Adele Scenarios Solo en V3

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During the takeoff phase, A.D.E.L.E. has disconnected some artificial gravity generators
(Circuits K-328 and K-9182), this failure is also affecting the course and speed of the ship,
which right now shows a collision course with Mars that needs to be corrected.

You must activate those circuits and correct the ship's course before it collides with Mars.


• Turns: 12 and 6 (easy), 15, 10 and 5 (medium), 15, 12, 9 and 6

• Don't use the “Selective Attack” and “Deactivated Terminals”

• Put those objects on the “Laboratory”:

x1 x1 x1 x1
• Randomly put these objects on the board.

x1 x3 x2 x3 x1

x2 x2 x3 x3

• You can use the drone, that won’t consume any energy nor occupy
any slot:
• Put a wound token in compartment #1 to indicate that the ship's
course must be corrected.

• Roll a D-20 dice and place an emergency terminal (deactivated) at

that location, representing circuit K-328, add or subtract 10 to that
number and place the next emergency terminal deactivated (circuit
OBJECTIVES K-9182). You cannot use compartments 1 and 10 to place emergency
terminals in this scenario. Place wound tokens under those
terminals to indicate that their effect hasn't been activated yet.
Those compartments become Mission Objectives, to be considered
in priority rolls.


• It is difficult to move through the sectors (colours) affected by the failures in the
gravitational circuits. Until the circuits are reactivated, you will need two move
actions in those sectors.
• To reprogram circuits. You must place a battery on the emergency terminal and
perform a special action using the computer in that compartment, if the computer
was affected by a computer failure, you would have to solve this first and then use
the computer.

• The ship's course cannot be corrected until both gravitational circuits are
operational. So first the circuits must be fixed and then the course of the ship must
be corrected.


• Fixes both gravitational circuits AND corrects Deimos' course before

passing the “No return” marker

• The player dies

LOSE • The ship Deimos collides with Mars (which will happen when the turn
token reaches the “No return” marker)
A.D.E.L.E. is getting smarter and more aggressive, trapping Marcus Bayer off the ship while he
was repairing a hull crash, closing the hatches in a way that none of the astronauts on the
Deimos have managed to fix. After many attempts, the only remaining alternative, as
described in the Deimos operating manual, is to replace the A.D.E.L.E. (“Blue card” token),
reboot the system to release the hatches and allow Marcus to enter.

To replace the interface, you must access the compartment where the A.D.E.L.E. is. She is very
aware of the movements of the rest of the astronauts. Fortunately, Marcus is an experienced
astronaut, and has managed to hook his suit to an external oxygen tank, but still, you have to
act fast because time is limited.


• Turns: 12 y 6 (easy), 15, 10 y 5 (hard).

• The anomaly “Hatches closed” will be operative from the first
moment. Don't use the “Selective Attack” and “Deactivated
Terminals” anomalies.

• Separate the tokens “ID Pass” and “Blue Card” from the other
objects of the ship.

Token “ID Pass” Token “Blue Card”

• Put those objects on the Laboratory:

x1 x1 x1 x1
• Randomly put these objects on the board:

x1 x3 x2 x3 x1

x2 x2 x3 x3

• You do not have the drone among the player's starting items:

• Randomly place one of the astronauts meeples on one of the

hatches (on the outside), that meeple will represent Marcus
• Put another Meeple (the player's own) on the compartment
next to that hatch.


• Add 6 to the number the player is on, move the item from that
compartment to the laboratory and replace it with the face-up
“ID Pass” item. Add another 10 to that number, move the item
from the compartment to the lab and replace it with the “Blue
card” item. If the number resulting from the sum of 6 is greater
than 20, start counting from compartment No. 1. For example:
If Marcus is next to compartment 15, put the “ID Pass” in 1
(15+6 = 21 -> 1) and the “Blue card” in 11 (1+10 = 11).

• Lock the two doors of compartment 20, these locks can only be
avoided if you are in possession of the “ID Pass”. Those tokens
are not removed from the board, they remain on it.

