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SM 622
CDP 100/164
Service Manual

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Contents of this Manual
Group Index

Group SA .......................................................................................... Safe Maintenance

Group PS ............................................................................................ Periodic Service
Group 00 ................................................................................................. Diesel Engine
Group 01 .............................................................................................. Cooling System
Group 02 .................................................................................................... Fuel System
Group 03 ..................................................................................... Air Induction System
Group 06 .................................................................................................. Transmission
Group 12 .............................................................................................. Ignition System
Group 13 ................................................................................................... EGS Control
Group 14 ............................................................................................ Electrical System
Group 20 ...................................................................................................... Drive Axle
Group 21 ............................................................................................... Universal Joint
Group 22 ............................................................................................ Wheels and Tires
Group 23 .................................................................................... Parking Brake System
Group 24 .................................................................................. Wet-disc Brake System
Group 25 ............................................................................. Steering Column and Gear
Group 26 ........................................................................ Steer Axle and Steer Cylinder
Group 29 ................................................................ Hydraulic Pump, Sump and Filters
Group 30 ............................................................. Hydraulic Control Valve/Lift Circuit
Group 32 ................................................................................................. Tilt Cylinders
Group 34 ...................................................................... Uprights, Carriages, and Forks
Group 38 ..................................................... Counterweights, Sheet Metal and Chassis
Group 39 ................................................................ Decal Replacement and Placement
Group 40 ................................................................................................. Specifications

Alphabetical Index

Air Induction System.. ......................... Group 03 Radiator ............................................... Group 01

Alternator.. ........................................... Group 14 Safety .................................................. Group SA
Brake System.. ..................................... Group 23 Sheet Metal & Chassis.. ....................... Group 38
Cooling System ................................... Group 01 Shop Supplies ...................................... Group 40
Counterweight ..................................... Group 38 Specifications ...................................... Group 40
Decals .................................................. Group 39 Starter .................................................. Group 14
Drive Axle ........................................... Group 20 Steer Axle ............................................ Group 26
EGS ...................................................... Group 13 Steering Column and Gear .................. Group 25
Electrical System ................................. Group 14 Tilt Cylinders ....................................... Group 32
Engine (Diesel) .................................... Group 00 Transmission.. ...................................... Group 06
Fuel System ......................................... Group 02 Tune-up.. .............................................. Group 00
Hydraulic Control Valve ..................... Group 30 Universal Joint ..................................... Group 21
Instrument Panel .................................. Group 13 Uprights, Carriages, Forks ................... Group 34
Lift Cylinder ........................................ Group 34 Water Pump ................................... Group 01, 00
Oil Change ........................................... Group 00 Wheels and Tires ................................. Group 22
Copyrighted Material
SM 622, Nov ‘98 Contents-l
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Major Component Location

Use this illustration to help locate components included in the PM procedures.

r 2

1. Engine
2. Cooling
3. Fuel
4. Exhaust
5. Transmission
6. Drive Axle-Differential
7. Wheels and Tires
6. Upright and Carriage
9. Frame and Counterweight
10. Sheet Metal
11. Cab Overhead Structure
12. Prop Shaft

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Contents-2 SM 622, Nov ‘98
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Main Table of Contents



Maintenance Schedules ........................................................... Section 1

The Planned Maintenance Program ...................................... Section 2

The PM Inspection Form ........................................................ Section 3

SM 622, Nov ‘98 Copyrighted Material Periodic Service

Intended for CLARK dealers only
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Main Table of Contents

Group PS, Periodic Service

Section 1.

Proper maintenance and care are essential if your Clark truck c) Use in areas of frequent temperature changes such as
is to be always ready for use. loading bays handling frozen goods, at refrigeration
These preventative maintenance procedures provide a basic plants, or making frequent trips from a building into the
guide which should be followed when servicing your Clark open air and back again.
A lubrication guide and recommended preventative mainte- IMPORTANT
nance program is included in this section and for further Your Clark truck is designed for work in all of the
information regarding adjustment procedures, specifications, above conditions, however if your particular appli-
etc., please refer to the index in the front of this manual. cation should fall into Class 2,3 or 4 then appropri-
ate changes to service frequencies must be made to
IMPORTANT all maintenance procedures.
Your Clark dealer has both the facilities, parts, and
adequately trained personnel enabling them to carry LUBRICATION
out all necessary service procedures, including com- Greasing should be carried out every 250 hours, or after any
plete inspections, maintenance and lubrication pro- washing.
grams, all aimed at ensuring your Clark Lift truck
will perform safety and efficiently and most impor- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING MAINTENANCE
tantly, maximizing its availability for your day to . When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure that all
day work schedules. slings, chains or cables are correctly fastened and that the
load being lifted is balanced. Make sure that the crane,
RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE cables and chains have the capacity to support the weight
Particular attention should be paid to the conditions under of the load.
which your CDP 100/164 forklift truck is used as those . Do not lift heavy parts by hand. Use a lifting mechanism.
conditions play a significant role in determining how long the . Wear safety glasses.
interval between each maintenance task should be. . Disconnect the battery ground cable.
. Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from
It is quite clear that a truck used in sandy, dusty, dirty rolling or falling.
locations will require more frequent maintenance than one . Keep the unit and working area clean and in order.
being used in a clean warehouse situation. . Use the correct tools for the job.
. Keep the tools clean and in good condition.
The maintenance schedules and recommendations made in . Always use original Clark parts when making repairs.
this book apply for use under normal operating conditions.
. Make sure that all nuts, bolts, snap rings and other
fastening devices are removed before using force to
The following classifies the different types of operating
remove parts.
. Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE sign to the controls
of the unit when making repairs or if the unit needs
Class 1 - Normal conditions of use
Basically transfer and loading of goods and materials for
. Make sure you follow the DANGER WARNING and
eight hours per day in buildings or in the open air.
CAUTION notes in the instructions.
. Diesel is a flammable fuel. Make sure that you follow the
Class 2 - Longer hours of use or continuous
3 shift operation. necessary safety precautions when handling fuel and
when working on the fuel system.
Class 3 & 4 - Extreme conditions . Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being
a) Use in sandy or dusty places, such as cement works, steel charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the area. Make
mills, saw mills, flour mills, brick factories, or rock sure the area has ventilation.
breaking applications.
b) Use in areas of high temperature including steel works,
foundries, etc.

