 þ 2r3 ð3Þ
made with ferrochromium slag and limestone as
aggregate. As the study aimed to determine the where p is the mean normal stress, q deviatoric stress
potential of ferrochromium slag as an aggregate, the and h is the sum of principal stresses [10].
slag properties are compared with conventional The total recoverable axial deformation response
crushed aggregate according to relevant standards. of the specimen caused by the stress pulses is used to
Crushed limestone is often used as a pavement base calculate resilient modulus (Eq. 4).
and sub-base material in many parts of Turkey. r1  r3 rd
Mr ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Specimens prepared from two different slag (FeCr er er
and SiFeCr slag) provided from the same establish- where rd is the applied deviator stress; (r1 - r3), er
ment were tested in Repeated Load Triaxial (RLT) the resilient strain.
test apparatus, developed at Süleyman Demirel The research into characterization of pavement
University, Turkey. Resilient modulus, Poisson’s granular materials started many decades ago. The first
ratio and permanent deformation values of the constitutive model for granular pavement materials
cylindrical shaped specimens were determined by was presented in 1962 when Biarez proposed his
RLT tests. In addition, particle size analysis, abrasion stress-dependent constitutive model. Since then,
test, frost resistance, compaction test, CBR test and many researchers have investigated this topic. Hicks
leaching tests were performed on the materials prior and Monismith [11] indicate that stress level is the
to RLT testing. most significant factor that influences the resilient
properties of granular pavement materials. They also
2 Background found that factors such as material type, density,
gradation, particle roughness, particle angularity,
Static load testing of granular materials does not fines content and degree of saturation influence
simulate the repetitive vehicular loading that occurs resilient response.
in pavements. The engineering property that models Using results from laboratory repeated load tests,
the behavior of material under such repetitive loading numerous constitutive models have been proposed to
is the resilient modulus [9]. Resilient modulus ‘‘Mr’’ predict resilient modulus. The most commonly used
is the fundamental material property used to charac- examples of such models for granular pavement base
terize the quality of subgrade and unbound granular and sub-base materials are the bulk stress model
aggregate bases. It is determined from laboratory (Eq. 5) and a model proposed by Uzan [12] that
testing of cylindrical granular material specimens. includes the bulk stress and deviatoric stress as
Laboratory repeated load triaxial tests have been parameters (Eq. 6).
widely used to determine resilient modulus and Mr ¼ k1  hk2
permanent deformation characteristics of unbound ð5Þ
h ¼ r1 þ r2 þ r3 ¼ r1 þ 2r3 ðBulk StressÞ
granular materials. In this test, cylindrical specimens
are subjected to a series of load pulses applied with a In Eq. 5, h is the bulk stress (first stress invariant
distinct rest period, simulating the stresses caused by of the normal stress tensor) and k1, k2 are regression
multiple wheels moving over the pavement. A constants determined by statistical analysis of labo-
constant all-around confining pressure, applied on ratory data. The bulk stress is equal to the sum of
the specimen simulates the in situ lateral stresses. three principal stresses. Previous research has shown
Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317 311

