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The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical

and Professional Behavior

The very title of this Unit indicates that teachers are 'expected to be part of the
community. To be part of the community definitely means to participate in the life of
that community. The 8 Sections of Article III of the Code of Ethics refers to the
community within the school and the community outside the school.

At the end of this Chapter, you should be able to:
● Elaborate on community's expectations from teachers and on teachers'
expectation from communities; and
● Describe teacher's ethical and professional behavior in the community by giving
concrete examples

Teacher as Facilitator of Learning
Article III, Section1 states that the teacher is a facilitator of learning and the
development of the youth, therefore shall render the best service by providing an
environment conducive for such learning and growth. You, as the professional teacher,
facilitate learning or make learning easier. Learning is a difficult task and is made
easier when you make dry lessons interesting, exciting and enjoyable. As a
professional teacher, you make learning easier when you simplify the complex and
concretize the abstract.

Teacher Leadership and Initiative for Community Participation

Section 2 refers to the "leadership and initiative of the professional teacher to

participate in community movements for moral, social, economic and civic betterment
of the community." This implies that as a professional teacher you have not to wait for
the community to ask for help. Section 6 further explicitates how you can show your
professional leadership, to wit: "Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the
community, especially in the barangay, and shall welcome the opportunity to provide
such leadership when needed, to extend counseling services, as appropriate, and to
be actively involved in matters affecting the welfare of people." As a professional
teacher, you ought to take the initiative to offer your help for the improvement of the

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

Providing leadership and initiative also means working with the community. This
means getting the parents and other members of the community to participate in
school activities. Teachers, as they participate in community affairs, prove that they
"are the most responsible and most important members of society because their
professional efforts affect the fate of the earth."

Professional Teacher with Honor and Dignity

Section 3 states: "Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for
which purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from
such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses much less
illicit relations." Society expects so much of teachers that when they fail to to live up to
the challenge to behave or model good behavior. Society seems to expect much more
from professional teachers than from any other professional and so look at teachers
with scrutinizing eyes.

Teacher's Attitude Toward Local Customs and Traditions

Section 4 expects every teacher to live for and with the community and shall,
therefore, study and understand local customs and traditions in order to have a
sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from disparaging the community." The
professional teacher is neither ethnocentric nor xenocentric. He/she is not ethnocentric
and so does not look down on a community's culture because of the thought that
his/her culture is superior to the culture of the community. Neither is he/she
xenocentric and so looks at his/her culture as inferior to other communities' culture.

The Professional Teacher and Information Update

Section 5 states that the teacher "shall help the school inform the community
about the school's work, accomplishments, needs and problems. Community here
refers to internal as well as external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include the
students, the parents of the students and the teachers. The external stakeholders are
the other parents in the community without children enrolled in school, barangay
officials and other government officials, non-government organizations, government

● The Parents-Teachers Association

A PTA is an association of teachers and parents with children who are

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

enrolled in a school. It is a forum for discussions on school problems and how

they can be solved.

● The School Governing Council

The SGC has different membership and functions. A School Governing
Council as a policy-making body has the school head as Chief Executive
Officer, Manager and Chief Operations Officer. The formation of SGC in every
school is a proof of the school head sharing his/her leadership with members of
the community.

It determines general policies on student welfare, discipline, and well-

being; it is concerned with the development and implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP), and reporting of the progress
of the SIP implementation to the Schools Division Superintendent and the

The Professional Teacher and Government Officials and Other Professionals

Section 7 states: "Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant

personal and official relations with other professionals, with government officials and
with the people individually or collectively." As a professional teacher, you cannot
afford not to be in pleasant relations with others, especially those with whom you work
with like other professional teachers. It is always best to be in good terms with
everyone else in the community

The Professional Teacher Does not Use Position to Proselyte

Finally, Section 8, says: "A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and
worship as appropriate, but shall not use his position and influence to proselyte
others."To be in a position means to have power or influence for a purpose, i.e. for you
to use that position to perform your job as a professional teacher. It is highly
unprofessional for a teacher like you to use your position of influence to proselyte.
Besides, freedom of religion is guaranteed by the 1987 Philippine Constitution. "No law
shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without
discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed." (Article II, Section 6).

