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Table of Contents

Change Initiative Within the Organization...................................................................................................4
Significance of the Change..........................................................................................................................5
Analysis and Diagnosis of the Need for Change...........................................................................................5
PEST Model..............................................................................................................................................5
Figure 1................................................................................................................................................6
SWOT Model...........................................................................................................................................7
Force-Field Analysis.................................................................................................................................8
Motivating Factors..............................................................................................................................9
Constriction Forces..............................................................................................................................9
Resistance to Change Within the Organization...................................................................................9
How Change Readiness Will be Achieved..................................................................................................10
Figure 2..............................................................................................................................................11
Identify and Justify the Approach to Change (Planned/Emergent/Hybrid)...............................................11
Evaluating Change Models and Identifying and Justifying a Model for Change Implementation Within Re-
Approaches and an Informed Choice Around Managing Change Resistance............................................13
Ethical And Responsible Approaches to Planning and Implementing Change...........................................14
Summary And Recommendations.............................................................................................................15
Reference list.............................................................................................................................................18
Action Plan.............................................................................................................................................21

Re-Buyer is a Sunderland, UK-based firm specializing in the resale of high-quality used

products. Regardless of the ups and downs, the firm has witnessed constant growth and aims to

expand into new areas. The purpose of this case study is to investigate the possible changes that

Re-Buyer might make to enhance its market share and earnings. The case study will examine the

present market scenario and find prospects for Re-Buyer. It will then consider possible

modifications the firm may make to acquire a competitive edge in the market. It will also

examine the potential risks involved with such a transition and alternative mitigation techniques

the organization may apply. The purpose of this case study is to present a thorough review of the

prospective change at Re-Buyer, analyze the essence of the change, and determine whether such

a change would be advantageous to the organization. The findings of this case study are

supposed to help Re-Buyer make an educated choice about its future orientation and effectively

prepare for any prospective adjustments.

Change Initiative Within the Organization

One possible organizational transformation strategy for Re-Buyer is to concentrate on

creating an incredible client experience. The Re-Buyer's goal is to deliver customer service

similar to the world's most outstanding hotels, such as Disney, and to make internal reforms to

enhance their services. They aim to include personalized details such as writing handwritten

messages, delivering digital instructions for setting up computers and going beyond what is

technically their obligation to guarantee customer happiness. Its mission is to be recognized as a

customer service industry leader.


Significance of the Change

This change initiative will enhance and upgrade the organization’s customer service

experience. The interviewed employee on the transcript adds that the firm aims to be viewed as

the best customer service provider. It is attempting to achieve this goal by comparing itself not to

other companies in its industry but rather to the top hotels in the world, such as Disney. This

modification is significant for various reasons. First, customer service is a vital differentiator for

every firm and significantly influences customer happiness and loyalty (Becker and Jaakkola,

2020). The change may help the organization boost client retention, acquire new consumers, and

increase revenue by delivering exceptional customer service.

Secondly, having a reputation for providing exceptional customer service may aid in

marketing and branding initiatives. Customers who have satisfactory experiences with the firm

and are willing to suggest it to others may enhance word-of-mouth marketing, which will

significantly help Re-buyer build a stronger brand. Additionally, studies show that clients have

more information and alternatives than ever in today's digital era (Méndez-Aparicio et al., 2020).

Customers are likely to seek services elsewhere if a firm does not give outstanding customer

service. As a result, for Re-Buyer to stay competitive, it must provide exceptional customer

service. This transformation program is critical for the organization because it may boost

customer happiness and loyalty, improve marketing and branding efforts, and help the firm stay


Analysis and Diagnosis of the Need for Change

PEST Model
The PEST model analysis below shows that this change is significant for numerous


The computer recycling sector is subject to rules and legislation that significantly impact

the organization's activities, as seen in Figure 1 (Management System and its Processes). By

delivering excellent customer service, the firm may show its dedication to compliance and good

corporate citizenship, aiding in its ability to maintain favorable associations with regulators, law

enforcement bodies, and other relevant stakeholders.

Figure 1
Customer loyalty is among the most critical factors determining a company's success in a

competitive market. The Re-Buyer may boost customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering

exemplary customer service, leading to higher sales and income (Maklan and Klaus, 2011).

Furthermore, the company may boost its pricing power by distinguishing itself from competing

computer recycling businesses.

As people grow more environmentally concerned, there may be a greater need for

computer recycling services. The firm can attract and maintain clients that appreciate ethical and

environmentally sustainable operations by offering better customer service (Ertemel et al., 2021).

By establishing a high standard for customer service, the firm may show its dedication to

corporate social responsibility, helping it improve its brand and attract socially aware clients.