• Replace the “No return” marker with a Hypoxia token, it

represents the remaining oxygen level for Marcus. “Drift”
events work like “Oxygen Leaks”.


• The “ID Pass” and “Blue card” tokens are visible on stage, it is assumed that the
crew knows where these elements are located.
• You can only enter the compartment of A.D.E.L.E. if you are in possession of the “ID
Pass”, if not, the door won’t open, the tokens are not discarded, but you can pass if
you keep the “ID Pass” in your possession, as usual, you need an action to open the
door blocked up.
• To release the hatches, you must perform a special action on the A.D.E.L.E.
Terminal. (compartment 20). To do this, you must first place a battery and the "Blue
Card" on the terminal.
• Once the hatches have been cleared, you need an additional turn to allow Marcus
to enter the ship.


• Access the A.D.E.L.E. compartment. with the “ID Pass” and the
“Blue card” in your possession. 1st Activate the “Blue Card” on
the terminal, 2nd activate the terminal with a battery and 3rd
perform a special action to release the hatches.
• PLUS, Marcus enter the ship.

• Player dies
LOSE • Marcus runs out of oxygen (which will happen when the turn
token reaches the Hypoxia (“No return” marker)

After losing contact with the Deimos, a rescue team has been sent aboard the USSS
Independence to understand what happened to the now adrift ship.

A rescue specialist is finishing up gearing up to board the Deimos and solve the mystery. When
it goes through the hatch the ship is calm, there are no radio emissions of any kind, according
to the scanners, the Deimos is empty, there is no sign of the crew, only the emergency power
that maintains the ship is connected. oxygen supply and pressurization systems.

To understand what has happened in the Deimos, it will be necessary to restore the power of
the reactor to return power to the ship and be able to send from the A.D.E.L.E. ship's logs to
the USSS Independence for detailed analysis.


• Turns: 12 y 6 (easy), 15, 10 y 5 (hard)

• Don't use the “Selective Attack” and “Deactivated Terminals”

ANOMALIES • Separate “Hatches closed” anomaly.

• Be sure to include these items in the initial player’s inventory:

Token “ID Pass”

• Put those objects on the Laboratory:

x1 x1 x1 x1
• Randomly put these objects on the board:

x1 x3 x1 x3 x1

x1 x2 x2 x3 x1

x1 x1

• You can use the drone, that won’t consume any energy nor occupy
any slot:

• Randomly place one of the astronauts meeples on one of the

hatches (on the outside):

• Blocks the access doors to compartments 16 and 20. The “Open

OBJECTIVES Door” action can only be executed on these blocks if the player has
the “ID Pass” in the inventory. The tokens are not discarded, they
remain on the board, and they will allow you to perform the action
of opening the door only if you have the "ID Pass" in your possession
• Place an emergency terminal in compartment 16, it will act as the
reactor that must be reactivated. Place a wound token below that
terminal, to identify that the reactor has not yet been activated.

• Place an emergency terminal in compartment 20, it will represent
the A.D.E.L.E. Place below the wound token, which will represent
that A.D.E.L.E. is offline