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior


1. Are the traits shared in your small groups the same traits that schools and the larger
community expect of professional teachers?

Based on the activity conducted, there are traits similar to what we’ve shared in our
small group. When discussing professional teachers, there are certain characteristics
that schools and the larger community expect of them. These characteristics include:
teachers being competent, ensuring that all students develop to their full potential,
teaching with passion, and being accountable to do their responsibilities in order to
meet the needs of the students and the community.

2. Based on your observation, do all teachers embody the traits expected of

professional teachers?

Every teacher is different and unique, and based on my observation, not all teachers
embody the traits expected of professional teachers. Not because they are incapable
and incompetent, but because they are still learning. However, there are news articles
I’ve read wherein teachers are hurting their students, which is one the most common
issues for teachers but should never be tolerated. Though there are some teachers
that embody the traits expected of professional teachers, however, not all teachers
exemplify these characteristics.

Application - Let's Apply

1. Here is what one Dean of a College of Education told her freshmen teacher
education students in her. Welcome Address on Orientation Day:

Believing that you don't learn everything in the classroom, the College of
Education, which will be your home for four years, has prepared a menu of annual co-
curricular activities for you. All of these are meant to help you become the true
professional teacher that this College and University have envisioned you to

a) What message do you get from the Dean's Welcome Address?

Based on the Dean's Welcome Address, her message implies that the College of
Education acknowledges the importance of experiential learning and believes that true
professional development extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Also,

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

according to her the College aims to provide a comprehensive education by offering a

range of co-curricular activities throughout the four-year program. These activities are
designed to complement the classroom learning and help students develop the skills
and qualities necessary to become successful teachers. The College and University
envision their graduates as well-rounded professionals who not only possess
academic knowledge but also have practical experience and a deeper understanding
of the teaching profession. By participating in these co-curricular activities, students
can enhance their educational journey and better prepare themselves for their future

b) In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this statement "... do more, learn
more, and have more..." (Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 1967) What message
do you get in relation to your pre-service education?

In the context of Pope Paul VI's statement, "do more, learn more, and have
more," it conveys the importance of going beyond the confines of traditional classroom
learning and seeking comprehensive growth and development as an aspiring teacher.

● "Do more" implies that your pre-service education should not be limited to
academic knowledge alone. It encourages you to actively engage in various
practical activities, experiences, and initiatives that go beyond theoretical
● "Learn more" emphasizes the continuous pursuit of knowledge and the desire to
expand your understanding of various subjects and educational theories.
● "Have more" refers to the holistic development of your personal and professional
attributes. It recognizes that being an effective teacher requires not only
knowledge and skills but also qualities such as empathy, communication,
creativity, and resilience. Your pre-service education should provide opportunities
to cultivate these qualities, enabling you to have a well-rounded personality and
be better equipped to meet the diverse needs of your future students.

Overall, the message of Pope Paul VI's statement in relation to your pre-service
education is to encourage you to embrace a comprehensive approach to learning. It
urges you to actively participate in a range of co-curricular activities, pursue continuous
learning, and focus on personal and professional development. By doing so, you will
become a true professional teacher who is well-prepared to make a positive impact in
the lives of your students and contribute to the progress of education as a whole.

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

2. A professional teacher creates a conducive learning environment to facilitate

learning. Based on experiences, illustrate with a drawing or comic strip what a
conducive learning environment is. Display your work in class. Conduct a gallery walk
for everyone to see and comment/ask questions about the comic strips.

3. The Bible says: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how
can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out
and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be
hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its
stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine
before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.
(Matthew 5:13-16). Based on this Chapter on the teacher as a community leader, How
do these biblical passages apply to the professional teacher?
The biblical passages in Matthew 5:13-16 hold significant relevance for
professional teachers as community leaders. They are called to be the salt of the
earth, bringing flavor and preservation through their transformative role in society.
Additionally, they are urged to be the light of the world, illuminating the path of
knowledge and inspiring others through their actions. These passages remind teachers
of their profound impact and encourage them to embrace their role as influential
leaders, using their expertise and passion to uplift others and contribute to the greater
good of the community.