As technology progresses, the computer recycling sector evolves. Re-Buyer can attract

and maintain consumers searching for a company that can manage the most modern technologies

by giving excellent customer service. By emphasizing customer service, the firm may uncover

new prospects for innovation and development (Makudza, 2020). The customer service focus is

essential for the organization because it can help maintain constructive associations with

government officials and other stakeholders, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, entice

and preserve clients who value morally and ecologically friendly procedures, and distinguish

new chances for innovation and development.

SWOT Model
The SWOT model analysis below demonstrates the significance of the change to Re-


Based on the podcasts, it is evident that the firm’s management has a clear vision for how

it wants its customer service to be and is ready to invest in making that goal a reality (Doyle,

2005). This empowers it to distinguish itself from its competitors and increase its reputation in

the computer refurbishing industry.

The firm may not clearly grasp what their consumers want or need from their customer

service. Based on the podcasts, the firm may not have sufficient data to offer customers

personalized services (Gentile, Spiller, and Noci, 2007). This may limit its capacity to give the

clients the desired high-quality services. Furthermore, they may lack the necessary resources,

funds, or skills to execute the change correctly.

By emphasizing customer service, Re-Buyer may be able to distinguish itself from rivals

and acquire more consumers (Johnston and Kong, 2011). It can stand out among its competitors

and attract the attention of several prospective customers. Besides, by emphasizing customer

service, Re-Buyer may increase client retention and earn more of the trust of all its clients.

Despite the various opportunities, Re-Buyer may also face threats, including stiff

competition from other firms investing in enhancing customer service. Additionally, they may

experience difficulties selecting and executing the most valuable improvements due to limited

resources such as funds and workforce (Heikal, 2018). This change initiative to enhance

customer service is critical for the business because it can differentiate them from rivals, attract

more consumers, and boost customer retention. Nevertheless, Re-Buyer’s management board

must be aware of its vulnerabilities and risks to make this transformation properly.

Force-Field Analysis
A Force-Field Analysis can enable the organization to assess the driving and restraining

factors behind this change initiative.


Motivating Factors
There are numerous motivating factors behind this change initiative. One of the

motivating factors is the goal to excel in customer service and be regarded as an industry leader.

Secondly, Re-buyer’s management team is motivated by the belief that offering outstanding

customer service is appropriate for the business's success (Botha, Kruger, and De Vries, 2011).

Additionally, the firm recognizes and acknowledges the importance of customer service to retain

consumers and establish a strong reputation

Constriction Forces
One of the constricting forces underlying the change initiative is that comparing customer

service to other organizations in the same sector is adequate (Kim and Ryu, 2017). Secondly, the

organization has inadequate resources or funds required to enhance customer service, which may

prevent the successful implementation and execution of the change.

Resistance to Change Within the Organization

Employees and other stakeholders play a significant role during the transition in every

organization. To explain the need for change, the parties implementing the change must

emphasize the advantages of better customer service, such as higher customer satisfaction and

retention, enhanced reputation and brand image, and the possibility of increased income.

Furthermore, they must also address and mitigate any risk or possible negative consequences of

the change, such as implementation costs and employee resistance (Rehman et al., 2021). They

must convince all the relevant stakeholders to participate in the transition process. It is also vital

to recognize that this is a transformation program that affects the whole firm, not just the

customer service department. To be effective, the endeavor will need the participation of all

relevant stakeholders. Clear communication and training will be required to ensure that every

employee knows their responsibility in providing exceptional customer service.


How Change Readiness Will be Achieved

Developing change readiness within Re-Buyer is a multi-faceted process that requires a

mix of strategies and techniques. First, effective communication and employee engagement are

critical components in achieving change readiness. The firm’s management team recognizes the

necessity of delivering exceptional customer service and has set a goal by comparing its

customer service to that of the world's top hotels, such as Disney. To attain this aim, the firm

must effectively communicate this vision to workers and involve them in reaching this goal

(Furxhi, 2021). This may be accomplished by conducting frequent meetings, training, and giving

staff the tools and support they need to provide exceptional customer service.

Secondly, implementing practical change management practices is another crucial part of

establishing change readiness. Re-Buyer must have a clear strategy to undertake the required

adjustments to achieve its goal. This strategy should contain a specific project plan, a timeframe,

and personnel roles and duties. Thirdly, to achieve practical change readiness, Re-Buyer’s

management, shown in Figure 2, must evaluate the organizational culture and structure, in

addition to effective communication and change management (Amarantou et al., 2018). The firm

has stressed the necessity of delivering exceptional customer service and has set a goal by

comparing its customer service to that of the world's top hotels. It must have a culture and

structure that supports and promotes excellent customer service performance to attain this aim. It

can accomplish this by creating a customer-centric culture, forming a customer service team, and

implementing customer service measurements and incentives.

