Qiang 2011

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2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology

Heat Flux Analysis of Space Camera with Thermal Door

D o u Qiang Li Jindong Pan Zengfu

Research and Development Centre Institute of Spacecraft System Research and Development Centre
DFH Satellite CO.Ltd. Engineering DFH Satellite CO.Ltd.
Beijing 100094, China China Academy of Spacecraft Beijing 100094, China
douqiang@tsinghua.org.cn Beijing 100094, China Pangzengfu@dfh.cast
lij indong@hq. cast

Abstract- Thermal stability is an important parameter which can foreign country, and builds the model of a typical space
affect the optical ability of large aperture space camera. Most of optical system. Two different operate modes, with and
space cameras with large aperture and high resolution need high without thermal door, are simulated in this paper. The effects
thermal stability, which means the temperature gradient should be of maintaining space camera thermal stability in using
no more than 2°C. This situation causes that the thermal control thermal door are analyzed.
system should increase the design criteria to meet the challenge.
Space heat flux including vertical incident solar rays, infrared II. APPLICATION OF THERMAL DOOR USED IN CHINESE
radiation from earth and solar rays reflected by earth are the major AND FOREIGN SPACE CAMERA
factors which affect the temperature flied of the camera. The space
heat flux of some agility remote sensing satellite changes within a Thermal door of space camera was first used in
wide-range. In this paper comparison of using thermal door or not foreign countries in the end of 1980s, several remote
in such camera is introduced. The heat flux of the space camera is sensing satellites used thermal door, and most of them have
analyzed and the effect of thermal control system is described. been proven to be successful. The Hubble Space Telescope
is one of the earliest spacecraft which used thermal door.
Keywords- space camera; thermal door; space heat flux; The thermal door of Hubble Space Telescope used a single
radiation angle factor plate which was driven by electric engine. The door was
made of aluminous honeycomb board, and the diameter of
the door was 3 meters. The specific functions of thermal
High resolution pictures from remote sensing satellite door include reducing thermal control energy, irradiation
can be widely used in resources, country mapping, protection, impact protection, and laser protection.
meteorology, agriculture and military affairs. These fields In recent years, the high resolution remote sensing
are basic to the country development. The thermal stability satellites lunched abroad, such as Ikonos > QuickBird>
of the space camera is one of the most important factors to Geoeye> Worldview-2, all adopted single plate driven by
insure the high resolution. There are inner factors which electric engine. The on-off angel of the thermal door was
meanly include instrument heat and outside factors which between 180° and 270° . Outside the thermal door there
composed of solar rays, infrared radiation from earth and was multichamber thermal insulation material covering on
solar reflected by earth affecting the temperature flied of the the plate. The surface outside was daubed by high
camera. In order to keep the temperature steady, thermal reflectivity material in order to reflect the solar radiation,
control system including active control and passive control and the surface inside the camera was painted black for the
is used in the camera. Different kinds of materials, which purpose of erasing parasitic light. Some of the thermal doors
have different absorptance, are often used in passive control. put electric heater on the inside surface to keep the
Active control includes direct current heating, phase change temperature steady [1] .
material, capillary pumped loop (CPL), etc. Direct current
heating which would cost lots of energy in the satellites is Thermal door was firstly used in Chinese satellite in 2004.
one of ordinary active thermal control methods in domestic The optical system of that satellite was situated in a close
satellite production. Thermal door, which has been proven cabin which was filled up with gas. That camera observed
to be useful to release the effect of heat flux, is usually used the earth through a scuttle and outside the scuttle there was a
in large aperture space camera in foreign country. It can single plate thermal door driven by electric engine. The
keep the stability of the space camera, and reduce the thermal door has been validated very useful by the orbit
compensating heating power. Thermal door is often database. It was one of the most available manners to
installed by one side of the camera. It is opened when the preserve the temperature of the optical system.
space camera is working, and it is closed in order to reduce III. SPACE CAMERA HEAT FLUX MODEL
the thermal leakage when the measurement is finished.
The satellite operating mode in one cycle is shown in
This paper has summarized the application of several Figure 1 . The solar array of that satellite is on the opposite
thermal doors used in the large aperture space cameras in
side of the camera. According to the mission, the satellite

978-l-61284-088-8/ll/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 804 12-14 August, 2011

images from north latitude 60 ° to south latitude 60 ° , the COS^COSfl^^
longest imaging time is 15 minutes. The satellite transfers
X dA,Ae
-JL 7lll
the database when it is in the shadow of the earth and the Solar rays reflected by earth take a small part of the
solar array face to the sun when the satellite flight over the total space heat flux, so the radiation angle coefficient of
South and North Pole. The space camera of this kind of solar rays reflected XdAjAes is often calculated as following
satellite faces to the deep cold background, and it causes
that the heat leaks out quickly without thermal door.
In the equation below, O is phase angle which means
the angle between the line from satellite to earth and solar
ray. The heat flux of solar rays reflected by earth is shown
as following
cos a • cos a,
dqes = pS • dA • cos O • IT (4)

