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Total quality Strategic quality management (SQM) is not

management in strategy new; the term and concept discussed by Garvin
and operations: dynamic (1988) led to the strategic approach to quality
as the fourth era of quality after: inspection,
grounded models statistical quality control, and quality assurance.
However, research (Mehra et al., 2001; Brown,
Denis Leonard and 1998) into the relationship of total quality
Rodney McAdam management (TQM) and strategy has shown
that the relationship between TQM, strategy
and resultant operations is not well documented
in the literature and confusing to many
The authors managers involved in organisational
Denis Leonard is a Lecturer, University of Wisconsin, USA, improvement. Kaye and Dyson (1995)
and Rodney McAdam is Senior Lecturer, School of found that continuous improvement did not
Management, University of Ulster, Belfast, UK. permeate the strategic process in the majority of
cases in their research. There was a lack of focus
on strategic goals and, where there were signs of
data collection, these were not systematically
Total quality management, Corporate strategy, linked to improvement strategies. Wilcox
Operations management, Research methods (1994) found that TQM was perceived as a
second- or third-order strategy. Although SQM
Abstract has existed for some time, companies are still
The aim of this paper is to explore and represent the missing the full potential of TQM by failing to
dynamic relationship between total quality management link it directly to the corporate strategy and the
(TQM), corporate strategy and resultant business operations. development of resultant operational plans as
In particular, the paper seeks to determine the impact of opposed to viewing TQM solely from an
TQM at the strategic level and how business operations are operational perspective (Lau and Anderson,
consequently developed and deployed. These issues are of 1998; Kanji et al., 1992).
interest to managers in organisations who want to move Thus many questions and issues remain. For
their TQM programmes beyond incremental operational example, as shown by Ghobadian and Woo
improvements and to use TQM to influence, first, the (1996), existing TQM models, such as the
strategy process and, second, business operations. Using an business excellence model (BEM) and Baldrige
inductive grounded theory research methodology, the paper model, do not adequately represent the
describes the development of a series of grounded models, dynamics of TQM, being more suited to
which show the dynamic interaction between TQM, strategy ``static'' audits. How can models be developed
and operations. It is concluded that the models represent a which show both the dynamics and complexity
suitable framework for further in-depth case-based research of TQM applications in organisations?
in the area of TQM, strategy and business operations. Furthermore, how can the potential of TQM as
both a strategic and operational influence be
Electronic access realised, rather than being restricted to that of a
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at low-level improvement tool? The aim of this paper is to explore and
represent the dynamic relationship between
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
total quality management (TQM), corporate
available at
strategy and resultant business operations. In
particular, the paper seeks to determine the
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . pp. 254-266
Received: December 2001
# Emerald Group Publishing Limited . ISSN 1741-038X Revised: May 2002
DOI 10.1108/17410380410523489 Accepted: July 2002
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