• On his first turn, the player must enter the Deimos as his first action, he cannot
continue outside, he must move inside the ship until he achieves his objectives.
• At the beginning of the stage, A.D.E.L.E. is not operative, so it will not apply any
effect on the player, that is, the turns will advance and the effects such as battery
discharge will happen throughout the game. The anomalies that occur will not have
an impact at that time, but they will once A.D.E.L.E. be put into operation.
• Upon entering the Deimos, the player must activate the flashlight, as it moves in
total darkness and zero gravity, move actions will cost 2 actions instead of one to
move between compartments. These two conditions will apply until the energy is
returned to the ship after the activation of the reactor.
• The first objective is to restore the electrical power of the ship, for this you have to
reactivate the reactor, placing a battery on the emergency terminal of
compartment 16 and performing a special action, which will make the reactor
activate and we can eliminate the token of wound in that location.
• The second objective is to find the Deimos flight logs (“lens” token) and another
battery to reactivate A.D.E.L.E. Which must be among the multiple objects that are
scattered in the ship.
• Once these items are obtained, go to the A.D.E.L.E. (remember that his door is
locked and you need to have the "ID Pass" token in your inventory). There you must
use the battery on the A.D.E.L.E. console. to activate it and perform a special action
on said terminal to rip it off, once it's ripped you can remove the wound token.
• The next step is to send the ship's telemetry data to the USSS Independence,
activating the “log” (“lens”) item on the terminal.
• When you perform this action, something strange happens in the ship, suddenly
the darkness takes over the “blue” sector (put darkness tokens in the whole sector)
and sirens start to sound. The ship's self-destruct sequence has been activated and
we must evacuate as soon as possible.
• To make things worse A.D.E.L.E. has executed a code that has closed all the hatches
(it automatically activates the “Hatches closed” anomaly), with the exception of
the one located in compartment number 6, due to a hardware failure it has not
been completely blocked. It is not possible to undo the command sent by A.D.E.L.E.
and the escape through the hatch of compartment number 6 seems the only way
• Once A.D.E.L.E. has been reactivated if he will use his turns to attack and will have 3
instead of 2 actions to take cards. Also, all anomalies that have been discovered up
to this point take effect immediately.
• Compartments 6, 16 and 20 will be considered as “Mission Objective”, and all the
corresponding dangers will apply.


• The player manages to get out of the Deimos through the

existing hatch in compartment number 6.
WIN • OPTIONAL: You must exit the ship before the self-destruct
sequence ends. Make the decision whether to accept this
challenge at the moment the sirens are activated.

• The player dies.

• The turn token equals the “No return” token.
• OPTIONAL: The self-destruct sequence has ended and the
player is still inside the Deimos.

Phobos, the big sister of the Deimos spacecraft, took off just a week after Deimos landed on
Mars, as planned. Phobos is equipped with the V2 version of A.D.E.L.E. with the latest software
updates and insurance that prevent malfunctions. Even so, after a major impact into A.D.E.L.E.
bay, the ship's sensors are confused and are seeing the ship's astronauts as alien threats.
A.D.E.L.E. has activated the self-defense mode to attack what it perceives as threats. The most
advanced of these are the nano-bots, which have begun to spread throughout the ship very

Those nano-bots are very dangerous and could harm you if you are too exposed to them.
Carefully plan your movements so as not to take turns in those compartments that contain
nano-bots and activate the emergency terminals that will deactivate them.


• Turns: 12 y 6 (easy), 15, 10 y 5 (medium), 15, 12, 9 y 6 (hard).

ANOMALIES • Don't use the “Selective Attack” and “Deactivated Terminals”
• Put those objects on the Laboratory:

x1 x1 x1 x1
• Randomly put these objects on the board:

x1 x3 x2 x3 x1

x2 x2 x3 x3

• You can use the drone, that won’t consume any energy nor occupy
any slot. The drone will have some restrictions:

OBJECTS • Place a deactivated emergency terminal in a slot at random (roll a

D20 dice) (with the exception of slots 10 and 20, which cannot be
used to contain an emergency terminal). Add or subtract 10 to the
compartment number and place a second disabled emergency
terminal. Place a "wound" token under the terminals, to remind you
that the code that kills the nano-bots hasn't been executed yet.

• Put an impact token on compartment #20.

• Take 18 action cubes from other players who will not participate.
These cubes will represent the nano-bots.

• “No return” marker won’t be used on this scenario.

• OPTIONAL: If you want a more challenging experience, don’t play it

OBJECTIVES with Artem Korovin.