In summary, realizing change readiness within the organization is a complex process that

necessitates effective communication and employee engagement, the enactment of practical

change administration processes, and consideration of organizational structure and culture. By


tackling these critical areas efficiently, the firm will be in a better position to deliver exceptional

customer service and distinguish itself from other IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) and computer

recycling companies.

Figure 2

Identify and Justify the Approach to Change (Planned/Emergent/Hybrid)

Based on the transcript, the organization's transformation project seems to enhance

customer service. The speaker emphasizes comparing their customer service to that of the most

outstanding hotels in the world, such as Disneyland, and taking initiatives to enhance the

customer experience, such as sending customized messages and instructions for setting up laptop

computers. Based on this evidence, it is possible to conclude that the approach to change is

planned. The company’s management has selected a particular area for improvement and

established a precise objective to achieve it. In addition, the management is taking particular

initiatives to enhance the consumer experience, such as delivering customized comments and

instructions (Karasvirta and Teerikangas, 2022). This suggests that the change was planned in

advance instead of an emergent approach, in which change happens impulsively in response to

unanticipated events or situations. A hybrid strategy would have been one in which the

organization identified a problem and took actions to rectify it while also being open to

unanticipated chances for change.

In change management, having a planned strategy is essential because it enables the

stakeholders to set clear objectives and precise activities to reach those goals. Furthermore, a

structured approach enables superb communication and buy-in from workers since they know the

changes taking place and understand why they are taking place. This may also improve

functioning since everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.

Evaluating Change Models and Identifying and Justifying a Model for

Change Implementation Within Re-Buyer
It is critical to analyze several change models and choose the best one to execute change

in a company. Based on the evidence presented in podcasts, it is evident that a hybrid approach

to change is the best model for implementation. One of the primary causes for this is Re-Buyer's

dynamic character and complexity. Re-Buyer faces several obstacles, including rising rivalry,

shifting client expectations, and technology improvements. In tackling these problems, a hybrid

strategy containing planned and emergent change components provide room for flexibility and

adaptation (Lewis, 2007). The hybrid method is planned, allowing for the establishment of a

clear strategy and change plan. In contrast, the emergent component enables the organization to

adapt to unanticipated developments and changes as they happen.


Furthermore, the podcasts demonstrate that Re-Buyer has a strong culture and values,

implying that integrating workers into the transformation process would be critical. A hybrid

strategy encourages employee involvement and empowerment, which may boost ownership and

buy-in of the change. Moreover, the firm has a track record of successfully implementing various

changes over the years. The hybrid approach enables the organization to capitalize on previous

accomplishments while adding fresh ideas and views. Specific change models ideal for a hybrid

approach to change include Lewin's Change Management Model, Action Research, and Kotter's

8-Step Model. Each of these models stresses the necessity of including people in the change

process, establishing a clear plan and strategy, and being flexible in the face of unforeseen


Based on the facts demonstrated in the podcasts, a hybrid approach to change, paired with

a particular change model such as Lewin's Change Management Model, Action Research, or

Kotter's 8-Step Model, would be the most suitable model for change execution inside Re-Buyer.

This method provides flexibility and agility in solving the organization's difficulties, involves

employee engagement and empowerment, and builds on prior triumphs.

Approaches and an Informed Choice Around Managing Change

It is critical to recognize that change resistance is a normal reaction to change within any

business organization. To successfully handle change resistance, it is necessary to understand

why people resist change. Based on the information offered in the podcasts, it can be deduced

that the company is encountering issues with its present business model and is trying to adopt

changes to increase its competitiveness and profitability. Adoption of new technology, changes

in organizational structure, or alterations in company strategy are examples of suggested


modifications. There are numerous techniques for dealing with change resistance. One of the

most effective strategies is to include workers in the change process by informing them about the

changes and soliciting their thoughts and recommendations. This will aid in increasing buy-in

and dedication to the improvements. It is also critical to properly communicate with workers and

offer them the assistance they need to adjust to the changes.

The second effective strategy is to offer workers chances for training and development to

assist them in learning fresh skills and acquiring more knowledge to help them adapt to the

changes. This will help them gain confidence and overcome the fear of the unknown. A third

option is to design and execute the changes using change management approaches such as

Kotter's 8-step or Lewin's change management models. These tactics offer an organized

approach to change management and may increase the likelihood of success (Deneen and Boud,

2013). In summary, the company’s management must realize that change resistance is a normal

reaction to change and that it is critical to employ various techniques to manage it. Re-Buyer

may boost its odds of success and lessen resistance to change by including all relevant

stakeholders in the change process, communicating effectively, offering training and

development openings, and employing change management methods.