impact of TQM at the strategic level and how organisation at both strategic and operational
business operations are consequently developed levels in an integrated manner (Calingo, 1996).
and deployed. The objectives are: However, the inter-relationship of the complex
. to determine the nature and extent of the issues and dynamics involved in TQM, strategy
application of TQM at the strategic level and the resultant development of business
and its impact; and operations has not been examined empirically.
. to gain an understanding of the dynamics As shown by Srinidhi (1998), the organisational
and complexity of the relationship between complexity of these issues needs to be explained
TQM, strategy and resultant business beyond that of broad philosophical studies.
Following a short literature review, an inductive
research methodology is described, followed by TQM, strategy and resultant business
results and discussion. Finally there are some operations
conclusions and suggestions for further
The majority of TQM literature and
applications have been at an operational level
(Moreno-Luzon and Peris, 1998). TQM at this
organisational level, when properly
Development of strategic quality implemented, has been shown to lead to
management improved operational performance and
associated cultural change. Moreover, Lau and
The strategic importance and role of TQM
Anderson (1998) have shown that successful
have been the subject of a series of conceptual TQM programmes have led to many other
studies, for example, Kanji et al. (1992) and related change initiatives being successfully
Moreno-Luzon and Peris (1998). TQM implemented at operational level in
provides the characteristics to respond to key organisations (for example, Six Sigma,
economic trends and impacts and hence to empowered teams and Investors in People).
form strategy (Tan et al., 2000). Furthermore, However, Mehra et al. (2001) contend that
TQM can be integrated with both traditional these operational improvement efforts are often
strategic planning and design and that of new limited by a failure to recognise TQM as a
strategic architecture such as emergent strategy strategic methodology; hence there is a lack of
(Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). In addition, strategic drive and intent to focus and sustain
McKechnie and Arnold (1994) and Harrington the operational improvement efforts.
et al. (1999) point to the systems theory Furthermore, the TQM-based operational
approach of TQM, which makes it inherently improvements can become misaligned with the
integrative and strategic. Thus, TQM business strategy, creating an impression that
philosophy, and its many in-company the TQM efforts are misusing vital resources,
derivatives, have been placed at the centre of when in reality TQM has not been applied and
business decision making and influence as one understood at both strategic and operational
or ``the'', strategic corporate issue (Voss, 1994). levels (Gundogan et al., 1996). Many boards in
The strategic integration of TQM, its focus organisations do not involve themselves in the
and impact, has moved TQM beyond being an strategic direction of quality. In many cases
important element that needed to be senior management have not yet been
co-ordinated solely at operational level, across convinced of the success of TQM (Boaden,
all aspects and disciplines of an organisation 1996). Even in the situation where there is a
(Harber et al., 1993). Thus, TQM is referred to ``strong strategic intent to promote quality''
as ``the single most important management (Barclay, 1993), this intent is not realised at
tool'' (Bergstrom, 1995), ``a necessity for operational level due to poor communication
corporate survival'' (Hongern and Xianwei, and policy infrastructure. The underlying
1996) and ``the main focus of corporate problems have been lack of TQM strategies to
decision making'' (Cook and Dave, 1997). This act as a foundation, and the continuing
can be used to systematically influence an misperceptions of TQM solely as an operational
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

tool by company leaders (Aravindan et al., Van de Ven (1992) and Yin (1994) state that
1996). longitudinal case studies are especially
Thus, there is evidence of a lack of in-depth appropriate within grounded theory
study on the relationship between TQM and methodology, where real life contexts are being
corporate strategy and subsequent business investigated over a period of time. Glaser and
operations, beyond financially based impact Strauss' original work (1967) was a longitudinal
measures (LaHay and Noble, 1998). Some go or processual study. Carson and Coviello
further by stating that due to a lack of (1996) point out that longitudinal case studies
conceptual understanding there is a need for have much to offer as part of grounded theory.
construct development in the relationship The longitudinal case study must be highly
between TQM, corporate strategy and resultant recursive to ensure that theory is continuously
business operations. tested as well as built (Wilson and Durant,
The research was broken down into three
phases consistent with a processual approach to
Research methodology
grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin, 1990).
A well developed inductive research method is The first two phases were what Glaser and
that of grounded theory (Glaser and Strauss, Strauss (1967) referred to as ``identifying the
1967). In this methodology the researcher starts key constructs'' or issues. These provided a
with minimalist a priori constructs and enquires learning experience and developed a greater
deeply into organisational behaviour and understanding of the key issues involved, which
progressed into the third (refinement phase)
events, gradually testing and forming
and final phase, which was the longitudinal case
theoretical constructs and grounded models
study. Each phase flows into the other, the data
(i.e. models that are based on theory and
and analysis becoming more detailed at each
practice). Sitter et al. (1997) show that
level through participant observation,
grounded theory uses abstract concepts to
semi-structured interviews and taped and coded
describe and analyse a series of general
transcripts. The data analysis followed a
phenomena but based on practical experience.
grounded theory approach (Glaser and Strauss,
It is this link to practical experience that makes
1967) of continuously returning to the raw
the method attractive to theory forming within
data, as the research progressed to review, and
the practice of TQM.
analyses the patterns that emerged and
Carr and Littman (1990) refer to TQM's lack
developed consistent with grounded theory.
of theory and definition. To avoid TQM being
The methodology for these phases was as
perceived as an ``atheoretical black box'', a follows.
systematic and rigorous approach to TQM
theory building must be adopted; hence the use Phase 1
of grounded theory. The approach focuses on The first step was to become knowledgeable
the rich practitioner-based knowledge base of regarding the relationship between TQM,
TQM. Sources of data can include TQM team corporate strategy and operations in practice.
meetings, interviews with TQM managers and To gain this perspective a sample of 19
TQM case studies (Perry and Coote, 1994). companies, most recognised at a national or
Strauss and Corbin (1990) show how such data international level for their application of
can be gathered from ``streams of research'' TQM, through the national quality award
(Carson and Coviello, 1996) and that data process using the business excellence model
interpretation can then be guided by existing (EFQM, 2001), was selected. Semi-structured
literature and theory. This is a highly recursive in-depth interviews were conducted with the
theory-building process (Wolfgramm et al., quality managers (or those with responsibility
1998). Thus an opportunity exists for coherent for quality). Over a period of six months each
TQM theories to be developed. In turn this manager was interviewed at least three times for
theoretical development should lead to more two to three hours at a time. There were also
informed organisational applications. many follow-up telephone and e-mail calls to
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