• The goal to win the stage is to disable the nano-bots. Find a couple of batteries to
place on the emergency terminals that control their activation. Take a special
action, this special action removes the wound tokens from the terminals and
disables the nano-bots in that sector. You must perform the two special actions on
the two emergency terminals to complete the scenario.
• Deployment of the nano-bots: On each turn, the first card A.D.E.L.E. has two
numbers, one on which the action of A.D.E.L.E. will have an effect. On the other
number a nano-bot will be deployed. For example, if the player is on box 7, and
A.D.E.L.E. gets a 7-17 card, it will deploy a nano-bot in compartment 17 and perform
the corresponding action on space 7. This happens once per turn. If the card
A.D.E.L.E. has no effect on the player, another will be drawn. One compartment can
contain more than one nano-bot.
• In the resolution phase, if you remain in a room where there are nano-bots, you
will have to make a “spirit roll”, subtracting from your Spirit value the number of
nano-bots that the room contains, if the result of the roll is greater than that
number, the player receives a wound. In any case, if a 1 is obtained on the Spirit roll,
it will always a success.
• The “Drone” cannot be used in the compartments with nano-bots because they
could disassemble it. In the rest of the compartments, it will work without problem.
• Nano-bots are not affected by Impacts, Fire, Hypoxia or Darkness.
• Since the “No Return” marker is not used, the “Drift” event will be taken as


• The nano-bots are deactivated by executing special actions on

WIN both emergency terminals

• Player dies.
• The “turn marker” reach the end of the track.

After the successful landing on Mars and a few euphoric days exploring the red planet, the ship
has returned to earth in automatic mode, without the crew. Scientists do not understand what
could have happened and the only way to find out is to enter the ship that has just landed on
platform D-14.

When one of the members of the scientific team enters the ship, he cannot believe what he
sees, the walls are full of strange writings and warnings to leave the ship written with what
looks like the blood of the crew, it looks like a cursed ship.

After deciphering some of the texts, they come to the conclusion that they speak of a "cyber
religion" where there is an all-powerful "super computer" and a Ghost that haunts the
compartments of the ship, and that can only be eliminated by elaboration of a “cyber altar”.
Find the "sacred objects" that travel on board and build a "digital altar" to break the curse that
hangs over the ship and its crew.


• Turns: 12 and 6 (easy), 15, 10 and 5 (medium), 15, 12, 9 and 6

• Eliminate anomalies “selective attack” and “Deactivated
• Separate those objects to the “Laboratory”:

x1 x1 x1 x1
• Put those objects on the board on random compartments:

x1 x3 x2 x3 x1


x2 x2 x3 x3

x1 x1
(Sacred (Sacred
object) object)

• You can use the drone to discover objects during the game.

• In this scenario you Will use another meeple as “The Ghost”.

• Randomly obtain two compartments numbers using the hexagonal
tokens, and place them face up on the quest panel, under the “Blue
Card” (blue) and “Motherboard” (red) items. Those objects,
considered as "sacred" must be transported to these compartments
OBJECTIVES to form a "cyber altar".

• It is not necessary to form the two "cyber altars" to make "The

Ghost" disappear. It will suffice to activate one of the two. Those two
compartments become “mission objectives”.

• The objective of the game is to escape from the ship before dying or going mad
(which will happen when the turn counter crosses the “No Return” token).
• The drone cannot be used in a compartment occupied by “the Ghost”
• The player starts on the outside of the ship, next to one of the random hatches. You
can only move inside the ship, the outside being prohibited, until you manage to set
up one of the "cyber altars".
• Once the object has been transported and activated in the compartment, a "special
action" must be performed on the computer in said compartment, with this, the
"cyber altar" is established and "the Ghost" will disappear from the ship and will
not appear again (won’t be activated again).
• Once one of the two “cyber altars” has been built, the player must still exit the ship
to complete the scenario.
• “The Ghost” spawn sequence: After the usual two turns of A.D.E.L.E. a D20 and D6
will be thrown together, "The Ghost" will be positioned in the position indicated by
D20 and the "Priority A" effect indicated by D6 will be performed. If “the Ghost”
appears in the room the player is or the player enters the compartment with “the
Ghost”, the player will receive 1 wound, AND the effect of “Priority A” will be


• The player manages to get out of the ship after setting up one
WIN of the two “cyber altars”.