SM 622, Nov ‘98

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Main Table of Contents

Grout PS. Periodic Service

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING LIFTING, JACK- Engine (at operating temperature)

ING & BLOCKING l Check engine oil level
Lifting or jacking any large piece of equipment, such as your l Check fan belt tension
Clark fork truck, presents obvious hazards. It must be with l Start engine and check for obvious leaks in fuel system,
great care and forethought. Consult the truck weight tabula- lubricating oil system and cooling system stem.
tions in the specifications sections of this manual to ensure l Check that all external screws, nuts, and securing parts
that your lifting equipment is of adequate capacity. are firm.
Transmission (at operating temperature 83’ - 94 “C)
The correct way to lift the front of the CDP100064 is by l Change transmission- oil filter
rigging a chain pull lift or hoist to the upright through the l Take sample of transmission oil (if on S.O.S. system)
lift eyes provided. Chock the steer wheels before lifting. l Check all screws, nuts and securing parts are tight and
Place wheel stands under the drive tires or solid blocking have a firm seat.
under the base of the upright rails. General
. Crease all grease points (steer axle, upright, etc.)

. Check that all screws, nuts and securing parts are firm
and pay particular attention to the wheel and upright
The upright should be fully down before lifting. studs and nuts. (See Critical Torque areas on following
On uprights with negative drop such as Marina
trucks, clamp or chain the rails together so they
cannot move if at all possible, remove the forks IMPORTANT This work should be carried out by a qualified
before lifting by the upright. Clark service mechanic.

The rear of the truck may be lifted by the counterweight.

b) Maintenance Records
Chock the drive wheels before lifting and be sure lifting Any preventative maintenance system relies on the pro-
equipment is of adequate capacity. grammed planning of all service work and also on correct, up
to date records being held, enabling systematic scheduling
and tracking of maintenance costs per unit. This does not

Check to see if the counterweight bolt is in place
vary from systems which are of a manual nature or computer
and property torqued before lifting. Never at-
To ensure that the daily inspections and periodical preventa-
tempt to lift the rear of the truck with another
tive maintenance services are properly performed, werecom-
fork truck.
mend the use of inspection forms. Such forms not only
provide a guide for the person carrying out such inspections
3. Place wheel stands under the steer tires or put solid
and services, but serve as a record in keeping track of
blocking under the truck frame.
maintenance requirements for each vehicle. Moreover, such
records eventually assist you in determining when to sched-
Take care to place block under the frame back
ule downtime for major component overhaul without the
disruptive effects of unscheduled downtime. Your Clark
far enough from the truck center of gravity so dealer is always able to provide assistance in setting up
that it is stably supported. maintenance systems and also in keeping maintenance records
on your behalf.

INITIAL SERVICING & MAINTENANCE RECORDS A typical maintenance schedule is provided in this manual.
This should be used as a guide to the minimum requirements
a) Initial Service and should be adapted to suit local conditions and operational
An initial service should be carried out after your Clark experience.
forklift truck has been in operation for fifty hours.
In this service, the following work must be carried out: Check that all capacity, safety and warning plates or decals
(Check the Preventative Maintenance schedule) are attached and legible.
Check, before and after starting engine, for any sign of
external leakage; fuel, engine coolant, transmission fluid, etc.
Check for hydraulic oil leaks and loose fitting.

PS-l-2 Copyrighted Material SM 622, Nov ‘98

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Group PS, Periodic Service

Do not use bare hands to check. Oil may be hot or
Take care when filling, not to allow any fuel to spill or flow into the
engine compartment. Fuel in the engine compartment is afire hazard
under pressure. and should be completely removed immeadiately.

Be sure that the devices safety devices are in place, undam-

aged and attached securely. For example: seat belt, horn, load
safety rail, beacon etc.

Then check all of the critical components that handle or carry

the load.

Inspect the upright and lift chains. Check for obvious wear
and maintenance problems such as damaged or missing parts, Use clean, properly marked fuel cans.
leaks, slack or broken chains, bent parts, etc.

Carefully inspect the load forks for cracks, breaks, bending,

twists and wear. Be surd that the forks are correctly Installed
and looked In their proper position.

Inspect the wheels and lyres for safe mounting, wear condi-
tion and correct inflation pressure.

Function Checks
Test warning devices, horn, lights and other safety equipment
and accessories. Start the engine and be sure all controls and
systems are functioning correctly. Check the hour meter for
operation. Operate the service and parking brakes, all hy-
draulic controls: lift, tilt and auxiliary functions. accelerator,
directional control and steering system. Be sure all controls
Clean up spills.
operate freely and return to neutral properly. Operate the lift
mechanism and auxiliary functions, accelerator, directional
control and steering system. Be sure all controls operate
freely and return to neutral properly. Operate the lift mecha-
nism and auxiliary function (if Installed).

Standard Shut Down Procedure

When parking and leaving truck unattended, lift mechanism
shall be fully lowered, controls placed in neutral, engine shut
off, brakes set and key removed. Chock the wheels if truck
is parked on an incline or has the possibility of moving.

Make a record on the Drivers Daily Checklist of all the

operating and truck problems that you find. Review the
checklist to be sure it has been completed and turn It In to the
person responsible for lift truck maintenance. Be sure any
unusual noises or problems are investigated immediately.

Do not operate a lift truck that has a maintenance

problem, or is not safe to operate.

Remove the key from the-ignition switch and put an “Out of

Service” tag on the truck.