the company. The managers were promised models. All the cases contributed to the
feedback reports for each company and overall model-building process; however, no one
feedback through the National Quality Centre. organisation embodied all the elements of a
The researchers also have access to the BEM given model, consistent with Strauss and
self-assessment documents of the organisations. Corbin (1990). Also, the longitudinal case
This phase provided an exploratory study study, in particular, added clarity and depth to
providing details of why and how TQM is used the process but did not embody all elements of
in a cross-section of manufacturing and service all the models. This is consistent with inductive
companies. grounded theory model building, where a
summative conclusion is reached by comparing
Phase 2 different sources of data (Carson and Coviello,
The second step in the methodology involved (1996).
focusing on the complex dynamics uncovered in
phase one with a more in-depth study, as
suggested by Strauss and Corbin (1990). This Results and discussion
was carried out by selecting four companies
from phase one, which demonstrated the most The findings of the research are discussed first
developed use of TQM in relation to both in relation to the initial model-building Phases 1
strategy and operations. The managing and 2, using the grounded theory methodology.
directors (MDs) of the companies were The further refinement of these models is
interviewed to gain an accurate knowledge of discussed in relation to the Phase 3 longitudinal
the relationship between TQM, strategy and case analysis, as suggested by Carson and
operations in practice and the dynamics Coviello (1996).
involved in their inter-relationships. Once
again, the organisations received detailed Grounded theory model building
feedback from this phase. In dynamic modeling of TQM the dynamics of
TQM across the different levels of the
Phase 3 organisation's activities should be represented,
The longitudinal case study as pointed out by Gunasekaran (1998). These
This third phase involved the case study of levels are strategic, tactical and operational.
``Servcom'', a large utility company. The early Existing quality models mainly focus on
stages of this phase ran in parallel with Phases 1 improvement at an operational level or a tactical
and 2 of the research. The case study company level (strategy implementation), but not at a
had been researched for a period of three years strategic level or on strategy-led operations
(through a university/organisation learning (Ghobadian and Woo, 1996).
partnership), as it introduced and implemented Forrester (1965) developed the concept of
TQM. The university team involved two PhD system dynamics in organisations. In this
students and three members of staff with approach organisational actions are considered
expertise in TQM. The corresponding as a series of flows, for example, money, order,
organisational team, called the ``quality material, personnel and capital equipment. The
programmes group'', had a senior manager and organisational flow of information is seen as an
eight full-time TQM implementation staff. The integrating mechanism. These flows are defined
grounded theory approach enabled both the as the dynamics of an organisation. Arbnor and
university and the organisational teams to Bjerke (1997) have widened the idea of systems
develop an action learning style in their working dynamics in organisations by simply referring to
relationships. Data were gathered by participant dynamic models of organisations, which are
observation, semi-structured interviews at all characterised by having a time dimension and
levels, focus groups, BEM self-assessments and as being applicable to structures, processes or
analysis of organisational documentation. change initiatives within the organisation and its
It must be emphasised that all three phases of environs. Bauer et al. (2001) conclude that the
the research methodology contributed to use of dynamic models for TQM, which
building and refinement of the grounded theory borrows from the systems approach in
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

organisations, is essential for an ``appreciation can have an organisational impact by creating a

