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Nama : Dimas Fitrah Rahmatika

NIM : 225221043

Matkul : SL_Coach Carter Film Review with leadership perspective

This film tells the story of a man named Ken Carter (played by Samuel L.Jackson) who
becomes the coach of a basketball team at a school that is notorious for its vices. At the
beginning of the story, Ken Carter's presence was not accepted by the basketball team or the
school where he coached. This is because it is firm and very disciplined. One form of discipline
is that every member of the basketball team who violates it will be given sanctions according to
the rules that have been made without any relief. However, over time Ken Carter's character
began to be accepted by his team members. This also made the team he coached a little better
and even managed to win several matches.

Leadership value on Coach Carter Movie :

1. Be Responsible

In the film, Ken Carter, who plays the coach of a basketball team, wants his team to
become great players. However, apart from that he also wants them to have responsibilities in
their own lives. Carter's wish was based on the fact that the school they attended had a low
graduation rate. The average student who has graduated from the school is always going to jail.
And Carter doesn't want the kids on his team to go through the same thing.

2. Always Respect Others

In the film, it is told how Carter educates his children to always respect other people.
Whoever he is, whatever his background, whatever his position, and whatever his age. Including
whether they are good people, or people who are bad to them. Ken Carter has always behaved
out of respect. And teaches it to members of his basketball team.

3. Discipline and Consistency

Since the beginning of the story, Ken Carter applies several rules to his basketball team.
The rules can be said to be quite harsh for children their age. There are physical and non-physical
punishments for violators. However, because Ken Carter has a disciplined and consistent nature.
Anyone who violates the rules must carry out the punishment according to the rules that have
been made without tolerance. Not a few of them chose to leave the team.

4. Be patient

Throughout the course of the film, Ken Carter is faced with several problems. However, he
always acted calmly and thought about how to deal with it as well as deal with it. Some of these
leadership traits Carter applied when he became a basketball coach, who incidentally was the
leader of a team. Evidently, with those qualities, Ken Carter succeeded in making the students on
his basketball team successful people. There is a lesson/wisdom that we can take from the film
Coach Carter. That is a leader not only makes a great team and always wins. However,
responsibility for all behavior and behavior of members is the most important thing.

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