If all of the “Before Operation” checks were normal or

satisfactory, the truck can be operated.

SM 622, Nov ‘98 Copyrighted Material PS-1-3

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Main Table of Contents

Group PS, Periodic Service

Section 2.

Lift Truck Maintenance

Acuumulators .................................................................................................................. 14
Air Brakes.. ...................................................................................................................... 11
Air Brakes Adjustment .................................................................................................... 13
Air Pressure Gauge.. ........................................................................................................ 10
Auxiliary Controls ........................................................................................................... 11
Batteries ........................................................................................................................... 12
Check Precharge .............................................................................................................. 14
Cleaning.. ......................................................................................................................... 15
Critical Fastener Torque Checks ..................................................................................... 1.5
Daily Checklist .................................................................................................................. 2
Differential Oil and Breather Check.. .............................................................................. 14
Engine Accessories .......................................................................................................... 12
Engine Air Cleaner .......................................................................................................... 12
Engine Cooling System ................................................................................................... 12
Engine Oil.. ...................................................................................................................... 13
Engine Oil and Filter Change .......................................................................................... 13
Fluid and Filters.. ............................................................................................................. 12
Forks .................................................................................................................................. 9
Functional Tests ............................................................................................................... 10
Hour Meter ...................................................................................................................... 10
Hydraulic System ............................................................................................................ 14
Hydraulic Tank ................................................................................................................ 14
Key/Start Switch.. ............................................................................................................ 10
laboratory for analysis ..................................................................................................... 13
Lift Chain Maintenance ................................................................................................... 15
Lift Chains ....................................................................................................................... 15
Operating Condition .......................................................................................................... 2
Periodic Inspections and Maintenance .............................................................................. 9
Planned Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 2
Preventive Maintenance .................................................................................................... 5
Radiator ........................................................................................................................... 13
Shift Control .................................................................................................................... 12
Steering System ............................................................................................................... 11
Transmission Fluid Check ............................................................................................... 14
Transmission Light .......................................................................................................... 10
Truck Chassis Inspection and Lubrication ...................................................................... 15
Upright and Tilt Cylinder Lubrication.. ........................................................................... 15
Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................... 9
Water Temperature Gauge ............................................................................................... 10
Wet Disc Brakes ....................................................................................................... 11, 14
Wheels and Tires ............................................................................................................. 10

SM 622, Nov ‘98 Copyrighted Material

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Main Table of Contents

Grow PS. Periodic Service

Regular maintenance and care of your lift truck is not only Daily Check Lift
important for full and efficient truck life; it is essential for Following are the items to be checked on your Clark lift truck
your safety. The importance of maintaining your lift truck in before the commencement of each working shift. These
a safe operating condition by servicing it regularly and, when items, if checked correctly, will ensure the safe and highly
necessary, repairing it promptly cannot be emphasized too efficient operation of your Clark lift truck.
strongly. Experience has shown thatpowered industrial trucks
can cause injury if improperly used or not maintained. In the 1. Walk around truck and visually check for damage and
interest of promoting safety, several current industry and leaks. Check mast structure for cracking and lift chain
government safety standards specify that any powered indus- adjustment and security. Note all damage and leaks, and
trial truck not in safe operating condition be removed from report to maintenance personnel.
service, and that all repairs be made by trained and authorized 2. Check pressure and condition of all drive and steer tires
persons. To assist you in keeping your lift truck in service in and wheels. Tire pressure tags are located on frame
good operating condition, this section outlines maintenance adjacent to each wheel. Remove foreign material such as
procedures to be done at regular intervals and that are stones and nails etc., which have become lodged in tire
considered essential to the life and safe performance of your treads. Note apparent tire or wheel damage.
truck. It is your responsibility to be alert for any indication 3. Visually check drive and steer wheel mounting nuts.
that your truck may need service and have it attended to Tighten any loose wheel lugs or nuts to the specified
promptly. You play an important part in maintenance. You torque. (See Critical Torque attachment);
should make sure that your lift truck regularly receives the 4. Examine twist lock shafts located on the lift frame, for
care it needs. any fatigue fractures or damage. Report any faults im-

CAUTION 5. Remove hydraulic tank cap and check to make sure tank
Powered industrial trucks may become hazard- is filled to the proper level.
ous if maintenance is neglected. 6. Check cab base mounting for damage, loose or missing
Planned Maintenance 7. Visually check condition of engine, wiring, fan, belts,
As outlined previously, a safety inspection of your lift truck hoses, etc.
should always be made before operating it. The purpose of 8. Check the condition of the batteries, battery terminals,
this daily examination is to check for any obvious damage electrolyte level and cables.
and maintenance problems, and to have minor adjustments 9. Check water level in windshield washer reservoir.
and repairs made to correct any unsafe conditions. In addi- 10. Check engine oil level and add oil if necessary DO NOT
tion to the daily inspection, OSHA recommends that you set OVERFILL.
up and follow a periodic planned maintenance and inspection 11. Always check radiator coolant level with the engine
program. Performed on a regular basis, the program will turned off and when possible, with the engine cold.
provide the opportunity to make thorough inspections and Proper coolant level is one inch below the bottom of the
checks on the safe operating condition of your lift truck. filler neck.

Your local Clark dealer is prepared to help you with your A CAUTION
Use extreme care when removing radiator pres-
Planned Maintenance Program He has specially trained ser-
vice personnel who are authorized to check your lift truck sure cap. The sudden release of pressure can
according to the respective safety regulations. cause a steam flash resulting in serious injury.
Place a rag over cap and loosen slowly to allow
In the specifications section you will find a listing of useful gradual escape of steam.
specifications for selected components, fuel and lubricants,
critical bolt torques, refill capacities and settings for your NEVER add cold water or antifreeze to the ra-
truck. diator of an overheated engine. Always allow the
engine to cool to avoid the danger of cracking the
If you have the need for more information on the care and cylinder block or heads. Keep engine running
repair of your truck, contact your Clark dealer. when adding water or antifreeze. A solution of
ethylene glycol and water is recommended.
Operating Conditions NEVER USE WATER ONLY.
Time intervals between maintenance/service are largely de-
termined by operating conditions. For example, operation in
sandy, dusty locations requires shorter maintenance intervals
than operation in clean warehouses. The indicated intervals
are intended for normal operation.

