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Topic 2 DQ 1 (Obj. 2.1)

Institutional Affiliation

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Topic 2 DQ 1 (Obj. 2.1)

In my prior field placement, I got moderate support for my engagement in advocacy

practice. The organization where I was assigned was committed to advancing social and

economic justice, but it had inadequate resources and focus required to support advocacy efforts

successfully. I engaged in community outreach programs to educate and strengthen

underprivileged communities during my placement. I gained more knowledge concerning the

social, economic, and environmental issues facing these communities and the effects of these

challenges on their everyday lives (NECEL, 2019). Although these outreach activities were

beneficial in terms of raising awareness and delivering immediate assistance, they did not

include any advocacy programs targeted at addressing the core causes of these communities'


My superiors were intelligent and passionate about social justice problems but lacked

considerable advocacy expertise. They could not offer mentorship or guidance in advocating for

systemic change, which I feel is critical in supporting human rights and social, economic, and

environmental justice. Despite these obstacles, I am glad for the opportunity I have had to learn

about the value of community participation and education in advancing justice (Dibbets &

Eijkman, 2018). My previous field placement exposed me to the problems that underrepresented

populations confront. I am excited to further expand my advocacy abilities in future placements

and coursework.

I believe social workers must get assistance and direction when they engage in advocacy

practice. This includes tools, coaching from experienced activists, and participation in advocacy

projects targeted at tackling systemic issues. These changes will not only help social workers

hone their advocacy abilities but will also allow them to contribute significantly to advancing

human rights and justice.



Dibbets, A., & Eijkman, Q. (2018). Translators, Advocates or Practitioners? Social Workers and

Human Rights Localization. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 10(2), 212–228.

NECEL, R. (2019). Advocacy in Action: Theory and Practice of Social Work. Polish

Sociological Review, 208, 511–526.

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