Ethical And Responsible Approaches to Planning and Implementing

It is critical to evaluate the ethical and responsible implications of change planning and

execution inside Re-Buyer. Lewin's Change Management Model is among the most appropriate

approaches in this circumstance. The model highlights the necessity of identifying and

overcoming the common workplace resistance to change. Secondly, the ADKAR model, the

abbreviation for awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement, is another technique

that Re-Buyers management can employ. It focuses on the individual and their journey through

change and how to assist them in developing the skill sets and knowledge required for


It is also critical to examine the opinions and requirements of all stakeholders whom the

change will impact. This comprises Re-Buyer’s workers, consumers, shareholders, and the

general public. The organization must ensure that the change has a good effect on all

stakeholders. It must evaluate the ethical and accountable consequences of the change.

Moreover, it is critical to maintaining transparency and efficient communication with all

stakeholders during the change process to keep everybody up-to-date and on board (Personal et

al., 2008). Generally, evaluating the ethical and answerable consequences of planning and

executing change within Re-Buyer is critical. The company’s management team can ensure that

change is executed in an accountable and helpful manner for all participants by using change

management models such as Lewin's Model and the ADKAR model, taking into account the

perspectives and needs of all stakeholders and being transparent and effective in communication.

Summary And Recommendations

The organization must concentrate on several critical areas to successfully execute this

change. First, it must define specific goals and objectives for the customer service experience.

Specific measures for assessing customer happiness, such as response times, resolution

timeframes, and overall customer satisfaction ratings, should be included. Furthermore, the firm

should develop a clear vision and goal statement for the customer service experience so that all

workers can comprehend the intended result and strive toward it. Re-Buyer’s management team

should also prioritize employee training and development. The firm should invest in training

programs that teach staff the value of good customer service and how to give it. This might

involve instruction in communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and best practices in

customer service.

Furthermore, the firm should give workers assistance and coaching to help them continue

developing their abilities and performance. The firm should also set clear protocols and

procedures for managing customer inquiries and complaints to ensure the customer service

experience is consistent across all touchpoints. This should contain instructions for client

encounters, such as phone calls, emails, and in-person interactions. Furthermore, the firm should

set up a feedback loop so that consumers may submit input on their experiences. The

organization can continually utilize that feedback to enhance the customer service experience.

Re-Buyer is a Sunderland, UK-based firm specializing in the resale of high-quality used

products. Its mission is to be recognized as a customer service industry leader. Customers who

have satisfactory experiences with the firm and are willing to suggest it to others may enhance

word-of-mouth marketing. Re-Buyer's management has a clear vision for how it wants its

customer service to be and is ready to invest in making that goal a reality. This empowers the

firm to distinguish itself from its competitors and increase its reputation in the computer

refurbishing industry, according to the company's SWOT model analysis. Re-buyer's

management team is motivated by the belief that offering outstanding customer service is the

appropriate thing for the success of the business. To attain this aim, the firm must effectively

communicate this vision to workers and involve them in achieving this goal. This strategy should

contain a specific project plan, a timeframe, and personnel roles and duties. By tackling these

critical areas efficiently, the firm will be in a better position to fulfill its aim of delivering

exceptional customer service. To handle change resistance, it is necessary to understand why

people are resistant to change. The company's management must realize that change resistance is

a normal reaction to change and that it is critical to employ various techniques to manage it. One

of the most effective strategies is to include workers in the change process by informing them

about the changes and soliciting their thoughts and recommendations. The organization must

concentrate on several critical areas to successfully execute this change. Its management must

ensure that change is executed accountable and helpful for all participants.

Reference list
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Action Plan
Re-Buyer's transformation initiative is to create internal customer service and excel in the

services it offers its customer, not by comparing it to other companies in the industry, but by

delivering the best possible service.

Action Plan for Implementation:

1. Analyze the present customer service process thoroughly and find opportunities for


2. Create a customer service plan consistent with the firm's values and objectives.

3. Set clear, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for improving

customer service.

4. Create a customer service training program for all workers and guarantee they are well-

equipped to give outstanding customer service.

5. Use customer service technology such as digital communication channels and customer

service management software to improve customer service.

6. Create systems for gathering and acting on client input.

7. Regularly supervise and analyze customer service performance, and make appropriate

changes to the plan and procedure.

8. Inform all staff, stakeholders, and customers about the changes and the necessity of

providing exceptional customer service.

9. Please review and update the customer service strategy regularly to ascertain that it

remains consistent with the organization's values and objectives and that customer service

continuously improves over time.

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