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**Black Sunday**

After so much time of preparing and planning (Roughly a year) the Irish Republic Army would decide
that it is time for the fight for the re-unification of the Emerald Isle to be finally continued, and this
fight can only begin with a bang, in order to attract the Irish public to join the New IRA and the British
public into a proposing a complete demilitarization of the Northern Irish territory in order to allow a
more smooth take over for the IRA and days without bombings and gassings for the people in Great
Britain, quite a fair deal. The attacks would begin at 1200 hours, a quite busy hour and perfect for the
first attacks, ||courtesy of the Syrian Friends of the IRA.||:

- London Tube Attacks

The London Public Transport system is used by too many people in London everyday of truly most
social classes, making it a quite good target to begin with, by using highly indoctrinated members of
the Cumann na mBan and of the Fianna Éireann, both being former wings of the (Continuity) Irish
Republican Army and now of the (Real) Irish Republican Army. The members of the Cumann na mBan
and of the Fianna Éireann, in groups of four would infiltrate the following stations: King's Cross St
Pancras, Victoria station, Oxford Circus London, Waterloo Station and Liverpool Station, every group
being equipped with a concealed sarin gas recipient, gas masks and concealed small weapons for
protection, the members of the Cumann na mBan and of the Fianna Éireann would plant the devices
in most populous parts of the stations but still in places where the plans could not be foiled, activate
the 2 minutes mechanisms and leave, putting on their masks if the one minute and a quarter minute
mark has passed and they are not out of the station, the return to Northern Ireland would be assured
by the IRA sleeper cells in the London area.

- Attacks in London Attacks !

London would be given no brake as at about 3 minutes before the attacks on the London public
transport system, 4 different cars would be somehow parked on the following streets in London by
the members of the Cumann na mBan and of the Fianna Éireann: Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus
Junction, Bond Street and Oxford Street, every of the 4 cars would have the equivalent of 500lbs of
explosives, most being ANFO, Gelignite or Semtex based explosives, quite easy to get due to their
industrial use. The bombs would be remote detonated after the deliverers are in a safe place from
the explosions. While not being such large bombs, the IRA is much more interested in the
psychological effects rather than the casualties.

- London Bridge is Falling Down ! ||Courtesy of the Libyan Friends of the IRA.||
London would be once again not given any brakes as at about the time of the detonations all across
the capital city of London, a truck with a paid unsuspecting driver would drive on London bridge,
under the supervision of an Fianna Éireann member, from a safe distance of course, at around the
middle mark of the bridge, the 600lbs of high grade explosives recieved from ||Libya|| in the truck
would explode. Again while this would certainly bring casualties the main effects the IRA is going for
are the psychological effects.

- Tower Bridge is Falling Down ! ||Courtesy of the Libyan Friends of the IRA.||

London would be once again not given any brakes as at about the time of the detonations all across
the capital city of London, a truck with a paid unsuspecting driver would drive on Tower bridge,
under the supervision of an Fianna Éireann member, which was supervising from a safe distance of
course, at around the middle mark of the bridge, the 300lbs of high grade explosives recieved from
||Libya|| in the truck would explode. Again while this would certainly bring casualties the main
effects the IRA is going for are the psychological effects.

- Attacks in Birmingham !

Birmingham, one of the greatest cities in England, just behind London would be given no brake as at
about 7 minutes before the attacks on the London public transport system, 4 different cars would be
somehow parked on the following streets in Birmingham by the members of the Cumann na mBan
and of the Fianna Éireann: New Street, Corporation Street, Broad Street and High Street, all of the 4
being per se major streets in the city, every of the 4 cars would have the equivalent of 500lbs of
explosives, most being ANFO, Gelignite or Semtex based explosives, quite easy to get due to their
industrial use. The bombs would be remote detonated after the deliverers area in a safe place from
the explosions. While not being such large bombs, the IRA is much more interested in the
psychological effects rather than the casualties.

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