of a complex, dynamic system'', which ``enables focus on the customer at a strategic level, which
managers in turbulent days to manage in a also influenced and shaped the strategic
comprehensive way and to decide and act for formulation (Figure 1). The strategic
long-lasting success''. Bauer et al. (2001) formulation may then be influenced, as shown,
conclude that Forrester's (1965) broad concept by proactive change. In this form TQM can act
of linking concepts from the development of the as a catalyst, rather than as a direct driver, to
human relations movement with dynamic transform the direction of the strategy and its
enterprise models is consistent with developing emphasis. Other philosophies and techniques
dynamic models of TQM in organisations. were used and adapted to develop new ideas
The main elements of dynamic modeling are and approaches and to boost enthusiasm for
time, recursive behaviour and complex changes change in the organisations, all of which were
relating to all aspects of an organisation (Bauer under the TQM umbrella, as stated earlier.
et al., 2001). The time factor includes Thus, TQM programmes in the organisations
longitudinal development, current changes and were found to be in a state of recycling or the
anticipated future direction. Recursive constant rejuvenation to renew interest and
behaviour includes non-sequential behaviour keep momentum going. Therefore, TQM
with either forward- or backward-facing application as a ``catalyst'' (Figure 1) was found
linkages. Complex change goes beyond cause
to be a constant element with new
and effect polarisation and includes phenomena
developments needed over time. Furthermore,
that do not follow anticipated development with
TQM had a dynamic cyclical life, constantly
time (McCabe, 2000).
changing within the cases. The next element in
In summary, current quality models have
Figure 1 is that of strategic formulation. Within
beneficial applications in organisations.
this element all the necessary information and
However, they do not adequately address the
strategic analysis were gathered and the
strategic dynamic issues present (or are
optimum corporate strategy was determined.
``sketchy'' at best). Thus, there is a need for
Within this wide range of issues was TQM
evaluative models of TQM, which address the
(``TQM one issue'' ± Figure 1). However, it was
dynamic effects of TQM at strategic, tactical
and operational levels. only one amongst many which are given
consideration and assisted in data gathering
during the process of strategic formulation.
This leads naturally in the fashion of delegation
The strategic impact and operational to the operational aspect. The operational
impact of TQM ± Phases 1 and 2
strategic divide, which had emerged, is located
The findings are discussed in relation to each of at this interface (Figure 1).
the five grounded theory models constructed, The operational element of TQM in the
which together constitute a framework for organisations (Figure 1) achieves the strategic
analysing TQM dynamics and complexity at vision and objectives by fulfilling the strategy
strategic and operational levels: through actionable plans and objectives,
disseminated through various departments and
1 TQM key points of application model strategic business units (SBUs). It is at this level
The key points of TQM application within the that the various tools and techniques of TQM
organisations were represented in the model were used (Figure 1).
shown in Figure 1. The model was developed Certain key issues reappeared in each
over a period of time consistent with grounded interview, building up a consistent picture and
theory. It begins with the corporate vision and trend. The issue of the strategic-operational
mission and then progresses into corporate divide appeared and was referred to as a
objectives. These were found to be the key ``disjoint''. This characteristic divide became a
starting-points for TQM being applied in a recurring theme during the remaining research
top-down organisational approach, consistent and was represented in Figure 1 as the
with Boaden (1996). It was found that TQM ``tactical'' divider.
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

Figure 1 Key points of TQM application

2 The strategic application of TQM model organisation. This scenario is represented in the
By using a hierarchical structure, which is top third of the model (Figure 2).
supported by the bureaucratic approach The model is divided horizontally by a line
evidenced by the grounded theory analysis, a representing the strategic-operational split or
model was developed that places the strategic ``fuzzy line'', as stated by one MD participating
level at the top and extends down to the in the research. This divide was found to
operational/functional level at the bottom, as separate the ``push'' or catalytical (pre-strategic)
shown in Figure 2. The highest level of TQM TQM influence from the ``pull'' (post-strategic)
application was at the strategic level. In this
TQM influence, as indicated in the diagram.
situation senior management commitment in
Below this divide are found the tools,
the organisation was given and TQM was fully
techniques, measurement, and monitoring
understood by the management teams in its
applications of TQM at the operational level.
philosophical role as opposed to solely that of
an operational tool. Thus, it has a major impact This divide represented the tactical interface
on strategic thinking, with resultant operations between the strategic and operational functions
consistently applied throughout the of TQM in the organisations.

