A Good Name Is An Invaluable Possession

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A GOOD NAME IS AN INVALUABLE POSSESSION AKOWE JOHN-DUKE SELIME What is in a name? What value does a name bestows on a person?

Is it really something of utmost importance that a person should have a good name? The great, wellknown, highly celebrated, renowned and feted Greek philosopher in the history of human existence whose contributions to the development of facts and theories today particularly in Athens and universally in the universe in the person of Socrates remarked vehemently speaking with a group of young persons: Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of, for credit is like fire; when once you have kindled it you may easily preserve it, but if you once extinguish it, you will find it an arduous task to rekindle it again. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavour to be what you desire to appear. Some people try in their life time on earth to imitate, impersonate and mimic either the good names or bad names of ancient persons who have lived before them following all what they had been told or tutored about those persons. Nonetheless, awareness of our ancestors, cultures and traditions and appreciation for their names that we bear can give and misgive direction to our lives. In our familial lines may be individuals whose actions we would not or should not imitate. We do, however, have the action to conduct our lives at present so that they will reflect civility for our posterity. The questions can be asked: What are we doing to ensure that the virtuous or ruthless legacies we have received will be passed on to our descendants? What are we doing with our names? It is one thing to have a name it is another thing to ask whether or not that name is good or bad, even after inheriting it from the our various cultures, tradition and ancestors. A few days ago in a supper market, I met a lady who had been invited to join a group of professionals, of which I belong but unknown to her, aiming to export our skills, experience. Before then, I had never met this lady, but apparently she was discussing the idea with her cousin, a professor in a university in this country. The Professor told her to be wary, cagey and chary of dealing with such professionals and during the course of their telephone conversation; she mentioned my name as a member of the group. She told me as soon as she mentioned my name, the Professor told her As long as Mr Jay is a member, please go ahead and join them. There is no problem. This haste conclusion and acceptance came as a result of the fact that the Professor, though older than me, happened to be a friend and colleague. During my days in high school, I was involved in a Press club of which I made great and remarkable impacts with a good reputation to go with. He knew me so well that he would not

imagine my being in any immoral and debauched group. He worked with the reputation of me he had prior to my meeting his cousin. Feel the power of a good name. This time-consuming and long-distance recommendation from that professor surprised me a lot that to tell you I was moved will be putting it mildly and slightly touched. I was proud of myself. I was proud of my name, my reputation for being a honest man; a sincere citizen of Nigeria that everyone he meets would like to be associated with without any doubt about his reputation; that even after 25 years, people still remember me for my honesty, forthrightness and even my professional abilities. What more could I pray for than to be acknowledged for positive image like this in a country where we do not trust each other? A country where corruption has taken it roots in all facets and facades of life. But the question is: are you ready to make a difference in your life? Can you so distinguish yourself amidst all the huddles that rock the society of man? In the Holy Bible, Proverbs 22:1 reads, A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. and in Ecclesiastes7:1, it says, A good name is better than precious ointment. Our names represent who we are and we become known by our name to all who associate with us throughout our short lives in the world, with our reputation or the opinion generally held of us always inextricably and intimately linked to our name. Yes, our name and reputation are always together. We build our reputation each and every day by our thoughts, actions, choices, and associations. We are all representatives of our own families, and the reputation of a family is established through the actions of each member of that family. Also, we are representatives of our community, religion, ethnicity and nation. As we conduct our lives now, even the smallest actions reflect upon them and their names. I am always grateful to God and my parents for the good name given to me; to my friends and acquaintances, even those I have never met, spread across the world, which see something in me that that they trust and can confide in. My good name matters to me very much. What about you?

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