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

4. "I don't hear what you are saying because who you are speaks louder than what you
say". How does this quote apply to the professional teacher as a community leader?
The phrase of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "What you do speaks so loudly I cannot
hear what you are saying," is particularly relevant to professional teachers who serve as
community leaders. In education, actions are more significant than words. We influence
students' values and inspire them by continually acting with honesty, empathy, and
determination. Our activities as community leaders have an impact that goes beyond
the classroom. Teachers must be conscious of the impact of their behavior and make
sure that the values they promote are reflected in them.
5. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to
salvation. As a result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for all justify
her proselyting? Why or why not?
Ethical issues are raised when determining if a teacher's conviction that their faith
is the only real route to salvation poses proselytizing. Despite the sincerity of their
intentions, it is crucial to recognize those with different opinions and values. By forcing
one's beliefs on others, proselytizing has the potential to damage inclusivity and
individuality. Promoting knowledge and critical thinking in the classroom while
upholding individual rights is of utmost importance. Because it disregards diversity,
inclusion, and freedom of religion in a learning environment, preaching is not justified
by the good goal of salvation.
6. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the
community culture? Example.
When a leader of the community notices something unfavorable about the
culture, they must take proactive action. I would pay attention to community members,
address the problem, and start upfront discussions. We may try to bring about change
by increasing awareness, encouraging empathy, and cultivating a sense of shared
responsibility. Implementing sustainable solutions necessitates close cooperation with
the community and authorities. Together, we can develop a welcoming, caring
community where each person's development and well-being are given top priority.
7. Your mayor has a teacher candidate for a teaching position. Your ranking is over.
Your mayor's candidate was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a
professional teacher, what would you do?
I would put the integrity of the teaching profession first as a professional teacher
and defend customary practices. Giving a teaching post to an unqualified applicant who
was not included in the ranking and does not possess a teaching license undermines

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

the validity and standard of education. It is essential to choose candidates based on

their credentials and ability in order to uphold trust and guarantee the finest learning
outcomes for students. By maintaining professional standards, we uphold the
importance of education and give our students' welfare top priority.
8. Cite at least 3 specific ethical behaviors of a professional teacher based on Article III
of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Come up with a powerpoint
presentation or a skit.

● Article IlI of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers states that a
professional teacher shall be or rod with the community.
● The community includes internal stakeholders (learners and their
parents/guardians, teachers and the school head) and external stakeholders
(members of the community who have no children enrolled in the school such as
community non-government officials, church leaders, non-organizations and
government organizations).
● For the learners, you facilitate learning and the development of the youth. To do
this, you have to create a nurturing, positive learning environment.
● For the community, you are a leader. You take the initiative and leadership to
actively participate in community affairs and movements and in turn to involve the
community in school activities for the upliftment of both school and the
community. This can readily happen if you are in a harmonious relationship with
all people in the community.
● To keep parent and community involvement in school, they must be updated with
happenings in the school- accomplishment, achievements; problems and
● At all times, at all places and for all people, don't misuse or abuse that authority
or power bestowed on you as a professional teacher.

For you to be credible as a community leader, you shall behave with honor and
dignity twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week, respect community culture and seek to
understand them or else lose your "flavor" as a community leader.

Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Give at least 3 expectations that the community has for teachers.