Figure 2 The strategic application of TQM 3 TQM organisational profiles model

Four TQM organisational profiles were
developed from the grounded theory analysis to
complement the perspectives of the research
shown in Figures 1 and 2. Thus Figure 3 shows
TQM with regard to organisational profiles

Figure 3 TQM organisational profiles

Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

rather than to how TQM is applied. The Figure 4 The TQM environment
profiles are listed as A, B, C and D, as shown.
These profiles reflect the importance that was
assigned to TQM at each organisational level
(from senior management to employee). The
four distinct profiles were as follows:
(A) Lack of senior management involvement. In
this profile TQM is not considered as a
strategic issue, rather it is delegated to
middle management at the tactical level
and has its greatest application and impact
at the operational level (compare Figure 2).
(B) Lack of operational impact. In this profile,
senior managers were aware of TQM's
strategic impact. However, there was a lack
of resultant operational programmes and
(C) Ineffective tactical translation of strategic and and other awards models'' element of Figure 4.
operational goals. In this profile senior In this situation the BEM was used in line with
management and employees were ``strategic formulation'', as discussed in Figure 1
committed to TQM-based change and have in relation to the initial application of TQM.
benefited from its impact. However, there
The ``strategy and drivers'' element reflected
were difficulties, which limited the change
the incorporation of TQM as a methodology for
programmes. These included poor
influencing and developing vision, mission and
communications and middle management's
customer focus (Figure 1). In this environment
negative reaction to change.
(D) Middle management isolation in driving strategy-led operations were developed, leading
TQM. In this profile, motivated middle to a more effective use of resources (e.g.
management were hampered in their efforts internal benchmarking across the business units
to create impacts from TQM by to establish linked strategic and operational
non-committed senior managers. This lack performance measures).
of commitment resulted in a lack of The ``TQM philosophy and culture'' element
resources (time and finance for of Figure 4 relates to the founding principles
improvement projects), which ultimately and philosophical issues underpinning TQM
limited operational and strategic impacts. approaches and the organisational culture to be
engendered. Essentially these reflect the key
4 The TQM organisational environment principles used to base strategic decisions, such
model as employee welfare or customer loyalty. The
The TQM environment model (Figure 4) research using grounded theory revealed that
shows four key TQM elements involved in this element was affected by the
relating TQM to an organisational setting. The
strategic-operational divide. The TQM
findings from this model can be related to
programmes in some cases reinforced this issue
Models 1-3 to show the missing elements of
due to a lack of training and communications in
TQM in organisational applications, which
TQM. Those organisations, which
hinder TQM dynamics.
The grounded theory analysis revealed that systematically used mixed
the ``tools and techniques'' (Figure 4) element management-employee quality improvement
of the model was mainly applied at operational teams, company-wide TQM training,
level, including the BEM model. This reflected TQM-based appraisals and reward and
the earlier discussion on the marked strategic- recognition schemes, managed to create a
operational divide (Figure 2). However, some TQM culture, which transcended this divide.
aspects of the BEM were used in the ``EFQM This led to increased two-way communication
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

and a more in-depth understanding of TQM another and individual level of maturity to be
beyond that of an operational tool. considered. In addition it articulates the
lifecycle nature of all initiatives within the broad
5 The TQM lifecycle model philosophy of TQM and can be used to provide
The ``TQM lifecycle'' model that has emerged multi-layered historical data on the progress of
from the grounded theory analysis, as shown in each initiative. With the lifecycle the learning
Figure 5, reveals a more dynamic and complex curve drops off, as do interest and the ultimate
picture than the formulaic route to TQM, bottom line impact of each tool and technique
where, for example, ISO 9000 success would at some stage (``decline''). It is an inherent part
lead to TQM in a building-block approach of human nature and in particular due to the
(Dale and Lascelles, 1997). nature of TQM that retraining is necessary, as is
It was found that the organisations in this interest in its implementation (``energise'').
research each have their own customised route Here the initiatives needed to be continually
to success and that they use various TQM- ``re-energised'' through improvement, updating
related tools, techniques and philosophies along and retraining.
the ``quality journey'' (Dale and Lascelles, In some cases there was a need to
1997). Thus the sequence of implementation ``regenerate''. This took the form of an aspect of
and the relative importance placed on them TQM, not previously used, being adopted,
depend mainly on organisational circumstance which provided a new drive and perspective
and leadership. Therefore, there are many (e.g. a focus on measurement and Six Sigma or
variations in this journey. Figure 5 shows the empowered teams). A number of the companies
key stages that were found in the research. interviewed either considered TQM to have
``Adoption'' is a learning curve, beginning at the acted as a catalyst or had, over the years, a
initial awareness of TQM and progressing number of generations, under different names
through the structured learning and training and focus. In this way TQM acted as a strategic
about the particular method of achieving the catalyst on a number of occasions to impact
organisation's quality-related goals. ``Maturity'' both on culture and strategy in addition to
is the implementation and the improvement in operational aspects. New methods or tools were
knowledge and technique in its application. adopted and the learning curve began again.
The difference of the lifecycle model, However, the ``regeneration'' stage was not
compared with the Dale and Lascelles (1997) always introduced after a successful application.
``levels of TQM adoption'' model, is in its In some cases the lack of success or indeed
failure of an initiative necessitated a new
complexity. More than the current overall
approach (e.g. a move from functional quality
maturity of TQM can be considered. In
improvement teams to that of cross-functional,
addition, a range of initiatives that make up
process-based teams). The shape of the curve
TQM can be simultaneously represented,
(Figure 5), with regard to the degree and speed
which allows their co-ordination, impact on one
of learning and the length of the periods of
Figure 5 The TQM lifecycle adoption, maturity and decline and the point of
regeneration and re-energising, is company-
specific. The ``lifecycle'' allows a range of the
TQM-related initiatives being used in an
organisation to be mapped longitudinally and in
relation to one another.