• The player dies.

LOSE • The player "goes crazy" (the turn token reaches the "No
Return" token).

The impact of a meteorite has generated a leak of Hydrochloric Acid that is endangering the
integrity of the Phobos ship.

The self-defense systems of A.D.E.L.E. have detected the impact and started up, one of the
crew in charge of maintenance has been awakened from his cryogenization to fix the leak, and
meanwhile A.D.E.L.E. is doing what he can to contain it. The acid has damaged A.D.E.L.E.'s
energy system. and it loses processing power alarmingly, power spikes can cause it to shut
down, resulting in the death of the entire crew.

A.D.E.L.E. is on our side and we have to fight to stop the dangerous leak of acid, which is highly
irritating and corrosive, and causes different types of damage to the ship.


• Turns: 12 and 6 (easy), 15, 10 and 5 (difficult).

• Eliminate anomalies “Selective attack” and “Deactivated
terminals”. The “Hatches closed” anomaly is active from the

• Prepare A.D.E.L.E.’s console, you will need her help during the game.
The console energy token is at 15 for this scenario.

• Separate those objects in the Laboratory:

x1 x1 x1 x1
OBJECTS • Put those objects on the board in random compartments:

x1 x3 x2 x3 x1

x2 x2 x3 x3

• You can use the drone and won’t waste a slot nor consume energy:

• Use the D20 to choose a random compartment of the Phobos and

place a hit token in that position, this is the point of origin of the
Hydrochloric Acid leak. Also place an alert terminal along with a
"wound" token.

+ +
• Subtract or add 10 to that number and place the player's meeple in
that position.

• Put all hazards into the black bag.


• To fix the impact, the player must perform a special action outside a hatch that is in
the sector that was hit. If the impact has occurred in the gray sector, it must be
done outside the only compartment accessible from the outside (compartment 12).
It’s MANDATORY to fix the impact from the outside. Once fixed, remove the
“impact” token from the compartment.
• To fix the internal leak, the player must access the compartment that was hit, fix
the emergency terminal in it with a battery, and perform a special action on it.
• The acid leak is affecting the operation of the ship, triggering events that have an
effect on it. In the event that the “Impact” event occurs, it will generate its effect,
but will not cause new acid leaks.
• On the first turn, take out a hazard token and place it on the compartment that has
suffered the impact, in successive turns, take out as many hazard tokens as there
are adjacent compartments to those affected, hazards must also be placed in those
compartments that had already been cleaned by A.D.E.L.E. “Espionage” hazards
have no effect on the player, the rest will have their normal effect.
• On her turn A.D.E.L.E. will get 2 cards, and in each one of them, she will eliminate
an existing hazard in one of the two locations, considering that each hazard that
she eliminates from the game board, will go to the A.D.E.L.E. board, paying the
energy cost indicated. In case there are several hazards in the compartment, you
can choose which one to delete, but it is mandatory to remove a hazard if there is a
possibility to do it. If A.D.E.L.E. runs out of energy, the entire crew will die, so it is
CRITICAL that A.D.E.L.E’s energy stay above 0.
• The “Silence” event recharges the energy of A.D.E.L.E. with 3 units, in addition, the
player will be able to carry out a special action on any operating computer of the
ship to reload 5 units. If the player activates a battery charge to recharge A.D.E.L.E.
You must roll a D6 to check the charge level: a result of 1-3 will charge 5 energy
units, a result of 4-5 will charge 10 energy units, and a 6 will charge 15 energy
units. The “battery” token will be moved then to “The Laboratory”. If the
"Discharge" anomaly is operational, apply a lower charge level, i.e. 0 charges if you
roll 1-3, 5 units if you roll 4-5, and 10 units if you roll 6.


• Repair the acid leak inside and outside the Phobos ship and
WIN keep A.D.E.L.E. without depleting your energy.

• The player dies or A.D.E.L.E. runs out of power.

• The turn tracker reaches the end.

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