Study of Wireless Power Transfer Synopsis

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BELAGAVI - 590018

Minor-Project Synopsis

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the fifth semester examination of

Bachelor of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Submitted by


Under the guidance of







Introduction to the topic

Problem statement

Literature survey

Wireless electricity techniques


Advantage and Disadvantage

Biological Impacts



Books and Articles

We can’t imagine the technological world without electricity. In general, the electric
power is transferred from one place to another place using conducting wires. This review
describes an idea to eliminate the hazardous usages of electrical wires which costs very
high and involve lot of mess when use in industrial areas. Wireless electricity is a
technology to transfer energy using a transmitter to a receiver by means of the
electromagnetic field. This technology can be feasible in the near future. Imagine a future
in which household electronics, mobile phones, robots, laptops, and other portable
electronics will be able to charge themselves without any conducting wire. This will
eliminate the use of batteries to operate portable devices. In this review, we described the
various methods of wireless power transmission. Another technique are described of
transmitting power without using conducting wires with an efficiency of about 90 percent
with non-radiative methods. It doesn’t affect environment because the frequency range
lies in the non-radiative range. We report the results of wireless power transfer using
inductive method with an efficient way. There are several methods to transfer electricity.
An alternative technique including transfer of power using recentness through microwave
method. This is suitable for long range electricity transfer ranging meters to kilometers.
This review provides a literature of effective method with high performance techniques
which can efficiently transfer the power to the receiver load. We also discuss the medical
applications of wireless power transmission technique. The advantages, disadvantages,
biological impacts are also discussed in it.

Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is a technology that can transfer electrical energy from
the source to an electrical load without any conducting wire. It can eliminate the use of
wires, and connections for electricity transmission. It is very useful technological
development for applications where wired connections are not possible for electricity
transfer. Also, it eliminates the use of batteries that will help to reduce use of toxic
materials resulting from disposal of batteries on a large scale every year. Non-radiative
and radiative power transfer are the two types of this technology. Non-radiative is used
for shortrange to midrange power transmission. For short-range power transmission,
induction coupling method is used to transfer energy from source to load and range is less
than the diameter of the transmitter coil 1, 2. Capacitor coupling method is also
considered for short range charging. In mid-range power transmission, resonant inductive
method is used to transfer energy. The range of resonant inductive power transfer is one
to 10 times the transmission coil’s diameter. Radiative method is used for long range or
far-field power transmission. Microwave and Laser Photo electricity methods are used for
long range transmission. The range of far-field power transmission is twice of the
wavelength of the transmitting signal from the antenna. Laser photo electricity has very
week efficiency and it emits harmful radiation.

Problem statement
Power can be wirelessly delivered from one point to another by using microwave
frequency. In a WPT system, a rectenna is used to receive the transmitted power through
space and converting the power to dc power, hence, it can be used for energy storage.
Two important components of the front-end rectenna are the receiving antenna and the
adjacent low-pass filter. There is an immediate need to develop a single front-end
rectenna prototype which is useful for terrestrial WPT reception.

To eliminate the need to orient the antennas between the transmitter and the receiver, the
receiving antenna has to be circularly polarized. Hence, the rectenna may be rotated
without significantly changing the output voltage. Besides that a compact antenna is
desired which corresponds to lightweight device and cost effectiveness of fabrications.

Low passband insertion loss, sharp cutoff frequency steepness and high stopband
rejections are desirable elliptic function filter response. Beside that, compactness in the
design is desirable for cost effectiveness of fabrications.

Literature survey

Antenna Current and/or possible

Technology Range Directivity Frequency
devices future applications

Electric tooth brush and razor

Short Low Hz – MHz Wire coils battery charging, induction
stovetops and industrial heaters.

Charging portable devices ,

Resonant Tuned wire coils,
biomedical implants, electric
inductive Mid Low kHz – GHz lumped element
vehicles, powering buses, trains,
coupling resonators
MAGLEV, RFID, smartcards.

Charging portable devices, power

Capacitive Metal plate routing in large-scale integrated
Short Low kHz – MHz
coupling electrodes circuits, Smartcards, biomedical

Charging electric vehicles,
dynamic Short N.A. Hz Rotating magnets
biomedical implants.

Parabolic Solar power satellite, powering

Microwaves Long High GHz dishes, phased drone aircraft, charging wireless
arrays, recentness devices

Charging portable devices,

Light waves Long High ≥THz powering drone aircraft, powering
photocells, lenses
space elevator climbers.

Non-Radiative Method-Non-Radiative power transmission or near-field transfer
technologies transmit electricity with good efficiency and high penetration.

1. Short Range-These methods are used for short range. There are two techniques for
short-range wireless power transmission.