PS-2-2 Copyrighted Material SM 622, Nov ‘98

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Grow PS. Periodic Service

12. Fill truck with diesel fuel. 14. Check that entry step to cab, and hand rail is not dam-
13. Clean all dirty glass and make a note of any cracked or aged.
broken glass sot that it may be replace as soon as 15. Check that right hand side cab door opens freely and
possible. make a note of any maintenance or adjustment needed.

El!WW Operator’s Daily Checklist

Check Before Start of Each Shift

Check one: 0 Gas, LPG or Diesel truck cl Electric truck
Truck number Operator Supervisor’s OK

Hour meter reading Start of day End of day Hours for day

Check boxes accordingly: Needs attention or repair. Circle problem and explain below.

Engine: rough, noise, leaks

Steering: loose, tight

Service brakes: leaks, loose, grab, low fluid

Operator Restraint: damage, function, dirty

Warning Decals/Operator’s Manual: missing, not readable II Seat Brake: loose, adjustment

Overhead Guard: bent, cracked, loose Horn: function

Load Backrest: bent, cracked, loose Audible Alarm: function

LifVLower: loose, sticks, leaks

Tilt: loose, sticks, leaks

Radiator: fluid level, dirty, leaks Attachments: function, leaks

Fuel: level leaks

-Indicator in green. Green while holding full back tilt

Remarks (explain all items needing attention or repair):

SM 622, Nov ‘98 Copyrighted Material

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Main Table of Contents

Group PS, Periodic Service

250 Hour Service Check list 22. Pressure test the radiator cap, replacing it if necessary.
1. Visually inspect machine for obvious damage. Pressure requirement is 7 PSI.
2. Raise bonnet to give access to engine bay. 23. Pressure test the cooling system, eliminating any leaks
3. Checkengineoil. Add oil to full markon engine dipstick. which are found. Check for operation of low water level
4. Check the coolant level. sensor. Check for leaks at all hose fittings.
5. Check the fuel level and condition of screen located 24. While the oil drains, clean and lubricate all grease
under fuel filler cap. fittings. See lubrication section for details..
6. Lower the upright and check the hydraulic fluid level. 25. Refill engine with engine oil. Recheck level.
When necessary, add BP Super TOU, or equivalent, to 26. Check linkages, lubricating all connections. In dirty,
the proper level. Check condition of hydraulic tank cap abrasive operations, use a dry type lubricant.
and torque tank cap base securing bolts. 27. Check the fuel control linkage for security and mount-
7. Check the transmission fluid level with the engine at ing.
idle. The fluid level is checked by removing a level plug 28. Replace all filters at specified intervals. See Preventa-
at the side of the transmission. Add oil until off flows tive Maintenance schedule for details.
from plug hose. For transmission oil specification, see 29. Engine oil filter is located on left hand side of engine.
lubrication guide. Change as per the preventative maintenance program.
8. Check the seat mounting for security and the seat ad- 30. Water corrosion filter is located on left hand side of
juster for proper forward and back operation. engine. Shut off taps are located both sides of the filter.
9. Start the engine and listen for unusual engine noise. Change as per the preventative maintenance program.
Report any unusual noises immediately. IMPORTANT
10. Check drive tire inside turning diameters which should To prevent intercooler damage, air caught in
be about equal in forward left and right turns. While water system must be bled after changing this
driving, listen for unusual drive train noise. filter. Bleed points are located behind oil cooler
11. Make a visual check of the truck. Look for signs of filter mount, top of ????
obvious leaks. 31. Check tires for excessive wear and cuts. Remove any
12. Inspect the sheet metal. Any damage should be noted on objects which could damage the tires. Also check wheel
the P.M. check sheet. lug nuts for tightness and make sure none are missing.
13. Check the hydraulic control levers for security and Re-torque wheel lug bolts two or three times during the
freedom of movement. first three initial work days. Torque to required specifi-
14. Jack up the machine and check for loose wheel bearings cations (see Critical Torque Areas).
by trying to rock the wheels vertically. Rocking wheels 32. Differential: Check lubricant level after each 250 hours
horizontally may indicate wear in steering linkage. of operation. Always maintain lubricant level to bottom
15. Turn the steering wheel left and right with engine idling of filler plug hole. Drain oil every 1,000 operating hours.
and truck not moving. Steer wheels should respond 33. Check axle and lubricant level, and if necessary, fill to
immediately. The engine should not lug down. the required level.
16. Check hydraulic lines and cylinders for leaks. 34. Clean the upright and chains.
17. Using a two foot extension on the air hose, blow through 35. Check wear patterns in the rails. A wear pattern like this
the radiator from the counterweight side and blow off the indicates that chain adjustment is correct.
engine. Then blow through the radiator from the engine 36. A wear pattern like this means. that the chains are too
side. long and must be adjusted to correct length. See upright

section for adjustment procedures.
37. Check the condition of the load rollers and the corre-
Do not use air pressure greater than 30 PSI. sponding area on the carriage.
18. Also, blow off the transmission, the differential, and 38. Check chain adjustment by making sure the chains are
surrounding areas. under equal tension. See upright section for adjust-
19. Check the alternator mounting bolts to make sure they ments.
are secure. 39. Make sure chains are properly mounted on rollers.
20. Adjust the drive belt for proper tension. If tension is low, Check rollers for damage.
belt will slip, if to high, bearing and seal damage can 40. Use an approved safety platform, raised by another lift
occur in alternator and water pump. truck, to perform these checks in the raised positions.
21. Check the fan blades for looseness and damage. Make Refer to Section 14 for adjustment procedures.
sure the fan is properly installed. Check for correct fan 41. Check to see that the lift cylinders are securely bolted to
blade to radiator cowling clearance. the upright.
42. Check the chain anchors and cotter pins. Make sure they
are secure and in good condition.

