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Year 11 Homework Assignment

Refer to the attached students guide for steps to join the virtual platform with the class code below.
Students are expected to create a Gmail account with their full names as registered with the school. The
use of nickname is not allowed.

Class codes
Subjects Code
Physics yclcwv3
Mathematics 2bfj2z3
ICT oxelszz
Geography 4hchmie
French xrtcu7s
Literature (IGCSE) 2wtoqpv
ESL 7iticuf
Economics grjk4kt
Chemistry Xwesvyz
Biology ggsfjg5
Additional Maths olqnruq
Copy and paste the codes to avoid errors while joining the classes.

Due date for completion and submission of assignment by student

S/N Subjects Due date for submission of
assignments by students
1. ESL February 22, 2023
2. Mathematics February 22, 2023
3. ICT February 22, 2023
4. Economics February 22, 2023
5. Physics February 22, 2023
6. Literature (IGCSE) February 22, 2023
7. French February 22, 2023
8. Additional mathematics March 1, 2023
9. Biology March 1, 2023
10. Chemistry March 1, 2023
11. Geography March 1, 2023

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A Gmail account with students’ full names is required: Students are expected to create a
Gmail account with their full names as registered with the school. The use of nickname is not

2 Stick to the given deadlines and instructions: It is important to complete the holiday
homework on time and submit it before the deadline and according
to instructions given by your teacher.

Create a dedicated study space: Choose a quiet and comfortable

3 space to study and complete your holiday homework. Avoid studying
in places that are too noisy or have a lot of distractions.

Avoid procrastination: Start working on your holiday homework as

soon as possible, instead of waiting until the last minute. This will
help you to complete it on time and reduce stress.

Stay organized: Keep your study materials, notes, and assignments

5 organized and easily accessible. This will help you work efficiently
and avoid wasting time looking for things.

Take breaks: It is important to take breaks and relax to avoid

6 burnout. Take a 5-10 minutes break every hour or so to refresh
your mind and body.

Seek help if needed: If you are having trouble understanding

7 something, reach out to your teacher, classmates, or parents for
help. Use the live chat session to ask your questions or make

Be respectful: Be respectful to your teacher and classmates while communicating on the

8 virtual platform. The use of inappropriate language is prohibited.

Use reliable sources: Use credible sources for information and cite them properly to avoid
9 plagiarism. It is important to avoid copying works directly from the internet or books. The act
of doing this is known as plagiarism. Plagiarism can result in serious consequences, which
can in turn harm your academic career and skills in future.

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