Block diagram of an inductive power transmission method

2. Mid-Range- These methods are used for mid-range transmission. There are two
techniques for mid-range wireless power transmission.

3. Long Range- These methods are used for long range. There are two techniques for
long-range wireless power transmission.

Venticular assist devices: Patients can't exercise correctly because their Ventricular
assist devices (VAD) are tied to a battery or external power supply. Patients can be free
using wireless power transmission technology and have the opportunity to roam around
and exercise like a regular human being. There are no power cords poking through the
skin when using wireless power transfer, which reduces the danger of infection and

Future envision to install transmission coil at patients homes for quality life.

The free-range resonant electrical delivery (FREE-D) wireless power transmission system
is used in magnetically coupled resonators for efficient power transmission for short
range transmission across a distance to a Ventricular assist devices (VADs) implanted in
the human body, as well as to provide robustness to VAD position changes without

Insulin Pump: Insulin pumps is used to measure blood glucose continuously to

understand the patient's current blood glucose. Based on the current results and previous
data learning, closed loop insulin pump infuse an appropriate amount of insulin.

Insulin Pump [Source: Medtronic’s]

The study found that the most common occurrences were battery life termination within
72 hours of usage (50.0 percent), insulin pump suspension (21.2 percent), and battery
fluid leakage (4.5 percent). A total of 53.2 percent of the insulin pumps reported required
to be changed, with 37.1 percent of them recovering when the battery was changed. There
is a danger of infection due to the battery fluid leaks.

Electricity in the air technology would completely eliminate the existing power transfer
using cables, wires, towers and the sub stations between the power stations and
consumers. It is more convenient, and has more freedom to use electricity. The cost and
maintenance of transmission of electricity from stations to substations become cost
efficient and cost of electricity for the consumers would also be reduced. This technology
is also helpful to transfer electricity to those places where the wired transmission of
electricity is not possible. Wireless power transmission has a lower loss of electricity than
conventional power transfer, hence its efficiency is higher than system for delivering
power in traditional way. The power failure due to the faults in transmission transformers
and short circuit would never exist in the wireless power transmission.

Every technology need a capital cost for practical implementation at the initial stages. So
the capital cost of initial implementation of wireless power transfer is high. In Laser
power transmission technique radiation losses, attenuation losses etc. are concerned
factors. Another disadvantage of microwave technology is that it interferes with present
communication technology, resulting in biological effects on humans and animals.

There is a fear of the microwave radiation effect associated with microwave technique.
However, the rapid exponential development in this domain demonstrates that microwave
radiation levels will never exceed radiation safety regulations. Microwaves have a minor
effect on the atmosphere in general. The air and water scatter and absorb microwaves.
Microwave is absorbed by water vapor and oxygen influence the air in the frequency
band 2.45 GHz and 5.80 GHz. In microwave frequency ranges, it is sufficient to examine
the absorption of radiation by oxygen.
The total absorption through air from space is 0.035 dB, only in the case of solar power
from space technique.

Wireless Power transmission technology over’s to transmit electricity from short range to
long range. It can eliminate the use of wired charging systems and batteries. In this paper,
Author presented the theories of each method of wireless power transmission technology.
It has two types of transmission technology in terms of frequencies which are non-
radiative and radiative. Author presented some medical applications for wireless power

1. Abhishek Bohare, \Design and Implementation of Wireless Power Transmission
via Radio Frequency", IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical
Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, PISSN 2349-5138, Volume 6 Issue 2,
Page No. pp. 607-612, June 2019.
2. Baarman, D. W., Schwannecke, J. (2009). Understanding wireless power. White
Paper, Fulton Innovation, Ada, MI, USA.
3. Karalis, A., Joannopoulos, J. D., Solja_ci_c, M. (2008). E_cient wireless non-
radiative mid-range energy transfer. Annals of physics, 323(1), 34-48.
4. B. H. Waters, A. P. Sample, P. Bonde and J. R. Smith, "Powering a Ventricular
Assist Device (VAD) With the free-Range Resonant Electrical Energy Delivery
(FREE-D) System," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 138-149, Jan.
2012, doi: 10.1109/JPROC.2011.2165309.

Books and articles

1. e Rooij, Michael A. (2015). Wireless Power Handbook. Power Conversion

Publications. ISBN 978-0996649216. Latest work on AirFuel Alliance class 2 and
class 3 transmitters, adaptive tuning, radiated EMI, multi-mode wireless power
systems, and control strategies.
2. Agbinya, Johnson I., Ed. (2012). Wireless Power Transfer. River
Publishers. ISBN 978-8792329233. Comprehensive, theoretical engineering text
3. Shinohara, Naoki (2014). Wireless Power Transfer via Radiowaves. John Wiley &
Sons. ISBN 978-1118862964. Engineering text


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