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GrouD PS. Periodic Service

43. Check the upright for racking in full forward tilt and full 44. Make sure that the tilt cylinders are securely fastened on
backward tilt. Racking is caused by uneven adjustment both ends. Rear end of cylinder to frame.
of tilt cylinder rods and will result in excessive stress on 45. Tilt cylinder mounting front to upright.
all related components. 46. Perform a tilt drift test. Drift should not exceed 1S/2 cm
Now check for upright free play and racking by tilting in a five minute period.
the upright fore and aft with the carriage fully raised. If 47. Now make a drift test on the upright cylinders. Drift
there is excessive free play between rails and channels, should not exceed 2.5 cm per minute. If it does cylinder
upright adjustment of cylinder rod yokes is required. or control valve repair is indicated.

Preventative Maintenance Schedule

8 hr After Lubrication,
tern Daily First 250 1000 Procedures Specifications &
VO. Item Check 100 hr hours hours & Quanities Comments

1 Upright and Truck - . Steam clean before 250 hours

of service, check all welds for
2 Engine Oil . . * 15W-40 Low Ash
0 0

3 Engine Oil Filter . 0 0


10 Transmission Filter 0 0 0 Check transmis-

sion section
11 Engine Water Filter 0 Bleed system
after changing
12 Cooling System . Capacity: Check Use a suitable coolant
13 Batteries, Elecrical l Check electrolyte
Wipers and Washers level, condition of
connections, clean
as required.
14 Fuel Filters 0 0
15 Horn, Gauges, Lights l Check operation
and condition
16 Tire condition and l Check condition
Pressure See plate for
17 Fan drive belt . 0 Check condition
and tension
18 Wheel nuts . . Check torque See torque specifications
19 Brake, Service . . Check operation
Parking Check pad cond.
20 Upright, Carriage and l
0 Check condition

* Oil change intervals may be determined by labortory analysis

SM 622Rv 1, Feb’99 Copyrighted Material

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Main Table of Contents

Group PS, Periodic Service

Preventative Maintenance Schedule

8 hr After Lubrication,
Item Daily First 250 1000 Procedures Specifications &
No. Item Check 100 hr hours hours & Quantities Comments

Use Engine Oil SAE 30

Upright &Tilt Cylinder Multi purpose grease

Alternator & Starter

35 Radiator Cap . . Check condition and

36 Electrical Harness . General check for
tightness & security
37 System pressures & . Check pressures
multi gauge check leaks
38 1 Engine RPM, High . 1 Check and adjust 1 See Cummins Engine book
free idle
39 Engine transmission . Check torque of all
mount bolts
40 Transmission . Check transmission See transmission
pressures service manual
41 Accumulators . Check correct operation of
accumulators. See wetdisc
brake and hydraulic lift circuit.

l Check @ Change 0 Lubricate

l Oil change intervals may be determined by labortory analysis

PS-2-6 Copyrighted Material SM 622, Nov ‘98

Intended for CLARK dealers only
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r E Repair
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Main Table of Contents

Grour> PS. Periodic Service

1 Powered industrial trucks can become hazardous if main- 13. Fuel systems must be checked for leaks and condition of
tenance is neglected. Therefore, suitable maintenance parts. Extra special consideration must be given in the
facilities, trained personnel and procedures should be case of a leak in the fuel system. Action must be taken
provided. to prevent the use of the truck until the leak has been
2. Maintenance and inspection of all powered industrial corrected.
trucks should be done in conformance with the manufac- 14. All hydraulic systems must be regularly inspected and
turers recommendations. maintained in conformance with good practice. Tilt and
3. A scheduled planned maintenance, lubrication and in- lift cylinders, valve and other parts must be checked to
spection system should be followed. assure that “drifts” or leakage has not developed to the
4. Only trained and authorized personnel should be permit- extent that would create a hazard. Tilt cylinder drift rates
ted to maintain, repair, adjust and inspect industrial should not exceed 25mm in a 5 minute period. Tilt
trucks and in accordance with the manufacturers speci- cylinder drift rates should not exceed 20mm in a 5
fications. minute period.
5. Properly ventilate work area, vent exhaust fumes and 15. When working on hydraulic system, be sure the engine
keep shop clean and floors dry. is turned off, upright is in the fully lowered position and
6. Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection equipment hydraulic pressure relieved in hoses and tubing.
presents in the work area. Do not use an open flame to