Figure 1 Satellite flight mode

The periodic time of the satellite is 98 minutes
including 26 minutes in the shadow (CD), 32 minutes
imaging or face to the earth (AB), 24 minutes over North
Pole (DA) and 16 minutes over South Pole (BC). The Figure 2 Radiation angle coefficient calculation method
camera opens the thermal door when it images in AB period The optical system thermal model without thermal
and closes in all the other time. This paper compares the two door is shown as Fig.3.
situations, the space camera with and without thermal door,
then calculates the electric heating energy of these two
situations and analyses the function of the thermal door.
After preliminary analysis, this paper makes some
1. The thermal door opening and closing is
instantaneous, so is the satellite changing attitude.
2. The inside temperature of the space camera should
be kept at 18 ± 2 °C according to the satellite design Figure 3. Optical system heat exchange model without thermal door
handbook. Electric heater is often used to control the The following equations are built according to the
temperature. In this paper, the temperature of space camera model shown in Fig.3.
is 18 °C, and the temperature of the thermal door is 20 °C
when it is closed.
3. The solar radiation heat flux S is 1353 W [3]. The
situation that the camera faces to the sun when it is changing l
~P o^AC -
dq =a^—^-SdA\\
cosa T cosa
i( ) 2(T)■dA„ (5)
attitude does not exist.
cos a^z) • cos a2(z)
4. This kind of remote sensing is usually in low earth dqes = apS • dA • cos O(r) • IT -dAv
orbit, then the temperature of the earth is supposed to be 4°C,
The optical system thermal model with thermal door
and the reflection index P is fixed to be 0.30[4]. is shown in Fig.4.
The heat flux of the camera lens includes infrared
radiation from earth and solar reflected by earth in this
paper. Vertical incident solar rays is not considered [5]. The
infrared radiation heat flux dqe from earth to a certain
infinitesimal dA of the camera is shown as following
dqe =lz£.sdA\l JJA —l2 ^E (1)
4 * nl
The r a d i a t i o n angle c o e f f i c i e n t XdAAe of dA to
the visible area of the earth AE is shown as following Figure 4 Optical system heat exchange model with thermal door
equation and Fig. 2.

The following equations are built according to the thermal door and without thermal door on the camera, are
model shown in Fig.4. shown in the Fig. 7.

dqout=£o(Tj -T04)-dA
qeiec=\\/(Tin-Tout)dA (6)
■ I - / "sdA cos ax(r) cos a2(z)
dq e
4 iiA
n\l nV

cos ax(r) • cos a2(r)

dqes=apS-dA-cos®(T)-\\ -dAF
nlz Figure 7 Compensation electric heat power of two different conditions
According to Fig. 7, the camera with thermal door needs
less compensation electric heat power than that without
thermal door. Both of the two methods can meet the
The radiation angle coefficient from camera lens to challenges that the temperature of camera should be kept
the earth in the equations can be calculated according to the around 18°C. The average compensation electric heat power
attitude of the satellite. The absorptivity and emissivity of without thermal door is 90.7 W. The average compensation
the materials refers to reference [4]. The starting time of this electric heat power with thermal door is only 33.4 W.
paper is the time when the satellite has finished imaging and
is going to enter the charging mode. The radiation angle
coefficient is calculated each 10° , and the heat leakage and
the electric heat power are calculated by the equations (5) The orbit maneuver ability is one of the most
and (6). advanced ability of the remote sensing satellite development.
According to the attitude of the satellite, supposing This feature determines that the heat flux of satellite
that the solar rays shoot the earth equator at right angles [6][7], changes fast and the camera lens leaks a lot of heat. The
the earth infrared and reflect radiation angle coefficient are space heat flux is the most important factor which affects
shown in the following figure. the temperature stability. This paper analyses two different
conditions in one model, compares the camera with thermal
door and without thermal door and the conclusion is
summarized as following.
1. The heat flux achieves maximum quantity when the
satellite camera works. The camera lens faces to the deep
cool space when it flight across the south and north poles,
which causes that the heat flux achieves minimum quantity
and heat leaks rapidly.
2. After installing the thermal door, 6 3 % of the
compensation electric heat power is decreased. The thermal
Figure 5. Earth infrared and reflect radiation angle coefficient door can save the energy in the satellite, and keep the
The heat flux arrived at the space camera lens is temperature stable at the same time.
shown in the following figure. The orbit inclination angle is The thermal door is the most effective method to saving
98 ° , and the average earth reflection coefficient P is the energy, but considering that the thermal door is an
activity component, it needs fast response, long lifespan and
supposed to be 0.3.
well reliability to satisfy the satellite design safety factor.
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Figure 6. Earth infrared and reflect heat flux in orbit maneuver mode
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