that higher quality granular materials exhibit larger Asphalt (HMA) pavements, as an aggregate in
k1 values and smaller k2 values [13]. The major concrete pavements, as a base or sub-base material,
limitation of the bulk stress model is that it does not as an embankment material, as railway ballast and in
account for shear stresses and shear strains during snow and ice control [3, 8, 16].
loading. Also, the bulk stress model does not
appropriately handle volumetric strain or dilative 3.1 Chemical composition
behavior of granular soil under triaxial loading
conditions [12, 14, 15]. However, bulk stress model No. 200 sieve passing samples were analyzed for
is still widely used and the AASHTO T294-94 test main oxides by the ICP-ES method in the ACME
procedure recommends the use of bulk stress model Analytical Laboratory, Vancouver, Canada. The
for unbound granular base and sub-base materials. results are given in Table 1. The chemical composi-
tion of the slag includes four major elements: silicon
Mr ¼ k1  hk2  rk3
d ð6Þ
(Si), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al) and calcium
For the three-parameter model (Uzan model) (Ca). Together with their oxides, these components
shown in Eq. 6, h is the bulk stress and rd is the make up 90% of the slag.
deviatoric stress. The three parameters k1, k2 and k3
are the regression constants. Previous research has 3.2 Leaching tests
shown that three-parameter constitutive model pre-
dicts laboratory measured resilient moduli more When industrial co-products are used as aggregate in
effectively [9, 12]. road construction its water resource implications
should be taken into account. Some alternative
aggregates may contain environmentally undesirable
elements or compounds such as heavy metals [16].
3 Materials and experimental methods
To get information about the effect on the ground
water and soil, it is of more interest to know the
The three materials used in the test program were
concentrations of these heavy metals which can be
FeCr slag, SiFeCr slag and limestone aggregate.
leached out.
Limestone was obtained from the Antalya Bogacayi
Ferrochromium slag is a waste material obtained
Table 1 Main oxides and some trace elements of slag and
from the manufacture of ferrochromium (FeCr). FeCr limestone
metal is produced in electric-arc furnaces by a
Element Unit FeCr slag SiFeCr slag Limestone
physical-chemical process from the oxide of chro-
mium ore with coke as the reducing agent at a SiO2 % 25.74 43.47 0.195
temperature of about 1,500°C. Both the molten FeCr Al2O3 % 8.71 22.46 0.075
metal and the slag flow out into ladles. After gravity- Fe2O3 % 1.92 0.785 0.07
separation from the metal, the molten slag, slowly MgO % 13.01 28.61 0.36
cools in the air, forming a stable, dense, crystalline CaO % 43.52 2.35 76.9
product having excellent mechanical properties Na2O % 0.145 0.08 0.02
[4, 8]. This kind of slag is called air-cooled K2O % 0.075 0.58 \0.04
Electric-arc Furnace (EAF) slag. Cr2O3 % 3.49 0.55 0.007
The physical properties of EAF slag offers advan- Ba ppm – 678.5 7
tages compared to other aggregates. It lacks clay and Ni ppm 175.5 174 \5
organic ingredients in its composition, has a rough Sr ppm – 150.5 186.5
and porous surface, good adhesion and good abrasion Zr ppm – 89.5 \5
resistance. On the other hand, the water absorption
LOI % 1.4 0.85 22.25
rate is partially high because of the porous nature of
Tot/C % 0.54 2.06 6.48
the slag. There are several potential uses of air-cooled
Tot/S % 0.08 0.04 0.015
EAF slag: It can be used as an aggregate in Hot Mix
312 Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317

3.2.1 SPLP test 100

90 upper limit

Percentage Passing
The Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure used mixture
(SPLP) was used to evaluate the potential for leaching 60
lower limit
metals into ground and surface waters. This method 50
provides a more realistic assessment of metal mobility 40
under actual field conditions. The extraction fluid is 30
intended to simulate precipitation. For this purpose, 20
100 g of slag sample (\2 mm fraction slag) was
placed in a plastic bottle together with 2,000 ml of 0,01 0,10 1,00 10,00
leach solution, sulfuric/nitric acid solution, pH of Particle Size (mm)
which is 4.2 and 5. The mixture was then agitated at
18 rpm for 24 h [17]. The mixture was filtered through Fig. 1 Grading curves of used mixture
a 0.45 lm glass fibre filter. Cr were analyzed by
spectrophotometer (HACH DR/4000) using diphenyl- which is well graded and maximum particle size
carbohydrazide method for Cr(VI) and alkaline (Dmax) is up to 25 mm in diameter. Particle size
hypobromite oxidation method for total Cr. pH distribution of the slag as obtained from the Ferro-
measurements were done by a pH meter. Standard chrome processor is not suitable for direct use in
solutions were prepared by using analytical chemicals. pavement layers. Crushing and screening should be
applied to oversized parts of the slag to achieve the
3.2.2 Results of SPLP test required grain size distribution shown in Fig. 1. For
this purpose, oversized aggregates were crushed with
The SPLP test results are shown in Table 2. Test a jaw crusher and screened in a 25 mm sieve.
results showed that only Cr content is significant as
the heavy element in leaching extracts. Cr concen- 3.4 Preliminary laboratory tests
tration in SPLP extracts obtained from crushed
ferrochromium slag samples are 4 and 4.5 mg/l, that In the laboratory, repeated load triaxial tests were
meet the US EPA limits of 5 mg/l for chromium. This performed. Complementary analysis such as particle
result is in agreement with the results reported by density and water absorption tests (TS EN 1097-6),
Gericke, Erdem and Lind for various ferrochromium Los Angeles tests (TS EN 1097-2) and frost resis-
slags [1, 18, 19]. Organic substances do not exist in tance tests according to TS EN 1367-2 were also
slags because of the high melting temperature of carried out. In accordance with the standards, these
about 1,500°C. tests were performed on a sample of single-sized
3.3 Grain size distribution Furthermore, compaction test (TS EN 13286-2)
and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests (TS EN
Grain size distribution curves used in the study are 13286-47) were carried out. The maximum particle
presented in Fig. 1. The Type C gradation limits of size of the tested specimen was 25 mm. CBR test
base course layers which is recommended by General specimens were compacted at optimum water content
Directorate of Turkish Highways (GDTH) was used (Wopt) and were tested directly after compaction
without soaking.
The observed properties of the materials are
Table 2 Cr concentration and pH value of SPLP extracts
illustrated in Table 3. Water absorption of FeCr slag
Material FeCr slag Limestone is a bit higher (2.3%) due to the porous nature of slag
particles. Permissible characteristics of materials for
Extraction fluid pH value 4.2 5 4.2 5
granular base course layers of flexible pavements are
Final pH value 10.5 11 9 10
given in the last column of Table 3 [20].
Cr(VI) (mg/l) 4 3.5 0.0 0.0
The Freeze–thaw resistance obtained for the FeCr
Total Cr (mg/l) 4.5 4 0.0 0.0
and SiFeCr slag are 4.12 and 3.26% (mean value)
Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317 313