Results and discussion ± Phase 3

The Servcom case study
Servcom is a large, long established premier UK
company that provides a product and service to
approximately 650,000 domestic, commercial
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

and industrial customers. The company has applying TQM was to create improvement
been through major changes in past years, through a supporting role at an operational
including privatisation in the early 1990s. Since level, which was primarily driven by
that time it has outsourced essential work to comparisons with best practice. Therefore,
contractors and downsized; between 1992 and TQM's adoption in the organisation, in relation
1996 manpower levels fell by 34 per cent. In to Figure 4, the environment model, was based
2000 Servcom employed over 1,800 employees. on ``strategic drivers''.
In 2001 the organisation won the National None of the other elements of the TQM
Quality Award which is based on the BEM. environment model was found to directly
This represented a key milestone on the influence the initial acceptance of TQM. Other
organisation's quality journey (Dale and essential issues, such as philosophy and cultural
Lascelles, 1997) and for the university/ aspects (Figure 4), were not considered by the
organisation partnership team. Thus, the organisation at this stage. Two decisions were
organisation was viewed as reaching a best made at this point, one that the most important
practice status at the end of the formal learning factor was financial and second that a full
partnership. knowledge and understanding of TQM was not
Although Servcom currently has the majority needed for its introduction; external
market share in its sector, in recent years there comparisons at a strategic level were considered
has been an increase in competition due to new sufficient. However, as the philosophical basis
entrants to the marketplace, the threat of of TQM and company culture (Figure 4) was
substitutes and greater bargaining power on the not considered at this initial stage, the
part of the buyer (Porter, 1996). Servcom is fundamental strategic importance of TQM was
being increasingly exposed to competition and marginalised. A failure to review this issue led
potential buy-outs. The organisation has also to fundamental difficulties and a lack of
encountered increased pressure through market consistency that appeared time and again within
forces to reduce its product/services costs to the Servcom with regard to TQM. Thus, there is a
customer. need for organisations initially applying TQM
to consider all the aspects shown in Figure 4 to
The strategic dynamics of TQM within avoid problems of understanding and
Servcom acceptance later in the programme of change.
The five models are used to collectively analyse
the strategic dynamics of TQM with regard to Model 2: the TQM lifecycle
the case of Servcom and to further refine the The various initiatives in existence when TQM
models. What follows is a discussion of the was adopted and the initiatives resulting from,
dynamics of each element of the models in the and as part of, TQM were mapped on to the
situation of Servcom. The order of the lifecycle model (Figure 5). The initiatives
discussion of the models is the suggested order superimposed on the lifecycle model were
in systematically applying the five grounded placed on the labelled section which represents
theory models as a TQM dynamics framework its ``stage of life''; for example, business process
in applying TQM within organisations. reengineering (BPR) was in the ``decline'' stage,
while ISO 9000 (and more latterly
Model 1: the TQM environment ISO 9000 : 2000) is in the ``adoption'' stage.
It had been pre-determined by senior There was a direct correlation between the
management that TQM philosophy and number and type of TQM activities under way
practice would be adopted to ensure that and the necessity to use such activities to attain
Servcom portrayed the correct corporate image scores on the BEM model. This created an
to shareholders and ``the city'' and to its atmosphere of moving from one project to
corporate peers. The views of shareholders and another, attaining certification or an award and
``the city'' were inextricably linked to the share then moving to the next, building up scores.
value of the company and, therefore, financial This situation detracted from achieving a sound
considerations; this was the primary basis for understanding, acceptance and appropriate use
the instigation of TQM. Another reason for of the tools and techniques of TQM.
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