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

Teachers have an important role in a community since they contribute to the

success of students and the school itself, which is why they are held in high regard. The
community has many expectations for teachers, including the following: (1) Teachers
are expected to have advanced knowledge and abilities, as well as high academic and
ethical standards. In this method, teachers can hone the students' knowledge and skills
by applying what they've learned about ethical standards and codes of conduct. (2)
Teachers are expected to have a repertoire of instructional strategies and resources to
create meaningful learning experiences that promote academic achievement as well as
social, emotional, and moral growth, as well as to protect students' health and well-
being. (3)Teachers are expected to be competent and effective in creating a learning
environment wherein students can respond to community needs, and to have strong
beliefs about the potential of all children, regardless of their ethnicity, language, gender,
socioeconomic status, family backgrounds and living conditions, abilities, or disabilities.
2. How should a professional teacher regard indigenous people's culture?
Classrooms are diverse hence the importance of valuing and respecting each
cultures and beliefs.A professional teacher should cultivate a feeling of inclusion that is
concerned with indigenous peoples' culture. This approach encourages indigenous
people to feel as though they are an important part of the community and should not be
degraded. Teachers must make students feel valued members of their school
community and raise understanding of diverse cultures among other pupils. This sense
of importance can be extended to how students can take activities for the development
of society, where students feel secure and capable of making a difference.

Let’s Reflect
a.) If given the opportunity, would you welcome teaching in the far flung schools? Why
or why not?
Yes, if I were to be given an opportunity to teach in the far flung schools, I would
gladly welcome it as teaching in the remote areas allows us, educators to make a
significant impact on the lives of students who may have limited access to quality
education. By teaching in far-flung areas, we can help to contribute in improving
educational opportunities in those remote areas. Also, teaching in some challenging
new environments can be sometimes fulfilling as it offers us opportunities for growth. It
can provide us a sense of purpose and satisfaction in knowing that we are making a
positive difference in the lives of students who need it the most.
b.) If you say yes to the call to teach in a far flung school what should be doing more in
your pre-service education?

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

If I were to say yes to the call to teach in a far flung school, some of the things
that i should be doing more in my pre-service education is to:
● First, gain a deep understanding and appreciation of the local culture, customs,
traditions, and values of the community where you will be teaching.
● Second, invest time and effort in learning the local language. Being able to
communicate effectively with students and their families in their native language
can greatly enhance teaching and relationship-building.
● Third, develop an understanding of community engagement strategies and the
importance of involving parents, guardians, and community members in the
educational process.
● Fourth, gain a strong foundation in effective classroom management techniques,
as teaching in far-flung areas may present unique behavioral challenges.
● And lastly, develop resilience and adaptability skills, as teaching in far-flung
areas can be demanding. Embrace a growth mindset and be prepared to
overcome obstacles and adapt to unexpected situations.

1. One instance that proves that school-community partnership has been established in
the Brigada Eskwela of the Department of Education. Research on what Brigada
Eskwela is and the good things it has brought to schools. Share your research findings
in class.
Brigada Eskwela is an annual program initiated by the Department of Education
(DepEd) in the Philippines. It aims to promote community involvement in preparing
public schools for the upcoming school year. The program encourages parents,
teachers, students, and community members to work together in cleaning, repairing,
and beautifying school facilities.
This program has brought numerous benefits to schools, including enhanced
infrastructure, increased community engagement, a sense of belonging, empowerment,
and improved learning outcomes. Brigada Eskwela shows how working together and
having the community involved is important in education in the Philippines.
2. In what other ways can parents and community leaders be involved in the school to
improve school performance?
Parents and community leaders can be involved in the school to improve school
performance by collaborating. When parents and community leaders take part in school
events, help teachers, gather resources, advocate for positive change, and enhance
their own knowledge, parents and community leaders create an environment where
students can thrive academically and personally. Their participation fosters a sense of
collective responsibility and demonstrates the power of collaboration in shaping the

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

future generation. When parents and leaders in the community care about education,
schools can do their best and give students what they need to succeed

3.a) Interview a school head and a member of/members of the School Governing
Council. Ask:

1) what they have accomplished as a School Governing Council

As a School Governing Council, through effective leadership and

collaborative decision-making they improved in academic performance,
enhanced their school infrastructure, implemented student support programs,
demonstrate effective resource management, promoted parent and community
engagement in school activity, established a positive school climate and
implemented effective discipline policies.