Table 3 Technical properties of slag and limestone aggregate

Property FeCr slag SiFeCr slag Limestone Specification
aggregate (GDTH)

Water absorption (%) 2.32 0.74 0.38 B2.5

Los Angeles abrasion value (%) 18.58 14.03 21.20 B40
Freeze–thaw resistance* (weight loss) (%) 4.12 3.26 5.41 B15
CBR value (%) 107 140 103 C100
Specific gravity (g/cm3) (Fine aggregate) 3.15 2.78 2.65 –
Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.88 1.93 1.87 –
* Magnesium sulfate test

respectively. This compares with the value of 5.41% Optimum moisture contents (Wopt) obtained from
for a reference material of crushed limestone. The standard Proctor test results were used for compact-
mean Los Angeles (LA) values of slag are 18.5 and ing the RLT test specimen.
14.0%, compared with 21.2% for the reference
material. The CBR values of slag are 107 and 3.6 Repeated load triaxial (RLT) test
140%; the reference material is 103%.
Technical properties of the slag listed in Table 3 Repeated load triaxial (RLT) test apparatus was used
are comparable or better than natural aggregate. In to determine the resilient modulus and permanent
particular, the LA value, CBR value and freeze–thaw deformation values of the specimens. The RLT tests
resistance are notable properties of the slag. were carried out on drained specimens with the
dimensions of 150 mm diameter and 300 mm height
3.5 Proctor test in Süleyman Demirel University’s PC controlled
RLT test apparatus. This apparatus has a closed-loop
The standard Proctor compaction test was conducted electro-pneumatic loading device.
on the three materials to determine the moisture– Several triaxial test methods are available for
density relationship. The test was conducted accord- measuring resilient modulus (Mr) of soils and
ing to TS EN 13286-2 (150 mm diameter mold, three unbound granular materials, presented by AASHTO,
separate lifts of soil, 56 blows by a 2.5 kg hammer ASTM, and the SHRP LTPP program. The testing
falling 30.5 cm). Figure 2 shows the moisture–den- procedure used in this research is based on the
sity relationship for each material. AASHTO Test Method T294-94 [21]. This method
Standard Proctor tests on all materials resulted in recommends vibratory compaction of the specimen,
dry density values between 2.30 and 2.42 g/cm3 and but no exact specifications are provided for the
an optimum water content of between 6.5% and 9%. number of aggregate layers, the amount of vibration
energy and the duration of vibration [22]. In this
research, a vibratory table shown in Fig. 3 was used.
The specimens were manufactured in five layers in a
cylindrical split mold and surcharge load was used to
Dry density (g/cm3)

help compact the specimen. This is a useful method
2,3 that was recommended in earlier experiments [23–
25]. It was also chosen because of the crushing
SiFeCr tendency of porous materials. Optimum moisture
2,1 FeCr contents (Wopt) determined from the standard Proctor
Limestone test were used in specimen preparation. After com-
2 paction the split mold was stripped and the specimens
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
were equipped with platens in both ends.
Water content (%)
After a test specimen was fabricated, it was placed
Fig. 2 Proctor test results in the triaxial chamber and instrumentation attached.
314 Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317