check for level or leakage fuel, electrolyte or coolant. Do
not, use open pans of fuel or flammable cleaning fluids WARNING
for cleaning parts. Always put blocks under the carriage and up-
7. Before starting work on truck: right rails when necessary to work with upright
a. Raise drive wheels free of floor and use blocks or other in an elevated position.
positive truck positioning devices.
b. Put blocks under the load-engaging means, innermasts 16. The truck manufacturers capacity, operation and main-
or chassis before work on them. tenance instruction plates, tags or decals must be main-
c. Disconnect battery before working on the electrical tained in legible condition.
system, or if welding is to be performed on the fork truck. 17. Batteries, limit switches, protective devices, electrical
8. Operation of the truck to check performance must be conductors and connections must be maintained in con-
conducted in an authorized, safe, clear area. formance with good practice. Special attention must be
9. Before Starting To Drive Truck: paid to the condition of electrical insulation.
a. Make sure parking brake Is applied. 18. To avoid injury to personnel or damage to the equip-
b. Put direction control In neutral. ment, consult the manufacturers procedures in replacing
c. Start engine. contacts on any battery connection.
d. Check functioning of lift and tilt systems, directional and 19. Industrial trucks must be kept in a clean condition to
speed controls, steering, brakes, warning devices and minimize fire hazards and help in detection of loose or
any load handling attachments. defective parts.
10. Before Leaving The Truck: 20. Modifications and additions that affect capacity and safe
a. Stop truck. truck operation must not be performed without the
b. Fully lower the load-engaging means; upright, carriage, manufacturers prior written approval. Capacity, opera-
forks or attachments. tion and maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals
c. Put directional control in neutral. must be changed accordingly.
d. Apply the parking brake. 21. Care must be taken to assure that all replacement parts,
e. Stop the engine. including tires, are interchangeable with the original
f. Turn the key switch to the OFF position. parts and of a quality at least equal to that provided in the
g.Put blocks at the wheels if truck must be left on an original equipment. Parts, including tires, are to be
incline. installed per the manufacturer’s procedures. Always use
11. Brakes, steering mechanisms, control mechanisms, warn- genuine Clark or Clark approved parts.
ing devices, lights, governors, lift overload devices, lift 22. When removing tires follow industry safety practices.
and tilt mechanisms, articulating axle stops and frame Most important, deflate pneumatic tires completely prior
members must be carefully and regularly inspected and to removal. Following assembly of on multi-piece rims,
maintained in a safe operating condition. use a safety cage or restraining device while inflating.
12. Special trucks or devices designed and approved for 23. Use special care when removing heavy components
hazardous area operation must receive special attention from the truck such as counterweight, upright, etc. Be
to insure that maintenance preserves the original ap- sure that lifting and handling equipment is of the correct
proved safe operating features. capacity and in good condition.

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GrouD PS. Periodic Service

Planned Maintenance Program (PM)

A planned maintenance program of regular, routine inspec- A CAUTION
tions and lubrication is important for long life and trouble free HYDRAULIC FLUID PRESSURE
operation of your lift truck. Make and keep records of your Do not use your hands to check for hydraulic
inspections. Use these records to help establish the correct leakage. Fluid under pressure can penetrate
PM intervals for your application and to indicate mainte- your skin and cause serious injury.
nance required to prevent major problems from occurring
during operation. PM Program
Check all of the critical components that handle or carry the
When you have finished the PM inspections, be sure to give load.
a copy of the report to the designated authority or person
responsible for lift truck maintenance. Check the cabin for damage. Be sure that it is properly
positioned and all mounting fasteners are In place and tight.
Do not make repairs or adjustments unless authorized to
do so. Inspect the upright assembly: rails, carriagerollers, lift chains,
lift and tilt cylinders. Look for obvious wear and mainte-
For safety, It Is good practice to: nance problems, damaged or missing parts. Check for any
Remove all jewelry (Watch, rings, bracelets, etc.) before loose parts or fittings. Check for leaks, any damaged or loose
working on the truck. rollers and rail wear (metal flaking). Carefully check the lift
chains for wear, rust and corrosion, cracked or broken links,
Tie-up or cover long hair. stretching, etc. Check that the lift and carriage chains are
correctly adjusted to have equal tension. Check that the lift
Disconnect the battery ground cable from the engine or chain anchor fasteners and locking means are in place and
frame before working on electrical components. tight, and that the chain is lubricated throughout its entire
length. Inspect all lift line hydraulic connections for leaks.
Always wear safety glasses. Wear a safety (hard) hat in
industrial plants and in special work areas where protec- IMPORTANT
tion Is necessary and required. Uprights and lift chains require special attention
and maintenance to maintain them in safe oper-
ating condition. Refer to Lift Chain Mainte-
HOW TO PERFORM PLANNED MAINTENANCE nance section for additional information.

Periodic Inspections and Maintenance Forks

Inspect the load forks for cracks (particularly the inside heel
Visual Inspection area), breaks, bending and wear. The fork top surface should
First perform a visual inspection of the lift truck and its be level and even with each other. The height difference
components. Walk around the truck and take note of any between both fork tips should be no more than 3% of the fork
obvious damage and maintenance problems. length.

Check to be sure all capacity, safety and warning plates are

attached and legible.
If the fork blade at the heel is worn down by more
that 10 percent the toad capacity is reduced and
the fork must be replaced.
Inspect the fork locking pins for cracks or damage. Reinsert
Do not operate a lift truck with damaged or lost
them and note whether they fit properly.
decals and nameplates. Replace them immedi-
ately. They contain important information.
Inspect forks for twists and bends. The angle between the
front face of the fork and the topface of the blade should not
Inspect the truck, before and after starting engine, for any sign
exceed 3 degrees.
of external leakage: fuel, engine coolant, transmission fluid,
Inspect forks for deviation from front face of the fork to full
length of the upper face of the fork for straightness, this
Check for hydraulic oil leaks and loose fittings.
should not exceed 0.5%.

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Group PS, Periodic Service

Wheels and Tires Water Temperature Gauge

Check the condition of the drive and steer wheels and tires. Indicates temperature of engine cool-
Remove objects that are embedded in the tread. Inspect the ant water in degrees 40°C - 140°C
tires for excessive wear and breaks or “chunking out”. (lOOoF to 280°F). Water tempera-
ture should be about 80°C (180°F)
Check all wheel lug nuts or bolts to be sure none are loose or after 10 minutes of operation. If the
missing. Have missing bolts or lug nuts replaced and tight- indicator registers in the “HOT”
ened to the correct torque before operating truck. Torque to zone, turn off engine until trouble is
???? located and corrected.

Hour Meter
Indicates total engine operating time
in hours and tenths. The indicated
hours are used for planned mainte-
nance. The total hours should be
recorded at the beginning and end of
each shift.

