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Hi, this is Michael

Stevenson, Busines
Coach, Master
Trainer of NLP and
President of
Influence to Profit
Thanks for joining the
Influence to Profit family!
Years ago, when I started my practice,
I was trying to figure out ways to get
more clients fast…
… so I could grow my business
and quit my stinking day job!
While I tried experimenting with
advertising online, in newspapers, in
magazines and more…
… one strategy helped me get
consistent referrals from my existing
clients, easily and effortlessly...
It’s my Guaranteed Referral
System and I’m going to
share that with you now.
This strategy fuses business skills with
ethical influence and persuasion skills
to practically guarantee you’ll get
referrals from the clients you serve.
The system works without you getting
all awkward and weird because you
will let the prospect know up front that
you want referrals.
Step One:

The Setup
When you’re in the sales process with
your prospect, eventually the question
will come up:
How much does it cost?
This is a critical part of the process.

It will begin to tap into a deep

psychological trigger called
Rather than answering the client, say,

“That depends. Would you like my

normal rate, or my special referral

(Note the emphasis)

Your prospect will be naturally
intrigued and will ask, “what
exactly is a special referral rate?”
Explain to them, “I’m trying to get the
word out about what I do so I can help
more people. My normal rate is $___,
but if you promise to tell at least five
people about me in the next month and
give them my card, I’ll give you the
special referral rate of $___.”
Make sure the rate is a good, desirable
discount, based on your margins.

If you can’t give a discount, add some

kind of bonus in and make that what
they get for the referral.
Obviously, they will say they want
the Special Referral Rate.

I’ve only ever had one person

tell me, “no.”
When they say they want the special rate,
say, “Great. Remember, this is based on
your honor. I’m going to give you the
discount based on your promise that you
will tell five people.”

“You will tell five people about me within

the next month, right?”
Get a verbal commitment. This sets up the
psychological influence rule of
commitment and consistency.

Once they have made a commitment, they

will do everything in their power to remain
consistent with that commitment.
Step Two:

The Delivery
Once you are ready to fulfill your
product or service, remind them that
they gave you their word. They will, of
course, agree again.
To strengthen the persuasion principle
of commitment and consistency, you
now want to move to a written
agreement. Present them with a
Special Referral Rate Agreement.

(Sample provided below for download)

Ask them to sign the paper. If they
won’t sign, tell them that you’re happy
to charge them the full price instead.
Of course, make sure you fulfill your
product or service in a way that makes
them want to talk about it.
Ask them, “Are you happy with the
product/service that I have provided for
you today?”

When they say yes, remind them that the

best way they can thank you is with their
recommendation to family and friends.
Give them at least five business cards
and ask if there’s anything else you can
do to help them refer you to others.
Give them at least five business cards
and ask if there’s anything else you can
do to help them refer you to others.
Step Three:

The First Follow-Up

Be sure to follow-up with your client
at an appropriate time. For me, the
first follow-up was a week later.
I call to make sure that everything is
going well and that they are
completely happy with the results.
If they are, I say, “I’m so happy to hear
that. I know your family and friends
you tell about this will be just as happy,
too, and they will be so grateful to you
for introducing us.”
Then say, “I’m curious how many
people you’ve given my card to

They will most likely say none, but

they may say a few. That’s ok.
Say, “You’re such a kind person, and I
really appreciate you telling others
about what I can do for them. How
many people do you think you will tell
this week?”
Regardless of what they say, thank
them and wish them the best.
Step Four:

Show of Gratitude
Send them a hand-written “thank you”
card, thanking them for their referrals.
Send them a hand-written “thank you”
card, thanking them for their referrals.

It always helps to put a bribe in the

envelope for them.
This taps into the psychological
persuasion principle of reciprocity.
Step Five:

The Final Follow-Up

Reach out to your client
one more time.
Check in with them to make sure
they’re still happy, thank them for
referrals you have already received
and ask if there’s anything you can do
to make telling others easier.
And that’s it!
I know when you implement this
Guaranteed Referral System into your
business that you are going to see
more referrals than ever before.
This slideset and the sample Referral
Rate Agreement are listed below for
you to download easily.

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