[21]. Following conditioning, the resilient modulus

test was carried out according to the loading
sequences. The loading sequences described in the
AASHTO T294-94 protocol were used, with some
modifications. First three lower sequences were not
used because of the inadequately obtained smaller
axial strains. Instead, four new sequences added
having intervals and total loading sequences reached
16. For each material investigated, three specimens
were compacted and tested. The results that are
discussed here are averages for these three specimens.
The RLT testing procedure recommends a haver-
sine loading pattern with a loading duration of 0.1 s
and an unloading duration of 0.9 s for hydraulic
loading systems. The electro-pneumatic system used
Fig. 3 Sample preparation by vibrating table
in this research had 0.5 s loading duration and a 0.5 s
unloading duration. The shape of the loading pulse is
The triaxial chamber was used to contain the test
haver-sine [26].
specimen and the confining fluid during the test. A
typical triaxial chamber suitable for use in resilient
modulus testing is shown in Fig. 4. The axial
4 RLT test results
deformation was measured internally, directly on
the specimen, using clamps (Fig. 4). Air was used
4.1 Resilient modulus results
within the triaxial chamber as the confining fluid.
For sample conditioning, the confining pressure
Resilient modulus (Mr) is determined from laboratory
was set to 103.4 KPa and 1,000 repetitions at a
testing of cylindrical granular material specimens and
maximum deviatoric cyclic stress of 93.1 KPa were
is calculated as the ratio of repetitive deviatoric stress
applied. Conditioning is necessary for establishing
(rd) and resilient (recoverable) strain (er).
better contact between the specimen and load platens,
Resilient modulus values were calculated after 100
and for developing a more homogeneous specimen
cycles of each loading sequences. The specimens
were tested at 95% of maximum dry density, which
varied between 2.18 and 2.30 t/m3. The water content
was optimum. The resilient modulus data were first
fitted to the bulk stress model (Eq. 5) and are shown
in Fig. 5. The bulk stress model appears to fit the data

Resilient modulus, log(Mr) (MPa)

y = 7,05x 0,66
600 Limestone R² = 0,88
500 SiFeCr

y = 12,42x 0,53
R² = 0,90
200 y = 8,05x 0,62
R² = 0,90

100 1000
Bulk stress, log (θ)(KPa)

Fig. 5 Resilient modulus and best fit curves using bulk stress
Fig. 4 Triaxial pressure chamber and on-sample LVDT’s model
Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317 315

reasonably well and it does show the stress depen- 300

Deviatoric stress (KPa)

dency of resilient modulus in the material tested. 250
Under 34.5 KPa lower confining pressure, Mr values 200 SiFeCr
tend to decrease slightly with bulk stress. Above FeCr
34.5 KPa confining pressure the Mr values increased
with bulk stress (h), and this increase was seen to
accelerate at 138 KPa confining pressure. The circles 50

in Fig. 5 illustrate this finding. 0

0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40
The resilient modulus value for the tested mate-
Poisson's Ratio
rials varies between 200 and 500 MPa depending on
bulk stress and material type. There is no clear Fig. 6 Poisson’s ratios following the 100 cycles of each
difference between Mr values of materials. However, loading sequences
Mr values of FeCr slag are slightly higher than other
materials. Natural aggregate and SiFeCr slag follows shown in Fig. 6. The observed Poisson’s ratio for
FeCr values respectively (Fig. 5). three tested materials ranges between 0.21 and 0.36.
However, SiFeCr slag provides better results than Limestone materials containing more fine materials
other materials in the LA test, the frost resistance test in their grading, such as clay and silt, have a low
and the CBR test. Its stiffness properties determined value of Poisson’s ratio when compared with slag
by the RLT test are similar to that of crushed materials.
limestone and lower than FeCr slag. The performance
of the materials studied cannot be indicated properly 4.3 Permanent deformations
by the LA test, frost resistance test and other
conventional tests developed for single sized aggre- To determine the permanent deformation behavior of
gates. Also, the CBR is a static property that is not an the studied materials, RLT tests were performed on
adequate method to differentiate between elastic and cylindrical shaped specimens. The specimens were
plastic deformations of specimens. prepared in a similar method to the Mr test specimens.
Table 4 shows ‘‘k’’ values and R2 values calculated The stress level (r1/r3) of 4 was used and 5,000 load
for the two well-known resilient modulus models cycles were carried out. Figures 7 and 8 show the
(Eqs. 5 and 6). The ‘‘k’’ values are material parameters results of the permanent deformation tests at a
determined by statistically analysis of laboratory data. constant confining pressure of 69 KPa for 207 KPa
The coefficient of determination (R2) values fit better deviatoric stress.
statistically to the three-parameter model compared to The cumulative axial permanent strains versus the
the two-parameter bulk stress model. number of loading cycles are illustrated in Fig. 7 on a
log–log scale. Permanent axial strains accumulated
4.2 Poisson’s ratio from 5,000 load repetitions are in the range of 1% and
1.2% (10  10-3 and 12  10-3 strain). The classic
The Poisson’s ratios, determined from RLT tests, are power-law model, mathematically expressed by
generally higher at low levels of deviatoric stress, as Eq. 7, is typically used to simulate the test results.