Air Pressure Gauge

Indicates brake system air pressure
from 0 to lOOOkRa (0 to 150psi). Air
pressure should register between 760
kPa and 900 kPa (110 and 130 psi) to
assure proper operation of the brakes
and the parking brake. A warning

Check tire pressure from a position facing the
buzzer is activated if pressure drops
below 300 kPa (44 psi).

tread of the tire not the side. Use a long handled

Key/Start Switch
gauge to keep your body away from the side. If
A 3-posftion switch is standard equipment. To start engine,
tires are low, do not add air. Check with a
rotate clockwise. Release to “RUN” position when engine
mechanic. The tire may require removal and
starts. The switch incorporates an “ANTI-RESTART” feature
repair. Incorrect (low) tire pressure can reduce
which requires that the key be returned to the “off’ position
stability of your lift truck, and destroy the load
before it can again be turned to “START”. If engine does not
carrying capacity of the tire. Tire inflation label
start on the first attempt, do not re-engage the starter until
is located on the guard above each tire position.
engine comes to a complete stop (approximately 5 seconds).

Transmission Light
Functional Tests
When illuminated, indicates inadequate transmission oil pres-
Now be sure that all controls and systems are functioning
sure. Light will be illuminated when key-start switch is
turned to “RUN” and “START” positions. It should go out
shortly after engine starts. If light does not go out or if it
After checking that the parking brake is set, test horn, lights
comes on during truck, operation you should immediately
and all other safety equipment and accessories. Be sure they
shut down the engine until the cause is located and corrected.
are property mounted and working correctly.

The gauges, lights and hour meter, conveniently grouped in

If they do not operate, report the failure and have it repaired
the instrument panel, are designed to tell you at a glance many
before the truck is put into operation.
important things about the performance of your lift truck.
Familiarize yourself with their location and purpose and
Check the operation of the neutral start switch by placing
make it a practice to scan the instrument panel as you start the
direction control lever in forward or reverse and turning key
engine, after it starts and periodically as you drive. Report to
switch to “START” position. Starter must not engage until
the designated authority if any gauge is not functioning
direction control lever in moved to the neutral position.

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Group PS, Periodic Service

NOTE: The electrically operated gauges register correctly l Check the function of the park brake.
when the key switch is in the “ON” position. When the key
switch is turned “off ‘, the indicator needle will not necessar-
l Check parking brake holding capability. Park the truck
ily return to any given position.
on a grade, apply the parking brake. The parking brake
should hold the lift truck with a rated load on a minimum
Checks with the engine running...
of 15% grade.
Be sure that:
l Parking brake is applied.
Directional control is in “N” (neutral).
Hydraulic systems with accumulators may cause
l Start the engine, let it warm up until it runs evenly and serious injury or death. Ensure hydraulic pres-
accelerates smoothly when you push on the accelerator sure is fully released before working on any
pedal. systems.
Check the hour meter for operation with the engine

running. Report any malfunction or damage.

Hydraulic systems with accumulators may cause
Write the hour meter reading on the PM report form. serious injury or death. Ensure hydraulic pres-
l Operate service and parking brakes, all hydraulic con- sure is fully released before working on any
trols: lift, tilt and auxiliary (if installed), accelerator, systems.
directional controls and steering system. Be sure all
controls operate freely and return to neutral properly. Lift Mechanisms and Controls
Check the function of the lift system and controls with
Air Brakes the hydraulic pump (engine) running.
Check the service brake system. Push the brake pedal fully
down and hold. The brakes should be applied before the Pull back on the tilt control lever and hold until the
pedal reaches the floorplate. If the pedal continues to creep upright reaches the full back tilt position. Push forward
downwards report the failure immediately. DO NOT OPER- on the lever to return the upright to the vertical position.
Be sure that there is adequate overhead clear-
l Check the function of the parking brake.
l If the engine stops, the air tank will supply a minimum ance before raising the upright.
of 12 brake applications.
l To check parking brake holding capability, park the lift Pull back on the lift control lever and raise the fork
truck on a grade and apply the parking brake. The carriage to full height. Watch the upright assembly as it
parking brake should hold a lift truck with rated load on rises. All movements of the uptight, fork carriage and lift
a minimum grade of 15%. chains must be even and smooth, without binding or
jerking. Watch for chain wobble or looseness; the chains
Do not operate a lift truck If the service or
should have equal tension and move smoothly without
noticeable wobble. Release the lever.
parking brakes are not operating properly.
Push forward on the lift control lever. Watch the upright
Wet Disc Brakes as it lowers. When the forks reach the floor, release the
To check the service brakes for accumulated systems, start lever.
truck, allow to run for 5 minutes without activating any
functions. Turn the truck off, proceed to apply the brake Auxiliary Controls
pedal until hydraulic pressure drops off. There should be a If your lift truck is equipped with an attachment, test the
minimum of IO-15 brake applications. If the pressure drops control lever for correct function and briefly operate the
in less than the lo-15 applications the machine should be attachment.
checked before going into operation. The brake accumulator
may be faulty. Steering System
The steering system, steer axle and steering linkage on your
Note: If the Ignition Is switched on and the pressure In the truck should be inspected periodically for abnormal loose-
brake system drops below 4000 kPa (580 psi) the Brake ness and damage, leaking seals, etc. Hard steering, excessive
Warning light and audible alarm activate. freeplay (looseness) or unusual sound when turning or ma-
neuvering indicates a need for inspection or servicing.
Check the steering system by moving the steering handwheel

