Special Referral Rate Overview

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Ethical Influence and Persuasion

Live Trainings, Online Courses and Coaching


Special Referral Rate Overview

Step 1 – The Setup:
During the sales process, when your client asks, “How much is it,” reply with:

“That depends. Would you like my normal rate, or my special referral rate?”

Explain: “I’m trying to get the word out about what I do so I can help more
people. My normal rate is $___, but if you promise to tell at least five people
about me in the next month and give them my card, I’ll give you the special
referral rate of $___.”

When they say yes, reply: “Great. Remember, this is based on your honor. I’m
going to give you the discount based on your promise that you will tell five
people. You will tell five people about me within the next month, right?” Get
their verbal agreement.

Step 2 – The Delivery:

Before fulfilling your product or service: Present your client with the Special
Referral Rate Agreement (sample included). Get written agreement.

After fulfilling your product or service: Ask, “Are you happy with the
product/service that I provided you today?”

When they say yes, remind them: “The best way you can thank me is to refer
me to your family and friends.” Give them at least five business cards and ask
if there’s anything you can do to help them recommend you to others.

Step 3 – The First Follow-Up:

Follow-up at an appropriate time (i.e., one week after delivery). Make sure
everything is ok and that they’re still happy with the transaction.

If they are, say: “I’m so happy to hear that. I know your family and friends you
tell about this will be just as happy, too, and they will be so grateful to you for
introducing us.”

“I’m curious, how many people have you given my card to already?”

They may say none, or a few… either way, thank them by saying: “You’re such
a kind person, and I really appreciate you telling others about what I can do for
them. How many people do you think you will tell this week?”
www.InfluenceToProfit.com (800) 516-9167 toll-free
5000 Birch St. Suite 3000 (714) 408-4280 direct
Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 202-4005 fax
Ethical Influence and Persuasion
Live Trainings, Online Courses and Coaching

Step 4 – The Show of Gratitude:

After you hang up from your call, send them a hand-written “thank you” card,
thanking them for their referrals.

Make the card hand-written. This is almost never done these days and will
leave an impression.

If possible, put some sort of gift in the envelope (a $5 Starbucks card works

Step 5 – The Final Follow-Up:

Reach out to your client at an appropriate time (i.e., one month).

Check in with them to make sure they’re still happy, thank them for referrals
you have already received and ask if there’s anything you can do to make
telling others easier.

When you’re ready for more ethical influence and persuasion training for your
business, please visit Influence to Profit at www.influencetoprofit.com.

www.InfluenceToProfit.com (800) 516-9167 toll-free
5000 Birch St. Suite 3000 (714) 408-4280 direct
Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 202-4005 fax

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