Table 4 Resilient modulus model parameters for tested materials

Material type Bulk stress model Uzan model
Material parameters Determination coefficient Material parameters Determination coefficient
(k1) (k2) (R ) (k1) (k2) (k3) (R2)

FeCr slag 7.047 0.661 0.875 6.759 0.873 –0.256 0.936

SiFeCr slag 12.423 0.531 0.902 9.703 0.700 –0.160 0.945
Limestone 8.052 0.624 0.900 6.716 0.821 –0.208 0.954
316 Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317

Limestone FeCr SiFeCr 5 Conclusions

From the findings of the study, the following
Permanent strain (µε)

σd=207 KPa
εp = 3887,6N 0,14
σc=69 KPa R2 = 0,97 conclusions can be drawn:
The physical properties of the slag meet the
10.000 requirements of the aggregates for granular layers
of flexible pavements. Particularly, the LA value,
εp = 3577,4N 0,13 εp = 2468,8N 0,17 CBR value and high frost resistance, qualify these
R2 = 0,99 R2 = 0,99 slag as aggregate suitable for pavement layers.
1.000 RLT test results showed that Mr values of FeCr
1 10 100 1.000 10.000
slag are slightly higher than other materials. Lime-
Number of cycles, log(N)
stone aggregate and SiFeCr slag rank after FeCr slag,
Fig. 7 Cumulative permanent axial strain versus number of respectively.
load repetitions The Poisson’s ratios were higher at low levels of
deviatoric stresses. The observed Poisson’s ratio for
the tested materials ranges between 0.21 and 0.36.
Permanent axial strains accumulated from 5,000 load
Permanent axial deformation (mm)

4,0 repetitions are in the range of 1% and 1.2%.

The research indicates that the physical and
3,0 mechanical properties of air-cooled ferrochromium
slag are as good or better than those of natural
2,0 Limestone aggregates. Therefore, FeCr slag and SiFeCr slag
σd=207 KPa
FeCr have potential to be used as a pavement base layer
1,0 σc=69 KPa SiFeCr
material in similar applications, where traditional
crushed limestone aggregate materials are used. It can
0,0 be used as a base or sub-base material in highway
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
pavements and as an embankment material. Further-
Number of cycles (N)
more, the use of the slag as aggregate in pavement
Fig. 8 Cumulative permanent axial deformations versus the layers reduces the requirement for natural aggregates
number of load repetitions and saves the existing natural resources.
It is also concluded that conventional testing
methods for granular materials do not simulate the
Material parameters a and b are determined from a repetitive vehicular loading that occurs in pavements.
regression analysis of the test data. The LA test, frost resistance test and other tests
ep ¼ a  N b ð7Þ developed for single sized aggregates do not provide
a true indication of the performance of the materials
where ep is the permanent strain, N the number of studied. The behavior of granular road material under
loading cycles. such repetitive loading should be analyzed using
Figure 8 illustrates the axial permanent deforma- repeated load triaxial tests in the laboratory.
tions versus the number of loading cycles. It can be According to leaching test results, it can be
clearly seen that the magnitude of accumulated concluded that the ferrochromium slag is not a
permanent deformations increases according to the potential pollutant. The SPLP test results showed that
increase in cycle repetitions. However, after the first except for the chromium, the leaching of other heavy
1,000 repetitions, permanent deformations increase elements is insignificant in terms of environmental
slowly and the deformation curve slowly reaches a impact. Cr concentrations in SPLP extracts obtained
horizontal trend. Permanent axial deformation results from crushed ferrochromium slag samples are meet
range between 3.0 and 3.5 mm. Permanent deforma- the US EPA limits of 5 mg/l for chromium. All these
tion values for FeCr and SiFeCr slag were lower than tests were performed in the laboratories but what
limestone aggregate. happens out in the field, under the real traffic. The
Materials and Structures (2010) 43:309–317 317

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