BPR is used as an example. BPR in the Model 5: the strategic application of TQM
organisation had reached the ``decline'' stage. The application of TQM was found to be an
The choice of regeneration or to energise has operational one, falling below the ``tactical''
not been taken for BPR, primarily because level (Figure 2). TQM has not been led by any
evaluation of the effectiveness of BPR was never vision or philosophy. Thus, in the organisation,
undertaken to determine its impact and level of there was a lack of association with the
success at a strategic and operational level. BPR corporate strategy with regard to TQM beyond
in its current form has mainly been replaced by determining that it should be introduced. It was
TQM and is reaching its conclusion in that the initially applied as an operational ploy.
re-structuring and process changes are in place, There was a clear strategic-operational divide
although a re-assessment of those new (Figure 2), which expresses the extent of
structures and processes may be necessary in application of TQM, its strategic importance
the future, leading to a possible ``regeneration'' and the commitment given by senior
of BPR. The preparation to submit for a quality management. Thus, a goal of the partnership
award pulled together all the scores for practice was to change the current thinking of TQM and
experiences, strengths and areas for its strategic associations and resultant
improvement within each of the organisation's operations.
business units, which had been using the BEM
model in their own tailored form. Other
examples are where TQM measurements have Conclusions and recommendations
been ``energised'' by introducing Six Sigma
The lessons that have been learned from this
measuring methods and for ISO 9000, where
inductive grounded theory research provide
the ISO 9000 : 2000 standard has been applied.
impact for both managers and researchers. For
managers and business leaders the new models
Models 3 and 4: key points of TQM
provide a ``real world'' articulation of the
application and the TQM profile
strategic and operational dynamics of TQM.
The ultimate strategic driver, which was
Critically, the models provide a method by
determined during the assessment of ``the
which TQM can be strategically ``mapped'' on
TQM environment'', was financial (Figure 4).
to the organisation's current strategic and
The securing of a corporate image that reflects
operational activity. It also creates a mechanism
Servcom's corporate peers and, therefore, a
through which TQM can be systematically
comparable share value is of key importance.
considered from philosophical, strategic,
Once this had been determined, the application
tactical and operational perspectives. The
of TQM was limited to supporting and
grounded theory models also allow the
improving the activities of operational units. historical, current and projected strategies of
The key point of TQM application (Figure 1) TQM to be ``mapped''. This approach results in
was as an ``operational tool'', resulting in a lack scenarios being developed for alternative
of strategically linked operational improvement. strategic, tactical and operational actions,
The level of corporate commitment was providing powerful proactive and dynamic
therefore limited. The bulk of work to apply reactive strategies to be prepared. For
TQM and related tools and techniques fell to researchers this research provides a new
lower level management and the employees. perspective and modelling for TQM, which
The ``key strategic driver'' that had the most questions the relatively static and linear nature
influence was that of creating operational of many of the established TQM models.
improvements and it was at this level that the Adopting TQM is seen by some companies as
most activity and commitment occurred, as a necessity, to ensure that they are perceived as
reflected in the TQM Profile (Figure 3, profile being on a par with corporate peers in their
A). With regard to the other ``key points'' adoption of leading edge business improvement
(Figure 1), neither the ``customer'' nor issues. TQM's role within the organisation, its
``proactive change'' were initially taken into strategic and operational impact and its
consideration as a factor. definition were not clearly articulated by either
Total quality management in strategy and operations Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Denis Leonard and Rodney McAdam Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 254-266

the quality managers or the managing directors. The models, which have emerged through
This lack of understanding regarding TQM and this research, show a more dynamic and
its relationship with corporate strategy and complex picture of TQM than that accepted by
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not being realised by senior management. For lifecycle highlights is that TQM is not
this reason TQM and its potential can be sequential nor does it have a specific formulaic
overlooked by senior management. route. Each organisation plots its own
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(staff) level and it decreases in importance and TQM-related tools, techniques and
application at the tactical (middle management) philosophies along the way. The sequence of
and corporate (senior management) levels. their implementation and their relative
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