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SPCH 1315 Reflection

Dear coursemates, lecturers, professors, and guests,

As we approach the end of our SPCH 1315 course, I stand before you today to celebrate

the invaluable knowledge I have acquired over the past few months. This course has helped me

develop my communication skills in ways I never imagined. I am sincerely grateful for the

opportunity to participate in it. Today, I want to share some of the most significant lessons I have

learned in this course.

Firstly, I learned some of the most important lessons from the textbook and our professor;

they helped me develop effective communication skills. The textbook taught me how to organize

my thoughts, tailor my message to my audience, and effectively use visual aids to make my

message more comprehensible (Abdikarimova et al.). The professor taught me the essence of

body language and vocal, delivering my message effectively. This knowledge will be invaluable

to my future career as I aspire to become a public speaker and inspire others through my words.

Secondly, I have learned a lot from my coursemates. They have been very supportive,

friendly, and encouraging. Through group activities, I have learned how to work collaboratively

with others and the importance of active listening. I have also learned how to provide

constructive feedback to others and to receive feedback (Zahid et al.). These skills will be crucial
Surname 2

in my future career, as I hope to work in a team-based environment where effective

communication and collaboration are crucial (Zakiah et al.). In conclusion, I want to express my

sincere gratitude to our professor, classmates, and this great institution for making this course a

remarkable learning experience. The knowledge and skills I have acquired in this course will be

invaluable in my future career. I am confident I will use these skills to achieve my professional

and personal goals.

Surname 3

Works Cited

Abdikarimova, Malika, et al. “Developing Students Verbal Communication Skills and Speech

Etiquette in English Language Teaching.” Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, vol. 11,

no. 1, 20 Jan. 2021, pp. 83–89, www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?

paperid=107191, https://doi.org/10.4236/ojml.2021.111007.

Zahid, Ayesha, et al. "Communication Barriers and Process of Feedback in Social Interactions."

Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, vol. 5, no. 1, 31 Mar. 2021, pp.

3–12, www.mjosbr.com/download/communication-barriers-and-process-of-feedback-in-

social-interactions-10804.pdf, https://doi.org/10.30935/mjosbr/10804. Accessed 27 Feb.


Zakiah, N E, et al. "Collaboration and Communication Skills of Pre-Service Mathematics

Teacher in Designing Project Assignments." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol.

1657, no. 1, 1 Oct. 2020, p. 012073, iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-

6596/1657/1/012073, https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1657/1/012073. Accessed 27

Feb. 2023.

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