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The city or the countryside?

Nowadays, people always talk about where is the best option to live: the city or the
countryside? Young people always thought living in the city is the best option but after the
quarantine the people would prefer to live in the countryside.
On the one hand people who live in the countryside live more peacefully and have better
health. In the countryside there is less pollution than the city and in the countryside there is
better food and it is more cheap.
On the other hand people who live in the city have more convenience, have more diversity
in shops and have public transport. For day to day life the city is the best opcion.
Another important thing was the pandemic arrival. During the quarantine, those who lived in
the city saw how in the countryside they had more liberty.
In conclusion, although the city provides things that the countryside doesn't have, living in
the countryside is much calmer. In my opinion, living without stress is essential. I alway
choose the countryside.

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