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Grour> PS. Periodic Service

in a full right turn and then in a full left turn. Return the Change or service the air cleaner element when required,
handwheel (steer wheels) to the straight-ahead position. The depending upon your application. Service intervals may also
steering system components should operate smoothly when be determined by the air restriction indicator.
the steering wheel is turned. Never operate a truck which has
a steering system fault. Batteries
Inspect the batteries for any damage, cracks, leaking condi-
Shift Control (for forward travel) tion, etc. if the terminals are corroded, clean and protect them.
Check and make sure that the travel area is clear in front of the If your battery has removable cell caps, check to be sure the
truck. cells are all filled. If possible, refill with distilled water.
l Push firmly on the brake pedal. Release the parking
brake. Move the directional control lever from “IV’
(neutral) to FORWARD travel position. AWARNING
Do not smoke, have sparks or any naked flames
l Remove your foot from the brake pedal and put it on the nearby when checking or filling batteries.
accelerator pedal. Push down until the truck moves
slowly forward. Remove your foot from the accelerator Engine Cooling System
pedal and push down on the brake pedal to stop the truck. Check engine coolant level. The engine coolant level is
The brakes should apply smoothly and equally. checked by removing the radiator cap. Remove the cap only
when the engine is cold. First turn the cap slowly to release
For reverse travel, be sure the travel area is clear behind any pressure that may be in the radiator. Later production
the truck. forklift trucks have a radiator cap which incorporates a
l Put the directional control lever in the REVERSE travel pressure relieving lever which should be activated before
position. Push down on the accelerator pedal until the slowly turning and removing the cap.
truck moves slowly in the reverse direction. Remove
your foot from the accelerator pedal and push down on
the brake pedal to stop the truck. The brakes should
Do not remove the radiator cap when the radia-
apply smoothly and equally. When you have completed
tor is hot. Steam from the radiator will cause
the operational tests, park and leave truck according to
severe burns.
standard shut down procedures. Be sure to make a record
of all maintenance and operating problems you find.
Never remove the radiator cap while the engine is running.
Stop the engine and wait until it has cooled. Even then, use
Fluid and Filters
extreme care when removing the cap from the radiator. It is
Check fluid levels and other components within the engine
a good safety practice to use a shop cloth to cover the radiator
cap while it is being removed. Wrap the cloth around the cap
Unlatch and open the hood to access the engine compartment.
and turn it slowly to the first stop. Step-back while the
To avoid the possibility of personal injury, never
pressure is released from the cooling system. When you are
sure all the pressure has been released, press down on the cap,
work in engine compartment with engine run- with the cloth in place, turn and remove it. Stand clear of the
ning except when absolutely necessary to check radiator opening; hot coolant may splash out. Failure to
or make adjustments. Take extreme care to keep follow these instructions could result in serious personal
hands, tools and loose clothing, etc., away from injury from hot coolant or steam blowout and/or damage to
fan, drive belts hot radiator and exhaust mani- the cooling system or engine. The correct FULL level is the
fold and piping. Also remove watches, bracelets top edge of the filter neck. If level is low, add a mixture of
and rings. specified coolant and water to the correct fill level. If you
have to add coolant more than once a month or if you have to
Engine Accessories add more than 250ml at a time, check the cooling system for
Inspect the engine coolant hoses and fan belt(s). Look for leaks.
leaking and obvious damage, worn (frayed) condition, breaks,
etc., which could cause failure during operation. Inspect the coolant for condition. Look for excessive con-
tamination or rust or oil in the coolant solution. Check thePM
Engine Air Cleaner time interval for need to change coolant.
Check the engine air cleaner for damage and contamination
(excessive dirt buildup and clogging). Check for correct Check condition of radiator cap rubber seal and radiator tiller
mounting attachments of the air cleaner. Be sure that the air neck for damage. Be sure they are clean. Check overflow
cleaner hose is securely connected (not loose or leaking). hose for clogging or damage.

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Group PS, Periodic Service

NOTICE - Your lift truck cooling system is filled with a

factory installed permanent-type antifreeze containing rust
and corrosion inhibitors. Plain water may be used only in an
emergency, but replace it with the specified coolant as soon
as possible to avoid damage to the system. With only water
in the system, do not let the engine run hot.

Inadequate concentration of the coolant additive
can result in major corrosive damage to cooling
system components. Over concentration can cause
formation of “gel” that can cause restriction,
plugging of coolant passages, and over heating.
For more information consult your Cummins
Operation and Maintenance Manual for the En-

The radiator core should be inspected and back-flushed as
required. Take particular note to the areas around the outside
of the fan blade where most of the dirt can block air flow
through the radiator. This blockage is difficult to see due to
the shroud and location of the radiator and periodic complete
removal of the radiator for cleaning of the core may be Air Brakes Adjustment
required. This type of external core blockage can cause When the brake system is operating properly, the cam like
overheating of the cooling system. For more information see action of the reaction arm allows self-adjustment for the total
your local Clark dealer thickness of the brake linings. The self-adjustment feature
eliminates the need for manual adjustment of the brakes.
Engine Oil
Check the engine oil level. Locate the engine oil dipstick (at
When the brake linings become worn beyond their designed
left side of engine). Pull the dipstick out, wipe it with a clean limits, there will be a noticeable change in the brake effort
cloth and re-insert it fully into the dipstick tube. Remove the required to stop the truck or brakes will become noisy during
dipstick and check oil level. application. If either of these conditions are noted, have the
brakes checked by a mechanic before continuing to operate
It is normal to add some oil between oil changes. Keep the oil the truck.
level above the ADD mark on the dipstick by adding oil as
required. DO NOT OVERFILL. Use the correct oil at See Workshop Manual for greater detail.
specified under Lubricant Specifications. Testing
A simple operation test to determine whether the compressor
Engine Oil and Filter Change unit is operating can be made as follows:
It is recommended to:
Drain and replace the engine crankcase oil every 250 operat- 1. Start the engine and allow air to build up in the system
ing hours. See NOTICE below. and then shut the engine off.
Replace the engine oil filter every oil change.
Remove the oil sump drain plug to drain old oil, after truck
2. Depress the brake pedal to a given point several times
has been in operation and engine (oil) is hot (at operating
noting any increase in pedal pressure required to depress
the pedal.

NOTICE - The time interval for changing engine oil will

3. If, however there is no change in the amount of pedal
depend upon your application and operating conditions. To
pressure required between first and last test, then the
determine the correct schedule for your truck it is suggested power system is not functioning, necessitating correc-
that you periodically submit engine oil samples to a commer-
tive action. Have the brakes checked by a mechanic
cial laboratory for analysis of the condition of the oil.
before operating truck.

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