2) what difficulties they are facing

The difficulties they are facing are the balancing of multiple responsibilities
because they are responsible for overseeing administrative tasks, managing
staff, ensuring curriculum implementation, addressing students’ needs and
fostering a positive environment. The second one is professional development
and continues learning because they need to invest in their own professional
development to stay updated with educational research, best practices and
leadership skills. However, finding time for professional development and
accessing relevant training opportunities can be challenging due to competing
responsibilities and limited resources.

b) share your findings with class

The school heads and members of School Governing Council

achievements and difficulties facing create a conducive environment for quality
education and students’ development.

c) Based on your interview, are you in favor of schools having SGC? Or is the PTA
enough? Defend your stand.

Yes, both SGC and PTA can play important roles in supporting the school
community and enhancing educational outcomes. It is important for schools to
consider their unique circumstances and strive to create structures and

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

mechanisms that foster collaboration, engagement, and positive outcomes for

their students.

4. Assign four to read “The Power of Social and Emotional Skills” by OECD and ask
them to share at least 5 findings related to conducive learning atmosphere.

The Power of Social and Emotional Skills" is a report published by the OECD
(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) that highlights the
importance of social and emotional skills in education and their impact on students' well-
being and future success. Here are five findings from the report related to creating a
conducive learning atmosphere:
Positive teacher-student relationships: The report emphasizes that positive
relationships between teachers and students are essential for creating a conducive
learning atmosphere. When teachers establish trust, respect, and a supportive
environment, students are more likely to engage in their learning and develop social and
emotional skills.
Safe and inclusive learning environments: The report stresses the importance of
safe and inclusive learning environments that foster a sense of belonging for all
students. When students feel safe, respected, and valued, they are more likely to
actively participate in classroom activities, take risks, and collaborate with their peers.
Emotional support and well-being: The report emphasizes the need for emotional
support and well-being in the learning environment. When students' emotional needs
are addressed, they are better able to manage stress, regulate their emotions, and
develop resilience, which enhances their overall learning experience.
Clear behavioral expectations: The report highlights the significance of setting
clear behavioral expectations and providing consistent guidelines for students' behavior.
When students understand the expectations and boundaries, they feel more secure and
are more likely to exhibit positive behavior, leading to a conducive learning environment.
Collaborative learning and peer interactions: The report underscores the benefits
of collaborative learning and peer interactions in fostering a conducive learning
atmosphere. When students engage in cooperative activities, they develop teamwork
skills, empathy, and communication abilities. Peer interactions also contribute to a
positive social climate and encourage active engagement in the learning process.

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

These findings highlight the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive

learning atmosphere that prioritizes positive relationships, emotional well-being, clear
expectations, and collaborative learning opportunities for students.

LET Clinchers

1. In her leadership in the community, a professional teacher shows no signs of

ethnocentrism? What does this mean?
a. Does not belittle other peoples’ culture
b. Looks at her culture as superior to other’ s culture
c. Is ashamed of her own culture
d. Does not mind other people’s culture

2. The professional teacher is quite xenocentric. How is this manifested?

a. Looks at her culture as superior to that of others.
b. Looks at her culture as inferior to that of others.
c. Does not mind if her culture is inferior or superior.
d. Is at home with all cultures.

3. Which is a policy-making body composed of internal and external stakeholders

with whom school head and teachers relate?
a. Parents Teachers Association.
b. Supreme Student Council
c. School Governing Council
d. Faculty Club.

4. Who is not a member of the Parent Teachers Associations?

a. Parents with no child currently enrolled in school.

b. Parents of children currently enrolled in school.
c. School head
d. Teacher representative.

5. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning? What is expected of you?

a. Do not fail anyone
b. Make teaching–learning interactive and exciting

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

c. Use video clips

d. Allow them to use their cellphones in the classroom

ACTIVITY - Let's Read These

Activity 1 - Think, Pair, Share
Think of your favorite teacher. Why was he/she your favorite? What qualities did he/she
possess? Is he/she your ideal teacher? What influence did he/she have in your life? Did
he/she act in accordance to the expectation of the society?
Well, this is honestly based on my personal experience. I have this teacher when
I was in 10th grade, he was a substitute English teacher for our teacher at that time was
on maternity leave. So the moment I read the instruction above about "think of your
favorite teacher", he then suddenly the one that comes to my mind first. Given that he is
such a nice teacher, he also possesses this quality of being a humane type. He is
indeed a teacher inside the classroom, but he removes the barrier of just being a
student-teacher interaction, he became our friend, an older brother, and gives a lot of
life advice that is basically based on his experiences throughout his life journey.
Because of his distinct qualities that he exhibited to us, he indeed influenced us, his
students in various aspects. He taught me that being a teacher is not just imparting your
learners what was written in books, but further teaching your students how life works
and arousing them how to deal with the circumstances we might face along our journey
in the future. As a future mentor, I have instilled in my mind that soon, when I become
an official teacher, I wanna inspire my students just like how he executed. In terms of
social expectations, I can infer that this teacher of mine goes beyond the traditional role
of a teacher. My teacher exceeded those expectations by building a personal
connection between us, and his other students, and provided us with valuable life

Activity 2
Here are the quotes on teachers. Read and understand them. Do you agree with each
of them?
"Teachers change the world, one child at a time."
1. I totally agree with this. A teacher is able to help a child even though it is not an easy
responsibility to do. They can make a difference in students lives. Our society's most
important investment is in the future of our children. The resources we put into our

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

public schools, the work our teachers do in our classrooms, are the single most
important factor in our country's future success. By imparting knowledge to the children,
it transforms lives, as education breaks the cycle of poverty and provides a pathway to a
better future.

"Teachers, I believe are the most responsible and most important numbers of society
because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth".
2.I totally agree with this. Teachers have one of the most important jobs on this earth.
Without teachers, no one's career would be possible.They give children purpose, set
them up for success as citizens of our world, help shape future generations' minds and
encourage students to become their best selves and pursue their dreams that drive
them to do well and succeed in life.
"Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands
the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be."
3.I totally agree with this. A child needs someone who will never give up on him or her,
no matter what happens. Every teacher should have tolerance and discipline to guide
children and improve their academic success. All children need support and care, not
just the ones who are likeable and want help but also the ones who might resist your
efforts.A champion is someone who believes in the child. There is a true belief that a
child can accomplish anything. A champion greets a child with excitement, a smile on
their face, and a hug for their heart. A champion is someone who allows the child to
take the lead in a conversation or an activity.
"The influence of a good teacher can never be erased."
4. I totally agree with this. The influence of a good teacher can never be erased. The
way teachers are great and allow them to leave a deep impact on the lives of their
students is very influential on the students future. Putting efforts into analyzing every
student's strengths and weaknesses and helping them learn accordingly by
understanding every student's potential, learning speed, interests, etc., guiding them,
and providing feedback to improve themselves. These will be buried in students minds
and hearts by thinking of the teacher not only as a teacher and mentor but as their
second parent, who directs, helps, and gives great advice to them.
"I am not in it for the income. I am in it for the outcome. I am a teacher. It's who I am. It's
my passion, my calling, and my world.”
5. I totally agree with this. Among all of the quotes I heard, this is my favorite. I heard a
beautiful quote that is similar to this: "I am a teacher which is like saying "I am a
human". It's not what I do, but who I am. It's my pleasure to make a difference in the life
of a child. I don't care if this will not make me wealthy; even though teaching is not one

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

of the higher paying professions given the long hours required, it is one of the most
rewarding jobs ever. My concern is to love and care for my students, and I hope to give
them a comfortable, safe, and meaningful learning environment. I will serve and
continue my duty wholeheartedly.It really felt like it's where I was supposed to be, it's
my calling, and I suppose that it is my world. There's always joy and pride in seeing
students learn and grow.

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership
CHAPTER 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical
and Professional Behavior

CPE102. The Teacher & Community, School, Culture & Organizational Leadership

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